HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 8�t..� .AIC'.. \I)VI.NGHA.M TIMES, JULY 30, 1697. Water In The Dairy. There are re unimport.ni:t things in dairying,, All its details are OSSCII- tial to the best results, and when any one of then is singled out as at special typic, those treat it are apt to indulge in superlatives about it when insisting upon its importance. And wait is important, and for the mom- ent one can easily forget thrtt there aro a host of other things in the in dustry that are quite as urgent.' A water supply that shall be both pure and sufficient is a thing without which a •'dairy cannot successfully run,and it is hardly possible oto ex- aggerate the necessity for it. It must be pure, because no product of which we know anything, so per- petuates and multiplies impurities as does milk. In countless ways that we know of, and probably in quite as ninny of which we have yet to learn, filth in the water supply en- ters.her by way of the mouth and leaves her by way of the udder, un- changed except for the worse, and to become more harmful. We can supply liquid manure to a food plant and nature's subtile chemistry will so separate tbo go)d from the bad, using the former and rejecting the latter, that no trace of evil will be found in the fuod which the plant produces ; but if the stock will catch the s ooze from the barnyard, the least we may expect from the milk. produced by cows that drink the water is typhoid fev- er or other malignant disease in those who consnme the milk. The steer on the farm may drink from stagnant ponds, tiled with filth, slime and mierubes of all kinds and while no one will pretend that it is good for him, we never detect it in the meet lie produces; but if the cow finds her Supply. of drinking water its th1 3 ia!11 > pU 1'li. SGnld- thing will be wr+3n;; with tho milk and butter produced.. We ►arty not at ghee trace the fault to iLs r;,,urc.; but it will Le there effecting the pro- duct and the price of it. The water supply should be sufii• eient too. Froin time immemorial the relations between the tpulllp nnd the milk can -have been the subject of the newspaper juke; but it it is no joke to gay that nobody can do good dairy work without pure water and plenty ot it. .Bilk- is from• 8G to 88 per cent water, and if the supply be provided in a miserly way, the yield , is certain to`fall off,and no dairying pays where this is the case It does not pay to neglect anything in`tlairy ing. Everything that enters into the work is important. but the water supply in both kind and quantity, is not the least so, and the good dairyman must have good water in abundance. . In tIintInani 413. Watt, Percy 461, Watson, ..:.1 ENTNANOE AND PUBLIC SCIIOOI, Shannon, John 4::4, Smith, Norman LEAVING EXAMINATIONS, Regie 426, Wightman, Gordon 462, r'itlla�i, ,1T1I,y 30, 1897 • White, Clayton 471, The following are the names ot the txirls--Baker, Irene 480, Black, _esti av '. O JUJINA Tan 3wi. 'successful can Itd'ltes who wrote on Mite 49)4, Cameron, Lizzie 401, Davis til recent Entrance and public Nettie 503, LIayeroft, Mabel 510, A very pointed and practical art' -t Sehooi Leaving examinations held at Jackson, Nand 470, Kelly, ,Janie 508, cls n ep ;ir in The Orangeville, Owe, ; the various centres:in the inspectorate Bendall, Alice 79, Key's, Mamie 41313 Adye."ti.er, on the possible results oft ui Mast Huron. The names of those Lamont, Mabel 454, Maunders, townspeople doing all their buying who wrote on Leaving and obtained Norah 572, McDonald, Grace 511, in the t"ity. We quote it for the but Entrance standing aro not puts McDonald, Ella, 461, McKay, Lizzie merellant to show intelligent custom -I Healed. Any candidate who obtained 514, Mitchell, Bessie 425, illiebel, ers, who are reasonable enough to Entrance standing no the Leaving Amelia 419, 1leGull=l, Maggie 4(32, see that city buying, if carried out to may obtain a certificate admitting Dlillol*, Christens 483, Mitchell, Edith its extreme limit, can empty a town of both trade and prosperity. "Let us assume that a town whis'1 lacks local pride and spirit and whose inhabitants send much of their I any of these examinations. cash to departmental stores, carries ENTRANCE. the thing to its logical conalu4on and buys everything away from comma'. n j r :1 ' iii Li • ' ilial to a High school on application it -3, lie c, zcle 475, 1Iel�a) , to Inspector Robb. Cards giving _Lizzie A. 507, Smith, Kate 499', marks an<l standing have been sent ° Vanstone. Olive 470 Zimmer, Mabel to ever•r candidate that wrote on .423. WROxErEn. Boys -Armstrong, Leonard Charles 449, Armstrong, Jas, Garnet 470 Aylesworth Jas, homer 460, Elliott, home; and what follows? The al !+'- Boys-Aikeni ead, ;Malcolm S. 427• WW: James 424, Gemmill, Frank 448, chants pat up their shutters and quit Aitken, Malcolm 529, Blacker, Bert. Iiaulilten, Somerville 547, Iieiuphill, The main street has gone out ot busi 554, Brown, William 539, Butt Wm. Alvin W. E. 508, McEwen, Wm, 459, Cook, Frank 436, Muff, Wm.. Cecil 470, McLaughlin, Nelson 451, 414, Dayman Joseph 451, Dowser, Ran, , Wm. John 435, Sanderson, John Harry 580, Gilroy, Murray 402, K. A. 462. Houston, Kirk 477, Irwin, Walter Girls-Aylesworth, Mary, 518, 490, Jamieson, John 441, Johnst• n., Lawrie, Bertha May 518. Martin Gordon 464, Jenkins, Ed. J. 526, Nina 474, Miller, Mabel Baird 600, Jeffries, John 405, Jackson, Bert Mitbholl Maud 427, . Match, Nettie 472, Jackson, Earnest 479, Medd, Winnona 443, Scutt, Ellen Jane 428, Bruce 435 McTavish, Roy 470, Mc- Townsend Sydney, Alecia 488. Vogt, Queen Bert.436 Paisley, Lionel 456, 'Jennie Adella 414, Williams, Minnie Plumsteeli Wm. 515, Porter, Charles .461. • 486, Rogers, Wear 559, Rumball, FORDWICti f_ert 474, Shepherd, Clarence 422, Boys -Ashton Lauglin Fraser 417 Shobbrook, John. W, 503, Whitely, Dobson, Percy 470, Littejobn Stuart Garnet 429, Wilson, Frank 569, Alex - 428, :Martin Absolom 441, Your.;, Willie 401. Walker W. E. 456, Webber Samuel Girls -Andrews, Lillie 461, And- 524, Wyness Albet Reith 473. Girls-Aikins Bertha 454. Hood Edna 429, Howard Gracie Alberta 506, Milne Esther, Maggie 516, Montgomery Edith Ida 560, Pritch- ard Ida Ethel 511, Sanderson Lizzie .450, Spotton Ethel 462. PUBLIC SCHOOL LE_1.V1Nu. ness. The post office and express office are the local branches of the departmental store and are b•tsy sending off orders and liandli,nr, parcels. The merchants wish their families, and their clerks, sc'ttter to the four corners of the earth. There are perhaps two banks in the 'town and one closes at once, but the other waits- to see how business. will be. The editor of the local paper looks over his field of peers into the future, and then removes his plant to some place far from an is ver - shadowing city. Those who owned property along the main street find it almost valueless. One of the Land lawyers moves away. One of the; erson, Nettie 4.49, I3iggart, Laura doctors sells out to the other. The 531, Bentley, Norma 531, Bateman, farmers of the surrounding country Myrtle 497, Chesney, Maggie C. 424, Cook, Priscilla 461, Carter, Becca 481, Churchill, Jennie 448 Cluff, Eva. Mary 503, Cooper Olive 481, East Jennie 457, Elcoat Min,lie 440 Ora ham, Bertha 440, Hrekingbottoin Mabel 43J, Harland, Mabel 427, CLXNTON. Bill, Mabel 572, Johns, Ella 573. Duncan Alex Ashton, Gig 13a - Jenkins, ,Nellie 438, Kerr, Minnie dour Jerome 806, Blake, Richard 619, Lowrie, Jenuie 425, Love, Lizzie Tames 635, Brighm, Olvetta Fedora 501, Lawrence, Alice 442, McGill, 654, Broadfoot Aggie E. 666, Brown Littie, 453, McCloy, Agnes 501, A•I:i•a 628, Butt Annie May 617, +' Murphy, Annie 456, Mc wen, F, 519 • Courtice, Oliver X705, Courtice, W. McEwen, Ella 569, McTavish, Pleas- -"german 626 Crawford Robert Cam once J. 439, O'Brien, Mary E. A. 451, eron 625 Doig, Alex MeL. 619,Eber Py bus, Ida 417, Peter Maud M. 564, iiai.dt, Harry, 712, Evans, I.larry Pope, Helena, Jcne 564, Robinson, Gordon 811, Evans, Minnie Eva, 647 Maud 423, Robb. Nina 462, Robert. Gibbir.gs Joseph MGT 657 Ross, Kate 495, Staples, Edna 427. McLean Arthur 1?. 747, McMichael Shannon, Jennie 529, Stout Delta Eva, Jennie - 630; Mutard James 536, Wood, Mary 452, Worthington Thonton 637, Mustard Chas. Alex, Belle 535. '618, Story Willis M. 651, StI1L'dy WINGHAM. Franeis 709, Townshend Christina M 649 Waldron Byron 688, Watson Robert 617, Thompson James, 639 FORD1VXCH. Becker Frederick Charles, 669, Dobson Arthur A. 708, Donaghy, Frank 716, Peel, George W. 704, Irwih Mabel Lillian 675, Young Elizabeth, 745, rise at 3 a, 111. a41.1• 'drive on through the village to the city to sell their produce and make their pur- chases. They consult a city doctor, or lawyer, or dentist, if they need zpdviceor tleaListen t. Tae o•.•ner (,f ottPthe big; trill or factory, which w:1' boliu:;ed years ago, will no a' lteark•- en to the uffers he gels to locate in other places, and the town baring now 110 fatare. no prospect of better shippi:ig fielllties, the factory ::ill pack. up and gu away. In short, the tywu Will have no excuse for existing. The surrounding country does not need it; it doesn't need itself its people height as well )dove away and get into the city to which the, really belong. Logicaliy, this is the outeuure-a whole province with no in(luetry or tradcin it but plates for tinkering and repairing in a small way; LI Whole province in which unly rich cities and rich men can thrive at all, all retailing passing into the hands of millionaire men and cum panics strong enough to practice any trick or to resort to any tyranny, and none being strong enough to rooiet them." An article on these lines eft )old appear in every local paper in Can- ada this Summar. Merchants min.Roy, 425, Grey, George 603 Hudson BRUSSELS. a3:,rt1 to drift in this matter. I Joe U, 508, Ilornell, David W. 457, Blake, John, 847, Cameron, Will - They must net promptly, appealing; J Jenkins Oliver 462, Jermvn, Victor c 601. Croaks Iran 655• Downing to a 'nou sense of property owners 1448,Johnston, George 583, 1lcMannis, ; Hattie, 773, McLaughlin,' Jessie 716 i,n in a t ).vn n >t to set the example ot ! Charles 460, [toss, Morris 465, Smit.t, I McKelvey A'.ex, 615. McDonald buvi'i, outside. 1f the owners oia Abner 421, Taylor, Willie •170, 13assie 702 Pringle, Lorne 660 property is ill not ehenlseivea buy in Watson, Oliver 506 Wilson, Russell1 Smith Marion 708, Strachan Elsie, ups -place Neese returns them inter- 49.4, Winfield, 13t=rtie 431, ! est on their investment, of course Crirls--111 tkens, Aggie• 482, . Beg. I l)40, Y,,uill. Margaret, G13. the )Lace is > ,) , • sett FORTH. f pretty hopeless. 1314. ley, Mary Eliz l 41: ,, Blackwell try w!,•tt etre be done by some vies); 'Norma 49:), 13:arson, Frances Edna! Atkinson, Minn:e. 633. McLeod ous pr.);o h and your local editor, 411. (:racer, Eva M. 553, Isbister, �D•an, 678, Rennie Nee, 621. are the hell to help you. -D'• -v : Nellie 518. ;McCallum, Maggio 471,1 ILYTH. Gq+!.,r1i Review, llcDournlI, Bella 428, McGilllivary' Hamilton, Edna 621, Ilelard Pearl, 7i l'B.rIEY DECEIT Minion eau, McKinley, Jennie 422, . 678 tivin'rston Lena 698 lio�ersun ; kris; rove, Ethel 591, Parker Afar' �' u) c •,tt•:.. 't' UNIxr.;Nrcoxtrrvy hzCray..a I i `, guerite •1135. Pattison, Emma, 45(i, Edith G17, Wilson Susie, (i3,i. Boys -Ainsley, Geo 597. Aitchison, Geo 438, Beemer.;liilton482, Benner, John A. 49.2, Burkholder, Carl 468, Cater, Harry 476, Coultas, John 459, Diamond, Jefferson 453. Duff, Clayton 583, Forester, Roy H. 472, Gifford, Clifton G. 452, Gillespie, Winfred 425, Gilmour Thomas, 461, Gordon : [: Lt'1IN<i MONEY UISJI:Ldi:S- li, TltirLN WITH Vont OWN TV Ynf; < 17S1't• CT TIMM. -1.cA.iU r1r.Ls r+, , !-Sl'11 .t`.t .1'IC t.: 8th T;:1l1 Ti:I71, AND 'r sTI.'IKt, A rome,iv which dissol tions, which heals and affected parts, and wnic nature eradicates all ;it11I System, is the only sale) in Cayes of kidney dis is .South American K not ler t Uct severest of formula has it has LIH1 . `lit 5, Iteid•, Mr Mary 5. 481, Robertson, 917, ' Robinson Kate 758, Scott Mary proclaimed by the greatest ttest nth it 1iti:.,l is ! 1! amnia `1`1;3' Watt, Bessie 1130, 74r,Tate Tillie M. 766, Thyme Ellen the world of medical science that 1Ij .li Boys -Anderson, Frank 461, Dyer, 650' Underrtool Joseph M. 121. -DA111 liquids only -will obtain the results , Stephen 469, McCaug1!ley, James 478 WINGIIAitf, sought for. A seal l remedy taken into the Stackhouse Roy •133 WinfcrJ 1•:d I3arbour, Edith 731 Davidson System goes directly into the circulation ' ' + , + , and attacks ini•nediately the effected part: C• 47J• Emily, 722; Duff Alice 950, Forbes mobile solids swill as pills or powders can- 1 r:RUS3rLs. Maud, 685, Millen, Clara 747, Muls dnisorders canna alt attafa hese toes ltrfgedKidney d y' vey, Etta 619, Robertson, Jessie 705, aN )tot• tit:,+osv PAttis.tn. il.ty 477, ltoderus Ada 430,\vRoxrTak. )tt Entine. 45:3 Scott Olivd 418Cummer Etta 675 Ferguson Thos AS �' is R,l ,.'. , , , ' r •Lt)1:� :�h (NIL,:• hill,, hiut•i IC X1:35, Smith, Anllie 1f. 651, fortune Lily 782, Fraser I)au• 1.Y Cr:1a) L, A j -11'3, Smith, JIG' 505, Wade, Z')rn galas M. 689, Gemmill (George 619 CILNl.Y i:r:r:Ir IC' ! 471, Walsh, Mabel W. 512. Gunne May Kathleen 636, Ilamilton s all ob,trun• I Iiarr:es 1174 Maggie ' etreagthens :Ito! , Hamilton 14ia vie 753 froul its Vary I inn TH. Hazlewood Letta 732, Morrison llritfes from, i1„ 1 girl 1 Clark, R•);ie 450, Clark, El 'Ci Berman 631, JIeEwen Ellen 78-1, er1CSuch a ure rnuiq.51.1. Nothery, Amanda 430, Quinn, 11icl+.wen Lawrence 781, McKersie nev Cure. This LI Istibeila 518, Redmond, Annie M. Arthur M. 671 McMichael Charlotte Tile quickest way is the she afest way to conn •' r Boys - 11111 1, Cleve tx, 364, Arm- Robertson, Lizzie 651, Thomas, bat tttase in sidf,,ns aliments. This lee:at . s' i ono, Willi •m 479, Armstrong, Jae Mabel 790, 'I'r;)s, :Varig 691, Ainsley, remedy n.!ver f tilt. Ii ; a liquid kid , .. 500, Bit!ker, Gar 11 ;4 4'30 Bewley, ! r +• .,ret t harry 71,►, Lai,,t.,s, gaiter 1I. G51, bpeeific. It.es a :solvent. Halal at C;Ilisha ::'.1. Gavin 519, Breekenbri•1 ` e, Walter i Cummings, Jas 1I. 706, Gordon, Drug •ib y, Cameron, Alvin 535, Orsini `,Scott M. (i'r7, Grain, Roland, t}5'2, Jelin 5. 538, Ca••dirler, ;John 33e, i Haney, err 1r s'rovidene, Thanir•o1•ney, r in. 1. 87:2, Halliday Don - 13. 13. 13, fur the Imre of indigo:ltioa and impure blood. i had tried malty 122('11• + i Ylev, ixt.O.r, , r, , ,rt.. rn,iq Edgar, It is with pleasure that I recOnrilmed limiter, �1 m, 520, Lindsay, Wilbur aid, (;91, 1'bi ;'u John 011, I t1r•- 151, McDnwel', .Juba 4 t•.► Mci iitk re ' i rg i ':;.� x t+T • nine, but received no benefit uutii tt'z;,l; 0.6 lton 'i7;3, :IfeT,:ttt£hliii.''t,bi t•171. ' 6.,1 Niel/n.1.114 .1r ll'%) ) ,, a f e I -.ihl (..1f, Pravitlenoe, i wag advised tc, use 13. 13.13. McKay, 'iVilliit it 121• MeN all hien 11'at:lrsrrt, 1 Y:t; , ! ; 716, robin -;uta find it re•nitetl t,3 ap@rft?Ctt'etr&!. 412,I'ce1)1'' ,1:tt>iii3 502, ) ' T 1 c 2 , ,I (1.1a: sl. I Ifo?Itl, Gw) !•�`t:wart Rely: fi:3`' It'S. EVI,f, tor til:. Albert 5)0, Recite Flank -171, Weir• .Robert 785. r •), Oshawa, Ont., CASTO RIA For nafaircb an Children. • The fan - simile sigaatura T1 D Wel31 a1per, Por 'wAnty-s cv7 3n Years THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND i..111Gt•:Sv `4•-,A1.E: IM CPt4ASA. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead every who; W':• are working t avirnr1 night t supply the t e nand. Our corre,pondencc shows that hundreds upon hun 'reds t•f poor sufferers are being restored to health and h i ppl. ness daily. Tr, Y OUR --1 RHEUMATIC SP,ICI.FIC Ora K DNE'Y AMC LIVER PILLS They aro absolut£ly pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure liheurnatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. i1T:W.t111'; tie Sl'tJRIOUS iti1ri'ATIONS Solei in Winghatn, only by Gordon Sc Co BANK of HAM I1. -YON 1,Iitin• 12,3111 (fitttg WINGHAM. Capital, 01,250,000. I1e;t, 6650,001 President-JouN 61ITART. Viee•rresident--A. (1, RAitfiAT• DIRECTORS JOUN Pnoeros, Geo. Rosen, WM OlesoN, P, A. T. WOOD, A. B, LEE (Toronto). Cashier -J, TURNBULL. Savings Eanix-Roure, foto 3• Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and toroet allowed. rates o Spooial Deposits also received at current f ir..i.rrst. Drafts m, Great Britain and the United States bought and sold W. CORBOIJLI), AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Aa E. SMITH BANKER, WINGHAAIVt 1 1 TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET, WINGfiA1SI, ONTARIO. 8ubscription price, $1 per year, in ravanee ADVE1tTISINO RATES: Space 1 1yr. � 01co, l 8 n o. 1 Imo Ono Column ,W10 00 $4i) u0 t20 0u halt 40 00 20 00 12 00 t,,uarter" 20 00 12 00 7 00 One filch" ach 6 00 s 00 2 00 Local and other casual advertisements, 00, per lino for first insertion, and Oc per line for each subsegneut in+ortiun. oto„ sured by nonpareil scale. ,.00a,1 notices 10e. per lire for first insertion, and 5•e. per line for each subsequent ,userticn. qh and Business Chances Wanted, 1ronottexceed ng12 lIds nonpareil, 51 for first month, tufd 60e. ter each subsequent month. I!louses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line, $1 for 1l+ltt month, Loc. per stb4equent mouth anger advert -IS PUhL1SIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING -AT TIIi. ••-• in ,ronortion These Urine will be strictly adhered to lmSporeigeripalcrfods. rates for larger advertisements, or fon vertisements and local directions, will he Inserted tillforbidaehgcwithoutpeaccordingly. Transiterradvertisements mus paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be In the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week II. B. ELLIOTT, GEZLERAL BANKING BUSIN.ESO T !l.Ni3- ACTED, Moneyadvance•1 on Farmers and Busmees men on endorsed note and collateral, FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moucya remitted by draft to all ptr of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected en rn•sonable terms. Money to Loan on Notes.. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5i pec oontwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. 1tOET, YleIND OO. Seaver Block Wingham, Ont • GBAND TBUNK RAILWAY. Toronto ant( East Palmerston mixed London and. South Rinoardine DEPART ArnITE 6 550 a. m. 2.40 p.'m 8 30p m 10 25 p m 8 55 A, nt 2 40 p n G 53 a m 1110 a in 330pm 800pn1 1110arn 650am 255pm 330pm 1025pm 830am • Ha:' Majesty's Diamond Jubilee Oarries "Queen Victoria. Tier Life and Reign," into every home. Portions who neer Sold books Ulu. oracle Tart, Preface the frost eloquent of Lord Duferh,'s nehievemanta. Rebook as highly praised' t1'n need c ore canvassers. Easy to make 815 to $3o a week. Books on time. Prospectus froe to pan vaasers. A tri .1 will cost n•thing and it mnv fill your minty pot ket hook. TUE BRADLEY. , GAIIRETS')N • CO. 1.xn., Toronto, Ont, AGENTS I am slartiott the best thin„ Mr money molting •yon have aeon formally A atty. Yo ,r nom, and ail lraes wil briny you the' gomae intarmation. It. 1'. 0T. 1) 1) 1' T mon to YOUNG PEOPLE'S' UNION. Y. P. S. C. E. -Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. B. X. P. IT -Meeting every Tnosda;v evenin!; Its the Baptist church. EPWOBTR LEAGUE -Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist obi rub. WI Gf &4t STEM PUMP VV'ORKS Baying; purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I ran now prepared to supply the. public tliih Wood It3141 Iron Force. and Lift runul)s, BraSf,.4 and Iron eyJihad ei , Galynuiz- ed Ion Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks. Baths,Pipe I!!'ittiisng, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for r•,ewer awl pumping water. Deep well pumps a arroiality. Repairing promptly, ni tended to. Pato s writing for in"',motion or orierio%by mail oho:ild ulwayo s.cie- depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MORNINGSTAR Box 1.10 W:nghain, r,t. TH•IE WINGIIAM TxME , $x.OD per year in Advance. • PROPRIETOR AND PUsLISNs$ VANSTONE, $ BARRISTER, t+ct emzeR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat interest. No commission chanted. Mortgages, to) and faro, property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Sleek 11'1NOBAII J. A. MORTON, 13 .(I1P.ISTE R, .Svc., um, Onc. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETO. SOLICITOR TO BARR OF RAAfILTON. NONL(T LOAN. Office -Mover Blonk. %%Inghanm. -kg0• CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &a Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets - opposite Colborne notal. GonsataI, INWAnto. DENTISTRY. -J. S.IJ MON E, L. D. S., 15 INGnAM. 1l is .uanufactur. first.olass sots of teeth as cheap as they can be made in tl,e Dominion:. Teeth extraoteil ' absolutely without pain; by hie net process, guaranteed perte..tly safe. OFFICE: In the Bearer Blook, opposite Brunswick house. ARTIUM J. IRWIN, D. D. 3., D. S., Doctor of Deut,.1 Surgery of tha. Pennsyhant Dental College • OFFICE•--MACDONALD BLOCK. •. .Nor1-14111 visit Blyth every Wedn••adoy. JOHN RITCHIE. GENERAL WINOBAN, • INSURANCE AGENT O UTAS P . DEANS, JR., WIEGt:AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOIt rdE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. e9 O:IN CURRIE, Wineseal, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Perin Stock and Farm ImplementP specialty. All orders lett at the TIMES office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. f _Camp Colodonla, No. 40, moot S. O. • the fist and third lllbnday In every r,00tl,in .he Odd Yellows Mali. Visiting tel e, hrun %veteran+ J. Murray, Chief. 19 St6v • art lt,'c.•St e p,�9'>a aa pp p�� 1p p� 4�++ with forgo o t t6L..�4 1Jf 4t'..� LADIEt)`-charaeter,noect 10 to 0.111 1uuuey, ca barn how to do so in a good sauce, Add nes JA DEE GALLOWAY, Toronto JOB PRINTING, TN(ILCD]N0 Books, Pamphlets, Posters, B 11 1 aleada, Circulars, &e., Ste., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or add roes II. B. ELLIOTT, 'l' Mss Ofiico, W1npham. BOOKBINDING 110 ase plaased to announce that env Rooks or M,, i lues left with us for Binding, will have otlr prompt attention. Prices for Iltudir,•gin any style will be given on application o the Trues Odle°. tav r ;len and worn.:, win cm' k A ate" _hard talking mat writing aitt Limns .t day, I,, six days a week, ant' wli i n content, e ith 10 dinars v eel:ly, A L rets NEW IDEA'S Co Ere utford, AGENTS -1;7Z edition 01 "Queen victoria" nus ready, tbuty 0,0. r•+-elLs,!:add, d'. teat famer,.hIle ghee ac d See 1 i 'toil un !:ra 1,011l31ted. The only t'unndia bto It'' pte 1 by 1 k Majesty. li a'<•a <u.rmtus o: n•.:.:-•rre is .eeku,g flit) 1. atom oat c f all rt.ecrda Ills • to stoic thirty dol0ats weekly from Low 1(111', Dia t.d •t„ li lee, Particulars fru. BradleyGarrctton Co, IM!d„Tcronto Q