The Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 3THE \VINGUUAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 17, ii307. The Way It Was Spelled. Wrong Conclusion. A. lady who buys provisions regu- larly egu- The Canadian Gazette tells an VI 11 f dealer Boston a amusing' story of, one who was too aur y puzzled a c cater in oson was wale]: at drawing an inference. It little uzzled aver one Theof the itemsahappened that a Glasgow professor in her monthly bill. item was who was visiting Canada with the as follows; �I3ritish AssoGiat}on in 1884, was de - 1 " To ;3 lbs, psatltnon, 7s Gds a I sirous of seeing so nothing of North• i d �� It suddenly occurred tel. the tally . I western life. and for this purpose d.> I i 1 that sumo haul purchased three lbs. of repaired to an Plberta ranch. salmon on the elate given, and the i I fixed hien u as well as I could, meaning of the mysteriously spoUed'tbe rancher says, but he complained word was apparent to her• i that ho did not like'sleeping with. are )ausileo Gm•eattty°a.lnused, and feeling well his +tilothes on. Sn after the first _... ___. _ ! enough ltequainted with the pray}s- i night. I stretched a cow skin across ion dealer to tell him of the little the s1 stic and told him in might Tfh� �'e� I� a a oda lett;]] sho had enjoyed at ]tis ea* !undress if he lilted, lie tools off i pease, she said, when she went to , Inose of his garments, and put on a O l 1 ft I _ _ -1 pay the bill : i long white night dress. Iu the „ nr.. 7]an.,a. 7 hmA nna+n n. lunch ; over the way some one in : �' o ing may foreman came in while gentleman was still sleeping. ALL Caiiviiicd1 establishment spells ` salmon. 1 When the item had been pointed out to him, Mr. Blank said, in a tone !of contempt for such ignorance : That's the work of a new book- - I have. I'm ashamed to have I such bills sent out, and I shall have 1 LL TES L FY to speak to hint about it, Ile is a =Then what's he wearin' them good book ]teepee, but he's g'.t to b'iled clothes for ?" was the reply. learn to spell if he stays in my em - "Never saw a chap laid ont in b'iled clothes afore, 'cept he were dead," Observing the white night-dress, he said in a whisper: Iiather sudden, eh ?" " What," I asked. " The death of the old mart." " Fie', not dead , he's asleep," I explained. That Winyah has kept the People acid ii HS i ploy. Let nae correct the byfl.' aith with Taking a pen, Mr, Ink drew several lines across the".' word, and de good wrote above it : His Remedies are becoming the Sslfegu.rd of the home. Tho pl- ple have Trusted and have not bean decioverl. I " Sarnmon." " There, • lna'ain;" he said, corn= placently, handing back the bill. " I'll teach than book-keeper how to "Five years ago 1 was very sink, and. TEUJE TO THE LAST The History of Five Years and Its Happy' Outcome. Story of Joe Jefferson. At the sixth anneal meeting and dinner of the, Old Colony Club- at the Vineyard Sound House, Falmouth. Heights, Joe Jefferson presloed and opened the proceedings with the fol- lowing story: " The worthy captain has just told roc that it is useless to expect of , him a speech, bat that if he wet e walking the quarterdeck of a ship he wt.uld know where he was, Now, that is where he greatly differs ; from myself. When I ate walking the quarterdeck of a ship I do net in the ]east know where I am. I am reminded of what once occurred to mo. I was erossiug the Atlantic, The weather teas dreadful, Captain! Ashley knows what that. means. I 1 was trying to guide myself along the deck, and incidentally, to vid others. In this mission I ran across , at lady lying prostrated on the deck, evidently sorely troubled with that dreadful disease, seasickness. "I said to her, ' Madame, may I bring you anything to relieve you?' " She looked up at Inc and feebly said : ' I beg you will not mention it, Will you also Ich:dly excuse 01e, sir?' "I then said to her : ' But is their nothing I can do fur you?' "' No, sir,' said she in tune. ' Please go 0why.' "' But, madame, I said, evidently suffering. Can ing to help you?' "I wish,' said she, 'that you would go away. I ate nut tit to see anyone.' " 'I ant sorry, madame,' I per. siste 1, ' that I caul be of no little ser* vice. Can. 1 do nothing for s our poor husband, the gentleman where head I see in your lap?' Oh,' said she, ' that is not uty, husband. I do not knuw in the least who he is.' " spell ' salmon'when he conies in, or tell hint to- find a new place."—Tit- Bits. HEART HOPE. ntIESD IN AN IN3rANT AFrslr THE USE of DR. AGN'EW'S CUA. NUR TIIE HEART --A POTENT LRAM) REMEDY—AND NO CASEToo niers FOB Mrs, Mary Moss. No. 2ti Chestnut St., I3taisneUT11t1;Ln? AND CERTAIN CURE. Torous ), Canada, satyr;—"1 have used _, Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure with splendid "For fifteenears I was agrcat sufferer results. I was 60 bad with this disease from heart disease, e.11 this wi•ile I was in that food would lie for hours on my the hands of one of bur best physicians, stomach causing me great pain andfront whom the only encouragement I agony. I also had bevel.° patens in my could get was that I was liable to dropoff heart and was frequently trouoled with at Any moment. I hail many times ead sour stomach. I heti to be extremely of cures made by 1)r. Agnew's Cure for the careful what I ate; but after using one heart. Was induced try a bottle of this bottle of :Viunyon's Dyspepsia Colo 1 clue, and to my surprise the very first am now able to eat anything with°:^ -t dosegave me immediate relief. I felt en - distress afterwards. Afterfter suffering for eoura ed and persisted. Before the filet years with this disease it is a pleasure to be able to eat anything I desire. Thanksbattle was taken the dropsy, whin!) had sorely troubled mo, had disappeared, and to Muayon." when I had completed my second bottle I felt ai well ms I ho i ever four." Mrs. John Munyon's Ito;Ienruatism Cure srld.,'u t arms to relieve in one to theca hoarsen A. Junes, Willa tom—Sold at 'Chishohn's Drug Store. ' cures in a few day.:. Price 25J. • Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusitivoly cures all forms of indiges'ion and stom- ach trouble. Price 35u. . Munyon's Cold Oure preveuts pneu- monia and b:cults up a cold in a few hours. Price, 25u. Munyon's Cough Cure stops sou„ hs, night sweats, allays „orooesa, and speodi ly heals the lungs. Price, 25o. Munyon's Kidney (lure speedily aures. pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Pi ice 23e. ,Y n s Headache Cure stops h ead- , ache in three minute:). Price>ac. and the glace is the thin covering Munyon'e Pile Ointment p Ritivbly Of -CI' the seed. The fruit is about cures all 1',rrms of piles. Price, 25e. i the size of a peach. When ripe it Munyon's Blood Oure eradicates. all imt>ur lies of the oruu 1. Plisse, 25o. breaks open and shows the little nut M teyon's Female Remedies area inside, The trees grow on the hey bear fruit 70 or 80 years, ]lav 3 minutes and caro panwanontly. F rico,' iiie fruit upon them all the season. $1-a Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never a V line tree in Jamaica is said to fail. The Catarrh Cure -price 25e.— I have over 4,000 nutmegs on it every eratl'eates the disease from the system, I .,ear. and the Catarrh Tablets—price 25a.— i " 1 The Dutch used to have all this cleanse turd heal the parts. Mnnyon'a',terve Cure is a wonderful 1 nutmeg trade, as they owned the How Nutmegs Grow. Nutmegs grow on Rale trees,. which look like small pear trees, and which are generally not over twenty foot high. The flowers are very 1:rzch like lilies of the valley, They are pale in color and very fragrant. The nutmeg is the seed of the fruit, have remained in a feeble condition ever since. During the time 1 bad hemmor- hage of the stomach which left ' me ?ku the poorest condition possible. My heart and nerves were weak, consequent- ly I suffered from extreme nervousness violent fluttering of the heart, weak sinking feellicg, shortness of the breath numbness in the hands etc. A short titne ago I was advised to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and went to John A. Barr's drug store to get a box. On obtaining thein I commenced their use, and derived Eo n.uoh benefit i.nat Icontinued using them. I bad now taken a little over three boxes and am pleased to say they have improved my general health. strengthened the en- tire nervous system, and removed my heart troubles. I do not now have the fluttering of the heart, weak sinking feeling, or shortness of the breath. They have restored healthy:circulation of the blood, and removed the numbness from coy hands. 1 am far better than I have been since I took sick, and it is with pleasure that I recommend the use of these pills to anyone suffering as 1 did from heart or nerve trouble. (Signed) James lielley, shoemaker, 75 York -street Hamilton, Ont.' Mr. Kelley is one of the moat popular and respected business men in Hamilton having been 24 years engaged m hie present occupation in that city. boon to all women. islands of Asia and tropical Atuel le 1. Munyon's Asthma Remedies reli?v a in ,r, nerve tonic. Price, 25c. 1 Rands Islands and conquered all the flunyon'syi its zer re3t 0 1los est vigor Price other traders and destroyed the trees. en • ► $1. To kpriceu , they A separate cute for each r disease. At n the n all druggists, mostly 25c. a vial. 1 r 1 �.1CG burnt three piles of nutmegs, Personal letters to Prof. Munson, Albert at., Toronto, answered with tree tnediaal advice for 'iny disease Ireland is likely to be visited by famine the coming winter, as the potatoes are nearly all destroyed by blight and the heavy rain's have ruined tile oats and other crops. leonntl'it s. Some one has employed a leisure • ._..._..---,- hour in an enquiry as to the propos- Por Over Fifty Years. denote use of letters in the printing Hamilton, Ont. Messrs. T.:1 Milburn & Co., Toronto. Gentlemen ,-1 have taken Milburn's Heart and terve Pills, for nervous debil- ity and insomnia of long standing, and consider them by far the best remedy I know of. Tlioy have done moil goo;] deal of goud, restoring my nerves to their abnormal condition, thereby enabl- ing me to get restful sleep. (Signed) Mrs. Susan 0. y@)Odhouee, 81 Smith - avenue, Ilatuilt'aSp, Ont. 1,axa Livor Pill.; cure constipation, bil- liousness, and sick headache. 25c. 1ch of which .� t acid to bo 'r ars big as a church." Nature did not sympathize with such measures. The nutmeg pigeon, found in- all the Indian Islands, did for •the world' what the Datch intended should not be Bono—carried the seed, vt hien are their food, into the surrounding user A'N (OLD AND w1r•t-•rRIED REMEDY— of a 11etV;;,apeC. The i'c . It is as ` hues. Wihslow's Soothing Syrup leas follows:—o, 1,000; t, 750; a, 7'28; I, been utted for over fifty years by mil - 704• .4, 630; o, 67:); n. 670; ll, 540; r, lionst)f mothers kr their children while fi 3.. d,6i) 1, `n'i t u, 2rn'. c, 280; in, teothang,wittl perfeetsuccess. It, soothes 18 and g, the child, softens the gaols, allays all 272; f,236;�w, 190; y, a.p pain, cures wind colic, and is the best 168 b, 158; v, 120; k, 88; j, 55; q, 50 tenledy for diarrhoea. Is ploaeant to the taste, Sold by drnggists in every Yt, 46; z, 22. art of the world Twenty-five rents a Good Boat. A. old colored man who runs the little ferry across the New England were ttuaeng 'the rich men of the river, affords much entertainment to tow_.rll,air.cey 1i. A, pt tv. passengers by his quaint remarks, Not hong ago a farmer, who had Muddy tiles—S') 13i11 has kil'ed driven onto the boat with a heavy hisself. Wat was th' reost'n? Wo+k? load of summer boarders, said, Raggedr;Pohlner—Yelp. lie had "Thiele Rate, e t ^sin year pulley the artl'tnn, and Lite bl•t:sti,i ig gr t contrivance should give out, where labs,. �•d. - do you c:tlgtitltc we'd go ?'' —� "Stayright in the boat," returned the ferryman. roan. the -sante t.n ase 1 (it, iuth- COULDN'T WRITiiI HIS NAME. NERVES SIIAITER1ID--BUSINESS GONE—OCPN coNn—A PM:SIO.IL WIINCII—RESTO'tED C •3I• PLi'rELY DY SMITH AMERICAN NE1iV1N]?. u111111eyt111111U11g11111111ISSI ISSI MISSI111111111ISMIi 8 Til T THE I' 11 "Two years ago,I was completely pros- trated wall ner\005 debility. I was com- pletely wrecked that 1 had to quit business I tried btetphysI ,nuc and numerous treat- ments and hrrin at eta y medicines with no relief. Reading' u.stimoniats of won- derful cures being t if. cted by South Ameri- oan Nervine, I dcoided to give It a trial. Before I had taken half a bottle I received great IIOlatit. 1 ht. ve *taken several bottles and feel justifi •i i" a rating that it is a wotrdel fol m a:e•u� . Before taking it my nerves were so bull shattered, I could not sign coy name le€ib y. I feel that two much cannot be sa 0 in praise of it." E. Errett. ]lien] izkvi.h., Ont. Sold at Chis- hohn's Diug rit.,re. e bad h Ikactrll.inielDrew when $1'9,000.'..0O, and he died in debt. I knew a gentlett•an who at one time bad )"8000,0010 in the bank who is flocs' (cueing al -out $1,200 a year. The 1i,000,000 was in cash, in addi- tion to his investments of various kinds. Thev" are a dozen men in New York wt'o ask me for oeca:ional loans of from 5U cents to $5 who, when I tirss canoe to NOW York, -i�il i III I ,I• j I T�f"71.11�-••• I„ r I Pileg etablePrep arat i on for.A5 - sifllilating thel'oOti and1 le ul:l ling th Stomachs run; :'3oWC1 i� YT` Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- 1 ness and Rest.Contains neither i�s�pIurci,Morphine nor Mineral. BOT NA.11C °TIC. _Rego oi•Old Par, tE21 l'17ir? .'I ,tTionpkrn Seed' �1lxSc m r . ,Ti'edretls Sake tL,ire Seed • Ta• pe mint - a CarknaeSeds Warn Seed - �•Cmihcd Su [cell IYburyrr AperfectIlernedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Eeverish- n is and Loss OF SLEEP. TocSirni!e Signature cf NEW YORK. SIGNATURE OP EVERY BOTTLE OF is Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only, It :.. is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone 'co sell j 1I yon anything else on the vlea or promise that it �t1 is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose, ' $eo that you get O -A -8 -T -0 -R -I -A. j a Tht be - 3310110 signature of EXACT 'COPY07WRAPPER,• s'1 as,Yb�s�:-ell; h yt^ ,•;+. �3 is ozF oterq• wropps „ p° uc �n Lottie w uta especially true of hood's rills, for no medi. eine ever coned ed so great Curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine .hest, always ready, al- ways cftleient, always sat. triaged; prevent a cold alar tower, cure all liver il19, tick trovada'c%rb, jaundice, eon•ttpat!on, ""Yes, but the boat might be in heaven t . you it " cents mower Included, and bo Gurcd. For a moment the oldar?;y looked perp and smiled broadly on his persistent j and death)ar ,Ov The fox teff- i Chase's ve remedy fare. ' Catarrh Cure. "" Why, anybody'd take yeti for an 'Physicians failed to cure Geo. Blelfrey, ignorant parson if • you talk like toll•gat Cates hr Holl c 1 taudit18 road. de ob ivoC , L war two oxer faith 'de question, ion,t got anything t0 dU ilD•-visiOn. Court (leek Joel Rogers, Rob• rvid de ucstion, 110 salt 1 i q err J. Hoover and Geo. Taylor, tell of Becton, vohmtarily certify to the °M- - bf Chase's Catarrh Cad. HAVE YOU CATARRH ? before knew 11, said the out ono surd Re -u :I.-obta:1i It for 25 the falmcr, d 1 Catarrh ds a disnereeable nod. ot- fortsivo disease It usually results from l 1 l lCXecl Then he rallied cold owl often ends ill consumption gat,» he said ; " daG boat wa'n't , Ons Bos cured Zv illiaan Iinersbaw and mad •t made obb James T.Stoddard, Both of and tt V X. p Hicks—In my judgment 110 matx, W. Jentifaaon, of Gilford, spent ricer y bottle. Its value is fncltlurtblo, 13e sero 400 on doctors, but found no permanent • and Halt for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing ought to marry lentil he is fully able relief until he retch a 2s cent box of ,Syrup, nod take no outer kind to supporta wife ' lu z -.- ' ought to harry until he is amide to colts es- ReN Nicholls, in '12 Mute. Chase's.. W' 1 s In my opinion n9 man bliss Dwyer, of Alliston, got rill of a Ilcn 3 Rectory street, w fever has matte its appear- wife and fair shall child- tried n boa` with excellent et, • feet. ' and All the neighboring cities home : _ Dr. Chase's Catarrh ,n i . • tlnnlcr, or by T.ilmanson, I3atata h taken alarm. The vigor -„ -.......................,......—..--,;--....”-_±..._,__..-aria CO., 'Toronto. 'Price quarantine officers ;;encu'- r Ovarllawllratsvtth tntost and richest pictures. with r, ., braneli?Ial troubles ally keeps. this pingo within narrow i tains History at her reinliee. e reign, and cull n J bel o Only Majesty, e t0.y, nig X1$9' cured by the latest tliscoverq, Yellow support a t 1 'London, trir angio on the gulf coast in 11.tisstssippl, i r en, 1 (lure is for sale by o • with which I --- n)t) 21 eeuta including scores of private elti�Len$ appoint ,WANTED -Agent., for "Wen Vtotort , n i1 ltelkn and Diamond Jubilee, 1)lowcr. themselves q m the endorsed l bio;tranc1 et leer etuesti, i Cattg, N colds �tstd llinits in t110 Southern States. a nceount et the tnmaad n e book. 'rrentead'•tte demand. nannnsa for agent. Chsse.'s Ii.erat e I p.rya for the Tlrrsta until enid,atOnt[lt trporroatit. Cradle even. lrrotght Rift and easy to take. o cents. ��C,T�iVT$ i Duero ntd. �vtae tar eurttt lantiary at 1SS13 "subscribe riow mid t•rrttoty. fi>3it DOatilviez' o0M1?A1VX, Dept, i%iia On'1y Mita to tate *Mk Hood's -Ape " d cit<l true eratan P1eae, ate• z. and lot the tint chioptoxe,of our now story 7, 350 D••rboen st., Cbi'owgo, oz. . t1, DIME GIVES RELIEF. n't Spe.k:,�- t ollar for O dee until you have tried You can buy them in _ - per 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules r Five Cents. Thus sort is put up cheaply to Gratlty tho universal prosont demand icor a low price. If you don't find this sort of Ri t the s Ta.uies Drug wj is Send Five Cents to Tun RIPANS CiremCA'L COMPANY, No. 10 Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by nice rr 12 cartons will be mailed for 45 cents. The chances al. _ t :r one that Ripens Tabules are the very medicine you nee.. Do You 'equirp Printed. $tatiinery We are in a position t0 turn out e o e • • . . • • • • BILL IHE.H�-.EA.D;�.. DS, LET JL EB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. ba•m • • • • • • • At a lt.` ver prie , tbilii ever before. We have the best steels cf "rnvelopes in town, and we call print .and supply thea] as cheap as the cheapest. sA Printed on the shortest; notice and the price in itt3ping with the times. Give us a call when ,r•ou are in need of' anything in the Printing line and we will use you right. THE DVS, 'VVin,gha >I