The Wingham Times, 1897-09-03, Page 7PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. ,We are working day and night t•) supply the demand. Oar correspondence Onassis that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY ®UR RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY ASD LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS Boldin Wingham, only by Gordan & Co CURES !URS GAB 000, ELTON'S umps Will stand wear and tear for y ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put ie wells 25 years ago are still working. • IRON ane FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing romptly attended to. &tor—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont. WHEAT '• `- W b.. AT RUSREL Means good times and plenty of money to buy NEW SUITS Style, Mt, Quality and Prices right at WEBSTER9S C��e'Cdlit4 r1: 1ILE WIN[;TIAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 3, 184, . Left U1111 Speechless. 1 COUNTY CONWEi TIOK An old farmer was in a merehant's office, and asked if he could supply some fresh batter. The merchant told him that he would inquire if his wife needed any. So be stepped to the telephone, called her up and talked a few seconds through the telephone. Then, turning. to the countryman, who was standing with his hands in bis pockets, his eyes stretched, and his glee very red, he told him that his wife said she would not need any butter. The indignant countryman blurted out, " Look hero, mister, if you didn't want any butter why didn't say so? I ain't such a fool as to think that you've got your wife shut up in that little box !" And he went, leaving the merchant speechless. Baby Wag Cured Dear Sirs,—I can highly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. It cured my baby of diarrhoea after all other means failed, so I give it great praise. It is excellent for all bowel complaints. MRS. CFIAS. BO'L'T, Harlow, Ont. At The County'.Postofflee. 'Any letters for me?' 'No.' _'Any postal cards?' 'No.' 'Is my paper come?' 'No.' `Got any almanacs?' 'No.' `Well, does you know anybody what wants ter buy a live alligator?' —Atlanta Constitution. Prvoidenoe Thanked. • [CONCLUDED PR0,1i PAGE G.]. A. 1)ay. was an address of 40 �min- utesecluration that no summary can do justlee te. The benediction brought the meet- ing to a close. OFPICER5 OF StDItATFi SCHOOL AssO- CIATION. A general committee, appointed to deal with nomination of officers, re- commended the following as . the officers f'or the ensuing year : President—Rev. J. W. IIa101110n, Wingham. Viee-['residents--J. P. Ross, Exe- ter ; W. N. Manning, Clinton ; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; G. M. Fifty, Sum- merhill. Minute SeWi'etary and Treaeurer— Israel Taylor. Seerotary—J. 0, Stoneman. Executive --W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; D, M. Gordon, Wingham; If. •Me- Quarrie, Blyth ; J. Houston, Clinton ; R. W. McKenzie, Goderich; W. D. Bright, Seaforth ; W. Elder, Hen - salt ; J. Whiddon, Bayfield ; Mr. Hogarth, Stephen. R. Holmes was elected representa- tive to Provincial Association. J. C. Stevenson, Treasurer, read a detailed report of the receipts and expenditures, showing the general receipts to be $33.31 ; for Prvvincia! Association purposes, $84.85; total, $118.16. Expenditures, $126.31, leaving a deficit of ty8.15. The sum of $50 was pledged to the Provincial Association this year. C. E. CONVENTION. The ChrisLirin Endeavor section o It is with pleasure that I recommned the Convention opened on Wednes B. 13. B; for the cure of indigestion and p impure blood. 1 bad tried many medi- I daY by a wen attended sunris cineo but received no benefit until,thank I prayer meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 Providence, I was advised to use B. B.B. led by Rev.'1?. J. Oaten Belgrave and it ra'ulted in a perfeeteure. This was followed by a service o Mas. Wsr, Locxr:. �Osbawa, cont. praise at 9:30, conducted by •Rev. A Stewart. W. II. Kerr, as Presiden Mr. Leonard J. Grimshaw, was took the chair at 10 o'clock. . ce scalded to death at London by The first address was "Line up stc am escaping from a new engine by E. ' Wanless, Varna. The sub that he was setting up in Watson's i ject suggests that some one is out o box factory. line. Can it be true that.'we can fin any one who refuses to respond t the call of an allwise God. A line i drawn by the divine hand and we are asked to line up to it. It' re s" giros firmness and courage to do i At 1y The soldier in line is a unit of power �,•,.tr,.,r�� —so with the Chirstian., The •com- a '� '`..I.4. FIT e�Fx :iY`+• mend to.1 ne up conies to every* one ?f Vt - ` t 7 r ` who is not -doing his or her duty and ,t. ISSN :' [ti. t 1 r rr ei Fa ' should we disobey,sad will be our end za v •r; cb ;v y K � 4:° On the other hand if we obey ani f�� ` line up, glorious will be our reward .•A•-•r..-s=fTKw-i-11 for o.......,. told that the angels of '-'' 188,13russels, Presbyterian, 95, G er.eh, Presbyterian, 97, Brussels Met- ltodist, 99, Centralia Methodist 100, 1. Thou shalt not go a;rity fropo I-Iensall Preabytcrlan, 101. Lumley home to do thy trading, thou. nor Presbyterian, 10t,Clinton Ontario St. thy sons nor thy daughters. • Methodist 141, Exoderleh orth St. 2. Thou shalt patronize thine Dlethodist, 104, I3lyth, Presbyterian, own ehallants, also the printer, and 119, Clinton, Itattenbury, St, Method' they shall patronize thee. D ,ke list. t43. At the Dominion Convention haste, .therefore,' and purchases that * held in 'Ottawa last Oeotober,'liuron Which will cause thy countenances to County held a high position in shine with intelligence and bring the; statistical report presented by prosperity to both. t �' Secretary ;,!orris. In number of 3, Thou shalt not nek fur credit, Sc,c!eSt!es iia stnad first :finer,? as goods cost much inane), and the the different County Unions of the merchant's heart is wearled with Province. In increase of societies bills. His children elms"' daily for we stood first. In total number of bread, and his wife abideth at the members we stood first. In contri- - 0. Go Some New Com•ntaxidn nts. " home o sue raiment as is the man who pays eash. ions are represented in our Union: 4. Thou shalt employ thine own —Methodist, Presbyterian, lepistopal- mechanics that' they be not driven ian, Baptiet and Congregational. Of from. their home to find bread for the 110 Societies, 58 Y. P, and.10 their little ones, Thou shalt also Junim are Methodists; 33 Presbyter- efinsider him that is thine neighbor Ian; 5 Episeopalian; 2 I3aptist; 2 Con. above them that d 11 eth in a gregational. strange town, "The power of personality," by E. 5. Thou shalt net ask for re - F. Armstrong, Geclerich, showed how duced prices for thy'influenee, for our own personality affected others; behold gutlesis in thy heart, and the.. how it could and would be developed merchant readeth it • like an open and used; and if directed by the per- book, he leugheth thee to scorn and accomplishment of much good. 6. Thou shalt do whatever lieth "World winning," by Miss Wilson in thy power to encourage and pro - Clinton, her reference to inissiOns, mote the welfare of thy town, thine showing how the spread of the gospel ewe people. bad been affected in various ways, 7. Thou shalt spend thine earn - and particularly through medical ings at home that they may return missions and hospitals, schools and from 'thence they caine, arid give colleges, breaking . down prejudices nourishment to such ,as may come and opening up the f ireign fields as after thee. it could have been accomplished in no other way. of pride to overcome thee, and if 8. Thou shalt not suffer the voice te "Soul winnine," by Miss Hutton, e should always be kept in view, to accomplish which we should. be in- - tensely in earnest, filled with the f spirits faithful in prayer, consistent in lifts, and use all meane and agen- t, cies to hring souls to Christ. Henderson, liensall. The saving of the individualaneant the saving ot t the nation. Responsibilities of good d citizenship, if' realized, led to the O -conieerated lives for national service. a The times were perilous—the greed for gold, for government favors, turned men away from the true paths t of right motive and living. Religion . a life, as citizenship Is- a life, and no nation c.tin be saved except on the old lines of the Bible plan. "An up-to-date Endeavarer," by C. L. Fisher, Holmesville, hnplied thorough Christian,. one who kept his , engagements promptly, one who was e so6al, who was practical, yet had an ideel; a good citizen; one whose actions were prompted by the highest motives, and one whose life was an open book for the uplifting of -those The Jeniors, under the direction of Miss Washington,. cleverly repeated the cantata given Tuesday, after Lord encatupeth round abouv, them that.fear Him and delivereth. When atiolft, VaS.114'4Lf; , we line up we attain to all the virtues of Chirstian °Harm:ter. The call to PoSitively cured by those line up eomes Nvitli particular force Little) Pills. to all. . To be in line is a duty of They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, immeasureable importance. lln d Indigestion anti Too Hearty Eating. A per- we lined up earlier in life it would feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi• have been better for most of ns. Do ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue not move one inch from the line and Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Th ey the world will recognize our stability. Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Let all resolve to line up nearer .elssta51 &Ilan Dose. to Chirst than before; and victory Sman Price. • will bo ours in time aud eternity. Substitution "Christian Endeavor and proper - the fraud of the day. QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAM ScC you -get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, .1.1sIst and demand When you see a man stiek a stamp en an envelope before he writes the address you can alwa3s tell that he is egotistieal. He has ith in himself. donate Giving " was introduced by R. B. McGowan, Blyth; and was dis- discussed and some length. "The Chirsrian Endeavorer in Temperance Reform" by J. A. Greg- ory., Exeter, was fully 'discussed by peveral of the delegates. 1 It was round necessary to bold an Miss Wilson Treasurer, read her overflow meeting in the evening, to ‘, report showing receipte.to be $53.05, ' aceommodate the crowd, and it was and expenditure $34.50, • held in the torn hall, being presided ARTERNOON MEETING. over by Mr. Kerr. Mr. Henderson, • There was a largo atendance at tile president elect, presided at the the afternoon session and the program !church. Rev, J. Edge gave an ad - embraced souse excellent papers and ; mirable addrers on "The progress of 'addresses. I Young People's Societies in Canada," !and then repeated the same address , Blotches SECRETARY'S REPORT. ; before a large audience in the town pure Blood. . Mr. Coeper, Secretary, presented other towns entice thee, hearken not nnto them, fbr thou mayest, be de - 9. Thou rhalt not bear false wit- ness against the town wherein thou dwelleth, but speak well of it to all men. 0160 EXODUCIATINU PAINS—HAVE 'LOU SUPPERRD RHEUMATIC OR SCIATIC PAINS ?--SOUTH AM - HOURS AND CURE. "I suffered intensely with rheumatism great many remedies and a number of physicians, but they could do but very little for me, only giving me at times a little tomporary relief. I saw South American Rheumatic Cure advertised and decided to give it trial. The first few doses bonetited me wonderfully and after taking only two bottles the pains elisappeared, and there has been uo re- turn sinc... I consider my cure a mar- vel ss I bad been so had for two years, thnt had I been given lip by the whole universe I could not lie on my left side.' holm's Drug Store. Canada has this year obtained $2,- 000,000 more for her cheese than came to her dairymen last year. Fire .Newport News burned four vessels at the dock and destroy - which this lady gave an interestinekea $1,500,000 worth of property. address on Judor work liSeveral sailors were terribly burned. OFFICERS OF C. E. UNION. Pure, rich blood feeds the nerves. President, Rev. J. S. Henderson, That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Hensall: Vice -Presidents., Miss M. S. • great blood purifier, cures nervoustaess. Washington,, Clinton; G. F. Blair, An inquest was held on the Wier- Brussele; Secretar,y, A. S. Cooper, tor fire, and the verdict was that it aintOn; Treasurer, J. Scott, Chn ten; was the work of an incendinary. EXQelltiv.e, Miss Elder, Sea forth; Messrs Thos. McCallum, Exeter; F. Recently was bore an Irishman's Hale, Goderich ; Rev. F. J. Oatem, reason why a Scotehman wore 'Mutes Belgrave. and that was that a Scotehman could not get his feet through pants. CLOSING SESSION. GIVES THE AGED INCREASED ENFR Cures Scrofula, Pimples, Ulcers, Abscess , Boi and all Other Disorders Arising Fr an e aboi ate and exhaustive report, Blom curative power in Sloan's Indian Tonic than in all other medicines-. I . is taken : Five years ago the Huron I I i once in the church and once in the looanty Christian Endeavor UnionItown hall. being then only 16 societies in the . beat, 1 A consecration service Closed. the most largely attended, and !County ; in 1893 there were 22 ; in 'most interesting convention eveeheld ; 1894, 56; in 180, 61; in 1896, 83; now lin the county, the success of which 'there is 100 soeieties with a meni-lwas materially advanced by good lbership of 5T03 to which add 10 Jun -limit committees, directed mainly by 1 ior Societies, with 684 mothers, althe hard working and indefatigable great total of 110 societies and a ! secretary, Mr. A. T. Coaper.' membership of 5687, The report I emphasized the need of. more Junior 1 , &dales being organized. There I hI.Was troublod with a pa:n in the • are five Le.eal Unions, viz: Goderieh, , back for. tnonthe, and after trying timer, i position of the Loeal Societies with a I was completely cured, and cannot re- . Membership of 75 or over:—Clinton commend this excellent remedy tee Irian, 83. Extter.Main St. Methodist DEAR Sins:—My wife bought a 'bottle of SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC from your agent whoa he was here. She has boon in very bad health for several years and has boon treated by three different dootors, and hae taken a tim- ber of different medicines, but she thinks one bottle of your medicine has done her more good than n11 the medicines she has ever taken, and she wants you to sand her another bottle 01 your medicine. Address, MICHAEL =LION, Richmond Hill, OM. K. price $1, 0 Do 04. All Druggists or front. Laboratory. P. 0. Drawer 33. THE SLO.L. LHOINE CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. Pt O. Drawer 138, Hamilton. Successors to Burtch Bros. Sz Co. Miss ANNA 011APMAN, South River.Ontel One Honest elan. readers that if written to confidentially I will mail in a sealect letter , particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after rars of suffering from nervous debility, ealual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in tnankincl, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorousand strong and wish to make this certain means of mire known to others. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhoodd of man, I am desirous of helping the uufor- unate to regaip their health end happiness I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp ; T MULFORD, Agents' Supplies, • Wiarton has a few diphtheria cases. The militia department will have the entire volunteer force in tamp annually hereafter. There are to be camps in June and October, and the forces divided between the two. Nature's Medicine for constipation, Liver Complaint, sick headache, noes, jaundice and tallow complexion is Laxit Liver Pills, They aro a perfect laxative, never griping or causing pain. One pill each night tor 30 dap" will cure CURES COLO% CHOLERA, CHOLERA* And all SUMMER COMPLf:CETS The modern stand- cinb : Cures the common every -day • ills of humanity. Ps To r Steora Or haVe you palpitation, 'throbbing or irregular beating, ,dizzincsi, short breath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. If so, your heart is affected and will in turn. affect your• nerves, causing nervou,ness, sleepless-. ness, kilNitILIS fooling, debility. rir FRES Cure all these complaints by regulating the heart's action and building up the health and strength. Price Coe. per box or 6 boxes for $2.5e. At all desegists. laveats and Trade -Mark% obtained, and all patent business conducted for MoDERATS I.'EBS, My cffice is in theimmediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, witlt description and statement as to advantages' clatmed. tfirilto charge is made /Or an opinion as to ,patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the applicatign floe be called for until the patent. i allowed. "ItrvaNvons'iGutrat„" con- taining full information sept free. All COMMIK114 canons Consideredl as strictly Confidential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPAIMM SICK RAUH As a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, , and if a stronger action . desired a cathartic effect is produced. by two pills. In obstinate cams, where a purgative is necess.ary, three pills will be found •sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. PRIdt 25C. 05 t reel *Lae A man ea I ling himself Tramilton was arrestol at Cornwall for passing himself off as inepeetor tho York County t•••7avinge Company of Toronto, aril tr3ing to tibiain the week's collections from the agent. 25 'CENTS P11)8 tor the Tunis tibia January ist Vuliceriba new and gas :la fltst thaptete of our irsw story