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The Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 3
risk CC ,�(:t.. p.7 ti T Yyl. a. 1 i f Il {rF4^'I } .K U ti tE 11'I1.0.Ui1.AM TIMES JULY 30. 'WASHINGTON LEI -TER.' ! TIU I GOVERNMENT PRINre - INC+ OFFICE It is perfectly sate to say that the great Government Printing Office in Weshintonsive Tel! tis truth antinothinS lis establishmerithof its kthind on the m extetif'ace ih Truth of the earth - le In limey countries the printing is let out to private parties, and private individuals who wish to secure copies of government publications have to purchase 1lIern, Our cot ntry, however, hay sc t an (sample for liberty such as the world has 11e1'e1 Before seen. Every y ear dtletnnents )nits reports by the bun- tired are ordered printed for .distrl• butiun among the people. In some instances the edition Milt run up to the hundred thousand mark. A large part of each edition is divided between the two houses of Congress, and each member receives his quota to distribute to his constituency. Oecasiu Tally a price will bo placed upon a certain boil:, but it is osmole always possible for a person • who knows "the ropes" to secure a copy free of cc:st. Blest of the publications can be obtained by asking a mem- ber of Congress for a copy, and many of Om by simply dropping a postal card to the Department fasting the document regncbtillg that it be sent to i•ou. 13y actual weight, more than one-half the "moil sent out by the Washington post ufli.e consists of j uet. such matter, all "franked" or postage free. To print this vast amount of matter the Government has establish= ed n printing •ohiee which is one of of the sights of the capital city; About tut thousand persues are em ployed, sad• the office is fitted - up with all (tic) iaacelinery necessary fur prluting orad binding. Some ot the Looks are most artistically printed and illustrated with Half -tone en- graviegs rind beautiful colored 1ttho- graphs. When Congress is in session a large force is kept at work night and day iMisr TESTLYIM?s From Canadian Peq!ii Ara PoH: Elive Proof of the Fucces of FIs B3950 HaYLE.),),AT/17 What people who have been eursd by the Munyon Remedies have to say about them. Mrs. 0, D. Ne041letnn,1' o 41, Stun rt et., Toronto, says: "My sea had a very bad attack of the croup and we used Munyon's (;roup Cure with the best of results. He was troubled wi 1 a bad cough and feeling very badly indeed, re badly that he could su'lreoly peal, when he hay -en using ,Munyon' Remedios. One vial or the croup (lure mproved him at vice and the disease as completely broken up•in two ti t ee..days. The Medicines certain' ale wonderful Curative powers." Mon)ou'e Rheas t ism Cure seldoni 'fails to rel eve in o , to thi ee hours and 'cures in a few days. Price tae. Muuyon's Dyspepsia Cure pt.sitively euros all forms of indigestion and stom- ach trouble. Priet'' 5e. lel uuynn's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and bteaice up a cola in a few hours. Prices, 25u. Muuyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allayssoreoess. and speedi- ly heals the lungs. Price, tae. Ivlunyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures. pains in the hack, loins or groins and all forms or kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head - Rohe in three minutes. Price 25u. rip Munyon's Pile Oiutwt,et 'p ,sitiG! l urea 1 forms pike +. REDUCED PRI` ed —Ix— ,re o all o s of pis .. Price, lac.• Munyon's Blood Lure eradicates impurities of the blood, e Price, 25e. Munyon's Female :•Remedies ar boon to ail women.,. • Munyon's AsthmaRewedies reliev ;; minutes thud aura 'permanently. Pr $1. Munvnn'tP. Catarrh.Remedies e �r eradicates the disease from the ayete fail 'Tee Catr t rn Cure • prase 20 C� 'and the Catarrh 'Tablets --pries 25t cleanse and heal the partes. Munyou's Nerve Cure is a wonder nerve torsi+;. Price. 25c. ` Menvon's Vitalizer restores : st vie Pride $1.. . ' A separate cure for each disease. all druggists, mostly 25e. a vial. Pamela' letters to Prof. 1'lunvon. r n 14-.11°7' Albert St., Toronto, anewerett free tnedisal advice for any disease. G. A. Deadman, the noted bee raiser. oe ltenssels, reports fair pros- pects fur a good honey yield, with plenty of swamis. The lerge-.t number In one day has peen fifteen. Ile has niiw over 250 colonies, or upwards of 5.000,000 bees, • • S:tortnel:l ;;f Drente- "Since reat i.•'Since brut year I have I,ati serious heart u-,.tlt,le eaosee by inntarla, Short- neea of breath, s.notheritee spell-, on re- tiring, violent palpitation. etc., ufreo made me gasp friers•..+t h. t h1 prounrtu,t Milburo's dealt and Nerve Peas 1 Toned to guy surprise and delight that they gave alturst instant galley. 1 got henlihy restful ::leap, toy home. trout:it••e tliesp• pearte.l, nud 1. now stet very met' tudree1 Air. Hugh Mot re, lu;,ere_nll, Ot.t.. !nukes this slateuient for the pul,liu good. Tee file lunars in Canada for the past six mouths chow inerea.ed In- saranee losses but a slight decrease in lire tome:. Insurance losses - i"2,611, 480, acid fire losses e3, t,66- 10. Ephrlai01 Conley, wile is in Wood stock jail on a elite ge ot murdering afarms hand at Prineee, has entrust- ed his defence to Mr. W. Nesbitt, of Toronto. This is Vie third change he ha, amen; it: his lttwiere s'ncc 'he ch;u'g:i %VAAS !!!q(1,!1. s. -- - ...__.-_._.-sees tw el I winter market. It supplies a vast '� EI C fl o`` tl amount of food that lambs are very fond of and as it withstands drought i and early frosts better than most th :l'S at For the balance of the seasa:ht, Geo. Carr will make big redo to duns in Suits. We have a fin if, lot of• .t 'CANADIAI3- at AND IMPORTED •in TWEEDS, • it y W ®ESTEEM, ETS p, pruaehi' , Leslie -less .frequently dues nut ad jaunt ,lentil two u clock -in the tuuruiu,�;, set when they assemble at noun w meanie business, upon each de -k will i,e f,sttnd a volume, some dews a,1 ita(lt tlli�l:, containing a etnteetc: leveed of every' word epukeit tied teevey out taken up to the Lavweat of a ad,joiernbeeut. 'i'ul branch ot the work shows prttbubly better than any other' how churuugiily the i•thnhhenee force ria organized fur rapid and aecurate wurk. e'er over Piety Years. AN OLD AND WELL-'rRIND RL:aIEDY— itifra. \irinelow'e tdoothing Syrup has been treed for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers it r tbejr children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant 10 the taste. Sold by druggists hn every part of the world. Twenty -tine cents a bottle. Its value is inoaluable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Value of Rape For Lambs. ! There are exceptional possibilies in well -grown rape for fattening lambs if it is fed with proper judgment and caro. It may be fed to best advan- tage in the early autumn, and hence it is of valuable assistance in fatten- ing lambs for the autumn or early Is especially true of Mood's Pills, for no meds - airs ever spate. so gleet ctrl vo power n succulent f:,(lders it s :t erop • that as small space. They aro a t"+ritole nloaioirle' 00 chest, always ready, al- p II 1 Ways efficient always sat• litfactoryl prevent a cold or fever, euro all liver itis, elek ilearivahe, jauedice, constipatione , ate. We The only pills to take with Hood's Sareao ri11a. rm+4•1141.4•14p44...V.4 "7. • A PIONEhR'S STORY. One Out, All Out. tl curate, an entt:usi,r. t at the Following an attack' of LaGrlppe he game, set himsclt to organize a i suffered day and night for four cricket team ill that country parish years --A well-known Cler, yman to which he had been lately appoint - endorses his statements. ed. The only available field was ----- — une owned by a butcher, a good• 1 Broa1 the ltccot•d, 111wlsor, Out. hearted but quick-tempered man, Among tl.c residents of Kingsville„ who had never handled a bat but Ont., none is held in higher esteem lovas well-disposed t.,ward the new than Mr. Jas. Lovelace, who is known minister, not Deily in town, but to many . When the committee, headed by throughout Essex county When tt the curate, waited upon Lim, respond- correspondent of the Record called in the most generous manner. Lend! upon slim and asked hila to verify his field! Of course he would. More certain statements as to his euro than that, be would jein the club' from a painful malady after several and take a hand in gumu now wild yeti's of suffering, be cheerfully did then. so. Mr. Lovelace said:—Fur years The cur'tto w)ia taking a little, ago I had a bad attack of la grippe, 'aback but he could not du less than which left ole with a severe pain in :express bis iileasnre, and the butcher 1 • the .it Of my stomach. After trying: was duly enrolled as a number of household remedies and getting no the club. relief, I consulted a doctor, but after; By and by, after a little a lung treatment which did rot help' p:actiee the club arranged a scratch nee, I beeline discourage and con- match" among themselves, and on eluded there was no rel" .f for • mc.1 hearing of it, the butcher at once de - Night and day fur f..tyears that cleared his intention of being present pain never left e. t tunes it was and taking a .share in the contest. se bad that I In 1 t give up work. !As he was the owner of' the .'eld, it I had frequel y ead .c'f Dr. .W11- seemed courteous to put hint in first. Barns' Pink • i and perhaps ns He was a little uncertain what to thatch out of • riosity as with •any !do with his bat, but un being :told hui.e that they would help me, I that he was to hit the hall. • he said bought a box. I followed the diree-;that it that was all it was' easy tions carefully, and by tbe time the enuunh. - The curate first took up boe was finished I was surprised to the blowing and the butcher had the find th it I was getting relief. I could honor of opening over. not understand how, after all the The ball Brst sen;. the leg -stamp medicine I had previously tried had flying, and in recovering from the failed, this one box of Dr. Williams' moment of tremendous swipe, the , Pink Pills should help me. I now batsman himself knocked down the cheerfully continued their use, and other two Ile took no notice, but by the time I had taken five boxes shaped for the next ball, every trace of pain had left me and "You can't play any m we!" said I felt as -well as ever I had done in the umpire. my life. To -day I am as sound as a 'You are Out." dollar and believe there is no man of "What?" said the butcher. ley age in Essex county who can : "You are out,." said the umpire. stand a harder day's work. ; "What's that?" said butcher. Rev. R. D. Herrington, Iiaptist "Your're nut!" yelled the fielders minister at Kingsville, says :—"Hav•'explanation. ''It means that you ing known Mr. James Lovelace for can't piny any more." the past thirty years, I believe the ' Oh, is that it!" replied the but - above statements made by hitt to be cher. strictly true. I might also say that "Yes" sail the Belden. I have been greatly beneiitted "I can,t play any more?" said myself by the use of Dr. Williams' the butcher, looking around Pink Pills. angrily. "No replied the fielders. �Zaknow the great cocoa by Hood'sI «I am' '• am I?" Sarsaparilla are gee uiae becuuse the 1 Yes. yelled the fielder,. people themselves write about them. I "Then out of my field every bless- ed one of on!" roared the butcher. • Farm Fences. !And out they h:cel to •i !—Goldon Pen ny. may be relied upon with at least common eertainity. The first trials reported with raps for fattening lambs, were trade in England, about 171e. Ten wether fel • n rape alone from August 10 to 31 s,t of September Inacdo an average inca'el1Ee in the six Weeks of 20 :'', Or two pound per head weekly. One of the first evidences of a thrifty fanner is the state he keeps his fences and the buildings about the place. A fine farm is often made unsightly by unnecessary fences, especially if of the snake fence de -1 scription which harbor weeds and, insects and add to the labor of eulci- vation, There are too many fences' on the average farm, and the day must soon come in which the rails and the expense of ether 'material will make it necessary to bring about a change. The most essential fence is the one defining the farces bound. cries, and we will suppose this will. remain necessary until diesels a general arrangement in the district to do as exists in some other coun- tries—do away altogether with line fences—marking the boundaries with posts or permanent inonutnents, and tha municipalities enforcing strictly the by -lacus against cattle straying at large. For the purpose of keeping stock in the grazing fields a light movable fence could be in use, so that different parts of the farm eould answer its purpose in this respeet from year to year. This system may be seen in some parts of the States and answers its needs well. Much land can be saved for tillage and the farm kept in better order. The cal- culation of the extent of waste fence line on a farm will surprise one. We do not think the safety of the crops from depredation need be feared, and if the system prevailed damage caus- ed by the carelessness of others or wilful wrong doing would meet with due punishment and compensa- tion in damages. however, as things remain as they are there will be found a summary of the law upon - the fence question which will be use- - ful if followed to keep the farmer right, indicating the rights and duties of adj ;cent owners and of the municipality. 't'• —Agents for ", ,,,, n %i tont, Her t l 1::.,�.1 fee ler 1.11(1 Itiam.m t •1t i.:b•.1. t •''t:. t L 1a•t:.t a::.i r:,1.s.t ,.itt:aty. (:en P, 1.:,.!`;11.1,y of leer tt jt ie ,melt a:.t:,:•i.ti • 11i::h ry • 1 it: t r Y!i::.r'1•a11i.! reign, :tees f•ril tce•+nn,tof til, 1 r.a dt $Ire•. Only.4l;.'1. i•1k hoot. Tu :11,T 11 11:1 tb a tits. 1onanzz ter 1st,+ uta, t'.ttla'iihttf.tift .o. tlrev1a11i.t \Vette fnt''r.titft noel trrrit.n;r. TIUE lioiIINION COMPANY, Peet, 7, 346 Dearborn St., Cldeago, • • Eternal 1'lgilanee :Is Liu%print' nr ....(foot health. 1Vrrich parer•. til'rt 111.0(,s of impure blond iJ"rt• in,il , pi iiples, ht"u.,rs and serorula by t.nktug )Pons's (iii s.it.hrilla. Drive away the ;sine and aehes1 try rheu- inatitin,, rnm,leri i ,,,i . teenin••11 t.rnablea, Steady )our hw•tes and o''erc:••m•t that tired feeling by It,lti,tg the sante great medici ne. Hood's Pills are+ tl:e beet family cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, re- liable, sure. ! Baby Waa Oared Dear Sirs, -1 •'a,t 0iehI r?rnattuend Dr. Fowler's 1 ximei of Wild Straw- • berry.: It cured lie tete- sof tltartheea after all ocher ,a.ia;ie ao 1 give it great praie'i . It is t,x.v'liete. for all bowel complaints. MRS. OltA-i. 110 t'P. liuriow, Ont. tA1Tr flTTL rgLLSlJCil : ' eineeimenuelellteelle lell!1le1N1111elell nnoteleorm .. e44.4.1•104 AVegetablePreparationforAs- i; similating lheTood anclReguta- ting the Stomachs andloryels cf ProtnotesDigestion,Cheerful- ness andRest.Contains neither 0 ucn,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NATIO ©'FIC. • near; o'ara1P-aVIMM''CZR ji„npkin :.K.rl- ,ellx.Jennu Ep ,eflo s�7; drlse seed c o„`cs . Ilk.vn.reed - rcd Juow' . ,talc year. Fierce. AperfectRemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- t iss andLos5 OF SLEEP. Tee Simile Signature of WEW Y011IK. • EXACT 'COPY OF WRAPPER. SEE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF— IS ON TIIE W � F A P , OF EVERY DOPY= O 721 Castorla is put up in ode -size bottles only. It la nct sold in bulk, Dont allow anyone 'o you anything olso on the ploy or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." Ka- Boo that you get O -A -S -T -O -Ii. -I -A. ninnatnne ilM GA creepeerie of vrapiC cape:. „Thofro- LE I fR 3ES't 'NHL n. All dt scription of Look and Job Printing such as LET TEE EFADS, VISITING C.ARDS, WEDDING- CARDS, BIRTHDAY CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STREAMERS. ..-Erse! � ."'.1;+ BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILLS OF FART -T;) A JO` ' DODG-ERS, In fact, every. description of Job Work from the i\Ia11• cloth Poster to the small Visiting Card. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, •"�l c._ Indigestion and Too hearty Eating. A per. arty feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowse. t ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely VegetabI•e. Small Pill. Small Doses Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. 3 v411.1 DON ITH NEATNESS AIDISPATCH T .E TI OFFICE. it