HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 8w -b LIE t ING -11AM TIMES SEPTEMBER 10, 1897, p j� ]�1p�./y]� _ * PERSRNALs. 'Winnipeg, after a short visit to Mr. ltZax- BIEALJTIFI 1 DISPLAY We shalt be tiled to have contributions to this well's sister, Mrs. Thomas Forbes, ' ..,. s, •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-$... , e -+-•-.- column from an:, of our readers. If I ou bees' piss• tors or purpose coley; away yourself, drop in an 1 Mr. J. \i', Snell, of the Wingham dye I DRESS_G°° TLie NEW GOODS are HERE, and on New Counters, ready for your inspection. Silk and Wool Mixture, small designs. Vic- tori,t 13nuele, Bengaline Cord, Cashmere; and Serges, Matelasse Shot Colors, trimmings to match all shades. Ordered Clothing We have jest opened out New Fall Suitings, Newest things in Imported Tweeds and Wor- steds. Also a Large range of Fine Panting's. 'Variety in our Tailor Departmen`, to suit all ta3tes. tell us, or scud us tr note to that eifeet. Mr. J. Mollis, of Seaforth, was in town on Tuesday. 111r. John Tilt, of Doon, was visiting in town this week. Mrs. D. McInnis was visiting Seaforth friends this week. FINE SHOES 300 pairs Alen's and Women's Fine Shoes just opened. Choice lines in Dongola Kid, Cordoran, Calf -Skin and Fine French Kid. All reliable goods, made by J. D. King & Co. Kt'D - GLOVES.... . Ladies' and Gent's Fine Kid Gloves in Buttoned and Laced, in Tau, Brown and Black. r■ SATURDAY., Bargain 9 Bay. Such prices as we sell for on Saturday are not possible every day, but for Saturday we will make things lively. Ask for a $25.00 ticket, good for 1 Dozen No. 1 Cabinets at the STAR PHOTO CO. M. H. f' + rr�� gIg ,jA,j, ,O O F��+uEO `l.jL„f AIPDITI07: AIKA L(DCALS. —New bills representing 510,000 were among the money stolen from the Domin, ion Bank in Napanee. These lacked a signature, which will probably be forged. The numbers of the bills will be issued, and the public will have to watch for them. The issue will be recalled, and this will mean an expenditure of about 415,000 for new plates. :h't,i*;THODIST DISTItICT MEETING. The annual financial meeting of what is known as the Wingham District of the Methodist church, was held on Tuesday of las, week, at Lucknow. The district now embraces Wingharn, Kincardine, Lucknow, Brussels, Teeswater, Ethel, Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Bluevale, Ashtield, Salem, Bethel, Ripley, Bervie, Tiverton, Whitechurch and Belgraye. Each station and circuit was represent- ed by the pasto^, excet:t Ethel sand Bervio, which were represented by the junior preachers, Revds, Messrs. Stewart and Dover, respectively. A number of lay represontatiyes were also present, Rev. Dr, Pascoe, of Wingham, presided and Rev. S. Muxworthy, of Teeswater, acted as Secretory. The following amounts are asked from the several circuits in aid of the Superannuation Pund:--Wingham, $59; Kincardine, fGO; Lucknow, $52; Brussels, $15; Teeswater, $47; Ethel, $50; Fordwich, $42; Gorrie, $44; Wroxeter, 320; Bluevale, $31; 'Ash- field, 38; Salem, $20; Bethel, $28; Ripley $48; i3ervie, 58; Tiverton, $10; White- church, $38; Belgrave, $34. Each rule - later in charge, is also required to pay into the fund an amount of 3 per cent. of all he receives se a salary. Arrange- ments were made for hoJdiig the annual Missionary and Educational meetings on every field during the ensuing autumn and winter. A Sunday School conven- tvion, will be held in connection with the Epworth Leagues at Wingham on the 14th and 15th of October. It was de - hided to have two Class Leaders' Con- vetittons at the same time during next what er•, one at Brussels and the other at Lucknow. The annual flay meeting' will be held At Teeswater. At the,ven-- log meeting very exoellent addresses were d'elivere'd by Rev. S. S. Plotter, on mifiadoty of Nistbodism;' and by Dr. haievre, ea, "What to snake Life." Mr. F. G. Sperling was in few days this week. Mrs. L A. King, of Clinton, was visiting friends in town this week.. Mies Mabel Mitchel! was visiting friends in Listowel during the week. Mies Maggie Young is visiting her friend, Miss Elia Anderson, of Blyth. Mr. H. Buck, of Listowel, was fo a couple of days this week. 111r. Perry I3radwin is spending his holi- days in Hamilton and Toronto. t ' Mr. Moss, of Seaforth, was a guest at Dr. Macdonald's for s few days. Mr. B. Cornyn, of Strathroy, was calling on old friends in town this week. Ur. William McKeever, of Kincardine, visited friends in town this week. Mr. W. Belden returned on Friday even- t ing last from his trip to Manitoba. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Paulin spent a day or two with friends in Hensall and vicinity. iii Miss Sarah Pattison, of Kincardine, was visiting her parents in town this week. Mr. John McMann, of Chesley, was spending a few days in town during the week. ?diss A Jobb, has returned to Saginaw after a short visit to her parents in town. Miss Mary Hessian of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thcs, Hessian. 'fMr. E. C. Clarke, of HamiltDn, spent a few days with old Wingham friends during the week / Miss Cooper, who has been visiting in town, returned to her home in Detroit on Tuesday. Airs. James D. Long, of Wingham, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sallows,—Gode- rich Signal Miss McKenna, of Orangeville, has tak- en a 1 osition as head milliner with Miss McPherson. Fred Matthie spent a couple of days this weak with friends near Wingham,—Luck- now Sentinel. Messrs. McInnis, Johnson and Mann, of Ripley, were visitors to Wingham one d ty this week. Miss Annie Talbot, of London, was the guest of Mrs. George M. Duffield for a few days this week. Mrs. A. L. McKechnie, of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs. Perry.—Mount Fotest i;epresent;itive. Mr. and Mr-, D. E. McDonald and children, are spending a few days with friends in St. Helens. £Ir. Thomas Black, of Durham, was shaking hands with his numerous Wing - ham friends this week. Mrs. William Greenwood, North Ward, is visiti ig friends in Bluevale and Wing- harn.—,Mitchell Advocate, Miss Alice Walters, of '° The Grove," has returned home after a three week's visit in tho vicinity of Wingham. Miss Doyle has returned to town, and is again at her place as head milliner for Aessers. Hotnuth & Bowles. Seaforth a in town —We learn from the Brussels Herald that Dr. John Wilson of this place has purchased Tot Cochrane's chestnut driving mare. Mr. Frank Faulkner, of Seaforth, has taken a position in the fi,tishing depart- ment of Messrs. T. Bell & Son's furniture factory. Misses Haughton and Chisholm assisted at the concert given by the Guild of St. John's Church, Brussels, on Monday even- ing last, Miss S. L Woodcock left on Saturday for the Hamilton Business College, accom- panied by her cousin, Miss H. M. Gwyn, of Dundas. W Sott and bride left on Mon- day morning for Sanlac Centre, Michigan, where they will settle down to the realities of married life:ki,( Mr. Walter Scott has returned to his horne•io Ann Arbor, after a pleasant visit with his aunt, rs. Webb, and other friends in town.l�,A Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Newton wheeled to Goderieh an Saturday last, and spent a few days with friends in Goderioli and Goderich Township. Mr, A. W. I3arnard, of Hamilton, anal - tor of the Bell Telephone Co.. was in town this week auditing the books at the local office of the Company. High Constable McKay, of Goderioli, was in town Monday. Ile had leen up to Wingham, but refused to; reveal his mss. cion,—Clinton News -Record. works, was in Blyth this week. IIe has many customers here, and reports business' very good in his line. --Blyth Standard, i Mrs. Campbell, daughter in law of Mr. David Campbell, left on Tuesday morning for Midney, Montana, to join her husband, - who has been residing in that place for some time, Mr, and Mrs. Ewan Macdonald, of Aberdeen, Scotland, who are over on al visit to friends hi Cuirass, spent Snnclay and Labo>• pay with 11Ir. and Mrs. A. 11. Musgrays. ` Rev. Mr, Locke, of Parkhill, was in town i on Wednesaay, He had been on a oyole trip to Wingham, and was on his way home, when the rain compelled him toe' take the train here. FALL .LAIRS Wingban1 Sept, 28 and 20. Belgrave Sept 23 and 24 Blyth Oct. 5 and 6. Palmerston.... .... , Sept 27 and 28. London Sept 0 to 18. Walkerton Sept 15 and 10 Stratford Sept 23 and 24 Clifford Sept 133 and 24 Harriston.... Sept 20 and 80 Brussels .......... Sept 30 and Oct 1 Godericb Sept 21 to 23 Guelph Sept 15 and 16 Clinton Sept 23 and 20 Seaforth Sept 23 and 24 Lucknow Sept 30 and Oct 1 Teeswater Sept 23 and 24 At Clinton on Wednesday a mar- riages took place on the lawn of Geo. Nimons, at high noon. The contract- ing parties were Jas. McClacherty, a well-known and popular young bus- iness man and Miss Jennie Edith Nlmeus, the youngest daugher of ;;1r. Niniens. Mr. II. Cargill's wonderful trotting mare, Josephine, will do what prob- ably no other hores in Canada will do, trot around a race course without a driver. When the bell rings at the judges stand she will pall up of her own accord and come back for a fresh start. 2 CENTS pays for the Tnnu:s until January 1st 1808. Subscribe now and get the first chapters of our new story. Miss Jessie Alexander, the well known elocutionist, is very ill in To- ronto. She went to the old country as soon as the season closed last spring fur a rest, but it seems to have done her little good, as she has been orde'•ed home. She is under medical care and it is thought she will not be well enough to take any engage- ments this year, if ever again. TVCPOI1i'55 I I -ICD Wa'EtTC"�I1e7'3-.•.. lila Great 35uriish Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly. and permanently cure all forms of A-ervous Wealeneas, Emissions,Sperm• atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use to?'. of Tobacco, Opium or Stin Before and d.f nes lants,.rvhich soon tend to In- flrmitu, insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Ilas been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the only P.etiable and honest Medicine known, Ask druggist for wood's Phosphodine; if lie offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in Ietter, and we will send by return man. Price, ono package, $1; six, $5. Ono will picade, six wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Oct,.Canada- Dr. Kennedy, of London, who had charge of Dr. Kennedy's practice in town during the latter's absence in Montreal, returned bonne on Wednesday. WIN("xIIAM. 141r. and Mrs. Maxwell and children left WARNING ! 'gls.'p MI persons are hereby eautioneli against purehasing from Charles Manser a certain note for $15.00, signed by me, as I repudiate all lia- bility* thereon. GEORG1 PRIPPEN, t't�ingham, August' 28th, 1807 Sold in Wingham and everywhere. by responsible druggists. NOT i We, t e undersigned butdliers of the town Wingbal n, at;-fi meeting recently held, to devise way of supplying oui custol�ers with first class )meats, ldai dcided; in order to do so, to raise .,lino price of all meats handled ,by is. Signed, 1:' T.r. WA > ER, Dr E. McDON'4LD, THOS. FIELDS... D. J. GEDDES, i. Wingham, Aug. 26, 1897. IT'S NOT NECESSARY. 'tUrthWAV tri»'1"s a>nracss,��gt M I.tZ4H-IIPAWIItgi ar stili Announcement. Ln t Ar; Aiwkeivievivevwvey...,%, na 1 OUR FALL DRESS GOODS nj i� MANTLES. 1-r] t.i Are now being daily passed into stock, and as the ladies know very well, we keep the very ki best—the very latest—Dress Materials that are (;? offered to the trade. In texture, patterns and fine toned shades, they are "simply lovely" this season. a To lay aside your soiled or faded fj� suits or overcoats, but take them to the Wingham Cleaning and Dy `i' ` ing Works, and have them clean- iB ed, dyed and repaired to 3,ok like new. J. W. S.rsz,n. Proprietor. Order your,.. —AND - 2%. —FROM THE -- HOLSTEIN DAIRY. Before Purchasing Your SUIT CALL AND SEE W. BRANDS' G(0 ) "Th JS They are certainly the newest out. The latest designs from both ENGLISH AN GANADAt MANUFACTURERS' and have no equal in town. Remember the place, next door to the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham. 1!1 rt' fl -J Teas and General Groceries. Our Importation of Mantles from Berlin (Ger- many, and London (England) are now being checked off, and for quality, styles and prices, we invite all who are interested in handsome, up-to- date garments to call and inspect them, BOOTS AND SHOES. Our Stock of Ladies' Children's and Men's Boots and Shoes are exceptionally large, and, as usual, offer "superior values. In Fine Teas and General Groceries we are, as in the past, holding a front position. Come Early and get the latest and Best. •i I�rR tri 1.1 ® °� 42:0,EF;' Direct Importer. jj� rrJ 9-am—d5 The Poorest Man . . .. On Earth Can Afford to Buy GEDDES' MEAT The richest man can- not buy anything bet- ter. Delivered to all parts of the town. If ER I1231. ME) tetz, fT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, O].L" T. • Still lends in securing choice positions for students. 116of oar students placed dorryytg the past 11 mouths, The following have reccntry been placed: —Fiore Fuee steno„ Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, bookkeeper, Erie Mills, St, Thomas; Eva Payne, Kent Mills, Chatham; Ernest Long, steno„ Chatham Gas Company; Robert hawthorn, with a Winnipeg Wholesale Iious ; Jessie Iientharingaton, 3rd steno„ Sutherland do Innes Ca., Chatham, Jas, Medford, manager of business department, Tacoma Business College, Wash. The above shows results obtdeed from a course with us. For Catalogue, address, D. McLAOHLAtt' Co., Chatham, Ont. 7 Rs INIT.-1E-31 ry'11:'IU'h'' I,''h''h' Udlldlli'1, �'Id4 d4:'4:'q 1'1,'4 �'A �'1,� 4,:q,'Ih'It i'h,'lu'lu4d'L eIP th'Ib'h:'Id' Id11,'q,'4�'Id' I,nl)n l,'n i'Ih'b iqu9,' h,n� pq i', We do not want to make any vain boasts of what we have done or what we are going to do. The amount of trade we have done since we started, speaks for itself. Our expenses are lower than any shop in town in our Iine, therefore, we can give our customers the benefit of it, as we can sell at smaller profits. We have never had enongh profit on our goods to give you an $8 article for $5, but we will sell at a very small profit. We have (EXTENSION TABLES from 82.75 up. SIDEBOARDS. We can give you a Sideboard, with three drawers and 1t3 x 28 mirror (note the size of mirror, 16 x 28) for e6.25. (:afil:AIMS iuid SPRING BEDS. Oar Chairs and Springl3eds are made up at the factory and we can make the price right on tnetn. BEDROOM SUITES. Our suck of I3edrootn Suites is as good as in town. Ten different suites t0 choose from. Matresses, Lounges, Picture Framing, Curtain Poles. Our Matresses are all new and clean and of good stock, great value in thein for the money. Our Lounges are up to date in style and our prices are right. We do the trade in Picture I+'ratning and repairing Stretchers, any size, for 20e, its all they are worth, we've never charged any more for them. Our stock of Curtain Poles is as goodas you cttn get in the town and the priee is right on them. We have no old stock to get rid of, Everything new and up to date. .i. is 30 Et 'XI JECJIL .�l iii �►i✓� 1,,...aYirts7� .. Our stock of Undertaking is complete and prices reasonablc>. Remember the place ----.Opposite Macdonald Block. Residence- -Opposite Foundry. •rIPr-r=i I'urnitnre Dealers and UndertakatL P. S. -- Wct don't want to monoplize the trade. All we want is a continnaneo of the trade we have had since we started business. Goods delivered IRELAND St BLAVON, on Tuesday morning for their home in a rcasol.abic distance. Cash is the thing that counts and it gets goofs for what they aro worth.