HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-12, Page 91--
illow are you doing?_.,
Yeti hear-al-0T nowadays about the needlo save energy.
So,, whit do ybti think?„,Perhaps you are bothered by what
you might getInto if "you 'become serious'.about saving
energy. A few short questions printed below may help you
to sort out your ideas. But,first, we need one answer before
the rest can make senSe.. • * - What do' we.meanjby energy? It's the Source of heating
and hcooling, lighting and motive• power on which PO
homes, transportation, industries, ' farms. and businesses
40nd:in everyday-lifevWe•draw itmainiy from fossil:Nets
(oil, gas,Ind coal), water .power and nuclear reactors: to a
lesser extent from wood; and to a• small but increasing_
extent from sunshine, wind,' tides and hot springs, Of
course, almost allot' this energy 'originates from the sun.
,Now for some yes-and-no questions that you might ask
yourself. (No prim: we're trying) to save, not 'Spend,
remember? ), ...„. "
- Do you think the talk about an energy shortagels a lot
of nonsense?
-Cali' we .go on using. more and more energy as long,,as,,Are
• can pay for it? -7'
- , If we' soon use Up the world's available stock. of fossil
• Awls, can we just switch to other••sources of energy, and
contipue as before? . -
L•-• To make a worthwhile saving in 1 energy, do we have to .
ruin our Standard of living?
- Is the call, to save energy aimed only at "the little'gur,
while big users like industry and government go free? •• ••
If you own a freezer; you may gt ••
some , time be faced with the
problem of what to do if the
freezer stops running. Food
specialists at the Ontario Food
Council, 'Ministry of Agriculture
and Food, are often asked this
questions and offer' some
suggestions, should' the
epaergency arise.
-First 'of all, check to trace the
source of the, problerp. Is it an
unplugged freezer, blown fuse;••Or '
a power failure. If thie,power has
failed, try to determine the length
of time the power may be off, ,or
his been off.
At this point, check to see if the
food is still frozen. If the freezer is
fully laatled and the door remains
closed, the food should stay,
frozeri,for about two days. If-the
freezer is partially loaded, the
food stionid stay -frozen for about
one day. For added insulation,
cover the •freezer with blankets,
being careful not to cover the air
vents. 'Leave the freezer door
dosed and don't keep opening it
to check the contents.
If a partially-loaded 'freezer
won't be operating *Rhin -24
hours, dry ice can be, placed on
top, of the food tO, keep the
teniperature below freezing.
Allow pounds of dry ifie, in, a
10-cubic oot freezer, or 50
pounda• "a 20-citbk-foot freezer
to htild eieinperature down for
two to three days. To avoid
'burning" yourself, never touch=
'dry ice with your bare skin...iklso
remember that carbon dioxide
gas, which is dangerous to
.breathe, is produCed by 'dry ice,
go make sure that the room is well
ventilated.• Alternapely, transfer
the food to a frozen food locker
until your freezer is functioning
again. • • •
When the •freezer is working
.1gain, always' check the fOod
Contents before they become
refrozen. If the food in questions
is only partially thawed, that is,
there are ice crystals still present,
it may be refrozen quickly. lithe
food has completely thawed but is .
still cold, inmost cases, it should
be used or cooked right away.
This food Mould not be; refrozen
since there is a good possibility
that spoilage bacteria are at work.
Thawing .and refreezing of
foods' always results in• some loss -
of quality and possible safety
problems. However, once the
"cawed food has •beet: thoroughly
cooked, it can' then be refrozen. •
Under specific circumstances,
certain ,foods may be refrozen
safely, although there will always
be a loss of qUality.
For details reiating to your
particular situation, check with a
Rothe economist, or write for the
beeklet "Care for"' Your Frozen
Fi?orls''r to: Inforrhatien Brandt,
Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
Legislative Buildings, Queen's
Park, Toronto, Otftario MIA I A.S.
• PHONE; 482-3.418 — • iimiammummommummi
Pumft peoftie 4:4
ssin5 $8 •95
$in5 $8 95
4' ..1."••••
•w",„"oeree..,0!,'m, .e":\wwiewgreo
"In the heart of downtown, Varna”
,VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and .service of most
makes. 0 •
• wit= SENSORS , -
Yorna, Orif. • • :482-7103 *
What to dowhen
freezer stops
If • you have answered "no" so' far, you must be on the
right track.
- Can you save money through saving energy?
- 1$ it enough ifyou save energy simply bay finding ways to
stop•wasting it?
-- Can you save energy without making your home to
cold (or too hot)? -
• - -Are there ways of driving a-car without being considered
a waster?
Can labenr-saVing devices be used in conjunction with
epergy-saVing ideas?
You probably won't be atirprised to learn hat the best
answer, to those questions is "yes".
- If your home insulated at least to the minimum recom-
mended level?
Is your home heating system cleaned and -serviced at
least Once a year?
Do you° cliaw only the amount of hot water you need
when you do the_yashing, take a bath or shower, and so'
on? • •
- Do pail inake a -habit of switching off lights that are not
in. use?
- Are you prepared to give up your bid for. the local
championship in, the amount of garbage you throW out?
Do, you try to save energy away from home: on the job,
at school, Wherever you go? -N
Only a saint or a born hat could give a solid "yes" to this
last group of questions, but perhaps ydniaven't Said a flat
"no" either.
This interrogation may have raised still more queStions
in your mind. Don't worry. Yon can get 'answers by• sending
for a copy of 100 ways to save energy and money in, the
home to Box 3500, Station" C, Ottawa,,Ontatio, K IY 4G1,
and by looking out for this series of newspaper columns'
called "Energy SaVers".
One question you don't need to ask is: ;Who,▪ me?" This
; is for the ything, old, itibliied, single, property Owners,
tenants - the lot. ."
• ,
„.;......!............!.e=2.24c,,,:za 6v 006 T011tIl'E, ida!lOid ElmiEs Ont.N38 2C7
The readers write. Especially when a recent column"" (None. And most ofeny' best friends would laugh therm` .
suggests tighter gun laws. ',selves silly at the id4 of being a preacher). •
, From Walkerton: Obviously, Mr. TrotteE, ypu have. Fran Kincardine:, You talk 'aboUt feeding your horses
...never had the Pleasure of tramping through the bush with - but you rarely mention riding them. Are you too chicken '
-a gun in your hands and a couple of food bird -dogs at to get up on them?
. to acknowledging them.eventually. . „... •
It takes a few weeks' for all Ihe Christmas
events to settle down and fade aw'a'y in the
new year. And I like this lull that sets in after
the high holidays. You have at little time to
think as you ,take down the Christmas lights'
Outs e and throw, out the ChristmaS tree.
I always take a second look at the Christmas
cards, too. Seems as if 1 give them a quick
glance every day as they come in; but never a
thorough. going over.
You see, a lot of our Christthas- cards aren't
just the Pretty picture and greeting kind. Most
of our relativet-live far, far away, and there's
usually a note orletter inside. We.find out all
about the mini-history -of eacti-fairriirMetht
That's one of the good thrngs .about
Christmas. YOu have to sit down and Write
your relatives. There's no-other time of the
year that lays the obligation on you like:
As 'I looked through the cards thii:year.for a
second time, I noticed several things.
"-There weren't as many cards this . year.
Maybe it was the postal strike,'threat. Or the
high cost .of cards. The high cost of mailing.
Maybe people were extra busy this 'year.,
Several of my most punctual relatives sent late
Christmas cards this year.
• Or, maybe Fin just not using the right X
brand of deodorant, But I'd rather like to think
people are diverting their Christmas card
money to other more notable and worthy'
causes. Something like the Chinese Presby-,
terian Church where. •1 preach every few
—Those---church members -decided to send--
their Christmas greetingS• to one another on a
big bulletin"' board posted- up at the choreh.
One big card did it all. 'Each family put one .
card for all the Other families at the church.
And the nioney they Saved that way,they gave
to some otherchurch cause..
Back to my own. Christmas cards and my
letter writing relatives.' I got a few shock's this
year. I got so I dreaded to open up the cards.'
The bad news was shocking. My relatives are
dying one by one. And not necessarily the
older ones. •
True. They're not the real close ones, bnt,„.,
they're the great; ones that stand on the
periphery of the fainily and make something
out of us. Like my sister-in-law's father. A
swell guy. Chicago never had a better street
car Conductor-or a funnier one either. He died
in October. , , •
Then there was my cousin's husband. A
perfect specimen of businessman, husband
and father. A heart attack Good heaveriM That
•felloW was my age. I couldn't believe it. Death . . • •
is coming to my own, generation. And I'm
hearing 1.--fettNthe first time at
Chris as time.
ristmas cards can bring other expected
n ws, too, among the living. IvIt aunt Agnes,
ag 85, is still going strong in Nebraska.
Anot er sister-in-law's mother is doing
likewise in Missouri. •
I learned my sister's going into the hospital
for an operation. And my brother's kids are
making some headlines,,,on the MilmeapoliS
stage. And I heard once again how my wife's
Aunt Hazel hates these northern winters: -She-
always writes this weather is for the birds.
And then she types BRRRRRR over every
pews paper clipping 'she sends of snowy
weather. I could make a scrapbOok of Aunt •
Hazel's winter weather scenes and BRRRRRR
written on top. I heard pee agairiehow she'd
dearly love to go to Florida, but she ha's no one
to babysit her house in Michigan.
It's no wonder I dread and love, Christ Os
cards all at the same time. They're full of good
news, and bad news. Old news and new news.
Different news and Sallie news., And it's no
Wonder it takes the at least three weeks after .
Christ:aids to digest and comprehend it all.
STeo% reecl Nik Vt. W. #40=St Zreh$NSW40.74.
byRkhard Charles 4 :•,••••
your feet. When the-.air is cool and, crisp,. and the whole (Yes),
world is clean and wonderful. Why- do 'you hate hunters , From Clinton: (The Goderich $ignal-Star.?) Your re- • . • cent column bemoaning the cost of dental work in your So
Acttutily, I like hantlerS who dare-capable 'and careful, ff aa emt i;147rn onwacsinstideereresd rtingigthot *44:^
ruirrit for everydte
vinted that dentists are pricing themselves .right. into • • else.
of ,c"entre ;but I, too, cirri co`n~
And, yes, I have'ramped through the'bush when
••,denticare.' When ,such necessities of life ,as healthy "the air is cool and :crisp'but 1.'WOhld much rather do my
• mouth become too expensive for most people, then they -•-• shooting with a carries than a weapon' of destruction).
• From Dresden: When- are your. going to go into 'one Of are begging for government itO•rvention. '
your tirades about the loss of good farm land in this 1 , (Now there's a hot potato! Are you listening Malka?
province?Anti ,t1sua i.ly give us 'one or two columns, a year' .From Elora: I' was 'most interested to read the article
about it !nit you've been slipping lately. We need to keep
pounding away at this loss. Do not forget about it. -',-
(Well, thank you, sir, I'll 'do just that one of these days
soon. In fact, a recent 'report from Ottawa,, the-first of a
series being-prepared by the environtnent department, IS
due to be quoted here). -
From Tavistock: '(Must be a 'reader of either the ,'New '
Hamburg Independbnt or. the Stratford Beacon-Heiald
Enjoyed your recent column on New •Year's wishes but
how come you didn't:Mentiohllie—plihl of (his province's
sheep • farmers? We got problems you" wouldn't Relieve.
Such as Wolves,: brush wOlVes and wild dogs.
(I did not mention sheep farmers because there just
was not enough space in 500 to 60d words to get every-
about your late beloved dog. .
My beloved .41, aged 13, passed away yesterday in the
wee small hours. You mentioncthe rugby •the door•looking
empty without your dog. The mat in front of the kitchen
sink is. so empty to .me. Thank you for your articles and
the inspiration they gave me. •
( You are 'Welcome. The rug by the•baCk door, even now
after - almost six months, is' bare. I., still lock the door
at "nights-wondering if I've forgotten something." For -al- •-•
tmhoinsgt at nytegahirts)., our dog would go out for a wee piddle last
From Castleton, near Brighton Ont: We Iijii-eciated
the reference you made a couple of months ago- to a
quote from your daily devotional period. Hope you will,
body 'S wishes written. Maybe next year. Think you can .glean something from ,the• booklet,. Daily Bread, enclosed.
wait that long”) Those ,quiet. moments help' keep' the eight of us together • ' . • • ,
walking in the same direction. From Wallenstein: You're sure not a farmer yourseli''or and
(Thank you for the copy of the booklet. Ixwonder how you wouldn't be advocating stricter gun laws. • Many families in this fast-paced •„province4pke tune to -- (I never said I was-a farmer, So there!)
Your:.'". -pray t-610lier as yours does? Blessings on you and yours). From Seaforth: Were:you-a-preacher-at-one.,time?
So much for the mailbag. As Dean Martin used to say: Christmas-Week column was mOst • inspiring. We get' so
many wonderfully2written•colthons in the Expositor.Just keep them cards and letters coming. -I'll get around
by Karl Schue§sler.
Cards are full of news