The Wingham Times, 1897-09-03, Page 44�,y�yrY`.t'6 1:11.E W (a :IAA' Toms, SEPTEMBER 3, tb97. that Canada is, thus recognized BLYTU MARKET REPORTS. amongthe natiaus. The feeling in w11co1pte "�- Messrs Meow & Boyd, of this Wiuj ham, September 2n(41807. J- England. is very friendly towards l place have purchased the Chesley Corrected by 1', Deans, Produce Dealer. I, L - RINGS t Canada, and if my antieipatlons are brick and from Mr. T. J. Elliott.Flour per l00 lbs.. 1 50 to 2 40 •' an immense �s OC o • not deceived, we shall see a. great yPalk Wheat old .,.,, 0 78 to o s5. On Sunday a large number of out i�'all yVkleat, Irew.. , ....... 0 76 to o 80 SCHOOL SUPPLIES & STATIONERY BOTTLING 1flaw of capital and population to citizens attended the funeral of the Spring •VlrpRt 75 to 0 80 Canada In the next few years." only daughter of )yl l'• Benjamin Mor- Oats,.,,.,. 0 19 to 0 20 _ - _ _ � '-`417 0 36 t0 0 30 n�u'Ir h b b lu 4 6 h II Ih I, 6 1� IP h It I� Ip IP II h I, b Ir Ib II, Ip I,1 b t - vitt Hallett. The deceased had only 0 40 to 0 40 SP1GES ETC. A (QUESTION OF DOCTRINE. been ill a few days, Butter, ....... . i4 ., 011 to 0 12 BIG SCRIBBLER FOR le., Mrs. A, Emigli and Charles Con- Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10 DRAWING BOOKS, REV. JOHN ROBERTSON'SWood per coral.— 1 00 to 1 25 141 Potatoes, And all seasonable VIEWS ON BAPTISM,of Buffalo, N. Y., were guests IIs G QO to G 50 ]r1,1��!iRCIsi BOOKS, y per tor, , 1, at the Commercial the past weel, Potat000,perbnehol,new0 40 to 0 40 WRITING BOOKS; IN( goods at the: lowest Dr. Will Potter of Illinois U• S. Tallow, er lb 0 3 to o a �price at LrTTER FRO:iL REV, J. A, 1,1ORISON ON is visiting the old homestead iii East Dried Apples, per lb0 2 to 0 2iLEADERS, SL�ATTES, e. > THE SUBJECT—SOME yIGOROIIS Wa,WO11Sh. Wool 1J to 21 PENCILS, PENS, RUBBERS, RULES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED RJJBBER CEIT A, CAMPETZ, EXCERPTS—REV. WILLIAM Messrs Geo, and Will and Miss. PATTERSON'S STATE— Jennie Phillips, formerly of this MENT, town but now of Chicago, were visit - Druggist, Etc., • To the Editor of the Globe. oLd acquintance last week. And be sure end buy them before 9 Sir,—With reference to local no- Miss Bettie Higley left here on p. m, for we close at that time every I tice in to -day's issue that "the Rev. Saturday to visit friends in Chicago. night excepting Saturday. Rev. T. Higleyaid London a g John Robertson, D. D., of Glasgow p p the well known revivalist, has ac- flying visit on Saturday, TO ADVERVISERS. cepted an invitation from the Pres- byteriaus of Toronto to bold a series Live stock markets Notice of changes must be left at this of meetings is this city, I find in the Toronto Ont., August 31.—At the City Temple Pulpit," Glasgow, of Toronto cattle market to day there April 8th, 1894, a sermon by Mr. was a light run, receipts being 45 John Robertson, entitled: " Do you loads. The quality of the offerings see the three C's?" or, " Believers' - were poor. Good cattle are wanted Baptism a privelege and a Duty" ; but it appears to be difficult to bring "Baby -sprinkling a Delusion and sin " ; "An appeal to the Christain Presbyterians of Scotland, from which sermon we make the following extracts, - 1. On page 12—"Oh like other office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise• manta accepted up to noon Thtirsday of each week. .e OtiRgija.m(film FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1897. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS. We admit all that is said about the horrors of war, but we see no reason why it should affect our de- cision on the question now before ,Canada. Canada does not vivant to invade forefgtr°teiTifi Or destroy foreign cities, or trample on the rights of foreign people. ' What she -will da with the timber of Ontario, what she will do with the gold of the Klondike, are not "international questions," but purely domestic con- eerns to be decided solely with re- ference to her own interests, and to the rights of her own people. The more closely we attend to our own business, the less we worry about Churchisln, Presbyterianism, a ma- port steers and common. stockers* 'pour ieasf 'slthem, either by way "f' chine like the inquisition, that would sales good; heavy steers. $2; common . ti less talk there or irritating 11betl aboutm«%e grind flesh and bones and blood if to good stockers, $3.0ve<tis s 1.aa; FENCING' �� � FOR Perhaps all pitch our voices at too they darer(, stock heifers, $3 @ 3.25; " h°gh a -key in discussing these ques- tions; even where we refrain from calling a man a paltrot•n and a ttrai- tor for thinking one way, or tti jingo and bloodthirsty ruffian for thinking another, we fall inter the error of talking of domestic business as if it were an international affair. Canada is here..to star, and is going to man- -' age her own affairs according to the notions of her citizens. There is nothing "international" about this. We interfere with nobody else's busi- ness, and we intend to be left free to attend to our own.—Globe. choice stock to the market, all small animals being taken out of the coun- try and it will be sometime before offering will show any material in- crease. The market for export cattle was quiet, The prices ranged from Presbyterian ministers, Goa forgive 3ac & 41c. There were a good me for ever leading my flock around many trades made at about 4e per the pool of Baptism." ib, Offerings of butchers' cattle.were 2. On the same page -"Infant poor, and the market was heavy: sprinkling like spoiled vaccination, it picked lots were brought about 3¢c didn't take with ns. We had an un- per lb., and common stock as low as converted past. How could it take. 2 4c per ib. Several carloads of stock - This baby -sprinkling is a sinful re- ers passed through the market for ,/ DORI,lt. �/SANDI.RsON.—In Howlett, on August 21st, 1897, the wife of Mr. James A, San- derson of a daughter. V d1VIoNear , In Howiok, on August 20th, 1897, the wife of Mr, Arch. MCNONEm of a daughter.' MARRIED \/ ALLENBY—WELLS—At the residence of the bride's parents, Lower Wingham, on September lst. by the Rev James Hamilton, Mr David Wesley Allenby, of Wingham, to Miss Lottie E, daughter of Mr George P. Wells,q f DIDD RINTOUL.—In Whitechurch, on Aug- ust 27th, Ann, wife of Mr. Henry Rin - tout, aged 55 years and 6 montbs. Crop Reports. The Government crop reports for both Ontario and Manitoba have lately been issued. In Ontario the fall wheat is estimated at 24,268,159 bushels,the yield per acre being given at 25,5 bushels In spring wheat the average yield is .47 bushels to the acre and the total production,. 5,489,811. Oats is an immense crop and averages 35.8 bushels, barley, vernal of the word of God-" Buffalo. They are quoted at from 2G 8, peas 19.2 and hay 1.63 tons, ForManitoba the figures are, wheat, 1,290,882 acres, average yield per acre, 16.49 bushels, total 121,284,274 Oats 4G8,141 acres, average per acre 26,72 bushels, total, 11,517,112 bus - 3. On page 16 -,"And the Scriptur 2*c @3h per lb. Good shipping balls•- alness of believers' baptism is a mani bring from 31ac @ 31c per ib. There festo, and I chaiinge the Presbyter- is earctically no demand for stock fan ministers and professors of Scot- bulls. -The market for small meat land to prove it wrong, and baby- was . active. Nine hundred lambs sprinkling right and other than a - sold at from S2.85 @ $3.85 per head •steels. Barley, 153,266 acres, aver - delusion and a sin ! Baby-sprinkl- or 40 @ 4¢c per Th., and 400 sheep - a eer acre, 23.8 total 3,044,769. ing is no more baptism than eating sold at 2- e @ 3•1•0 per ib. About 30 Peas 38,287 bushels, a grape in a railway train is partak- calves brought from $4 @ $8 per ing of the Lord's supper.' head.• Good calves are wanted. 4. Also from a sermon entitled,"At Hogs quiet. Receipts, 1,000; best The first car of new Manitoba the cross but no salvation," of May 13 selections selling at $5.90 per cwt. wheat was received in Winnipeg 1894, on page 5—"We have had the ' East Buffalo. N, Y., Aug.—Cattle from Deloraine. The wheat glades exclusiveness of ecclesiasticism to ---Receipts. twelve cars through four. No. 1 hard, and is au excellent nausea in our priest -ridden Scotland on sale; markets slow for heavy ex•. sample,• EDITORIAL NOTES. Tru petition against Mr. Ileyd, ,Liberal M. P. for South Brant, has some difficulty with his Presbytery. been dropped. Further than that heknew'nothing.- Ed. Globe. Mrs. W. J. GAGE, of Toronto,offers The above, trom the Toronto to provide public baths for the city Globe of Friday is published by re - if the corporatian will provide a quest of some of o.tr readers.—Ed. 1 beg to ask whether the author of and firm at $4.504@ $6.7o. Hogs— Ornamental Iron 'i et Fencing in these statments is the 'same who is Receipts, seven cars through nine on sections ready to Ee .. Come and see reported to have accepted the invita• sale; active and higher; Yorkers, $3, it. The Cheapest • bilee Snap of the tion from the Presbyterians of Tor -65 @ $3.70, mostly '53.65: heavy season and no mistake. P FISFih; , onto to hold a series of revival meet- mediums and mixed $3.55 @ 3.60; ings in the city. roughs, $3.75 @ $4; stags, $2.75 @ J, A. MoRIsoN, $3.50. Sheep and lambs—Receipts TEACHER WAS Minister of East Presbyserian . two cars through two on.sale; market Church. firm, no good lambs here;some export Teacher wanted Toronto, August 25th. ' demand for sheep at $3.75 @ $4 for section N T A representative of the Globe ewes and wehters mixed; heavy west - communicated with Rev. Wm. Paten ern sheep $3.G5. son, pastor of Cooke's Church where the special services are to be held, on the the point raised by Mr. Morrison Mr, Patterson replied that he was not aware of the doctrines held by Rev. Mr. Robertson, but that he was under the impression that he had had TIMES. site. _ SCR Wilford and Lady Lauirer House of Refuge Notes. lr ve returnedltrom England and n1I ,.`'•1(a ground banquet in 1 ,�....,,londay evening last. fir. J. P. WHITNEY, leader of the Ontario -Opposition, will address a inieting ir: Clinton on 'Thursday next, September 9th. He will also speak in Listowel on Tuesday, Sep- ' Welber .7th. OUR Premier's return Is the proud- ] ettOriumpli of our political history. /He ltcrlrieited a masterpiece of states- manship at a time when fortune brought exceptionally favorable cir culhstances. •'rise•department of trade and com merce will shortly issue their report, Dairy Markets Picton, Ont., Sept. 1 --At our cheese board 13 factories boarded 865 color- ed cheese; 9c the highest bid; no sales. Tweed, Ont., September 1'.—Six hundred and twenty-five white cheese were boarded here to -night; 9/e bid ; no sales. Napanee, Ont., Sept. 1.—At the cheese board to -day 360 white and 350 colored were offered ; 91e bid ; no sales. Ingersoll, Ont., Aug 31.—Offerings to day 1,600 boxes; on sale; first.11alf about all sold and salesman not in - Last Sunday night or Monday clined to offeror set a price on last morning Christina McMartin, who half at present. has been an inmate from Grey town- - New York Aug. 31.—Butter steady ship since the opening, 'absconded. creamery, 13c @ 18c; dairies 9c @ 15 She will be brought back if informs-1'Cheese steady, at 81e @ 9 •e. tion can be obtained as to her where- Uampbellford, Ont., Aug 31.—At abouts. Any person dropping a card the cheese board meeting held here to Inspector Coats, Clinton,, would this evening, 950 white were borded confer a favor. offered 9e but would not accept en William Griffith, from •East Wa- • sales. wanosh, aged 23, is the latest addi- - Madoe, Ont., Aug. 31.—Sixteen factor - tion to the inmates. He ist s£iffering . les boarded 865 boxes of cheese; on from bronchitis, bordering on con- sales fi ve buyers present. sumption• Belleville. Ont•, Ang 31.—Twenty- Poor old Tommy Sherman is not seven factories boarded 2,275 white very. well. Ile says his heart fails and 250 colored cheese; 9c bid for to drive the blood of life through his board no sales. body, and he evidently is correct. There are in all 73 inmates. Mr. I. E. Browman, who was M. P. It shows that the im ortq for the Rs- Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Pocoek for North Waterloo for many years p held service. and is now President of' the Ontario i \ eai�year ending June 30th,amo i ted Mr. J. A. King has been awarded Mutual Life Assurance Company ` t i=1{I111,380,777, as against $ 0, the contract for bread for the next is seriously ill. 47,713 13 last year. The exports show three months,~-- Stn trignsease of from $118,140,504 to for' Queen Victoria, nor 1iiary 11-teGraw, a London domestic WANTED-ArealReign and Diamond Jubilee no. $181,118,970. was commttteci Mr trial on a charge OverflowingwIi latest and richest pictures. con• tains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with of murdering her infant. authentic History of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1,60. Big Mr Gilbert Parker has presented book. Tromcndaus demand. Bonanza for agents, LAtIlcR says: " Canada is now .1 beginning an entirely new career, ,moi only in England, but in Europe. f mm�lineion 60 par cen• Credit Jtionb rai ht 6 , P the Canadian Club of Hamilton with pale, outrit tree, bats paid. write for ougtfit Suitt exaggeration, I can say a complete addition of his books. and t Dearborn Sir C DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. PACKAGESENVELOPES 2 FOR 5c. NO E TAPER 2 Q,UI . -. R .,....,....IDES FOR IXC. t CP�9.. WIN GRA GROCER, NIU T. :>.' E L L & SON Beg to inform the public that their retail department has been reopened and they now have in stock the finest • lines of `' BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, BABY CARRIAGES ANDUPHOLSTER- ED GOODS. m ter, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. CALL AND GET OIJR PRICES.— T. - T. SELL �z SON, Main St. North. WINGHAM. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9th . TO 18th, 1897. Canada's Favorite Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibition.• The most complete Live Stock Buildings in America. More itnprove- ments and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist,•tmeilli Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., specially invited. Entries close Sept, 9th, in all departments. Success assured. for . •98 for School SEE U.A SEN BEN ALF, The Arab Prince. ec ion o. o, urs b• ry. All' applica• - - tions to lie in by . e• ember 22nd. Ad- ties been secured to furnish the Stage Attractions. dress THOMA JAMES, ' Sec. -Treasurer, Auction Sale o: Booth and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the grounds at 2 p. m. Wingham, Ont. For Prize Lists, Programme and Maps, apply to Turnberry, August 30, 1897. LT. COL. F. B, LEYS, President. THOS. A. BROWNE, Secretary. For Sale or to A farm of 90 aces on Concession I, Kinloss, 4 miles e. - of Lucknow ; 70 acres clear, mo3tly n sod ; good house ; largo bank barn ; spring creek ; 2 wells ; good cistern ; 2 acres of orchard. Apply to A. G. STEWART, Teeswater, Or to MRs. A. STEWART, Lucknow. H.A..NICS Editor of ' e TImEs : 1 ish, throu, h . kr paper, to express m thanss o he Culross Mutual Fire I . -uran.: . ompany for prompt payment o tb ull cash value of my driving mare, ich was killed by lightning. 1 have ills to acknowledge assistance received irom re Company's Agent, Mr. Putfl Powell, in - , tifyieg the President or the accident, received generous' treatment from all t Incials. A. MAoEWEN,`', Bluevale a F .H. KERNEY 7 '20N SOR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First-ClasE Hair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Honed. Are You rs FRUIT CULTURE totherfarot rfitr" than his other crops. Proton Bros, Co., the mos oxtrnrhe r,ert,ery house in Canada, havo vacancb- io this sectio, '.1 rite them for terms. BROWN NEBSERr, Toronto, Ontario,. A Snap . . • G For Farmers who buytheir RUPTURED? c �� PLOUGH `� rld 1� 5 If so it is your advantage to 1,, REPAIRS call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss.. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ONE FOR YOU IN T115 MATTER OF DANIEL M'KENZI8, OF 8 TOWN OF WINDHAM, OVII1TY OF HURON, 110TF.1 88PSR, AN INSOLVENT. Notice Is hereby given that o nbovo named Daniel McKenzie has made an 'ssignment of his estate to me, as Trustee for t • benefit of his emit. tors, under lb. S. 0., 1807, Ce- 124, and amending acts• Tho creditors are re, notified to meet at the office of it. Vnnstou", in the Town of Wingham, on TUESDAY 7th DAY al TEMBER, 1897, at 2 O'CLOCK in the afternoon. for the uurpose of 'miring a. statement of his affairs, appointing inspectors,•fixing. their remuneration, and for the orderhlg of th4 estate generally. MI porous claiming to rank upon the estate of the said insolvent must file their claims, proved by affidavit as required by said Act, with me on or bo. fore the 29th DAY .1 SEPTEMBER A. 0, 1897, atter. which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard to those claims only Of which f shall then have notice. it, VAN5TONi:, JOAN MrKI:NZII„ Solicitor for Astignee. Aesianeo. tVingha,a. Wingham, Dated August 27th, A D. 1807. 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2. It will never rust .and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing it Wetmcre does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold hi position any reducible rupture. 5, This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6. Some of our townspeople- can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON & 00. —AT THE NNHAM rotiNDT11; We have a large quantity of Plow Shares for the leadin 11. Gploughs, which we are selling at t' l 30 cents each. Sole Plates and hi Steel Land Sides at correspond- ingly low prices. I'J! 1 Our shops continue to turn It{ out Iron and Brass ar -- CASTINGS -ar and repair work for Boilers, dirEngines and General Repair Work, which surprises „etnd pleases our numerous euet.;nters. '4j WM. RENDALL CO. Ia Proprieto. Foundry—Corner of Viotoria and Minnie treele, r