HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 5•
"1111,. 'WING !LAMFIM1S4 AUGUST 27. 11'497.
Because we do a very large. trade in Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, and Clothing, we have no
time to devote to Groceries, but such is not the
case. Our Grocery Stock is kept fully assorted
.through the season, with the very best goods
money can buy, and as we pay spot cash for al
our goods we are able to quote much lower
prices than people who buy on credit as the fol-
lowing prices will show:—
i::7)E. i(t= iEd" cr. eo
80 lbs good„ brown sugar for $1 00
Corn Starch, regular price Se.
per lb, for 5e
Laundry Starch, regular price
8e per ib. for 50
Baking Powder in tine, regular
price 10e, for 5e
Canned Corn, regular price 8e,
per can, for 5c
Canned Tomatoes, reg. priee
10c per can, for 8e
Canned Peas, regular price i0e
per can, for 8e
Clothes Pins, extra quality, 6
doz. for 5c
Laundry Soap, large bars,
worth 5e. our price 2 for5e
Japan Tea, regular price 20e,
our price 2 pounds for 26e
Japan lea, our own importa-
tion; worth 30e, for
Circle Brand Tea, black and
mixed, in faney canisters, at
25e, 40e and
• Oat meal, 12 lbs for
• Corn meal, 15 lbs for
Scrub Brushes, rice roots, 8e
Brooms, 10e, 15c, 20c and
Whisks, worth 8e. for
•1 Whisks worth 15e, for
Charlton's best pickling vis -
regular price 50e for
Best White Vinegar, regular
price 40e, for
Second quality White Wine
e Vinegar, regular 30e, tor
6 lbs Tapioca for
There are only four days left in the month fur doing business, but we
intend making them busy days.
innon & Co.
'Just as
All kinds of rough and dressed.
kept eonstantly on.band and deliver.
ed. on shortest notice.
Call and get prices as we are
deterrained not to bo undersold.
You hear it in nine out
of ten drug stores.
It is the reluctant tes-
timony of 40,000 druggists
that Scott's Emulsion is
the standard of the world.
And isn't the kind all others try to
range ep to, the kind for you to buy?
Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00.
o ef •
is offering to his castorners.
ur s
Prove the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla -post.
tire, perfect, permanent Cures.
Cures of scrofula in severest forms, like
goitre, swelled nock, running sores, hip
disease, sores in the .0,0.
cures of Salt Rheum, with Its intense Itching
and burning, scald head, tetter, eto.
cures of Dolls, ghnples, and all other erup.
Vans due to impure blood.
Cures ot Dyspepsia and.other troubles where
a good stomach tonic was needed.
Cures of Rheumatism, where patients were=
able to work or walk for weeks.
Cures of Catarrh by expelling the impurities
whIoll cause and sustain the disease.
Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and
feeding the nerves upon pure blood.
Cures or That Tired Feeling by restoring
strength. Send for book of cured by
To O. L Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills pariels t.haeictiseltgensfteloru.-dinnyr
_ . .
There will likely he 800,00G aeres
sown with wheat in Ontario
within the next month. It is very
important therefore,.se that winter
wheat growers take every available
means to secure those varieties which
are likely to give the best results.
13y experiments, condueted within
the past eight weeks at the Ontario
Agricultural College with 152 varie-
ties of winter, it is found that there
is a great variation in the compara-
tive yields of grain produced by the
different verities. It is also foetid
that the yarieties INhich have given
good average results in the experi-
ments condueted at the College for a
few years in succession have usual:y
given good satistaction throughout
Ontario. This fact has been deter-
mined by the results of en -operative
experiments conducted throughout
the province during each of the .past
five years in connection with the ex-
perimental work at the college. From
seven to nine varieties have been 'sel-
ectd each year for sending out to :the
ex -students of the Agricultural
College and to other interested and
progressive farmers throughout
Ontario, who have expressed their
desire to join in the co-operaeive
perimental work and. have written
for the necessary netterial.
In the autumn of 1896, seven vari
eties of winter wheat were- selected
for distribution, and were divided in-
to three sets with three varieties in
code the Dawson's Golden Chaff
being used throughout as a'sbasis by
which the results of all the varieties.
could be compared with one another.
We have received 231 full and satie•
factury reports of carefully conduer
ed winter wheat experiments for
1897. This number is more than
double that of' any previous year.
These reports carne from 35 counties
nineteen of which are situated met of
Guelph and 16 west.
The following table gives the cont-
parative results of straw and grain
per acre of the winter wheat varie-
ties tested daring, the pet eeason ,•n
231 farms; respected old settlers.
A shipment of 526 bicycles was
11,1t.n.te Dame
111made on Saturday morning from
lean. .ta.
(ton:.) (bu. 60 lb) Toronto to Allstralin. Tho shipment
Dawson's Golden OLIO 2.2 14, as veined at 831,600.
Stewart's Champion, 2 aI1 1
Early Red Olaweon, 2.1 81.2 The budy of Fred Slatee, the young
man who disappeered after accom-
panying Miss Mitehell to Cleve'and
was found near Ashtabula, Ohio, ILe
was drowned. The remains were
forwarded to Gait for burial.
John Arnold was instantly killed
and his companion, the fourteen -
year old son of Mrs. Fred Fitzmartin
probably fatally mjared while driv-
Dawson's Golden chair was the refitnetilltinalkftftlirdlinsiimiln&tuo'iminatnanaranSratirtiralininstasom
nest popular variety with the ex peri •
reenters in each of the pat four se
years. 1
4, in the co operative experiments
for 1897, Stewart's Champion. )'ride .,a;
of Genesee, Dawson's Golden Chaff -
aid Siberian, made the best Appear-
ance in the spring.
5. Dawson's. Golden Chaff, and
Early Genesee Giant possessed the •
strongest, and the Pride of tit nese° Li
and Siberian the weakest_ straw in r'
6. The Dawson's Golden chair and
the Stewart's Champion were the
least, and the Pride of Genese were
the most affected. by rust.
7. The Stewat•t's Champion, and
the Pride of Genesee, pro, lured the
greates length of straw.
8, The Early Red Clawson, and
the Dawson's Golden Chaff were the
first to mature, and the Early Gene.
gee Giant and the Stewart's Champ-
ion were the latest to nature.
9, The Dawson's Golden Chaff,and
the Stewartts Champion, produced
the plumpest grain and the Siberian
and Poole the most shrunkea.
10, The Counties of Grey, Middle-
sex and Huron furnished the largiett
number of successful winter wheat
reports in 1897.
11. The experimenters have taken
much interestin the woi-1 as shown in
themany favorable continents given in
the reports; the following being an
examplei--"Co-operetive experiments
should he located in conspicioue
places as object lessons. My experi-
ment with winter wheat was near
the road where Aetna 200 to 300 rigs
passed daily. The visitations to the
plots were very numerous. The re-
marks by passers, awl the compari-
son made, would till a volume. The
experiment actually became the
topic of the village talk for some
time previous to harvesting:. Thus
ninny object lessons were learned by
every day obserVers. I have taken
a good deal of pains with the experi-
ment but feel well repaid.
The following leading varieties of
winter wheat will be distributed this
year for co-operative ex' eriments in
Set- 1. Dawson's Golden Chaff,
Early GeneseeGiant, and Early Red
Set 2. Dawson's Golden Chaff,
Pride of Genesee, and Poole.
Set 3. Dawson's Golden Chaff,
New Columbia and Imperial Amber.
etny person wishing to consinct a
careful experiment with one of' these
sets should apply to the Experiment-
alist, Agricultural College, Guelph
for therchaired set, and one-half lb
of each variety together with instruct
times for testing and the blank form
on which to report will be remised
free of cost to hie address, The sup
ply of some ot' the varieties is limited
hut we will be enabled to furnish a
largo number with this seed before
-the supply ie exhausted.
g r' I College, Experimentalist
.G.itei , Aug., 23rd, 1897.
News Notes.
111.] BOOTS AND 81-40ES.•
T1110 neement.
Are now being daily passed into stock, and as
the ladies know very well, we keep the very
best—the very latest—Dress Materials that are
offered to the trade,. In texture, patterns and
fine toned shades, they a "simply lovely*" this
season. .
Our Importation of Mantles from Berlin (Ger- . -
many, and London (England) are now being
checked off, ana for quality, styles and prices, we fti
invite all who are interested in handsome, up -t6 -
date garments to call and inspect them.
Our Stock of Ladies' Children's and Men's 5,
Boots and Shoes are exceptionally large, and, as r;:i
ki usual, offer superior values.
IA Teas and General Groceries;
11, ri.
pi In Fine Teas and General, Grocgries we are, as LT
in the past, nolding a front position, r
Conia Early and get the Latest and Best; 5
• ,,E -
JE, WE . (l_a• C.20 El MIC:Dr4 9 1-;
i Wingharn.
Direct Importer. ri
. „
_ Pills have done for me. Why it ie al-
press my thankfulness for what. Pink. •
DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS GAM , (i)itlifti.stwillioi rlsesnuloftsi.it.IgI awsiell tivavtsevenrietn-
i hear of thio remedy. We always.
A RP.PORTER:S sE—ARCHING XNVESTIGA- i keel./ a box of Pink Pills in the - .
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
Mr. Genrge. James, of Teeswater,
From the Orangeville Sen.
and Mrs. R. James. •
In a cosy little house on Margaret
street in this town, lives Mr John l'611 the thetatti4-a•T-14,rsday, Aug
12th, Maggie MeDougall -
Garrity, his wife and family. They I
are iedeed a happy family, although
'11.1sivatiTla week. Deceased left hom
after a short illness is
a few years ago a sadder family
the previous Saturday, to visit an
would be hard to tind. Their happi-
uncle in Turnberry, Mr, Wm. Whel-
ness was not occasioned by the sud-
lens. In the evening of that day
den obtaining of a fortune, but by
she was taken ill with inflammation
liineardine tax rate is 26 mills on something a
the dollar.
• •
of the bowels, Medical aid was pro-
. restoration to health of a wife and
cared next day, and WAS continued
Ex -P. M. Wells, cif Parkkill, and mother, when everyone whispered
until the tune of her death. As the .e.•
es -Mayor Roberts of Stratford, are she must die. Our reporter heard of
case was not considered dangerous,'
dead. Both gentlemen were highly :Ars. Garrity's illness and etre,
until within a few hours of the last,
and for the benefit of our readets,
none of her near relatives were investigated the case; what he learn.
few ent at the time of her dew!! eseept
ed is well worth repeating. A
Wm, Cm,sar. . f Tel -
years ago, Mr. Garrity kept a well- gaTsttis•teter 1. .-
known hotel at Chelterhana and was e,
McDougall homeste in Eilst.,Nyar,
known far and wide for his kindness _
wanosh and although mem....
and hOspitalit j; his wife too was not -
year, she had suffered from various
ed for her amiability. However, she -
complications for almost two decades.
was stricken with a peculiar sickness
, When but a g(. he had a severe
and irone one hundred and forty
attack of infiammatiOn of the lungs
seven pounds, her weight became re -
and eince then bas really never en
to ninety-five. Fainting
joyed any perfect health. This in -
spells became frequent, and a concha
fiammation though warded.X1 by
nal pain in the beet: of her head al -
good constitution, skilful / medi
most drove her frantic. Physicians
treatment and careful atteiXet
were in attendance but all said there
Pride of Genesee, 31.0
Early Genesee Giant 2.1 30.6
Siberian, 2.3 303
Poole, 1.8 27..5
Now that the harvest is commeneing and the people want to buy all As none except the 231 good re -
the goods they can in a short space of time and for little meney, it would be posts of successfully conducted experi
even to drop in and. look through my immense stock of malts have been used in the premed-
ing summary of thoughtful attention
Organdy Lawns, Dotted Ktislins, Linenetteen Seatele Ging- of wheat gt ewers in Ontario. Much
hams and IStrinte in endless variety. credit is due to the careful experiment
, pnces never offered to ors who sent us the reports of the ing over a railway crossing rear
• was no hope. Mrs. atuty saw
• (.4 returned. ho ltriS than nine times
t ham also a large stock of DRESS GOODS at
the people at this season of the year. tests made on their own farm. Napanee their rig being struck by death staring her in the face, and leaving in its train, heart di,Tase,.
cexcLustolls. thought of leaving• her little family weakness of the nerves and nettrelglae
all Lines are Complt 1. In the average yield of winter
Wm. Pariter, J. P., resgistrar of aied ttry Dr. Williams' Pink Thus the past eighteen YW5
In Lsee Onettreins, Use esette Hats mei Caps, Beet and Whotw thc train. caused. her much sadness. She was
wheat per acre, the Dawson's Gold- been an •neessant round•Of.mit of. r,
ailments. ono fitllowing qu!ek
I have just anothe fun line ef LADIES' WRAPPERS and SHIRT en Chaff stood highest anaong 11 var • the e0IIII4 of Halditeand, died at
----------- Pills, but ouht they could not do
'WAISTS which 1 erne give you bargaitis inicties tested over Ontario in 1893, 4j resideace in Cayuga on SatnielaT her any good when PllYsizimis had
cession after another, Such wn 3 the
routine of her life, until it ended in ''
Do you mint a niee SITAWL in White, Illacit and Red. yarietiee in 1894, 9 varieties in 1896., - Ile Wa8 'in elder lo th6 failed to alleviate her sufferings.
8 %lugedes in IAN, and 7 varieties ireshyterian. church and had serve hoping however, ahnost against hope gat° Peaceful death. Those eiosely
ha ve some beauties.
she procured a supply, and wonder- connected with her can testify 'as to
growls at the .Agricaltural College ed au artilleryman in the Crimean
the fortitude with whieh she bore all
for six years in- sueeession. war, fu.1 to relate, the 'mina been takine
of her many sufferings. Althoupin
REA Y MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. 2, Three varieties of winter weat Word comes from Southampton, the pills long tvhen the dreadful
have been tested over Ontario fort that Jaden Barrett of Walkerton, isymptotne ef her dizeetse began to tor her, death had no sting, yet
following average yields of grain peri family, has for the past few days'pieture of health. A few months ago cnao.itlieletirteelilrisisso ibnrotuhgishteettriee, stektiruear.e
act e z Dawson's Golden21 Chaff, 3been passing through a serious eta titheGarrity and family removed to
bushela; Early Red Olaweon, 214 tack of sickness. Infiatuation ee she ' Orangevillesand in conversation with The relatives of the decased have our
• t4
bushels; and Early Genesee Giant, bowels, accompanied by heart wealt.! our representative, Mrs. Garrity deepest sympathy in their hour of
29 1-20 bushels. ness, seems to have been the trouble. said :—"I eannott rind words to ex- sorrow.
bereavement at all times is ield and
and to -day *she is the
fottr yeare in succession, with the who is camping there with his Pase awaY,
Snits blade to Order and Pits Guaranteed