The Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 7N T1i�liiE_ PHREIMVLINE REMEDIES Taking^ the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t) supply the demand. 1 I III ' WINGHAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 10. 18970 PrvOdenoo Thanked, It is with pleasure that I recommned B. B. B, for the cure of indigestion and impure blood, I had tried many medi- cines but received no benetit until,tbank Providence, I was advised to use B. B.B. and it resulted is it perfectcure, MRs, Wm, Looxr. Oshawa, Oat,. Care of the Sick Room. Qu►• correspondence s lows that hundreds upon hundreds IT SHOULD Ilia KEPT SCRUPULOUSLY of poor suftorers are being CLEAN AND FREE FRf)�r NOISL,. restored to health and happi- Land which grows a strong .crop ness daily, Mrs, Burton ILingsland, writing of Tho' gold fill their coffers and courtiers to When Nursing the Sick," in the TRY RUR September Ladies' home Journal, ID ® RHEUMATIC �I'�CI� � insists that ".a tranquil mind is of Otrottas— the utiuost irlgportance to the patient, KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS and consequently everything must If I have my lassie,, the wee highland seem to be moving smoothly and They are absolutely pure and easily, no matter what difficulties healthful. Guaranteeri to cure Rheuinatism, Sciatica, the nurse may have to encounter, The invalid should not be allowed to Neuralgia, Lumbago and all feel any responr;ibility wbatevex forms of Kidney and Inver about his own case. The sick room troubles. should be kept scrupulously neat, BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS and made as cheerful and attractive And a smile like the morning, so p',easant as po sible, that the eyes of the Souin Wingbarn, only,by Gordon & Cc Patient may rest with pleasure upon formy for me. his surroundings. The nurse herself and, accompanying herself sang with may contribute to the agreeable en• r vironmcxlt if her own dress be KIDNEY PILL simple and tasteful, and above all, eonspiculously neat. All soiled dishes CURE � should be removed immediately after BACKACHE LAME BACK * being used, and no food kept in Liven the medicine bottles �r' sight. RHEUMATISM need not be obtrusively in evidence. DIABETES :: "Stillness has in itself a power to ,* GRIGti T'S DISEASE 4t �j soothe, and, as all know, when the DIZZINESS AND ALL nerves are quiet Nature's, healing KIDNEY & URINARY ,Y� processes go On without impediment, DISEASES Creaking shoes, rustling of garments, ARE CUP.ED BY the rattling of dishes and kindred home, Blythe as the lark in her sweet morning noises are' often the ocsasfo►l of posit r tive suffering to tin invalid. To ac- Cheerful and gay as the young blushing i Cured effoetuaily by :,colt's cidentally jar the bed, to spill the sarsaparilla.. Is my wee Highland queen, we' the hound medicine When administering it, to -- --- (close a door noisily, to sleep aud- I Tlbly,' are cases where `a small ull- I —Primo, kindness is a great offence' in tine ItV l � r� r, U G PS hypersensitive condition of the nerves of the patient." Will stand wear and tear for N b written for the Tutus, soxrG. Things Worth Knowing. $Iuy Wrm Ilro$L.thD I.Assrs:' When sheep are feeding on rape [( Overwork as a student at cc ege brought on an attack of nervous prostra- give them plenty of salt,. I envy not those in palaces that dwell, Who ride in their ebarriot o'er valley and Land which grows a strong .crop hill, of clover will, of rightly managed, Tho' gold fill their coffers and courtiers to grow good corn, wheat or potatoes please,after And supply every want as they roll at their it. ease. It is time that some farmers real- Otrottas— ized that lime is heeded, if they hope of its master the organ grinder. She that clover will cover all their If I have my lassie,, the wee highland meadows over, lassie, _ The lassie that stands with the hound by It is urged that the sparrow is a her side' benefactor to the farmer, because it You are weloome to Annie, she is cheerful feeds on the seeds of wasto pianis and bright, and weeds during the, winter. Her checks, are like roses, her eyes like the night, Edinburgh has 22,000 cows, while And a smile like the morning, so p',easant ' Dublin comes next with 11,000, and and free, wee highland laseie'is the lassie London stands third with a cow POP - formy for me. illation of 8,000, Glasgow has but and, accompanying herself sang with 2,000. If I have, etc. She's pleasant as summer, when soft winds Until thirty or f,)rty years ago all I West highland cattle were black in du blow, She brightens the winter, when mantled in Color, and for that reason in old snow.records Mild as the autumn and fresh as the spring they were referred to as „black cattle." 0' she is a darling, my wee Highland queen. I Then give me,,�to. i It is cstimaled that the United. I Kingdom produces something like' She's meek as the lillies, where cool waters 1,500,000,000 gallons of milk every Play, And sweet as the rose at the close of the year, over and above what is used y day, on the farm for retiring calves, etc. Yild as the autumn or eden like spring,. Is my little darling, my we Eighland queen• TO keep needles from rusting looked ver~' vexed, but to the aniuse- sprinkle a little powdered lune in the Then give me, etc. packets, fresh as the heather, on the old mountain To take luta spots out of mahogany home, Blythe as the lark in her sweet morning apply spirits of salts, with a piece of song, rag, until the ink disappears. Cheerful and gay as the young blushing i Cured effoetuaily by :,colt's bride, sarsaparilla.. Is my wee Highland queen, we' the hound rt, by her side. The give me, etc. I —Primo, Y'er Xlsfaratr, ant_ 0`hlr,.dren, W The Xonkey Meant Well, to expose tilein to Buell a t i)2e+ft WA [( Overwork as a student at cc ege brought on an attack of nervous prostra- or t.r" the light. SO►ne time ago, thele was a lady ill Ido nal the cantaici.g .fir London for t.ho scason, who was ~sell a beausadvocate pelts or Lima beaus at gra-►ue, Tim, •• known in tile Freueh fashion,lble. work is done in cat ierfes. in saw, �t One day she happened to see a cion- heated chests, is here :i inu0i hl±g,lJkAP key in.tbe street, beg':ling in tyle degree of heat eptt lie obtained, tfa;aA prettiest way possih)e for the benefit,, boiling water, Corn tuinetimes keeps of its master the organ grinder. She well etinned with towtttocs.—New took a fancy to the little animal, York Tribune.' bought it, and dressed it in this gaud _ test of raiment and made it a pet. satortneas Of Breath, Some little tinge afterwards the •#Since last )Par I have had sarcous, lady held a fashionable reception for heart tr#,ubls eniawd ba_ miliaria, Shrl.irt- the benefit of some charity, and of gess of breath, simil hering spells on re- course her pet was the wonder .ef tirina, \i#,leut wilpitiilion, etc., often. mrdt+ iui fs tbri-at h, On procuting the 1'OOIrf. .R'in=I, Milburn's# Iletat and NorvaP.11ls I found In the course of the evening ti l" to•inysurpr-ise imil delight that they young lady sat dawn to the plana gavA alsbnst, im;ua trelief. I `ot healthy and, accompanying herself sang with restful Pli'Pf,, icy heart, trotl0es dinar• peauerl, i,rd I now (vel sery well indeed exquisite taste a little clt'awin roam g mr. flut;h iNjoorp, Ingersoll, Oct. maps solo, its soon as the Fame', was finish- ,'this statement for thA public good, ed, the monkey, who though now'I — . partially civilized, had not forgotten 1 partially .-PhN 1cians, as a rule tire bitterly its former duties seized a gentlemans : down on the hard tinres " "For silk hat. and held it out before each what reason?" "Tltav sAv people guest accordin;; to his custom, and base, bad to eat such plain food that commenced a collection, ( that they etre to healthy to be inter - The vocalist laughed, the hostess estfuq. looked ver~' vexed, but to the aniuse- ment of everybody the monkey went - his rounds, and collected a large sum Ills tusk ended lie jumped upon the I Nervous Prostration. singers shoulder, amidst shouts of laughter. and deposited the contents of the fiat in her lap. The collection i Cured effoetuaily by :,colt's of course was devoted to the charity sarsaparilla.. but it was as much as the hostess could clo to persuade the guests that Ills heart was affected. the trick had no, been previously practiced by her. ll _ Nbe fun- , simile } "� °"�' a ty. CSgA«tltPe�~G .'����� eVliy. One Honest Man. ox v"+ ?°e:. Dr.AA Errr0n,—Please inform your 1 readers that if written to confidentially Sneezing can be averted by press- I f I will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of Ing the upper lip against the teeth i a genuine, honest, home cure, by which. I with the fore—finger, when the in– was permanently restored to healthand manly vigor, after years of suffering from Clinati0ri will vanish. nervous debility, sexual weakness, night If the rollers of it wringer are losses and weals shrunken parts, I was i robbed and swindled by the quacks until I lint_; Or sticky, clean thetYt by pass- eats, o e et phU (nearly lost faith in mankind, hub thank ing a cloth dampened with kerosene I heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong back and forth bet ricen them. be &!yen of their durability and wish to make this certain means of _ s ., cure known to others. I have nothing to Bedrooms are most bealthfal and t b • tl a fact h' t°f 1 All nd want no move but being a firm 'd f l in thr- --"— [( Overwork as a student at cc ege brought on an attack of nervous prostra- The victories of Hood's I tion," says Mr. Gilbert, a railway "I was exceedingly ner-. Sarsaparilla over all missionary. vous and if I exerted myself my heart Fortes of disease Conclusively prove commenced to flutter violently, and Iwas That it is an unequalled warned that even ordinary exercise en - dangered my life. But thanks to Scott's Blood purifier. It conquers The demon, Scr�fn)a. i Sarsaparilla I feel better than I ever ex. Relieves the itching and burning cf . petted tb feel, for I can nowaddress a I meeting without effort, can walk a brisk salt rhoum, cures running sores, ulcere, boils, and every other form of , pace for two hours or more without ex - puuples, humor ordisease, Originatingiu impure Hood's Sarsapar- haustionandamfree from that distressing I Palpitation. In my work I have often- blood. The cures by illa aro cures— absul:,te, permnnent, per- i time recommended Scott's Sarsaparilla, its fact cures. They tire based upon its I and have seen many caries where have been most marked. great power to purify and enrich the I elects Scott's Sarsaparilla acts like magic iu blood. restoring shattered nerves because it re. builds the nerve centres. Nervous head- To Can tomatoes. , ache, nervous dyspepsia and all terve Tomatoes should be ennned in I derangements wear on the system. Scott's Sarsaparilla makes new blood and theirown juiceThe middle of I muscles and strong nerves. Of all drug- gists, $1 per bottle. Dose from half to September is soon enough to Put' one teaspconful. than is shown 5 h restful when usc. of seep g p that sOine of these pumps put x 3; ^� % I believer in the universal hrotherhoodd of c them up. Select the new variety of i ye' a , , -i ' inau, I; am desirous of helping the unfor. pOSG, Only, instead Of as sitting Of fruit, wnich has a much larger pro– iP. wells 2:i years 190 al's T# , 37t r` ; t} l i unate to regain their health and happiness Sewing rOUL'hS tllt'Onglh the da.y. portion of pulp to seeds than the old-) ?; } " i I promise you perfect secrecy, stall working. T ��{` jG•�, ' � ' '� Adiress with stamp ; A {,Food way to scramble eggs is to er varieties. Immerse the tomatoes ,r.�" Far. T MULi'ORD, Agents' Supplies, cat the crust atom toast, dip it in in boiling water for one minute.After I 1'` I•P A •N•r�` t s 5r� n f P. O. Box 59, St. Henri, [due hot seasoned milk, lino a dish with removinir them take off the skin and ! , IR and FORCE PULPS � �+ mill - � L, a ''s K t»,b ;l ". the toast and pour the eggs over it. cut them into slices or pack them as izl 4 Nupplied to Order. a +Y '`l cVA3 troubled with a pain in the close as passible in glass jeers. Put �• Tlhc 1:loderll stancl- Repairing promptly attended to, ;. ,tom Wants to Know. back for months, and atter trying 6Arer- the covers on the jars without the '� d T- r al remedies without effect, thought I rubbers, or if they lire patent jars W stat .s amity riledi- n:oP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's would use Hal'yard's Yellow Oil, I stn Livery. ' -- —=--- A good many hundred, and a Ten t } with a, vent, leave the vent open. Set cine ^ Cures the ` W glad o say that after using two bottles. cdl IL Fr i{ l R"i �,�thousands of long-suffering husbands I was completely cared, and cannot • re- the cans of tomatoes in a large buil- @�, I' ' +` '® a t �� tc Is L s sari bear sorrowful testimony to the commend this excellent remedy too I er With a rack of open slats resting w common every -day winghams Ont. Tt'oFltively cured by chew® I fact that this is the sort Cf ,eatecbism highly. lytics Atvxa CiiAP IAN, on the bottom. A flat bottomed � = ills Of humanity. eiyLittle Ped b I the wives of their bosoms subject South river, Ont. I elothes-boiler may be Rept for this They also relicre Distress from Dyspcnsia, , them to every time they pnt on their ps.urpose. The wooden rack should WHEAT hats to o out in the evenin The freshdst eggs are the heave• be made of inch strips of wood Sep. 'r F1 E 1� T A Indi -czdon anal Too Hearty Bating. A ^r- I g �' s - y ' p' s "Where are you going?" est, and when placed in at. pan of arated by inch and a half spaces O ��BU icet reined• for Dizziness Nausca, Drowsi. 1 AT BUSHEL � I " Oh I'm mein out for a few water will civil to the bottom at and held together by three or four 1 ncss, Bad Taste in the 14iOW', Coatcd 'longue ' „ going Iain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They � tufnutes, Ogee. Older ergs will siulc partly, cross over strips, tvhicli lift the rack � 1 " Where ?" while stale eggs �vil1 float on top. from the bottom of the boiler.. t 1lieans good times and plenty of Rc elate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. #� Oh, nowhere in particular." The jars are set an this rack, and --~ --- money to buy 81,rruatl PHIL Si-raaill 008®a „ Deep your teeth clean. Use -a stiff are separated from each other and I . I - What for? rather than. a soft brush. Your _� . ,•.' Y t , _ „ rn-els Prion. ' Oh, nothing."held firm. by bunches of straw, or i ems may be soft for a time; but r••a �•q•� � �-' #< ' g y heavy kitchen clothes. The boiler 5 is taw n,J t! C�ttbsliitliion Why do you go then?' you will find that they will soon I a ° e s l "Because:' is lilted with luicewarm or cold wat-1 �...>.. -. I ilii i:raad of t110 c1i13. become hardened, and the blood will ei' which is gradually brought to rF. "Because what?" circulate tbrough them more freely. I yt Stvle, Fit, (;uality and Prices f, , rpil rr(t Carter's, " Well, simply because." �� ! the boiling tile bo After the water � r' " Going to be gone long?" bolls keep the boiler covered loosely. right at A LONG LIST. ii OaBr3fa \ �;i: fO;• Carter's, " NO••' The jars will not burst tis one eorres- I • - "flow long?" THIS wHOTM COLIT313 WOULD NOT CONTAIN TILE pondent suggests. On'the contrary SI�IO�I���u� 1 _£ 1 DST -12i 91; "I don't know." mzNt $ O5` cll I rtt\Y INT AND iT MINISTERS the eoutentS will usually boil down I •' �''" anal demand „ )i1RX $ns oI rannrsrruxT AND PRO rEO$IOVAL " Anybody going with oil? and leave a space that must be filled �0�l 871 ��'Ij�L3� t�a! •`..,••, S y g 6'' y btEN ALL OVbn 4`14(8 COxTINENT \t'Iip HAVC IIA114 ;t' :.'°-' �,iitl!� i.iVC:r Pills- "NO." nsnN tuum) or ame1mum: BY Da AO\R\v's up when the cans are iemcved atr'l� ,y ppsr 1 , t QUEENS BLOCK, WING I :. "Well, i0s1trange that you can't CATdR1tHAL r0\VDEit—IT OIV3iS RELIC( IN IO the vent closed. SURN, E.i�°c �.w�t '• _�- aar;trTEE. Let the tomatoes bail 20 minutes, be content to stay at home a few minutes. Don't be gone long, will Volumes of testimony have been writ- counting from the time the water be• 9 Cures Constipations tins to boil• Remove them when r St�� j Sure lleaditchc, Indigestion, you?" tau of its curative powers. Catarrh is f, Aa alaxative, on tion ,Ct,r::'` flys "No." an aggravating malady, insfgniftcautic 'boiled, i'roah the fire to'a convenient and if a strange, :,it is Dyspepsia, "See that you don't," its beginning ---a little cold in the head table-, take off the covers, put on the I desired a cathartic effect is pro, .u. cal �� Clears the Slain and This is one reason why so mall} --neglect it and soon you tire its thrall by two pills. In c'bs y Eighty fo ovary hundred have the taint • rubbers and fill the rest of the cans �tu,ut: t �, F Insures a beautiful marriages are a dead flat fizzle and • Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will from the contents of one of the cans where a purgative is necessary, ec '®"�� Conplexiatl_tLilure. Exchange, euro the slightest pain in the head Screw them up as tight as passible pills will be found sufficient. "z hest The Ladies favorite Laxative and cure the most stubborn case of and set them away where they will pills leave no unpleasant after e r ^t. A POPULAR HESPELER LADY catarrh. "Its action is nscantaneous, CURED. says ono. "I feel it my duty to recout- gradually cool. In twelve hourspile pill taken each � h: t tIg _- Shesays: (wits troubled with con T p �% mend it to the public" says another, tiglitrtt the straws again, If cans thirty ala\swill sure con ,t i :#t: In fact it 1 T .1 A 1. S "Never got relief until I used it" says �yitit a vent are used si.In close Pn,cr, 2;c, OR G stipation for many years, --hm, Set them away in a dart. , ----------°- # � Wag my only enemy acid. Wits very another, and so nu and on. Acts lilts the al ., i fnaaic and always cures. dry clpset, where the temperatulo is distressing. I tried a great many pills I not over 70° l+'ahrenheit. Tomatoes and potent medicinesi but received no The general elections for the Ont- wilt keep at it touch higher tempera. ' + relief until I tried SLOA.N'S INDIAN ario Assembly since Confederation TONIC; it Helped me at once and ef-- hthvo been held as follows: Sep*,. 1867 turn than this but 1t 1S not desirable wf. feeted a complete cure. I have recom` r \O D�E� T�i`%v 14th \iarclh,1871;11th January, 1875- �-.. r meneded it to a great many and be; i 5th June, 1879; •371111 Feb. 1883 Dec. �Ctleae s KidneyZiver pill, lieveit has /even satisfaction. 1'lvery 1886: 11th of June, 1890; 26th June Chases fills have gained popularity CaveatsanATrndt•1flrks obtainul., ., . at y� b bot itneA they aro n specific for the ''drio %uiintss colldutted for MODER.►Tli F'EEM. 11 s rig I ro lure 1t from Mr. Phin, our 189. p >x p g p P 1 `kit 16 art ifltal s>s• aeld ConditlUil, reventsl rr ht'scllsease afficcisirttheimrrddinteviciitityofthdh'mttntaRite -_ druggist, and thin S -""'"" "r"f"—� cute 1iheumatismyand all untarrhalcon- KndltnoddluiLetces het'tbt00PhOfrcunsurpawt:% Ilaby Waa Cured t Sded medet, ndiita enOntfts toRdVAM VA cln wttti � tem tante, IN THIi. r dittoes of t'Ie Kidneys and Bladder.. "atstri tionnndatntcmdntastoaa•cantn aiclaJrrntd. AIRS, J. W. BEAv1Jrt, Dene Sirs.•-- ,an hichly rocommoud They do this because they possess rA• 1 .4-2,t)rr1it,i•Xa.J+rixedarora sup+ dOftddto _ , Dr. bowler's Extract of Wild Straw markable alterative, tonic and diuretic patentability? ana ,nv 0 for presdatti tha Ilespeler, July 5th 97. will, lleA:,QiI Ila nee bo VENT d fog r<iatt`ctseha berry. It cured my of dfarrhasa• propertiss, exertiu�+ a \vonderEully south- }iafrsi�i r+ailawoa, +'Itivesstoxs,Gtttni�, +: - �. g i ne 6 Or +atidna'tG'ott titoted as Ntrlotty rJonitil t►lad• 'rte Ate K. ru gists ar bj+ Express, 1P. C, Itrawel` 33 after all other means failed so I give it n Influence on irritated or itifiatned tatnm tart tt,ft+ritr�Attoribeatltae, AtI eo .Tito Price t$I, C:�: :;. Il n B great prince. It is excellent for ah bowel mucous membranes of the lc d y tl — FAv :gin H p�GINE CO.F HAMILTO LIMITED. l complaints. MCS. OIItiS. ilrlow, Theche, Ut pill ri dentis 23e a box. 1 Harlow, dist, I,"Clic aheape9t tntadimue in the woeld, is 0tx ss, t. 517 FIit070 -f THE SL" � I P. d. Draw4t :is, xialuiltoh. Sttoottisors to I3nrtoll Bros, dt Co. l 1