HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-24, Page 2•,„
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a „ea, er• a. • •-•).
eeZ: eetee.; ,•ei,e eve -eeleeee.. ate >le -le eet, ,te \ e el,. ace
Tiie DiamonaC oteri
(E. M. Van Deventer)
7.. or might concerninn the life of Defter
Sees*: Clifford Heath, to be a deep personal in.
elec. liitherto, she hnd. rezteorted that
rilgt \MS Fornething very ;Jeanie, a
commonplace Of ttudy, pertrups, and self -
e latiledag for she, being an admirer of
Felt -made men, had chosen to believe
him one or them. Now, 1410 1,01111(10d
Straight t tha conch-telt-tn. that Doc
Heath had t pnst—to conceal and t
ha s e found herself growing very ;tug
with him fleet, and herself afterward.
Why had he not presented his passpo
berme seeking her favor?' Row bad
dared to make hiniself so much at ho
in her drawing room, with his import
)4;cut lasouelance and his Suiten aire?
had he gone about, indifferent, infleInn
'nt, ignoring when he pleased, mien
no .onsoe favor) . and yet, beetnehe
winch imew who,
And what a fool she had beer,. teu
ing hint with her personal secrets; p
ting her private letters into his han
How he must be laughing at her in
sleeve ! Exasperating thought. Worse th
recede all else, to be laughed at, *What wet.
calamity can befall poor, arrogant hum
fol- nature?
umself • Constance was now thoroughly ang
and "by the same token," thorough
tance unreasonable, It is highly objectionab
CU) in a heroine; but Constance, as we ha
rs of said before, is a very human heroin
in a And, dear reader, boeveven, sensible yo
eated be, if you have eve g been in just ti
.,111.11g Ante of mind in will& Constance Wo
dour found herself teat morning, an
Mir most of us have, .promise you, yo
on with; less capable being aggressiv
were not one whit inert reasonable; n
ot at unrcateouable, and generally disagreeabl
Meer And now, the perverse imp who got
has end stirring up contretemps, seemed
_aleout, concocting horrible practical joke
take eoseesslon of •he field for; just at
coat the raomeet when ho should nave Leen
tress at least five miles Doctor Heath,
of unannotrna,d, apptared at the drawing
ped room door -en milia too, looking pronok-
eon ingly sure at a weleome, area handsoiner
than metal. ;1
anti Miss Warden:es rile -possession Was es
cat- a nclig Afton.
his "Good morning, Doctor Heath," frig
to idle'. "I tun sorry yOnlound it necessary
ou, to adminyoureelf in ,this inariner, I sup
pri- pose my servants are neglectful."
gly "Not at all," eti he, oiscoverin.pe
tans that elle was ou • 01 . amen lett not div -
bee Ming the cause. "1 • ur housemaid. ad -
la; alitl0d. 1110, • and . thinking you in your
ice oevn room, wits about to tether in
lave, end go to announce . me, when 1
Fayed her the tiouble, -telling her that
my time was limited, end admitting
myselin had I known you were here, I
should not have intruded without per-
taiesiort;" then perceiving that her face
retained its frigiditet, his voice took on
a shade of haughtiness as he laid a
packet upon the table, saying: "I have
brought back your cpro-ofse Mr. Bath-
uret wished ma to say, if • I °handed
to see you first, that es," hesitating.
"1 have not seen Mr. Bathurst "
o!" Doctor leAtth seemed to be
somewhat affected I tile chill of the et-
c, mesphere. "Then tun to say that ho
hes something for peter private ear, and
ny that Whtli he cornea lee begs thatyou will
contrive in -Fonie way to Een Urn, 'whether
yourill officer le here or no."
if A grave bow froneentephenteheThens -
Officer Belknap le her, and. in the
nay pre.stune," consulting her
Author of "A Woman's Crime," "John Arthur's Ward," "The Lost
Witness," "A Slender Clue," "Dangerous Ground,"
"Against Odch," Et ca Etc.
„It be that by some aneans he has been
selected. to work up this case ? Oh! oh! CI:instance glanced at the card
Bless my soul' What a coincidence that bere the inscriptin,
would !be l" "JERZY' BELKNAP,
hen ; "'Lost it' Row?"
ry, ! "That I should be glad to Ram. since
. I showed it to you. last night and replaced
its Win my pocket, X have not seen it, and,
; Doctor Reath, as X de not wish without
me your 'knowledge, to be in possession of
in- ! any secret of yours, 1 'nay as well tell
ow 1 you now that I overheard your warning
pd- to the detective last night,"
rdlye,' like.`qy warning!" he repeated, parrot-
' "Your reminder that you. must be to
ut- Doctor Heath from .nowhere, gazed at
st- hien, Dootor Heath from nowhere!"
ds, her for a moment as if petrified, his mind
his seeming reluctant or unable to grasp at
an once her full ineaninge then he canto
'se close to her, straight and tall, and paler
an than her own pate robe; the blood of all
the I-Iowards flashing from his eye, and
ry speaking in his bearing. Thus, for a mo-
ly tuent, they faced emir. other, pale, pas.
le sionate, mute then a voice, soft and
vet suave, broke the ell.
o. trust you wi
u They turned sv
te the door; both ha
recegelze or define, urged her. out of
herself, beyond herself, and beyond. the
bounds of propriety or courtesy. Sweep-
ing towaed. hien with one swift inove-
merit, she extended one hand with down.
ward tuned paha, in a quick, mewling
gesture, and said,
"Doctor Heath, I have lost Sybil La -
motto's letter."
Evidently he had grasped at a new
Idea, and one that was somewhat startl- Private Detective."
Ing. ire quickened his pace until, uncoil "Come this 'ay," she said, thr
scionely, it became almost a trot. The open the &Lew', g -room deer and. p
mask of studied vacancy dropped from ing him. into that apartment.
- his face, leaving it alert, keen; matted Jerry- Bellnietp, private detective.,
cal. His mind had grasped at a perb/exta. lowed close Ilehind her, and 1
and he was studying it with knitted brow closed the doer carefully. Cons
and compressed mouth, as he hurried. crossed the menu, drew back the
on countryward, not heeding anything tains, and pushed open• the shutte
save the thought which possessed him. the terrace windowe, thus letting
It was Sunday' morning, too early for flood light. Then turning, she s
church goers, and too late for cow boys. hereelf upon a fauteuil, and, motio
So he met no one on his hurried mercle the detective to -a chair opposite, san
'and when at last he began to moderate "NoW, sir, X fun ready to receive
his pace, he was a full anile from War- -feneeenes"
dour Place. As his walk grew slower his "It'e a verbal ono," returned the d
Awe relzuxed, and gradually resumed its: live, .1. a voice Oft enel smooth, re
nutek or careless stupiditY. ell in keeping with his disguise,
Finaley Int paused, looked aboutanen, it-ont Mr. leanotte. I atm the o
laughed a short hair letielkand -ea.:eine; eaosen ny him tel inveetigete for
the roecl, veulted • a elatidi-wired f ;nee. Wardeur, encl as much time
with the cese of a harlequin, and took , eat eerie I only wait your acanthor
his way across a meadow toward the ; tee; enure to begin the work."
river. Tie; eeft N"(4014 ttlId panelled ac
"Tranta. tra-la-la-la-ea," chirped he, ne re 111 very neerleel coutrast to his c
.softly kuld contentedly. "What a prette aect :amen appeereace. His manner
kettle of fish. How I should. love to sit ts aisle discomfort 1 ad been drop
- • clown ri.aht beside it and ree it boil, stir wee% the door *see. upon outside ob
it oeoasionally; instead, must g ) far vetion,
eLnd incantinte, who knows, the elentelly coutsasting the. ease
kettle may boil over, But I hope n rt --1 suevity of this now comer with the
trust met. I will try and prevent it; zutd Lk; moyeutente and bruequeness of
to do teen I must drop a shell deeeeeoe, Constance, who began
before I go. must bind Miss Warden:• realize the ltal..1'011(7:1041 of the Finial
over te my aid. I nmet show her that it a nun tueuteul to have some special
is wise te trust me. I unrest have a can- reason foe fuming it exceediu
&butte here, end there are only two to I stud, repine.). that 'Mr. Lamot
choose feene 1 sale meth, 'from no- .thesen oflieer must of course be accepta
where,' end this -clear" yid lady. T co her. ved that she .only awaited
choose her; for, with all due regard fee -tenet:ands, if she could Ise of any sery
my friend, the doctor, and all eue fait e
n netspriety of hie ntotirten I must "There!' P(tid Detective Belknap,
noneWhy he throws that bit of eircum- they as well loald over the premisee
Agnate,' evidence in any heave 1 I se," turning upon her a searching let
show hint ety part Of • my haul Wily "ts ere ere lartiettlars concerning t
Doeter. Keine is here, is none of my bwd- nl,,Innee which Alle Lanlotte wee net
• ness, strange as his presence ard preesnt Peseneston of."
• °coup:tam seem to me. wee ie. is mix. Conetance lowered her eyes, in seemi
ing himself up in the .affair of Miss War. effort to remember.if Lamotte len
dour's diamonds, howeentr, ie my Lusa absolutely :111; theatuought of the chlo
nese, just now. But. flrst of ;;1l, to know form, but the bottle had, not yet be
how much or little Jerry Belknap knows lei:Irma to her. What should she
of this- affair, and of these people and eeterenelling this part of the story s
whether he is at his old crookeriness enoe m...;et have the bottle Slide 1 1
more. Now, her is the river; here the'
footpath. I mart FM the reetress of W.e..-
. dour Piece, and ; t• ere en avant "
And he etretee ete the river fo utpant,
and etrode retien- eleng toav,trcl Warclour
Place,whietling ',only as he went. Mean-
ese. Constance Wert:ewe pacing the
walks of her gerden, ve 31 her brovue
wrinkled into a irevn, wes interrupea
by her housenuticl.
"If you 1 lease, miss. there's a 111a'l 31
the front hall, that's wanting to see yon.
and aers I am to tell you it's important
that his business is."
Conetence 11121E10 a slight gesture of
impatience; she had been thinking of
Sybil Lamotte, to the exchision of an
other etiejciete, and this message brought
her suddenly back to her own affairs.
-•"4"Ielportent!" she muttered to herself.
"Then it must be—the other one. 'Nally,"
raising her voice, "what is this man
"Like. miee?"
"tee, lenev dote; he 1 eek?" •
"Cell Weil, it's very uerey ho looks, to
my cln."
"7.. • IP! kek: like a gent]. ellea,
"t• nether! na."
"1, •. .• 7,aw. then?'"
ie tee new."
\;. 7.•: lea. I -well en and see him,"
said •neerianing dztepair of
lind; • • • • e t:11:4 ViPit' a "71.`0113 the
tearer- et tee niena, previous, or tne new
.acter •tepeeted on the scene. "you knee
111 /111111'S wit Mill; t") 1101' Looki
let with sweetest candor into the dete
tive's face, en. etic1:—
"I can the only one who possesses a
info...Ile:Jen that was known to Mr. L
m eae. It is a more trine, but as it w
tecce some time in the telling- I will,
pet plecee, order breakfast: You can if
freely tave ereakinstee at this hour.
well show you the library now. Will yo
lo-er over that and he.atier rooms, all
(.• .t cacuse me foe a short time. Thr
juu 11113 at breakfaet, and I will give yo
a y vereit the"
I ibr
a 'watch, "he is waiting for me at this mo-
a anent."
• Doctor Heath had been standing a few
u feet front her; hat in hand; now; and in
:elle arose as if considering the matte
deemed. beyond question, and moved to
wird the (loon and with a bow and mur-
mur of iteeent, Mr. Jerry Belknap fell
nno hie assumed shamble, and followed
her to the liluery. heaving hint there,
Constance went cult° order breakfast
I-Trved in half an hour, and to send Nelly
will the key to her cresting loom.
"Nally Musa be taken into my confici-
(nee," mused she, as she went in search
of thatelainsel. "I can trust Ne]„ in
ie of her Irishriee, and if Doctor Reath
ews not apeear 10011 she muse help me
our 1.1 501110 wny."
Nene, was not at her post, having been
cei cached kitchenwarcl by Mrs. Allston,
31.31 Constance went up to her own
monis, thinking, as she went, how beet
to defer a further interview with Mr.
"I must take him thekeyy. ,"
she muttered, as she moved about the
meet. eziow you t ) turn e treeep away caressing room, and. then a sudden.
bane- eeerd if: ene comee vele) seem: thouttert came, and she moved .quiciely
Wort" I•17 help, I wish yell elweye to let oeen wardrol,e, pulled clown the
,acccs she had worn an the previous after -
Te;.. teed, thinking. of the manner :Kam, and searched hurriedly in the poc-
In w- ea it W.1.5 probable the detective kyle.
trine. •.v.aild. seek aeeceet to her prese1i e 101 nt onee a look of dielnay overspread
ene Nr?1,1y," patenna win, her featuree a • I and she shook
out th)-.3 silken folds, itdzi'in thrust her
h • Le minty pockets, and fluttered
her fingers among the intricaciee of the
trinnning. The firing she searcher:I for
was gone. Sybil Lamotte's strange letter,
the letter that was a trust not to be
violeted, Was found,.
Thoroughly distressed now, 'Constance
renewed. her search—about the room—
everywhere — the most impost:Vac
places; but no letter.
Down .stairs she went; and hop -hes as
was the chance of finding it there, hunt-
ed in the drawing 'room and on the ter-
She distinctly remembered placing it
in her pocket, after receiving it back
from the hands of Doctor Heath; of be-
stowing it very earefully, too.
Who had been in the drawing roma .
since Doctor Reath? riIrs.Aliston; the two •
•• detectives; herself. Who had seen her put
the letter id her pocket? Only Doctor
Heath. Could it have dropped from her
pocket? That seemed finpossible. Could
he e removed At That -seemed im-
stranger arose. 1:3:3 h1 ea Possible, too, and very absurd. But what
asi saying In a low, gain -tied . could she think, Octet Then, she renvm-
Warclour, have rt. melange hexed what he had' said to the detective
" at the Frurnes moment he pre- • the , andallthe mystery Rut.
sk okra, nee owned in a meet... rounding his past. Hitherto, she had
• teeen, Nene., who ea" I seeded at thee tug ones3 end ralstreented
Wee eta in very Wear* hire Peeled te lets ..creria ant tread
p o t ens:mescal, he coolly
✓ deposited lee hat -neon the • table beside
_ /411(-1,1 Inardour's package, and advanced
one ile.t en the Fteps of the dining -men
eeereea. "Zo;; Iney wake rilre. AIF13 21
and .11 her t.e.t if I wish her to join ett,
be tie. bit!' eerier I will vend you to
leer," ti:L•0 teat; voce, es she entered tee
houzz) ed went canlesely toward tee
drawere • aene: "If this venter proves e
leore 1 teal) him over to Aunt Nonce.:
can"- 7,coei tea; ealys of conetant box' -
Coe ine ferwarcl from the lower en.
3110333' Contence eneountered the gaze
of the etre:ego ame, whom, arriving tzt
the fecet door, Maly had not ventured to
t. aet ztS a tramp, and lirlIOSA eioth'i4
intutt •t" doubt the propriety of fallowing
him the drawing -room. Being of IIib
Ian pieta:tenni, and not to be nonpluee
Nally had talapted a happy inediunt, and
meted the visitor the Icirgeet 113111
• eclair, where he now awaited the aproael).
dIf censtence.
• • "I think yen wished to see Ine," said
Clateetanee, in the unaffeeted kindly tone
Uletal t> her when arklreceing strangers
interiore. "1 am Mies W'ardour "
1 pardon me."
tly, neither had faced
been too preoccupied
to observe or hear. How long ho had been.
e listener ho alone could tell; but there
-stood Mr, Jerry Belknap, private detec-
• tive, ono hand resting on the handle of
the closed door, 1pie other holding an
open note book.
Doctor Heath venchsafed him one dark,
glance, then bending above the uplifted
hand of Constance Vrardour, he looked
straignt, down into her eyes, and said in
a low, tense voice,
"Miss Warden'', yemr words have been
riot an accueation, litt an insult; such,
I can only accept- then—in silence; good
M.°5.171heinzigh'e' turned, waved the private de-
tective haughtily fermi - before the door,
and strode out, his !heels ringing. firm
upon the hall anarbl as he went. •
"I fear I intruded " fetid Mr, Belk -
°1', in3100c3ntly. "1 ha.ve just finished
making sonar notes the libmay, and
um ready to proceed tt the upper floor."
I "Breakfaet." It wact Nelly who appear-
ed with this annotincement, which was
welcome, at least to Mr. Belknap, and
pale, silent, eubdued, Constance motioned
, him to precede he • to the dining room,
sure to b en a situation," mused
the girl with. a re lift galireace. "If it's
only ito.tzGe-u-tv.t.t; realthwt with a detec•
• tive." • •
*'int Flonor,'" said hirisss Wardour,
sweeping unceremenionsly into her ant's
dressing room, "y t really Must come to
any relief."
Mrs: Allston • Fe d in a bite decreeing
chair, with a te ng breakfast tray
drawn. close beshi r, looked up serene
nnelcoinforteuble, at Raid, after setting
down hex) torten:tin ocolato cup with
great care.
"ZeaP' with, the r
"lern. exhaueted, b
Fragrant and Aromatic as its Native Breezes,
Lead packages only, 25, 3o, 4o, 5o and 6oc. per lb. Sold hy all grocers.
The Davidson & nay, Ltd., 'Wholesale Agents, Toronto.
The HumaneBody as a Mechanical
The greatest of machines is the
human body. That is the opinion of
an engineer who lookseitt the subjeet
from the technical standpoint.
Who would think that in his eye
there is a block and pulley, or
tackle,' as the sailor calls it; as. corn.
pleto and efficient as that with which
a ship hoists her mainsail ? There
it is, however, and wnenever you
look •• at, the tip of your nose th
muscle that• vas your eseeell
works in it. There are several of
these pulleys in the body.
Another cleveiededge of nature is
shown in the bones of' the face.
Accomplished etVincer the t she is,
she always uses the smallest ()unwire
of material suffidlent for errength
In making up the benes of tho. late
she wanted a larger eurface to which
to attach the muscles ; but, as ee‘
didn't wish to encumber u3
'made as lieansi as an elealitteCe,
burrowed liur;dreds of little huh e 11;
the bones, eallediiir mei the;
Seco red strong -del.' large. tsar nuns ii 1111
When you gel a severe ;sent
are apprised a 6110 preseoco or an
other eunnalg device—the Eusteehl
an tube, Thi8 tuba; two blow).
rt 11(1 paSsee iffeent the need,. of
the ear to the Vete: of the ineelie
It was put teurel to keep the air et
the SAM pressure inside the. ear as
outside. Otherwise there would be
no vibration of .the drum, and you
would be almost stone. deaf. When
you- get a bad cold this tithe son
times becomes inflamed and blocke
and you are inade quite deaf.
Main's apple, if it was once ti
fruit that brought into the °world
Oar woe, is now a Waal organ.
ervee as a sort of storage „ei.e.,er:i
he blood for the supply of the bled
When the heart sends up too _ mu
ood Alam's apple intercepts
nd when the dieect supply from ti
heart temporarily runs, short, Ade
apple gives up its;stm.
• 1-Turon Preebytery,
The Presbytery of Huton met in
Willis Churl, Clinton, on Tuesday,
14th inst. The Finance Committee
reported that 15 cents per family
would be necessary to meet Pres-
byterial expenses during the'eoming
year. It was decided to hold mis-
sionary meetings in all the churches
as early as possible, next December,
and a committee composed of Messrs.
Acheson, Muir, Shaw, James A.
liamilton, Fletcher and Dr. Macdon-
ald,. were appointed to nitike all
necessaey arrangements. Messrs. J.
A. llend e eson , J. A. Ila Milton and
Harold were appointed a committee
to arrange for a Penes coiifereteces
financial subjects, The clerk re-
peeted that the l'resb tery's share of
10/18 to Mein-Ile...1DM schemes
1.2. 1 he church, eetern 5(.011011, for
the curl eut enr, would he Ilome
ieeions, $2,150 ; Foreign Missions,
$2,000; lorenell Evangclieetion,e800.
A letter been Dr. Resebrough," Tor -
on te, WAs read, 313kngthe co-opera-
tion or the In eshe tory in the fbrma,-
tioti of a local brane11 of the Prison -
S Aid SneiOry r:‘, committee com-
posed or Alessi's. Anderson, IlinegrOVe,
Slut w arid Dr. 1.1eDonahl were ap-
pei»ted to co-operate with committees
e bleb 1100 1; ne iiipointed by other
.e.Ntiee .for tile sante purpose. Three
me». Ifes:rs. Beverly Ketchen,
w. W. .kilelnecal and James Foote, t„
having expressed a desire to be •
recognized as students for the min-
istry, were examined and cerrfl d
10, 1 the senate of Knox College, Toronto.
Away Down East.
1 8
Mg inflection.
•hereti. 1 ored," con- 1
tinned. the young la , flin.eing herself
down upon the near t ottoman "I .1
iet I From east to west ; e?ple have heart'
trouble. This causes violent headaches,
nit .. noura gm, nerve trouble and prostration.
It.Says Mrs. Somers cif Moncton N. B.:
„f "1 tried many remedies but never found
anything to give ine such prompt relief
as Milburn' s Heart tied Nerve Pills have
done. suffered from the above sym-
c ; ptoms, but now gladly testify to the
cure thoseer u pills have made in •'" ---'-'.."-
cs my cases and I hope all sufferers will
try them.
My' Cad ditt11110112tS 1111/ tleVer had art ezist- a
I .
nee. wob. Gr4nalenarna, Waedotu, had
had bettor
"1-Inve a cup of clocolate," suggested
Mrs. Alisten.
I won t," snapped Coastance, belli-
gerently. "I have breakfasted if you
please, auntie," lowetina tete voice to
ce to that. yoriug lady, epezdeing foie a., snook enystery, "eve have got an.
calmly, gently eveei, lint ealthout the otter detective in the" houre.."
slightest touch of enivatee penitence, or "So NellY tells .1110, ' reaching' out for
humility of Itny sorl. in his manter or another eon, . • . -- -
"Miss Wardour paition me for Idluding
One of the .most valdable of ell :
the inventions made for our comfort,
I and safety is the perspirativo gland.
, • Crab kpple Jelly.
acts like the safety valve cif a To make the most exquisite jelll I
boiler, letting off heat when we be- ,
Mrs. Alistennaid down therein tuned .1
An1 h I •
to it, but I would beftnlinel indeed not to
see that something hs annoyed you ex-
ceedingly. Indeed, I could almost fancy
, tome way, I have becoree
Icause of your displeasure; if ale is
tell rile how- hava been so unfortun
• as to offend?"
Now this was a verypacific and pro
speech., and uttered In the right spi
But had its effect sheen salutary, t;
Doctor Heath would stand alen.e,
bet, lztst, and only Man who ever
attempted to aegur with, reason with,
pactfy n ;algae worn= without blu
ering egregiously in tho beginning, a
coming out worsted aethe end. There
a few things in this lorld that mot
man efuntaconepttes, a d to attempt
pour oil on the wavds of a wenn),
wrath when they are just at tho boil
point, and ready to overflow their co
fines, is like sitting down on a bunch
rt-caackers to prevent their going o
Let the water boil over, e and thor 11
still be enough: left to bieW you a cup
ome ttangerous!y warm. If on
pera tu re rose seven or eigli
, las breakfasted with me." r'e
for a moment to e:nze at her niece; anti, a
fact that its owner ewes in a state of 4.
egreee, we would not hare 24. hour
reading re. teat -ear upturned face, . tee
live. The %relive nt the swea
01133 15 therefore/ obvione.
mutiny against the properties and all
so, `things else that nfiglet come in opposition
ato to her will, she took.up her roll and but-
tered it carefully aa *he Said:— .,
"Well! thatle quite like you, What sort
14r. of 111111111 Is h&''
"Splendid," with a shrug of the shortl-
y:es eters, emoote • as oil, polished as ivory;
len . „ s .
s,"ol a Cheeterneld in ill.fitting clothes."
or "And, a deteenver
nd_ "Well, why nos? Somehow he has
picked up all the arts and graces a a
nci• gentleman."
gm ,,xt ii 1
tea thenne'a Y Not Much like the other one
ea "Not in the lease. The other is 0cm-i-
nn, trio, ex -plosive, amusing. This one is like
6 a lawyer; very nonecominittal, not at all
of inclined to toll all be knows."
One 1.10nOSt Alan.
f3S,ta Ll'/.1`011,-.Plemee inform
tents that if written to colifidentiltil)
Will mail in a sealed letter , par ticulare
e gelatine, honest, bora° cure, by which 1
was permaneutly reet1red to stealth and
manly vigor, after yore of suffering from
nervous debility, • sextiai weakness, night
losses and weak shrenken parts. I was
robbed ami swindled lee- the 'quacks until I
nearly lost faith in Mankind, but tbank
heaven, I tun now well, vigorousand strong
and wiseete make this certain means of
euro lit own to others, I have nothing to
sell and want no motley, but being a firm
believer in tile enivereal brotherhoodd of
man, I am desirous of helping the unfor.
te to ream, their been!) sod hap -tines
ro.rast you e. rfect racrecy.
A.. NI. 'tt` th. tat/MI) I'
AgPats' Supplir, P,
r. 0. nog 50, S1. there ue
Teeth That May Take Root.
o in appearance and flacor,
l' (genuine crab 'apples. Wash and
t ! select those without flaw or bletnish,
and cut them up, skins, cores and
lj all. Put them in a preserving kettle,.
cover them with water, and them
on the stove to boil. When the fruit
is perfectly done, strain out the juice
ttrough jelly bag, and to every
pint of juice add one pound Of white
sugar. , Reture to the kettle and
boil it gently for half an hour ; take
out a spoonful and put it in a saucer
in a cool place, and if it jellies,
remove the kettle from. the fire , if
not, continue to boil it until it jellies.
130 careful not to cook 11 100 long, or
the jelly willte too stiff.
Fill the glasses when it is warm,
hut do not seal it up until perfectly
cold. Before sealing up the glasses,
put on the top of each a circle of
parafine paper which just fits in the
mouth of the glass, then fasten on
the top. securely, or paste thick
paper over the glass. Jelly should
be kep', in a cool, perfectly dry
have you •1)ldhim about the nna
"Wed, what did le
"Nothing I"
"Not wordn.,
"Goodness graciot and you break-
fasted vvith Jaime"
"Yes. he has the °Mee"
tea. Let the crackertikxplode, and you
may sit down on them e ith impunity.
Dear brethren, the mo I is homely.
How had he offended? That he rthould
ask the question, WaA 110 (101110 of hie
offenee. As if she couldhell how Ite h
offended. Was there ever so impertinet
a question and queetionere "Bow had. 1
been 0 nf . : as o' offend?" A.,
other num would have F id "aallaPp:17.
whether he meant it or n t,lint flee matt
0111 he would not even 10 k a culprit.
She raieed her bangle head a trifl
higher, as high as it con 1 be; slats dyes
back as marry stops as li had einem:ea
the room. hall become a ele enemata
"Doctor 1-Istath nave hiniselt ; in wha
manner could he often nut's"
Still he retains h composure, ea
guessing at the truth
"X have never prest led Miee SV.en...
therefore can nob hav flattered va --In
rimy have offended b eonting tele re ;
inent toe late with this pewee; . ,lie
Warelonr is wets e.d tea teet,:eive.
'obedience. If I fail i • that it Pi
lack of inclination but --4,('(3a13 1 . e•
just leknang etaininierelerm" lie tirras;.,
the Islet weeds in a lower, Not. e.
and ten back as he netated them. Laele
lets heed ' lea lank — •
Ahem- Ist
"Yes; and he hasfspent half an hour A.
or more la th0 drawn% roona. I have toId
le him all I had to tells and he is SoIt
Y prow ing about My diessing town." r eett,
"131it what does he think about this the
' affair?"
"I don't know;" Indifferently. The
ee "Wily, it didn't taled you all breakfast per
Y. time to tell your storyli" or he,
Oh, no; X told any story and Mr, Bel- , ere
t lamp listened very atteatively; made 1 a
Nome entries in his note book, remarked ,,..1
, that he would have a report ready for an
Me in the course of the day, and then gro
turned his book upon We subjeot." int0
"Merely!" 1
' "lie discussed the nay Opera, asked ,
me if I had seen. Neil on • in Titelfth the
, Night, gave abrilliant eNeriptiOn of a matt
young Frenob. drama by h young Prete% ente
author, gave me his opinion of Dickens
and bolted his opinion of Myileife" '' eavit
"tame -moo Mn BM imitamks havehas r
"t4Whtimiat awn r:yarmkahmle Arson." IS 01
Russinn demist has at length
ed th problem of supplying us
h false th 33111( 41 will gro'vv into
gums as firmly a natural ones,'
teeth are made gutta percha,
eelam, or metal, e the ease May
At 1110 root of le tooth, holes
nettle, end eleo 14 the Jaw, The
h is then pinetel in the ea.vity,
in a short time aloft granulated
wth finds its waj from the jaw
the holes of th tooth, This
wth graduate,' let el, and holds
tooth in position It does not
er in the least, a rding to this
rprising den • whether the
y itt which be tooth is placed
le from which a natural tooth
eeettly been awn, or whether
hat beenhiial'e4 for months or
ears, Lotd Figaro.'
I rovideno Thank() e.
It is with pleasure diet 1 recommend
13. B. B, for the ours led gestion and im-
pure blood. 1 tied tried many medicines
bet received no eel:* lit until, thank Pro-
vidence, 1 me 'V,3 ed to try 13, B. 13.,
and 11 Was with pe,:el 1 success.
Ma, LOCIal.
()BIMINI)) Ont. jr
Wm. Barnett, a prisoner in the
Walkerton jaiI, eseaped on Thurs-
day of last week, by climbing over
tratt7-4( OFI/I 0,"": - •
"°. .
• r' - e
the jail wall.
Severe IV adaoho (lurd.
Deeti Stade -13eing troubled with a
severe bea lane,- I was advised to try
Laeit Liver I only used half a
bottle and have not sines suffered freta •
the men plain Th
feet arigai6a. "44413 to be a Pal.-