HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-12, Page 7RENT RINSENVIIC
No other "do-lt-yoursell" method
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18 pound portable power-
house does all the work
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cleans the way
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a traction of the COSS (YOU SAVE UP TO'
$25.00 PER ROOM)
Rent !wt)* S12.110 if day •
VVeathertkise, on our
-Frani Ingersoll on Tuesda
day aft r Boxing Day, a
stor appeared as we came
itchell and 'continued until we
arrived home and over New
Year's Day. In Mitchell I said to
Don "It's hathe ice to rsee the
dirty snow c ere ith clean
white again." His reply was'
"This isn't bad I've driven
through lots, worse.'.' So had .1
For two years when I drove every
,r UR10$13Y
ORNER Giftware & Antiqyes
77 Main St. South
„ Seatorthi Ontario ,NOK IWO
Tod much benjh
time slowS you .
down, Ght active.
Get in ,shape and
the 'clear.
Fiiness is fun.
Try sonic,
John Deere's Waiver .Program - Has Been
/Extended To January 31,1978 r"
See us today for a new John Deere Spitfire,•
color-matched fashions, financing, parts and service
, ,p yers seven an ales were 1 ft
Show by the readers. ,
Mrs.. Campbell Wey presided
for the business opening with a
• poem "Taking inventory'.
Minutes were approved-as read
by Mrs; Herd (Traviss. Mrs.
Weyreapl lefters Iraq,: Alma.
r College and Drug Concern in
London;, 'Jyt '
Tfte • Presbyterial Annual
meeting. will be held in Mitchell,
Januarys 24th with Mrs., Bruce
EAtnO of Staffa as guest-speaker.
The unit is •raising funds for the
Bible• Society by saving stamps:.
church k!asesment..
Mts. Graeme Craig presided,
for the seventeenth and boundary
...unit in charge of deVotiniis,
operiing‘itvith responsive reading
;Teach clue', Hymn "Christ for
the world we Sing" was sung
„with -Nirs.tavern Godkin at the
piano. Psalm 34:1 - 8 was reaad
responsiOely. Mrs. Craig read the
scripture from Isiah 6 y11•43,. Hymn
"LordiSpeak to Mt"! was sung:
A skit "Lord, help us to love"
,• was given with the theme verse,
from Jatnes 2:8 with Mrs.'
Graeme 'Craig taking the leader
part. ".Where Cross the Crowded
Ways of Life " was sung. The
part of conscience was read by
Mrs. Martin Bap. Good church • members' was, read by Mrs.,
Harvey,,,Craig; :Despair read by
• Mrs. Cliff Ritchie; Love read by
Mrs. Campbell Wey. Mrs. Big
Heart read by Mrs. Neil McGavin
with various voices read by Mrs.
Don Dennis; Mrs. , Glen
McNichol; Mrs. Allan McCall,
Mrs, Martin I3aan and Mrs. Rae
A prayer was given-as a Symbol
. of our reaching out for those ,
around the world. During tfie
"•.i"""' Correspondent
' Mrs. Allan IvloCall
887-6677 •
There was a geed turnout for-
the fir t U.C.W. meeting of the
Year on Wednesday
criteria Jan. 4th held in the •
We-are well info January' now .,
with.-the climax , of the heliday....„
season. only a -memory. -.1918 has
inati,ydays'ahead -and it is,not too
late to wish all my kirisloaders,a,;,:„tontght can t see across titP-,,christina,s, gift.as,,that. was
happy healthy New. Yeart•••40,..--...road:l...,Tbevrge to paint was so was going to Walotnv to
Iiealthwise alitr-4ixekthir*ise strong -A would say to Mrs their picture.
January hasn't much to beast Thomas "It isn't storming in town ; As I sit here tailing bf Winte
abdut •as yet 'is New' Year's Day we'll see." I would call for the experiences the mail ma'h tame Meetinesix deals with sfety so
was stormy and some days aft 'ex. others and we'd be on Our way. and gave me a card froM elate it might' be the time to "have . a
dome had planned to go north to As we 'neared 'Walton we ,Westerfttan ex-pupil, who with • policeman or 7 St. "John's
Hanove'r but the weather changed understood our teacher's' three youngest children is Ambulance person come to a Club
these • plans. • • -• • concern. ' - •• • spending a shOrt liOliday in the meettng to discuss this topic:
'Pearl AO saw theNew Year in .;„_. Only once in all my trips. to Bahamas. The card has ''palm Leaders' Training Schools will
with ."""the Guy • 'Lombardo's Walton did I have one • ear • trees and a beautiful colouredOST' be held'as folioWs: Exeter United •
Orchestra l` with his . brother, accident. '-It was a Saturday with reflections on the water' He 1rChurch, Exeter, Monday &
Victor -' reading. He•-'looked so afternoon when there had been a- says quote •."Weather nice ,.doing: Tuesday,- January , 16 and -17,
nitwit like his. brother Giy-, 'We skiff of sobw on top of ice. At the little else, but .SWimming."Aur -r 1978; Wesley-Willis Uftited
bo`th f 'had . cat-nap before. north edge of town I started to -r -r -1.... Marilyn arid I spent one Chnich, 'Clinton, Thursday - &
• midnight7 My digital clock was have trouble on the road and lost Christmas holiday in California. 1 Friday, January" 19 and r), 1078;
right on 12:00,ghen We wakened control of the car which took in missed the snow and the bracing Gorrie United Church, 't rrje,
so we-saw1918.6n-ie in'anclh2ard the whole road. The steering- Canadian climate. Pin a 'Winter
it'annbunced. Pearl. and I sped-, wheel seemed like a piece 'of bird. ------ '"• • •
NeW Tedr's Day tight her.n-..- After paper in my hands. As I neared Forgive these ramblings.
a seasonal dinner ,1,,ve hird visitors Elliot's Hill on the, north road I... • What ,is important to
from' • town, .:,Mr. and ., Mrs. Must have-stepped on the gas for 'kilbarchan' ' is that the
SteWart and Mt. and Mrs. :the car. took a dizzy-do and carpenters are here these days
A.Y.MCLeari. Thes'e Wends who plunged into the snowbank on the pulling apart old reoms • upstairs
called to visit made an intereg opposite side of read.ffhere_11—and-dewp-and-mOting-thericup-Ter
and enjyahle day frpriis. Was, stuck: 1 hailed the first car standard according to plan. 'The
As'for New Year's resolutions I and asked them to send Out a .. girls are doing their best to clean
haven'fheard of any but I thought .. wrecker, from Daly, s' so it wasn't things' up and bring order Out of
of one for myself namely: to try to long until George McGavin came. chaos. It won't be long 'now. --
continue to accept,thitigS as they One little tug and I' was On the 'Whiting of painting, as I have,
are and have lea's 'beefs',. as I road again: He asked me where I reminds. me I haVeti'f used a
really haven't much, cause - to, was going" and When I said ..'brush for. two years at least, I.
nourish them. - ' `'`Walton" he replied "You had .mustget going again. Time will-
Iton urch grou
chi:L;t:h -Notes:
Remembermg'. Guy •
Monday night to Walton to take hill from Grieve's bridge 'is Very example, Meeting five, cad be
oil painting lessons from Mrs. icy". I took his advice and -scheduled any time during thek
IhomasSome nights she would call returned home .sak felY. That year project and provider/; the
and.'.say “Dearie; don't come one.-fgrien( received " a b'lated OPPOrtunity , to go a bikini or; „ipiewarion.
y 1 t a 11 Ania.or, .visiting.. ..wtivilifitt* . •.d .2
Mrs. Neil IvIeGavin • showed
slides of . Cuba and Jatnaka for
the Caribbean Study at the
'January meeting on Sunday
int:liming, in-the church basement
. with 40. Members' present.
Call. to worship was given by
Heather McGavin: Hymn "Catra
little child like me" was sting with
Jeanne McDotiald as • pianiSt.
' Scripture was read by Cheryl
Fraser followed by prayer by
Rhonda:Badley.Sectetary report
iMrs: KOn M-cDOnaid gave the ivicDonald.Communications 'co,
years,, financial report. ordinator - 'Mrs. Mack Sholdice
Membership fees are to be and Mrs. Pave Watson.
collected at the unit meetings, Stewardship and FinanciMrs,
.deadline the end of February, The 'F. Rirkby; Ws, K. *Lk:maid
M. & S.. Allocation 'was set at. "andlAr .. Don McDonald; 'Leader- $1500.• , ship 'Development - Mrs. ,N. The installation of 1978 U.C. VV. McOavin and unit leaders.'
officers will be held at the ,Church in society--. Mrs., Cliff morning churchs,service, Jenuary... Ritchie, MA: Harvey Craig, Mrs. 15 along with the... communion • Geo. McCall, Mrs. Don Dennis;
The . church congregation
annual meeting will be held on
.January 22 following service and
pot luck dinner. McKillOp Unit to
serve, seventeenth and boundary
to clean up.
Mrs Wey closed the meeting
with prayer
Officers elected for
1918TPast Preside tr 'Mrs. Neil
MpGavin; 'President -. Mrs.
e'amplyell Wby; 1st Vice
President Mrs. Don McDonald;
,Corresponding and -recording The Education Cultural
secretary- Mrs. Herb ,Traviss activities meeting of the Walton
Treasurer -( Mrs. Ken McDonald.; Women's, Institute will be
Unit leaders - Eighth • and convened by Mrs. Keith Rcck.and
Sixteenth - Mrs. Rae Houston; Mrs. Ray 'Huether. ' On
McNittob - Mrs. Neil MeGavin; Wednesday.
Seventeenth and Bounaary - Mrs.. Special guest , John Rinn, will
Graeme Craig; Walton 'unit ,7 show slides. Roll call -'""How to
Mrs,1 William Coutts an Mrs. make Pour daily life a pleasure.
Allan McCall Nominations -.Mrs. Motto - Culture is the romance of
Neil McGavin, Mrs. , ..athy otir country. Hostesses. - Mts.
Achilles, Mrs, John EIn.r.ck Mrs. Harold Bolger; Mrs. Graeme
RoSs. 'Bennett and Mrs. Ivin Craig and Mrs. Raevey- Craig: .„
just better go right home . as the,, tell. ." ,
ow.scenes from Cuba
China Cabinets.: $175.00
4 piece Chesterfield Set $270."
Oil pctintirig,$70.09.
'Macrame Ma-If price
Stitchery half price
Ail ltems Gregatii Reduced
We BUy and Sell Furiiiture and Antiques
was given by Ron , Godkin
followed by the treasurer report
by Elaine Dennis,who:then took
tip the offering which was
edicated by Cathy Mc, Vin.
ymn, "The wise may bring their
earning;' closed this part of the
The children went . to their
classes with the regular teachers,
Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs:
Mrs. William.. 'Coutts and Mrs.
Jim Fritz:-Christian Development
7 Mrs. Nelson Reid; Mrs, Murray
Dennis:'. Mrs. Alvin McDOnald
and Mrs. CharletS McCutcheen.
N and 25, 1978i galyatfoi Atty • All training schools will be. held'
Hail, Wingham, Thursday from 10:00 a.m.-4i00 p.m. both •
Friday, January 26 and 27, 1978;-'days.
First Presbyterian-`-'Church,Additional details regarding
Seaforth, • Monday & Tuesday, the program.. are available from
January '30 and 31, 1978; Blyth .the Ministry of •Agricidttire and .
United Church, Blyth,-. Food. • If you' want , to volunteer
Wednesday • ' & Thursday, your services as' a leader or
February 1 and. 2, 1978; special sponsor or if you- are interested in
for those whO cannot attend week ' joining as, a . member, your
days because of work or school..;;„ questions • can be answered by'
Wesley-Willis United. Church,- , Home 'Ecntiomists, Grace• .Bird
Clinton, turday, January . 14 and Bea,NrcClenaghan, telephone
Sholdice and.Mrs. Neil McGavin. of-•--maahine--quilting to , make. LET 'US MAKFr 0UR OLD F RNITURE
' a.- placernats, hand, bags% or other
WI to have
nish conservation area-anything to do
with ,our enviroriment and natural
. members wish ing'to learn-how to-
- knit or crochet car! rely on friends, .
.parents or grandparents.
Bose liennett, Mrs. Mack'
hand. Seniors"can explore the, art • and Saturday January 21, 1978..' 482-3428 or 'Zenith 7-2800.
homemaking- project with 'variety
plus, Wilt be offered in- Huron
County this spring.
Open to all young people ages
12-26, whether they live on the
farm o n town,'this project gives -
participants an opportimity to
explore the meaning of the 4-H
Pledge and-• demlop ways for
/..following its guidelines.
,:Quilting appears for the first
time in a -14-H project. All
members will l8arn to make a
sample of piecedillting by
World Outreach • Mrs: Martin, committee decided at • their
_Patti, Mrs. brAme Craig, Mrs. meeting last.week to' set theLdate
Fred 'Uhler; Archives -Mrs, Herb of February, §,th for 4the Walton
:Traviss. • • Poker 'Snowmobile' Rally,
Tn ."Church - Service" - SA- . al'id Mrs. David Allison of--'
Functioni Mrs. John Burch;\ London spent a recent Saturday
Mrs, Barry Hoegy; Mrs, _Gten
,Mcl*hol; Flower Committee -
Mts. 4.-tewart McCall; Mrs. C.
ivicentcheon; --Nits., • Lavern
Godkin; Mrs, Neil McGavin._
U.c..W: representatives to
' Mattse,'Commitfee` Mrs. Doug
Fraser, -Mrs,. Harvey. Craig and
Mrs. Walter Bewley.
Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Meehan
and family and Mrs. Laura
Meehan of -Sarnia were recent
holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Reid.
Mrs. tiarold Bolger spent the
past week at the homp of-Mr. and
Mrs. Robert 411ycrop in London
while Mrs. Shirley Lillycrop was
The Sports and 'recreation
or crochet an article of their
choice. Leaders will be reSpon-
Outings and guest speakers Ph. 523-4272 -R. Cook, Prop.
will be quite in order. For
articles. Mentherk may also knit
sible.',for 'teaching quilting but I •
• "FOcus on •LivingY, the 4-H
H to learn cilaqut n-
uilting for • firsttime.
with Mrs. Jean Etroadfoot,
Mr..and Mrs.. James Keys,
• Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr.
and •Mrs. Mack Sholdice, Murray
and Satidta. • •
Monday evening, January
2, supper, guests with Mr.'and
Mrs. Keith Clark, Mr. James
Clark' and Ann were: Mr.
W.J.Leeming and family!, Mrs..
Maud Leeming and Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Clark and boys.
Mrs. Gertie Bennett returned
home with Mr. and Mrs.. Horace
Rutledge, London where she will
spend the winter months.
Doug Kirkby visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Herb•Kirkby and family
in, Woodstock .on Sunday.
It is good to see Jack Gordon
out again 'after his short stay in'
Wingham Hospital.
' r •'
TueSday & Wednesday, Jandary . •
t"Put Your Upholstering
!Mods in'Our Hinds" Blyth, Ont:
• WE HAVE FREE-PICK-UP 41‘1. Dlotomy siptV14
BETTER T A1/4N NEW!,:.,,
eu .
Head ior the white open spaces on
the newest member of the ;John
, DeereSnowmobildfamily...the
exciting Spitfire compact.
epwered by a 340 cc, ree-alt"';'
engine and weighing in• at17-5
pounds; Spitfire can romp all day at
trail riding speeds. An aluminum
s slide-rail suSpenthon adjusts to
your, weight and snow conditions.
And a unique direct drive system-"
our newest samples of materials
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Jansen, R.R.#2, Seaforth, •
graduated January 7, 1978 from
St. Joseph's Hospital School' 'M
Radiography; London. .She is a,
graduate of St. James' SchOol„
^Seaforth and; Seaforth District
High School. She.has accepted• a
position at Stratford Generaq -
Hospital, Stratford.
. Tim Ss;John's Ambulance Jan. 13 . 8 p.,m, ; Ja015-". 2 p.m. ;
Brigade had their 21st Meeting at Jan. 15 - 7 ., 11 p.m. '
the Town Hall 4.anuary 4. Roll - The next •meeting is January,
Call of 12 people and 3 excused 18.
' were taken. • . Anyone who wishes to have a
Mans' duty 'hours were-handed speaker or demOnstratiod for •
• in and a couple of first aid' theft group or club please contact'
preigram from out of town have Ken Holmes, Jim Palen, Heather
been completed Duties.eoming up Efrodhagen or Betty Glanville,' ,: ''
are on Jannary 8 . 7'4 11 p.m. ...
John,s Ambulance
riaacle plans duties
LIFE -.and' Mortgage • linstusartee Plans
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Ask foyour new Flexible
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SEAFORTli • for 19 years.
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Farris arid Urban Properties
Windstorm.; Liability; Theft,
Various Floater Coverages
'Homeowner's, Tenant's Package,Composit• Dwelling
Directors and Adjusters
Rqb*.Arehlbald,R.R.4, Seaford)
..Kettcarnoclme, R.R.4, Seder&
Lavern Gala, R.0.01, Walton
Ross Leonhard*, R.R.1,arnnholm •
John MeEwing, R.R.1, yth P
Stanley Mcllwsln, R.R.2, Gellert& •
Donald NeKereher, R.R.1, Dublin
Wm. Pepper, Brumfield
J.N.Trewarthralox 661, Clinton
James Keys, R.R.1, Se:forth
Wen.lelper, R.R.i, Londesboro
Steve L Matray, R.1.5, Swarth
has about 40 fewer parts than the
drive on many competitive sle,di.
Spitfire is compact in size, but,
not in features. Like our other •
sleds, Spitfire feature CD ignition, '
•Mikuni carburetion, and a riveted
grouser-bar track. •
Come in today and look over the
all-newSpiffire. The trulycompact
sled, at a truly compact price.
Fora free estithate and a look at
Fun4Oving spiirtabOut for teenagers
• anctadults who like -to travel light*
Wirighom 3570 416