The Wingham Times, 1897-09-03, Page 3.ri WINO Et Afti AUTifiStvir
:ioo ori;
Thousands a hales in
Canada. .
1r. W. S. Nelson, .Evening; Nerve,
ronto Cascada say,: "I was troubled
th rho severest rural of Catarrnh for
ht years. Had tried without sucee+ss
altnast,every medicine, The pains across
my forehead were eo severe that 1 was
unable to obtain my much needed rest-.
I was else subject to sneezing to suet)
an extent that .1 would anent) train 40
to 60 tames a day. At the general hospi-
tal where I went fur treatment, I was
told that an operation wee necessary and
burning it out was the only hope. I
have used .'Vlanyon'e, Cold and Unarm!:
(lure for one month. and have beuanle
rapidly bettor, 1 believe Munyun has
done more for me thou alt the others,
and 1 have.sent hundreds of people to
Munyon's RheuinaItsau.Uure sehlorit
fails to relieve in one to tease hours ,tuft
,cures in a few days. Price 255.
Munyon'a Dyspepsia; (lure positively
cures all forms of iueli;feattun and stoat-
ach trouble. Price 25c.
M unyon's Oold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and decoke up a cold in a few
hours. Prick, 25n.
Menyon'stough Cure stops coughs,
' night sweats, allays soreness. and apeedi
.f- ly heals the Wage. Price, 33u.
41•• Munyon's Kidoey (lure speedily cures.
pains in the back, loins or, online and all
forms of kidney disea e. Price 25e.
5'lunyon's tle:tdauhe Cure Stops head
• . mho in three niiuutes. Price31c.
Munyon's Pile Ointmeat p sit ively
cures all forms of pile:'. I'rit•e•. 3'
Munyon's i:food (Jura Ie.:Me:awe ail
Care of the Ears. would give me the 0,000 would be ; Real -tate agent (atlt west)—good
welcome to the cheek. , morning, sir. What can I do for -
Never attempt to apply• a poultice "As quids as my legs druid, carry ;fou? William!, bring the gentleman
to the inside or •canal of the ear. me 1 hurried back to Western Union a cigar. Do you want to buy fa
Never drop anything into the ear office and the presidentcheck was no lot?
until it has been previously warmed good to me, as 1 couldn't get any . Caller—No—I Mint to sell ono.
Never wet the hair if you have money foritGeneral Lefferts laughed Assent- .William. nnvfr. trlind the
any tendency to deafness. Wear an and seeming to understand my un- cigar.
oiled eap when bathing and refrain sophisticated business methods, he
from diving, called, a clerk, andrequsted the latter
Never seratch the ears with any- to accompany me to the bank, and
thing btu the finger if they itch. identify me. Arriving at the back 1
Denim use the head of a pin,. hair— again presented the troubleseme bit of :?or Zefautc ani. Gh .'-" .ren,
pin, pencil tips or anything of that paper to the cashier, Lef este' elerls
• nature.
aNever pat initis fat oily said: 'This Inan is Thomas A ; Te ,� ,�� r,r gip°' v y-
, Y y Edison to whose order that cheek a t°,,%es; ;r7dr;- .�; tun tiw„
substance into the ear for the relief drawn.
of pain, cher it soon eccomes rancid, "Why certainly Mr. Edison," said kill the -Miami are shaving off their
and tends to excite inflamination. the cashier. ''How would like to ' '
Simple warns water will answer the p mustawc Ines, dont you know. Do
p have the X40,000. In bills of what t yon think I'll look Berton with mine
purpose Tetter than anything else. denomination, sir?",off? •
Never he alarmed if a living in- 'Oh, any way to suit the bank.; `Wouldn't von really?'sect
water enters
nte the canal well idrowg a it,
It does not make much difference to 'No; I'd just pass a sponge over
t me so long as I get the the money. it,,
when it will generally come to the "I was given $40,000 in large bills
surface and can easily be removed After dividing the roll into two wads
with the fingers. A few. puffs of of $20,000 each, I cctuffed one into
tobacco &tnuke blown into the ear trousers pocket, buttoned up my coat
will stupefy the insect. as tightly as possibly and after bid-
- -- ding the cashier and the telegraph
Edison's First Big Che3k. clerk good day made a break to get
Wizard Edison recently came over
to New York from Menlo Park, on
business connected with some of his
numerous enterprises, and • while in
town dined with a friend and the
writer. During the dinner hoar the
great electrician became conversa-
tional, and told in his quaint way
the ,tory .of his first acquaintance
with any large sunt of money.
It Was in the early seventies, when
he was a young mare struggling
along with' his inventions. and had
no capitalists to back hint. In fact
he had no -bank account, and. hardly
knew what .ot:e was. Bank checks
were things he had never had occa
sion to nee, and he had as roach idea
of their value apparently as the than
rn the moron.
" I had," said Mr. Edison, " just
sold my patent on the gold and
,rock indicator to the Western Union
1`ete�rraiph Company for :$10,000,
and had eutue over to New York to
get my mune-y. I had heard of Wall
Street, anal its ' bulls' and ` bears,'
and h>id been told that the focality
wile full ut ':,harks' who would
fleece a stranger ..quickly. So I
nude nip ntv mind. that Wall Street
ae:t.ti ail ttud('sirahle place, and that if
impur;tle9 of Eno t,.+,•,,1. Prate.3au. I ever had the occasion to go there I
Munyon's Female Remedies . are et. would tie tacky if I 'got away with-
boon to alt women, Out losing' my overcoat or umerella.
Munyon's Asthma Rernt•dtes rt.11eve its •• .1t .hat time General Lefferts
, 3 minutes and cure perntatt+•t:lly. tilos, ,Vets president of the Western Union,
s'- atthd t shall never forget m sensa-
Munyon's Catarrh Rttt t�dt•'s tt't"r 'o Y
fail. The Catarrn. Gera • prune '25 %.•-- Litnls on the morning that I went
eradicates the disaatte rano pie system, into the Company's general office to
.re-ai and the Catarrh Tablets—price 25n.-- elite up the sale of my patent. I
cleanse and heal the parts.
MEI:6,ms,Nerve Cure is n wn't'1Rt•flli was itnmediately 'recognized by a
nerve tonic, nue. 2,5e.c'erk, who ushered me into the pres-
Munyon's Vitalizer restore"[ ;cat vigor mete of the President,,, who after• a
Price E1. few preliminaries handed me a cheek
. A separ it.e cure for aeon tlt,r�tlae. .1t
all dtmereits, t »day tau. a vet.
Perste:oil letters to Prof.-ilunyon, 11
Albert 3t., Toronto, answered with
-free medical advice tor any the/ease
for ,510,000.
"I looked at it curiously for a
moment or two, and my Manner
mast have conveyed to Lefferts the
• impression that I was very much
puzzled what to do with it. Of
course, I knew that I haft sold the
patent to the Vrestern Union Com-
pany* for $40,000, but I couldn't
exactly realize that the scrap of
paper tendered was gond for such an
amount of money.
Receipt Per Good Times,
Cheer up. Keep '001.
Joke as often its posgjble.
Put your hest foot forward,
Have faith and struggle on.
Take baths often—a cieaai body
. -makes a clear head. ' • " Observing my perplexity, Gen -
Think, after all, now sport life is, (•rat Lefferts told me that if I would
and make the best of ita go down to the Bank of; America on
Walk erect like an honest man,
rot stooped over like a thief.
Help sortie. other poor devil, and
some angel of mercy may help you: •
Consult "Mark .Trait" rather
than " Burton'"[ :anatomy of Melan-
Pay your bills promptly, and that
will help some other struggler in th(a
battle of life.
Find one more unfortunate th.
Well Street, I -could get the check
" Well," continued Mr. Edison, " I
started out, after carefully folding
nla the check, and went toward Wall
Street. So uncertain was I Even yet
in regard to the way General. Lef-
ferts had of doing business, that I
thought while on .the way. that if
any man should come up t.. inc and
offer me two crisp thousand -dollar
yourself, and content will find ' A bills for the piece of paper, I would
place of complaint. give up the check willingly.
Dress neatly—some Men f ."idthlt• "Arriving at the Bank of America,
the harrier tt 1 they `•I•,olt the I-l;c--'... :cl.•e,borlt eaterina', fearing
more sympath,r they willretail; still that-something;Might)e w'nag.,
out of Wall Street as quickly as I
could, the next day I began to
work on my first laboratory at New-
ark."—Boston Transcript.
Michael McMullin of Chesley writes :
"I bad been troubled with gravel and
kidney disease for eight years. At times
the pain was so severe that I could not
lie in the one position for any length of
time. I toott Eouth American Kidney
Cure according to dire•tious. I g ,t im-
mediate relief The sereneas and weak-
ness all left. I c•au testify to the remedy
being a wonderful cure" This stealthy
enemy will not leave you by pill doses.
It must be a kidney specific—a liquid
that will dissolve' till the hard substance
and carry then, uff through nature's
chancel South American does this. It
a liquid and never fails to ouro. Sold at
Chishohn's Drug Store.
Mr. Benj. D. Culliver, of Tilson-
burg, was kicked by a horse and
died in a sew minutes.
It is claimed that a.mtnonia will
cure a misquito bite. So will a hard
slap, given just before the mosquito
gets his drill adjusted.
Popular otelldan.
I was troubled with pimples o.r my
face and bend which causvd me much
a.uuoyanee. After tying many reale
dies without benefit I was advised to
take Hood'e Sarsaparilla. The first
bottle helped me and Itook four bottles
I am now completely cured." JAarr•.s
,lietooLS-, proprietor of Chapman House,
Sarnia .(Jut.
HOOD'S PILLS act easily and prompt-
ly on the bowels. _ Cure sick hoadael e
At Barrie an eight year old boy
named George Connors was drowned
while bal hfng.
Captain Stretton, of Brusse s,
threshed 400 bushels of fall whet t
this week, the returns from 9 aures
of land, dearly 45 bushels to the
acre, which is an unusually large
A Croupy Gough Was Seen Driven
By 1)r, Chassid Linseed. sari'Purpea:
"My lit tin bey had a bad croupy cough
says Mre. Smith, of 2,5O Bathurstst., Tor-
onto. "My neighbor, Mr. Hopkins re-
commended me to try Dr.Chase's Linseed
and Turpentine. I did so, and the lira
dose did him good. One bottle compi(t,.
ly cured the cold. It is surprising the
popularity of Dr. Chase's Syrup in this
neighborhood. It appears to me that it
can now be found in almost every hot: -e.
For Over Tiny Years,
Mrs. 1.6'insJnw's %";tx+thine +yrup Das
been uued fur over fifty )oat's by mil -
Umtata teethes far their chtitireeo sl,tle
teeth1n', with perfect,uuceas. It t•outhes
the child. softens the ,;unto, ailnyrc alt
pain, cures wind °olio, turd is the hest
tentedy for diarrhoea. Is ltleesatnt to
the taste. Sold by tlruitgisttt io t•tery
part of the world. 'twenty -t1', cents a
liottte. Ire value is incaln„ble,. 1le, sure
and ask for Mrs. 1Vtoslow's Soothing
• Syrup, nod take no ol'oer kind -
With the usual air of a 01:111 who
is positively sure he k a superior ite-
ing when he is talking to• lik wile lie
was telling her c+f the eai•Lh's popula-
tion and the rapidity with which pee -
plc died.
'Dict you know my. dear,' he re-
marked most impressively, `that
one person dies ever;' time. yt,n didn't
she re. doted, 'aeal one
w„ulcl die ever' time yon didn't
breathe it you tried it very long.
Somehow after that his inlereit in
the suhjeet seeind to languish.
oaa's Xidnt,y Pills
1)oan'e Kidney fill- net on the
neva bladder bladder actl urinary organs only.
They curt, backaches, wank back, rheu-
matism, dinbett's, Cnngestion, intiainnea-
inn, 'trrat•el, 13ri'ght'ts dteease wet all
otter diseases arising freer wrong action
of the kidneys stud ',Udder.
Horses iikcl everything
are going up in price.
- Youngpolitit.hltl—' Through what
means do von think I can hest lay
my view, t,t•t;ire the people in edu-
cating Iheto tea ntv 111«o1'ic4?'
Old-timer — ` What's the muter
with your fiat +'
2.5 canto cures �'attarrhal f;, nd fiche
▪ I flet g taut Cat:°
• 14i y F.'vor
” • Catarrhal D*''l++e,.s
(told in beat1 in 10 min.
" I+'uul Breath. Caused by
Oatarrnh •
2.i cents secures Chase's Catarrh flare
with pe'rrect blower in each boa. Sold
by all dealers.
The Minieter---' Well, Bubble, how
do you like:your new brother•?'
Bobbie--' Oh, putty frond.'
The Minister—'I suppose, then,
that von are,gtad he dune here in-
stead of going on to Mr. Gret�p's?'
Ilnhhit� ---' Yea, but they''s cue
titin„ bothers ate.'
`Tire Minister=-' What is it, Bob -
hit: ?' ,
13ohitte—' planted if I can ser how
the dootott• got him into that bit of a
satchel of ltia with(ul, breakin' every
hone it1 his body.'
else to t e
Dr, Chase's Ointment Wilt Cure Thom at
a Cost of nut 90 Cents.
Piles, scrofula, eczematic eruptbous.
Mrs. Catherine Glebe died at scald head, salt rheuw and all other
Waterloo on Friday. She was in
annoying and painful h
her 07th year, and the oldest person
iti the neighborhood, if not .iu the
County of Waterloo. ]?or the last
half century, up to a year ago, she
Yves 11 "nit: - - 9.ttcn f-- cls, ' '
ti regtlltlrly hti$ up at limos. C<bauso s Ointment
1 evtl'Y ,Siliiiltli?, Was recommended to me by Mr. Brennan.
of the SuwC11I0I o, P.E.I., Journal. I
suppose " " r tried it, and one box completely cured
f t'll t t Tne boom of prosperity liar bE'tttcls „
It Is kVA alt. l'i't'•':!'::,='!.:'':et ' ::hal. c� t est, however, Y tnli' ono Kansas editor at 1,.. ,Et, I�e says : me'
• ..,�t;i'cC1 Q)� • my Air. Statist, tiro oclitor of the 9troots.
i Ergo` `nog+ ctllil ct0tG 1'Il�lil RC1 to lacy It. "Our read tax this year was 0 utile, Out., Review, gives this unsollcitad
-" 1:ute:'i.n r the bank 1 Ws lked updollar' and as we couldn'tpay it we testimonial Imder date sof Nov. G, 1895 :
t "Half a box of Dr.Cltaso s Ointment cured
ka, , f; ■ tremblingly to a lil,tle hole in a highave been sentenced to work on the
my daughter of eczema. That was cis
-.; Kt > ripe glass-wppe i cleslr through which 1 road for fifteen days. There will be m� nt reappearance o,awl of the disee ase."
pushed my ehr cic'to the cashier. no Issue of this paper for the nest T. Wallace, blackatnith, of Iroquois;
10 ed, augatrcoatod pillgke Hood's twltlollltear e gyou dallto t' r1 he latter, after scrutinizing it two weeks. But the County wilt Ont„ vas troubled with blind itching
pieces, are not in It with Hood's. Easy to take ClOscly, gave me the check back have to board us, so we expect to ri n d1 t 120 y'eama out tried - every
with it piercing glance, and skid come out about G &bead. writes, "until I tried Dr, hase's Oiut•
s0 .,ferning which i could not under mesa. It was a godsend. Ciro box
cured ine:'
6 0 0 a
Stand, as I was then' a5 I am now
ero. "t+nctn victor,"[ tttr All deal rs and Edmanson, Batas & Co.,
rather deaf. WANTED -1'W, ,11„,, stand l est pictures, d l+it no.
utetllua'U,,r,tLh 'west and richcat pictures, Can• mniuifaetttrers, Toronto. Price o9C,
and easy to operate, is true ” That was enough. I was now tains the end.nsed biography of tier M' jesty, pith
01 Mood's Pins which are 1► 1 ' anth,ntto tlts'ary of hrr remacknble ratg"n. rtt•d tutl Linseed and turpentine aro every iro-
n to rata in eve res" r n ore than ever convinced that hit aceocut et aha Llnmond dnbilco. (hryty i1,fi), L'tg tber'e household remedy for coughs,
p every ' thonk. 'rremrndaus lttnalnd. nonan.,"[ for raents• Colds, tltrtxtt and toile aftectlous. Dr.
t3ACe, CarGtin ants . All � el eek wrsri C wU alt 10,000, and I Connor stag : u err cent. e'radit { b'on. t rctglt Chase bas disguised the taste and made
�tl ata, „' 'bard` Aft "[;sail► i.l?tNt;;alt, ir8 Z l'Lt9110t1 Ot1t Uf t11C i`anl• Outfit T1113 n,ttyl1,�std. ttriaa farantlt
sit w:, tJ,2.fttlaelffitibo,lLowett,Ntatss, bank with it, that all nl:ttl who and tarritery. 1HELtUMLJitONlleMrANF,llopt. bottlts of)lp �plCasaiit to take. Large
°Wr Pitta t u lull with ltlrsod s Barsanarllia. y 7, sea U;.•trlwrlt St., CLioato, 5
u skin diseases c n
bo easily cured by Dr. Chase's Oiutmons.
" I had protruding piles frac tell
years," writes H. II. tt.'nerland, com-
mercial traveller. ;Jr Truro, N.B.; "tried
many rem:Zueaet and had doctors oper-
a,t� It -Was no use. Was completely
t41,11111.11A 111181.111 WJtItI IN,,....4111dfUH411411.41,•,:,.
j sitnilatingtheTeadand l?cgu•1 a
'i tiiltg uie Stomc'•s a1r1I;„w'b +3'
..Ny rr
I Promotes Digestion,C1lcel'?t1- h
"[less and Rest:Contains neithzr rZ
Opiurcl,Morplline aor Mineral. . '3
} Am*, Sad-
R4 rla gab —
,rtieise Sa•�Z
Tfppcmfinb -
d1 Carbanaleoe'
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa
don, Sour Stoipach,Diarrhoea,
Huss and Loss OF SLEEP.
?ac Si ntileSSignature of
130T= OF
Castorla is put up in ono -sine bottles only, It
Is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone 4o sell
yon anything else en the plea or promise that it
is "jest as good" and "will answer every puri.
pose," ,tom Soo that yon get C -A -B -T -0 -B -I A..
Tho too- 7�
simile�� 4/� is oa
teignntnro �J every
of wrapper,
b zrt
1, lip
Will pay for the TIMES
until the ].st of January 1898.
Was commenced a coulai.e of weeks ..-'..
ago and it is a d ndy. .._._.. _.. ,_.
and get the beginning chapters of the
new story.
is a small amount for the reading you
get. The story alone is well worth
the money.
Remtit by mail or call at the office. Address,
TIMES OFFICE, Winghan`a.
• j
q,ata,'Aa'h 4,'t6'Rr'ix'Itatb'th'a6'th'lafht4, 4,'41eN4k'N4,'II�A,9p'ndh''6 N,'q h r� + .; . r t
All description of Book and Job Printing such asci''' iontr
In fact, every description of Job Work from the Mammoth
Poster to the small Visiting Card.