HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 44 ILE \'VINU RAM .TDIES * AUGUST 27„. 1507, We are ts,elling STICKY A i- ' T ey nig. FLY P A ssdAad accidehtnt occur 'cd at Air, the ground. Spring Wheat 0 74 to o 76 ISCO1V iiite030 0 � ��S SA'[GKinnts* gat his Hand fie baclla' small attendance. There ha'been Wes 40 to 0 42 Threshing has beeom ithis vicinity. A Reform meeting w die bonne. of Mt . W m.11'1� € general in MARX= REPORTS. The eon.inual wet weather is )vlrtoltant. \viughatn, August 20th, 1807. s: held at keeping the harvest back, and pota- Oorreoted by P. Deans, Produoo Dealer, person last toes etre reported as commencing to 'Flour all V1pe 100ltltbs.,. ........ 1 60 too 55 lot owing to too much 1n0Y5tttt'e 11t Fall Wheat,. new, . • .. 0 8; to 0 85 ti'4'nt. Weir's threshing, when Mr. The schools have opened with a. Oats,,,.,, •. 0 33 to 0 20 torn that it had to be alnputatedV eonsidsreble remodelling in and [3utte>..... ...... ......... a 11 to 0 12 -AND- Miss Jennie 13alltintyno,, of Seaforth around the school premises of School. Lggs per dozen o 10 to o a0 1 h taken charge of the school tit Sections No 2 and 3 The rittepay ` Wood per cord. , ... , .. ,, . , 1 00 to 1 s as Zetland. leis of No. 2 especially should be Hay Per ton0 bushel U UU to U Harv.,,. 0 40 to 0 5040 50 n Minutesaf council meeting held in congratulated on rho amount anti 2oilaw s' er lb 0 u to 0 3 POWDER Putland's hotel Bluevale Alt . 23rd, :quality of the work. done this year ` Dried Apples, per ib 0 : to 0 2i ' 'Outliers ot council all present, ' in removing the lca'somining of for -1 Wool 10 to 21 the Reeve in the chair. The min.: leer years. lower than any one also in town. utas of last meeting read, approvedi Mho May Gordon, of Glamis, is and signed, the guest of Airs, Joseph Welwood Iroatte. Weextan.-In. Culross, on August 16th, Comn�unioations were read from this week, tile wife of Joseph Walser of ason. COLIN A. CAIIPBELLa the Sawyer -Massey Co. re roadl Misses t11el3urney and Casliek are q•\�oR7'x-In tVrurham on Augyst2oth Druggist. I the wife of Root Werth, a song/ aZachitte; from Geo, Zl)otnpson re this week visiting at their uncles, suotrIED ,� 7Citmpbe11's Headache \gaffers sold .drain and from the city Clerk, Tor -1 Mr. George Caslick, Some,-6VztsoN.—At the residence of in any quantity and guaranteed to cmc pato, re abolition of tax exemption• Miss Rate McKinnon., from iilount the bride's father, Balsam Grove Farm, any headache. Moved by Getnmill, seconded by Forest, and Flora, from Detroit, are Culross, on August 24th, by the Rev. _ - ;Mosgrave, that Mr. Cruickshank. be spending a few weeks under the Andrew Macnab, M. A., Whitecburcb, .._.,,,,,_;__,___,___,...„,_:,_,_;.,,,,,.:,_;z_ - _ TO .4Dp EByTSERS,t0 tape up and clear ont to employ some person parental roof with their forbad, Mr. James W. Scott, M. 72., of Sanilac Cen- tre, lvliohigao, to Mary t)„ second McKinnon ; and Mrs. McKay, , ,laughter of Mr. Thomas Wilson. Notice of changes must be left at this � Gilmour's drain and put in new nee Sarah McKinnon, from Detroit, t, alotlT-AT;nILL,-On the 19th of office not later than Saturday sink and strainer at upper elle of is home a1 a visit. August, at St. George's Church, Gode- noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues. day evening Casual advertise. tile, -Carried. Mr. F. J. Welwood went west last 'rich, by the rector, the Rev. Mark Turn - Moved by Musgrove, seconded by week, his objective point being bull, Gilbert S. Wright, of Los Angeles, Gemmill, that the Clerk be instruct- Brandon. California, to Mary, second daughter of the late H. G. Attrill, of Ridgewood Park, Goderich. meats accepted up to noon led to transmit a testimonial re road Mr. Andrew McAllister, on the 4th • Thursday of each week. !machine to the Sawyer -Massey Oe. concession a few evenings ago, while Carried. taking home a pea harvester, met a Moved by Cruickshank, seconded couple on their wheels, who, by la'�y� by Copland, that 13y law No. i 1, ,their peculiar style, frightened his,,,,k,. 17 Pin gkau taint 1897, be passed for the purpose of I team, causing them to run away, de- .„. .. .. levying e- levying a rate of 1 38/100 on the molishing the harvester. It was dollar on the last revised assessment some tune the next horning when FRIDAY, AUGUST `27, 1897. ;of the municipality for the municipal the horses were found in a neighbor. ,'grant to schools. -Carried. ing bush. What is queer aboat it ; Moved by Musgrove, seconded by can anybody tell ? EDITORIAL NOTES. - Cruickshank, that By-law No. 12, The farmers have threshed their THE petition against the return of 1897, be passed, appointing Paul fall wheat and the yield is good, go- Mr. W. H, Bennett, M. P., for East : Powell tax collector in this mnniei- log as high as 40 bushels to the acre Simco.;, has been distaissed. ;panty for the current year ata in some cases. salary of fifty dollars provided he BLUEVALE. .. I;v round numbers, 35,463 ears, furnishes security to the satisfaction omen with a capacity of G00 bushels, ' of this council -Carried. The Flax trill started running on ..-r- will be requited to move Manitoba's! Moved by Cruickshanks, seconded Tuesday. About forty hands are wheat crop to the lake trona. These by Copland, that the Clerk be in- employed in the mill and in the would make a continuous train 221 strutted to send account for road fields miles in length, or 1,9691 trains of machine to Culross council, namely: Miss Mary King in recovering Wingliam road machine $2.50 and from the scarlet fever. 18 cars each. Turnberry road machine $1. -Car- Mr. Will Cleghorn went to Mani- & report from Ottawa, states that ! Tied. toba last week. A. St, George Hawkins, collector et I Moved by Musgrove, seconded by Rev. W. J. West, M. A., attended customs at Listowel, and editor and Copland, that the Clerk be instrttet- the induction services in -the Presby - publisher of the Listowel Standard, ed to procure a copy of Revised terian church at Atwood on Thurs- Ontario Statutes. -Carried. day of last week. has. been dismissed from office for I Moved byCruickshank seconded • Mr. Walter Rutherford •is.improv , ' per pound, and ordinary shippers 4c. offensive partizanship. ; by binsgrove that plank and spikes lug nicely, and able to be out, after d Th ole • 'cattle, but Tong• WEST not wanted. Tne '� @l` n the Methodist church, en Monday. best c+tttle brought 3e. per pound, should part with it, at least with a The following accounts were pass- evening, which was vtclt attended, 7end medium 3c. G 3}e. per pound. good portion of it, The supply in' ed and cheques issued: Jos. Leech, considering the busy - season. On. There was an increased demand for Canada is much greeter than for gravel, x,10 85; Ira Etcher, damages, Tuesday evening the entertainment,' stockers on favorable reports 'from g the other side. There were • several • i S1; Samuel Anderson, gravel, $9 25; was repeated at Johnston's church, JUST RECEIVED an immense .stook of SCHOOL SUPPLIES & STATI.ONERY DIED SKELTON. — In Drayton, on August 13th, Elizabeth Jaokson, beloved wife of Thomas Skelton, formerly of Morris 'jt wnship, aged 45 years and 2 months. BmsnoIs.--In Wingbam, on August 23rd,.Einma, wire ot Mr. Arthur Bris- �pis, aged 40 years and 1 montb..% YMURRAY.—tis Wingbam, on August 19th, Elizabeth P. Pound, wife of Mr. A. S. Murray, blacksmith, aged 37 years, 10 months and 6 daysi SArrDrnsoN.--In 15th, Joseph Bander Live Stock Markets m'iN'h"p'4,'Ib'lli'pep'y,ilpq,dh'Ali'+b'hdb'4t'lhgp'Iic'h''i,�4i'lh'+IS!Ih'4,gU'6k1ii14 BIG SCRIBBLER FOR lc., DRAWING BOO •b, EXERCISE BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, READERS, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, RUBBERS, RULES, ETC. E 1VELOPES 2 PACKACES F0 ac. ,ars• �, �-`.•f�aa NOTE PAPE�3 2 'I ES FO y _1 GROCER, - - - WIN GRAM.. T. BELL SON Beg to inform the public that their retail department has been reopened and they now have in stock the finest lines of . BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES Gorrieson, aged 84 years. on t SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, Toronto, Ont., A of cattle at Tot fair to -clay, and tained. There stock on the mark lively, and there actions reported in after the 'write were boarded 5. loads left over frot quality of the offe there was not mu tween the prices a ug. 24. -Receipts • •onto market were • . prices well main - was just sufficient et to make business were several trans- :, all lines shortly . t opened. There 9 loads, with a few n yesterday. The rings was fair,eend T . ELL, . L SON, cit difference be- 1 sked and bid; with - BABY CARRIAGES AND UPHOLSTER- ED GOODS. OM THE CHEAPEST TO TEE BEST. CALL AND GET OUR. PRICES. - the best animals bringing about Otic. Main S.. North. be granted to repair sidewalk from Itis long illness per pour ere was a good---� Z,ulzOPE• -wants • our wheat 1 Rev. i . �,c nn on, o -Oakland,. t an , the holders in Ontario and Manitoba $5• -Carried. w tape they aro so anxious to get it, I blesser's corner to Presbyterian Rea M tl 1 1 f O. 1.1• d Mand for butchers church in I3lnevale, cost not to exceed wave •t me is lentet•n enter•ta•n men t mtrn stock was many years, and if our fai mer. ; John Armstrong, gravel and dam- ;Norris: Mrs Schulon tied the chow want to benefit by the unusually mages, $7; Henry Wheeler, gravel sang appr(priate sellections. good prices they should sell. Let it , and damages, SG' 75; Donald Scott, . - go out of the country and take the ! gravel, $1 92; Amos Gofton, gravel, .Literary Notes. • cash in its place. Of coerce it may 1 Poeoc A?ravel' and da.ma gravel, es 6 51.50; tier CrG. Julien or) has uArs sed .forVan h ernslast higher but the chances arel- s ' g g ' g gohigher, John S. McTavish, gravel and dam-- hovel a study of New York. New - against it if our farmers hold on to `mages, $5 80; PeterMcLaren, gravel port and Boston life, which promises their spppYies. Saila good portion , and damages, $1 50; Jos. Beckon- to be read with wide interest - by all at least, and the ehances would favor ridge, gravel and damages, $2 45; who are interested in American f;ash- +-.- a..fatther advance tater. 11I, B. Elliott printing and publish- tenable life. No one knows the ;ing voters' lists, $17 ; John Burgess, society of these three centers of fash- TURNBERRY. ,charges on statutes, 38e.; John Bar- ion better than Mrs. Cruiser. Prom Mr. Peter McDougall left on Wed- I €,Tess, part salary 50; .John Mulvey, her girlhood up she has had every iiesd:+3 morning for Manitoba. i gravel, :•31 60; I. Iliggius, gravel There. will be a social at Mr. Long- " ° '; Lane & Bros.,- Ittrubc:r $1 83; lay's next Monday evening, a j Reuben Stokes, drawing and hewing Mrs. Srigley and Miss Beattie, oft plank, 75e.; Treasurer 4vingham, ' 1 •recount road Ininchlnc,'Do 50 Toronto, etre visiting at Mr. Douglas : ` ,. • Ilitt:d s hall 131uevale an Monday, girl is sacrificed itt her youth to the We are sorry to report that Mrs. i ; "rich , but the general tone of the trade for f September 20th, at 10 o'clock a. tis. ambition of a t ich marriage. I)e• Paul is sick this week. I done Buxom.as, Clerk. piived-of love, she throws herself in- anything desirable is good and pros- Order you c^ - A lawn -social will be held at Mr. 1 ` ,the usual run of hugs and prices were hadopporno A r observe, and we have unchanged. The best selections sell no American woman of more at Go. per pound. brilliant powers, not only of reading East about Buffalo, N. Y., August 2.4. - the human heart, but of putting her, , . r impressions itt delightful fashion. Cattle -Receipts. only i, few head; TCouncil adjont ned to meet • in Put- A ehaa•mingl3 fresh biassadtusetts. Inc market ruled with a slow demand Eraser's for the Eery poor common lets on -sale. head of good export bulls offered, and prices rule from 3c. 0. 3?;;c. per pound. The market fur stock bulls. was quiet. The run of shop and Iambs was represented by about 1,000 head, and prices show very little change from Friday. Export sheep sold at from 3e. L 3?;e. per pound, and bucks tic. per pound. Lambs brought from $3 L$,'4 per bead. About 25 calves sold at from $3 to $6 per heal. Good miles cows find a ready sale. Prieee rule from $20 et $40 a head. There was WINGHAM. RN FAIR, LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9th TO 18th, 1897. Canada's Favorite Live Stook and Agricultural Exhibition. The most complete Live Stock Buildings in' America. More improve- ments and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist,, Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., specially invited. .,,F„ . Entries close Sept, 9th, in all departments. Success assured. SUE RASSEN. BEN ALII, The Arab Prince. iaas been secured to furnish the Stage Attractions. Auction Sale of Booth and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the grounds at 2 p. m. For Prize Lists, Programme and Maps, apply to LT. COL. F. B. LEMS, President. THOS. A. BROWNE, Secretary.. F .H. KERNEY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a first -Class Hair Out, give him a trial. Razors Honed. • to the rant: for social leadership, and pects fair at prices of the opening of Ezra Merkley's on Thursday of this' BRUSSELS. the week Yeats and calves sold w etc. Messrs.ete Kerney Jeri McCracken we follow her twenty years, with steady at former prices, with the t t )• ever increasing interest, the career 1 bit. and rrrs. James Wy 1eteturn-;grocers, have Made an assign went outlook fair. Hogs -Receipts moiler - of W able and bcriutiful woman as very eti„s,onday night from. Stanley, to vt);. \lex. llnnter' she captures outpost tftei outpost ` ate; fairly active demand for all ,..tIY 4� 1'n *hither they bad gone to visit fir. i The fust tvoa its annual hulirlay failing in Boston, only to chane her grades, 'which was fully ai0 p01 haus a 'oho Alkenhead, of London, who has this week. C , hundred weight stronger; 1g { base of opperatio )s in England and humblest nd an attack of hemorage of the I Mr. Harry James is represent•tn thea attacking the main works of the �' ngs. enemy at New York, and �o on to grades, choice Yorkers, $4.40. mixed packers' -ears a.resn s. Brussels Court at the Ancient Order' ki g $430 G $135;' medium , 'was a greatMrs. 'Joseph Higgins and the of Foresters High Court in Owenweights almost inceeres ll ggitis have retur•ned frau it l St•and this rteoi Newport, and Iinaily beholds the , y x'1.25, roughs, ;0.50 L = 1 the i a f 1' t It The capitulation o ' 'Boston i se a 3 6u. cheep and Iambs-Reeeitps, butt m tips I mills, arta sesent visit among friends in Stan- Rev, II. E. Kelliegton occupied first chapters open in the September light; hardly enough to tell the his family ar •` flit pulpit of the Methodist Church strength of the trade; the general 'biaL':t �•*� ,' , Cosmopolitan. T ' • fir. Peter Fraser and bliss flung ie on Snnda� evening. market remaininf, steady and firm, Biggins purpose attending the God -I Captain Knowlton, of Chatham, Dairy r+Irzr`:sets. and the outlook i3 faveritble for' erich Model this fall. We,wish them Nova Sectio, has taken charge of Ingersoll, Ont., Aug. 24 -Offerings future shipments; yearlings, choice suceees. ` the Brussel.) corps of' the Salvation to clay, 1,635; no shies; 91c. and 9-e. to prime, $4.35 ® $4.60; fair to good A 'evtlte 'stir happened to alt'. Artny, bid, salesmen holding for 91c. $3 75 ® $1,15; culls to common, $3 Wm. Haugh, of on: Mr. 13. Gerry, wife and detighter, Catnpbeliford, Ont., August 24th. 6 $'3,5+O; spring.; lambs, good to extra Wednesday afternoon last. He was , are spending a couple of las in --At the cheese board meeting held' choice, $5.25 0 $5,75; culls to fair, engaged in drawing in peas, and the; 'Manitoba and the Northwes hero to -night, 980 white were board- -W8,75 ® 5; fair 'to choice mixed threshers who were at his place, had ` A p:ogrammo of twecling in the ed, Sales as fellows: Watkins 615 sheep, e8.80 © $4; culls and common left their watts:rand:truck onthedrivc ring is being ItrrangalPfor Brussels at 91.e; McCargat & Co., 365 at 9ze. sheep, $2.50 n? 3.50; export sheep, ea. ,. _way to the barn,Mr,Haugh took hold Fall Fair. Remember the dates, Madoc, Ont., August 2.4. -At out ewes to primo wethera, $3,75 ® $4. of the tongue of nd in Iso he truck to `e it the ,Sep our ears tember Otland Mober 1st. cheese board vf from t hew were offered; 9[c(gar vyat bought 285 �p/ight 705, boxes gip W� � -.A,;o oi- ceu viii out ok his tray, doing '� iybrick , and, t 9 , 1 ii, `CSiNra�esk��andnaolto fic}rl`L7aisa�0oar truck knocked lrirn;down and passed have err) eel fon the now electric at 10c. 460 at 3• c. Five pay, 'e• Il• over his right leg breaking it 1n two light works. 1.41e stone foundation ars were present. eine the endorsed Uinurap}ty 6t Her ,i .testy, with pias - ` Medical aid 'Woe summoned Is completed, and the brick work 11a11eville, Ont., Aug. 24, -Eleven aceoutitotttthe Diamoi a i;;;ii o"hr0'nly reign Big tud Lie broken limb was set. It will bepushed alongat a livelyrate. factories boarded 40.0 white and. 45 hoox. retftcttd n. demand. ItonauA3 fur a;;rnrs, Commis:rion 6d per C:+ut. i;raitt Kh•en. C'rrly,ht •will be some little time before Mr. This week the new boiler, engine colored cheese to -day; Sic. bid for Pahl, outfit iron. Duty paid, write for outer Hato will be around again. and dynamos arrived. board bat no sales made. and territory. TUE 7, 368 Dearborn Vit., (Thieve, • -AND- 4011:::a -PROM THE -- HOW -1 EIN DAIRY. The Poorest . Man.... On Earth Can Afford to Buy GEDDES' MEAT The richest man can- not buy anything bet- ter, Delivered to all :it parts of the tosYn. FRUIT CULTURE itso romarmreorltale than hts other crop.<. ti:nw.. tiro,. Co., the mos exteni:iee nersery hoary in Canada, have vactnob in th?s section Write them for terms. BROWN i xas1 RY, Toronto, Ontario.- ru���:i�'`�I.�Si��t�u"i�e�9c�'`uu�5��� 't 1': buy their,. A Snap . 111 For Farmers. who Lt PLOUG4 sa REPAIRS F We have a large quantity' of ilk Plow Shares for the loadin 31 ploughs, which we are selling ar. u 30 cents each. Sole Plates and Steel Land Sides at correspond- ingly orres ppond- Jjingly low prices. Our shops continue to turn iJ out Iron and Brass CASTINGS Al and repair work for Boilers, Engines and (lfsneral . Repair Work, wwhichsurprfees and b1 pleases ontennmerous customers. IP Wm REND111.1. & —AT TED-- Er cFrl' INMIM rflg ' rJ 4 Proprietortf. Foundry --Corner of Victoria and Minnie Streets, Cy 4