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The Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 5
a There is a Great 'teal to Tell about our New THE \'V1NOi1A,Y1 TIMES, SEPTEMBER 10, i897. DR 9N0.7 OODS New styles, new colors, new designs, everythingnow, It would be very interesting to tell how these goods aro made, how their colored and design- ed, but what you are more interested illi is the finished product. We've been bending every energy during the past six months to secure a fashion- able assortment of Fall Dress Goods, and will ask you to be the judge and say whether or not we have succeeded. SPECIAL LINES NO',''1 READY FOR YOUR E ISPEC7i®N: Grey and Black Tweed, mined for sehcol wear, double fold, very special at Heavy Serge, Fancy Weave, in all leading colors, Bine, Brown, Myrtle, etc Brocade Dress Goods, Congo Black, well finished goods, will not stain Covert Cloth, plain material, very styli h goods and will be.greatly worn, in all new eolerings, special line at 50e 75c $i 00 onan'ss .' or is never done, and ib fa especially wearing and wearisome to those whose blood is impure and unlit properly to tone, aua- Lain, and renew the wasting of nerve, muscle and tissue, It is more because of this condition of the blood that woman are run down, Tired, Weak, Nervous, Than because of the work itself. Every physician says so, and that the only rem- edy is in builditfg up by taking a goad nerve tonin, blood purifier and vitalizer dike Hood's Sarsaparilla, For the troubles Peon/tar to Women at change of season olimate or life, or resulting from hard work, nervousness, and impure blood, thousands have found relief and cure in 17c Q,. 25e 30c Sarsaparilla .The Dae True Blood Purifier. $i per bottle. Pt opared only by C. T. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The same goods in better quality at And better still at You will be interested in our showing of exclusive • IDI ESS t 1\TG'1111S_ Boucle Effects, pleasing colors and correct styles, seven yards for a dress, the piece for $3 50 Matalasse Boucle, elegant costume for $5 25 That means seven yards at 75e a yard. Matalasse Boucle, sbot effects, very pretty goods, in wool and silk at$6 65 BLACK DRESS GOODS is a prominent feature of this business. We ask special attention to "Congo & Latina" make of black goods. They will not stain with rain or acid. Leading prices 30e, 50e and 75c a yard. TTT131,A1 BEI] Will be in great demand for trimming, we have all the leading shades. Evidently better times are dawning. Wheat raising in price and a good crop in this country. Everything points to a new era of prosperity. We have bought accordingly, better goods, larger assortment, but the price here is down to the lowest possible point. , 4, inno1Sr.21. WINGHAM SAW MILL All kinds of rough and dressed —LUMBER, —SHINGLES, —LATH., Y—WOOD, —BARRELS, —CEDAR POSTS, Etc. kept constantly on hand and deliver- ed on shortest notice. Call and get prices as we are determined not to be undersold. McLEAN & SON. WINGHAM. JU There are thousands of sickly school -girls all over this broad land that are dragging their way through school -life who might enjoy that abundant life which be- long to youth by simple at- tention to hygienic laws and a proper course of treatment with Scott's Emulsion. This would make the blood rich, the heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken the appetite by strengthening the digestion. Our book tells more about it. Sent free. 1 SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Ont. T. A. Mills has just opened out a u1m Line are the only pills to take Hood'S PIIiS with Hood's Sarsaparilla, GLENANNAN. Miss Maggie Robinson who was visit- ing.ber sister Fannie, at Toronto, re- turned home last Saturday. Rube Jewitt, of Brussels, spent last Saturday at John Robinson's on the ninth concession. The Gospel Tent Meetings conduct- ed by Mr Somerville, of Brantford in our village are well attended. Mr. Will Dunkin, fireman on the C. P. R., spent Sunday with his par- ents. - Mrs. John Hastings, of Orangeville, is visiting her friends of this place this week, Thomas Small is doing up Toronto Fair this week. No doubt Tommy will have seen sights in his travels. Mr. Richard Scott left here last Monday to take a month's practise with Dr. J. A. Irwin D. S. of Wing - ham, to fit himself for a course in the Detroit Dental College. We wish Richard success. .er^±y;;,ahjR+ f."way.ia .',27EV. L?a:=`•v.Ya1., Ks`G 5i r1r;. ytyari::c.Tsu'•ag SCOTCH TWEED SUMS ..FANCY AND BLACK DRESS CCCDoa Direct from Europe, which he is offering ...to his Customers at.,. VERY - LOW - FIGURES. CULROSS. ator, $1.00 per year, or 15c per single Literary Totes. TIIE SEPTEMBER NUMBER OF THE DE- LINEATOR IS CALLED THE AUTU3tx ANNOUN 1EMENT NUMBER Its forecast of Autum fashions, with color -plate illustrations, being! authoritative. With this number of the magazine is begun a department of exceptional interest and value --- a page devoted to, "Social Obsery-- aaces" in which Mrs. Mary Cadwal-- ader Jones brings the weight of un- questioned authority to the discussion of good farm. Other serial features begun in this issue are Il.ome Taxid- ermy for Women, by W. B. Edwards and "Japanese Woolen," by Frances Stevenson. There are two capital short stories. "The Closed House"— No, 3 of "The Adventure; of Olive Rayner" by 11lartia Orde—having an amusingly unexpected finale in striking contrast to the pathos of "A Late Renunciation," by Cornelia At- wood Pratt, author of "The Book of Martyrs," "Social Life in American Cities" is this month devoted to an entertaining discussion of San Fran- cisco society by Emma Wolf, author of "The Joy of Life." No. IX of Dr. Grace Peckham Murray's "Talks on health and Beauty" relates to the various forms of bathing. The clever setter cf Jeanie Drake's "New York Types" is at its best in what she has to say of the Matinee Girl. Carolyn Halstead tells How to Or ganize a Club; Mrs A. B. Longstreet discourses upon Loyalty to Simple Standards in solviug domestic pro- blems; Mr. Vick's Flower Garden includes instructions for home-made greenhouses ; and Mrs. Witherspoon's Tea -Table Gossip, Emma Hay wood's Fancy Stitches and Embroideries, the recipes on " Seasonable Cook- ery," the notices of new books the Childern's page, and the illustrated designs for Tatting, Crocheting, Lace -making, etc., are all of accus- tomed excellence. Order .from the local agent for the Butteriek Patterns or address The Delineator Publishing Co., Limited, 33 Richmond St., West Toronto. Subscription price Deline- >1 I.UEVAr E, As several liluevale boys belong! os to the Wingham Football Club, no I doubt many of our villagers will I attend the club's concert, in the QNF 00' BXPOSUR.p1¶i O Town Hall, Wingllaln. on show i NEXT AND C TIAN talllA.Bateg night. The first part of the pro- - - WEA., EIER. gramme will bo given by locali talent, and the second part by Mr. HE EASILY S'ALLS A PREY TO DIE J. W. 13engougb, of Toronto, who is '--RiHEUM:t'rISM ONE tif+' THE > really too well known to need any; gums —ONE WE) SUFFERED further mention. The boys are to i holt Ui'1VARDS OF NINE receive their medals that night also, I FEARS HIVES HIS for winning the championship of the! EXPERI E WE, Maitland League. Mr. John McCracken of the Blue. From the lntelltgcneer,Belleviile Ont. vale road has improved the appear- 1 It is doubtful if there is any ether once of his house very rnuelh by .occupation more trying to the const • building a verandah to it and hay talon than that of the thresher. Ex ing ib tastefully painted. ! posed to the rains and storms of tit The 13luevale Flax Company s'dd . autumn season, and at the same tim their first ear load of flax seed last , choked withthe dust .consequent week, to Messrs. J. & J. Livingstone, upon threshing he falls. a prey to of Baden, receiving the very good disease. Mr. Joseph H. Davis, a re- price at eighty-five cents a bushel, ! sident of the township of Wicklowl VMrs. Patterson and her three little 'Hastings county, follows the thresh - girls, and bliss Mary Robertson yeent ,ing machine fbr some months every- ' to 13oissevain, Manitoba, this week.fall, For eight of nine =Wits he was On arriving there Mrs. Patterson subject to attacks of infiamatory and Mr, John Robertson of that !rheumatism. The disease usually place are to be married.1/ made its appearance in the fall, and Rev. W. J. West is enjoying a , continued throughout the winter, well earned holiday at his old home causing not only much suffering nut in Woodstock. On account of his ' great inconvenience. Mr. Davis' absence Rev. Mr, Petrie, of Wing-' most serious attack occurred during ham, will preach in the Presbyterian , the winter of 1893. It first made it - Church next. Sabbath, in the after- • self manifest by the swelling of the noon. !right hand and before 24 hours had Mrs. Robert Mosgrove is visiting ' passed, the disease had spread ,in Toronto, and will visit Niagara ' throughout the whole syste •, and Falls and Guelph before returning !the legs were swollen to a t . •normal home. I size, so much so that thpoints were Mrs. Joseph Pugh and son Paul,not visible thr, ' the swelling. and Mr. William Messer and bliss ;1' or ten months trouble eontin- Cora, are visiting in Toronto and , ued and duri t that period, Mr_ Hamilton this week. ;Davis was unable to put on his own:. Mr. Robert McPherson went to ',clothing, and the pain he endure& Toronto this week to attend the almost passed comprehension. One' wedding of Mr. Joseph McPherson, 'doctor after another, was tried but• formerly of this place, who is to wed 1 without any beneficial results. Then; a Toronto lady• advertised medicines were triedbut-. blessers. Macdonald and Menzies, I with no better success. ]r can hard.- The Directors of the Culross Mut. C0p3r• um Fire Insurance Co., met on Aug. - 28th, Members all present. Pres. The September number of the Allison in the chair. The minutes of Canadian Home Journal, beyond its last meeting were read and on oho- characteristic name, bears very little tion of Wm. Reid, seed by John resemblance to the Canadian Home McKague were adopted. Journal of the past two years. It Moved by John McKague second- is under an entirety new manage - cd by P. Clark that all applications I went, and nothing will be spared lin for ibsuranee taken by the agents of making it indispeusible to every this company, be laid before the Canadian woman, in every Canadian board fur examination.—Carried. home, and of which every Canadian Moved by A, McKague, seconded journalist may justly be proud. The current number contains, among ninny other things, the first of a series of articles on. the old families of Canada, illustrated, and entertain- ingly written by the celebrated art critic and elocutionist, Miss Alexan- drine Ramsay ; a very graphically written sketch of a trip from Toronto to Chippewa, from the pen of Made- leine Geale ; a page of Savoury and Seasonable Dishes, by Mrs. Jean Joy, Principal of Domestic Science De- partment of Toronto Technical School ; all the latest fall fashions and fancy work ; Music Notes, by 0. E. Saunders; an article on "Art in Muskoka," as seen by T. Mower Martin ; a review of the latest books published ; a pretty story of Love in 'the South, by Catharine Mann -Pay. zant ; a page for children ; Notes on Golf and Yachting, and two pages of by J. McKague, that having examin- ed eighteen applications for insur- ance and found them satisfactory, the secretary and president prepare - and issue policies for the same.—Car- ried. Moved by G. G. Moffatt, seconded by P. Clark, that the claim of Jamesand Alex ,Mel wen amounting to $90 for mere - killed by lightening on Aug 8th be paid,—Carried. Moved by .John McKague, second- ed by Wm. Reid, that the claim of Ensile Rome amounting to $15 for damage done to barn, also that of Mrs. Tiffin amounting to 86 for one sheep be paid.—Carried. Moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by AMeKague, that the claims of Messrs Ualdenby and Percy, be laid over and that the secretary notify Mr. !Percy of the course necessary in making a claim. Moved by John JIe! :i ue, seeond- ;;d by G.G. Moffat, that rho following in;; accounts be paid ; Jos. Golley, V. S., Wingham, for the examination of Mr. McEwen's mare, $2.50 ; also Arch. Gordon for the inspection of Mrs. Tiffin's sheep, $1.—Carried Moved by Wm. Reid, seconded by John McKague, that the treasurer be authorized to draw from the Bank of Hamilton Winghamthe sum of $150 to pay losses, and the president and secretae y sign thin motion and at- tach the corporate seal.—Cariod. b[ovedb, John McKague, second- ed by G. G. Moffatt, that this board of Molesworth, spent Sunday at Mr. I George Macdonald's.. Rev. Mr. Richardson, son of Mr. Joseph Richardson, who formerly owned. the farm in Tarnberry now occupied by Mrs. Mills, visited Rev. W. J. West last week. Mr. Rich- ardson was preaching for Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens, while that gentleman was away on his holidays. ; Miss Annie Corbett, of Paris, is visiting old friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs, John Patterson, of Molesworth, and.Miss Fannie Patter-' son, of Wingham, were visiting here - this week. Mrs. Hudson, of Sebringville, was visiting her husband here a few days last week. Rev, Mr. J2oners has arranged to preach in the Methodist Church every Sunday evening instead of every second Sunday' as formerly. Harvest home ser rices will be . held in the Methodist church, under the auspices of the Willing Workers, on Sunday and Monday,Sept. 12 and 13. The Rev. W. Leech, of White- church. will preach in the eyening , and on Monday from 6 to 8, p. m., tea will be served in the basement. In the body of the church, a musical and literary entertainment will be given, Addresses are expected from Revs. Fisher of Gerrie, Kennedy of Wroxeter and others. Rev, W. J. West B. A. is spending a few days at horse - attending the opening of the new church at Wood - 'stock, and will also pay a visit to Toronto ere his return on the 18th ti cr ly say, said Mi. Davis, bow much money I spent on doctors and medi- cine, but it amounted to a 'eoni;idevt-- able sum, and yet I would most wil- lingly have given my farm to be rid of the terrible pain I • was forced to endure. But all my expenditures 1seemed of no,avail, and I began to I despair of a cure. At this juncture, acting on the advice of •a friend, 1 began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills The . rs, six boxes I used seemed from outward appearances to have had no effect, and I felt almost like giving up in dispair. I thought,. however, that possibly that was not a fair trial for one in my condition and I procured a further supply. By the time I had used three boxes more there w'ts a considerable improve• merit noticeable, and from that out each day found me growing better. I t;oetinued using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until I bad taken eighteen boxes by which time every restage of the pain had left me, and. I was feeling in every respect a new man. 1 believe, too, that the cure is perman- ent for 1 bave not known whatit is to suffer froin rheumatism since., It will thus .be seen that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills released 11Ir. Davis from a painful Thraldom of rheum- atism at a comparatively small ex- pense after doctors anti other medi- cines had utterly failed to give him even a fair measure of relief. .11 is obvious therefore thatit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are given a fair trial they aro sure to bring relief and a t tr•e. Every bcx of the genuine '•"r !: fills has the trademark on th.. ,, tapper around the box, and the parcbaser can protect himsulf from imposition by refusing all others. Sold by all dealers at 50 cents ,a box' or six boxes for $2.50.• music. The fancy work department inst. is another attractive feature. Alli the latest and prettiest designs will be illustrated, the patterns or ma- terials for which can bo obtained The farmers in this vicinity have from the Canadian Home Journal. finished harvesting. Free lessons in all the newest em- 'j 'e aro glad. to learn that Mr. broidery stitches are also being t r'Ytu. Ifaugh;f vt ho recently brake this offered, instrut;tion to be given by' leg, is progressing favorably. ✓ one thoroughly competent to teach.! We hear that Mr. J. II, Linklater, Address, The Canadian Home Jour- has lost one of his young cattle, won - nal, McKinnon Building, Toronto. der if some of the "beef rings" has run out of meat? TURNBERRY. .4444444,4.41 WROXETER. On Wednesday afternoon; Sept. The regular monthly horse fair cock, to Miss Mary 8th, the marriage of Mr. David Po - was held on Thursday of this week. 1 A. Uzell, of Langside, was solomnfz- please call in and examine for Yourself, and be Convinced. do now adjourn to tweet again in the Trlr. Horace Hodgson, of Win;ham ed, at the Baptist Parsonage, on ' '1' Hall rl'eeswater en the last has returned home after spending ai Francis street Wfn ham by Rev. No trouble to show goods, ADVERTISE TIM S Saturday in September, at 2 o'clock short time with his grandfather,aMr. James Hamilton. 'he newly mar - p. m., or at the call of the president. Win. Lawrie. --Carried. © Davin blclar, rosn:, 8 1 , ried couple will enjoy their honey Mr. Andrews, C. P. R. station I moon among friends in the East. agent and wife are enjoying a couple Mr. W. 13. Sutton, w o has been See'y-Treasurer. of weeks holidays at present. A section foreman on the Cal... R. at relieving agent Is taking Mr. And. Zetland, for the last 22 years; Assign- yyqq lgent for "tjnren s'i t, t. , nor. 'revv's place here. ed his position this week, Few men A 1</—iteitlu nod e t pictures. d ,luuileo• A large number of our townspeo• I have been in the employ of the same oNerdowing esti latest and neheHt pictures. Con• y tains the endorsed biography of iter Majesty, with pie are attending the Industrial 11 air company for so litany years, He anthentia History rrf her remarkable reign, and full at Toronto, Will be Succeeded by Mr. Scott, of account of the Diamond Jubilee Only x11.50, BIk ' book. Tomcod us demand. nonanza for agents, ' Cumro ae on per sen tt t'en r (, . will pay Cr 1a Titres Un ere he will spend and get the first chapters of our 116W Story, the remainder o is life. i t ru t Credit i tr esprit 25 It'NTS ll f tl T til I' 1•f Wingham, Mr. Sutton will move hands, Outfit lrotl, bar pard. write for ou fit n tO inguam, wh and territory. THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept, January 1st 113118. Subscribe now f h E,/ . 7, 310 Dearborn St., ehlea.ro. MORRIS, P. S Scott sold for the owners, the Barrie farm in irforris, to John Mc -- Millan, M. P. for South Huron, fon $5,000. His grand -on, Robt. Scott„ will take possession. The following from the Philadel- phia Ledger of August 31st, refers. to a son of Mr, John Roe of this,. township : " At a meeting of til; Pennsylvania hospital last evening': Dr. Francis T. Stewart. was eleeted a resident physician, to succeed Dr. James Scattergood, whose term ex- pires October 1 next. Dr. W. 3'. Roe, was also eleeted a resident member, making seven in all. Dur- ling ur•ling the past month 1661 immergen- cy cases were treated in the receiv. ing ward, 1586 treated in the mit. ed. department, and 304, adiaihtt- ed to beds, snaking the total number i of asses tri aced $521. The number of vidts Made ht e loeters to etre, 'patients was 4,779, '