HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 10ME WING LIA.M TIMES, SEPTEMBER 17, t897,
.". 1s'A.+..},.4+#yiiF'IY Y•r•.. 1"'+�+ \'�.
Th(+ 1\ Eli' GOODS are IIERE, and
on New Counters, ready for
your inspection. Silk and Wool
Mixture, small designs. Vic-
teri,t Bonnie, Bengaline Cord,
Cashmere and Serges, Matehtsse
Shut Cului s, trimmings to match
Ordered Clothing 10
We have just opened out New
Fall Sititings. Newest. things.
in Imported Tweeds and Wor-
steds. Also t 1tiege. range of
Fine Panttngy;. Variety in our
Tailut' Department to suit all
300 pairs Men's and Women's
Fine Shoes 3 ,just opened. Choice
lines in Dongola Kiii, Cordoran,
Calf -Skin and Eine French
Kid. A.11 .reliable goods, .lade
by J D. ling & Co.
Ladies' and Gent's Fine Kid
'"' Gloves in Buttoned and Laced,
in Tan, Brown and Black..
{ ' 1 RC
Bargain 0 Day.
Such prices as we sell for on
Saturday are not possible every
day, but for Saturday we will
mike things lively. Ask for a
$25,00 ticket, good for 1 Dozen
No. 1 Cabinets at the STAR=
`. H. MoI D O
es.§.. 9s'1TIONi LOCALS.
scueepL BOARD
The regular monthly me:Mug of the
School Board was held on Tnesrlay even-
ing in the Council Chamber. Members
present—Messrs. Homuth, Moore, Bad er,
Abraham, Griffin and Bell.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted..
The following accounts were read :
Young & Paulin, 23 tib; Alex. Ross. 610 R.
Kinsman, $3 12 ; Thomas Moore, $1 50 ;
R. 1' T. McKay, $7.
ltlovcd by Wm. Moore, seconded by J.
J. Hoinuth, that the accounts as read be
Moved by Thomas Abraham, seconded
by 3. J. Horvath. that the account of T.
Bell ,t; Son for seats, amounting to
$120 83 be Carried.
1120itlet N. Griffin, seconded by
Cbarl that the . teachers' and
Officers' sdtaries kr August 1.e paid.—Car-
Moved by Wm. Moore, seconded by C.N.
Griffin. that the motion passed on October
12th, 7898, respecting teachers' salaries, be
changed by inserting $350 in place of
2420.• --Carried.
The Board then adjourned.
Ingham Sept. 28 and 20.
Belgrave Sept 23. and 24
Blyth Oct. 5 and 6.
Palmerston.. Sept 27 and 28.
Walkerton.. -Sept 15 and 16
Stratford Sept 23 and 24
Clifford .. Sept 23 and 24
Hiaerriston Sept 20 and 80
u e 1s Sept 30 and Oct 1
Gottetrioh,..... Septr21 to 28
Guelph ........Sept 15 and 16
Mutat .. .......Sept 28 and 25
Se tro 't6i.. ✓/..... .,,...Sept 23 and 24
T.,uakaloav Sept 80 and Oct 1
r, ribs tierSept 28 ani 24
....Oct. 2.
........Sept. 27 and' 28.
Oct. 5 and 6.
... Sept. 21 and 22.
t 1baalit a li''rench Liberal
be established in W atni-
r has promised
TOMO Oil Oct. 5.
Hugh McKague, son of Mrs. Thos.
McKague, of Culross, had his arm
bre':en the other day by being
thrown from a horse..
Air.. Jamey Ballantyne of Brussels
had the misfortune to lose his driver
on Sunday week. He and Mrs.
Ballantyne had driven out to hor
fathers, near Seaforth and were un,
hitching, when his horse, (a skittish
animal) trop fright and jumped,
taking the shafts of the buggy with
her, ran away, She ran across a
field to the line fence which was of
barbed wire, struck the fence and
fell. It was found that the wire bad
cut into her shoulder and ripped the
flesh and muscle oat for about eight
inches. A Vet was sent for, and, as
he could not give much hope for her
recovery the poor beast had be
killed. Mrs. Ballantyne had a nar-
row escape from serious injury from.
the animal when it started, and only
by quickly getting over the fence
saved herself.
Mr. and Mrs. Liutner are taking
in the Toronto Fair this week. The
latter intends spending sem time
with friends at Whitby before re-
Mr. 1+. Deacon and Miss Sarah
Deacon are in Toronto this week.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ilall, of Bel -
grave, and Miss Hail, of Galt, visited
at Air. Menzies' on Tuesday.
Mr. Joseph Armstrong returned
on Wednesday after visiting at Clin-
Mr. D. Wheeler returned on
Thursday from the Queen City, and
was much pleased with the sights at.
the Industrial Fair.
Mr. arid Mrs. Levi Lott, of Win; -
ham, %isited_at Mr. E. Worden's last
George Wilson, of may,
who has been fireman for W. Paten's
inachirie, injured his arum on Monday,
and he is now fo ced to stir the tiro
with one hand, •
The Money Was Intact.
A peculiar coincidence was relate -
ed to us a few days ago. It relates
to two former worthy citizens of this
vicinity, who have some ' time ago
departed this life._ The parties are
the late James Dickson and the late
Wm. Campbell of Ttickersmith. It
seems that during their life time, a
close intimacy existed be.weea them.
Mr. Campbell always placed the ut-
most confidence in Mr. Dickson, and
very frequently consulted hint about
business affairs and intrusted him to
transact important business for him.
Mr. Dickson of course was in busi-
ness in those early day!. in Egmond-
ville and represented the district in
Parliament. Thirty-five or forty
years ago, Mr. Campbell became
possessed of a considerable sum of
money bequeathed t1 him by his
father. Having no immediate use
for the honey, he gave it to his
friend, Mr.Dickson to invest for him.
Some years after, that Mr. Campbell
died, and nothing more was heard
about the money until a. year or two
before Mr. Dickson death. The heirs
of Mr. Campbell in. some way came
across some data among his papers
which led them to believe that the
money had been given to Mr. Dick
son. They applied to him about it.
Thirty years or more having elapsed
since the transaction, Mr. Dickson had
forgotten all about it and could not
bring it to his recollection. However
he knew that as be had recieved the
money he bad deposited it in the
Bank of Montreal, the only bank do-
ing business in these parts at that
time. Accordingly he went to the
Bank of Montreal in Goderich and a
short search revenled the fact that
the inoney had been lying there at
interest in Mr. Campbell's name
where it had been deposited by lir.
Dickson over thirty years before.
mCENTS twill pay for the Truss until
t:tnaary lst 1898. Subscribe now
and gcu the first chapters of our new story
We regret to learn of the death of
Mr. Robert Pickard formerly ofExe-
ter, but lately of London, which oo.
cuffed in the latter place on Thursday
of last week, Mr Pickard was a vic-
tim of consumption and had been ill
for several months. Ns leaves a wid-
ow and several children. 1 -le was a .
son of James Pickard, ) sq., of Exeter
Ere was a. genial whole soiled fellow
ani was liked by all who knew him.
Ile was a native of Exeter and was a
comparatively young man.
1iDwa 2' o''wn
An infant child of Mr. Fred Fitz..
gcrald of I.ucan was drowned in a All perso
eistern.• against pur
Mr. Andrew Irving, Registrar of Manser a cer
are herd, •: °autioned
aging ' ,u Charles
Ire for $15.00,
repudiate all lis -
Deeds for Renfrew County, died at
Pem broke.
Movies tubes are now being made
of paper, according to an English
Tho assessment returns of London
show an 111CMISC in the population
during the past twelve months of
25 CENTS wil pay for the Trams
until January 1st 1808. Subscribe
now and get the first chapters of our new
The Stavely hall to be erected in
ing facing on Albert street. It will
Clinton will be a 2 story brick build -
co ,t $4,000.
Thomas and Matthew Thompson
were eomntnitted for trial on the
charge for killing W. 1-1. Sawyer in
a fight near Minden,
Tne American Rattan. Company of
Toronto has been brought out by
Walkerton people, and the business
is to removed there immediately,
The earning of the G. T. R, for
the week ending Sept. 7th, 1897 are
$549,380,. as against $507,110, for
last year showing on increase of $42-
W. H. Nicholson, has a Great
Dane dog of the following dimension
Height, 35 inches, length, 6 feet 9
inches from tip of nose to tip of tail
and weighs 180 pounds.
Mr. W. H. Ordway, manager of
the Noah's Ai is exhibit at the Indus-
trial Ezhibition was run over and
killed by a train at the foot of
'Bathurst street Toronto,on Saturday..
Isaac Groff, of Waterloo County,
recently shipped from Lucknow sta•
tion a ear load of eighteen heavy
draught horses. The prices paid for
them ranged from 5125 to 5180.
They are intended for the Old Coun-
try markets, but will first be taken
to lir. Groff's farm, near Elmira,
where they will. be put in better
condition before being sent to Eng-
land. •
Good times are returning to the
City of Toronto, -and not since the
disastrous boom of eight years ago
have.thewe been so few e'mipty houses
in the place as at the present time.
The press there is warning the. citi-
zens to b. careful and not rush
ahead too fast' -in the building line.
The population of the city is steadily
increasing, and the bad effects of the
boom are rapidly passing away. •
Since the Receiver -General sent out
the first pa3kages of Dominion notes
of the 51 and $2 denoini»ations to re-
place those now in use there has been
a steady demand from banking
houses all over Canada for new sup-
plies. The signing of them entails a
large amount of 'work and as soon as
ready they will be sent out. Although
it was only last month the new bills
were issued, there are at present some
5400,000 worth in circulation. Of
those the grater part is in bills of the
$1 denomination.
signed by me,
bility there
Wi aro, August 28th, 18
Tu lay aside your soiled or faded
suits or overcoat, but take them
to the Wiugham Cleaning and ?)y
ing Woike, and have theru glean-
ed, dyed and repaired to look like
J. W. Sir emr..
Order yolir�
--Atm D-
-PR0\1 THE --
Before Purchasing Your'�-
They are certainly the newest out.
The latest designs from both
and have ne equal in town.
Remember the place, next door to
the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is the only safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which
ladies can depend in the
hour and time of need.
Is prepared in two degrees
of strength.
No, 1 for ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar medicine known
—sold by druggists, one Dollar per box.
No. 2 for special cases -Io degrees
stronger -sold by druggists. One box,
Three Dollars ;; two boxes, I7ive Dollars.
No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of
price and two ,-cent stamps.
The Cook company,
Windsor, Ontario,
Sold in Wingham and everywhere.
by responsible druggists.
• fJlr J"'�AI" JL^.J's�L3�!' t'to ireiLz 1=m' tittla1Qnaa'ars
111 e Great
rl teaks _A, ° i •e..o
This week we desire to call special attention to our
11 Immense Stock of
--direct importation,— which for Quality,
•Valve and Styles are well worthy of the
careful inspection of every lady who in-
tends purchasing a property made and
correct fitting garment.
``i We offer a very handsome MANTLE, latest style (no old ��
t out of style Mantles to offer at any priee)good material, nice
�� Velvet Collar, perfect fit for 1 4150 rill
Lei Many people would consider that they had. -
IA secured a great prize if they got such a
garment, even in the great cities at $6.00.
oij We are in a Position to Sell Goods Cheap and we are
Doing it Every Day..
'�Never in the history of this Long Established Business have we y
1 sold anything like the quality of Boots and Shoes that we are selling '1
-0 this season. The reason is that we sell the BEST as cheap as others il
I� sell common stock for.
Remember that we are Iieadquarters for
Lr1 Come Early and get the Latest and Best.
Good building lot for sale cheap and on easy terms.
WE (3TC)
I�� O NT
� 1
Wingham.Direct Importer.
���n -�•-nor
7r:!�r_.�c=,1r.-� - 7r 7 •-�ti'r 7r rr 'ice ��irsC_ _7r.,-.'��fr �'��'���.tr_�r.�rrv,�-,-r,_•��riv_�r..
is selling all kinds of
-at the -
Meat delivered and orders taken
DA.) . Cil ED D ES.
Still leads in sec -di -Mg choice positions for students,
115 of one students',placed during the past 11
months. The following ave recently been pplaced:
—Flora Fuca, stone.; Montreal Herald; D. Stevens,
bookkeeper, Brie Mills, ,St, %homes; Eva Payne,
Kent Mills, Chatham; lIruest Long, steno., Chatham
Gas Company; Robert Hawthorn, with a Winnipeg
Wholesale Hous Jessie heatheringston, Srd steno.,
Sutherland & Innes Co., Chatham, Jas. Bedford,
manager of business department, Tacoma Business
College, Wash.
The above shows results .bt deed from a course
with us.
For Catalogue, address,
D. McLACHLAI3 h Co.,
Chatham,' Ont.
wag 4ctp9
L ..) 9 Wi11 mil m
a 111MY 'I 'lagrOhtit 'hr9J'II IIIr'Ih'Iir'llPip'A11J9dN,'Ib'ih'IU9IIIn !h'I1010'h bl4dih'ib9U'Ip'1111he1h'p,4114
We clo not want to make any vain boasts of what we have done or what we are going to clo. • The amount of trade we
have done since we started, speaks for itself. Our expenses are lower than any shop in town in our line, therefore, we can
give our customers the benefit of it, as we can sell at smaller profits. We have never had enongh profit on our goods to give
you an $8 article for $5, but we will sell at a very small profit. We have
EXTENSION TABLES fromh>< $2.75 tap. r
SIDEBOARDS. Matresses, Lounges Picture Framing y Curtain Poles.
We can give you a Sideboard, with three drawers and 16 x 2,$ mirror
(note the size of mirror, 16 x 28) for $6.25. --
Our Chairs and Springl3eds are made up at the factory and we can make
the price right ort tnem.
Our stock of Bedroom Suites is as good as in town. Ten different suites
to choose from.
Our Mattresses are all new and clean and of good stock, great value in
them for the money,
Our Lounges are up to date in style and our prices aro right.
We do the trade in Picture Framing and repairing Stretchers, any size,
for 20e, its all they are worth., we've never charged any more for them.
Our stock of Curtain Poles is as good as you can get in the town and the
price is right on them.
We have no old stock to get rid of. Everything. new and tip to date.
Our stock of Undertaking is complete and prices reasonable. Remember the place—Opposite Macdonald Block.
Residence—Opposite Foundry.
IEU x,A q -D az nZOTT�oisz Dealersture and
P. S.—We don't want to monoplize the trade. All we want is a continuance of the trade we have had since we started business. Goods delivered
a reasot.able clistanee. Cash is the thing that counts and it gets goods for ey are worth. IRELAND pit BUTTON.