HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 86
;et t County Board of Examinees, l WASHINGTON T LETTER,
1 A Sleeting of the County I;oard of
!Examiners was held in the Aiodel
School Clinton on Saturday August
28th, After the routflle business
was transacted, the candidates
1 for the Model School were allotted to
i ttleir respective places The follow-
ing resolution was then carried. That
all teachers with third class tertius
cites of primary standing, who. have
taught two years receive no further
extension. inspector Robb strongly
opposed this maintaining that holders
of third class certificates who bad
lost six months titne or more through
sickness or arability to obtain a
school at a fairly renurnerative sal-
ary shoald be allowed the three full
years right to teach., its covered by
the certificate. At the final examin-
ation, Air.:1Toore was appointed to
read the papers on, "The Science or
Education ; ' Mr, Robb, "School
Management," and "II Paper in Me-
thods " Mr.. Tom, "I Paper in Me-
thods, and "Hygiene," and Mr,
Ruled, "Senool Law."
GEORGE BAIRD, Secretary.
e ittil,1Y, SEIseleeIBE1t 17, 1807.
The following is the school report
lie the week ending September 3rd,
1B7. The nantea are given in order
to indicate their standing in the
different ehts os
Foui•tlt el•t•,s--1Jn:1. Pennington,
Annie Mega),
Third tables --Gerrie Suitt, Maud
Cer-tin, La Nrence Kelly, Geo. Rein-
hart, Z',ritiit? Met; Ile, Eva Pennington,
Tena. Xnrlli 1r,
See.,n) class—Eva Barbour, Lilly
Kelly, Ralpft Kirby, Joseph Cronin,
MictmeI LVltet.
Part 2nd class—Gertie Richard-
son, Beattie Rtehardson, Jas, McGue,
Katie Kelly,. John Cronin,. Diary
,McGue, Bertie Howe, Maggie Weis -
her, Katie Kirby.
Junior Part 2nc1 class—
Pennington, Maggie Howe,
Mahoney, Millie Setuestel.
Aggregate attendance, 175.
age daily attendance, 35.
W'Vsr GEAMILI., Teacher.
A correspendertt from Dungannon
writes: A very happy and pleasant
evening was receutly spent at the
residence of Matthew Foley, town-
ship of Colborne, the occasion being
the uniting in the bonds of matri-
mony by Rev. Father West, of
Goderich, William O'Brien, of Lon
don, to Miss Johanna, daughter of
Mr, Foley. Thele were 75 invited
guests from London, Goderich, Clin-
ton, Dungannon, Port Albrrt, Shep•
gardton, Dunlop and Kintail present
to witness the ceremony and partake
The annual meeting of the Patrons
was held in Toronto on Wednesday
night and Thursday morning of last
week, all the members of' the Grand
Board and a large number of the
representatives of the party in Par-
liament being present. An active
campaign during the approaching
Provincial election was decided upon.
and in view of the decline in the in-
terest in the organization, all present
were expected to do missionary
work. The policy under which the
campaign is to be carried on was
of the festival which was sumptuous. discussed, and the following coneius•
ly prepared. The bride looked ions arrived et :
ahi.rnung In her attire of cream The party disapproves of the On.
.brocade trimmed with chiffon and tario Government's plan of disposing
of Government house and erecting
It disapproves of the recent ar-
rangement between the Ontario Gov-
ernment and the railways, and sug
gests that mileage rates be paid to
the railways in return for a genera'.
Disapproval was also expressed of
tbe exemption of civil, servants from
garnishee ; of civil servants entering
poliths; of members of Parliament
becoming civil servants during the
term of office, or until one year
after retirement ; and the suggestion
was made that every alternate loca-
tion of mining property be taken by
the Goverrtn:ent.
The subject of the vacation of
office of Mr. Curry, Vice -President
of the order, who is new a Dominion
civil servant, was discussed, but no
appointment will be made at present.
point lace, and head dress to suit.
The beautiful beide was attended by
Miss Nellie Ideating, of Bay City,
Miebigan, who was also gaily at-
tired in white Swiss muslin, in
which she appeared to good advan-
tage. The bridesmaid carried in
bee hand a beautiful bouquet of
sweet pear.
Mr. Whitney, leader of the crppesi-
tion of the Local House, and Mr. St.
John, of Toronto,. spoke here Thurs-
day night of iast week. They were
met at the depot by many pro
Ininent Conss-evativse and the town
and, on the arrival of the tiain
from the east at (1.30. Mr. Whitney
was escorted to the residence of Geo.
D. IlleTaggart. hanker. 'I:t7u town
hall was well filled. The color was
occupied by the warden of the county
John Cox, - who called on Mayor
Joseph Beek, lir. 1leoney, and H.
Elder, the three candidates for West,
• East and South Huron, after which
Mr. St. John spoke against the goven•
ment of Ontario.
Mr. Whitney closed the meeting
with an address in terms similar to
previous speeches.
- Among those on the paltform were:
Dr ,Holmes, treas. county of HIuron.
Goderich; E. L. Dickinson, Wingham;
Rev. 14ir. Hodgins, Seafor:,b; Rev, Mr,
Stout, Linton; T. Hays, ex•iIayor
Iloiinsteacl, Capt. Roberts, Seaforth;
J, Mitchell, 3?. Lawrenee, John Platt,
Goderich; John Torrance, reeve of
Stanley; Dr. Bruce, A. M. Todd, Clin-
Io CATAitliui OF 130 Y1:Ait3 STANDi.`i0.
1 have bag chronic catarrh, evarr
since the war, The disease affected my
Bearing greatly. Thera was a disa-
gr'eeable ringing in my ears, which I bad
attributed to the fact of a shell bursting
dear me white in an engagement. 1 used
three bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder and my catarrh has completely left,
The noises in my head have completely
left. It is a great medieine--so easy and
pleasant to apply. 1 have no hesitation in
it recommending i quick and sore cure
for catarrh in its most seats form." ,T. 0.
'Taylor, 2101•. Clinton Ave., Trenton. N J.
—Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store,
Recent statistics show that the
lish citizen's heaviest bill, after
, rant, clothing and drink, in his
WI. Ragland pays $100,000."
TTaf'" t0 the gas companies) and
, Geltslitlentletl that the gas cleft -
profit of $24,100,000
Uncle Sara Taking an ,inventory
Cash in Haller,
Not many private individuals
have such a.. supply of this world's
goods that it really becomes a bur. -
den to look it over and see if any
has gotten away, The Treasury of
the General Government, however,
carries such an immense amount of
coin, prtpor money and securities
that the counting of it is an entar
mous task, requiring the uninter-
rupted work ot quite a force of peo-
ple for from three to four months.
It is not often that the stook is invert-
torated, as such precautions are
taken that it is almost impossible for
any ttf it to be taken away without
the loss being imtnediately detected.
Tho Treasurer is required to give
a large bond, and when there is a
ebange in the office it is necessary to
see that the funds are all right be-
fore the bondsmen of the retiring
official are released from liability,
Just at present such an examina-
tion is being made. Within iwo
months, as much money has been
counted as by ordinary methods
would require the constant occupe.
tion of one man for half a century.
Not until the job is completed, and
every penny accounted for, can the
new Treasurer be regarded as in.
full control.
In the eight enormous vaults in
the treasury building there should
be found 8767,782,21e in cash and
bonds. Of this amount, a little over
$1-50,000,000 is in standard silver
dollars. This part of the money is
in sacks containing $1,000 eael.
The sacks are placed one at a time
upon a very delicate weighing ma-
chine, and if the weight is exactly
what it should be, the bag is re-
turned to the vault without being
opened. If the scales vary by the
weight of a single coin the bag is
opened, and the coins aril counted
one by one.
One of the men assisting in the
present examination procured some
lead disks, weighing exactly the
saute as the silver dollars, and
watching hie et.portanity, opened a
bag and took. out ten coins, replac-
ing them by the "dummy " disks.
The scales showed the bag- light in
weight, and when it was opened the
theft was discovered. Owing to his
confusion the man had slipped only
nine pieces into the bag in • place of
the ten coins removed.
The vault containing .the silver
dollars is the'largest vault in exist-
ence, being 12 feet high, 51 wide,
and nearly 100 long. The vault
door is provided with a wonderfully
delicate time lock so arranged that
the bolts are withdrawn by clock
work from the inside of the vault at
'a certain hour of the day only.
After passing the outer door the coin
cannot be rellched until the inner
conhpartinent doors are opened.
These inner doors are provided with
a series of key locks. Ail the locks
must • be released before the doors
can be opened, and there as many
custodians of keys as • there are
locks. All the officials must there,
fore be present before the inner
doors are opened.
With such p: eeauti )ns it seems
practically impossible for anyone to
rob the Government, and • when the
present eoutht is completed it is con-
fidently expected that the outgoing
Treasurer, Mr. D. N. Morgan, will
be promptly given a receipt in full
for all the funds entrusted to his
Pain in the Back.
Mr. M. P. Halpin, Brockville, O.1t.,.
makes a statement as follows: "For two
years, I. suffered from kidney trouble,
caused severe pain across my back,
'dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, etc.
1 had often to lean on the counter when
serving eus:.omers, so intense was the
pain in my back. On taking Doan's
Kidney pills I unproved from the very
first, and now, after using three boxes
am all right; all my pains, aches and
dizziness having disappeared, thanks to
Doan's Pills"
A boy can sit on a sled six inches
square, tied to a horse Moving eight
miles an hour, but he can't sit on a
sofa five minutes for a dollar. A
( man will sit on an inch board and
talk polities for three boors ; put
(him in a church pew for 40 tnihrutes
and he gets .nervous, twists and
turns and goes to sleep. A man
will punch his checks with filthy
tobacco, juice runs clown his clhin,
feels good ; but a hair in the butter
kills him. lie stays out till mid-
night, wife don't know where be is,
comes home when pleases; but if a
meal isn't ready .on time,. pouts,
frowns and says unpretty things,
Evidently Alan is a strange animal.
Gets flail, beastly drunk, Imagines
he's rieh, a great man, bets on losing
horses, fights, lands in
jail, eyes s
dressed. for Sunday,face frescoed
and morais depraved, yet he is lord
of all creation ; monarch of' all he
surveys. Strange animal this pian.
Prompt, pleasant, Perfect.
Norway Pine Syrup is a l,leasant,
prompt and perfect ours for, coughs,
colds asthma bronchitis, b oa so e
b � s o r Baas"sa
tliro8t, pain ill the chest.; droop, tvhisop-
in�a otanrylh, quira'eq, l aenzia, anus alt
titTreet drag
loris 5n u 5 eJs, 213 seer $Ura
at frl'l Gluge stores.
IilJ T'IIODIST--rev, Dr. Pascoe,pas.
tor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p m.
PRI.SBYTk1RIAN--Itev, D. I errie,
esetor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p rn.
EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev, Wm.
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in and 7
p in.
BAPTIST—Rev. Jas. Hamilton, pas-
tor, 'Services at 11 a nl and 7 pin
Mason, pastor. Services at 11 u m and
7p in.
SALVr.TION ARMY—Capt. Barker
and Lrout. Burney in command. Ser-
vices at 11nin, 3pinand 8pnl,
Outram and Lock is command, Services
at3p tuand 8pm.
In each of the above named ohurtmes
Sabbath School is held at 2.3) p tn.
Huron and Druce Items.
Mount Forest is going in for
brick sidewalks.
Chesley has enough voters to de-
mand three polling places.
Lueknow, which has been without
street lights for three months, has
got in a ricw electric light plant.
Teeswater' ratepayers can now
figure out what their taxes will be.
rI he rate is 18 turns on the dollar.
Mr. F. E. Karn has sufficiently
recovered from his recent illness in
Clinton to go to hi3 home in Wood
Dr. Bonner, of Cheslcy, has been
appointer) surgeon of the mounted
pollee force to be stationed in' the
Kleadike district.
TheDirector's .• of_
t 5 �.shHeld and W s-
wanosh Agricultural Society at last
sleeting decided to hold the Pall
Show t Dungannon e a. r a u on on Mondayand
Tuesday, Sept. 27th and 28th.
The kiowiek Fall Show will he
heldIn the Vistoria Park, Gordo, on
Saturday, October 2nd, and should
it pro re a fine day the park and hall
will have a fine jubilee opening.
Tho Buffalo Fish Company re-
ceives 80,000 lbs. of fish weekly at
Wiarton, principally white fish and
trout. There is now stowed in the
fi eezers 40,000 lbs., for shipment in
the winter.
The Church r,f England authori-
ties have decided not to make a
change in the Atwood parish, and
consequently Rev. Jr.. Ashbnry will
not remove to the Clinton charge, as
he expected and was reported.
BANK ofIAMILTON iribt 16412,1111' tit
Capital, $1,250,000, Rost, $050,000
President--.aeux STUART..
VIuo•Proside»t--A. 0. Ramsar,
Jong PROCTOR, (iPo. 1t0.5 Lin, 11"A! 0U3tS0N,
wod, e1, B, n (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings unit --Treses, l0 to 8; Saturday's, 10
1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and tercet
Special Deposits also received at moron)
rate oY t.a est.
s i r
Dram on Great Britain and the United. Statek
bought and sold
Lel at and other menet a ver summits, de. per
line for first uset•tton, Sud iie per lino for each
subsequent in-ortton, filo .shred by nonpareil scale.
. ooai notices lot. per line for prat insertion, and
bo. per line for each subsequent nisorticr,
Advertisements of Lost, round, Strayed, Situations
and Business Charms ri an ted, not exceeding 3 line
nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 60o. far each
vubsequent month,
Loucks and Parma for Salo, not exoeoding 8 lines
yl ler 1iryt month, 60o. Crfsubsequent month
Larger advertisements to p'oportion.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or
eager periods,
directions, will its inserted tiand iocal ll noticeswithout
andtitcharge '
Accordingly. Traesitery advertisements must be
paid in advance
be In
the ottChanges
osby Wednesday ract advertisements
oon,sin cords tomust
that week
A. T.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor,
—IS Ptf ousuun
8ube4ripitosr price, $1 per ye a ',in flavone•
Space ( 1 yr, t o mo, l 13 mo. 1 mo
OneColumn ,100 00 SIJ 0'o 530 00
Halt " ' 00
Quarter " 20 00 12 t0 i7 00 3 00
l 6
00 eau
2 00
1 00
Air, Hearn, of Clinton, has a plum
tree in his garden which measures
4 feet in circumference and 32 feet
across, and has been in bearing for
30 years continuously. It is very
unusual for a tree to attain this size,
but it is just as unusual for it to live
so long,
The Huron County Council have ,
settled the claims of Messrs. Craig -
and Nott, of Clinton, for injuries
received by their wives by reason of
their horses falling over the bridge
on the London road. The amount
paid was not large, but was satisfac-
tory to alt concerned.
A committee has arranged the fol-
lowing speeding eoutests for the 2nd
day of the Brussels Fall Fair : Far-
mers' trot or- pace --1st 85, 2nd 58,
3rd 52 ; Three minute trot -1st 515,
'2nd. $S 3rd S4 • Three minute
—1st 815, 2nd 8, 3rd 51. all Half•
tulle heats, best 3 in 5.
On Sunday forenoon, Cotistable
Grey, of Chesley, assisted by Philip
Karn, of the same place, drove to
Walkerton. with en insane prisoner,
named Robert Henry, of Desboro.
He was so violent that it took four
men to subdue hint at Chesley, and
1.5 was found necessary to put on the
handcuffs on the way out. Henry
ran a harness shop in DEsboro.
The Board of Examiners have a] •
lotted the.fellowing Modelites to tbe
Clinton School : Minnie Atkins, Cito-
ton ; Janet Anderson, Blyth ; Dal:
can Allison, Belgravee Jas. Bricker,
A. E. MO
Money advanced no Farmers and Business leen on
endorsed note and collateral.
Moneys remitted by draft to all pit of Canada and
the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms,
Money to Loan on Notes.
aotes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at bit pot oentwith
privilege of paling at the end of any year. Note
and Recounts collected.
Beaver Stook Winaham, Ont
Toronto and East 0 50 a. in, 2 40 r. nl
3 30pin 10 23 p in
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 'd 40 p m
Londonand South 0 53 a In 11 10 a m
3S0pm 800pm
a line 11 10 a Ln 0 50 a m
Isme n
2 55p m 3 SOpin
1025pni 830am
A�+ 3e'rf I am just starting the best thing
LI�e� Y F✓i—tor money making you have over
seer: for miry a,iay, Your Santa and wildcats re$1
bring the golden informaion.
1Z, r. GLASGe1V, T1 on exit.
p,t n ry, 'o:ic,tors for '"('anf'da, An En.
Ci 1 � �-1 cy'clopethia, f the Country." in Fh•e
Royal Quarto Volumes. No.'elivering. Commission
paid weekly. A earvasaor repor"s hi', rst week
mnkiny otorseventy� dollars , o0t,
1 To persons who make the greatest
number of Words out of the phrase,
I "Patent Attorney Wedderburn."
For particulars address the National
Recorder, Washington, D. C. 8 151
Paormeroa 450 PusnrISIINA
Private and Company funds. to loan at los est rat
interest. No commission chargeu. ldortgaf,es, to
and farm property bought and cord
OFFICE—Hearer llloek Wtao0n31
t1 n.,,Jan1. Ont.
Office—Mover Block. 11•inghanr,
Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew etreetst
opposite Colborne Hotel.
I'^t INTISTRY..—J. S.'J I•:130M 1;, L. D. S., % ixoixAe.
�Jte.nann+uctur iirst•oiasssots of
ri teeth as cheap as they can be made
fr' K ' 'j' in the OonlGdon. Teeth extracted
absolutely a [shout pain, by itis new
process, guaranteed parte fly safe.
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, oppoett.•
Brunswick house.
ARTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. ;;,, D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyltan
Dental College
NoT>,-15111 visit Blyth every hredm•aday.
Gerrie; Clara Clopp, Zurich ; ElizaJOHN RITCHIEDowzer, . Clinton ; Matilda, Fowler, eD
Seaforth ; Alvina Herbina, (ioreie; GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT
G. R. Bollman, Seaforth ; Nina Is- wavelet:,
biter, Wiugham ; Annie 1CennedS s 1 th i pump
and Susie Kennedy, Varna ; Ella
Damont, Ethel ; Henry Lennox,
Londesboro ; Annie Murray, Kippen ;
Geor`g'ic Murray, Clinton ; D. F.
1leDwen, HIensitll; John 11lcliay,
Whitechurch , Ada R. McKinley,
Seaford); W. McTavish, Clinton ;
Thomas Po;sel 1, • Glenfarf'ow ; John
Rath, Clinton ; Sarah Reid, Varna
i+ lorence Reynolds, Ilcnsall : Mary
Robb, Clinton ; Teresa Switzer,
Cranbrook; John Todd, Clinton
J. T. Maguire, Morris ; Alice Twit -
elicit, Clinton ; John Torrance, Zur-
ich ; Aland 4Viltse, Clinton.
I bought a box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh
Cure at The Drug store of Mr. Boyle,
here. 1 am thankful to say that it has
proved most effective. I Dave also tried
your Kidney -Liver Pills and found them
excellent. H1Nitr R. Nroitots, rectory,
" Maria, I ant ready to start clown
down now. Didn't you say there
was something you wanted nie to
remember particularly to bring
hom{ey with me this evening."
" Well, what is it
"How eau I tell until I have
looked over the advertising columns
of the paper i)" --Chicago Tribune.
orT*.ty-sevdn Years
Limon, SALE i4AD&.
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 ant now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood rather ifrohk FOA oe and
Lift PsturtioSi, BrOs and
iron Cylinders, Cnals'aani:A-
ed _iron Tubing. Cisterns,
• Water Tnonngins, Sinks,
Biatlts, Pipe Fitting, Weil
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water,
Deep well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for informstion or
ordering by marl should always state
depth of well.
At work guaranteed or sale.
k e non .
1 g
Box 140 Winghatn, Ont,
Tin;lNGl , T.IAT l TIMES,
r,00 per year in Advance.
CENTS wit flay for tbe Tnnts
until January 1st 1888. Subsoribe
(now and get the Lint ehaliters of our new
p. DEANS, Jit., tcixoa M,
Sales Attended in any part of the Co. Charge
3loderato. •
j OEN CUTixt119;"11'I4oliAAf, On.,
Sales of Farm Stock and L'arin Implements
All orders loft at rho Torts aloe promptly atten3
ed to. Tea's reasonable.
SS® L+ Camp Caledonia No. 40, meet
. ■ w—rho firstand third Monday in
every month, in "ho odd Vellows Halr, Visiting
brethren wulecm. J. Murray, Chief, 1) Ste'
art Ren.•Sec
IATA N T E D—Te mow sons and Other industrious
TV persons of fair education to whorl $80 a month
would be an lrldnoetnent. I could also engage a few
ladies At their homes.
LIN SCOTT, Toronto.
%H P MT�p_GAIJVASSERS —• • [Innen
Victoria. Ilrr lite and rerun" has
eapturad the IJr�irlt Empire. Nxtraordinary testis
menials from the groat 11 en; son 1 for copy free:
Marquis of Lorne says: "The best popular Life 01
the (elute» I have seem" Ilcr Majest% sondem bind
letter of appreciation. Soiling by thousands; muss
enthusiastic satisfaction. Canvassers making $16 to
840 weekly. Prospeetns free to agents.
Tint B¢Anisv•Ganttt'rsON Co,, Limitad,Toronto, Ont
',� 7� tiro,, and wenten who can work
d�ikNTEO har<, tatkintrandwrit,ngsialtoura
daily, for six days a week, and Will be content with
ten dollars weevily. Address
NEW IDEAS 00., Medical Building, Toronto, Ont.
Ilicit,UDIN0 Books, Pathphtete, posters, ell.
1 Beads, Circulars, no., &c., executed in rho best
style of the art, at tnoderato prices, and on shell
notice. Apply or addro it
T mane/hoe, Wingham.
We are pVlraod 10 announce that an Books to
Magartnas loft with rte for Binding, Wild have our
prompt attention, Prices fop pnating In - isyi
win be given on application o the L liN e.