The Wingham Times, 1897-09-03, Page 6Itt 04t -O 1 :.li 3. J' get CJNVEHTLON OY BUNDA.z SCHOOL AND E11'ifDVA.VO•R WOBK.EIR$. r► . 'lt,s cxinvention of the above OP-- tnizations eouuueueed in Willis' -Cttuircb, Clinton, on Tuesday of last. • `week, by a praise service, led by 4 Rey. R. 3lilly ural., with a very good attendance. After the opeuirg ex- • ercises, a short address was given by the President of the -Sabbath School section, Mr. J. P. Ross, rlxeter, on "Why tin I here?" Mr. W. H. . Kerr, of Brussels, also made a few remarks. • - -it The place of the Lesson Help" of learningbybeingobedient Some __ was the first paper. mid was intro- vet' great improvement in famil arced by Rev. itis, Hamilton, Wing- say that even impudent scholars \,o sh which necessary, and escapes forever. We all have the FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. 1 should be treated just the same as p, y t privilege of doing good, so that we _ hours. :; iso said that there was a this would to a great extent solve mayleave the world bet`er than we Monoya remitted by drattto all p+r of Canada and .w.:ecr danger in not knowing horn the best scholar in the school, but b° 8the question of Bohai diseipline, found it. It is expected that each N C• _ 011 31 `11,MES, S1 )T1 MBEB 3, t il. abject, Mr. Kerr believed outside etas, is to go out and bring - SA,B13ATU. SEIi.'PICE8. slit► d t be essential to a thane in Even if the Sunday School 11amAnd 7 Ill. 'Yen Brat pit ee. Ile said he would cone ---they n)ust be brought In ; PRliiHl3YTERRIAN-tsar. D. Terrien School, but it should not be is. attractive they will not etwa •s l�n'CHS�f1IS'1'--Iter. 1)r. Pascoe, pas- , � tor. Services at N %It for announcing the numbers of that Is the theory .of the Ilonle De- pallor.er� !ccs ttit ilia In ossa 7 p W ofthe hymnstopicpartment.whodo the neat Sabbath's lesson as go to Sunday Seliool to pledge them. Lannw'e, roam!. Services at 11, is In and 7 simply as possible • use it also for selves that they will do as Sunday p BAPTIST-I3ev, Jas. Hamilton, pas.., summing up the report o the school, , p no c t -•- i CONGI,wi'aG3TIOVAL---Itev. H. E. sutras verses recited, and attend- house, the library, or anywhere also Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and once; he would also put the corn- they like. The signing of the Home 7 p n, e ar !rent a re a S .n. r TION ARMY --Capt. Barker h f h h 1 S h l scholars olars do tither in the for Services at 11 a re and 7 p pauative figures of the year before. D p t t pl df, card involves • 11 V 'mother object of the bl'tlrkboatcl' identification with some Snnclay and Lieut. Barney in command. Ger- would be to put on it the announce- School, and the individual is placed vices at ll a m, 3 a It anti 8 1, tn, cllrl'•zr>`N rc�lz���5 — Misses Went for the next Sabbath, and any in direct relation therein. In prose --Outram and .Gook in ccmrnand, Services speeial announcement that should be cutins; the work of the Home De- , at 3 p ni and 8 p m, nt \ •a r e'e ar to have In each of the above nam mule you could also write on it .. dal tme it \ s necessary ss y ••h werSO of same hymn appropriate to Iudlcrons officers, who would thus -Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p tan W. C011t30Urai), Aon BANK of HAMILTON WINGHA1YI, Capital, $1,250,000, Beat, §050,000 Proaldunt.—sous STWAsx. Vice•Proetdont—A. U. Ramat. JOBN Paooroa, Use, Rogan, \Yat OIA80N, P, A. T. Woop, A.11. Lns (Toronto)• Cashier—J. T¢RNBULL. —IS PUBLISHED +'VEkiX FRIDAY MOANING i !I —AT TILE- TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHiNE STRR`r `VING1[AM, ONTAItTO. Subeeriptiopprice. $1 per ytoar, in ad vette. ADVERTISING RATES Savings Rank—Douro, Into SiSiaturda}roand il0 lailjerits c4" upwards 1 8Me. 1 mo ($2000 $800 1200 000 70.1 Sop zoo xoo ?Voila Deposita alae received at careen% Onu Uoluntn $d0 00 840 0d rates of ir..,reat. d Balt " 40 00 20 0 Drafts or. Great Britain and the Unite Stott• Quarter 00 12 00 bought and gold i One inch 6 00 ! 2 00 the lesson thin may not happen to - further the work without friction or . -- E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. be in the hymn boot;. - unpleasantness. TheHoluo Depart- TUESDAY EVENING% "2`he exorcise of authoc`ty in the ment features were fear-reaehil.g,and The services were In charge of booI " was an aciclress by G le broadened rut Into cabins and homes the President elect, Rev, Mr. Muir. Blair, Brussels. Some say that au- when the inmates could not possibly The choir of the church rendered thorny should only be exercised in attend. school. They include the excellent music. The first address B1 NT��t', moral training. We find it neces- sary to use physical authority, and it could be used judiciously. A pupil will only attain the , highest. degree members of the church ; then. the was by Dr. McDonald, M. P., of ' IT pew holders.; they go outside into the Winghatn, on " Doors of Opportun- GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TFvdl$ti- highways and by -ways. Farther, ity," who, after a few complimentary ACTED. he believed the adoption of the remarks, said wo must seize the op- llonle Department would result in Moneyadvanced on ;armors and Business men on p portuuity as it presents itself, or it endorsed note and collateral, to use than, in not having them at all. Lesson helps should not be brought before the scholars ; they et -.should be studied at home. Tlien teachers should not think they are unable to teach because they have rltt•lesson help. The Word itself, the S +irit should help thorn, We mast '-" 'Ourselves before we are able diel net believe it. If all peaceable efforts fail in securing obedience, then drastic measures should be re- sorted to. Ile did not believe in keeping scholars in school at auy cost, as is often advised, Scholars must be obedient, and if all methods fail in securing obedience, in the in- terest of the school expel that each others. Scholars have great -1 scholar. God, in the early history ei� powers erof discernment than we of the world, found it at times neces- giwe them credit for. He also i sary to use harsh means in order to give tt the blaakboar 1 should be ;compel obedience. If a child • is ed. Bat above. all, the place of i asproperly o bey self-reliant it will grow self Bovet n-- the lesson, • ,,,,help Was in the home, ! . eat where \ce sf�ul(t thoroughly famil- ling ; ehildten must have dictated to • adze ourstves with the lesson. •I them what they shall and what they I shall not do, The authority =r- e e diseession wap participated in , by Ilev.:iir` Ilatf �Iielgra� e s e. Ii, i eised in the public school is to some i�r, Brussels; D. Tipla.dy, Clinton ; ` extent paralleled in the Sunday .Rev. S. Bond,Seaforth, and Rev. ti'ir, School. Nothing will 'estend to Stoat, Clinto, the principal line of snake Snnda�' Scheel effective, as a argument beta;; that !!sips are of revival of •strict discipline. Sanrlay tif:que-tloaeil advantage, but that!School scholars must be obedient to -`:slay be used at home—never the authority of their superiors, ,just in h shouldschool room. I the same as in everyday studies. Sufficient stress is not laid upon llev. W Muir, Brncefield, gave an Sunday School. requirements in the tldrt.ss 'on " The Sabbath School . home. 'cl l er and His Bible." The wank- l The discussion that followed . iudi- shauld be a consecrated one, and l sated a belief that Superintendents .'ld feel`the needs of the soul.:should, if occasion called for it, exert .,sf• also be n skilful mr.rker, the ono°as a worker in the ordinary eise even physical force in maintain - walks of life. The Bible is the text iltl* authority. Kindness as tar as book of ..every Christian. To get; rhoseie�t takibut ng partce \weren e t failed. ail II. Christ, by the help of His Word and i Kerr, Brussels • R. W. McKenzie, Spirit, i s the unvarying dint of the 'Goderich; J. •Elouston, Clinton, and Sunda* •;;school teacher. What we Rev. W. E.Kerr, >xensall. are is of greater importance than ; ,r The Home Department," by A. wworkat we er's ldo. ife must einfleence of the' be reekoned ith ; Day, Provincial Secretary. The How best he can make that tell for ;school will never rise higher than Christ !lust be his dila. If his lite the standard of the home ; this is the is sl?I ,',tonal, then his use of the Bible key of the whole situation. Both in °- = the home and school there should be will e e`iall the greater. If the life absolute authority. I \would eat re- ' ' he deep, fall, pure, and near to Goa, move a scholar from the influence of "The importance of reverence in and all of its will till our lives with the Sabbath School," by Rev. W. l;. the choicest gr:aces that are possible Kerr, Hensall. Reverence towards God is the supreme and eternal grace of the Holy Spirit. It is the source and flow, the• stream of all godliness. It has its place every- where in the devout Christian heart. If we shall receive blessings at the hand of God, the iwportence of rev- erence is obvious. 'Reverence was essential in Sunday School, first be- cause of those gathered there; sce- ond, because of the principles taught there. How important that children should be taught reverence towards God ; that it should be implanted in their hearts in order to bear fruit in coming 'sears. Reverence is import- ant in the Sunday School bet:ease of its impression on the tender mind. How shall we sing pray or teach un- less we have a reverence for the holy word. To heedlessly sing or pray is to bring dishonor or reproach upon •Itis name: Manifest reverence in etas and aoeounts collected on reasonable terms. which'will lead us onward and up- Money i;o Loan on Noted. ward. It we have a set purpose, and direct all our energies in thee Notes scowl -e Di t d Legal and other casual, a or dements, dc. per line for first insertion, and So per lino or each subsequent h c 1 rti0n. 11 :. e err ed by nonscale. Meal not[oea 100. per line for Ilret insertion, and 60, per lino for each subsequent iaaertier., • Advertisements Ponied, Strayed, usinesiof Untried, exdlnte nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 60u, for each subsequent month, '1ou0o8 and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 Boas el. tor firtjt month, 50u. per subsequeut month Larger advattisealants in proportion. Those terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without a eoie o directions will he inserted till forbid and charge aocordingiy, Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for oo0traet advortiep menu must 3 I thaowee by iyadneeday upon, to order to appoai that wank II, B. ELLIOTT, Peorau rod AND PIrsLlanan it11 . VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SuLICirOIi, Eto., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat interest. No commisston charged. Mortgages, to and 1 • property bought and said direction, it will be bard to turn us 1 OFFICE -Beaver Block WINoIAM oat of the- accomplishment of that, AT REASONABLE RATES purpose. Some people ibex, din that I Money advanced on Mortgages at 6i per centwith they have no opportunities, but the • prlvile,re of paying at the end of any year. Note truth is that , opportunities lie all and accounts colluated. 1 FLDr3T. BZoTN Dtbp. around us. Some unw'i1ely wait tor I Beaver mock iwintrham, Ont ' great opportunities ; • grasp them as they come, and when the greater 1 GitdND TWINE RAIL�VAi . opportunities come to us we shalt be :• — E better fitted to embrace them. None' DEPART ARRIVE E. L. DICIitNSOT, can be truly greet• without effort, I Toronto ones East 6 50 a. rn. 2 40 p. Ill _ J. A. MORTON, B.IRRISTER , Sc.. 1Vi. .tum. out. I 3 30 p m 10 2n p nim BARRISTER, ETC. and effort leads from One stage. to 'Palmerston mixed 8 55 nt Iu 'l 40 m another. Even if equipped and p SOAIOITOR To RAMC or nalrn.Tos. MONEY ,London and South 0 53 n m 11 10 a, m LOAD ready for action, there are SoineQwho 3 301, m 8 00 p m ask : " Where is my opportunity ?" i Kincardine • 11 10 a in 0 50 a m while they are close .at hand. Have 2 55 p m 3 30 p In well defined 1 to and follow it. 10 26 p m S 30 a m a p Begin with the simple duties of life and go onward and upward. We must regard no opportunity, how- ever small, as unworthy of our atten- tong, and our influence will be tion. So much for the general op - greater. Reyerence in our prayers portnnities of life. But all have is the only avenue by which we speci'tl opportunities for usefulness reach the divine heart. - The prime -anti -activity, though we fail often to purpose of Sunday School is neither see thein. --The ladies have a grand to sing or -pray, but to study- God's 'opportunity in wielding influence on word. Nothing so excludes from the the profligate young men of to day. fin divine presenee as irreverenee. Rev- Again, we have the special opportun' um erence is the all-important requisite ity of identifying ourselves with °'um that will lead us into the blessed full- some or the' various denominations. To persons who make_ the greatest ness of love. For him who will We have also the special opportunity number of words out of the phrase, reverently approach the throne of of uniting ourselves with the Sab- "Patent Attorney Wedderburn." God, nothing is held back. Resew- bath School, Christian Endeavor, For particulars address the National once can only be inculcated by pre- prayer meeting, etc., also the special 'Recorder, Washington, D. 0. 8-15ecept .and example. Teach • the opportunity of identifying ourselves scholars reverence. The power that with the extra enterprises of the is to lead children to be reverential church, such as the Foreign Mission • I' 'I G A 1 is the power of life that itself shows cause, and while we cannot all be reverence, miss?ovaries, we can enter the door r "The character • of the. teacher," of opportunity by contributing of STEAM PUMP Vosr 1liiss Bond, Seaforth.The teal -our means. Solve cry for natural tvlxanAw, opportunities, bat these do not come ` AGENTS—i nm joat atoniacthebestthin(; U ii tai• mercy maktuK you have ever seen for must• a day, Your name and address wits bring the golden information. 11. P. GLASGOW, Toren Ont. g,l� �p `t D—Sollc:tore far "l'onndn, Au En - i4 kt it ryclopedfa of the Counts} ." bt Five Royal Quarto Volumes. No deliyerlier. Commission paid weekly. A rar,vacaor reports his first week making over seventy dollars profit. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Tdronto. I GIVEN k'NiY AS G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, $o Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets 1 opposite Colborne Motel. GODERI08, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S.1J ERO3i Lr, L. D. S., ivntonAn. le.nauufactur first-class sets of • teeth as chew as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by hie new process, guaranteed perm. tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite ilrunswick House. A.ltTHt'R J. IRWIN, D. D. B., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylran Dental College OF•FIOE---MAODONALD BLOCK. Nook-1Vi11 visit Blyth ovary Wednesday. JCIIN RITCIIIE• GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT hen our influence will be as great the school but I would lace him by by .,-.. as that of the workers of old, and place vidual character of the teacher infix- . our use of the Bible ail the more int• bintself, and endeavor to bring him enees most certainly the nature Of . pressive. The Gospel is interpreted • into subjection in that way. It is a his teaching. A character of super - ,'t by °them. by the life and actions of question as to how far we have trice! for excellence is required, especially to reach the unconverted ; have we S the teacher, A true worker is, and ; ' for the Sunday school teacher-. If ought to be, a worker together with ;gone, as the Master commanded, or his character is weak or. bad, his do, we wait for them to come to us ? xod. The Sunday School worker d Te Homo Department is the latest I teaching will be ineffective. Essen- we his office when he is a true tially in a Sunday School teacher, l'ningassador with God. All cis a t ter' development of Sunday School work, righteousness should be the feature acrd it is revolutioning the influence with God is a means for trantagious. The heart rwalks' amittit u 1 of Sabbath Schools. The theory of of being self-evident.his characterthe idTeael rs the grace of God, through his word may Home Department is that there may be lacking in qualities that go is a field for us to work outside of and his spirit. Sunday School work to interest scholars, and should en- -----`t ars ought to be God's heau•t�,openers,the who castanet Glomera mere are any many persons deavor to awaken in their scholars Good Samaritan had an opportunity and as his messengers we must ' y ' an interest in their studies. Tact is to do good, and he used it, and aim but won't manywho should, but '� •av°igli~ our eharaciers. The chief also necessary in dealing with Citl•ietiatn people should rise to the fa in building up this character don't. The point is, have we any- . scholars. Sociability is a powerful emergency and emulate the Good thing to do with those who do not study' of the Bible. It en- influence, and cannot be disregarded Samaritaa hi caring for his neigh- or cannot come? If we have, and . urs coilteption alife, broad-: -in church work. Deepest sympathy bor. Surely there are multitudes of .• -' succeed in bringhig them, then vie oar views, and brings us into 1 accomplish Intact! in so doing The is one of the needs of the day ; it' opportunities in carrying out the tamer sympathy with God himself. must exist in the teacher and be cut- great prin;:iples of good living, and The Word. of God sets over against only solution of how to make the tivatecl in the scholar. God is aft behoves the riding generation to the sinfulness of the world, peace, joy, happiness. In Christ we e ,that God can do for us, and this is revealed through His Word. The amount of Gad that a teacher hinds 41.---131! Bible will determine the ' mount that Is presented to his class. ;fStudy the Bible paragraphically for personal improvement. for the bene. ft of the class, for the power of 'God. The discussion was participated in ''ty bliss McGowan, I31yth ; Rev. Mr. a Shaw, Bayfield ; D. D. Wilson, Sea - very frequently; yet there aro some - that we may enter, one of which is the opportunity t0 banish tho liquor Waffle from our 1t.ud. It will be a testing of Christian faith, and will open up still further the doors of national opportunity. No greater national opportunity was ever pre- sented to a people than will be pre- sented to us in • the plebiscite, and it is for the young and the old to say,; how this will be embraced. The - forth ; Rev. R. Millyard, Clinton ; ' W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; Rev. Mr. 'r;ll, I3elgrave ; Rev. S. Bond, Sea- +' ;itsrth, all of whom thought familiartil - with the I31.ble the great point of ttiltage for the teacher• 1, The proper place of the Black- '. bard" was the subject allotted to Dr. Towler, of Winghar, but he is !$baerst in England, and Mr. Kerr, of am* was called upon to intro.' • • " sympathizing friend, and we are co- use the vantage ground they have; "ill' SICKNE :IS ANi) IN workers with him. Prayer is an - more is expected from the young - 'ollt their fathel'a, beeluse or — - true worker for Christ. Faith, vii'- the progression that has taken place, rue, knowledge, temperanee,patienco, . and every day but opens up further godliness, brotherly kindliness, char- opportunities that God expects and ity, love, all exemplified in our life, demands us to meet,, and doing so and amplified in our experience, we can look forward to the dawn of . gave us the best possible character a new and better era. in our relaticn as a teacher. " The Peachers' Master Rey," by MASS MEETING. At 8:20 a mass meeting of child• roti was held in Ontario Street Meth- odist Church, presided over by W. R. Lough, After the introductory ew services, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, gave a short address, taking a jack- knife as his topic. A class of Sunior Leaguers presented- a well arranged. headaches. She says; --"•Seeing the won - Missionary cantata, under the ones-- HEALTH." essential in the character of every than f► MAN 30114AND WIPE BANDS ANDS IN PaociArnixo IRE GONAT SOUTH AMERICAN NEnvI1E ICING Or CURBS TOR STOMA= TROUBLE AND , NERVES. 14Ir. S. Philips, of Wiarton Ont. writes "I was very much emaciated by chronic dysentry and dyspepsia, for a number of years. No remedy or physioiau seemed xo successfully cope with my case, When all else had failed( read of the cu res be- ing effected by South American Nervine I decided to giro it a trial. Ilefore I had taken half a bottle, I was mint, im- proved and felt greatly relieved. A f I am better and healthier than 1 have great sufferer from stomaoh troubles and bottles of It have made me a new man. been for years.' His wife was also a f CONCLJDED ON PAGE 7.] ForTv;4'ity-sever Year derful effect it was baying on toy bus NN'S Having purchased. the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron Doren and Lint Pnllnpg, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Tr nghs, Sinks, ';Fitting,Baths,Pipe itting, Well and everything in con- nection with water supplies, Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a sncciality, Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail shouid always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. C, MORNINGSTAR Box 140 Wingham, Ont, THE WIIVEIttA144 TI1R s. KiN $ I.00 per year in Advance. getic in of Miss Maggie FD o DER band, T tried it also. The remedy gay Washington. Provincial Secretary me most instant relief. and h: s cure Day made the closingaddress and made a strop woman of tae. Soil 3t ,swatch THEC00K'.5 BAST FRIEND at Chi9ho'tri's Drug Score. Was balled on the Lord's Prayer. LARGEST SALE' 1N CANADA. CENTS wil pay for the Turn nntil,Tonuary tat 1808. Subscribe now and get tbo Brat chapters 01 one new story,. mb,YnY,. W,W.Il.unn W�Liu��n.i • u'iTAR -DEANS. Ja., Wixoi:am, LICENSED AUOTIONEERHURON10h. . 1E COUNTY OF Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. OHN CUR IE, WINGrAm, ONT., e3 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook end Fenn IJnplements specialty. All orders lett at the TIMES olilce promptly attenl ed to. Terra. reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. fit, o Ci _Camp Caledonia, No. Oil, meet ■ ■ the ares ,tad third Monday in every m■onth, in ha Odd Follows Rah. Visiting brethren wulccuu• J. Murray, Mkt.D Stew. art lion. -Sec WIR ANinclustrloue parsons 01 fair educations to whoo or $00 a month would bo an inducement. I could also engage a few ladies at their homes. T. n, LI.1SOOTT, Toronto. pis r11ttTED—CAN VASSERS—'•Queen Victoria: Iter lite and reign, 'has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testi- menials from the groat a en; 80111 for copy tree: Marquis cf Lorne sale: "The best popular life of the Queen I have seen•" Iter Mujcstt sande a kind letter nt appreciation. Selling by thousands; gives enthusiastic satistabitou. Canvassers making $16 to 340 aeeltly. Prospectus free 10 agents. Telt Mammas ,OARaBrsox Co., Limited, Toronto,Ont W ANTE f1—iron and tvofnen who can work L7 hard talking and tvt'iting six hotrre daily, for six da; s 8 week, and will bo content with ten dollars weekly. Address NR%V IDEAS 00., Modieal Building, Toronto, Ontr JOB PRINTING, IN°LUDIN° Books Pamphlets, Posters, 1311 Reade, Circulars, die., &e., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or address 11, B. ELLIOTT. T alts Office, Wingham, BOOKBINDING. We aro plAascd 16 announce that env Deets of Mugazrnes lets with us for Blndins, will have our prompt attention. Prisms tor Binding in any able will be given on eppnoetton 0 the Tints Offtoe, 0 Nf-.