HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 4Pfr
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mama ac ,r the shadow of the him
71 FAIR. I,litckesG aloud tvltich followed them. hadti tfallen on Itis fttee1��;,i T�>, 'h'1 there hat from the dls
he wits prating els tie:action l'Colti work, this, Rose, and confound,
" most by forging her to do what he edly dull isn't it?" he said good -no
Then ere came a S W t ed best for her future. turodly,
tame of "Mermaid ahoy." Audpresently Had Autlo seen the curious grin on, "Neither cold nor dull, Mr, Cargill,"
too boat glided up beside the steamer. her father's ruddy face as ha made itis was the cheery answer.
A Utile figure elitnttnd up her side and little joke, perhaps she wonl,i not have: "Ah, you like the work, I sgppoae,
LY t'It.1111.ES t11fRON. Iiah ROSS stood. on the deck. A wave of been so uneasy. She had not seen it, but null that makes all the differentia
his hand to his comrades below to signify remembered what elle had told litm--1 Cargill seated Mmolf on a coil of rope
breast until it seemed as It one failure "all right," the boat dropped aetern, thet',ii would take nn man without his as ha spoke,
would have killed hint. and the paddles of the Mermaid moved good -will and would not takeoneagatust' "Of coarse I like it or I wouldn't
Annie, with her sailor's hat and pea- again. Then he turned to shako hands her own. She would bold to that. I be at suppose yen find it troublesome
jacket oa, stood on the hurricane deck with Annie, but did not stay to speak She went toward Ross who was at the 4„
tverlooktn:.' the bustle on board and on more than n few words of greeting to wheel. Ha smiled ns she approached, but enough at times,
the quays, Icer father was moving about her. He hastened to the captain. there was ne answe:ing smile on her: "That is to be expected—all work is
everywhere; now scolding,now enconrag- There was such a change in the ratan- face. t3ho linseed him without a wordtroublesome at times."
ixt,m now lending a hand to move some nor of the girl! .And yet it was a change , 'tot ;toots with her baek toward him,"You seem to be taking things easy,
pile °inlways using the most expressive of so (Inlet a nature that it was only geeing at the long track the little steam• Though, with all tho perils of the deep
language, embellished with the most ex- • perceptible to the eyes of jealousy, Dull er had wade, ibefore yam"
premise oaths which appear to be neaes• of wit as Cargill might be, jealousy Ross, grasping his wheel firmly," "Whiles," answered Ross, laughing,
nary on such occasions. ' made him keen orvision. From the itu• ? glance:. round in surprise; but it was' "Wish I could do that," and a Mewl
At length everything was one. board, passive listener ze his rodomontade, ' ant; for an instant, for he had to turn' ofsmokewent up from the cigar.
and only two people were wanting to courteous because he was her father's his fete quickly to the course beforehim. You have never known what it was inatton was restored to thaw by the lona
complete the equipment of the Mermaid guest, she became buoyant In mood laud I lie could speak, however, although he to work for your living, and that's a voice of the captain giving some bre°
for her trip, bright in face, answering hint briskly could not look, for the coast of huge pity for any man."commands.
"Where is Mr. Ross?" asked Annie" on every subject ho mooted, giving him rooks is one of the most dangerous Ahl Do you smoke?" Annie had been by her father's side all
after long consideration with herself. with singular cordiality more than all known to mariners. The llierrnaid was "Very seldom, and never at work." the time, so white and calm that she
"He'll join us on the road; he asked the information he desired as to the a very slow vessel, although a sure one, t "That's a pity for you; because I have was more ilio a sbettle than a liv`. '•
me to let him go out last night and. 1 management of the vessel and the vara- and to save time, the weathet being' some splendid cigars here—cost a shill- woman. Slue watched every movement t4
said, ay, if he would meat no in time. i fine, they were hugging the shore, and Jug each. �� tho vessel, haw obed!.;utly" it answered
Nae fear o' him." ons points of the coat which they pawed. constant watchfulness was requisite on ""Then I should not like to smoke ono, I the helm under tho 'nesters hand, until
She had no need to ask where was For as it was a Meer day they were en. the part of the pilot, I You would if " you know what they
as length it teak Chem out tette safe
Mr. Cargill, for a gab drove along the tabled to hug the coast line, and even the "Is there anything wrong?" he asked were. Well, you won't refuse to have a `rater, But her mind was busy seeking
wharves as far as it could, and that gen- houses could be distinguished with the anxiously. drinis with me? If you do, I shall think the reason for this :;trance oeoneekin .
tieman appeared in a faultlessly fashion- naked eye, so far. h She answered, also without changing
you keeping up gill snores against Her r!,d;h�: is !lie _' ;'t'a'i sail theta' ;
a ow it the trrn rat the her position me war tlrriik, but Sha could riot believe It.
Lead packages only, ,,, 30, 40, go and Gua per ]b. Sold by all grocers.
Too Davidson & Hay, Ltd., Wholesale Agents, Toronto.
able vulgar cheek tweed tourist snit. "•But suppose n. , i
He had only a small hand -bag to carry, wheel happened for a little while to neg. "I am feared there is something Hr poured out a dram from his flask Iffier mind leapt to the thought that he the drink?
for his portmanteau had been put on teat his duty and you were passing a wrong." as ho spoke and held it up to Loss. heti fallen in some iIt;•and nt herfather's , "I onrn.t tall. 1 gal; whisky, and I saw
.board the previous night. , rocky shore, what would be the cense- "Can you toll me what it Is—oan I The latter hesitated, but remembering first words she moved swiftly awn', the Dan Buy and the Hullers, and 1
His figure wasgrotesque: imagine a " inquired, as one anxious help you in it?" the trouble he was to carve this man, Down to the cabin. i wautcd to keep clear of them. But some-
o for information,
ho in he said: --
stout duan six feat in height; with heavy for information, i She stoud silent fora while, the wind There or, the floor lay the man she thing nye I:uUe.t the wheel out o' my
jowls anti sleepy eyes, dressed like a lad "Well if the wind blew lan:tavllyd we whistling around them and the engines "It is against all rnles to think when loved, the man to whom she had pledged : hands. There was--"
t This wns Mr. Car ill who gho1Id come to grief" she replied, smil- panting as the Mermaid toiled her way on duty; but seeing what there has been herself, and who hati no nearly destroyed , lit ended the sentence by shaking his
Meohanioally he made the effort, and
with her strong help succeeded after a
few trials in getting on to the seat.
"Can you bide there that way till I
get you a drink?"
She brought him a glass of water and
held it to his lips. He drank greedily as
if his throat wen Parched, and be seemed
to teeive, film Molt bath his hands in
hers and gazing earnestly at ht)n said,
"Clan you no' toll tee how this hap-
pCncai? Try to tnind, Where did you get
of nfteeu. g , between us and is il,cby to U3, I moa t
„h Annie aid:--
that along. A
1en t A t s
afraid of ., ,
"But „
1 n oe n 1u
i� the n i
faith i
hilted unbounded g
+it+tdhal t
"to drink of r health."
nrefuse q 1
mind that daywe were t
of his aitt.�a and the skill of his tailor, with my father and lair. Ross on board." "Do you n
Annie laughed at the sight of Mm, "Oh, I nm not afraid," ho slid pone. the gate?" He drank and Ca~gill slowly put tht over him with tender hope. '•Ito eats it ram no use pressing her
and the captain felt disposed to bid him primly; "but I wanted information in "I shall never forget it," metal cup on the bottom of his flask She drew bank gtttokty end her face c;ueetiens farther at that time, and in-
put same elites on" as gniok as he the management of a boat, as I think of "Do you mind that when I was say- again. •
flushed. His breath told her that, her deed ;!;^ 'a.'.::: epreatunily of doing so,
ecoid. But recognizing in alt this the buying a yacht, and your father is to ing 'hero was only one titue when T "Capital stall that, I-. can -tell you. father had spoken tuly, And yet she A'thouelt t:.. t:: iso talon continued, the
height of aristocratio fashion, he held his arrange the matter for me if I should wished I might leave father, I did not Got It myself from a friend in Campbel• was dimly corm:lous that mingled with er•ein had ria; pe.?, anti site knew that
'tongue and marveled. Captain Duncan decide upon it. But that will depend tell you what that. time was?"ton." the fumes of whisky there wee some- they were in port. Hoe f:.theroamedown.
would Ita:gw'ifee a great toady if oppor- neon Somebody else ,""Ay, it's strong," said Rose gasping, - thing else, which she did not under-
"" I min:. every word what you said, "I wish there had bean some water with I etnnd, and which at that moment did
for every word wa, like gold to rue." it." not i :tyre,; her min I.
"I am going to tell you now," "Would you like some now? I'll sent. There was the one l.orriblefeet : les Marl
Her voice faltered n little as she spoke, it to Sou." been driv:leg aa:l so hat imperilled all
and he listened nith his heart thumping "Thank you, I'll he obliged to you." their lives!
against hi, side, Then came, the low "All right," ane Cerg111 moved hill as The lust me:lamin;,. seem of de ett
tltenr nil —a senaclass, ugly piece cf : head hateme>ly and mattering wearily,
e:him,bent a
She ) mroaoh 1 ens
humanity. Pity. a
tt n
1 , motet dame ;meet
Icatna c 1
-'unity had' offered; for he had a vast And he looked at her, meaning that
• 'reverent• for the "nobeclity," and deep ,sho sltnnld understand who the somebody
•respect f t; anything which evenremotoly was. She did not choose to understand,
aopresoneld it. So, with all his absurd taut neswered as if she were interested
airs, "Teems" Cargill impressed the old to the project.
ratan as being something out of the oom- • "it would be a fine enjoyment for you
mon—just as poor old Bell Cargill was to go sailing about wherever you liked;
impressed, and_ -consequently pertnitted but I hope you would not think of man -
her money to flow at his command. aging the beat ynurs:If at Drat"
He saluted his hosts hub they were too •'Certainly not; but the homebody Is
much occupied to give him parnioular mate ahlo to do it—only of course she
attention, and ho had grace enough to , ;,eu1d not require to do it. - She would,
recognize that foot. He applied himself imweeer, control our skipper, whoever ho
to the arrangement of his berth. fitting might he, and Fee that hs+ Piseeed 90
up in it all the newesb contrivances for larks with es. As, for ivai.,aue:, keeping
securing comfort at sea. Having clone ; u., in port for his own purposes when et
this ho t'er-t en deck. I wanted to go cut by pre -ending that the
The boat was just casting off. Ho r"led was dead against um or there was
looked around: Captain Duncan was do- n Etorm ceming—and so en. 1te would
ing everything ani Bob ROES t''as not know all about it and set tit:n right," There was again a long silence. They
there? t Still she would not understand. , were Lull of the glory of their Iove and
"Aro you going. to do without your "It is not usual for any one to inter- could not ':peak. Annie was the first to
pilot?' he said to the s'.sipeer as he tip- fere with tho skipper," sho said, with- • find voice.
proached him. 1 out the _slightest al.eratinn of tone or I doubt my. father is against us He
"I .tae rine ;Mao to speak to any body manner; "and no man that ken'd Ms is taken an ;with that man, and his grand
the-noo," was the sharp respo:lee, as trade would :'-low it." . ways and his fortune and his promises,
Captain t9i-,nc.tn herrie.i to his post on "But supposing yon Were to see a ' and I doubt he w11I never hearken to a
the hurricane .1"•'k man making a dangernns mistake—he word from yon. That is what is wrong,
Caromn quietly meowed 111:n, hcc,use might know his trade. hut ha drunk per- and Min ;air troubled." •
Annie vias teem haps—you would not stan.l by and per- 'Hut yon will never give yourself to
"We shrill !:-. : a ole .= •nt d.:�,"" ho mit it to continue at tee nisi: of the lives him?"
said, wi•.a ;t; imam • r :. ,: • . as if there of all on. hoard?" "Never. That is what I came to tell
had bee:, t I:ltct.,in_ *taw ;.a:tieuter in "Ay, but the man that got drunk yon --I shall never take hi;n; brit I shall
the renin: la whon at his work would not ken his Bever take yon either without facher'e
"Tt Mno:-; nt =:r;tit en it.'c :.t prevent," trade," site answered in a tong of con- will And I want to tell you more, that
she eng.::':t"•.11. Snit :,•t : the %iettber tempt for such an intiiridus' as had been If I ant no'to be yours, ]shall never•be
prnphi't; at em 1• .,,,.t wind, an.t problematically suggested to her. anybody else's." teepee'
those cloy:.t:, y tett: in rrtna u; such The answer and the. manner in which I am content. /oan' bide my time,
rain as will s,:oil the l:i,.st clothes." , it was given apparently afforded Cargill and it Will comp. -Do not you fear."
He only rh;arred tie smile and was much satisfaction, fr.r he did not at that She scarcely 11?�eard the comforting
unconenk.o; cf rhe pia; fa! Mies:os to moment further attempt toimpress upon words, for she Mal turned • gustily and
his gureoti; gni:Pant. her that the yacht he spoke of was to be hurried away, half -ashamed of the con.
"Ab, yeti ala tveatt 'r•:lite, Miss Mur- bought for her if his suit prospered. fession and the pledge ,she had given
ray, and 1 motes um to heen d.::ol ti She was too happy to be' annoyed by Ron felt as if he could have steered
say a wore on tiie snb;est. I ought to his attentions; and ho was not mistaken the MertnuL-t against the wildest storm
have nri:t'J ynu to till n,e how it was to as to the immediate source of her gond- that ever blain, He was no mere man,
ba Bat we may be happy 1.1 the most nature. He saw her speaking frequently now, he was rr giant with all a gfant's-
unple.asant weather when we are with to Ross, and although he could scot hear strengta. She had told him that her:
.those we like the hist in tho world.''
"What is the day to be,- father?" she
said, awning her h+:al away impervious
:to tele rem/ br..a•i compliment.
"Yen•:} no be fateed tea heat;, sees,
•any tray ," aniwcr:::1 the captain, busy-
rnintling ilio own It:tsiness and unconsci- ca ,
•.ons o:' t+l-::t was going on. Cargill did tow, Captain Duncan was on deck. i that he was worthy of �bi1 daughter. As
.feel that eight movement of her head Once, standing by the open sky-Wght, for Cargill—poor chap.•—if ha had any
.and Mart.-ntien to hiswo:ds; for like all ha heard this part of their =meant -inn. right feeitmt in him at all he would
,small netares he wee content so long ne "You mind, Annie, that when this : suffer badly h7 the loan. Even if it were
.attention was pale. to him, hub spiteful. trip is aver I'm to speak to your father." 1 only his vaaite which, was hurt, he
talwny='"..:and wrathful sometimes, when "Oh, yes, I mind; and I can give you i would Ruffed: Sm, for him there was no -
he war treated with the slightest neglect. good news, From something, he said to ! thing but kindly pity.
"however, she will come round," was me, I think' he'll maybe no bo much ; But oh' the happinevs that thrilled
chis thought, and the opportunity to egainatia" I through the mon as ho stood at his
tiring her round spas hie now. The father Cargill walked away with tooth bawd prat, guiding the little Mermaid safely
Was in lila favor. and that bugbear, Boit set and, frowning brow. to bar part,
Bette, was not on beard. He onn ratu• —_— I Cargill, however, buil no Intention of
lated himself mote; our.lially nn that cir- being a loser' in this game they were
cutnstance. He raid not care by what CHAPTER VIII, playing. Firr,, dao, could bide his time,
lucky accident it had been brought about. Iand he felt nssuied that his time was
'There was the fabs, and that was enough
But from that moment Cargill's bear- 1 nearer than that of Rota.
for him. . It was something more than ing toward Ross altered strangely. He i It had been, his purpose tri make his
that the absence of Itoas let him free to became quite friendly—not patronizing prontoal to Annie before they reached
woo Annie; there had heen curtain wild —in talking to hint, and he praised him t Peterhead; but be had soon seen that
thoughts in his head which made him
specially glad that the man was away.
Then he had a particular piereofgrati-
fication, Annie went down to the deck
and h•+ accompanied her. They walked
tip mei down, and she listened to his
empty eaatter about the grand sights
Mand gL'atall people of London and Paris.
. lie trim to :rake her understand what
delight:1 Iay before the woman who
should b!' taken to them plicas by n man
Vella levee her ani "know his way
She said little in reply, but she lis-
tened, attd he felt ate used that lie WAS
making rapid progress In her graces.
She halted oecw innaliy anti honked rub
to seat or inward the al,nre, scanning tho
Waters With eager eyes: be did not ob-
serve their .expression, and eel not guess
Pertly in cons:quereo of his dread of
any Mather r-eol.leut, and partly out of a
wilco c:r=_retiun, knowing his own tetu-
}-r, he had delayed coming until the
cant.. %.tr tettly 'nrct'etl in teeter -
. -elan ha came, be
.:.d- herIn.
Ross's bends and
sweet voice like a whisper of tho wind. if to fulfil his premise, i?e threw has over, site became calm again, and ho- stria:le settiv to him. His mission
"It was when I thought of you." cigar overboard and disnppearod down thetwa,. ), -•••- •"'•`"S •:,.•,:,t !� b,^ " 1
His grasp tightener. on the handle al the cabin stale. But the water did pot -' •' _... • :'lits? n;m is San df hi:nstie
done -to rest:.. .,a... .•: f'::-� ,,.:r::e� : .: ;;,•a riga ,roc defile thorn with that
the wheel as If to keep himself front for- come. Who was to help hent Shs dere not speak ,uc,;;t;?gal? Core rot o' that this mo -
getting all reuse of duty, and taming Rosa Mt his throat parehod and s:ihaif• to her father and she would not speak mend''
round to take her in itis arms, "I ken'd thing fiery fly up to his head, making to ,ir(;tn. i:^ anti by oho wo ilei he able �.ho d?ill not ni e, nor} Boss was ap-
that, Annie ¢tri tint duos wh S':"•" r!; :ye Mart a: if they were to 001115 out. to get rine of the men, bus none of t:tent p:irently quite unconseions of the angry
your meths ,, u"- r to ,ufs: WnIl,ln . o n Went could ti.:; be? Surely ono glass of coul.l bo Sparet} �i [ present. :,rad hitter :coedv..
ever trite the joy cf that minutia from whisky anid never have such an effect Meanwhile she grit a towel, dipped is "•}}td aur. no hoar me?"shouted the
.;;i.- •T Lite felt it in my heart ever since, upon • him. It must have boon v" ry is anid water reel laid it an his hoed. hither. •`I tell you that you aro no to
and it hes comforted me whci:erer 1 strung whiter,. :n teed. What a fool -he :next she shook him roughly by the arm; Magma yoursei' by speaking another
5 n
thought of rima posgih-lily that you might
be given away to•—somehody else."
them, he could easily guess the purport , thoughts loan been like his own Inng
of their oonversat}on, and lie was several ago. She had pledged herself to him nn,]
times successful in Interrupting them. ; the future was safe. Now he knew what
He noted with what glee shewaiteinpon ` he had tee do. He had to sattsfy hast
him at meals, on which occasions they : father end k' would de it. 'There might
were generally along together es tno . be a little delay, but the time must
bin, for of course, when Ross was bo- • come where Deneen elurrav would own
What she was Ieekln;; for. And at such
times bison mobil. tray "7N" or "tto" or
“that's tire," in n low voice which filled
Stine with the joy of trininpli.
But in the tablet of his triumph, the
Mermaid sndctelllr s:'- "i 'nee spend, and
than the engine stopped alto:tether. An.,
itis stool Frill, }Woking across the water
at a stunk which was trolling toward
"Is there anything the Inattert" in-
quired Cargill in surprise.
"Oh, no, nothing the matter; only
Ogre's Mr. Rose coming."
in the cabin. yo cleverly did he manage ! the time was not sitting, ani he did not
this that Ross said to himself, hesell, he ! mean to not her to marry him until be tient, proud guardians of the coast, and
is not so spiteful as I thought he was;" j was pretty sure that her answer would a. terror to mariners and fishermen when
d A brightened wh3Ist she, beAnd that time would bblowt t
' it! Theywere tl
c touch had been to to
preaching the Dun Buy .tock and the
Butlers where he should have a ) s
senses at:out him. Curse thestuffl—curse
but he made n0 sign, Whilst tieing tills word to hila,"
she bename a little more coasriaus e:' the ""Father, ho is no wcitl," she said
11 1e
l 1 3,hte`hin cillo, th
that s, t b
c a of
re. encg
eat v
fumes of whisky, only she was too busy g ."�;;i wee}1—he'll bo woo} enough when
it! Ills Fences were becoming ,rnntn:•:O, in he: charts 10 r31S3 II" 10 gi,a it par- 1,;•, gets neer hie druoknn fit, and nurse
hie eyes dim, and ct.:tvtldt"h d.:[.cs., bra. tiur.lar heed. I11."
fore them—n devi!'a dance of hese: S at -Aad 51.0 was wo:eering. How could ""'iLu is not a c?gonion Lit, father. Ho
fire and blee'k .huge melee \i bar was the • this m} er.tblo rha't:e fait en Bnh Idr)Rs'. i; ret.t:y not well, mid yuu should get a
mutter? Could he not pall blinsell to-
gether? In nit that :the had clog he,,id cif hJ[r, doctor ti, sag him."
Ha had only to h,ml:t tI3 whet. as there had been no hint of this. Cults I ""Me ret a doctor for the sonondrel
St was and rill soul Meet. Ftcsdy, novo otherwise: one to the qualities fnr;which that nearly ruined meas weel as droonnd
He set his teeter; he :w 101 1 ta.•s:•.•r tl,a he haat 1 tten -,; 110111 nntrd a rs his tis ri !" esrini:ilea tee captain, as ranch
rigtneo met Mel }Zit time viii," : t ',hu:, sobriety. 'hien t,w t=oned It ron;e':air i,st•;..•ide;i t•y et; daughter's calmness as
He tined to teal d,q. oat th .. ;:., In the hour whin tie .;,,. a,ont 8...:.aa• by a.•r fleet di, )hedienoo. ` I tall you he
utas para'yz•t.i. His S, noes were in•.•.. .i•.0 to please 1\er lather?' was drinking when be was at the wheel,
more end more renamed, Iiia rye: more She could not understand It teatand that wooi.l has heen enough for me
anti more d•zziei -Yuen tr eort cf v.,..y etrange: that was all she could say, and eters if Ile hating put ns a' in siccan
' e t in her bewilder[neut Logan wondering dao er ''
eccnreti to n mu teem � mei, He maim t; •�
defy tasse fie:noes! `lie wield hold ca anti again. And as She was wondering there "How do yen know that he wasdrink-
ctrry the vess'i sorely by. the reeks.
lie tall, still holding to the whcel,thn;
altering the (nurse of the Mermaid so
that her neve turned suddenly t•treleht
to the 'Dun Bity Ikon
There vino a moment of t•ewilea went
on the part cf the look -out • 'ii. o he
aleanted 1n tcrrnt:--
"Good Lord! what's wrangl°.-well be
.,n, tee rocks its five minutes!"
The captain heerd the cry, and harried
on deck followed by his daughter and
came suddenly a pain in her breast ant; ing when at the wheel" she asktedcalroiy.
a dull aching in the dry epos, for was - ""C;tira1tl told me, Ho took a dram
not his shame hers? front him."
Oh, how brave ani noble she Ltad bo• "A.lai'' 'The exclamation was sbort,
novae him to be! How znuoh abate all gttlnk,tvlth a drawing in of the breath.
other men in everything—Mee pure, how "and 110 gtive It to nim,"
strong and faithful in all that became a ""Ay, but he maun hae been drinking
maul And lo, there he lay helpless—such before that, because n dram wouldn't
a sorry sight! maks' Min like what he Is, Come out o'
She could net hear it and she covered. this Bob Russ, and thank the kindly
her face with her hands, rocking herself thoughts I hae aye had for you till noo,
to and fro as she knelt beside Klin. that i liana send you to jail instead of
Strange, piteous cries in her brain, buten ste olein' you leave to walk ashore."
the optima, ntck. eves no sound coming from her lips. `Tho idrl ' "Father, will you not send for a 'dote
tank. 10 the !motet
pe Prion. fie meshed seemed to have fallen from its high place I tor?" she pleaded nneo more.
to tihe wheel au& saw Bess lying mom
—fallen so lova demo and still tray loved, i "I'll no hear another word, yon hizzie,
he did not etre naw who knew it. " but I'll line something to say to you in
trate. „ She loved him anti she wnuld helphint t "
Drank! and earn hint, he almost a tree while.
•' as he grn-pr, i the wheel, and tltaugh over, bodp else should turn fr,,.0 'I o her amazement Ross shod up,
with a t!1„arntta effort, wrrnehed it ratind bill.
I unsteadily, but still maintaining the
So that hr earned the Mermaid into safe Shu knew by the sotands nit otos;•-- poiitlan 1 -Ie drew one hand dazedly
water again. •tran^,p!iug cif 'tet, loud; "lees u:..; rku, " across his eyes and said huskily: --
Ad! bunds were on deck now, An.rie wowing mo,c:gents 0f tan en�tu•', cihn° i '"leo for me, Annie. no for me—you
thee rammer port. "'Ilea t,: net Shall not suffer Inc Inc. I'll go. Your
standing apart, pale rind hewielerod.
"'Take that dru[ike.n villain out o' the Poi,., tom any (Werra ix :.,gang• lei -r", father is right I begin to mind now,
my sight," 1,.+ mare i, as he stood pan - Itova at Mute :i t digs 'ti !'runt Ll� L•tt:ni :. and it is his kind thought that saves
tog and guiding the vessel,' Fie move,: ,:. ;;t y ns IE to warn o+: z," • m j
CiIAi'TI.1e, IX.
right ride. \Yin, anxious face and natty
hands She assisted loin. fie meanest
The huge melts called the Butlers o' something in a husky whisper, but she
g was. uuab a to make out whet he said,
13-tachnn rise high and jagged above the She called him by name twice and her
sea, which dashes and uhurne wh'te voice seemed to reach him at Inst 'Sherr
against then', falling back moaning nix was a spasmodic Pio' etnent of the body, -
it with disnppatntment that it cannot and this time his. muttering was Menne.
overthrew them. But it has made in- enough far her to comprehend:—
made at their Mete forming curious arch- ""Starboard, starboard, eonfourd ye
ways, leading to great caverns, once the Therese tiro Dun Buy—we must hold
hiannt of smugglers. Still the reeks stana off. I 1
The rest of his words faded into in -
an Annie's ayes yes. n a • ma a soon. P distinctness "main,
the winds a tI . t. The turmoil above grew louder, and
said to herself, ""Wall. there is some good'; It was getting dark vaban the heavily The little .,sermon. looked like it speeit the movements; of the engine mote
is him after all. I never thought he laden little steamer reached the rugged on the water In contrast with these
could say a kind word about Bob." For coast of Buchan, and the pilot, know- giants of nature. As it steamed eanwly eccentric
dipped the towel into cold water
although she spoke of Mr. Ross, that ing the dangers of the Don Buy Rook and safely by them there were mane on and bathed his face and hands. He
person was in her thoughts plain Bob. ! and the Butlers, was keeping well off, deck whose hearts beat quick at thought breathed snore freely and regularly than
•In. fact they were all getting on in but not so well off as ono less acquainted . of the peril they were so narrowly es- ho had been doing for some time, and
such a pleneant way that Cnptata, Dun- with the ocast would •have done, So fare' caping. All were grateful to the captain, presently he opened his eyes.
can began to think that Cargill bad sum : this had been tate mntit rapid passage the t who had dome so timely with such ,hill What weary, wild they were, star -
in winning the lass; and he said slow Mermaid had. achieved, Hutt Ross I ane s13 engin to their rescue; only ono ing at her without eyes least sign of ve-
to his daughter when they wen alone had good reasons Inc desiring to make it , pitied the ratan who had led thetn Into ooguitton, They frightened her, and yet
together: - a remarkable one in its career. 4 tido danger.
"So, you're to tali' a man atter a'?"hey brought the tears which relieved her
"I'm no vvanttn' a man," sho sniti iWhen they were about opposite Slettne i As Incfor Duncan Murray, his breast oven parched eyes.
v:decisively, knowing to. her Castle, the lights were up, and there 1 vote full of wrath. The reputation for "Do you no ken mo --Bob i?" she he -
tabor Was no One on deck, except Ross and the I caro and skill which he hail earned with sitated n little over the Hume,
f.tther referro,,. lookout Tho Captain was below, resting , n lifetime to be jeopardized ab last, and The wild expression disappeared and
"Ay, ay," was the joeutar observe- i in perfect confidence in his pilot's skill, f only saved by a miracle! Teopardized by slowly there eamo a smile of recognition.
tion, "ye "ay that, but I never ken'd a ; and Annie wee engaged with some : the man he had trusted as he trusted r"No Iran you, Annie' how could thnt
lass that ctldna writ a man unless she i papers itt the oal:in. i hinarelf! There was no penalty heavy ever bo? My lass! But what a dream I
d Cargill tomo on deck, < a c fiat, and! enough such a a line had --'that I got fon and lot the boat
Annie tanned away her head, reeking, turnl if I K g t the engine man and EMIR who
no reply. Bet she wile thinking rough.
What was she to do if her father incieted
on this marriage with Cargill? Iso had
Id tint 1 e would not i east' but she
had atm •already. " d k lit i d i 1 for vill' in!
took a short up vitt town as num
i c p , gang on the rocks and--'"
veytng the darkening outlines of the ; had boon placed on the floor of the cabin, I But there tho ksan er of intelligence
coast. lig spoke 4 'v words to the 131011 all remtdnod on deck. But no word was faded, and a vacant expression took its
on the lookout,j �en he walked slowly apokon until they passed the grim But- }noo. Suddenly he made an effort Mt rise
":r t a 1 of ' ""..• aftto Boss w11'f , confident of his course lees. They Wore like peoplo potrifled, pale p
, but fel} back helpless,
Lam how obstinate ha Was 0000 ho 1111(1, in mach a cairn sea, and feeling some and dumb, watching the scowling figurer ""Tiy again," olio anid eagerly; `elf
;t't an idea fixed in his head. Kind he I torrew for tho Man whose dttiappntnt• at tate wheel. When they knew that they ' you` could only got on to the scat, ib
was, and fond of her as a father could Ment ho expected to be so great, and were safe there was one great breath like Would snake Incless wan to look at seat,
!:e of a daughter ; bub in Ida anxiety to r who had become Iso friendly with him a sob of relief. and a silent prayer of
,toe her ",t mend teddy," as he called ib,' lately, had no objection to exchange n wondering thanks. Then the cower of
the conviction might be borne 111 neon Weird With him.
e from ti ail -1t is not all glen yet;
but tc is doming buck. Me stapling at
Mrs. Dobell, of London, 0::t.,
Cured for 26 C6ni3
Doctors Could Help, bat Couldn't Cure --
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure 'tele se.1 dila
Prisoner, and To. day She is as Welt as
Ever—She Says it is a Great Remedy
"Yes, I am Mrs. Dobell," said a comely,
pleasant -faced woman at her home on Morton
street to a News reporter to -day, "and I will
very gladly tell you what you want to know.
About three years ago my husband was very
i11, and I had frequently emotion to rise in the
night and go for a doctor or to the demeist.
In my hurry I often neglected to pro;aY ly
clothe myself, and contracted several heavy
colds, which turned at last to chronic catarrh.
I tried doctors, who helped mc, but dib not
cure me, and several special Catarrh me:licinos,
I was relieved but not cured. I was sneering
intolerably when Mr. Shelf recommended me
to try CHASE'S CATARRH CURE, and it began at
once to help, and in about two months had
entirely cured me. I cannot Speak too highly
of this remarkable medicine, and cheerfully
recommend it to all sufferers from catarrh."
The blower included is agreat help to suffcrars,