HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-08-27, Page 1seeleieeet VOL. XXVI.---NO. Ho;T & DMZ l�l•lY ��)• E SELL CHEAP In order to make quick; easy selling this waren weather, we have marked all our summer goods down. Speeial prices 11 it Special T weeds. Special prices in Millinery in this department. Goods are lower than usual every- thing at cost and under. A special lot of Hats at 15e. worth from 715. to $1.25; Special prices in men's golds, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Hats and Order- ed'Clething. Our stock.of Hien and boys' Straw Hats is • the best in -'town, all the newest styles and the prices to suit you. $, few pairs left yet, of those ladies' Boots, Shoes and Slippers at 75c.- and .$1, which twice what we are asking for them. Always special prices at the Grocery counter. A handsome Folding Back Lawn Chair given away with Baking Powder. Secure one for your lawn or veran- dah. The best 25c. Tea in Wing - ham. We have a market for every Cherry you have got. We will buy .all you. bring us. WE SELL CIIEAP. HOMUTH & BOWLES prices in Dress Goods Muslins, Striped Linens, Cotton Zioupons Pelim Goods, Parasolis, Ladies' Vests,. Blouses, Belts, Cuffs (S't Collars in all Summer Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATnaSON, NO 23, Vic - 601 to atreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER i Place to obtain a thorough business training is the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. A. school that properly prepares its students for business life. Attendance this year double that of ast year. Only one kind of business training given to our students and that "the best." Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. LOCAL. MEWS. � J., •.f r � 3, WINOEL AM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27,1897.$1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Regular 50 cent her Set ool lin s old his cattle to Z-��:uoaA t —Mr. H. DavisTlaYis leas e ,1 T ALS. for 40 cents, at Ale %osa . M r. John Loutit, o East Wawanosh. We shall he Clad to h tro eontrlbutiors to this —Look out for w ding belle again solum i f1.,ut ati> t•f nor alders, It ton )tar nisi• next week. Several Wiu hatnites aro "Flour has talc n quite An advance tors or, l iir,,nau enc:, naafi J':iurcc:4, drop iu and 1; hpward, It is n J tiuotcd at t a 0') a toll us, or stead nK a noir to that ellect. interested. hundred. ((��II —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —Duck ahooting betins on Wednesday of next week. Everybody goes to Wingham, King's sale is booming. —Mr. William Ho nes hag treated his blacksmith shop to a resit coat of paint- -Bring all your job printing to the Tines office. We guarantee satisfaction. Something new In Canopy -Top Bed- room suites at Izieeette 4 BUTTON'S. 5.14tf —Send Tits Trai$s to your friends. On. ly 25 cents from now till January 1st, 1898. —Messrs. Page & Vynn shipped a oar load of cattle, per G, '. R., to the Toronto market on Tuesday. —School reopens on Wednesday next. The stnall boy an girl are on the move getting things in re ainess. English Malt V negar is much better than ordinary, a you can get it from N. A. Farquhar n. —Court Maitl nd, No. 25, C. 0. F., meets • this (Fri y) evening. A full at- tendance of neem re is desired. —The town w in darkness on Friday evening last, so thing baying gone wrong with the electric igbt that evening. —For first-class tailoring and °beep gents' furnishings, try Webster & . Co. member the place, in Queen's block. —Wo are sorry James Langley is he may soon be a —11?.essrs. Curri car load of horses Saturday last. charge. I still buy Butter, Eggs and Dried Ap- ples. Highest prices, cash or trade. G. E. Ring. —The next ince churches in, the NV' )field in the Method on Tuesday next. ' —The new Praise will be Presbyterian C on Sunday, Sep Bibles and Praise Comb $2.50 each, —Tho publi mind that on g o report that Mr. ry ill, but hope that e to be around agalh & Rintoul shipped a to the Old Country on Sohn Moore went in ng of the Methodist (igbani district will be ist church of this place resbyterian Book of used in the Wingham urch for the first time ember 12th. 1?resbyterian Book of sed, from 75 cents to t Alex. Ross'. will do well to bear in ,d after Wednesday next, the local drug tores will close at 9 o'clock each eyening, xcept Saturday. •-•A " birth lay party " will be held in the school roo a of St. Paul's church this (Friday) even ng. A. splendid programme of music, oto._has been arranged. Your Piet :es would be a great deal better and ,icer If done with Euglteh Malt Vineg,y. from N. A. Farquharson's. FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT of all kinds CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP —The 0 Aral Experimental Farm is sending on with new warning posters, dead se m es of the dreaded San Jose Scale, wbi may cause such havoc if not checked. Ireland & Button has added a delivery wagon to their business and will deliver goods -a reasonable distance. 5-14tf —Tho prize list of the North-Western Fair, which will o held in Wingham on Tuesday and We esday, September 28th and 20th, have sen issued, dnd may be had on apphca on to tho Secretary, Mr. William Robert on, or at Mr. J. Wilson's office. The c imittee on special attrac- tions are Putti g forth every effort to make this the most successful fair over held in Winglinm. For anything in the line of fruit, ---r. D. Oa tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., go to J`d.ti. A. 111e$elvie, the Star leestauraut, carrier, has hod —Mr. Alex, Ross license for the sale and post cards. '1 convenience to in people. —"The OfficialJ Western Fair,'Le received at this of trated and Oleg of what the W year. ad taken out n f postage stamps a will be quite h. fixed np in not —Who was Burgess, of t/,o north en y of our towns -visiting bis O stn in Tur, • 300 page ecribbl tho and blotter Programme" of t laces. don, of 1597, has been _-As will be see se, and is a well illus- in another calmn tly prepared forecast have decided to rj tern J3'i.ir will be this kions ee n.eat, Miss Oassie Good 1e town on Tuesday ,bell, our worthy mail for Clinton. bis dray re -painted and 1S1 auley Mord n has returned from style• his holiday trip. it said that Mr. John Mrs. Buchman, of Goderieh, ie visiting livery, was with friends is to . terry 1 Miss Eva Gracey a spending a few boll - 011d pencil and days with Blyth fri nde r 5o at W. H. Wal - Miss Nellie Gene- ie renewing acquain- by an advertisement tan in Clinton time week. the butchers of town Mr. J. P. Dopp, butcher, of Seafortb, iss the price of all was in town on Weinesday. Mies frlcKenzie, o . Flushing, Michigan, is visiting with frier ds in town. Mrs. Potts, of IT tchell, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John_ McManus. Mrs. W. C. McIver and babe, of Detroit. are visiting with friends id town. Mrs. J. Ritchie a -.d daughter are visit- ing at Wingham.—fe-russets Post, Miss Wallace is n Toronto this week —The local co ps of the Salvation Army are busily engae d in decorating their hall for the week's e d services. Captain Moul- ton, who is in . charge of the special ser- vices, has ha a wide experience as an officer. If you doubt what your neighbors say about Ireland &Button's prices just call in and see for yourself. 5-14tf —Tho merchants i are bound to be up coat of Rubber Clegg & Co, hard been applied to it, the appearance of —A meeting o Turnberry Agriec teras Society will be eld in the Qct n's Hotel, on 'Tuesday evening next, at o'clock. A. full attend- ance is requester , as business of much im- portance will eo ne before the meeting. A. now $1 Do ninion bank bill has been issued. The p:culiaritos of clew bill are the portraits o' Lord and Lady Aber- deen on the f •e and a picture of the parliament tit ildings cin the back. —Sportsmet now anticipating shooting partridge and noel, after a close period lasting four y ars, will be disappointed to find that it h s been extended to September 15th, 1000, ii order to further prevent the total annih laden of these birds, now so scarce in C alien woods. —The ca p meetings, conducted by the Christian corkers, commenced last even- ing, on th prairie, back of Mrs. Ritchie's property, n Scott street. Tbo meetings are being onducted by Mr. Geo. Fisher, of Term o, and he is assisted by Mrs Fisher a Aliases Bang , 011y, Outrom and Leat o. How to get a s ing rope free. Buy 50 cents worth o ohool Books at Alex. Ross'. --Last week we ade a slight error when wo said Dr. \ Mame' Pink Pills were selling at 40 ce s a box instead of 50 cents per box. S eral enquiries were made at the local dr g store for Pink Pills at 40 cents. It p ys to advertise in a good live, up -to to newspaper. The Tru ss reaches the eople every time. le-ne stone wo of the foundation of Messrs. Beattie rothers' livery barn is cotnpleted, end t work is a credit to Mr. Anthony McDon ld, the contractor. The aoum•ete floor wil be placed in the barn at once, and it will only be a short time till the horses ar moved to the basement '-Messrs. Beetle will have one of the best livery barns in Veetern On rio when the work is comps ed. A regular c Bell Scribbler and an H. B. Lend ncil, all for 5c., at Alex. Ross'. —The S ndaY School and Christian Endeavor onvention. was in session at Clinton o Tuesday and Wednesday of this we t Among those who were present rom Wingham were Dr. Mac- donald, Rev. James Hamilton, Misses MoKili on, Ross, Pocock, Carrie Mac- donald Tea Gordon, Nettie Gray and tenni Murray. A full report of the prone dings will be given next week. Dr. Macdonald is now permanent- ly at home anct can be consulted by his patrons. —As will be seen by the report of the proceedings of t special meeting of coun- cil, held on Sat lithie walks side of Petri Centre etre John street streets. T marked im the town,. --ln many of no neighboring towns bakers have railed the price of bread but as yet, in W ngbam, the staff of life is retailed at thr old figure. —The followi g is ' rotn this week's Hensel] Masers, r:—"John Reichert left here for Wingh .m on Tuesday to take the formanship of he flax mill there." 1lI-Mr. John _Ritchie was out driving attending the cniain:ry °reuings. the Stone 'block neer Belgrave ,n 'Tuesday evening last, Mies Ruby Hay. Listowel, is visiting the times A new when his ht'�o become frightened at her cousin, Miss Ma tan Gregory. atnt, supplied by J something ani- ran away, smashing the are merchants, has - bjlggy into a trent many pieces. vhioh adds greatly to Mr. John Cornyn, of the Advance, he block, made an assig .went on Friday last, for the directors of the the benefit o ds creditors, to Mr. E. L. Dickinson A meeting cf the creditors will be bel ir.Mr. Dtokinsou's office on 2d. nday after:pon uoxt, —Quito a *timber frotn town went over to Blyth in Wednesday last to wit - nets the atblaeio sports iu that place. The baseball watch between Goderich and Seaforth, resulted in a score of 14 to 2 in favor of Goderich. The football match, betw .on Wingham and Brus- sels result& in a score of 1 to 0 in favor of 13 ussels, and the lacrosse match between Wingham a.ud Clinton Was won bygg- ii ogham by 1 goal to 0. d-ood R$5mlts t'rom Advertising. The Star Moto Co.. is an up- <-gate concern in ew-y particular. Th•, believe in the use of -printer's ink an' ave faith in advertisin , providec advertiser practises wba • he prea s. They claim to, however, and in renewing a contract with us, stated that the TxnzEe is a first- class advertis g medium. The Star Photo Co. continu ' their special offer for a month, of gi ing for $8 a life-size portrait and a half lzen photos. Their object in doing this s to adsertise their life size prod uction New Presbytoria ooks of Praise, words only, froth S 61.23 with music nicely bound, 90c $1.25. Bibles and' Hymnals, nicety ound, GOc to 6.2.,ir 0 at W. H. Wallace's. —It is now deft Lely arraugod that Captain Moulton, to has just arrived from New Brnnsw k. will conduct the Harvest Festival at the Salvation Army Here, the program a of which is as fol- lows: Saturday r ight—Cross meeting ; Sunday morning— ;ou1 presentation ; Sun - Mrs. Prior, of Wi tdser is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mme. R. Aikens. 1fr. and Mrs. Ken of Galt, were visiting . Wingham hinds ch ring the week. Mr. Fred Hoath e u] family, of London, are guests at Mr. Jet oes Duffield's. Miss Patterson, If Port Elgin, is the guest of her sister. i-rrra. John Nicoll. Clinton, are guest: at Hr. H. Here's. Vias Hattie&Iurrttv, of S:atortli is via- Mrs. W. II, YotPiiil returned to Winn ng her aunt, Sirs...tines tiuLanhlan. peg on Wednesda aftro spending a con and Mrs. S. Youbill. w, of Wingham, is . H. McBride, of otel.—Gorrie Vidette. F. Gordon and :spa short visit to f somas and ell eorge Good le out°, where THE GOLDEN DAYS QF AUTUMN - Are conductive to the production et high-class portraiture. The light % de perfect and with morn appliances, such as we have, a failure is next to an impossibility. We make a special- ty at this 1)itue of the year, of' taking - exterior views of residences, picnie . parties, harvest scenes, ete. p- pointnienrs for such may be made at the studio, or through the mail. in Life -Size Portraiture we excel. We guarantee our Bromide, Crayon and Water Color Portraits. Our prices are right. Do not be misled by the oily–tongued vendor of cheap• trashy work. Our productions last. a century; cheap, trashy, so–called "portraits" fade. There's the differ- ence. Nothing; is cheap that is not good and lasting. Yours for reliability, STAR F1FifO7fOc ,O.. awes ,a Beaver Block - ti,:< Vingh'aln. in London for sonic few��days at her horn Miss Melissa Wy guest of her Mem Mi11arton:%iincar the Review, Mrs, Grover and ;o», Fred, of London, are the guests of her father, Mr. J. H. Dulmage, of the B unswick House. Miss Nettie M Allister, e£ St. Clair, Michigan, and n iss Maud Andrews, of trine, is spending ttw in ton. - , of Wingham, is 1130 Mies Sadie Stewart, iting weeks with Mt Misses Stuart and Patterson, of Luck- Miss Minnie Dr now, are visiting at T. Wm. Grierson's. guest of Mrs. V' Mr. and Mrs. Jct Forbes, of Essex ,Anglo•Ar.nerioan county, are the guests of Mrs, Clendenuing. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Maggie Stewa has returned liotne left yesterd.ty en from an extended visi to friends in Clif- Wp odetr.ck. St, et ford.•OrMr. and Mrs. Mrs. McTaggart andon, of Clifford, are day last fer T the guests of the Mis town. Vise Irene Mcore h from an extended visit onto. Mrs. Robert Hill, o s Stewart, of this pro] ose goingi i ineFR s returned home Mrs. R. Elliot o friends in Tor- on Mouday for spend a few ds Walkerton, was gersoll. visiting Wingham fri: • ds during the acct. ' Miss Lily Dey, of Wi gbam, is visiting Miss Thompson, Elgh street—Goderich Star. ATr. Frank Dinsley, of Stratford, is spending a • few betide s at his home in town. Mien Lizzie Hornell OBITUARY. home iu Lucknow, afte f✓We are ce-led upon this week to cerett- kir in town. icle the vey sad and sudden death of i#/lVir. George Allen, o Elizabeth I Found, beloved wife of Mr. Hewing old,ecqueenta A. S. Murry , blacksmith, of this townthe weep. , , which took lace at her late residence, J.1. Elliott, V. S., o Scott street, Thursday afteruoon of last tug hands with Wingh week, in the 8th year of her age, De• hast week. ceased had b- n confined and was appal:- Miss Reynolds leave ently doing ni ly, when she was suddenly - onto, where she will a seized with he iorrhage and only lived it openings. ew hours. SL- was the only daughter of Mrs. John Farquh Mr. James Fe ud, of Whitechurch, and 'reeswater, are the was married to [tlr. Murray some eighteen quhareen. or nineteen ye .rs ago, residing iu Wing - Mrs. Pilgrim and tw ham ever since hat titre. She had Leen a fordare the guests worthy inembe: of the Methodist church Herdsman. for many years, and was held in the l,t.h S. Brownlee, est esteem by everyone who had the Mr. pleasure of he-= acquaintance. Deceased visiting Blends in, Advertiser. leaves behind i• sorrowing Husband and family- three (-de and two boys, the ,Advertiser. Kerr and da youngest Leing e boy of eleven, to mourn - aro spen . coup!- the loss of a losing wife and a kind Goderieh mother. The f eral to the Wingham Mr. William Jo relay afternoon last, was shaking hands wit ed, the Rey. lir. Pascoe Wingham this week ices, and Mesers. Wm. Mrs. Petrie an Cemetery, on Sat very largely alter conducting the se tis returned to her a lengthy sojourn London, was re - es in town during Clifford, was Omsk - friends one day to -morrow for Tor - tend the millinery rson and son, of nests of Mrs. Far - children, of Brant- Mr. and Mrs. R. London, has been Wingham.—London ghter, of Wingham, of weeks in , es— ston, of London, is his old friends in .Miss Lena Petrie, of day afternoon—" Phe Army's Aim and Holmes, It, Dre-ver, George White, A. - Ingersoll, were the ••uosts of Mrs. Hough - Object ;" Sunda' nignt—" Tho Foolish Cook, J. 11. S ophenson and Samuel ton during the wee Farmer " Mondenight—Sale of produce. Young, blamit is of the town, acted as Miss fl. Ortwein has returned to her —Xhe follotvii g is from the London pall -bearers ; t' r. Murray and family aro ' home in Hensall, a tor spending some time Advertiser of 'Tuesday : Two bicycles deeply sympathieecl with in the hour of with friends in tow brought over from Detroit to Windsor. their very sad bereavement. Mrs. A. B. Allis• and thou crated and addre.sed to Wing- daughter, Mrs. G ham, were seize 1 by the ouatoms officers There died at -the fancily residence, week. --Gerrie Vid at Windsor for duty. The officers are Francis street, of er a lingering illness, Misses A. Chis in the habit if examining all goods Emma, beloved wife of Mr. Arthur Bris- Wingham, visited arday evening last, grano- shipped from Vt indsor by express to see, bois, G. W. N. Telegraph line man, in the week.—Teeswater e being laid on the north that they have not been brought frotn ! forty-first year of her age, Deceased had street, from .Tosephine ..to over the bond .r without their knows- ; been a resident oft cxnghatn for some seven Miss Maggio • s, and en the north side- of edge. I or eight years, and vas very much respect- tended visit to he from Josephine to ],':antes ! ed by all with whose she was acquainted. urday last for Ne se new walks are making a As Old as Antiquity. I She leaves behind a unhand and family o Mr. E. T. Joh movement in the appearance of Either by acquired taint or ltoredity, three girls and Iwo ;oys to mourn her los ntario Loan an nd we hope the good work will those old foes, Scrofula and Conaitmption, ! The funeral took plice on Tuesday morn don, was in town not beg Aped until every street in the mist be faced generation after generation ; ing last to the Tees -peter Roman Catholic Mrs. McLellan, W. - '�-�s'1 town is p t in first-class shape. but you may meet them with the odds in Cemetery. The a3.lpatby of the coin. Robert Black, of atty. itestaurant. Telephone No. 85. Macdonald Block, for $1. 'wo ear leads. G. E. King. Bion. family in their sore be oav t. Miss Mary Bxsb Twenty-five lbs. of --Granulated Sugar your favor by the. help of Scott's Emilie uuity is extended t Mr. Brisbois and his two in town durin r emen was the guest of her en, of Wingham, last tte. elm and M. Davis, el iss Thirza Gillies last ewe. eLacblan, after an ex - home here, loft on Sat - York. ston, Inspector for the Investtnent Co., Lon - Monday. of London, and Mrs. roxeter, spent a day or the week. who has been residing t ends in 's -ata. o the Iifo insurance bus - and daughter -left town.., istowel, where they will 's before returning to In - Mr. A. A. Gro ing near Owei: 9 a day in town s his parents at L Mr. L McLea week en au erten. the sea shore. have a -.leas, nt h sten, who has been resid- und for Mime time, spent bile on bis way to visit igside. left on Thursday of last c d visit to Boston and trust Mr. McLean will liday. Misses Kato an Clara YoKinnon, who have been residii in Blount Forest and Detroit respt.ctft_iy for so ,,rine, n spending a few -iolidays ends i toyn. VMr. and Mrs. .1_ W. V ..er, ofIttle+ rich, were in town on Tuesday, attending the wedding of i Iiss Wilson. Mr. Van. atter gave t'e Txat-;s a friendly call while in town. Ihi/ Bev. N. Wellw.od, of Thornbury, and Miss Wellwood, c' Collingwood, have re- t urged to their 1 owes, after spending a few weeks with f iends in Wingham and viofnDv. LAA TENNIS. On Thursday of last week the Wingham, Tennis Club were to Listowel and played a garne with the - ub of that"town, which resulted as follots : Doubles.—Kid and Stuart, Listowel, beat IIoin::th an Griffin, Wingham—G--4, 8-6, 0-4. Livin ton and Orr, Listowel,. beat II. Bowie and Edward Bowles, Wingham-7-5, -4. Singles.—Gri , Wingham, beat Liv ingaton, Listow — 7-5, 0-2. Hotnuth rr en- tVingham, beat rr, Listowel -10-8, 8- ,This 111 - Kidd, Listowel, at h. Bowles, Wingbr'j i lit —6-4, 8-0. S art, Listowel, and t Medi Bowles, Wingba - —Drawn. last the Brussels Club #. am and played a game, follows • th 'lens rides, were lungs On Saturday came to Wingl which resulted a 1 . rte Doubles.—Sin her and Cameron, Brass sels, beat Baste and Griffin, Wingbate-- 0--4, 0-3. Singles.—Gri n, Wingham, beat Sestebl Brussels --G-3, r _ . H. Bowles, Wingh, beat Cameron, = irussele---i -0, 7•-5. t3h;s• tedo, Wingham, -oat Sinclair, I3rnseette-- 5-4, 0-0. flout. ay; Brussels, beat Ede Bowles, Winghat --G-1, 6.1. (Additions Locals on page 8,) '1 t (5 LENTS will pay for the Tri ,January lot 18118, Subsea/he and got the first chapters of car nes t