HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 10H. M0IN000
-lc There is no uncertain sound
about the Saturday Bargains at
this store,
I'rires are hewed so close to
the cent line that every article
a) becomes lir bargain of the most
pronettnced nature.
ing for spot cash in the
best markets, enable las to sell
goods at prices that under or•
dinar- conditions would be im•N
-4 20 doz. Children's Bose, reg.
10•.., Saturday 3c.
10 pieces Shaker Flannel, reg.
3c. Saturday 5e.
10 pieces White Cotton and un-
bleached. regular 7c. Sat. 5c.
10 pieces plain or fancy Dress'...
Goods, very fine, regular 50e.1
and 50c. for 35c.
10 pieces plain or fancy, regu-
lar 25, 30 and 35c, Sat. 19c.
5 pieces light and dark Tweed,
regular 60c. Saturday 19e.
120 pair laced and buttoned
Shoes, just opened, regular
$1.50 for $1.10.
30 Straw ' Hats at about halt
10 light Coats and 'Vests, regu-
53.75, Saturday $2.50.
20 Boys' Suits, light or dark,
regular 0.50 Saturday $2.45 ..
Ribbons lc., Needles le., Pins
le. Bargains in Lace Embroid-
ery, Cuffs and Collars, Shirt
Everything new and lip to
date at about s- less than regu- e
lar price for the next 30 days.
Miss Maggie Stewart is away en a C. F. A1`Ti7 S. S. CONVENTION.
month's visit to frleude in Clifford.
Mrs. Joe Kincaid, and childreu, of
Chicago, are visiting relatives is town.
Dir: D. Chapman and :Hiss Chapman, of
Toronto, are visiting friends in t\ inghatn.
Kennedy, of London, was in town
during the week, the guest of Dr. Kennedy
weer. A. , Bradwin, wife and child, of
the Blyth Standera, spent Sunday in town.
Mise Cerrie Macdonald, of London, is
spending her venation under the parental
ailtirs, t5.. E. Smith, wko has been visiting
with friends in Mt. Forest, has returned
home. V
fMre. W. P. Vanstone, of Brussels, was
visiting with friends in town during the
Miss Edith Davis has returned home
from Toronto, where elle had been visiting
Mra. Jos. Gray is spending a few days
with friends and relatives in Belgrave and
Mrs. D. A. McKay, of 1ti oodstonk, is
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Canada's Favarzte Live Stook afieb+✓58V ' q
xhi bi szorz,
These are the days of large Con- The Westers Fair, London, is
ventions, and Huron County is to be again to the ferns and is providing
in line. On Aug. 21th and 25th the i'nrther accommodation and improve
Sunday School and Christain I';ndeay., tnents to their already excellent
mow Workers of the County will meet � Stock buildings necessitated by the
Inc monster Com entions etre purely l increase of entries last year in those
bSnterdenotninational and include all , departments.
unday Schools of the County awl all l The Dieetors of this time-honored •
young people's soeietes in connection show have had sufficient experience
with any church. to know the proper course to pursue
The first day (Tuesday) is to be _ in maintaiting the proud position
devoted entirety to Sunday School the Western now enjoys as TheiLivo
work and the following is a partial Stock and Agricultural Fair of Can•
list of the subjects and speakers:
The place of Lesson helps—Rev,
Jas. Hamilton, Wingham.
Proper use of the Black Board—
Dr. Towler, 1Vingham.
The Sunday School Teacher and ment in all the departments. The
his Bible --Rev Muir, Brucefleld annual improvement is largely due
Home Department—Rev A. Day. to the thoughtfulness and care of the
Importance of Revorance in the ham.
Sunday School—W. E. Kerr,
Associotion Claims—Rev A. Day,
Ahrahsm. Charrcter of the Teacher—Miss
Bond Seaforth,
Mrs, Isaac Costa and children. of God- Reap What you S.,w--Alex Saun-
erieh. were tisiting Mr. and Jas. Long, derS, OodClicb.
last week. Doors of Opportanity—Dr. Maedon-
Mr. R. l3erdstnan is in Brantford this aid M. P,
week visiting Mrs, Pilgrim, who is quite ill Masterlike Teachers—Rev A. Day.
at present. The second ("Wednesday) will be
Mr. rise. Messer, assistant in Gordon do devoted to young people's work and,
Co.'s drug store, is spending his holidays judging by the topics to be discussed
in IIamiltoe. and the prominent names of those
Miss Mary Carruthers, who has been vrho are to take part, the meeting is
visiting in Detroit for some time, has re- sure to be one of unusual interest.
turned home.
Below we give a partial list of the
Miss Livingston, formerly of the Public
subjects and speakers;
School teaching staff, now of IIarriston, is Christian Endeavor proportionate
visiting in town.
Miss lin bey, of Port Huron, is spend. Giving—R, B McGrowan, Blyth.
ing a short time in town, rho guest of Mrs. Christian Endeavor in Temper•
J. B. Ferguson, ante Reform— G. M. linty, Summer -
Mr. Wm. Welch, of Listowel, salesman hall.
for the Flarriston Marble Works, was in The Power of Personality—E. A.
town this week, Armstrong, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. 5. J. Reid, of Goderich, Soul Winning—Miss Robertson,
were renewing old acquaintances in town Win g
during the week. 111World Winning—Hiss J. Wilson,
Twentynine years have passed
away since the Western Fair was
established. Bach and every year
since has been marked by advance-
There died at the family homestead in
Mornington township, on Sunday, D. C.
Munroe, a native of Perth County, and a
gentleman widely known and respected
throughout western Ontario. The aiseased
up to two months ago was Principal of the
Government Industrial School at Regina,
where he gave great satisfaction as a teach-
er and executive officer. Althougn in poor
health for years he manfully discharged
duties which would have taxed the energies
of a stronger man. It was with a view to
recuperate his health that he came east,
but the disease against which he fought
had a stronger bold an him than his friends
thought and he succumbed on Sunday. At
one time he was connected with the Strat-
ford. Beacon, Waterloo Chronicle and
Wiugitam TIMES, as a writer, He was only
41 years of age, and much sorrow is felt in
the community over the close of a life of
singular usefulness. Mr. Munroe was e.
brother of Robert Munroe of the Port
Elgin Times, Mr. Munroe'e many friends
in Wingham will regret to hear of his
We shall be Glad to have contributions to thio
column from any of our readers. if rou have visi•
tors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and
tett us, or send us a note to that effect,
Mr. S. Youhill was in Clinton this week:
Mr. Geo. Rees, of Toronto, is visiting in
Miss Tena Mollroy, of Blyth, is visiting
friacnda in town.
Miss Sample, of Toronto, is the guest of
the Misses Fleuty.
Mrs. A. G. Bastedo is holidaying with
Mends in Kincardine.
Mise Breme Reek, of IXarriston, is visit-
ing in town thie week.
Lioense Inspector Paietey, of Clinton,
was in town on Monday,
Mise Snaith is spending a short time
with leer friends in Listowel.
Mite S. Green, of Niagara rails, is visit -
1 ig under the parental roof.
Miss Annie Lawson, of Lueknow, is the
guest of Dias ;g.ggie McAlpine.
aim* :Wheaton, of Detroit, are visiting
tvienMeNt teletivee in town.
ions lass returned hotne from tt
iso in Gorlin.
Tinnipeg, is spending a
le town.
Mrs. Potts and children, of Marion, Ind,
and Mrs. W. Youhill, of Ottawa, are yisitiug
at Mr. S. Youhill's.
Mr. Geo. Sutton, etatior, agent, of Dray-
ton, was renewing old acqueintancee in
town during the week.
Mr, and Mrs. It. Maxwell, of the Bine-
vale road, have been spending a short time
with friends in Mitchell,
Mr. R. J. McMath was in London this
week attending the meeting of the Grand
Enoampraent, I. 0. 0. F.
Mr. John Keith, principal of the Ottawa
Business College, was in town this week
the guest of Mr. Harry Ellis,
Miss Clark, Miss Mary Clark and Miss
Mary Gordon, of Toronto, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Gordon.
Mr. J. McGregor, of the Toronto Cold
Storage Co., was the guest of Mr. D. Mc -
K• lay a day or two tast week.
Air. Frank Bradwin and wife, of Ilam•
ilton, were visiting at Mr. Bradwin's
parents in town during the week
Miss Sadie McCreight, of Doon, has
been spending the past few weeks with her
many frieads in town and vicinity.
Mr. IsreaI, of Clinton, is in town this
week, assisting Mr. Parker in connection
with the York Loan and Savings Co.
Teeswater News ; Hlr. and Miss John-
eton,of Toronto, and Muse Ferguson, of
1y ingham, are visiting at Mr. Pringle's.
J'Mr. W. J. Elliott, of the Ingersoll Chron-
icle, returned home on Thursday, after
spending aycouple of weeks with his friends
in town. a,/
Mr. W. S. Dinnick, of the Treats and
Guarantee Company, limited, of Toronto,
was in town this week in the interesta of
his company.
Kincardine Reporter: Miss Margaret
Vanetone, of Wingham, and her friend,
Miss Jeanette Tedford have been the guests
of Miss A. L. Sellery,
Ex -jailor Dickson and Mise Dickson,
of Goderich, who were visiting fir. Dick -
son's brother, John, in town, returned
home on Thursday hat,
London Advertiser ; Miss Lee, of Wolfe
street, city, and hor cousin, Miss Lottie
Lee, of Thorndala, are holidaying at
Brussels, Bluevale and Wingham.
management, and the facts that the
agricultural interests are given first
Or thirty-four thousand dollars
were expended in exhibition build-
ings last year, and others being
found necessary aro in course of con-
struction for the coating Fair. Lond-
on's Fair buildings are worth a visit
to the city to see.
Exhibitors of first class stock,
machinery, or produce of any kind,
looking for purchrsers cannot go to
a better place than the Western Fair
to get what they want—ready sales
at good prices.
The Prize lists are ready for dis-
tribution, and a sample applica tion
to the Secretary, Mr. Thos A. Browne,
will secure a copy. It is welt just
here to say the closing date for mak-
ing entries is September' 9th.
While the Association gives part-
icular attention to the exhibitors and
their exhibits, they at the same time
are aware of the necessity of having
some first clasp special features to
edify and amuse their visitors
-e- during the afternoons and even -
Nation Winning—Rev. J. S. Hen- Ings.
Ste Hessen Ben Mi, the Arab
prince, bas been engaged, not only
to bring with him his wonderful'
troupe of Arabs, but secure the best
talent in America along other lines.
His knowledge of the business and
his acquaintance with best artists
and his own unsullied requrtation is
sufficient guarantee that two hours
of good, clean, high class attractions
will be on hand. The official pro
gramme will he published tate fir- t
Week of August, and is free to all.
derson, Uensa i1.
An Up -To Date-Endeavorer--C. W.
Andrews, Wroxeter,
Essentials of C. E.—Mrs. Pentland
Line Up --Ed Wanless, Varna.
The Progress of Young People's
Work in Canada --Rev: J. Edge,
C. E, and proportionate Christain-
itE— Dr. Meldrum, of St. Paul, Min-
nesota. Dr. Meldrum is a host in
hiniself;'he•was on the program for
four addresses at the San Erancsseo
C. E. Convention.
The usual Railway rate has been
granted by the C. P. R. and the G.
T. R. fare and one—third for the
round trip.
Thousands Celebrate
With thankfulness their restoratton to
health, by the nee of Flood's Sarstipa-
Think of the vest army who hatebeen
cured by flood's Sarsaparilla.
Men, women and children who have
suffered the consequences of impure
blood, who have been the vietims of
scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia,
nervousness; and sleeplessness,
They have tried other medicines and
have failed to obtain relief. They tried
Hood's Sarsaparilla and tt did them good
They persevered in its use and it ac•
complished permanent cures. Do you
wonder that they praise and recommend
it to you.
Win. Sloan, tt Seaforth boy, whose
mother yet resides in that town,
went to the Yukon country a year
ago, and was one of the party that
recently returned. Ilia gold pile
figures $85,000,
The Delinearor.
The August number of the Deline-
ator is called the Midsummer Num-
ber, and its exposition of hot -weather
Modes and Fabrics is made graphic
by full page color plates and intertex
ual illustration supplefnented by a
special article on mourning. attire.
The number iq notable for its fiction
Francis Lind's "Diana ,f the Ephe-
sians," a dainty Iove story, with a
settting among the ufountains of
Northern Alabama, being completed
by a narration of an encounter with
a Paris necromancer, which forms
the second of Martin Ord's serial ac—
counts of Clive Rayner's adventures
Mrs. A. S. Potter writing of the
social life of St. Lewis, showes the
continued potency of the Creole in—
fluence in that semi—southern inter—
esting metropolis. Number 4 of
Jennie Drake's New York Types, is
devoted to a sprightly and amusing
analysis of the women who shop,
Dr. Grace Peckam Murray continues
her "Talks on Health and Beauty"
with a discussion of the various form
of Exercise especially treated by Mr.
Regnald de Koven, with some ae--
count of noted feminine players.
Especially suited to the dog days,
are the directions for making various
salads and dressings, and Franeis
Leeds' recipe for a summer pick—me—
up. Young people looking for a new
entertainment will enjoy Lucia M.
Robbins' description of a "Butterfly
.Party." Mr. Viek's Flower garden
is supplemented by praetical answers
to various enquiries, the books of the
month are noticed and the usual
,pages devoted to needle work.
Order from the local agent of the
13utterick patterns or address The
Delineator Publishing Co., 33 Rich—
mond St. West, Toronto.
Subscription price, $1 per year, or
15e per copy.
All our Household Furnit ro is now
for sale. including, Pi no, r artists, Pic-
tures, Stoves, Crock y. ' awn Mower,
Garden Tools, Large at , Set of Har-
ness and sundries. • of which can
be bargained for prit+ ely up till Satur-
day, August 14th. 1897, on which date
all not disposed of will be sold by
-30c GEO. GOOD,
Raving left on business for n tithe, 1
have placed my practice in the hands of
C. D. Fortune, V. S.. a graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College,
Culls by night and day will he prompt.
ly attended to at the office.
6.11c Jame WILSON V. S.
voob►'S PI/ k`DS1f'x1oDxr4.Jn.
Bite Great English Tteme ty.
Six Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and permanently
euro an forms of l;crvoua
Weakneas, ItnOisiorta,Sperm-
atorrhea,X+npoteneU,trut au
(recta o Abuse or Xxeeesee,
Denim Worry, exoeaette Use
,Before and,elfter. of robaece, ()14" or SUeiu-
tants, watch soon feud to In;
jlrmfty, Insanity, onsumption and an. early oravc.
ifasbeen prescribed aver 85yoare in thousands of
cases; is the anty rellahre and hottest Dtediefne
known. Ask druggtsttor Wood`s Phosphodinel if
he otters some worthless medicine in pisco of this,
inclose price in letter, and wewlll send by return
mail. Prlee, one package, $i; six, 48, One wag
please, eta WI sure. Pamphlota free to any, adss
Th1 e 'Woo Ctnniiafay,
"Windsor, Ont„ cesteda,
Sold in Wingham and everywhere
by responsible druggists,
_._.a..F; ROM US FOR--
We have decided to retire from----,
,---and so during the next-----,
We will give you
every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY nights, com-
mencing at 7 o'clock.
We will hold a
To clear out Job Lines, at prices that will interest pou. Come
early and get first choice. You may expect
as our Stock is still large and well assorted.
All outstanding accounts must be settl3d before that date, if
you want to save trouble; after that date our affairs will bo placed
in other bands for settlement. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Are You
M fi
RUPTURED? Change of business
If so it is your advantage to
call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug
Store, Wingham.. They
are the agents for the
celebrated W etmore
1, Because it is dangerous to be a
moment without one.
2. It will never rust and. is conse-
quently durable.
3, A person wearing a Wetmcre does
not find it a bother,
4. We will guarantee to hold in
position any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot possibly move
after ad,j ustment,
6. Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits.
7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
Having purchased from
D. 'E. McDonald his
Butchering Business, I am
now in a position to supply
the public with
at lowest prices and earn-
estly solicit a share of the
patronage of this commun-
ity. We will always keep
on hand the best meats
that can be got for money
McDonald s od stand.
rUrilitUre and, VadertakingStore
Ireland Si; Button are putting in a complete Stook of Furniture and
Undertaking consisting of
everything that is kept In a
A complete stock of Undertaking kept cn hand and prices reason-
"'Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac-
donald Bloek, (Residence opposite the foundry.