The Wingham Times, 1897-09-17, Page 2k...0•0•01.1•01•001•140,1••••••,..1•01.•••• •...•-c.... n *fir- .4: 4: IA la �� e :' i • .mond 'moi`' - (E. M. Van Deventer) TUE \V 11' WW1 LAM TIMES SEPTI IBE.E, 17, 1497, oteriet By LAWRENCE M. LYNCH Author of "A Woman's Crime," "John Arthur's Ward,," °'f he Lost Witness," °A Slender Clue„" "Dangerous Ground," "Against Odds," Etc. Etc. CROURILV CF£APTE.ft VL Doctor- Heath one the detective we in silence down the wide shrub -Bordered walk, to the spot where the doctor's horse awaited hint. Hero the detective paused suddenly and listened a moment, "We e should not be seen together," he said in a low tone. "Do you Inount your horse rani ride on slowly. I will follow." "No bats; I can follow you, never fear; that's my business; do you go straighthome and prepare to :admit me on the ; quiet. Stay—have you any gelatine?" "Any, plaster of Paris?" "Ary wax?" On; •; small quantity." "Too 1,1d; I must bow. some. There will le r. drag stare open?" "..t this hour? oh, y('s." "`Then :act me some, half v. pools" at Of that foot, however, Mr. Bathurst seems quite oblivious, as he washes down Wen leas-, \n,: move (01, I hear as horse corn- ing (iur•,t the rcatd.'' "Same e fee ire: going home. Wel], I'm off, thea." "Ann 5);1111 111.1f ,.11 11111r hater Dncter lie:tih was stent::,1, in his open cin; r e. y. wondering what 'lied become 1 tee i a • tive, ween a light touch upon le: ) , ,. 1 01' ('o1.15 (1 hire to st rt suede:tiy. ,ad tenpins. .. he saw the rem fee Wil -P1 !e v:,.t:'ht'd, staLnain, lectin 1.1111, end within the dimly -11 elite a hail, "Are we :done?" ttil-ie2,eerdcl the detec- tives ' Is the cost t1:.,t ' "Quite clear; !,rat how the mischief (1!(1 700 net in there, 111.:11?"' " .-.: )ug:l tee thug, ' milled B teurst as he followed his host into r, cozy parlor, where n sheeted lamp binned, "You are not as good sentinel; why, I all but brushed you; have you no sense of feel- ing, then; why, 111811, I can recognize a near presence in the (Iareteet 1Uo111." "Now that I think of it.", retorts the doctor, uzaHciously, "I did feel a queer sensation in the ends of 111y thumbs. Make yourself at home now; take that chair," rolling 1 cement -table -looking monster close to the round t;hl('; "there are segars and st c)y—Z 80y man, have 7011 ea;ten am thing since you :•tatted on this cu"sc?" "Now roll mention it. I distinctly re- colleet, that I have not." "01 course not; I will wake up Mrs. Grey," "Pray don't; I(01.Ikln't t::ani: of eating Mrs. (tray.' "Nonsense!" laughs 11is host; ".firs. Gray is ply housekeeper, tete sale is deaf as a post.'. "Wells t'zat's n comfort. tee deafness. Is she thnub, toot" "Unfortunete'.r, no; bet as I have not hem hums t.) dine, she will think she is prep,trin.t Inv supper, and I will tell her you are as patient come to be treated, and Cut I ant going to give you a lied; herr'," tossing something which he finds upon a booke.se, across to his guest, "tic ton face i;1) 121 that rag, before she tonnes in. She will not give you 1, racnnd ; •1.•'x', • F'ie never troubles her heed :;bests my .treats." So 0. eine* he cut, end the (tee tine r1•oeveds t) speed . d met the "reg" to rev re his 1 c,,exc'. ;'ucic'c ):y he starts, scrutinizes c•.a e, t'.....- it about, and locks ..Ain, Veva— "Ah 11" as..ys .-,. Ileteurst; "Ohl rea111•v !" Aral 2'e folds Op his hancutge, and puts it in a air' p_)rd.'t, weips 0 clean pocket hantiide•i clef from another, and suhsti- tnlin.; t tor ti: 'era;," awaits the coin- . of Cas host. "Nang comfortable qullrtt'r-S,"` he mut- tered. looking about hint. "Luxurious too: quite se. Our doctor has not for. gotten how people ought to live," The deeter'tl "quarters" were :11 that he described thein. Luxurious, comfort- able; and latury rind comfort d o not always go hand in hand; tet:sful, too. Nothing too much; nothing Iacking— just the beau -ideal of a bachelor's parlor. Warm browns Tightening here and there into frolics, Books, a great many and of the Lest. Pictures, as very few, and all rare and beautiful. Bronzes and statu- cttes in plenty. Erie -a -brae, not any, for no fair and foolish woman has trailed her skirts through h these apartments, leaving traces of her presence in the shape of those small end costly abominations, ominations, "ceramics." yCirpt ccranhias. Presently Doctor Heath reappears, and not long after, Mrs. Grey bears in as heaped-up testy of tepees. Then Doctor I-Ie..t'.1 feta forth brandy •:n(1 wino, and informs Mrs. (xray, through the medium. of his ten lingerie that she is dismissed for the night. When she. has retired the tleteative unties his face, and fella laden the food spread ]'`lore hint, la hungry man will. While he tette he talks 1 little, just a random remark now egad then, and his host sits oppeeite rami, answer- ing his frequent mentions enol observa- tions, and thinking. In past days, e11(1 tn( very different •circumstaanecs, these 0.ien have met :nut known each other, 1:11(1 Dotter Clifford Reath is wondt'1 to . hew Inu(;11 of his estory It will lx) n F ;.8,.ly� to tell, In order to explain his present position, which, he knows, must !'�,)n a 111(1.1 strafe:e One tzo his former 0cquad*lt, 0C('; for Dealer Clifford heath, like most of 1114 Wh() have 2 pulsed ata vt'8o'taLlo existence, hex a Icy, and a p.z�st, his repast with a ;Mass of brandy and water, and pushes bock, his chair from tho titbie. "Now, th. a," b* begins,with his usnai brisk business tranner, "I'm rested and refreshed, and all ready for that white • was, if you please, Doctor Heath." "I'm quite curious about that wax,') says the doctor, rising. "Just let me Cray away this table and bring ep aIl- ot:l(r, it's the easiest way of disposing of t'•le tlinner things, and will furnish Mrs. t)ra:y svitll feed for comfortable comment ; she takes all such opportunities to (lispar- •:,t"moo's ways,' and as she scouts 10 (1j•:v them, I xnahe at to point to Memel ter as many as possible," making the proposed change as he talks. "Now, then, there's a table ttnd there's your tvax.. " ";usv something to melt it in and esti.; I'm going to take an impression." Treem is as little difficulty about get - t11 r the nee ssiiry articles together, but ( :ter a while they aro all there, and the svaa is simmering ing in the smelting cup. • T1 -en the detective takes from his pocket Thee 'miaowed bottle of chloroform, and asks for an empty 0i:(l, This Leine given ! in he pours crit the chloroform care - fu: y, and -wipes the emptied bottle. "It's a pity I can't keep this bottle just as it is," he s'y', eyeing the crit - ft!. ss stepper e1 regret: u`.:y, "but it oust 1:e u'turnee, of course; „nd I Aust (lo the next lest. SCl1et's your notion of the a) Ira 1 use of that little gimcrack?" leo rea:hcs out tee l:otth) and the (tou- ter t.ke's it in his hand s.lying: "Why, it 8 nem one of those (!'111t7 toilet cases eaed 1 y 1,adfcs primp .;1 y there will be 0 act- uniform in s1. re.t'h:.t ::re filled with IeetaIrlt•s of various setts, end lager bot- tles, of the 801110 pattern, for goodness i(,t•,sv8 Wiva We. I h„ve seen the kind, ( ut not the patte'rn.'. "Well.” s,.ys t.ie detective, slowly, "I tends that I have seen the pattern; Int where? E os; ever, " eipping as stick into tee melting wars, "I seen find out, and Before very Ieg. " "I wonder," o- y:; Deetcr I-Ieath,strctoh- :ng out his band fee at fresh segar, "at tee fellows leaving su%:h a teetimoniel ass nett i c'.zind therm. C' 1 .t's your theca y?" "I have expected t''r.t question from. loth yourself ane elle; Wardour. I ran g'lod tint did not nen 11/c. r,. "Why?" Tale (:eteetive takes .1 spoon and dips tip his wax, letting it drip from the spoon, drop by chap. It is ready- for use, ..01, Wit'tnut seeming aware of the dloo- :; )r's 1 e s. nee, he busi(5 hi/mica with e :i 1 )1 ,:.. sisal taking—seeing which, 0.x't•)r e:e,.t:t smokes on, and is silent. renally, Lis mould is sot t) cool, and t: .e Gee etive ri sumes his seat; and, quit] ' e ixnorilrg th:,t long neglected monosyllable 1 inquiry, uttered 1 y his in et, begin;:-.. "W]1en the le.a;zl, rs, for, no doubt, there Were two of them, entered Miss (.oar's dressing room, they carried c;n•e (lark lantern. This,one tf them took, . ad crept with it lilt•) tam , z ioepingroom; OJ', he as, fore, moment, troubled. He e .:d prepaired himself with the chloro- te ren, bet meet use his own handkerchief, ..nil that is m ;rked." ' `Oh ! a burglar with marked linen:" t "Even so. it's nothing unusual, You b reason like a reader of too many novels. ;'urglalrs are not all escaped convicts, h i ]e,1r-(yecl a101. hideous; nor do they all 2 o about in fustian. It's the burglar in 1 road-cic,th that snakes us the trouble. Fustian starves, and .steals, and is soon f.:ttnd out; runs away with its booty, as a a dog.rnns away with its bone. Broad- chitlh is wiser, just ne a skilled worknutn is wiser than a hod carrier. It brings to IN service tact, study --who knows what, of sen ltille ski!I? xt looksbefore it leaps it pians lrfore it executes ;mil it covers up) all traces of its progresa, or else leaves a network of fail -1' clues and 1018- 1 :eine. evidences. Bah! if we had only ai,tian to deal with, it would not be worth while to be a detective." "Granted," say, the dotter, tll'nlnrminn impatiently upon tame table, with the fingers of his tzJn, , whit right Hand. "We have t) deal with a a roadeloth buri;ar, echo mark:; hie linen, and, peril/me,',eremites it. Was it perfumed? I forgot." "It was not perfulnecl. 3 wish it had a Leen. Y e.;, ours is a hoof loth burglar, an "You believe them were two?" "Yes; there wrr'o two. These affairs tu'e seldom operated. by one guar.." "You said this evening that they had blundered. It seems to me that they made 0 very neat jot) of the affair,." "Tiley did blunder. It Goes look like 1 neat job to a nan-prOfessiOnal,. but they bane left several flaws In their Yvon:. They felt very conti(lent of future safeity, I am sunt, for they 'wore shrewd fellows; that's eetal'iishecl in lily hind. There's a Something about this tette that puzzles nee, and stnzze queer ideas am drifting through 111y head, but for the present- Fleet resent I Fhah keep then.; there. ..lout tho 1.lunders now. 'T1101 boat business r the drat. There's plain proof; then Soo at the manner in Whiclt they stirred the library. Why, anon, didn't yon r fleet that those heavy chairs never soul have been overturned by hasty carele • hands, without corning Clown with loud lean;•? and there are three of then all thrown down in different position evcry one of then) •isas lowered slow carefully. Why, look at that pile of bool upon the Peter! .(10 you imagine th. were ever tossed down from their shelve Cts they appear to have been, witho striking upon the floor or each other,wit thud? I can sett the whole operatio one ratan held the lantern while tho other disarranged the roo2kl. But they slid not da it well, - That m111.1eh of the business look:;. like+ the work of an antenna*. Per- haps you wonder wey I did not speak this to Miss Wardour, 18014 enough t convince her that I had studied the nett tor. I did not wish to exhaust the sub ject;.tac(t is the business of the num wh is to come, And now I think I will re move my cast, and then, my clear fellow I x211 quite ready to retire, for I feel 111 need of all the sleep I can get betw8 new and sunrise." "Shacking eonfesnion," 1tluglis th 'doctor, lazily, "Let ale toll you it' highly improper for a detective to go sleepy, or hungry, or tired; they neve (10 it in print." "Whieh should convince you that they always do out of it Detectives, my clear sir, are like doctare, their s1leee 8 ole pends upon the, people's faith in there not on their nen Inuits. Now I know that eon can't see trough the anatomy of old Mr,. Grrnely, and toil what•she bail for dinner, un es, to be sure, rho he been c (n eating anions; butt if Mrs, Grundy doubted for a moment you ability to don your I r nfessional e•pectstcles and p :'c ,' int) tee irnerlttost (iellths of her ( 0)1dered eh1 being, tithe tvonl(1 a'ritn an - (other na011' than yours on her books, gas Mem. peyescfan." K(,Lla• philosophe- rncl friend," guo.: t'-• doctor, (•oalposcdly. "Let Sirs. (Treece :ae :1c, will you, she is one of shy beet c'u anima." "She is not one of nay worst, but the world is not quite filled up with Mrs. Grundy's, else ours; fo_tueee were soon nacre; for instance, up at Wa.:clo1r Place to -night, that seraphic old lady was pre - laved to receive a11111y statements, 1.1.8 Mrs. G— takes your pi1L,, on faith. But the young Iddy; oh, no! she has too mush head for a w02(I}1.1n." "Why, fora W00 1t?" "ISot get recipe enough. 'WOrnaan's kingdom's too smell for her; too much top to her head; brow too broad; eyes trio full; won't believe a thing is true, because you Fay it is tree; got to con- vince her reason. Such people make haps lila) you and file lots of bother; won't take tie for grent:d." "Granted we wis then1 to." "Bah! Of 000113 we wish them to! V(•ryilody Wants to be taken on trust; but there, we e1ln waive this discussion; Miss Wardour will find occupation for that head of hers for a time at least. My head must rest." "I should think so; you are as full of tvbimsies ass ever, when off duty, and since to-nigiet I eeeept you as a detective, is la 'Mrs. Grundy.' just follow me now, Sir Tramp. By tee wee', flow will you get out of hers an the morning?" "Leave that to me. By the way, don't stltrb 1ny taaxwork. I will leave the ottle and linen; do you restore them to 11 lies Wardour to -morrow at the earliest our possi111e to a caller. I shoal present thyself in my own time and way, gov- erned, of course, by elrcilmlt;tnllces, and It is 1:ro1zlble that you will not see me gain for some time. Therefore let are say, thanks for your iidspitality. Call en ale when you want &feervioe,, and good night." So sasying ho vanished into an inner mons, the door of whish the doctor has just 11ow thrown invitingly open. As the door closes quickly, and 111 his very face, Clifford Heath SIOOOs blankly at it, (anct for a m02118111 stands so, looking half be- wildered. Finally a look d :imusenlenl crosses his face, and he. . •tarns slowly to his seat beside the tablo, al0'vle ;;;elects a segar, and slowly lights it. "There's a queer cust0uler," nurses he, as he settles himself for a comfortable meditation. "Ho can go to sleep in the very teeth of nmvsttry, 61(1 wake up, rear headed, 111 as fog. Now I can't sleep, d I've heellonger , 1 awake 1on„tr thaan Ing noted tinge, too. Shades of guy ancestors! What ra day! rad, ah, 107 prophetic soul, what will it bring forth? Well, Doctor Clifford Beath, • a8 Dotter Clifford Heath, what is It te; one You have been honored by the confidence of Constance Wardour, what 011•') There was no one else in whom e could confide; may she not honor )ur judgment without coveting your dora11cn1, Bahl the very fact that ahs infidel; in you proves that she cares nothing for you. however, she has a eftrt for somebody; that is proved by er agitation upon. hearing the story, and ding the letter telling of poor Sybil a211ott.y's misery. leer undoubtedly* ill me manner she hail been 2ntedo to 'le- nt; cath it be that n••retehedl Evan/ Tris }titration to -day berm the look of remorse, and (100 knows where dissipation Wi11 )t lead a 221x1. I Icnoty something of tat, too." Isere he frowns clark15', 000 to for o long time looking tho inceenaa- o11 of resentment anti defiance. "Bah!" be 2n11ttt•.re pr8sently', "Wh}tit blot upon the reoord of a proud family! • father who is a philanthiopir�t and se W as .tl;out; Isms blood; a great deal is said k end known lbotrt his brain, favorably up said, 1(20, and honorably known. Ile is at, •e' detective, and aa snob., dead to the bete 0 book; it's leis •business to bunt anon ss down, to Pry ,into secret places, to un- it 021181. villainies, and drag to light, z1) Fha n)efnl 1111111y events; and, for the g; second time, he has s1u)tii)led upon a ly, serest of thine, 611(1. treated it most gen- ;g erou`ly. the "To -night i say to him, '11.11ow` me s, only a s Doctor Heath, front Nowhere.' tit Another x1:111 would have aslted for an th l explanation, when the opportunity carne n but not he. Ile nits with 2211, sups with me, sleeps under my roof, and makes no sign that he 'ever knew enc 0(108 as I now ant. He treats 111e as at plan worthy his conlIdence, yet asks none of mine. o public benefactor; a , nother who Is 'lane dome bans reproche' o brother ag0instwhom 1 can bring no charge save that he is lay rival a sister, beautiful and good' and accomplished, but that br1tuty, goodness, culture, are all ship- wrecked; how could either live, In the st1nle atmosphere with John litlrr115, as I have hear(. hint (leeertbed, Evan Lunette is to Week sheep; I should take it Bturlll mutt be 1 black dog, or worse, an(i sheep and dog arc owned 1.)y the seem family. After all, what is race? tafig for pedigree. It's the deed that tells. More in the neat room I leave a 111111 who claims to. le, meetly, Nethiltg 18 said or known That's w]lat I call cplenclicl behavior o that's a noel worthy to 1/e called 0 gen- - I woleler" here 111s countenance darkens, 1001 his eyes loon;, gloomy. "1 o wonder ;;Oat this honorable officer would eery if ho knew what I (?ie. to -Mei -10 if , he knew, eay•I! dee,. he not knew? how o can I toll? he is shatlp as 0 lynx; and en heaven only known what toad impulse prolnpted zee to do a mean thing. Bah!" e rising and stretching himself; "wo etre s. all fools or knaves, or both; when as t beautiful woman Ines *dethroned reason ✓ incl common sense, and sways us body and soul, I wonder what Constance War - dour would, say if -she knew? A keen witted detective taakes me on trust; will - she do tho s une?" There is little of the loo,: of to despair- ing swain on his face, as he concludes his soliloquy, and goes cut to reel that the outer (loos 1.g secure, before retiring. • A. trifle pale, a trifle bored, a trifle cynic- al, and aJ trifid Fleeter he looks. He also yo r looks, for a 2u011 Wlia 11118 just been in - Wizen he rpprottched 1t1,s Warclottr's bed- side, he produced front a convenient pn(•k(t, his stupefying drug mei then ho looked about for senletel,t:� with which lu r,ppler it, and at the same time, no doubt, Ito' berates i,in),;e'If for omitting to provide himself with a plain, email nap- kin, or piece of 11111)11. '1'1'to e 10;111 nothing at hand that wag net tea large for his pllOpose, and too (8610se, for be under- stood this delkacy of his ttnderttilcin„. So, he produced his pocket handkerchief, which, as I Patid before, svgs maarkecl he tears off the 11011 bearing, the name, lett, in•his haste, clot; not ohservct that he luta heft evideriee that the name was therm. ITe then saturated the linen, and sat the bottle upon the night stand, leaving his two hands free t., apply his drug with utmost care. Then he pauses, for a moment, to flat,+ the effect of his applica- tion, or to gaze upon the fair sleeper, And then comes a sound from the: outer room, an impatient ealp, the eliek tit steel ilnpl0221ente, noinittr•rwhat-•hte snatches up tho dark lantern and, forgetting the bottle, grxes out Wills comrade." A 11z sh y' 11 Oe h h rea L So ti 1) rat ti 81 ti dttiging In a tit of severe self-tlepreeiaa- tion, exceedingly c011fic1ent incl full of faith in himself. An(1 why not? Let that man despair who has lost conftdenee in Iris own a:billty to wrest 1140018 Pram the. fingers of Fate or Portuno._ Despair is ,not for the brave.. CHAPTER VII. Constance Whrdoar arose early on Run - day morning. In spite et youth, health, and her splenetic]. stet -tense, she bead slept but little; anti shell slttnlbcr tae hard visited 11(r eyelids, bed been haunted by hideous deeal218, in {which detectives and burgktrs mixed their identity in the, 31)or.1 remarkable manner; and through all, more vivid. than all, shone the face of Sybil Lsumttc, alwee's agonize•`?, :1w,ene appealing, 1'hvey„ surrounded 1•y dark shadows, end always seeming menaced, terrified, helpless,. Such night, of tor- mented plumber, • 1(21d 1.11he•tsy wakeful - mere were new to tlto mistreat,- of War - dour; and now, while the dew was yet on the grass end flpwers, sale was. prom- needing her pretty; rose garden, where the sun shone full, ,looking a trifle paler than was usual to ter,a310 somewhat clic- at -defied. Mrs. Allston waae. still snugly ensconsed in her bed, for she never rose wale, and always retiredl late, her motto being, "Mrs. Allston first, the world fter- waar(l." That • lady of portly 11. mehl:lons had her peculiar theory of life. To eat 111 the best - food obtartable, and a great deal of it; to wetU the heaviest silks, i and the softest c•ashlueres; and to sleep b in the downiest of beds; these -were to her the necessities of life. That the t food was provided from the larder of her niece; that the silks and cashmere were gracious gifts, (1)1d that the (lawny couch L cost her =thee?, mattered little; her niece needed her, she needed her niece; ergo, her niece sought in every way pos- sible to render her happy and comfort- able; and she, in return for her comfort and • happiness, tints a model duenna; never questioning, never criticising, humoring all that young lady's whims, yet retaining that free, hearty out -spoken- ness, that Made 11031 eeen1 not in the least a tlep00de )/t, x11(1 which was, 0.8 Gins. Allston well ; knew, most pleasing ORM CEYLON TEA Fragraot and Aromatic as Its Native Breezes, Lead paokages only, es, 3o, 1O, so and hoc. per Ib. Sold by all grocers. The Davidson & Day, Ltd., Wbolcoaio Agents, Toror)te.. Goderi411, M ethodlst tl�istrf:'c The regular meeting' for the Me hodist churches in the district w held at Londesboro on Tuesday, Ile S. Bond, Pres,, of ahadorth, presidin and Rev. .1, Edge, of C>•oderich, Secretary, This district now e braces (xoderioh, 'Clinton, Seafor't Holnrlesvilie, Blyth, Dungannon, Nil Benmiller, Auburn, Walton, L•'nde bora, 13ayfield, Varna, and Tucke smith, Each circuit is to be respot stbio for educational meetings a nearly all the circuits will drake the own arrangements for 1111sSionai' work, Every minister on the di trict was present except three whit many of the lay representatives wet absent. The Superannuation asses meats on each t1'?ngt'egation are a follows being based on a 5 pet.,?, cei assessment on general contribution —Goderich—North St., $75, Victori Si,, $44f Cl[rlto •,—•Iia.ttenbtlry St ,?7 Ontario Si., 0$51 Sea.forah, .°x511; 110 Wesville, (41; 131 'th, $.17; Dunt;ttntio; 044; Nile, $40; enaniller, w313; At r burn, ($49; 'Walton, $25; Londesber $45; Tuckersinith, $11); Bayfield, $27 Varna, ," 41. Solite conversation too place concerning revival work in th distract 11. Holmes Was requested t see what arrangnents could be mad towards holding a Class Leaders Convention. The nest tray Deatrie Meeting will be held at 131ytii. Rey. Dr, Potts states that has as der- terwilled to make an appeal to t` Canadian Methodists for $25,000 as towards the funds of Victoria Univer- v sity. g' It is said that meehanics head the Its list of inventors, and that,clergynlen Cottle next. Some scheme for keep— ing hien awake in church mayyet e, be flit upon. s- �d%: 11.' Por rfartzr, ani; Chit ren. y simile yq e sfya;.Sura� WIT ary ro s• The wife—What a sweet smile It there is on the baby's Lace, John! sr The husband—Yes, he's probably a dreaming that he's keeping me 0 awake. ---Town Topics, 1. �� CENTS pays for the TINES until V .1 eL 2 art I, 1 a)y 1st 193, ,Subscribe now ' and g`; the first chanters of our new story. c• ), ; She—I nm quite sure yoti had too musk ehampayne , when yo called k on inc yesterday afcei'neon. e Ile—Yost I thought I'd� look al'011rld to d tv to see e it I was en�,aged to you. ]] , t "Tiley say Nancy cried for two t days after her wedding." "What on earth was the .trouble?" ""Tho only piece of cut glass she re- ceived waa a rolling pin." --Chicago Record. To Make Caramel Custard, For six ordinary sized custard melt six tablespoonfuls of sugar. stir ring carefully to; prevent burning Pour into the bottom of tete easter( cups, give each a fort of whirl, the the sugar may also line the sides Beat three eggs writi)out separating add three tablespoonfuls of sugar halt' a teaspoonful of v,tnil111, and •• cup and a, half of milk. Stir mai the sugar is dissolved ; pour th mixture the ceps on top of the ca•"amel. Stand ])1 at baking pan tall filled with 'water, and cook it the oven fifteen minutes. Tarn while hot from the caps. Serve cold.— Mrs, S. T. Royer in September Ladies' Home Journai. Uneoubt(dly the Best. Gt,NvLsMEt,--I wish to Say that Dr, Fowler's Extract. of Wild Strawberry e proved a wonderful remedy in my family. . We would not be without t for twice its rr;ee, I say it . is the est, —not merely one of the best-•• but the Gest ---medicine over brought before lie public for summer com!.laint either n children or in adults. Jong UN1)MtmrmLt, icons° Commissionei7 Strathelair, Ont. Weeds. This is the time of year wh01 many are allowed t') grow up in weeds, between rows of' plants and in walks and fence corners; and this is the time of the year also, when it (('a1' is waged o11 triose satire weeds, before a crop of seed is sown from them, that touch will be done to wards having clean gardens next Sear, Adopt our plain, and snake systematic war on ail weeds as 11001) as they appear above grout d. Plow up, rake 21p, pull up, bilin theta up! Then we are ridding our place of theta, slowly brit surely. Say, kid, if I had as much chin as you've got I'd cut some of it off. And put it inside of yer head, where yer need. something to fill up with, l3obliy-•�•Unele Joe, what is a big - mist? Uncle Joe ---1. bite insist Ile is a man 'who gets sent to jail for think— ing. be 1s smart enough to manage two women at once. The party paused note to collterll- plate IJefon on the wheel, I don't see whore fho torture comes in, whispered Aeneas. Litho who was pelsonalt'? conduct- g the tour of the distinguished 'i!rajant through brides, pointed silently to the name plate. It Was fa '9fi wheel. The son of Anellises shuddered and h ti ' ,ied C1ii, $ SevereIicedache Cured• Ds..ltt Saar,—Tieing troubled wit tl severe heaelael;le I was advised to ry L•1 lever Loose gar Pills I only used hal a2 J f t battle ale h,ive net secs:) suffered from the complaint. They seem to be a per - feet (ere. , "Yen e:m't Cat your cake and have 1 it, too," (looted the summer lean. 1 ' But y,oi can kiss kisses and 11 ve o' them too," murmured the sum er tr! girl enc;auragingly.'--New York Journal, lI Angelina—So this is the infornla- tlon bureau? Cleat—Ib is. What can I do for yeti? Is my hat straight? And Angeline ,, looked appealingly at tllebusy young man whose reply Wats lost in the ' murmur of the waves. Catarrh Cared, 25c. to the heiress. 1 Altogether, they -were a pair of very sensible woolen. ers. Allston ate when oleo liked, and s t *when she like • P d 12 t Miss'Sial'deter slid what she liked, and both went. r atiefied, While Miss Waardoilr was promenading Iter garden, and Mrs. 11 wean 001)1 Portably sleeping, 11,2'' 1.411 were up• preaeliieg each 0..11 0 on the t'a,ndy road that ram frena t i , t evn past tij eedou - ?lace. The one eomirg from townwsircl tv,a 0111 (letactivc+ traamnp, lookfng all that a tramp v 1t1. should 1)t. The other, approaching front the op- rosite direction, ;vias a sleek, respectable looking, Itlitl(?le-aged 2111111, who might have been game entail farmer dressed in his Sunday c•l,thes, Which fitted him )tone too well. Almost opposite the g rtes of \vartlour Place they met end passed each other, the tromp saluting i'eazt20ctfully, the other reaper cling with a stoker tare. A little further on the tramp turned slowly and looked back. ' The farmer - looking individual llad entered the grounds of Wardens. Place, rand was hurlythg straight on' toward the entrance, looking neither to the right nor left, ''1 01" ntuttereel 2110 tramp, evith the in air of ra man *Who Would Mee been astoll- islled then, but for the fact that ho never allowed anything to ttstonklx hien, "So he is mixing himself tip in thio affair? I wonder in'that capacity? Can (TO MB Cie lhvara) Noglect cold in the head and you will" surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal • natant -1 and you will as surely induce pulmonary, diseases or catarrh of the stomach, with its disgusting attendants, foul breath, hawking, spitting, blowing c. Stop it by using Dr. Chases Catarrh Ours, 2a)•ei tt box cures. A perfect blow- er enclosed in each box. Btu-Miss—Meyers is a capable fellow. Forever on the move, S} iidi,;—Yes. He's always full of his usines.s Ibunrfuss—Um! What's his line? Spildig•—Whiskey, The llcf'eree--I3ut, my dear sir, .I trust you do not inte:id to proceed to extremities. The Irate husband—That's just what I do intend. Pm charging her net 12 cold feet. Manes COM, CHOLERA, CHOLE141AA■. MOIREWS, OilAJ RilOEA, IlllYSENTEM AAA SUMMER COMPLAINTS Of Children or Adults. IVVC&, 35c. Beware of linita'tlene.