HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 6THE i W fl (xktAM TIMES EPTEMBER 10, ltgT. THE W. C. T. U. 1 ANNUAL XEETING QF BRUCE COUNTY" Irattaala. SEPTEMBER 10, 1807. The tenth annual convention of l3ruee (Joartty W. 0. T. U. was held The Game Lavas. lin Cheslate, Aug. 26th and 27th, over The ft)liowin • tl• , forty delegates beiug present, The g ,trC he revhsed 1)n -^i weather was most propitious and all taro °atria ants 1lsnlng Laws re-- tike sessions were wet]. attended. Ming the closes reliant). in whtch 1i 01 , ley people aro noted t%r their IA 11n1A%Sfu1 t' shoot gahncO or offer it hospitality and in this respect they tor stile: Bass, April l l th to Jnl.t' fully sustained their reputation, as 1t11 ;laser, Nov. 1 ittl to Nov. 1sr, the delegates and visitors can testify. of the following year, and then only Ever thing in their power was done two animals may be taken by the to mane thew welcome ar.d at home one person t ducks, geese, partrltlee, while in their midst. Tho ?meetings gruu:la>', phea-ant.l, and phare:, Den. were hel(1 in Uedev.t Presbyterian lath, to Sept. 16th ; prairie fowl may Church, which was beautifully de - quail• be kilted beforth Sept. 5th 1897 ;' eorated with flower: and displaying quail may not be suis till Oct, 1:: mood taste and showing that a great 1000 ; rabbits may bo dtst:te. yid at t'amount ot labor has been expended. any awe ; Stanton, close mason, Aug 1st to April 30th, but may be caught The The first was a children's meetinging Tharsday afternoon, ad- • $�jtii�` tlalz ng with red and titre to, dressed by the county president. Aug, 31st in addition ; speckled Mrs. Riede of 7`eestsater, who first trona Sept 15th to May 1,t; both gave a blackboard talk and then days inclusive ; hook and line only astonished the children by presenting Islay be u'<ed to c:atchl, 50 pounds them with a pair of " Temperance weight only may be taken in oneloves." day by one person, 5 inches or less g This was quite interesting to the in length must be returned to the- grown people as well ethe children. water ; brook and river trey? Sept, In the eveningthe public meeting 15th to Jun. 1st ; hook and line only Was held and was well attended. allowed, unless net license is obtain- The held programme consisted of greet- ed ; 50 fi-lh only way be caught in ions from the local union, council, the one day by the one person ; clergy, missionary, the young people's trout under five inches must be r e- societies, which were ably responded turned to the water ; waterfowl. Dec. to by Mrs. Bryan, of Lueknow, and 15th to Sept. 15th ; black and grey Miss Jessie lteid,ofTeesewater. Then squirrels, Dec. 15th to Sept. 15th, followed an address by the President, No game girds Her .wild foul may be which evoked welt merited ap- killecl between halt an hour aftersun r,wauscThe county prize banner, set and bait an hour before satirise. , a '''.'i winch 1: given to the anion secutln�, No animill or bird of any kind may J the largest number of members dux - Ontario bo allied by a non-rhsident of either hi this year was presented by Miss Ontario or Quebec unless 1h license g Sl The obtained. L The only change made s3' M.Metie�•toHepworth union. The in the frame laet•s of 1897 was the ex 1 program enlived by excellent music I rt. by Alis tension of c L3lst;w and Taylor and Messrs T. dr °to 1000. and the phohibi' turkeys, prairie chicken and English d 1i.. Adolph, of Chesley, byMrs.It13easaiits,Bryan aid Rev. Bobsern, of Chesley tion of the sale of snipe, woodcock partridge and quail till 1900. These E ii,5u`a well rendered recitation by , • sate the only' ehanges of importance I )Liss Merle Johnston of the same effecting the game laws. The re fides, gulations as to deer hunting and tihe open season for all game remains the sante as before. Deer Nov. 1st to 15th ; moose, reindeer, elk and Cari- boo. prohibited till 1900. No dear to be killed in the water, and no person to shoot deer without a licence to be had for G2. Only two deer to be killed by one person.. Open sea- son for beaver and otter Nov. 1st, to April lst., but no beaver or otter to be taken before 1900. Muskrat may be killed from Jan 1st, to Slay 1st. and may be trapped but not shot during the month of April. Oar local sports should paste the above in their hats for future reference. the close season for erilcl by the choir, ti qua t't ti 1 ITCHING, BURNING, CREEP - G, C11 IIVLIti, On srrsoixo MON BA:MAsf: BcLIEvl's) Irt A row 1ANtTES BS ];a. A•iN i1W'S OINT>XERT . rarer, 35 eniTS. Dr. Agnew's ointment relieves instant- ly and cures tetter, salt rhedtn, scald head, eczema, ulcers, blot:hes and :11 eruptions or the akin, it is s.Jti,ti.;,r a .d quieting and acti like a magic in all baby humors, irritation of tha scalp or rashes during te'thing tine. 35 et:nte a box, Sommerville, of Lucknow, and the choir. While the judges were corning to a decision Miss Johnston of Luck - now rendered a recitation very ac- ceptably, The delegates then join- ed hands and sang "God be with you till we meet again" and the benedic- tion was pion *tweed by Rev. Mr. Dobson. So closed tine of the best W. C. T. IT. conventions ever held in 13r•uce County. Dropsy Cured With One Bottle, A area euro and a groat testimony. "For ten years I suffered greatly from Heart Disease, Fluttering of the Heart, and Smothering Spells, made my life a torment. I was uontiaed to my bed. Dropsy set in. My physician told me to prepard fn; the worst, I tried Dr. Ag- - new's Cure for the Heart --One dose gave me great relief, one bottle cereal the Dropsy and wy heart" Mrs. James Adams Syracuse, N, Y. A CompUment, 'John, said Mrs, Harkins, 'I heard a nice compliment for you to -day.' Mr. Harkins put his parer down twisted up the ends of his must- ache looked pleased and said. 'Well that's nothing so remark- able, I receive compliments nearly every day. Mrs Harkins went on sipping tea and her husband waited fur her to re- sume, Finally he said. 'Well, why don't tell me what it was? Who was it that compliirient- ed me?' 'Oh you couldn't guess in a week. 'Mrs Deering,' he ventured. `No: 'Not Bessie Fallington? he rather eagerly suggested. 'Oh, well of course if there's any secret about it, I don't care to hear whet it was or who said it. 'There isn't any secret about it, ',Mfrs Harkins sweetly replied, 'Mr. lJ. nnaford told me that every time he andI met be became tborough- ly convinced that you were a man ot excellent tas`e,' J'ollaliarkins then shoved his bands SA.813ATR SERVICES. METHODIST -Rev. Dr; Pascoe, pas- tor. Services at 11 it m and 7 p m. l'R IS13YT1 1U N--hev. D. Perris, pastor. Services at 11 a at and? p m. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's-Iiev. Wm. Lowe, ireotor. Services at 11 a to and 7 p m. BAPTIST -Rev. ,las. Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p CONGREGATIONAL -Rev. H. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p m. LSALVapION ARMY --Capt. Barker and Lieut. Burney in command, Ser- vices at 11 a m,3p m and Bpm, CHRIS'CIAN wombats -- Misses Outran and ,Gook in command, Services at3p mand 8pin. In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 9.30 p m. The Printer. A printer doesn't rush to the doctor when he is out of "sorts." Nor to the baker when he is out of "pi." Nor hell when he wants the "devil," Nor to the Bible when he wants a good "rule" Nor to a gun -shop when be wants a "shooting stick." Nor to a cabinet shop when he wants "furniture." Nor to a bank when he wants "quions." Nor to a girl when lie wants a "press." Nor to a lawyer when he wants a "dirty cafe" Nor to a butcher when wants "phot." Nor to a pufnp when he's dry -=and has 10 cents in his pocket. • BANK of HAMILTON (1,),t ingi2 ani r$ WINGHAM, Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $050,000 President -Jong S•roear•. VIue•Presidont-•A, G. 1tAn24 . • MitZiGTOILS Jens Paoeroa. U. ROAM!, wM G,a80N, 1', A. T. Won, A. 11. Lea (Toronto). Oteshior-J. TURNBULL. ahoweSuviBank-Hours, loco 3• Saturday, i0 1. Deposita of t31 and upwards received and toret ct. nps Special Deposits also received at current rates of ic_,res. Galt " 40 00 n 0 12 00 000 »rafts en Great Britain and rho United Stater tlunrtor " SO DO u t1U 3 00 bought and Hold Ono Aich 8 00 8 UO _ [ 100 Lpgqal and other castiai a ver do, per Ihro for frs5 rsernon, and 30 -170?-7'f:or each subsegnetrt inairtion, y1e.sured by nonpareil scale, Loral notices 100. per libo for first insertion, and buAdvertisementsr mof Lost Found,iStrayed, Sltuations and Businos) Manna Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, SI for fret month, and 5Uo. for each subsequent month. theism) and Forme for Sale. not exceeding 8 line. 31 for flet month, 500. per subsequent month Larger advertieemar,ts in pi oportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger Advertisements, or loupe periods. - Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will be luserted till forbid and charge' accordingly. Transitory advertisements u.ust be paid in advance CtheloficesbyWednesday contraenoonsin ordertooappear that week -IS PILDL1SiIED BVF1iY FRIDAY MORNING ---Ar VIZ - TIMES OFFICE, JofU PHiNE Si Fir WINGk1AleT, ONTA1tIO. subscription putoo,$1poryor-r,StsAdva*z e ADVERTISING RATES Space 1 1 yr. h 0 mo, j 3 a:o. IW mo Ono Oolumn 500 00 t'10 OU 020 00 56 00" E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. A. E ?'°.; T BANKER, WINGHAM --- GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS. ACTED. Money advanced on Farmers and Business men on endorsed note and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moossy remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Neter and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Practice Economy In buying medicine as in other matters. It is economy to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla because there is more medicinal value in Hooti's Sarsaparilla than in any other Every booth, of Hood's Sarsaparilla con- tains 100 doses anti will average taken according to directions, to last it month, while others last but a fortnight. Flood's Pills not harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla, Easy and yet effi- cient. Where Shorthand Is 'Weak. I It was an hour or n'ore after mid- nigt,t, There was a furious riving at the door bell. A few minutes elapsed, and then .. bead was thrust out of a eecond- Tuesday morning at nine o'clock down his pockets and walked out on story window. convention was tail to order by the the veranda ruminate, -Cleveland rn hat do you want?' president. Devotional exercises Leader. 'This is where Mr. Specehcr lives were conducted by Miss Fisher, The - --'This it?' reguat rc h . ( )ati le of business was then Nature's atdicine c 'I am Mr. Speeches•.' entered upo:l• Reports of Provincial Nature's Medicine for constipation, `You delivered a particularly inter - and Dominion conventions were read i Liver complaint•, sink headache, l,iltous esting address before the advance.. followed by reports superintendents , nese, jaundice and sallow complexion is meat of Mankind Club Ibis evening of departments, treasurer's and sec: u• (Lura Liver Pills, They aro a perfect laxative, never griping or causing pain. on. 'The Dead of '96?' tlir5's reports. Their reports showed 1 One pill each night for 30 days wilt cure 'i did' the membership of the county to be i 239 regular and 41 honorary, Total constipation. 'You spoke of a noted man named For Clerks to Read. b f moneyraisedLfor all pur- Aleibiads MeGibbeny. • IVfoney to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Mouoy advanced on Slortgagee at 5 poi oentwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. ltOBT. 8i1oI Vii' Doo. Beaver Block Windham, Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South amount o 'Yes.' poses during the year, e6C8 58. All ..l de arthnents report ort progress which Here are some maxims that have 'I want you tell me whether he is enconraging.Next came election been studied out fcr clerks during a was a Protestant or a Boman Cat - f otlicers whiell resulted in the re- i Ion g course of business:-- holic, 0 election of the old officers with the' Never do to•day what you can He was a Protestant. What-' 'That's all I want to know. I am exception of vice president The shove off on -a fellow clerk to•more row.a at the back end of the store down the speech and I couldn't tell GENERAL INSUUANOE AGENT Teeswater ; Vice -President, Mrs. + as mach as possible, officers for the present being as PA- I Kincardine DEPART Aint1VE 050 a. m. 240r.m 330pin1025pm 855nm 240pm 053 ain1110am $ 30p m 8 00p,n 1110am 050am 2 55 p ni 3 30 p m 1025pns 830am AGENTp,� A-1 am just starting tte best thing S' _ for money making you have ever seen for maey a day, Your name and ultimo will bring the golden information. It. P. GLASGOW, Toon Ont. WA,1 1 NTED for "t:nr,rda, An En- 6� 5 , cycinpedia of fire Country.' In 1•'ivu Royal Quarto Volumes. No t'cltrering. Commission paid weekly. A cunvacnor reports his Brat week making over serenity dollars profs• TP.E L msec 'r COJ1P.:NF, Toronto. $7800 CRIEN AY To persons who make the greatest number of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wedderbnrn." For particulars address the National Recorder, 'Washington, D. C. 8.15.B II. 0, ELLIOTT, Paoent eros gnu Pueiasneip. P.) VANST0NE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to lona at hos est rat interact. No conuniason charged.' Mortgages, to and farm proport3 bought and sold OFFICE -Bearer Block wtxorr,,t J. A. •MOILTON, B •UtiusTER, Jce., yen.�.taub Ont. .L.A, L. Di0I5INs0.1•, .� TSAIU USTEn, ETC. SOLICTron To BANK OF NAIrILTON. iXONEY LOAN. Omce-dleti er Biota. lVinglran:, M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &a Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets) opposite Colborne Hotel. G01Naloe, ON tARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S.!J E1tO3i 1;,'L. D. S., t1 IN4rIA*. 1a .nanufaetur hr$t•class sets at- < i ?oath as Cheapi as they can be mad0 In the Dominion. Tenth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perle<tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite Brunswick .House. hAitibip,e4 A=LIGN J. IRWIN, D. D. a., D. S., Doter of Dente] Surgery of the Peanerlian Dental College OFFICE---MACDONALD BLOCK. Novi -Will visit Blyth every wodbeeday. cxN RITCHIE: the :shorthand reporter' that took lowee President, Mrs. A. B. Reecie, Keep from my notes whether you said that l so that the other �� p J Mecca Teeswater• Rec'See Miss .A.iwitgs keep a novel under the ed the ministry or mottasery. Ever U i LU V W Jl. '�T . ..l.:tY'.d. at the of twenty-seven he enter- 'v"cony' llryan, Lucl:now ; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. boys will have to wait on customers. age Helen Smellie Chesiey • Treasurer, I counter to snatch up when the old so much ob'ioed to you. Good 11rs. M. Williams, Walkerton. Fri- day afternoon the reports of the 1 p. DEANS, Ja„ WINaaAit, imam is out. night!' Keep your eye out for a soft snap. -"-"— Supt. were continued, tegeth- 1 Don't do any more work than you er with reports of plan of work and are paid to do. The Concert Committee of the Winghs.m rt solution committees. Mesdames I Be the last to come in the morning Foot -ball Team have been fortunate enough Hiscox and Mann then gave a duet and the first to leave at :tight, i:: securing the acrvires of M. 3. W. Ben- . , a gough of Toronto, for their concert to be entitled'•Somebodv s boy"bilowed Don't do a thing outside of your 13 g . Living In The Yukon. by Apaper by Mrs. Bryan on "A prescribed duties. held in the town hall on show night, Sept. Model Union," also one be' firs. Ii. I'. Find fault with your place and 20th. Mr. I3en; on; ti,N entertainment : The regulation miner's cabin is 12 Moore, Teeswater, on ':Our depart- salary. which consists of Crayon Sketches, on 0 ' local and national topics, Recitals, pathetic by 14, with wails about six teat high rtents, their aims and methola." Show up the weak points of your and hutnoreus; Poetry and Prose, Buries• and gables eight feet high. The The remainder -of the afternoon was establishment to the clerks of other qtly and bong, will bo supplemented by roof is heaviiy earthed, and the taken up by Parliamentary dl'il(a houses. something new and original, by some of cabin is generally kept very warm. school of methods, and answering Pe as snappy with your customers MVinghat�t's local stars. Two or sometimes three or four men the question box by the president as yon dare. If wisdom can snake you wiser, will live in a house of this size. The and appeinttnent of delegates to Tell your fellow clerks all you If music can maks you better. ventilation is usually bad, the win- the Dominion eonycntion in Toronto hear against the boss. If pathos eau Hulce yon cry, doers being usually small, Those Oat. 20th. Threaten to leaye whenever fault If mimicry can make you laugh. miners who do not work their claims Friday evening a gold medal was is found with yon. If humor can make you smile, during the winter usually confine contest for by seven young ladies believe that the world owes you a If Inn can make yon happier, themselves to these small huts most from different towns in that eonnty, living, and act on that belief. It a crayon sketch eau snake you pleased, of the tirno, very often they become viz. Walkerton,Paisley,Teesewater, If the above rules are strictly fol• put this down in your note book in a indolent and careless, only eating Lueknow, Chsley and 'Warton. lowed, you will be out looking for a large plain haul : Those things which are most easily Cora bloody, of Lueknow, beim this Job iii about 30 days from date. Bengough, Towa Hall, tVinghatn, Sept. prepared or cooked. Daring the happy winner, Miss Letta McCann_ 29th. busy time in summer when they of 'Walkerton taking second prize are shoveling in, they work hard which was a year's subseription to a and for long hours, sparing little magazine. All of the contestants did time for eating and much less for reinakably well, and deserve great cooking. i .'l edit. The medal was n. perfect MT This manner of living 13 y i beauty and was the first W. C. T. U. common among beginners, and soon medal presented in Ontario, and we leads to debility and sometimes to at a proud that the recipient lives in i:curvey. Old lninet s have learnt d la nee county. Masted selections BEN p-OUGR. from experience to value herlth more than gold, and they therefore spare no expense in procuring the best and 'Most varied outfit of foop that can be a'�taitred.—Froin 'Klondike Nuggets' by Joseph Ladue. Botts, tramp:ee and eruptions, scrofula wait rt,euln. and all other manifestations of topure blood, are cur3d by hood's Zeno eartga. Cured uteak Bask For 25 Cents. It is Said that more deaths from For two years l was dosed, pilled and lightning and more destructions of plastered, for weak back, scalding uriuo, buildings from the saine cease have and constipation. without benefit. One been reported daring the three Box of.Chase'e Bidney-Livor Pirie re- lieved find three boxes cured. R. mouths this summer than for the four J. Smith, Toronto. One pill it dose, price preeecding years combined. '25 cents. ".1130 safe of the Grand Trunk rorT-A' ty"ssv'en Years were given throughout the contest satation at Ilarriston Yeas blown open xT. by burglars on Wednesday night, by ;firs I11� eo`y, of asesseaseessa Teeswater, Mrs_ and the contents, $55 were scetn•ed, TED -Agents for "(Meet! Victor! e, icer 11110 safe IS a complvtt: wreck, the NJ ilei•»n ur:d Dian»n i iubiteo• blowing iI of tVh1eII must have made inz ith latest and richest idrtnry n. Cn• p t.� • tains the endorsed biography 0f ger Majesty, with considerable noise. authentic llletory of her Tumarkab'e reign, end felt I a Bonanza t ' entnmiesion ro per cent. Crede ;riven. Freight (ENTS will pay for 1116 Tl8rca untn paid, Outfit tree. Duty pal4. Write for outfit Jesuitry 1St 1i39t3. Subscribe now t and ferriiary. 31., IioHIVION COMPANY, Dept, and get tte first chapters of our now story. ,, •ii0 Dcati,oYn SC., Chicagb, nceount of the Diamond Jubilee only ly I+I t', nig book. Trenue:da to demon . for areas. UNIVS AKINC POWDER TH CHOPS BEST I R1EN4 LArtGI $V SALE Fru s".*HADA. MY. W3a A Cut MT THAT to:MILLiS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply tho public with Wood ai*d Bron J?orran awl Lift rumps, Brains and A'ro>tc Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Bathos, ripe Pitting. Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water eupptiea, Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping wator. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mall should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. • C. MOR. +TINGS T'AR: 13ox 113) Wingham. Ont. TIIE WINGnIAM TIMES, ;i.00 per year in Advance.. CENTS evil pay for the Ttyrxa tiCe tj until 'January 1st 1308. Subscribe now and get the first chapters of env new .story. ()snit LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR irIE COUNTY" Of HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge ,Moderate. JOHN CTJRRIE, WINeiw,r, ONT., LICENSED AUCIIONEI;R. Sales of Farm Stock acid Farm Imptemontr specialty, All orders left at the Tates ofice promptly ottani ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. ks Y amp Caledonia, No. 4u meet: ■ r ,e the fust Hind third Monday in evt:ry month, iri .he odd Fellows Hai,, Visiting brethren uelceni. J. Murray'.' Chief. 13 Stew• art 1it•n.-See • TVPerooardiniosto�thainterilus ficcinother 363 industrious would bean Manoontent. I could also cegahe a few ladies at their homes. T. II, LLISOOTT, Toronto. CANVASSERS - "tineon VY tt5 1 JJ Victoria: Iger life and rofua,"has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary tee menials !rem the great „ en; sun i for copy free: Marquis of Lorne says: "The beat po},ulsr lite of the Queen 5 have seen," Her Majesty sonde a kind totter of appreciation. Selling by thousands; hives enthusiastic 8atlsfaetiotr. Canvassers snaking $15 to tt4O weekly. Prospectus free to agents. Tne BNAntryGAnnttrsox Co., Lhn#ted, Toronto, Ont WANTED Lien and women who Oen Werk hard talking and writings x hours daily, for sic day's te week, mud will ho content with ten dollars weekly. Address NEW IDEAS C.J., Medical lsuilding, Toronto, Ont. JOB PRINTING; IyCLING Cooke Pamphlets, Posters, B 11 . UDHeads, Cireulers, ecce., &c., executed in the best style of the net, at moderate prices, and on Short notice. Apply or 436109055, n ELLIOTT. T sous Office, Winghaut. BOOKBINDING. we are phased 10 announce that any Bboke dr Magazines lett with us for Binding, will have one prompt attention. Prfeoa for Binding in any ety-ltt will be given on applioattor, 0 the TOGO Otllce.