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The Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 7
RHRENOLiNE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night ti supply the demand. Oar correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor suflprers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily, TRY OUR RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to euro Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. 13EWARE 011' SPURIOUS IMITATIONS Bold iu Wingbain, only by Gordon & Co Dfdr,fl7WJe3,:,, a i :+{,.,7:4•.1. • - P b vesss CUAS (:acciiiS' 4,.': ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for t ears, No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact 1 that some of these pumps put iu wells 25 years ago are .still wo` king. IRON and VOROE PUMPS ' Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beat tie's Livery. JOHN PFL T ON, Wingham, Ont • SU B3-7 W R SUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES -Go to' WEBSTER'S QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGIIAM 7-- ---- 113.E WXNGHAM TIMES ATJGITS'I27, W97. Doe. is Eidnt,y silts Roan's Kidney Pills act ori the :.sd- neys, bladder nod urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak bank, rheu• madam, diabetes., congestion, inilamina- 8ion, gravel, llright'e disease and all other diseases arising frnnr wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Uncle Peter's Recipes. First—To keep your feet dry on rainy days: Stand on your head. Second ---Tho best way to mind a baby : Do everything he tells a ou to. Third—Tho best way to gather chestnuts: Take a pair of scissors and cut theta out of the eomie papers. Fourth—flow to get soda water or candy for nothing : Persuade.' somebody else to buy it for you. Fiftlh—flow to make a dollar go a long way : Pnt it in an envelope addressed to somebody in the Sand. wiclh Islands and mail it. Sixth --How to go west at no ex- pense whatever : 'Turn your back on the east and walk straight ahead. Seventh—To avoid stammering, whispering and impudence : Don't talk Eighth — To avoid swallowing watermelon seeds and cherry stones: Eat no fruit but bananas or apples. Ninth—To learn to' dance in one lesson: Walk on the hot sand at tho seashore at midday in midsummer barefooted. Tenth—Tho surest method of remembering dates: Fix them firmly in your mind and don't forget thein. All children following these rules, which are the result of many years of experience on Uncle Peter's part, will find that they can accomplish the special objects for which the rules are made without any added effort.—Harper's Bazar. L: 5' SLE E FIDS IfiEADASI el Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small MIL Small Dosem Small Price„ Substitution . the fraud of the day. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. /, jvrI d i NT I • CO) NI: tin Nature's Remedy, Contains no Mineral Poisons. CURES Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Paralysis Asthma, Eczema and all Skin Diseases. TRADE MARK. A ST. THOMAS CONTRACTOR'S sWWWWE CiJ11E©. She says some four or five years ago I was troubled with a complication of diseases and was treated by several of our best city doctors, and tried all kinds of patent medicines, but received no benefit until 1 tried Sloan', Indian Tonic and 1 at once began to improve. My left side at one time was paralyzed and I was scarcely able to move, and bad to be assisted in dressing. Before I had used one bottle my health improved and the medi- cine affected a complete cure. I can highly recommend SLOAN S INDIAN TONIC ferall nervous dis• orders. It is an Ideal blood purifier and will do all that is claimed for it. X will be pleased to give any information T can to anyone similiary affected. Since using the medicine I have had no return of the disease. I have in- creased greatly in ' tight and now enjoy perfect health. MRS. JAS. ST"WART, 160 Hughes St., St. Thomas. Price *1, 8 for ;'. 4x11 DM/Siete or from Laboratory. 1'. 0. Drawer 33. THE SLOA4 ; ::i3IOINE CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. P. 0. Daman, Hamilton. Successors to Burtch tiros. & Co. Home of Hofupe Notes. Whitt Is Thome? A prize was offered recently by London Tib Bits for the best answer in question. "What is home?" hero are a few of the answers which were receiv- ed eceived : Homo is the blossom c f which heaven is the fruit A word of strife shut out, a word Of love shut in. The golden sitting in which the brightest jewel is mother. The only spot on earth where the faults or failings of humanity are hidden under a mantle of charity. The place where the great are sometimes small and the small ones great. The father's kindom, the children's parodies and the mother's world. `''here you are treated best and you grumble most. • A little hollow scooped out of the windy bills of the world, where we can be shielded from its cares and annoyances. Ctrs During Ioulti'ag tile, There seems to be a tendency among many breeders to neglect hens during the moulting season, as they are producing as many eggs as formerly perhaps this tendency is in the path of economy. The neglect recurs mostly in feeding short rations, or, as' the farmers, in not feeding at all, but I allowing moulting stock free range to pick a hat they can find This we consider a very faulty method and one which will have its bad effects I Growing new feathers is quite as trying to a fowl's system as laying eggs, in fact it is a more exhaustive prece's. It is ture it is no injury to the fowl to lose her feathers ; they drop out very easily; hut one must remember that there arc new feathers behind the old ones and it repuires. a healthy condition of the system to grow them. Feeding liberally there- fore is more iinpot tent during moult- ing time then any other Even if the fowl lay on a little extra flesh it will benefit them and assist them in their moult. We hese this phrase frequently, "a short moult." This :'MISS ANNA CHAPALAN,+does not mean that the natural pel- Sontlh River. (mt. I iod of three months can be shortened but the three months' period may be -Early Castration Of Lambs. prolonged by neglect and hence "a short moult may seem mislead - Prof. Thomas Shaw of the Minne- fns•, sota Experiment Station thus gives We have known of flocks moulting his experience for advocating the .well and yet after the usual three early castration of lambs.months' period show no desire or 1. The lamps attain consiberably inclinatson , to lay. This is usually greater weight by the time they aro the result of neglect and sihort ready for the block.' This is owing rations, and the fowls are •re- in part to the concentration of the cuperating. Flocks liberally fed energies of the systemin the direction during the laying season will ofdevelopment in the lino ol,meat- generally begin to moult early. Of making rather then diverting them to course pie must except :he fanners' some extent in the development of htsns of unknown age, because, ,hs is the organs procreation and in part to well know, the Rider; the ben the the greater quietness of disposition later she will moult. .A continuance which casration brings to them. of this liberal feeding during moult - 2. Thd castrated lambs are, there- ing will assist nature, and we will fore, much less trouble during the have as a result a flock in a strong fattening season. Where males and healthy condition for fall laving. females run together at such a time the results would be fatal to fattening in the females •and greatly harmful to the males. When they are fed ir, proximity though kept separate, the unrest of the lambs hinders 'progress with therm. 3. Ram lambs do not kill so well as wethers of equal weights ; that is to say they do not produce so -large a proportion pf valuable .dressed meat as the latter since they have, more offal and cheap meat as in the head and neck. 4. The meat from uncastrated Iambs is decidedly inferior. The flavor is not so good, and there is no mere bone throughout the system. 5. Ram lambs should, therefore, be rejected for winter fattening, for they will not give satisfactory results under prolonged winter feeding. John Denby, at Goderich, died on Friday night, and was buried here. This is the 17th death which has taken place at the institution since it was opened. Ile was aged 70 years and G months. The cause of Ms death was paralysis. Mrs. Craig; of Ooderich, one of the female inmates, has been con - tined to her bed for over eight months, the result of a fractured thigh ;rbo bears her affliction with wonderful rosip•natlon, and so well has she been cared for that not a bed sore of any de.?cription is upon her, notwithstanding her long con- finement. Mrs. Freneh, who rarely takes a holiday, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Detroit. The Captain and Lieutenant of the Salvation Arley spent nearly the whole 7.f last Wednesday at the House, on the invitation of Mr. I+rench,and with a couple of stringed instruments entertained the inmates, thus relieving the monotony. Mayor Hennes held religious ser- vices on Sunday. Among the inmates is a Iran who claims to have put in nearly 30 years good faithful service as a hired man on one farm in the coun- ty. All that he received in return was his board and clothing, and now' when his years of activity aro gone, he was turned adiipt, and thus became a ward of the county. The latest arrivals are Elizabetlh Bannerman, from Stanley ; John IKniglhton, from Stephen; and Aman- da Chanipinc, of Hay, making 74 inmates. The inmates are quite busy grad- ing and gravelling a road in from the side read and building sidewalks around the House, and otherwie improving the premises.— Clinton New Era. ` I wa3 troubled with a pain in the back for months, and after trying so%er- al remedies without effect, thought I would use Eiagy ard's Yellow Oil, I ant glad to say that after using two bottles. I was completely cured, and cannot re- cotnmend this excellent remedy too highly. later ou. Dismal Dawson—Funny ain't it, that a millionaire ain't happy? Everett Wrest—I see nothin' strange about it. It is the time they have wasted that makes' em sore when they think of it.. "Thee wasted?" "Sure. Dout you know that most of 'ern has spent there lives in' hard work?" Miss Bloomer --We are thinking of starting a woman's century club. Won't you join? Miss Knrtz—I don't approve to such things. Oh, but that is to be distinctly feminine. .All century suns are to be marked down' to 98. 5 DENTS will pay for the Tiuh a until dauuary 1st 18!1£x. Subsoribe note ana got the first chapters of our new story. In other ways stud; should be kept in prime condition continually ; the nearer we 'keep thein to perfect health rho better the result will be. Sound grain, green food a little meat now and then makes a good ration. Condition powders and stimulant are not necessary except for the weak specimeus. Free range, we strongly advocate, but liberal feeding cembided with it. To those who have suffered the disappointment of a short egg in the fall from their yearling or two- ycar•old3 perhap$ these suggestions, just now (luring the proper moulting se€lson may be of benefit. CASTOR1 For Infant; ane! Children. The fac- simile eleaature of t • ovay L veri aper. A worthy old couple (as was their custom) were engaged the other Sun- day evening at the family worship when Jeems chose as the portion for reading, 1 Kings, chap. 2. where an account is given of Solomon's seven hundred wives and three hun- dred concubines. Peggy wis fair dumfooder'd a:•id said iu surprise: "Jeems, dee ye think ony man can rule o'er sae mony weetnan ?" "It mann be true," replied Jeems. "What gars ye spier sic daft -like questions?" "1 wis just thinking, Jeems my than," answered his wife, "Ye wad mac a very puir Solomon." Captain and Story. Colonel Baden-Powell has written a history of the Matabele war, which tends to show that the severest d;s- ciplino is not always maintained in outlying provinces, and that :lass of' distinctions are not forgotten there. On one occasion he found his way back to camp by the pipe light of :t Bocr sentry. He owns that ":rt home " it might se• m strange to tall; of a sentry's pipe, bat he goes on to say that in Africa smoking is not a serious offence. Thus be illustrates one phase of the question : i\ colonial volunteer olfieer, bear- ing of the English army orders on the subjeet,,thought he world freshen up itis own men a bit. So, finding; one of the night sentries smoking, he ordered hire to consider himself a prisoner. "What!" said the man, " not smoke. on sentry ? Then where ani I to smoke ?" "Of course it's tot allowed," re peated the captain, "and I shall snake you a prisoner." The sentry took his pipe from his mouth and tapped the captain's arm with the stem of it. The capt:tin, be it remembered, was, in time of peace, the sentry's butcher, " Now, look here, Brown, said the smoker, " don't go and make a,foui of yourself. If you do, I.11 go else- where fur ley heat." From what happened next, it is to be presumed that Brown did not lose his customer. Mr E. N. King G. T. R. freight agent at London dropped dead on the street. It takes all kinds of people to snake a worm. This latest story is that a certain Minto farmer is kicking be- cause there are not grasshoppers to fatten the turkeys. 'What is apathy ?' 'It is a strange and dangerous condition that a man sometimes falls into—a condition in which a nian has even been known to lend his bicycle. The Stratford division of the Post Office Inspectorate has been cut off and that division will be managed. from London. IL W. Baker ot Toronto the thriller inspector of the London division will take the late Mr. Spry's office. While engaged in threshing on the farm Of lir. Edward Driscoll, of McKillop, Mr John Mowat, ot Sea. forth, met with an accident which may cost him the sight of an eye. Another man who was working pulled his fork over his shoulder,and one of the tines went into Mowat's eye. Ulnae Thanked. It is with pleasure that f recouhtnnod B. B. 13. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I had tried many medi- cine. but, received no benefit until,thank Providence. f was advised to use B. B.B. and It reu!ted'i.m a perfectcure. .Alas. War, LooK1i. Oshawa, Ont. 'Phe municipal assessment ot Walk- erton for taxable purposes is Sii 11,- 735, but its estimated value is $S00,- 000 : annual revenue, $17,637 34 ; total debt, u 6 2,717 73 ; property owned by the municipality, $72,000;- churche,3, schools and pudic build- ings exempt from -taxation, $100,000. The estate of the late William Wilson, West Wawanosh, was sold by public auction, Hugh King get- ting north half of lot 22, cor:cession 5, containing 100 acres, for $2,020, and William Andrews purchased south half of the same lot tor $2,J00. This is a good property, well situat- ed, and sold fc.r just $1,100 less than it was bought for three years ago. Nature's Medicine. Nature's Medicine for constipation, Liver complaint, sick headache, bilious- ness, jaundice and Ballow complexion is Levi Liver Pills, They are a perfect laxative, never griping or causing pain. One pill each night for 30 dayowill euro constipation. Last fall, on the farm of Tyndall Bros., Hullett, a field of fall wheat stubble was ploughed tinder. This spring it was noticed to be quite green, and they allowed it to grow, last week gathering from it a crop of wheat that yielded 100 bushels, where not a grain had been sown so far as their labor was concerned. Two clerks in a Guelph store had an ie.oercam contest last week. One ate 15 dishes in succes ion, the other got outside 12 dishes. The winner spent all night putting hot 1..oultice:s on his stomach to thaw the inside and reduce it to a normal condition, • + BABY WAS CURED. 4. DEAR SME, --1 can Light.• recont- 4) mend Dr. Fowler's Entreat' of Wild 4. Strawberry It eurcd ray -baby of 4diarrhoea after alt other means fatted, .i. so I give it great praise. it is excel - •b lent for all bowel complaints. 41 MRS. CIIAS. BOTT, II: riow, Ont. 4' THE HEAP MASTER 4' Gr•:tT:. otr:r,--I have found great ' ' entie notion in the w e of 1)t•. I+'owlet's `* •l' hxtrectofWyIMS iaysberr ,ardcon- `l" eider it invaluable in all eases of '1,' diarrhoea and summer complaint. It is at pleasure to me to rccoratrer.d "I' 4 it to tine pl:tik• + .l, R. Il. MArTERTON, Principal, ,I. high Sellout, 1,vrr Churlo, N.B. +1,1.•x.,,°'Y .i„3'f.,=, ,1.•; d-t.i.Pri''4,14 •q zre s iztodc:rn I a:.1 ..7a mli',- cine. CU Ver.; 1.11,.1 ;emir on e :•ery-±d j i?ls of lhi niariit—. 0 ]1il1t!se1llent This is an advertisement which te1Is the tri t h: about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLE Imo eglIFFER from 'sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast and heart, noxious, morbid con - clition of the mind, groundless fears of coming dacger, anaemia or impoverished blood, after+.• effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should Y THESE P -5 - as they cure these complaic..d. Eirery box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize them to do so_ on the strength of the above statement. This cher is limited to the first box used by any one person. T. 1411LnesN & Co., Toronto. f ire Caveats and Trade•hlarled obtained. •••,t • i business conducted for IIODEII Tr. BE€'ie..' My cIiiceisinthcimmediatevicinity ofthe ;alert and myfacilities for securing patents arcunsurpae;ed Send model, sketch or 'photograph of invetition, trust description and statement as toadvantn,Fea slai.nett ;n'fh'TJn charge is anctfc for a:.optnfo,r t-3 Co p,ateattabitiif, and my foe for prosecuting the appiicatian cci.Z eto5 be called for until,' the patent i allowed. "IavaTOAs' Goma," py. nn;' s twining futi information scat free. All Commits/4.r callous Considered as Slriclly Confdantl:,L FRAC NKLO Off. HO OWE I' !Arcata) WaSIZEINnToiY.11 W YOU HAVE WEAK l3AtwSu LAME BAC IC; ' BACKACHE. LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATISM. Buses Mawr PtiLL s WILL CURE YOU. GO YOUR HANDS OR PEET SWELL? Ila >O YOU HAVE WEAK KIDNEYS. DOAN'S FILLS WILL STRENGTHEN THEM. -"'• -- HAVE'•, YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI+ NARY TROUDLES OP ANY KiND? IP SO, DON'S PILLS WILL. CURB YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. t.EAD iCrnES, DIZZIN3SS, P RIGHTFUL DReA EW, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWSI- NESS, PORGETPt'LtdES5, COLD CHILLS, Nt:11vcusNEss, ETC., AIM OFTEN CAUSED DV' DISORDERED I IUNCY5. EVEN EP Your.; rietlelty IS onsecTIVR YOU SHOULD ALWAYS RUrlr.3rtIM31 THAT D'S 3 ia1:.L5 CURE Mit KIDNEY TROt . I.LE :IND EVERY co. itI HELPS THE et!: %. t) ti't' ALL DRUG STORES. Mr. Ilrayt1 Ter, Clinton, tots rt••t•er,+ •t .. .:te • '<: a pleasant trip ;tt t;ianti. l: < !:•nd, Scotland Led ''talkee.