HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 711JE W INGIIAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 17. 1897. PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and , night t r supply the demand, Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being • restored to health and happf• Hess daily. Y RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely rune and healthful. Guarantee4 to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Inver troubles. :BEWaRC OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS Sold in Winghem, only by Gordon it Co All Advertisement This is an advertisement which 'tells the truth about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLE WHO SUFFER from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast an d heart, anxious, morbidcon- dition of the mind, groundless fears of coming danger, anaemia or impoverished blood, after effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY THESE PILLS as they cure these complair ..d. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize them to do so on the strength of the above statement. This: offer is limited to the first box used by any one person. T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto. Fall the best time for Tree Planting Early fall is an excellent tithe for planting trees, writes Tho§,. Meehan in the September Ladies' Home Journal. By early is meant as soon the woad is ripe and the winter buds fully formed. This is usually a month before the regular fall of the leaf. The leaves are stripped by hand. After the wood . is ripe it makes no differeneo whether the leaves are taken off by Jack Frost, the wind or the human hand. In the eastern part of Pennsylvania this would be usually about the first of September, and the work of planting can be kept up luting October and often to November or Dezember. But late fall planting in cold climates is as risky as late spring planting. •The moisture is dried out by cold windter hot suns before the new fibres are formed to replenish the great evaporation. In Milder climates planting may 'he a success all winter. ELTON'S l,1' MPS Will stand wear and tear for ears. No better proof can let given of their durability than is shown by the fact that soiree of these pumps put CARTER TTL 1VE FELLS IN ME.11tfr7J I4' N. Lines written on the death of Maggio, beloved 4authtcr of l,tr. nail sirs. James. Kitchen, who died Julio 24th, VOLOver the river, the boatman pale, (Carried dear Mafgfe the one we loved, lisp brown hair waived in the gentle pale, While the angels harps rang from above. Positively eared by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. She crossed on her bosom htr suow white hands, And fearlessly entered the l'hantan bark; We watched it glide from the silver sands, And &l our sunshine grew strangely dant. We know she is'aafe on the other side, Where all Ile 'ransomed angels arc; Over the river, the Mystic river Our darling child is happy there. Vire saw not the angels that islet her there, Thai gate of the city we could not see, But ever the river, the beautiful river, My child stands waiting to wclaotne me. For none return from those quiet shores, Who cross with the boatman cold and hale We hear the dip of their golden oars And catch a glimpse of their snowy sail, And lot she hue passed from our yearning hearts, She has grossed the stream and is gone for aye We may not sunder the vail apart That hides from our vision the gates of day. We only know that her bark no more Will sail with us through life's rough sea Yet somewhere, wo know, on the other shore She will watch and wait and beckon for me Indian, Mothers.stave a Navel Way But tattle Danger From Zughtnfng. or Q,uteting Clliildreat• flung onThe Needless Fear "I have seen a good many novel of L'ghtning," Edward W, i3uk, in methods employed by mothers in the September Ladies' Home Jour,. order to put their babes to sleep," nal, says. that "It will doubtless stir, said George L. Wenn, of Trenton, prise the tinrid to know that only New Jersey, at the Southern last 200 deaths a yeor occur on an aver - evening, " but I think the strangest age throughout this entire country way of all is ane which is prevalent from lightning," er ono person in in India, where the native mothers every 350,000 people, Now, ineom- put their babies' head under a spout parison, rfteen times as many people of water to send them to sleep and are killed each year by falling out keep them quiet. I spent several of windows; over twice as many. m.,nths in that country not long ago, `front being bitten by rattlesnakes, and witnessed this curious mode of .w.hile 25 per cent. More are killed treatment dozens of trines every day. l with " unloaded " pistols, More The water of the hill spring wes sopeople are drowned around New adjusted as to furnish a series of York City alone every year than tiny spouts. Under .each spout wns 1 there are deaths from lightning all a kind of earthen pillow and a little over the country. In.. fact, more trough eonstructcd to carry olf the people, by fifty per cent„ are killed water, The restless child was placed Iby being kicked by horses in Now on this pillow in such a way that one i York City than die (rain lightning of the spouts played directly On tae 'throughout the whole of the United top of it's head, the water then pass- States. The casualties of the South ing away in the trough. 1 can tes• show that the dangol s of being tify that tbe ptoeess was most sue- lynched and of being killed by light- cessful, and was seemingly highly nieg are about the sane. The trol- enjoyed by the babies, who remained ley cars of our cities kill a far great - perfectly quiet under tho spouts. er number of people than do the The people asserted that the water lightning storms, Now, these are did the children no berm, but, on facts --they are strictly accurate and tbe contrary, strengthened and ben- carefully computed." efitted theist They seemed to think that if a child was not subjected to this treatment every day or two it would grow up weak minded and good mfor nothing," --St'. Louis Globe each other now ?" asked the prettier Deocrat. girl of the two. as a third maiden swept indignantly pest thein. And, by tbe way, she wasn't at the Wait - Lot the sit end think when the sunsets gold Is flushing river and hill and shore. We shall ono day, stand by the water cold And list for the sound of the boatman's oar. We shall watch for a gleam of the flapping sail, We shall hoar the boat as it nears the strap, r, We shall pass from sight with the boatman pale To the better shore of the spirit land. We shall know the loved who have gone before And joyfully sweet will the meeting be, When over the river, the beautiful river, The angel of death, carries you and me, —Mrs, E, A. M. Small PM. Smalls Dose', , Sr aaiIl Price1 Substitution ' the 'fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's,, 1 special envoy to Sweden in the per- son of Bushrod Whitelock, a most insist and demand devout man, but one of an extremely nervous, anxious temperament. As Carter's Little Liver Pills. 1 the ambassador was about to embark __ � on his journey, he was detained at Good Suggestion. It would he well for many of the 'people who are given to worrying to pay heed to a story of Cremwell's time, said to be absolutely true. The Protector was sending a Now/ They Don't Speak: "Don't you and Agnes speak to `y • be Barwick by a storm. He was so troubled with the affairs of the LONDON AaVT15R • nation that he tossed, turned and groaned in his bed, unable to get to sleep. • At last his confidential servant who bad won Whitelock's respect and confidence through his faithfulness and good sense on many a trying • Can Work All The Tawe, ell's dance, was the?" gerl _vet "My dnugeter who was sufferiug from The other girl smiled repressedicy, "No, Bridget; why Liid yeti. ask?`'• Catarrh of the stomach., and tried many lied •threw a torgiving glance after "Decease if you haven't I s.neeltl. A• Trate Obaritvg "?ap44," said flys lee baroeS1 tifljl daughter, "tntrtnms azo want $11,040 for idiarltsble parr Can you let us havtt it r" I suppose so, my hied r," ssiii tjt indulgent parent, " hut len% 414 quite a largo sum for citpritr What disposition do you intend k' make of it ?" "You remember," said th girl, " the younger son of that lisp duke who will. inherit the tit and estates of his father, foul who was so attentive to Inc last sure-- lner ?" "1 do," said the ice baron. " Is he trying to 'borrow money al- ready." " No, indeed ; be lies returned.' home without proposing and mamma and I have decided to go to a seen-•. mer resort for the p+trpose of enter- ing another.". 4.nd where does the Charity come in ?" " Oh, the money, you. know, is to be used as a fresh heir fund," What Hood's Sar;npariila has done for others it will also do for you. flood's' Sarsaparilla cures all blood ili.eitees, Not The Same. Not long ago a servant living in Derbyshire gave nue to Wove iter situation, irfor'ining her mistress that she was about to be :married, As the time drew near for leaving she • addressed her rnistrc,;s the,; " Please, mum, have. you gut. a different prescriptions without relief the retreating figure. Finalmina and she tbhe ed lien an atHood's neeSarShe " No,'' she said demurely, "and has taken fifteen bottles and is able to that's why the don't speak. She work till the time. We prize Hood's blames me for having to stay away. Sarsaparilla very highly." Amu Mort- 1 never do a really kind action but TULL,Eaton, Que. somebody turns against me." after his face was washed I felt I like to stay." "What i I thought you were going to marry the sweep. "Oh, yes, ma'am," replied Bridget hesitatingly ; ' but when I saw him Hood's Pills act harmoniously with " What did you do for Agnes ?" I couldn't 'love hila. . Hood's Sarsai3arilla. Cure all liver ills. inquired the pretty girl keenly. I . 23c. in wells 25 years ago • are The Best On Cont Daily still working. . in Western Ontario. . - . IRON .Ind ii'n ROB PUMPS l Supplied to Order. Cannot be excelled as a brig "Did you lend her that awful purple waist cif y cuts; or " Reflections of a Bachelor. No," was the quiet response, "1 One little corn that has just came didn't, but she had such a bad cold is all a girl will eyes own up to. •i the clay of the dance that her nose Youngmen dress for women, old ryas awfully red, and I was- so sorry 'for her. 1 told her that grandma men for themselves, incl the reit be- f always cured me when I was like cause they have to. • 1 that with a hot footbath. It leaves A man has lots of faith in a woman your face lovely and white, you till she begins to tell him what color it ecru. So I went home with Agnes neckties be ought to wear. and fixed 'the .bath ready for her, A woman is never.afraid of a man, and she said she could just feel her but she often gets a curious •delight nose gettingwhiter. So she kept out of being afraid she might be her feet in tlie water for an hour. It afraid of one. did her lots of good, but there! She The average girl spends half her time liwa s was ungrateful, anyway. not seeing jokes and the other half•The next day s;�e wouldn't speak to going around seeking subtle mean- ings in things where there ain't any me." Why ?" queries the pretty girl, A. woman often says a thing' that curiously. " What did you do to hasn't any meaning because she �„ v t ra men „ • Nothing," 1 meaeing for It and then think she girl, more demurely than ever " It ` was whatdidn't o that ma. -� mad- You see orgy totell i b knows s 1 t will thiri, out a her 1 attended to, enterprising and popular paper• I occasion, ventured to say, "Pray, sir, 1\otltinlr responded the other � } Repairing l:rotnpt •y I 1 the latest news from all parts r will en give me leave to ask you a ii h t, Has 90 i`tE 3 'C y. ;r6ii NG RILLS, ECZEMA, SALT RHEUM D. S. Doan, of Clinton, says: "Pt% ri,A!E'S OINTMENT will 7,7,TreS7rnziwben all else has failed; beliwhurtry it. Don't go on suffering yead" t suRcred vita piles for year.. Cl,a.es 0,,L,1tep completely r„_• curd me• 1,Irs, Jn �. Gs,"e, j, .. *� Fer6n,s -� ,. Mrs. P'. Pearson Inglewood, Ont., says: "My baby, five months old, had eczema very badly un ins face and head. 1 procured too boxes of the Oinunent sect t;•h �. they Intl l:crn used ill signs of the disease had tlieappcared.” al meant It SHOP-Dianonr11 S opposite Beattie'S of the world. • I question?"I d tl de her ere= co>:. e. ° Livery. • Supplied by all news dealers in ""Ceitainl, ," was the answer. 1 forgot her cn1„lust 'tLtt11�° Certainly,” Prov dense Thanked 1Vestern Ontaria. "Do you not think that God goy- that mustard water always blisters \;i ! ,� free' 4 '`''t 3 -O N P L�,® N'It is with pleasure ghat a recommend t`. S 1"tt `1, • erned the world before you came in BBB• for the cure indigestion and lin- tender feet i£ you keep them m just 'ti winghain, Ont. ; Th to it?" pure 1:1ood• I had tried many medicines a mite tot' long, and she didn't go to 4" °` " e recaive�l no benefit nett., thank Pro the dance because her feet were so vidence, L was advised tory sore by the time she took them out --- IT PAYS TO ADV E TIT IS�i� IN TB E :TIMES SI . • • "Undoubtedly I cin, said White butt 13 B. B and it was with perfert success. ", And," continued the servant, do blas. WY. Loons. that she couldn't get even her bed - you think that He will govern it•Oshawa, Ont. room slippers on, And now she R. quite as well when you are gone out blames .no because her skin is so „ • They Stay Put, sensitive."—New York Press. any To e s the master, promptly. The uncertainty of human nature E TERI'4_ ADVERTISER lock. (Weekly Eddition.) • 75c;, A YEAof rt? b sure Ile will," responded Equal to and hettei•'tl 3 published at $1.00 a yea. Agents wanted in every canvass for this pub Address all orders AIV E T SER PRIZING LONDON, OWPA inn tl some Queer Facts. t., in Spring Time get Pure blood "Then, sir, excuse me but may snakes any kind of business precarr district to : you not trust Him to govern its the otts that depends upon it. " I an Nuns usually live to a great age. by using B.B.B. lieation. • little while you are to live in it? fit peoples bodies easy .enough," The smell of perfumes is said to No other remedy possesses such per- i 'l ince " but it feet otherrre healing Y g \'Vhitelacl: made no reply to properties as Burdock Boo Bitters. i prolongInc.takes pretty close trimming some- Potatoes in Greenland never grow their minds." a marble. Han In a familiar a written historyextend- Mount rt was a so aw ,ears. truth expressed in this saying. He Ilorses succumb to cold quicker was asked by a summer visi , than any other anima .. " liow in the w orld do you manage Postage stamps arc gummed with v n sere i ota oes. the native tet • . etna e o 3• ain't anything mus 3 o elation of I• ranee. a ors on arms. here, now that's a fact. But ye see, More than four•fiftha of the people in winter 1 haat logs, and in summer of London never enter a place of wor- I haul .mealers, and 'twixt them two I ship. I manage to scrape along somehow. 1 If a snail's head is cut off and the animal placed in a cool, moist p!ae•r, . °troths,' head wilt Trow. ] this s ud R wise tai of c , al d p rif in :pertinent question, but he turned d bl pt not only cleanses internally, but it CO L d. rover and was :Noon asleep; and on his trees to flt larger then heals, when applied externally, ail his The aid i f m311ar stot y of Ja to has L t sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, I--Canadian Note 1 L t ft p RIO. ' _ tot' 1 Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste natter from the system, Ono H.ones't Jetan• and thoroughly regulates all the organs Dttrit I"lrrron,—Please inform your to make at li i g 1 ? of the bol , restorin the stomas , a starch made ftol3 p t Y readers that if written to confictcntially Waal, said "~h ,e b u115 one thud of the f 1 p 1 liver, bowels and b ood to healthy I will mail in a sealed letter ,particulars of 1 t make 'Pound 1 b f action. a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and ' manly vigor, after years of suffering from ly permanent cure for the loss susnd wheal' shrunken al epartsat] was tight •eat ills at humanity ! robbed and swindled by the quacks until i r Cil t'0' __.._ Has an unbroken recorc ,/of sures. The�t'hl two r f �•� !•^ i 711 4 ei:e4.'ee.' eeeex.,); /:/ke4.14, return he repeater t'a s cry o � - bit of advice with much appreciation. Desert 1 are of the ing of et .,5000 t blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. !nearly hist faith in mankind, but thank IY1d].geat1f3T1 and hoeven I am now well, vigorous and strong I mire known to others. I have nothing to Constipation. ,tion. and wheh to matte this certain means of people suffer tont One Orsett and want no money, but being a film believer in tho universal brotherhoodd of /Moro th of these distressing ills than bel il, I am desirous of helping the nnfor- alt others combined. SLOAN'S IN• amts to legate their health and happiuees tiptoe - MAN TONIC positively and per- i promise ouapeifh perfect cy maiiently cures all eases. No matter yV�t. T Moment),.v. tits' Suppliee, how long you have suffered, or how P. O. I3ox G"s, St. gelid, Que often you have been told that your Prance has a camera as cronic or incurable, if you The Bank of 1 r al . eASe w persist in the usu of this nicdicine a so arranged the picture of any with- . sus- picious visitor may be ,.esu TRADE scAI K. Pelee S1, a for *3. MI Druggists or THE SLOA1 MEDICINE DO P. O. T rawE9 s3 llaiuiltoq. cure is certain, out the suspeeted indtvidualknowing r. 0. Drawer 33. that be has been eatight. by Expros,s• OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. om orsTs will pay for the Testes until .lenntry let 1898. Subscribe note Successors to Burtch Bros, & Co. t,nd got the first chapters of our new story " Mealers?" said the visitor,"what are -they ?" " Why, mealers is folks that live In spite of closest espoinage, the in cottages and hain't got strength t diamond mining companies of South enough to walk a red, and have, to Africa 'sae 1;000,000 a year by tae kerriie•l to the hotels for their theft. heals " " Oh. And which do you. like the better ._ hauling logs or hauling mealers?'' " Waal, I tluntio. Logs is harder to h'ist—there ain't no two ways about that. But when you get 'em h'isted, tbei'e they bei T guess I'd a lettle rather 135111 logs o' the two 1" i done. but now suffered from the above v syni. This.commentary On the flighty I cure those wonderful pills have made in to the ways of cit` visitors in the country l my cahose a 1. hope all sufferers will expressed more than volumes +could. � try .;hem. Away Down East - From east to west people have heart trouble. This causes violent headaches, neuralgia, nerve trouble and prostration. Says bars. Somers of 1 tonaton N. I3.: "I tried many relnodies but never found anything to give ere such prompt relief ns Milburn's Heart end Nerve Fills have Caveats and Trade•Mark's obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEES. My { office is in thc•immedrate vicinity of the Patent Office and my fedi titles tor set:uringpatentsttreunsurpassed. I Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wits ttnscrlpption and statement es to advantages claimed. .Il ti`No dative is Oneidda for aa opinion as yo patentability, and my fee for prosecuthlgq t In t Edi not bo oatiod for unfit 111 1 patent, M rtpp Z,�tanG * (Mowed. "'Isivalc'rolis'rGtrrnar'" oqn4 taining furl inforrrtatidn scat free. Ali COOS** cations Considered as Strictly Ooaridentl*I,,�� FRA. IAC w�� . HrOuG .