HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 4et • „�t - CORKS, RUBBER RINGS, BOTWN , N WAX, S'P I S ES, • ,TC And all seasonable goods at the lowest price at CQL1N A. CHEM, Druggist, Etc., .And be sure -rind buy them bolero 9 p. m. for we close at that ti.tne every night excepting Saturday. TO ADV.JRZV ISE RS. Notice ofchanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments aecepted up to noon 'Thursday of each week. Etc 4ffingilam(Limo k'ttIDAY, SE TEMI.BER 17, 15:17. EDITORIAL NOTES Hoer Mr. Harty, Commissioner or Public Works, deities the report do - ciliated that he indends to retire from pablte life. lir. Harty has been re- cently gaining steadily in health. IN North Ontario, Mr. Graham (Liberal-P.1..ron,) and in Richmond, -N. S., Mr. Gillies (Conservative,) a;g'aint Mese return petitions were lodged, have been confirmed in their • seats. P0ST:1LASTER-GENERAL MELocKstates in connection with the profit fro:n the sale of jubilee stamps that they will add at least a quarter of a mini•tn dollars to the receipts of the veer over and above what would have been reaL'ze l in the sale of or- dinary stamps. Tel: Jlontreal Herald's Ottawa cor respendeet says: "Sir Oliver Mowat has informed SirWilfred Laurier that he will take the lieatenanz-governor- s'-aip Of Ontario providing- that. Hen. David Mills he given tbe pili Milo of the jastic: department. Sir OIiver is an Ston, that Ontario should retain this important portfolio, and that the representation in the Cabinet from this province would not be weakened by his retirement to Government Hong T?':: inatter is now ander the consideration of the premier." Ix THE absence of anything more exciting, Opposition editors in On- tario have been puzzling their brains as to when the Ontario general elec- tions may be decreed. They are in this matter, as in their criticisms of _the Administration, at sixes and sevens. The Toronto News, how'. ever, sagely concludes that " the only certainty about the Provincial elec tions is that they will not be held till Mr. IIardy is quite ready, and he wouldn't be. fit for his job if he chose any other time." No one can take exception to that decision. Hox. J. I. Tarte, haying been ac- coused by opponents of his policy as Minister of public works of extrava- gant tendencies, has promptly taken his erities to task. He shows for the year 1836.37 Parliament put at the disposal of his department $2,439,920 Oat of that appropriation the Min- ister expended during the ycar..i,78.= 939 leaving a balance of $6:10,981, Mr. Tarte also points out that be has saved. over.,$OO.000 in the admints- tratisn of his department, when eorn- pare i with his predecessor in office, by dispensing with officials for whom their 'nano work and other econom• Gustave Pabst, the divorced hus- band of Margaret ]Mather was mar ried at the IssIe of Wight to Miss Hilda Letup, a St. Louis brewer's d tnghter. e-MOEXTf3 ppaare for the Trete until .touaary 1st is0e. Subscribe now 4 1.1 cot the that °baptism of our new stay LorTir'SBoi u, 1I lin WINUIIAM TIMES: SEPTEMBER 17. iS)7,. f3CLGRAVIu. The lawn social at jr.1E.Melrittle's , The Harvest Ilonleservice in Trin- I on Tuesday last wants a great sa.ecess. i ity church on Sunday last was a , Proceeds amounting 4161. decided success. The sermon was Miss L. Reid, of Wingham, who has delivered by l'ev.air, Lowe of Wing- I been visiting hero the last month t Ram. The attendance was large I with her cousin Dr. Agnew returned • and the offering liberal. home on Friday last. I The following front the Ilatubta,1 Miss Nettie Webb, who has been Manitoba, Hustler, refers to the on the sick list is slowly improving, death of a well known former resi• Dame Rumor says there is to bel dent of this vieinity : " We have to two weddings on tete 10th eon next chronicle this week the death of M. week. Donald Iyobertson, an old. resident of Kenstnore, alter a long illness. ile passed away at 5 o'clock on Friday WBON.ETER.. morning last. The deceased was a Kis. George Harris was visiting brother of Rev. Dr, Robertson, Sup., Airs, McTaggart at Olit'ford, last erintendent of Missions of the Pres- weck. AZrs, John Barnard and son are on a visit to friends in Ingersoll. A very severe accident happened to Mr. John Atanser, of this place, on Wednesday evening of last week. mains had been interred a service Mr. Ellis and Miss Gilkiuson, who .was held in the ehurch by the Rev, t Ps, ' C. Moore, to i; in, for his te reside near this place, were married:: on the evening in question, and itrr. 119.10e, Thy word is a lamp unto Manser, along with a number of my feet and a light unto my .path,' young fellows, were having a "cliiv, from which be unfolded the truth }rrie," when the. gun Mr. Manser had that exploded, was a deep mystery until exploded, blowing his left hand all, toe Scriptares threw certainty on its to pieces. It will be some time be- fore he will have much use of tbe arm. Mr. Charles Wendt Sundayed with friends in Wingham. byterian Church The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, followed to the L'radwardine cemetery by, a. large concourse cf people from all parts of the d:stcict. Atter the re GLENANNAN. purpose as originating in God, and - having its destiny in Win." A daue'i(.er of the deceased, Miss Mary Robertson, who has been very low with typhoid fever, is improving very nicely, and it is hoped will soon be able to be around again. The East Wawanosh Agricultural Mrs. Glendenning and son Win. Society's fall fair will be held in this of Wingham spent Sunday last - at place on Thursday and F.iday of Mr. Patrick Wells'. next week, and should the Society Mr, Walter Pumroy, of Howick be favored with fine weather, the spent Sunday last at Mr. David (show will no doubt be a grand sue- Eadies. I cess. A tag -of -war will take place Miss Jennie Haugh, of Grand Val- on the afternoon of the second clay, ley is visiting her brother William between side? chosen by Mr. John this. week. Goalies, of East Wawanosh, and Mr. Charlie Agar, of 1lorris is engaged Robert McMurray, of Morris. A with Ii,vbt Arkness for two months first class concert will be given in Bob knows when he gets a good -the Foresters' Hall on the first even - man. . . • ing of the show. .Mr. Major, of Goderieh conducted the. t-ospel tent meetings here Jest ! Live Stock Markets Sunday and Monday evening in the { Toronto Ont., Sept. 14 -At the absence of Mr. Somerville who was Toronto cattle market to -day, receipts called home to nee his son who is were 59 loads , p' ices generally were very i11. a tittle higher. There was. a ,brisk Miss Beatrice Eadie is visiting demand for export cattle. The friends in Toronto this week. i choicest select ranged as high as The beautiful moon light, night 1814.75 to 05 per cwt., but not ma.nv has caused some of our young risen ; could be bought in at that price. to wander away from home. One Stockers brought from $3.25 as high whom we call Jim was seen a con- as i~.i.G0 per ewt. The market for siderable distance away from blame. small meats was well supplied, and buying on all bines was good. About 800 head of sheep and lambs repre- LISTOWEL. rented the receip.s. Export sheep The Telephone Company ate re- brought from 3e to 31c per lb., and placing a number of their poles with i lambs brought from $3.75 to $4 per new ones several feet higher, and i head. Calves were in demand, and are giving them all a coat of paint.: all the way from $3 to $9• per bead W. C. Kidd left Wednesday for j was realized. The hog market is London, England, where he will look : slightly changed, and better prices after the Old Country interests of 1 are offered. Light hogs brought Canadian horse shippers during the; from $5 to $5.50. At this price the coming fall. He expects to be awaydemand was good. three or four months. East Buffalo, N. Y., ti eptember 4 -- The Listowel and South Wallace Cattle-teeeipts • 21 cars; market .><gricaltural Society, which is the! quiet and steady but few on offer, Listowel Horticultural Society, as f veals riearce and firm, at $5.50 to i e organized last year, will hold! to x+7.85. Hogs, Receipts -10 cars their second annual show in the; on sale ; market lower for light rink park grounds, on September' gt acres, firmer for others ; Yorkers 21st and 22nd, and everything:generally, ;54. $4.45, few, $4.51 points to another successful exbibi- good mediums, $1.45 to $4.50 ; tion. heavy-, $4.40 to $4.45 ; roughs, $3.65 to $3.80. Sheep and 'lambs, receipts 6 cars on sale ; mostly Canadas to arrive ;; market steady ; choice na- tive lambs, $5.65 to $5.75 ; culls to good, $1.25 to $5.50 ; no sheep here feeling strong for handy grades. Harry Hess, of Buffalo, is tbe guest of his sister, Mrs. H. I3. Morphy. The Pnblie School Board are con- sidering the advisability of adding a certain amount of fifth book work to the Public School curriculum. Mrs. Bowman and her daughter, Mrs. Rogers, of Toronto, were visit- ing friends in town last week. Miss Green has gone to Brandon, where she will take charge of the millinery department of a leading dry goods firm. An acetylene gas plant has been put in Christ Church on trial. Miss 1tteKellar, a returned mis- sionary from Indira, delivered a most interest ng address in IInox Church on Sunday evening, on mis- sion work in India. Mrs. Barthe, of Montreal, sister o[ J. Ii. Stuart, of the Bank of Ramis ton, has moved to town with her family. Mrs. (Rey.) Morrison, of Toronto, who wes the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. T. Kidd, for the past two or three weeks, has returned htme. Dairy Market% New York, Sept 14. -Butter steady western creamery, 12e © 18e do factory 8e @ 12e ; Elgins, 18e ; imit- ation creamery ler, C 13e; state dairy 10e G,v 161e. Cheese Ole ; small white J /e, large colored,oicd, 9z e, small colored 9.1,e , part skims 6 - lee @ 7e ; full skims 3.e 0 4c. Chicago Sept 14. -On the produce exchange to -day the butter market was firm; creameries, 12e at 17 iic ; dairies 9e ® 15e, Chesse easy at 8c 9e. Ingersoll, Ont., Sept 14. --Offerings to -day 3,320 boxes ; 93•e offered for colored and 9tle for white ; market doll. Lliadoe, Ont, Sept 14.-1+''ourtcen factories boarded 732 boxes white cheese here tonight; no sales. Cttrnpbellford..Ont., Sept. 14. -At W. Lawrie, who has ( the cheese board here to -night h as been with R. g t 1,650 R. Climie, grocer, for the last five or boxes were boarded. Whitton bought sire months, has returned to his old 700 at Ne. I3al:ence unsold. home in Sault lite. Marie. Mr. F. J. Rastrick, of Hamilton, II, Large left Wednesday for a archteet and civil ongerneer, Is dead short visit with his brother in after stsleral weeks' Illness. Tinley city, Michigan, after which he CU resume his studies at the Detroit 25 015,VTS pays for the ''.merits until 17tivtrta1. College. Isnaary 1st 1882. 2ubsbrilte now aid get the first chapters of our HMV story. MARKET REPO1tTS. w3NQi3AM. Wingham, September 10th, 18117. Corrected by P. Deans, .Produce Dealer. Flour per lOQ Lbs,,..,,.,., 1 50 to 2 40 Fall Wheat, old....,. 0 78 to 0 85 2a11 Wheat, new.. A 0 78 to 0 82 Spring Wheat.......,0 75 to 0 80 Oats, 021o023 y.„ Barley . , . , ,. , . 0 25 to 0 30 seas.. ,, ... , 0 42 to 0 45 Butter, , , . , 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per dozen , , , . , , 0 12 to 0 12 wood per cord , , 1 00 to 1 25 Hay per ton,. .,5 QQ to 5 50 Potatoes, per bushel, new0 40 to 0 40 Tallow, per lb,,.. 00 3 to 0 3 Dried Apples, per ib, 0 2 to 0 23 Wool.. . 19 to 21 13 CORN. MorrAT.-In Culross, en September lst, the wife of ter. W. 0-. Moffat of a 713. Au sT,N-In Lower Wi wham, on Sat- urday, Sept. 1'tt1, the wife of Robert A.eshin; a sou.ti( HALO DAY. -In Wingham, on Sentetn- er Oth, the wife of Mr. J. J. Halliday, Diagonal teett, (formerly of Harriet* of a son.>� MARRIED 4 WENZEL-PARK.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wingham, on Sep- tember ltbb, by the Rev. Dr. Pascoe, Mr. V. C. Wen rel, to Missnae May, aughter of Mr. Halsey Parr SitORE-SJ.vr'soN-At the residence of the bride's parents, Lear Newmarket, on September 91h, by the Rey. C. E. Thompson, Mr. Frank A. J. Shore, of Wingham, to Miss C rrie Simpson, for- erly of Wingnana • PAsazoni-ConrIR.-At the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. J. L. Kerr, Brussels, on September Stb, Mr. William J. Pasmore, of Teeswater, to Miss Sarah Jane C rrie, of Wingham, formerly of Morris./ , •At the residence of 10r. James Lwichardson, Elora, brother- s law of the bride, on September 7.th, Mr the Rev. J. MOIntes, Geo. W. Smith, of Rockwood, formerly of Wingham, to Miss Annie Milne, of Elora. L' TA wow,- EARE. - On September 8th, at the resideoee of the bride's father, Toronto, by the Rev. N. Bur - wash, L. L. D., Wel'ington W.'I'amblyn, Esq., of Londlesboro, Ont., to Mies Char- lotte Beare, daeghtor of Robert l3eare, E�q., of Victoria College, Toronto. DIED CASI:MOR'..-In To rnberry, on Septem- ber 1 @ th, Margaret Ann Case ore, aged '- years, 6 months and 5 day? Roel':TsoN,-At Kensmore. Mani(.oba, on September 3rd, Donald Robertsqn, formerly of Belgrave, aged 65 years. JAt trout:. -In Wingham, on Septein- ber 13th, Earl Bennett, infant son of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Armour, aged 2 months. The safe of the Ontario Track Cam- pany was forced open and e103 stolen from it. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, Presi- dent of the G. T. R., sailed on Satur- day from New York, for the Old Country. General lvianager Bays accompanied the President to the seaboard. T CHER WA ' ` D. Teacher Section No. tions to be i dress, .. ' for 1898 for School rnberry. All applica- `-.tember 22nd. Ad - OMA ' MES, Seo. ' oasurer, ' ingham, Ont. Turnberry, August 30, 1897. For Sale or to Gent. A farm of 90 acres, on Concession I, Kinloss, 4 miles east of Lucknow.; 70 acres clear, mostly in sod ; good house ; large bank barn ; spring creek ; 2 wells; good cistern; 2 acres of orchard. - Apply to A. 0-. STEWART, Teeswater, Or to Mns. A. STEWART. Lucknow. TEACHER 1VA TEi. Wanted. a teacher, (male or fen.ale,) for S. S. No. 5, Township of T.uruberry, Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, October 2nd, giving experience, testimonials and what grade of certifiente, together with the amount of salary expected. Duties to commence first of January, 1897, WM. CARRUTHERS, 9-10a Wingham, Ont. Closed for Repair. C 6!-P.1i0"i A0 OUR SHOP isbeing en- larged and renovated It will be closed for few days, will re -open next week. A W WEBSTER. a taro rx G. McINTYRES. JUST RECEIVED an immense stock of SCHOOL SUPPLIES & STATIONERY elirlisI, ts6'ii,'In9P4t'1t'1s'4+4.l4,'10111411'104,'ib'UdIU'i114lilt A. BIG SCRIBBLER FOR le., DRAWING BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, REAPERS, SLATES, PEilV OILS, OPENS., RUBBERS, RULES, ETC. ENVELOPES 2 PACKAGES FO2 laic. v^ -o iiaT__ PAPER UIRES FON 15c. eIc -i GROCER, - - - - - WINGHAM.. Beg to inform the public that t. •ir retail department has - en reopened and they no have in stock the finest~ lin _ of BEDROOM SU SIDEBOARD BABY CARRI ED GOODS. £ENSION TABLES,. AIRS, MATTRESSES, 5 AND UPHOLSTER-. iteawo FROM T. • ' CHEAPEST THE ' BEST. CALL Ali GILT OUR rilliCfi;s T. BELL 8z SOI 9 ai.0 St. North. WINGIAM., n a s PrMatZ Has just received a nice lin of in newest designs, including # --RATINGS, PA NTI NGS, OYERCOA.TINGS, ETC. •-••••- --. -e• •-• > • . 0 0 VI.411 kY1.1" ,XNG NOBBY AND UP-TO►�DAT1, See my stock before purchasing elsewhere. -- - - "VT- T- ST I-V • T., Opposite Bank of Hamilton. F .H. KERNEY, TOi43OR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Qu,een'a Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Haar Cut, give him a trial. . Razors Honed. Are YOU RUPTURED If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham: They axe the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE ,ONE FOR YOU • 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmore does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in rosition any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, O. Sonic of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON & CO. WIN GHA11I. FRUIT ,@lryea+t,4; is more p to tier use �10• 's i two his otht r 4:11ss As ti rus the trios . atatst, a gorse y house Et, - a, have varaneb iu 1his stcltou 11 ritetlie, terms. 3FRY, - 0, Ontario. Ltr;ASnap GFor Farmer's who buy their r -I PLOUGH irr7 J REPAIRS ---- C �f. �1 --AT TELE- rai1 U1 �Crl f Ll r� a t, fi n We have a large quanti gty o �jj EPlow Shares for the leading In J ploughs. which we are sellinga,,t'it k"G. 80 cents each. Sole Places, 1101; (G.li Steel Land Sides at eorrespond- ingly low prices. Our shops continue to tarn ��J, out Iron and Brass u� Lt and repair work for B oilers,J�Engines and General Repair -Work, which surprises and pleases our numerous customers. WM. RENDALL & CO. . Proprietors. Foundry --Cotner of Victoria and Minato Streets. i; ,4t1ei is