HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-12, Page 6• , .64H HORCIN EXPOSITOR, JANO.ARY 12, it?To • . W". Ling • * •4 'vein \Ta;)ypiek weci 6 , . , ,... "Hard work and all the good . CitizensiClub. For many years he thipiS and all the badergs" are was t'iX 0011ecter for -9rey ' whaUennie find Wil ur Turnbull Township. say havd contributed to' 60 years While on the farin, Mrs. of happy married. life, •• • 4' needed meet , Spdcial programs scheduled for nititritian Week include planned activities for all family members from the presanioler to dad, The following are some of 'the scheduled prograns,: - a pre-school nutrition session at• the Clinton Nurssry School: mothers.' oihaer`fid, igseFoustIsrIldhia :sa:df9ttdile,mo n- stration program with. a young, - an all-grades-participating workShop at Turnberry Central School, Wingham. more than protein req trements? loin as \ these statements . help is,on the Way to •eliminate th •roblems for bur youth. •Duran 'on Week ,(January 23 28), attention, wt be focused on teaching Aop.,er, nutritional information in our Huron, County, schools. All .schools in Huron' County will be. supplied with, -a Happenings frandbook of Ideas •and Resources" prepared by the Ontario 'Ministry of Health • ' that, tt ating patterns of your studen s s affect ' "thew' learning ability,,..,., and, behaviour. The fidgety, disinterested child, could he exhibiting the signs of -a. "breakfast ' skipper". Your teaching efforts may be , lost on a child too hungry ,ot learn.. It may be that t caching of good eating habits could. be one of the most vatuable contrik.utiati's that you could make in pieparing yogi. studein fer life. • The time of start. on Nutrition By Den MgClenaghtm --HereeCetlety,,H0 Me ,Economist Today, many Canadians, young and bid alike, are overweight and undernourished. This can be attribufed to our ,sidentary, Ignorance initritiew and failure to eat enough of the foods Which provide the nutrients • As Canadians, we need to take •a ,serious look -at our- nutritional' eatli3snqg you ever wocer, why"; year food than is required r • nutritious and -delicious ea •ing? - most Canadian tilts are a Gaunt MPP in addition• gifts of iouglived " marriage, Mrs. Cross between a ream puff and a Canadians spend about 38 per Although Mr. Turnbull jokingly "We just had to work together," cent of their food dollar on meat said, "There was no place else to •she said, and alternates - about 14 ,per cent go" as the, .reason for their A 5 Turnbull was art active;member of the ladies' organizations of the . Walton United Church and the Walton Women's Institute. Since • 'moving to Brusseli in the fall of 1970; she has been associated with, the United Chtirch Women of Mussels and, the Majestic he average Jour-person -, a program with the telgraye Education is now, The "Nutrition Women's Institute. She is. also a ian family spends $1,000 a _leachers may use this to increase ' Kinsmen Club. . , .1-1a Opening , . s Handbook cn e nu tritional aWareness• in , , Cana The -couple celered their diamond Wedding a' niversary on Saturday, Jattuary 7 with open house at their home on g.er.fla's Street in Brusseis, whe about g• 700 friends `and relatives called to offer, congratulations and 'best wishes.. Mrs. Ttirnbitll is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John 4. McGaviii of McKillop and Mr Turnbull is a son of the late-Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turnbull of Grey. They were married at the home of .the bride's, parents on January '9, 1918 by Rev. F. W. C ai f Walton United Church. F' Bowing their marriage, the cou Id farmed on Lot 11, Concession member of the Moriti_an • Star Rebekah Lodge, , Thp Turnbuils have two sons and two daughters. Dr. John O.' Turnbull' A Of Seafaorth • is a veterinarian assist you in ,thi$ endeavour. . • • Parents, dpydu • know what program' olace in your ,.,•• childs school during Nutrition Week? Why not check with your child's teacher? Teachers, have classes from the kindergarten/to the grade thirteen level. Every aduNworkinewith children has a • "responsibility to help prZ•vent ,the present school-age population misinform tion, •confusign 'and ign ra of nutritional health that cha erize their elders. MR. & MRS:WILBUR TURNBULL-, Advertising- to better buys. cAr!ADIAN AonwrilpiNG ADVISORY BOARD and William •who lives in'Brussels has carried on gratulatory messages, real reason for their success. 'from gro ing up with the same., • you referred to the Handbrok in , points the way • • flowers as well as outer con- Turnbull probably- hit 4pon the• jelly 'roll? your school for prdparirig a lesson in your,classroom? As a teacher, it is important for you to be aware the family ,tradition established by his father of ex ibiting eorisis- tent 'winners • at or t livestock IIIIIii01111111101MUI11111111111111111111111111M1111111111HIRIMINIMPHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM 5 of Grey sh's. 'He is a capital grant 21111111111111111111)111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Township for '53 Years, specia- i spector for provincial = . ,. fizing in raising4shorthorn cattle •government for North Huron. . t ...... and . Yorkshire and Laeomte_. , Their two daughters are Helen = • VP mail MOM ' soO• MOO ,.. swine. They exhibited livestock-at Mrs. George Frabkirk of Ingersoll ...,. . ...... and Dorothy , Mrs. D. S. Lawless = of` Ti ,They also have .11 E grandchitdren and, 14 great-. =' grandchildren:; One' grandson, Murray tan/less. lost his life five = • ... years ago while completing his E studies for a Ph;D. degree at = Cornell University in New York. •n .... —I. the first Royal Agricultural Fair in' Toronto in 1922 and -for the next SO yeitts, until 1973 when their herd-was, disposed of, they were' consistent winners. • Mr. Turnbull, who is known•to • his friends •as Willi has taken a keen interest in community activities as.well 'as holding office with various livestock associa- tions. He is a charter member of• the Bru-Is Lions Club and is .treasurer o the rissels Senior •Mso . MOO IMO MO MO 1". IMO MOM -U -U MOW 101011111 = The ' . couple - • received =...,_ Prices . . .effective till closing- , . anniversary greetings from Prime . . ..... , Minister Trudeau, Premier Davis, = - J anuary 17,1978 . mou e.---.. NIII111111111111411111111111,111411111.11111 1.1110111111111111111111111E P. R. McKinley M.P. and Murray = • • ' - .. IMO ' 1.. 0101/lifif MOM Mill114.11.11MMIS =lit • IMO Kleenex .401.11111r 44144 .10011101111101r - PRODUCE M • I moo Area wedd n MOD , • Kleenex - .40011111°_imiers MOO m;40101.111110. = Prod. USA C n. N . baliz "White or -wommilimarv--4., •• = = imor, Yellow .416 —CUCUMBERS --4/99 Ei* .44144114111•4% '‘"%limmummows-"1111111111111116 moo mom AIL = aim Golden Yellow or n T:ip5ed 'OW 41100.4 20 :31 :211111 I I TISSUE •1110 MEIN NOM Ch iq BANANAS - .• owe MINN "'NI' ANL E. am SP OM = TOWELS 2 roll ,pkg. 1. Imo J111.1111.70.0 ••• ••••• r. Mos OOM •••,.• E Prod. USA Can. No. 1 e 89 MINI CARROTS = ' = • 200 s = i• im14 . • f min • 0 4 ' OMNI ON= MEM = 8, ag Prod,"ifa. Can. No. 1n 1•111 MIS MOM WNW IMP IMMO m MEW @CELERY STALKS •••••• 11111/6i Teilimmumnimmiummumminummimmumnimmuii-- IMO • ISM! •=01 =OM MON = OMR NEW • M MOO = 0* J111111111111111H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E . • .... ' . . • 111•11/ . . . = ,. • • . , . . . • . , '4141! 15else ear 2 o. 39. E, 4%%, Sherriffs P. Tide Laundry DETERGENT MOM -U 410,4 = 4.4 . = • I .41%. BothroOm mrnia"its J ELLY ..... .., . .0 = ANL 6 32 Dz IIMIN • • • ba. COFFEE RICH pkg • Nom Toastmaster. \E- al" TISSUE • • E. Am ruwDtKb43"'- s • = '401111e 111111°. ' MISS • 4' Roll Pkg.' ""••••• mos REIM IMMO 014111 ONO. NIS =• 000 ' Ass't flavours • .=.BAMBIBREAD "Loll. 2 /8 9'• ..... N.": F....' Weston's • ..... ft Ns*. • mos "k‘ $10. 0 , •. .... # 1.... NM ' g HAMBURG' ROLLS rwl ' .. F: fh 9 ... • sksb:s...,.,,,,„, . . . .... . ,..... .... , = NOS ORM WeSionso" Raspberry_ . , -4/11411(tAk1/4t4 • ..-----....-: _..._ 0111.1111 1..• 5/9 = STOREY;— BEEERIVIAN' 9 .., MOS ..., = HOT DOG x)r- ' • Grace' Ellen Beuerman, daughter• of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey = -' LBeilerman of Seaforth and Robert Storey,• son of Mr. and = Mrs. W.J.Storey of Kinburn, were married January 7 in First-- = Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Rev. W. Murray of Mitchell = officiated. Maid of Honour was Mrs. _Gloria Love of. Walton. = . . • Bridesmaids were Mrs. Lloyd Dali Seaforth, ,'and Mrs.- = Barb Darrell of Clinton. Groomsman was Paul Cook of Clinton. =. ' Ushers were Neil Beuerman Of Seaforth and Randy Babcock of Wardsville. Organist was Mrs. Carol Carter of Seaforth. Soloist = was Graeme McDonald of Brussels. Following the ceremony a reception was held' at the Seaforth Community Centre. The = couple. left for a trip to Hawaii. They will be residing in • Holmesville. ]Photo by Frank Phillips) MO, **Ark .-40041° = aittre, Monarch = 411ft gummilionimummiummimmilumminimmumni • Schneiders fts. Cake & Pastry. .1", 9-s- JELLY. ROLLS '12 Dz. • • .14: 410k 4:t Schneiders .410111111r • NOM Imne 111111i z,-.... . ......7 'aft BACONCI • ".. . side '1"1"1•""I'....................., ,........=-1"—: '4',, '411001MIP• ' •••••.- Imo: • MO- ONO • OM . smie MOS • oesO. . 71111111M" , MOO IMO OEM •••••••. 2 Lb Pkg 199 --513EEF BURGERS MEN 11•411 QP alL FLOUR MIN Mon MOO MIL Eschneiders MOP AWN .1111 .006 IMMO =-4 SMOkED SAUSAGE. Lb, 10••• , ENDS 1,4b = MINIM Pr nein, doors, to small usmess 99 Schneiders. 20 Lb. *.ef Bag Sleeve f —gm...CORNED BEEF ./20z .49 les 129 4. ‘ = Pkg 4;1 ino04 IMMO sc hneid.es ~A UMW = Vac -Ready-to-eat 4 FaBONELESS.PICNIC'S 89 = • NIPS • a moo kiENNISTOEFLEMIRE one of our representatives will be at .The Parker House Motel, CLINTON on the 3rd . Thursday Of each'month. -JAMIA11819th 010011/1, " Mohnsons Future • . • SOO OEM • • • OW*219 8 4% agree `oftftwa 1 9 *ft Cooked =MN 4.041°'_do011e_„•10 E 0,, NOM MO. OM. IMO s ONO o • Schneiders a FLOOR WAX 27 Oz ittN "11.1.010111111111"11111k1 4k4 wooms.111r - EL-",Tea Time 241. nik rbage MOS 100 — EITEA BAGS If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to Obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management Services Of counselling and training or Wish information on government programs aVailable for your business, talk to our representative. ... 4Nk -BAGS: allIk • '"I•1111MIIP ""0011mir Aim - •MIN. SPA Ken1 • • r. •406CHICKEN .= SWIM SOUS ism lim• IMO IORANGE JUICE 16°z 89' so, • M NOM = • woo pip.oF io irp, LEGS . EOM •••%•• NOM MOO "lift. WOE , 890 wommlimmommoommiommommommmumimmis = 4:11.14 11101k .‘ 2 8 9 = IMO .00.1 Mal • k0THS FOOD *se% otigittto = MARKET FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK ' STOREHOU-Ri., "Atio-n., rues, Wed., tot., §-6:Ent. FiL.A!C VirettESERVE fifE BMW- QUANTITIES TO. AVERAQE FAMILY BECIUtFIEMENTS. , teaforth Ord. FOr pnot rtnation call 271-5650 of %.*tite 1036 Ontario „Street. Stratka. . . • •