The Wingham Times, 1897-09-03, Page 1VOL., XXVI.---NO. 1324. WING1Lt_ WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1897. HOMUTH & BOWIES. WE SELL CHEAP New Fall Goods. ' ti✓b'9Y'Fi tib Our new Fall Goods arc arriving daily and we are busy unpack- ing them. We will have something in- teresting for you NEXT WEEK. WE SELL CHEAP. u141:111 & OYLJI Marriage Licenses sailed by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic - sot is street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER • Place to obtain n thorough business training is the CENTRA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATI♦ ORD. - ONT. A school that properly prel,ares its ,students for business life. Attendance this year double that of act year. Only one kind of business training :given to our students and that "the best." Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT of all kinds CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP W. A. JOHNS, City festaurant. 6lephono 10.86. Maodon tld Block. tlftraitIlitase SENSIBLE PEOPLE Do not end to Toronto or some other place for their olce stationery. They gat it at the T.MES OIAce. 11 'o give them gooda.aterial and do Brat-olass work, and when we rot paid for a job wo spend the money in the town. If YOU NEED Note heads, Letter heads, BIII Reads, State. meats, Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Wedding Stationery, or anything olsc in the printing . Itne, give as n chance, before sending else. whero. Wo can do wort, as cheap and as good as the city man, whose only interest in the town is to ger as much money out of It as he can. Yours for Printing, II. B. ELLIOTT, LOCAL NEWS. —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to euro headache. — Bengough, tow hall, September 20th. —Witeghatn fall ir, September 28th and 29th. Wanted,—Gcod, parcels, etc. N. oma boy, to deliver . FAB muse), —Bring all your job printing to the Three office. We guarantee satisfaction. —People who per latently k• -p predict- ing the end of the world :.nerally owe money. See our Sideboard- a $5.75, $6.50 and $7, usual price, $7, ' :.50 and $9, at S. Gracey's. —Mr. George Ciin, has a number of young people of town nisi practicing tl cantata, "Esther," wi_ oh will bo give in town at no distant dat . - A Collector will b appoi ed t meet- ing of town council o Mona,.. evening, 0th inst. Applicants fo thepo- tion should have their applicationemin. Peaches, plums, and ie 's in abundance and as cheap as the c • est, at Jas. llic- Kelvie's Star Restaur nt. —A. large number f rn town aro taking in the Industrial F r at Toronto this week. No doubt next uosday and Thurs- day will see the large crowds from Wing - ham and vicinity. —•' Robert M„" th property of Mr. J. Smith, Goderich, too sick at the Orange- ville races last week, nd was brought back as far as Wingbam, nd is now improving under the care of J, olley, V. S. Flow to get a skifping rope free. Buy 50 cents worth of shoo! Books at Alex. Ross.'. — Brussels will 1. five some fine -athletic sports on Monday , next, Labor Day. Wingiiam BasebalLClub will play with the Kincardine Club- and Wingham Foot- ball Club will play e "th Atwood. —The camp meeti gs which are being held by the Christ 'n Workers on the prairie near Scott st "et are largely atten ed. Meetings aro he d every evenirygf. nd on Sunday afternoon Bible reedit. are held every afterneen at three o'cl After 16 Years S. Wingbatn in the Furnitt ing business, notwithst roc is still in d Undertak- ag all the oppo- sitions' that have start up. On Friday of last week while Mr. Thomas Forbes, of is town, was loading flax at his farm in l 'orris, he had the mis- fortune to fall from -the load, and in falling ho struck the whee of the wagon, inflict- ing a very severe wound, which had to have eleven stitcbe 'placed ip it CVe are pleased to say that 'Mr. Forbes is able to be at work again. —tor first-class tailoring and cheap gents) furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. —A meeting c' the Directors of the Turnberry Agricv tural Society was held in -the Queen's ssotel, on Tuesday after- noon last, when ,udges and committees were appointed fo the fair, on September 28th and 29th.. E, erything looks favorable for Wingbam hav- ig a good fair is fall. Good weather is 4 that is neer d to make this year's fair t e best in e history of the Society. We have a few B wo will sell at less order to make ro Greeey's. --The following World of Saturday known Wingham bt of Torontc. reports who was visiting Cunningham, D. Si iar accident Wed ing into town frd when near the city 119x. hessian had it out of his pocket tc instead, he ebet hit the revolver by sot weapon was (Mach entered the fleshy by rarringes left that h. Wholesale Cost in for Furniture, at S. s from the Toronto efers to a former well —"Mr John Hessian for Cycling of Toronto is brother-in-law, Dr. met with a very pocul- eaday. He was com- m Port Stanley, and a dog ran out at him. evolver and pulled it shoot the canine, but self. The hammer of o means slipped, the rged, and the bullett at•t of his leg at the Everybody goes to Wingham. King's sale is booming. —Pay day on the . T. R. only comes once in six weeks no' . —The oyster Supp ,' is annouced to be the biggest and heat this year that has been scooped up for a longtime. Regular 50 cent `_Jeather School Bags for 40 Dents, at Ale:: Ross', —Many are cot tplaining that their potatoes are beginnh g to rot in the gro ul on account of so mu -h damp weather7l( — " Lionel," the roporty of Mr. Germs B. Roe, won second ouey in the named race at the raugevill Oracos on Thursday of last week. Twenty-five lbs. of Granulated Sugar for $1. Two car loads. G. E. King. —Monday next riil1 bo Labor Day, and as such, a public he iday. Schools, stores, banks etc., should .le closed and the day observed as a natic,al holiday. —Star Pointer, i pacing horse, the prop- erty of James A. Murphy, of Chicago, paced a mile in Re .dville, Mass„ in 1,59h. This is the fastest -ecord ever made. -" What's the p ice of wheat ?" is abou the most common :xpression heard ese days. Farmers ani everybody ' se are watching the marker reports winteuse eagerness. Try S, Gracey for Car. s, and see the Newest Thing out f r - tting under Car- pets. yiz : The Fo J = Carpet Paper. — Rev. H. E. liasjo, pastor of the Conte gregational Church returns to town thea week, and will oecufv his own pulpit at both morning and evening services on Su day next. leIr. Charles Popor, was out fishing on Thursday morning t:1a had the pleasure of drawing three mall ts out of the Mait. land river. The first weighed 4 lbs, ami measured 21 inches ; uring 21 inches uring 18 inchesfwr. who can beat this khe second 3 lbs,meas- third 2 lbs and metes - re is the fisherman cord 2 Dr. Macdonald is now permanent- ly at home anct can be consulted by his patrons. — Lately we have issect the budget of• news from some o our correspondents. Wo will be much ob ged if our correspond- ents would send us" meting each week if possible. We wool like to have some new correspondents If you have any news, let us have t. IVo want to make the Trues as newsy s possible. —Be sure and re d the following new advertisements in his issae : Ireland & Button, T. A. Mi s, McKinnon Si Co., l-Iomuth & Bowles, M. H. Mclndoo, Colin A. Campbell, TDIF Office, Thos. James, A. G. Stewart, P.] isher, A. McEwen, R. Vunetone, George hippen. Tile postponed soy of Hous• old Fnrni- tnro of S. G. Bros, n - 11 .ositively take place on the Mark; S' •e on Saturday, September 4th, at 2. e . m Peter Deans. auctioneer. -Mr. J. W. Gr' c3, editor of the Tav- istock Gazette, ant brother of Mrs. Geo Green, of -this tow t, while riding home from Goi•rio on kir wheel, one evening last week. collided v ith a rig at Shakes- peare and wai so tnriously injured that he had to be driv home. The wheel was a total wreck • —A meeting to or ^anize Huron County W. C. T. U. will be field in Wingham on Thursday next, Septi nber 9th, when delo•- gates from the vari-us Unions will no ex- pected to attend. A ," Silver Medal Con- test" will be hold in the evening at eight o'clock.' Good music vill bo provided. All are invited. Silver Rection at the door, The meetings will b held in the Temper- ance Hall. —The batters in tow have raised the pride of bread. —If you are in nee of anything in the printing line, leave yo • order at tho Truces , Office. I still buy Batter, Eggs and Dried Ap- ples. highest prices, cash or trade, G. E. Ring. -Be surd and read he new command- ' ments to be found on pi e 7. They will in rest you. liV1Vorkinen have b n engaged during the past week in pu - g a new roof on the Brunswick Howie. -Messrs. Burchill & McDonald shipped a car load of hogs pe G. T. R. to Colling- wood, on Monday la BENc}°UGH. The Concert Comiiittee of the Wingham Foot -ball Team have -been fortunate enough in securiug the services of Mr. J. W. Ben- gougli of Toronto, for their 'Concert to be held in the town hall in show night, Sept.. 29th. i11r. Bengor ih,s entertainment which consists of 0 ayon Sketches, on local and national topi -s, Recitals, pathetic and humorous; Poetryaend Prose, Burles- que and Song, will b supplemented by something now and or 'incl, by some of Winghain's local stars. If wiedom can make 'ma wiser, If music can make y better. If pathos can make y n cry, If mimicry can mak you laugh. • If humor can make y=nu smile, If fun can make you iappier, If a crayon sketch ea; make you pleased, put this down in yot 5 note boo's in a large plain ban': Bengou,4b, Town Iia 29th. Win;;hnm, Sept, thigh, barely int , ing the main artery, n JENTS will pay for the TIDIES until and embedding itd'lf four inches deep in 25 January lat 1898. Subscribe now the flesh Ile is n w doing nicely. 1 and get the first chapters o; our now storv. • —The drug stor s of town aro now closed at 9 o'olo each eveni' . Be sure and buy y ur goods efore 9 o'clock. Special prices on P' rlor iter, Couches, Lounges, Spring Dec _, . atresses, Exten- sion Tables, Dining ::.m Chairs, Rocking Chairs and Centre fables, at S. Gracey s. --We are indebtecfto the Clinton New Era for our account a the Sabbath School and Christain Ende ,vor Convention which wo give in another olumn. —Those who sent thou dollars to the de- partmental stores i Toronto, should not complain about del times: They help to make dull times in heir own town.. —The Harvest :'estivals in connection with the Salvatior Army, on Saturday, Sunday and Mrncla , last, was a success, Captain Moulton, CNew Brunswick, had charge of the meet- gs. —Owing to son break in the machin- ery at the flax mill Saturday last, the mill was closed for few days, It is now running again in ill blast. Mr. Thos. Manuel, of town, no the repairing and he an expert at his usiness. —Will the young young fellgw the le fond of driving, kin giving her name. that the young fello driving. -- A special mee cil was held on when petitions ss• dents on the west from John to Pa lady who sent the ter, saying site was ly send another letter e have been informed v is also very fond of ing of the town coun- aturday evening last, •e read from the rest- eide of Shuter street, ick streets ; also from residents on Sout i side of Alfred street, from Josephine tc- Minnie streets, askiug for granolithic walks. The petitions were received nr i a,:cepted, and work bas been ermmofft•ed on the walks. The fireman wer ing 0f 1ata>eek les s corner of Victoria and everything was working order. Ch! his business and eV is always found in lads have each been rubber coat, which preciated by them. New Presbyter', words only, from 8 nicely bound, 90c t Hymnals, nicely be W H. Wallace's. —Dr. Kennedy is ttending the meeting of the British Medi 1 Association, which is meeting this weel in Montreal, and of which association h has recently iad the honor of being elect d memborThis is the first time the a ociation has ever met out side of Englane , and is being attended by many of the most prominent physicians and surgeons, not o tly of Great Britain, but by representati •es of the profession from all European .-ounrties, and some of the leading centres f the United States as well. Dr. Kennedy ill be bome again on Monday evening ne. . out on Thursday even- ing the hydrant at the nd Josephine streets, found to be in perfect ef Manuel understands rything under his care on order. The fire furnished with a 'new ,ill be very much ap- ❑ Ilo•tlts oe Praise, to $125 with music $1.25. Bibles and uud, GOo to $.3.50 at WEDDIIiC+ BELLS, t.JA very onjoynl e social event took place on Wednesda , evenine,,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0' urge P Wells. most honored residents of Lower Wingham, in the marriage of Mr. David Wesley Allenby to Miss Littio E. Wells. $ire tti+irici-1rn71. ei t. iy Meet; i1nci was very ItfiatLllyatttix d.4ltt",tb ii'i'ten< 'tC`8y. be;F,aister,,,Mi c 6 ie. 'itae atdbm tts9 :trbky. ttssie T'rt.uaries lJ. twatt.,-.4,Viog.hAire. The charmed link was forged by Rev. James Hamilton, in the presence of a la ge number of friends and invited guests. The happy couple Wt on the 0 P R train on Thursday morning last for 1 raugeville, Toronto, and other points ea -t to enjoy their hon- ' eytnoon1/.Q11'e bridal presents were num- erous and valuably The TIMFs joins with the many tr nde of the young them a long and ffouple in wishing happy life together. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE -The regnlar mootil :of the town council on Monday evening ext. —Send Tun TDtE to your friends. On- ly 25 cents from ow till January 1st, 1898. - -Mr. II. 0. Bell of T. Bell & Son, is in Toronto at pres t looking after the firm's exhibit of niture at the ustrial Fair. We have something y nice in Ash and Maple Bedroom 'ui , well made, nicely finished, and i test Styles; and what's of most imp ance, Latest Prices, at S. Gracey's. —Mr. D. Stewart hipped two carloads of lambs to Buffalo er G. T. R. on Thurs- day. This is the fi t shipment of lambs made from here thi season. —The birthday trty given in St. Paul's Church on Primly ening last, was well attended, and was success in eyery par- ticular. The recpts amounted to up• wards of $00. —A musician w h bag pipes and a bass drum, cymbals, an 1 triangle attached on his back, was cloin; the town on Saturday last . It as needle, s to say the "music" was "lovely." Aro you thinking of getting ything in the Furniture line, no matt what ; how much or how little. Befo • You Bay, call at S. Gracey's Fur it Warerooms and see hie fine stock. nd the prices you can buy for. —The Public Sc] ool re -opened on Wed- needay morning 1 st, and both teachers and pupils have doubt resumed their duties with renewed energy after their long rest. During the holidays our School Board had the va cone rooms overhauled, freshened up and epaired where necessary, so that they wool be sweet and clean for the scholars. T; e teaching staff will bo I the same as beforetthe holidays. PER 4ONALS. We shall be clad t_ have contributions to this column from any of {xi• readers. Ir you hay e visi- 1 tors or purpose antea away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a no -e to that effect. Mrs. E. P: Pau n is on a visit to her parents in Zurich. Mr. Gordon Scot , of Listowel, is visiting with friends in town. Mrs. R. N. Thu tell], of Teeswater, was visiting in town tlis week. Miss Collison, c- flarriston, was visiting fr ices in daring he week. Mr, W. E. Bin ng, of Listowel, few days in town this week. Ur. Maxwell, - •f 1Vinnipeg, is his sister, Mrs. T nomas Forbes. Mr. -Bain, of IN oodstock, gave the Trims Vile. and Mrs. W. a friendly call on Saturday last. spout Sunday with spent a visiting THE GOLDEN DAYS OF AUTUMN Are conducive to the production of high-class portraiture. The light is perfect and %I ith modern appliances, such as WC have, ft failure is next to an impossibility. We make a special. ty at this time of the year of taking exterior views of residences, picnic parties, harvest scenes, ete. Ap- nointments for such may be made at the studio, or through the mail. In Life -Size Portraiture we excel. We guarantee our I3rontide, Crayon and Water Color Portraits. Our prices are right. Do not be misled by the oily—tongued vendor of cheap trashy work. Our productions last a century; cheap, trashy, so—called "portraits" fade. There's the differ— ence. Nothing is cheap that is not good and lasting. Yours for reliability, STAR PHOTO OTO CO. Beaver Block - - - Wingham, Waterloo and Tronto, where he will spend a few ltolida .v.Mr. Thomas D d3s wheeled to Kincsjr- dine on Sunday id spent the day with feiends in that pia. e. Mr. Harry McKra', operator at the C. P. R. station, is sp ndiuo his holidays in Detroit and Toron-s. Mr. Charles Stet merston this week, friends for a short 1: MissJennie Muer to.Wingham after tows.—.11onsall Obs Mr. and Mrs. family, of Taucred, in and around town Airs. R. Orr at turned to Woodsto a sort visit with f r. Arthur Stel' morning for Datil. he has secured -a g.. Editor Sarney, and Editor Mooney were in town durin Mr. William Ste presenting the Onta ance Co., was in to Mrs. Murray, o Aikens, of Winphan Buchauau's this w , Mr. end !'dos. Geo rich, were spendin friends in town tt week. lenson wheeled to Pal - where ho will visit •e. y returned on Tuesday two months visit in rver. obert Campbell and alifornia, are visiting his week. . Miss It ibertaon re - •k on Saturday, after 'ends in town, leaves on Saturday lin, Manitoba, where d. situation. V the Brussels Herald, of the Ripley Express, the week. vart, of Stratford, re- io Mutual Fire Insur- u during the week. Duluth, and Mrs. , were visiting at 'drs, ek.—Brussels Herold. ge Thomson, of Gode• a few days with • d vicinity during the 1/ 11Irs. William friends at Port H Mrs. S. G. Br. ,quaintances in tow Miss Stewart, of in town this week. Miss Maud Smit ing friends in town Mr. J. R. Reynol ing on Wingham f Mr. and Mrs. R. vi sit to friends in s Miss Nellie Stew - guest of het cousin, . Haines; of Wingham he lady's parents, r. Cruickshank is visiting and labs. James sillespie. #Blyth tan - pp this week.)/ dard. vn is renewing old ac for a few days, ingham, visited friends Blyth Standard. ; of Wingham, is visit• —Listowel Standard. s, of London, was call - ends during the week. 11Iclndoo are away on a oronto and Peterboro. rt, of Pontypool, is the Mrs. William Robert- SOp. . Mr. Loyd McDont$td, of the Built of Hain - Miss Cassie Far suharson has returned home from her v sit to friends in Port Huron. ve Mr. A. Anderson. of Wingham, is in the ,`• city renewing a quaintances. — Guelph Herald. Mr. George Sutt-n, of Fergus, is spend- ing vhis holidays wi h numerous friends in t V 119'n x. D. R. Mei ,inch, of Lucknow, was, in town Vann (110 week, smiling on old friendsAar Miss Nellie \Neeson left on Wednesday for Toronto, wher she will spend a few days Lefore retuning to ber home in Hamilton. Bev, I)r. Pas. ,n was in Lucknow on Tuesday atteudii, the annual financial meeting of the \\ingham District of the Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. G- orge Allan returucd to- their otheir home in Lon ion on Tuesday, after spending te shot- time with friends in Wingbam and vic uti,y. Miss Viola eicD nald, of Listowel, and Miss Tena Fraz r, of London, was visit- ing her old acquai tances in town during the week. Mrs. John Las of Sarnia, is visiting her parents, Mr. aid Mrs. R. Kinsman, of this town. Mrs. James Me elvie is spending a few days with her 1rie 11, Mrs. William Jobb, of Tnrnberry. 'Mr. J. H. Elliot , of the TI fEa staff, is enjoying a week's tolidays with his par- ents in Harristonse Mr. A. Graham, if London, 1 tanohthic walk contractor, spent a couple of days in town during the we t. Mrs. Robert Wil n and son, of Wing - ham, are the guests .f Mr. John Vincent. Bros -els herald Miss Ida Coad has returned from visit- ing friends in Wityham, Brussels and Listowel,-•-Henstll0 server, N/Mr. James hocoof le't this week for . (tic ditional Lcoais on page 8.) ilton, Listowel, ar the guests <1 Mrs. D. M. Gordon this week. s Mrs. IL Corr an ham, who were on S. J. Andrews an, ton, relorueti ho Clinton News Recc .Mr. John D. St bank, Ville Mario,, merly of Halsted &' spanding a few de town during the w 1 daughter L„ ef Wing- s visit to Mr. and Mrs. - other friends in Clin- e last Weanesday,— :d. ,wart, manager of the Lachute, Quebec, for - Scott's bank here, was -s with old friends in k. /1r. A, J. Alders i, of town, was in C1i ford on Wednesday f last week, where h performed tlio pa, of best man for bid, friend, Mr. Georee E. Tacbaberry,,,who was married to 111i s Helen C. \Veir.y' Messrs. Robert nd William Wells, C. P. 11 station agent at Souris and Win - Ikeler, Manitoba, w `o resided in Wingham some yeare ago, wino the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Clenclet niug during the week. r. Michael Gih;.ons, who has been with 1 casts. Ilomuth &Bowles for some time, left on Wednesday, morning for Chicago, where lie has sect- ed a good situation*. We wish luta every -success in the Windy City. - Mr. G. Gregory, . 1 Midland Ctty,"spent a day or two witl his brother, Thomas Gregory, during t o week. It is over 18 years since Mr. G gory visited Wingham last, and he was surprised to see what a 1 fine town we hay •