HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 6,
Vt increased yield of grain per acre. Preserving Eggs.
me W IN HAM TIMES, AUG UST 27, 1697.
1 Sinter 811111 111 (.L.tt
ITittr Fife t • d'
- • • - - • ^
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101t1.11AT, AU 27. 1607.
w 'TEAT KiXPEniltecreNTS.
that lmndred and eighty .nine plots
hat e keel (tweeted to winter w heat
exeerienteae Ode station at the Ontario
Agrieultnrel eellege, Owing to the
itee harreet, ;eel the exceedingly
e seasen, no %tinter wheat bulletin
iteued this year in time to be
tee onto. iwaetteal Eel:vice before the
peeitel r inter weeat seeding is
in au experimeut with 91 varie-
ties jt' whiter wheat, grown under
iLLr conditions in 18e7, it is found
tads should treat euitielent Deed ta
'me= the harvesting of clean grain
Ifor seed uext year.
• The following -three sets of winter
- wheat varieties will be sent free by
'mail, in eine-half pound lots of each
!variety,. to farmers applying for
!them, who will carefully test the
three kinds iu the set which they
choose, and will report the resulte
after rvest nett year. The seed
will be sent OLPin the order in
which the applications aro received,
las long as the supply lasts.
SIT No. 1.
Dawson's Golden. Chaff
Early Genesee Want
Early Red Clawson
SET NO, 2.
that the Seven varieties which stand Dawson's Golden Chaff
highere in yield of grain per Pride of Genesee
item are the eame seven varieties Poole
weleh have given the largest yield SF.T
ef grain per itere among 86 varieties
Dawson's Golden Chaff
gro'XII 011 experimental plots for
ever years succession. The fol -
New olumia
lowing list gives the names of these
,even varieties with the average
yield per acre fur four years, and
also with the average yield per acre
for this seuou ;
Imperial Amber
Each person wishing one of these
sets should write to the Experiment
alist, Agricultural College, Guelph,
mentioning which set he desires, and
Average Yield the grain, with instruetions for test-
Velti=lite 4 .% etsx8 Itcri
tu.Ads ug and the blank form on which to
Dawsciirti Gulden 4 53 5 repore, will be furnished free of cost
tied Clawson al6 4 to MS address, until the supply of
Etteetiee .e.• • - • ...et e 52 3
46* GoKsee'Grant..-..4--50 1 67 0
Rea'Able ISO 2 50 1
Go1.1c-a Drop ts 57 5
Amber .45 8 562 Experimentalist.
Although the comparative order oflAgricultural College,
the yields of these seven varieties! tenelpb, August, 14, 1897,
are not the. same in 1897 as in the
average (.1' four years, still the factl
. • that they gave the largest yields in WEST WAWANOSH.
grain for distributing becomes ex-
htth eases =erg all the varieties1
• • hated is a verylmportant feature in i At the, last meeting of the direc-
t:- the experiment. Land upon which tors a the West Ws.wanosh Mutual
peen were used tie a green manure Fire Insuritnee Company there were
in 1806 produced a considerably 273 applications ler insurance, 265
larger yield of winter wheat per let wilieh pellicles will he issued.
meet than similar land upon which The amount of risk uwered by same
amounted to over .375,000. This
rape or buek wheat had been used as
a green manure, which had been company is rapidly coming to the
worked as a bare summer fallow. front, and is doing a large business.
This experiment was conducted j The gloom so recently cast oyer
duplicate, but for only ode year. It the community of St. Helens by the
is being repeated this season in a . death of Mr. John Gordon, bas been
much deepened by the sudden,
Largo. plump seed sown in the though not altogether unexpected
autamn 'et 18% produced e 2te decease of -his wife, who passed away
. birehels per acre more than the small on Sunday morning, August leth, at
plump need; 6 4t5 bushels per acre. the age of 65 years, there being only
mere than shrunken seed, and 4 213 eight days betWeen their 'deaths.
bushels per acre more than the seed 1Mrs. Gordon had been ailing far
which had been broke a with the some two years with a weakened
machine in threshing. The same condition of the heart, from which
number of winter wheat grains were she had saiThi ed more during the
used in the different selections, and last two months, but had recoeered
theexperiment was concluded in so far as to be able to go about her
duplicate. duties again. Two weeks ago she
In the average of four years, ex_i was taken down with acute dysen-
periments in cutting two varieties of tern the effect ot which, together
grain at five different steges of rip.
ening, the results show that the
grain cut before maturity -does not
give tie.. ihrgea yierd as that evhieh
'teteetteellowed to become fully ripened.
deteils of this experiment can
It more fully studied when they are
printed in the annual report of the
College for 1897.
The average results of an experi-
ment conducted for five years in sue- they were for 45, years happilv
eeselon, in sowing winter wheat at
different dates in the autumn, show
that the, seedings of September 2nd
and 3rd gave et of a bushel per acre
more than the seedings of September
7th and 9th and Te bushels per acre
more than the seedings of September
17th and 20th. It is,terind that it is
not usually advisable to sow winter
eeDreteintheeeleinity of Guelph later
than September 9th.
An experiment in treating seed
wheat for the prevention of smut husband, so lately gone before her,
has been, conducted for two years to the St. Helens cemetery, being
;with quite satisfactory results. In- followed to her last resting place by
meted seed wheat not treated tor a large concourse of friends and
t producedn crop containing an mourning relatives, the pall bearers
aeveragete of 2,146 smut balls per beinp; Messrs. Rutherford, Murray,
bushel of grain, while that treated Harrison, Clark, MeCrostie and
with potassium sulphide produced an Todd. The services were conducted
average of 109 balls of mint ; that by Rev. A. Richardson, assisted by
-4r . 4, treated. with copper sulphate, 13 Rev. Messrs. W. 11. Hall, of &l-
bails of smut, and that treated with grave ; A. McKay, of Lucknow, and
hot water, 0 halls of smut per bnshel James Wilson, of Niagara Mille.
of grain. The hot water treatment, On the coffin Were noticed many
which is one of the eheapest and floral offerings, tokens of esteem to
Most effectual remedies, consists in the one departed. Thus ends the
..emmursing seed wheat for fifteen life of a devoted and beloved father
Minutes in hot water kept at a tem- and Mother, in which the doubly
pereture of 182 degrees F. The bereaved family have the sympathy
water should not go below 130 and of the entire commanity.
not above 135 degrees. Not only is
the hot water treatment very eke- " CEetT8 veil pay for the TIBIEs
in killing the amut spores, but it Z until January ist 1898. Subseribe
freetaeutly improves the productive I now and get the first chapters of ow: new
entr of the seed, as shown by the Story.
with tbe einem and sudden death of
her husband, acting as a shock on
her enfeebled constitution, was more
than nature could bear up under,
the stress causing the brittle thread
of life to give way, and once again
she was with her beloved husband.
Life had lost its interest for her since
his death, and she often expressed a
desire to follow him. In their lives
united, and their deaths were scarce-
ly separated. She was of an un-
usually kind disposition, as theenany
friends can testify, who had the
pleasure and privilege of her ac-
quaintance. Always ready to help
and comfort those in distress ;
woman. whom any to come within
herenfluence would be constrained
to love and respect, and thus she
was a capable helpmate to her de-
voted husbaed, both of' whom will
be much missed in .the vicinity, The
remains were laid beside those of
• e
When eggs are preserved. and
placed on the market they will not
take the place of fresh (ems, and
commission merchants never sell
them for fresh ones, no matter how
well they look. Buyers are natur.
ally suspicloas, and .the highest
price is only paid when the dealer
can guarantee his stock to be strict-
ly fresh, There aro numerous meth-
ods for preserving eggs and they will
keep well -for six months, but an ex-
pert can easily select them from
those that are strictly freeb. In pre-
serving the first requisite is tbut they
bo strictly fresh. A single had one
in a package will spoil those around
it. The seeond requisite IJ that they
be from hens kept apart front males.
Infertile eggs will keep much longer
than will fertile ones. This state.
ment is basect upon observation ancl
there is no theory about it.
The most Eatisfactory niethod that
I have tried is the boiling water
process. The sweetness and natur-
al flavor of the eggs are retained
When broken, the yolie will appear
round, and the white will have its
usual firmness. Fill a wire basket
. with fresh eggs, dip into a kettle ot
water jest boiling, and allow to re-
main 10 seeouds. The water must
be kept boiling but not 'vigorously.
It closes the peel. A wire basket,
containing two dozen is a convenient
size. When eokl, pack them in salt
oat, bran, ete. Salt is to be reeo-
mended on two tut of its preset' ring
eteetnets or Bente-
eSteete tatet :tear I have had serious
heart tot.,e,lbie caused by malaria, Short-
ness et Wreath, smothering spells on re-
tiring, vtelieut palpitation, etc., Often
mRda ile g‘le.p for renal. On procuring
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I found
to ray surprise and delight that they
gave almost instant relief. I got healthy
restful elesp, toy heart troutles disap•
peared, and 1 now feel very woll indeed
Mr. Hugh Mcare. Ingersoll, Ont. makes
this statement for the public. good. •
How to Promote Congregational
1, The congregation should stand
when they sing.
2. They should rise 'simultaneous-
ly and promptly when the organist
has reached the beginnirg of the last
at Use any given hymn with the
same • tune.
4. Use a book in which the tune
hymn and the tune are on the saine
5. They should stand in the usual
attitude of worship, facing the pul
6. If the help of a choir of singers
well disposed toward congregational
singing, can be secured, they may
be of great service in • leading the
congregation. But if the congrega-
tion are not led by a choir they
should be led by a precentor.
7. The organ and the choir or the
precentor, shonld be in the front of
the congregation, near the pulpit,
and on the same level with the pews.
8.Children should be instructed in
singing at home, in the schools and
should be encouraged to sing with
the congregation.
9. The greater part of the congre-
gation, male and female, should sing
upon the treble of the tunes ; it is in-
dispensible that there be men's voices
on this part.
10.Let the hymns and tunes thatare
need be made familiar by frequent
rehearsals, both in public and in
11,Let the singing be in steady
uniform time from the beginning
to the end of the hymn, without any
acceleration or slackening.
12, Let there be no forced pauses
for the observance of punetuation,nor
any needless delay at the end of the
. lines.
13. Let there be no labored effort
after "expression" by means of fre-
quent and sudden changes soft to
loud and the reverse, or by the
swelling and tapering of the voice,
or by studied accentuation.
14. The eonnection of the hymn
should not be broken by tne organ
intereludes, or needless long pauses.
15. Use tunes that are strictly
congregational in the structure. But
until these are learned, it may be ad-
visable to use such choir tune, judi-
eionsly selected, as are already famie
WANT E f:d '41117.,:',!gt61,%fireeer.
overflowing with latost and Hellcat *Mires. Con. ,
labia the endorsed biography of Der Majesty, with .
authentic llifitory of her remarkable reign, and full
account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only 01,50. Mg
boek. Ticumndnus detnand. Bonanza. for agents, •
Cominiaidert t.0 per cent. Credit given. Preight
VleDee atI"titik Wt� fct. rtir
and err o C 11 I , ,
330 Drarborn St., Chlatgo,
METHODIST -Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pas.
tor. Services at 1/ a to and 7 it in.
PRESBYTERIAN -Rev. D. ranee,.
palter. Sorvices at 11 a w and 7 p
EPISCOPAL, Si. Paurs-Rev. Wm.
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in and 7
p m.
BAPTIST-Rov, Jas. Hamilton, pas-
tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p
Mason, pastor. Service's at 11 a m and
7 p re.
eizefeVe.TION ARMY -Capt. Barker
and Lieut. Burney in command, eor-
vices. at 11 a in, 3 p m and 8 p m,
()Oran' and Luck in thduniand, Services
at 3 p ni and 8 p
In enoh of the above named churches
Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p
- • --- •
A. Doinestie Ineadent.
'John, dear, I wish you would lend
me your knife.'
'Yes, lore.'
'And just ask Sarah to bring down
, my big apron out et the oedroom,
'mid a duster,- and some parafin, and
the wash.leather.
'And the wash leather, Anything
else ?'
'Yes ; Thomas must clear out
the yard and sweep it up a bit. And
I shall- want some copper wire, and
the screwhammer and that bottle of
stuff for renovating leateer, and an
old brush.'
'Is that all ? Aro you going to
repair alt the furniture?'
'Don't be I must have some
sticking plaster and some bits of rag
and a pail of water ? -
I-tot/dee else ? It sounds like a
surgical opefettion or a second edition
to housekeeping.
'I wish yon wouldn't interupt when
I'm trying to think of things, Let
Inc see ; there's nothing eise-ob, yes
I must hare a pair of scissors, and
my garden gloves, and some scour•
ing paper.
'Good heayees ! What has hap.
pened ? I hope its nothing serious.
'Bless the man ! I' m only going
to overhaul my bike.'
Wherever the sun shines Dr. Chase's
remedies aro known, and no music is
so sweet, to tunny n poor soul as the song
of rejoicing over restoration to health in
tho use of them. Ask your dealer about
Thousands aro suffering excruciating
misery from that plague of the night...,
ItchingTiles, and say nothing about it
through sense of delicacy. .All such
will tind an instant relief in ihe• use of
Chase's Ointment. it neyor
-AGENTS rant starting the best thing fdr
money making you, have aeon formany
a .ay. Yo r Iau1( and address wil bring you the
tot .en inforination. it. P. 0 )1.30 ) Toron to
BANK of HAMILTON Oting0 ow
Capital, 1,26O,000. Best, $050,000
Preshitnt-Jouzi eTUART.
Vico•President-A. 0, Russel.
-18 rublaskizn
Jens PiteurOtt, Ono, Boson, Writ (mos, r, A. T.
Wow), A, S. LICE (TOS011t0).
°miller -J. TURNBULL.
Slayings Bank -Dome, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits aft and upwards received and toren
$11001:11 Doxfoettts also received at current
rates of it .1r..s
Drafts on Great Britain and tiro United SWAB
bglight and ,,old
W. 0011,SOULD, &min
E. Tj. 010Ei1.NS0N, Solicitor.
Moneyndvanoed on Partners and Slimess mon on
endorsed note and collateral.
Moneys remitted by draft to n11 par of Canada and
the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms.
Money to Loan on Notee.
Notes Discounted
moaos 'advanced on Mortgages at J5, pet centwith
privilege of paying at the and of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
atone'. hIon-ID 00.
Beaver Bleck Wintrham, Ont
Toronto and East. 0 50 it. m. 2 40 p. xn
3 30 p m 10 25 p m
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a nu 9 40 p m
Loncluaaud South 0 63 a in 11 10 a m
13 30 p m 8 00 p m
Kincardine 11 10 a TO 0 50 a m
SSSpni 3 30 p m
10 26 p in 8 80 a m
Her Hajestrs Blainonl
Carr ccs "Queen Victoria, Car Lie and Reign,"
into every home. Persons whu never sold books
*butte oaten. fain, Preface the must eloquent of
Lord Dureriti's achievomentu. No book so highly
prai4ed• Wil need n ore canviwaers. Easy to make
415 to 'elSo a week, Books on time. Prospectus free
to CallIVIISSeFS. A tri .1 wit 1 coat bathing and it may
fill your empty pocket wok. TUR RADLEY.
GARRETS:1N CO. LTD., Torouto, Out,
A (.*ood Cross. In Boat.
A. A. Southwick in American Ag-
riculturist : After an .acquaintance
•with the characteristics' of most ot
the prominent hreeda, aetual experi-
ment proves to me that a ernes be-
tween the Chester White boar and
the medium Yorkshire tow, will pro-
duce animals of the highest quality
and most desirable type ofthe major-
ity of cases Pigs of this cross. If from
good animals individually, are won-
derfully symmetrical and blocky,
with broad backs and springing ribs
a property which indicates at once a
good feeding quality.
Wise leen. Know
It is folly tobuildupon a poor founda-
tion, either in architecture or in health:
A foul:al-al:km of sand in insecure, and to
deaden symptoms by narcotics or norve
compounds is equally ihio,gerout and d(s-
ceptive. The true way to build up
health is to make your blood pure, rich
and nourishing by taking laootl's Sarsa-
act easily and promptly
on the liver and bowls. Cure sick
Worst and Worsen'.
Lately one ot the Aston eonstables
who is an Irishman, while in a wit-
ness box perpetrated a ball which
fairly set the etrce in a roar. Des-
cribing the condi:let of a man who
had been ereeting a disturbance in
the street, he said:
saw the defendant. He made
the worst row in the world, ancl then
he went up street and made a wor-
For Tvpz,vity-seven Years
LAR.C,ESV SPa.fil 1 r4 Ca,10,434.
$1,800 GIVEN 114
To persons who make the greatest
member of words out ef the phrase,
"Patent Attorney Wedderburn."
For particulars address the National
Recorder, Washington, D..0. 8-15n
MY corn af 'HAT 17: r -A1"91 ILL IS
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I Rol now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and /14.on Woree and
Lift Pumps, Ilrass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing'. Cisterns,
Water Troughs,
Daths, ripe Well
Digging and everything in eon-
' neetion with water sUppiies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping. wator.
Deep well pinups a Speciality.
. Repairing promptly attanded to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of woli.
All work guaranteed or no Milo.
fax 140 Winghain, Ont.
$ Loa per year in Advance.
Subseriptionprico„ Oyer yonr,1in ativaneit
Space l 1 yr. l 6 ino. 1 3 mo. - Mil•
Tno Column 4110 00 I r0 00 vo so ge 00'
Ralf ,, 40 00 I 20 0 12 00 6 00
grinder .4 20 00 1 12 00 700 5 05
I (Inc bleb
---- -------
8 00 3 00 2 00 1 00
Legal and other casual a vor soinuuts, Se. por
lino for first irsortiori, and So per line ()reach
subsequent in cabin. Me isured by nonpareil scale,
notoal notices 11.1e. per lino for first insertign, two
0e por lino for each subsequent insertier.
Advertisements of Lost, .Pound, Strayed, Situations
and Busineaa °haricot lVanttd, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, 81. for first mouth, and 60o. for each,
subsequent atonal,
(louses and FUME; for Salo, not exceeding 8 urges
.1 for Mkt month, SOn. per subsequent month.
Larger advertisements in proportion.
Those terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or
longer poriods.
Advertisements and local notices without SPeafiei
directions, will be litigated till forbid and
accordingly. Transitery:,licivortiseraents must bo.
paid in advanoe
Changes for contract acivertisemontai must be In
the office by woenesday noon, in ordor to appear,
that weak
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rnt.
intend. No commisaion charged. Mortgages, to
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE,--13eaver BlOok Worousiu
• 11.iltRISTER, &c.,
. L. DicgiNsoN,
°RICO -Hever Elonlc.
M. G. caavatOrr,
Office -Corner Ilarniiton and St. Andrew streets -
opposite Colborne
manufactur first.dass set fr Ofr
.1.:-IiA.,z`KIN teeth as cheap at they can bo made
1)4d!b in the Dominion. Tooth extraoted
absolutely without pain, by hit now
process. guaranteed perk.. tly We.
OFFICE : In tho Beaver 131ock, oppouite
Brunswick irons°. .
ARTIMB. J. IRWIN, D. D. B., D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennerh on.
Dental College
NOV:- ‘V ill visit 1213111 every Wednauday.
D DEANS, JR., Wnidczu,
OF liUnON.
sato attended to any port' of the Co. Oharge.
JOHN CURRIE, Wavosest, Our.,
Sals of Farm Stock and Perm Implements
All orders lett at the Toms office promptly attend,
ed to. Tereus reatonable.
. O. S. -the first and third Sionday
Camp Caledonia 140. 411, meet:
every month, in ,he Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting.
brethren welece, •J. Murray, Chief, o stay •
nit; Iton,Sec
CULTURED LADI ES--charaotcr, neck
with force a.
Inc to earn money, can learn how to do so in a good
cause, Address JAB EZ GA LLutv AY, Toronto
TNULLIDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 511,
Iloado, Circulars, &o., &o., executed in the beat
style of the art, at moderato prices, and on shortz
notice. Apply or address
T Mae Office, Winirham,,
Wo aro planacd to announce that any Booka or.
fdagatines tuft with us for Binding will have our
prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style.
• will be given on application o tho Tom Office.
hours a day, for six days a week, and wil be cantata,
with 10 dollars weckNI,A
s00 Tuattoedj
two full ,ave plates added. Boat issue of the Quito.
AGENTS elitryl.of 11,11.1aTignorlig
and the Victorian Era publiahed. Tho only Canadia
book accepted by Dor lifajesty. Sales aliOnnoue.
canvassers knocking tho bottom out of all reeords.
Easy to mato thirty. dollars weekly froni now ttnt'..
Diamond Jubilee, Particulars free.
rillisdloy-GarretraostCe.Lti1. Toronto,.