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The Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 9
r y pL71:1 We make a special Ice Cream a d ar' J pared to s 'pl large or spial and of any fia tfamilies, tofare es J, 1 gi parties or b pr e it, in entitle r desired 'c nietng ish. ?ountain and Soda of any We hay : a good also sup y Cream flavor, 11 BAN NAS; PINE A PLEB and alt and L oafs lona r of InY J i a kinds. -Si ive us a trial an we can ase you. JAS, Mc ALPI E, Centra•! Resta ant. r 9611,-9 - TO 1.1E PU )f' U�� The Winglham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing hill business such as- -•SASII, DOORS, —BLINDS, --CASINGS, —MOULDINGS, ,can `have thele on short notice and .at lowest possible prices. I have also added a number of new mach Ales which will enable me to do Irk cheaper and better than ever. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON Et -TONS LIMPS Will stand wear and tear for S ears, No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and 1+'ORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's I Livery. JOHN PELTON, g Ont used, and highly recommend it. DEAN BROS., Bakers Wingham, THE WADDEN YEAST CO., London. 1 T., the Madden Yeast Co., Loudon, Ont. ' (lentlnteon,--Wo get quicker and batter results from using Mrs. Madden's least Allan arty oilier we have p cra a •4ti/Sv''3ti�'/+ I so you cannot find anywhere a preparation If YY p i to equal CR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF Li'.NSEED AND TURPENTINE for the throat and respiratory or- gans. 't'i'e have hundreds of testimonials from public speakers, singers, ministers and others, One rev. gentleman says : " I never think of entering my pulpit without CIase s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine at my side." Such in- te y give s tions from the ministry should con- fidence in Dr. Chase's Medicine. If you are tronblcd with that tickling sore throat, so conunon among speakers and singers, you will find OR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED MD Tt' PD Tli1E a positive and per- manent cure. Teaspoonful dose, price ag cents. 1Sdinanson, Dates t: Co., sole manufacturers for Catta•.Ia, 45 Lombard stied, Toronto. IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, OnT. Fain continues its successful wcrk of placing stud- ents in choice Positions. Between Ian, 1st and May let, four months 40 of our pupils secured choice situations as 14 orkLeepers Stenographer' and Teachers in other Business Col. lezes, '111r'ee others have secured rlaeea, one to commence next week, another the followtog neck nod Cho third about Juno 15*.h Hero is when graduatos of this school have a decided advantage over those graduartd from the average business college. if interested write for catalogue and a complete list of lvhero students have been pi..ced. For Uatatd,yue, address, p. idcLACITLAS '• Ca., Chatham, dent Sit NI Eli Ski ITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go WEBSTER'S QUEER'S BLOCK, WINGHAM HE W1 (fiIAM TIMES, S, JULY 30, 18v, Good Cookery Roceipes. Aimed Frosting ---Blanch some al- mondd, and po incl in a mortar until ,pulverized, mix in the whites of three ' eggs, al d three-fourths of tt cup of powdered sugar flavor essence vanilla and add the alinonds. j IIiekory Nu; Frosting --Allow one ' eup of sugar to the white of an egg, ' heat till very light, and add the hick • ory nuts after elh'lppinn very fine. Fruit Cakes Dough—Two eups of sugar, one of butter, one pint of soda, hs m ,:h fruit as you and u wishr spice to taste, use flour enough to snake as stiff as a common fruit cake. Set it in a warn, made to rase far one Hour. Bake in moderate oven. Doughnuts --Tow cups of gear milk, one teaspoon of soda, two cups of sugar, one teaspoon of lard, three eggs, one half teaspoon of salt, flour enough to roll; eutin any shape desir- ed and fry in phot lard. Citron cake —Two cups of sugar, one and a half cups of butter, five eggs, one half teaspoon of baking powder, one pint of flour, one cup of' citron cut in thin slices. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, flour, and last the citron. Mix into a firm batter and bake in a paper lined shallow pan- fifty min- utes. Chocolate Dressing for Cake— One bar and a half of chocolate, five table- spoons of sweet milk, four of powder- ed sugar, boil until soft anct thick when cool add whites of two eggs and sugar to thicken. Lemon Jelly—One grated lemon, two ego, a piece of batter size of an egg, one cup of sugar, put on the stove and melt together, when cool, not cold, spread between layers of cake. Tutsi Fruiti Frosting—One half teacupful of -water, three cups o: sugar, whites of two eggs; boil sugar ' and water until very thick and waxy beat tide whites of eggs to a sift froth, land pour the Syrup oyer them, beat 1 all till cool, Then add one half pound of almonds, dhopped fine; one small half teacup of large white raisins, and a little citron sliced thin. Very nice for sponge cake. Cocoanut Cookies—One cup of hatter, two cups of sugar, two cups of grated or peppered, two eggs,fiour enough to make a' stiff batter, and teaspoonful of soda; drop on buttered paper in pans. Doughnuts --Six tablespoonful of sugar, two eggs, nutmeg, ono coffee - cup cream, salt, two teaspoonful bak- ing power, flour. I Sloan's Indian I o Send for Pamphlet of Cures, Free By Miall. Pried #1 per Bottle, 'or $51 At all Pre,,Y,r;'':'.' , irfroln Laboratory. HEAD NERVES. Lrns DISTUfaeD WHEN THE suers r t REFUSES :.'o DO ITS WORE—INDIOESTIO UPSETS THE WHOLE h5'STESI AND MAKES W0ECKS OF Br= HOPEFUL LIVES THAN AN OTHER COMPLAINT USDEtt THS SUN. "For several ye rs + have been a sufferer of severe nervouh • +daches, and last June I became ebsolu el prostrated from the trouble. I also b came a martyr of indi gestion. I was persuaded to try South • A.merlcau Nervine. I procured a bottle. My headaches were relieved almost im- mediately and in a remarkably short time left me entirely. The remedy ]las toned up and built up my system wonderfully." James .A.. Bell, Beaverton. Sold at Chis- ; holtn's Drug Store. Agrienitural Education. What is the reason that the land is no longer held to be capable of furn- ishing a living for a family? There are two reason: (1) That farmers have lost the knack of doing rt vast- ly diversified number of things, and instinctively turn factories for what they ought to make for themselves from soap and carpets. This requires a large outlay; and the farmer thinks therefore, only of raising the cash. le He was to turn his produce into money, and into goods that he de - CURES INDIGEST , DYS- PEPSIA, HABITU L CONSTI- PATION, $IL'OTIS DIAR- RHOEA. _ If you are troubled w it any t f these complaints the persistent se of LrlA.'d Immo; Tome insures A curd, A Well-.', + "n Woodstock Man Cured. Woodetertc, Opt , May 2nd, MM.This ins to cattily that 1, James Roes, toiti;ate- keeper, of the town of Woodstocit. Ont., have been a sufferer front indigestion and a very weal atcinsch lot a number of years and have tried a treat many medicines of different kinds. bat o•'n1d only obtain temporary relief for a short time, hot after using ono bottle of SLOSS it INDIAN Tosidu I could pereoive a great difference. My indig• titian WILD better awl my stomach much stronger than before, and I found I had gained several pounds in 112sii, where I n'av very weak and thin to flesh be;•tre. I think I used nine or tin bottles in all, and I am now a heathy man, but still I do not want to be without tho medicine in the house. and I ran truthfully r.eont mend &.oar's INDIANTOg.t• to others suffering front the haute complthnt. JAIir1S rt )50, Tollgate Keeper. THE 810':' I OICINE CO. OF !HAMILTON, LIMITER. P. 0. Drte,wor..t.:, ,.,,iuilton. Successors to Burtch Bros. ,t Co. sires. (2) Education has been of such a sort that boys and girls have learned to do everything else bettor than to till the soil. The experiment of tilling vacant lots n our cities is a turn toward agricultural education Let it be suplementcd with parctical teachers in all eases. HELPLESS POR SIX is ON's as, Salt And Its Properties. Used in washing your hair it will prevent the hair from falling out. A teaspoonful of salt in a hunp will make ket osene oil give a bringhter light, Added to a bucket of water it forms a remarkadly effective fire extingu- isher, • Damp salt removes the discolor- ation of tea and the like in dishes that have been carelessly washed. New calicos soaked, in a strong sola tion of salt for a hour before washing, ug, will retain their color better. As a dentifrice salt and water will not only cleanse but whiter the teeth and will harden the ,;'urns. When boiling stake a pinch or two of salt thrown on the fire will quench the flames arising from the dripping fat, A weak solution is good for sore throat, to be used as gargle aucl this is still better if a few grains of red pepper are added Ink stains may be removed by the use of moistened salt. '!Mien it be- comes discolored remove it and use a fresh supply until no. color remains. Dissolved in water and snuffed up the nostrils it is of use in curing cat- arrh, but when chronic its use must persisted in night and morning for several months. A little salt in raw ar boiled starch will pre lent the irons from sticking. and make the starch whiter. If the irons are rough lay some salt on a piece of brown papF.r lay a piece of muslin over it and rub the irons on it until they AN bright and smooth. A bag of salt heated and applied a painful spot is often very efficacious in allaying pain especially:those of a colicky nature in the stomach 'and bowels sae s a writer 10 this Boston Travel. A weak solution of salt in water is a good remedy for light ndigestion especially- that character - zed. by a sense of weight and oppres- ton. It11OUMA'rtslr It1:LD MMM IN C AIV9--suvresteD UNTOLD DII tIaCC-TIII•: OR T Ii)OTII ASILrnI- eAN 1tTIP;USWTIO CUIIE \V, ` IED Walt AND \VON A COMPLETE VICTO11 ` It .TM' IN A YEW II00119. "I have beer, a ;re' enfterer from Olen - madam. I was 1 1 1 1 1 for tried all hinds cf rein• BELLEVILLE. TRUE TO THE LAST Ono of the best known and most pop- ular tthoemakers io Belleville gives evi- dence in a most important matter. "Mr. Wal, Kemp, the well-known shoo - maker, says: '•�12y wife has been a great sufferer from nervousness and heart troubles for the last 20 years. She was in a.vory bad state, had terrible pains in the regiou of the heart extending up over her shoulders, and she was so nerv- ous that she couldn't sleep at night. Her appetite was almost gone, and al- though she had taken many kinds of medicine. both from doctors and pro- prietory artielol, she received no relief from them. Soeiog an advertisement of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I got a . box with the faint hope that they would help my wife. She has taken two boxes and the results are something wonderful The pains have all left her and her appetite is good. She sleeps well which is one of the greatest blessings she has experienced, and she has im- proved in every way. I can reccmmend theta yery highly and feel that no,- other remedy could have nahieved a result in so short a time. Wm. Kemp, Belleville, Ont. Laxa Liter Pills cure con stippation, biliousness, and sick headache; lac, Bow Bees MYiake Honey Honey is the nectar of the flowers dried down, or condensed by the bees --partly- before it reaches the hive. The bee fills his honey sack with nectar, and at once becomes a sort of living evaporator or condenser, dis- charging a portion of the watery part of the nectar from its body before it reaches the hive, This partially con- densed precinct is placed in the cells, where the work of evaporation goes on by means of the stream of warm air whelp the bees keep constantly passing over the combs, and the high temperature of the hive. Honey from fruit blooms and clover has a characteristic odor that beekeepers easily recognize; and a bee -keeper with keen olfactory organs can tell to a day, by the odor of the hive, when the bees begin to bring in stores from either of these sources. Bees, it is said, inject a. minute portion of the poison from the sting into each honey cell before sealing it. It is supposed that this prevents fer- mentation, • A. useful Clerk. That 01100 in Tunlnrnne is costing me a Inilit (:i' rhloney, said a lc.re.i! capitalist to one of his: emhployces. I wish you would flute around and see if you can made a saving s'l0e- where. If you can, I'll raise yutle • salary $y 50 a. month. i. But suppose I cant make a saving of h5O a month ? inquired the young roan, Well. I tried to figure it out my- self and I cant find where I can save a single cent. If you can, you are worth l„50 /e. mont more, All right sir. I'll Iook into it The young' man went over all his accounts, but he could not find where he could eat down a single expense. Finally it occaored to him 25 that at he wasdrawing ( a» to �) a month for acting as Secretary of the 112111- i ing company. I've found a place where you can save $25 a month, he informed his' employer next day . I've - eau off. that salary* of •;25 a month we've been paying the secretary for doing nothing. IIe got his raise. One Honest Man. Drag Errron,--Please inform your readers that if written to confidentially I will mail in a sealed. letter , particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor. after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night , losses and Weak ehrunkeu parts, I was lobbed and :swindled by slit tjaac:ke until I d nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorousand strong and wish to make this certain means of euro known to others. I have nothing to , sell and want no money, but being a firm ' believer in the universal brotherhoodd of man, I ado desirous of helping the unfor- unate to regain their health and happiness I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp ; War. T Mtmernin, Agents' Supplies, i P. 0. Box 59, St. Henri, Clue lta n .•Tf e, WEAK BACK, LAME BACK, BACKACHE, "'MADEtMARK LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATiSMV1, 9th/i° 'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL OUR. vats. 5 ORP SWELL? YOURNET OHAD E D KKI YS OA.' IF SO YOU HAVE WEA KIDNEYS. . D N 5 PILLS WILL STRENGTHEN THEM. HAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI- NARY TROUJLES OF ANY HIND? IF 00, DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURE YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. HEADACHES, DIZZINESS, FRIGHTFUL DRBAFIS, DISTURBED SLEEP, MOWS!, NESS, FORGETFULNESS, COLD CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OFTEN CAUSED BY DISORDERED 1:IDNEYs. EVEN IF YOUR rtal:OaV IS DEFL'CTIYB YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REr0EriPER THAT DOAN'S P1LL'O CURIA ALL KIDNEY. TROU- BLES, AND EVaRY DO:U 1115./..23 VIM ctRE. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORSIS. There was a stern di ;spline among the Japanese in their late war with China, and at every point display iron nerve. The medical inspector of the combined fleet was Dr. Kawa- mura, Hoshu, who was on board the flagship during one ti-emendous action, when the vessel was struck with diististerous effect by a shell. One gun was shattered by a shell the floor of the surgery was crusted in and the doctor was thrown with terrible force against the ceiling. When he regained his senses he Lund himself unable to rise upon his feet, and could only crawl out of the wrecked surgery to seok a place of comparative safety. A marine met him, picked him up and with- out a word began to carry him away. Aren't you a gunner? asked the wounded mail', Yes, sir. Then why are you not at your post let me down and go there. Others are detailed to attend the wounded. Bat, sir, urged the man, ' he gun which I serve was shattered by the shell. I thank you for your intentions, said the doctor firmly but you need not attend to the wounded without special orders to that effect, I do not need your help. The gunner placed the wounded man on the deck and wcna his was and the doctor tried to take of MA shoes to see how much his feet end legs were injured. While he was doing this he fainted again, and au attendant bore hint away to a -room which had been hastily fitted. up for a surgery. There the doctor called for a bucket of sea -water, placed his feet in it to stop the it bleeding, and despite the great pain • and loss of blood, continued to direct the other surgeons in their care for the wound ed. --Youth's Companion, , Pain in tho Sack. "1 w ns troubled with a pain in the back for mouths, and after trying se.er- al remedies without effect, thought I , Would use llagyard's Yellow Oil, I stn glad to spy that after using two bottles.; I was completely cured, and cannot re- commend this excellent remedy too llij;hly. , tss ANxA CinAl'MAN, South River, Ont. I)\• I'P'A; °:3 ,--... mots' i' -t» - t' -1 n ".' aani is y Medi- cine : Cures the 41 CO —on every -day Els Cr U.1 dra-..r, n`r © �t ro; ',` g-r'-�.'yN U\4. L;6 rnnnr + BABY WAS CURED. .I. 4- 4 DEAR SIRS,—I can highly recoth- •r. + mend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 4' -I. Strawberry It cured my baby of .d. + diarrhdnaafter all other means failed, .3- + 3 + so I wive it great praise. It is excel- g- + lent for all bowel complaints. 4 44 MRS. CHAS. BUTT, Ilnrlovr, Ont. a+. 4' 4M THE HEAD MASTER M G[:NTLF.MEN,—I have found great a 'I' satisfaction in the use of Dr. Fowler's -' Extract of Wild Strawberry, and con- 'r 'I' sider it invaluable in all cases of 'I' -r diarrhoea and summer complaint. 4' 4' It is a pleasure to me to recommend d - 't` it to the public. I, + R. 13. MASTERTON, Principal, ÷ High School, Rover Cherlo, N.B. S 1• Sa Advt�'11ti 3e elt 1 This is an advertisement which tells the truth abed:. lililburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLI. WHO SW E'ER from sleepltsoItss, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- ,,,,ee,:n tied r•} tho heart, drlias through the tereant an CI heart, ;_iouo, tnorbiilcoo- cellon of She mind, s retie :!t�:.. 1:•at- .f coitlin•' danger, amanita or it: , ac•ct Lilted blood, atter effects lei ,•ril'l's', general debility, etc., diet .? i.RI'SE aIES as they dura these CO plc :very box is guaranteed to give siiii,facticu or stoney refunded through the party from whom the i' Lo were purchased, and we authorize them to do so on ill strength of the €drove statement. 'ri,:s offer IS limited to the first hon nsadl by any one person. 1'.I1L1LOi & Co., Toronto. At the First Presbyterian Church, Piiltlr eft' y IC h es9 Ss'afo:th, on Tuesday last, Rev, Nell ; i McPherson, M..\.., B. I) , pastor of over six ntontlis. edies but got no reief. Hexing noticed 1St. .':oil's Presbyterian iter e b, i Nature's Hoctfotne. strong testimoniols pmbliehed of *tile cures )' y t i 1lanlhit•on, Alia Label, daughter of affected by South American Rheumatic Nature's Medicine tor eo until r tion, , lit v. Matthew Barr, of 1)Cafrtrtb, 1 1 Cure I obtained a bottle of it. and received . Liver complaint, sick headache, btl. ono. relief from pain from the first done, and in i nos, jauutlien and sir; llow complexion 19 an inereditibly short time I was entirely i Lasa Liver Pilin, They are a perfect free from my sufferiug9.” ,Tames R. Cele, , laxative, never griping or commit. plan. Alnonte' Ont. Bold at Chisholm's Drug Ono pill each night forl, days will curo 2 t he bride. Store. eonetipaticn. were United in marriage. The eere- nlnny was performed by Rev. Dr. McDonald, assisted by the father of Caveatsend 'rr.'de.latciV' rhtai-.,i, and all patent bu i ess eo:dacttd f r ft0i11•;ti•l r.' tri?(c i. lMy' oftgxi iu e,mdne.li t_ vie nitytftha 1'-':,t4)idec MO 5,.4:itie;for ne:,.°i05p,ten:a Itilrail•assetl Bend • icl, .ketch csr pis .ng,aplt of inventir,n.mit,a .:, I °tate:.ter. a5 t J:t.'r.Y.tages claimed. r".1:.,r.R«esrp.-foy:ri•te,sesti:tion, es to emeectereffies. anti •'v fee far l:r,:se_utii''g the sap ict:+rn �'d+'d 3°3 .,n C.z!T+•d' 5'ht' rerrfi1 the lrrrf r: r rr. ".c• r*. S.3. 1'-, a .GuIrA ," den tains h.:S'f:,'.n,scr*.ssrora' .ill 4'e l>;nalr CCtIOL: J t 1 rdC;ot: tl9 tiDiC.iq t trip l~ atlsl. , t�wC�r*3 H. HOUGH • or: t, rd+ vont.�li%'iLltx!nGi'L'ri)".T+1'►. tl. • • a 1