HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 8N Doc ,,,,uR Lim PRICES VJ for August makes busines3 b isk from Mon- day until Saturday and these special prices for Saturday, Bargain Day are intended to bring enough busirteglOW enable u.; .o ieron a very small profit. 50 pair LadiesFine Button and Lace Shoes, regular $1.40 and $1.50, Saturday $1.10. 30 pair Ladies' Oxford Shoes, regular SIM, Saturday $1,35 6 dozeu Gent's fine Llnen Col- lars, regular 20e,„ Sat. 121e. ( 10 pairs Shirt and. Drawers, > summer weight, regular 50e., Saturday 37.1.e. 25 Boys' 2 piece Salts, extra good, reg. $3,50, Sac. $2.50. 20 Men's Suits, light or dark, regular $7.50 Saturday 5. 50 stitr and .Soft Hats, regular $2.25 Saturday $1.50. 20 pieces fancy Dress Goods reg. 35e, a, el -10e. Saturday 25e. 5 pieces fancy Print, regular 121-,e. Saturday 711-e. 20 doz. children's 'Oast Black Hose„ reg. 10c. Saturday Sc. 10 pieces blaek and cream Lace_ reg. 10 and 1211c. Sat. 5c. 11) nieces Shaker Flannel, reg. 8c. Satnrday 5e. doz, Clothes Pins, Satatelay, for 2 Wash Boards for 25c. - -0- SPECIA.L PRICES ON SUITS MADE TO ORDER. MAKE GUAR- ANTEED NO. 1. (. EZir Ask for a25 Card, gocd l: tor 1 doz. N. 1 Cabinets at e 1' ( the Star Photo Co. Shop early at M. H. IVIcIND00-2. 41..DOITIONAL LOCALS. BASEBALL. • 4. THE WINGRAM TIMES, AUGUST 27, 1M7. 00110213T* 1311110110. 010 San Jose Seale. Tho members of the Football 010 have The work of inspecting and exanis rented the Town Hall, and tropoo giving thing orchards for the San Jose scale e1emiSeptemberbeing on i ed byMr. W. M. Fruitland. Owners of or- a the people of Winglioan and vicinity Orr, of chards and handlers of nursery sena really firet-olass entertainment, ana second to replenish their finances, which stock in ail parts of the Province are at present are represented on the club interested, and. many and it difficult seeks ne that vague, negative, far -away, to distinguish this scale from other ungraspatee amount known as a Inhale Insects, such as the seurfy-bark quantity. The various committees will louse and the byster•sliell bark louse. present their reports and estimates at the Consequently the Hon. John Dryden aext club meeting, when a decision will be has instructed, Mr. Orr to prepare a arrived at aii to the character of the enter- inment. Keeyour opticsk p s inned for complete ehibit of these various ta insects hi different stages of work, further announcements next week. together with an example of their 111/14S. A. pleasant event occurred at the home . of Ilir. Thomas Wilson, Balsam Grove IFarm, Culross, on Tuesday last, August 24th, the occasion being the marriage of his second daughter, Mary D., to, dames W. Scott, M. D., of Senile° Centre, Mich- igan. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Andrew Macnab, M. .A.., pastor of 'Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, in the presence of a large number of guests. A. very pretty bower of evergreens had been prepared on the lawn, immediately in front of the residence ; also the walk from the house to the bower was decor- ated on both sides with evergreens, while floral decorations were in evidence every- where, A. floral horse-shoe was suspended fiom the dome of the evergreen home, and under this, at 5 o'clock :the reverend gen- tleman took his place, followed by the 'groom. The bride apj,roaebed the impro- vised altar leaning upon the arm of her lather as the wedding march was played, the guests witnessing the ceremony from the balcony in front of the house. The bride was neatly attired in a cream silk costume, with lace and pearl trjmreings, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Im- mediately after the ceremony tha coin. puny sat down to a sumptuous repast, at tables placed upon ti e lawn, The evening was spent in tbe enjoyment of music, vari- ous games and social conversation. The many friends of both bride an 1 groom wish the young couple every joy and hap- piness in their jn_orney through life. A notable feature of the wedding was the large number of handsome and costly A friendly game of baseball was played on the Park, on Thursday e,ening last, between the Wingham and Brussels teams, resulting in.favor of the visitors by a score of 22 to 10. We give below a list of the players, with their positions and the score by innings: MUSSELS. WINGILM. J Lockridge, Brown, c D Small, let b Cousley, let b F Angina, p Thompson, p A.pavis, a f riogg, o f Seweale, and b Duttean, 2nd b details later, i f ,„.:Doenie. 1 f art, 3rd b • Stra.autn. 3rd b tnOre Kendall, ss printedein-tineridge, r 1 Btker, r f fa. Score by innings- Wingham-3 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 2-10 Briisseis---0 0 3 3 9 0 3 3 1-22 'Umpire -H. James, of Binssel,„ His decisions were very fair in every case, A fine ...et of young fellows are the Brus- sels players, and it is hoped that their con- duct on the field and cff may be taken notice of by those who wish to take part in field sports. Towal 00U11 -CIL A special 10meeting YM6 6 town council 4,L. was had on Salirday even last, for the purparof considering retitiatia re the building of granolithie sidewalks, • Merntere present -Mayor Morton, Reeve Gregory. and Councillors Shaw-, Robbins, Itobiusne, McKinley and johns. A petition was read, signed Messrs. Wm. Batton and VN ilharn Peasant,. Asking that ... . a greleaithic walk be laid on the north . dale of Petrick street, from Josephine to t .0entre streets. A petition was also read, Rik, 'jawed ry W. T. 3. nornuth and others, -.. . askias :het a granolithie sidewalk be laid on the north Side of John street, from Josephine to Francis street. Moved by Councillor Kehl:ins, seeonded by Councillor Shaw, that the petition of William Button and others for granolithie walk on north side of Patrick street he re - jived and accepted, and that the Public Vorlus Committee be instructed to go on tidal the work. -Carried. Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor ilohns, that the petition of W. T. Z. Homath and others for granc. , Ethic walk on north side of John street, be roaeived and accepted, and that the Public ! Works CoMmittee be instructed to go on l with the work.-Carriad. .. : otifthanil OM adjourned. ' effect on fruit and foliage, and to have it on exhibition at the Indus- trial Pair in Toronto next week. Suitable quarters sill no doubt be provided by the management, and fruit growers will be enabled to in- terview Mr. Orr and get the most practical proof of the destructiveness of these insects, together with an inspection of the insects themselves. September Ladies' Rome journai. Ths September La,dies' Home Journal, in the variety, interest and timelines of its articles, and in the beauty of its Waste -Miens, is a. notable number of that magazine. A spirit. ed article by John F. Coyle, "When Henry Clay said Farewell to the Senate," describes the most impres- sive and dramatic, scene ever enacted in. Congress, and another by Clifford floward, tells of "Destroying a Mil lion Dollars a Day," the task of the redemption division of our Treasury. Elizabeth Bisland, in "The Difference between Mrs A and- Mrs. B," defines the exactions that "The Four Hun- dred," or the dominating social circle of commenities, imposes on an aspir- ant for admission. tel its ranks. The second part of Hamlin Gar- land's serial, "The Spirit of Sweet- water," will appeal to every reader of romance, and the first of Mrs. Mark Morrison's "Tho Pixies and the Elnines9 series will charm every tokens of esteem in which the bride was child who may folldw the adventures Mr John Guthrie, died, near New. market, aged. 1.10 years. 25 CIMS pns for the Tntaa untilT held in the community. Dr. and Mrs. Scott left for eastern points, in anticipa- tion of an enjoyable wedding tour, previ- ous" to taking up their residence in San - Ea° Centre, Michigan. The Thins extends its most hearty congratulationsto the newly married couple. FALL FAIRS Wingliam Sept. 28 and 29. Belgrave Sept 23 and 24 " Blyth Oct. 5 and 13. Palmerston.... . ... . Sept 27 and 28. Toronto • Aug 30 to Sept 11 London Sept 9 to 18. Walkerton Sept 15 and 16 Stratford Sept 23 and 24 Clifford rept 23 and 24 eessfully pursued as a profession by Harriston.... ...... .. Sept 29 itnd 80 women; tell of ',The best Shade Brussels.- .... ....Sept 30 and Oct 1 Trees for a small Garden"; give Sept 21 to 23 advice in nursing the sick; explain Sept 15 and 16 and picture some household decor - Sept 23 and 29 ations„ etc. Sept 23 and 2'4 Mrs. Rorer's cooking lesson treats Sept 30 and Oct 1 of "Making.Breati. and Rolls," and she also points out "Small Leakages of a Household" and how to prevent them. The fashion articles on winter gowns, hats, coats and jackets, by Israel A. Mallon, have the value ot being profusely illustrated by photo- graphs from the latest Paris designs. There are also poeins, various short sketches, and the departments; so there is nothing lacking to make the September journal a complete family magazine. By The Curtis Publish Ilng Company, Philadelphia; ten cents a copy; one dollar a year. of those winsome fairies. A compos. ition for the piano, "Golden Vineyard Waltzes," the musical feature of the magazine is regarded by it famous competer, Edward Jakobowski, as one of his best. Edward W. Box, with characteristic directness; dis- cusses "On being Old•Fashioned," and other topics of especial concern to women. Wm, Martin Johnston describes and pictures "Mora Effects for Home Weddings," and Walter Germain tells of "The Groom's part in the Wedding." Other articles that have a special; practical value detail how photography can be sue- Goderich Guelph Clinton Seaforth Lucknow BLYTH Mine host of the Commercial paid the circular town a visit on Satur- day. On TJesday a meeting of the Publie School supporters was held in the School House, for the purpose of nominating a candidate ter trustee in place of George Gibson, who has left town. Mr, J. W. and Master J. E. and Miss Selina Bell were visiting rela- tives in Goderich on Sunday. On Monday evening a, special meeting of our town daddies was held in Industry Hall. Our Public &heal opened on Monday We are pleased to bear that 'W. Begley and Miss ThuelI are recover- ing from typhoid fever. The hum of the thresher may be heard in .011 directions these days. will be . re- 5CENTSpays for the rints mitt! January 1st 1893. Subscribe now and g the first'clutpters of our new story Rev, B. L. Hutton of Dangaenon has gone to Tennesee. His brother formerly resided in that State and died recently, leaving his affairs un. settled,, hence Mr. Hutton's visit is to wind up the estate. At the Toronto Pollee court on Saturday the ehargo of fraud pre ferred against the three Thompson brothers itt conneetion with the John Eaton estate was dismissed as far as Messrs Boyce and W. A. Thompson were concerned. Theeitharge against Mr. T. 0, Thompson 104, dismissed on Monday. • Janne ry lst 1896. Seldoribe now anct get the hint chapters of aur Pm sto. The failure of a. banking thin in 1, Seatorth was reeorted Alonday, in the assignment of Logen Co. The firm is an old established ono in Sea- forth, but latterly Mr. Rat. Logan 4 has been conducting Cie business. NOTICE We, the undersigned bu hers of the town of Wingham, at meeting recently held, to ev- o way of supplying our eusto i s With liret class meats, have ided, in order tp tro so, to raise t price of all meats handled by us. Signed, 1" T. F. WALKER, D. E. McDONALD, 'THOS. FIELDS. D. J. GEDDES. Wingham, Aug. 20, 1897. WHEAT AT Means good times and plenty t.f money to buy NEW SUITS Style, Fit, Quality and Prices right at -1 EBbTh.11,o QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAAl RANTED-Farniers' sons and other industrious VI potions of fair educe, frn to whom 560 a month would be an inducement. 1 could also engage a few ladies at their homes. T. 11,. LISS DOTI. Toronto. WIANTED-c lier lite an Nit3oriu:d reign," has AIWASSERS - "Queen captured the British Empire. Fxtraordinary testi- moniak from the groat u en; sent for copy free. Marquis of Lorne se). s: "The hest popular life of the Queen 1 have seen," Ilor Molest) sends a kind letter of appreciation. Selling,bt thousands; gives enthusiastic sat station. Canvassers making $15 to 340 "weekly. Prospectus free to agents. TOE 134LADLEY•Gneltler$0$ Co , Limited, TOrCtte, Obt WANTED -Men arid women who can work hard talking and writing six hr urs cisTy; for six days a week. and will be' content with teii dollars Weekly. .Address • NEW IDEAS CO., Medical Building, Toronto, Ont. •• AGENTs-eT7stiTilr hest. t ingg, to4%eCityehave over eon for iia'.y a day. Your name and address Wil bring the golden information. GbasGow, loronto, Ont. Before WANTED:Rem:ten for "ramie, An En. cyclopedia f the Country." in Five Royal wino Volumes. No eolivering. commission paid weekly. A canvasaer reports his first week ! making over seventy dollars prat, TF LINSCUTT COMPANY, Toronto. AST ANCE VROM US FOR -- CHEAP GOODS+AI - We have decided to retire from--, USINESS ,-----and so during the next--, THIRTY 4v' DAYS. We will give you SLAUGI1TER 110R,ICES. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY nights, com- mencing at 7 o'clock. We will hold a SPECIAL SALE To clear out Job Lines, at prices that will interest you. Come early and get first choice.. Youemay expect .2511e. X rki as our Stock is still large and well assorted. outstanding accounts must be settled before that date, if you want to save trouble; after that date our affairs will be placed in other hands for settlement. A word to the wise is sufficient. v'o MACDONALD BLOCK. • IT'S NOT NECESSARY• . • • VII To lay aside your soiled or rack d Suits or overcoat's, but take them to the Winghem Cleaning and Dy ing Wo ks, and have them clean- ed. dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. •IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Mr. John K. Clare, Managing • Still ends in finding choice positions for grad. Director of the London Free Press, is uaWe' have been plating an avorigc of two 1er dead. week. Foity.one wege placed between January ist and May 1st, four months, • By the criminal carelesness ofsome • t;.),1,14;70ttga lost ,iii:o0(;citdren.1.0621r,olenrlicaaliitbecr re. one, at leasst four little ehildren lost owemsd make a change of teacher ln OtiergiruZ: their lives by drowning in what is :ilieasnt3roeit34air,tonoltentrkoCould you recommend a yoting We ere contitr min. ro 'alt ing such requests from known as MeNamee's Cut, in the march opposite the foot of Cherryh""'. x s rtionaitterforn.vitt re!choo whose SI Ud entie Street, Toronto, Sunday afternoon. are In' ti i i. opens September lea . For Oataicnte, addres-s, D. MoLACHLAY es. Co., Chatham, Ont. other Business ,Collegas tuid •also from business IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN T If, TIMES . IVO(../013'S 1)X-VaelnEKODINM. 'the Groot English Iterondi. Stm ratkages Guaranteed to promptly and permanently euro all forms of Nem:ow Tircaleness,.tntissiona,Spernp, esterrhea, Intpdietzey and eV effects of Abuso Or Meeetee9, Pfr-Arent at VJorry,erseessivo use 2bbaeco, Opium or Stinnes- .Before and Alto*. lame, whico& soon lead to .tet - /treat g, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Mas beelipregeribed over 35 yenta In tlIOSSatdS ot eases; lei the may ii.ctiatao and .lionest Medicine known. Askdrugestfor 'Wood's Phosphoalne; if hoOffernsorso worthless medicine in plan of this, inclose price in totter, and we will sobd by return man. Price, Ono package, el;sl, 55. One will 06133C, as:WU cues. Pampa:out free to ao adorns, The Wood. Comnanl,, Wirtdsor, Out, Canada. Sold in Wingham and everywhere • • by responsible druggists. PurChasing SUIT CALL AND SEE a BARRAN DS' Goo Jb They are certainly the newest out: The latest designs from both ENGLISH AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and have no equal in town. Remember the place, next door to the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham. • • Are YOU WINGFIAM. RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They - are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WET?IORE IS. THE ORE FCYOU; 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 8: A pdson wearing a Wetmere does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible ruptnre. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. , GORDON & CO. cl-Iseisikit,ws.eyeeietva„asvieoleeyiaWil000ietoltAsttisit4011 NEW - Furniture and takin Store AlliZXTRITtUr „FILM Ireland & Button are putting in a complete Stock of Furniture and 'Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE $'11AMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., hi 'act everything that is kept in a FIRST"CLASS FURNITUnE STORE A complete stock of tIndertaking kepitn hand and prices reas able, LarRattember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the donald Block, (Residence opposite the foundry. IntLAND IIIITT e tr14111‘111.46941 4*, 1