HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-30, Page 1tei;r4;4.
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1319.
In order to make quick, easy
selling this warm weather, we have
Marked all our summer goods clown.
Special prices in Dress Goods
Striped Linens,
Cotton Coupons
Pelim Goods,
Parasol ls,
Ladies' Vests,
Blouses, •
Cuffs & Collars
44 St
.44 .4
64 It
Special prices in all Summer
• Sp prices in ;Millinery in this
Gds are lower than usual every-
thing at cost and under.
A speeial lot of Hats at 15c. worth
from 75e. to $1.25,
Special prices in men's gods,
Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Hats and Order-
, ed Clothing. Oar stock of men a.nd
1;;boys' Straw Hats is the best in
town, all the newest styles and. the
prices to suit you.
A few ,, pairs left yet, of those
*ladies' Boots, Shoes and Slippers at
75e. and $1, which twice what we
%are asking fur them. Always special
'prices at the Grocery counter. A
handsome Folding Back Lawn Chair
given away with Baking Powder.
Secure one for your lawn or veran-
dah. The best 25c. Tea in Wing -
We have a market for every
Cherry you have got. We will buy
all you bring us. '
Marriage Licenses
teemed by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic -
della streetaWinghane, Ont. No witnesses
Place to obtain a thorough business
training is the
A echool that properly prepares its
students for business life.
• Attendance this year double that or
ast year.
Only one kind of business training
seven to our students and that "the
Write for particulars.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
of all kinds
Telephone Nes al,
ty Restaurant.
—Campbell's Headache Weer, guaran-
toad to cure headache.
elaseVe are pleased to see Dlr. /as. Ma.
McGuire on the streets again.t,
—Regular meeting of the town council
will be held on Monday evening next.
—Work has been commenced on the new
granolithie sidewalk on Centro street.
—The Wingham Advance and Tees -
water News are takiug their annual holi-
days this week.
Something new °in Canopy -Top Bed-
room suites at IRELAND & BUTTON'S. 5-14tf
—The price of lemons owing to the
shortage of crop, is going to go so high
diet only the rich an afford a glass of
—It is against the law to allow thistles
and other troublesome tveleds to grow on
vacant lots or on the premises of any
—Hay is beginning to rot in the fields in
the surrounding sections of the country.
Owing to the wet weather the farmere have
been unable to get it in.'
Pine Appeal, 10e each ;Bananas, Oranges
Lemons, Strawberries, Tomatoes and
Ctyurnbers, at J. 1101as:ivies.
Vf—Mr. John Moore returned home on
Monday evening from the Old Country
where he had been with a load of horses.
fie reports a pleasant triptmielewellaaillg
—One evening during the week some
dogs were worring Messrs. Hick' e and
Casa:ill's cattle. They were caught at their
erode before they had done any damage.
Doge of this description should be muzzled
or tied up.
—The Voters' Lit for the Township of
Turnberry have been printed and delivered
to township clerk, John Burgess, of Blue -
vale. The list contains a total of 730
voters and has 431 persons who are quali-
fied to serve as jurors.
Clink! atm paper (fi di 5 cents
per roll, o feet at Me oss' book
—Great preparations are in progress for
the fall fair of the Turnberry Agricultural
Society, which will be held on Tuesday and
Wednesday, September 28th and 29th•
Posters and prize lists will be issued short-
ly giving full particulars.
—Mayor Morton has proclaimed Thurs-
day next, August 5th, civic holiday and
asks all good citizens to observe the same
as such. This will give those who desire
to visit Port Stanley, a cbance to take in the
Masonic excursion, which takes place on
th day.
—Mr. Walter Carruthers, son of Mr. F.
arruthers, of Turnberry, who was injured
at a barn raising some time ago, was re-
moved to the Toronto Hospital last week,
with the hope at he may find relief from
his suffering\teeports received this week
from Toronto say that there is a slight im.
provement in bis conditionals
Ireland SButton has added a delivery
wagon to their business and \vial deliver
goods a remeonable distance. 5-14tf
—The Carnrval of Nations, which was
given under the direction of Miss Hough-
ton, in the town hall on Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday evenings of last week
was a grand success, the hall being filled to
the doors each evening. This concert snr-
passed any of Miss Houghton's efforts in
the past and she deserves great credit for
the pains she has' taken to please the
people of Wimatm.
If you doubt what your neighbors say
about Ireland & Button's prices just call in
and see for yoarself. 5-14tf
--Brussels Pod : Messes. Green and
letainprize, of Wiligham, were in town on
Monday and along with the street commit-
tee marked out the location of the various
street lights in connection with the new
electric light system to be put in. They
expect to commence wotk next week and
will push everything along so as to have
both aro and incandeseent running by the
(dose of September.
—The Sunday School of the Methodist
church will hold a picnic on Thursday
afternoon next (civic holiday) on the Zet-
land flats, Swings will be erected and
tether germs will be indulged in. A. tordial
invitation is extended to all members of;
the congregation to attend. Rigs have
been secured to convey partial' to the
grounds. The first rigs will leave the'
ohurch at 12 o'clock noon. Members of
the congregation wbo have rigs of their
own and will be able to convey anyone will ;
kindly report et the thereat. Should the
weather bo fine every member of the.
Methodist coogregetion ehould attend and
all enjoy a pleasant afternoon's outing. I,
1—Mr. G, F. Robbins hese again taken
charge of the Huron Steam Lanuctry.t/
/'—Mr. John Hanna has erected a fine now
stable et the rear of his property on Jose-
phino street.V
—Rev. D. Petrie exchanged pulpits with
the Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Teeetvater on
Sunday lastt.
Who wil go waro w en you can get
two 4 •
If Ok .•re. . ea f fan cents at Alex.
--The Listowel races which were to ho
• held on Tuesday and Wednesday were
declared off, owing to the wet weather.
—"Nipple" says there's only one thing
wrong about the jubilee stamps, and that is
the cruel necessity which makes a fellow
lick two women at once.
—The Orange lodge of town will run
an excureion to Detroit on August 14th.
gold watch will be presented to the hand-
somest lady on the train, married or
—Tho Brussels Post celebrated its silver
anniversary last week. The Post is a good
local paper and we trust its genial editor
may be long spared to make it a still more
po ular newspaper.
—Rev. E. Gordon, father of Mr. H. P.
Cordon, of this town, accompanied by hie
brother, sailed on Saturday last for a trip
around the world. They expect to spend
two years in taking in the trip
Dr. Macdonald is now permanent-
ly at home anct can be consulted by
his patrons.
—We received this week a book contaiu-
the names of subscribers and amount
of subscriptions to the Canadian India
Fnrniue rued. Wingham is credited with
having subscribed $192.10 to the fund,
—The Salvation Army Band ef Palmer-
ston ware in town on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week and assisted in the
jubilee which was held by the army of this
to n, Adjt. Myles was in command.
—While getting in shape for the races
.on Friday last, Tanbill, one of the running
home, owned by Mr. Di- McKinnon, of
Stratford, dropped deadleos. Golley, V, S.,
held a post mortem on the animal and
found a clot of blood on the base of the
brain, caused by a rupture of a blood vessel.
dat Maitld, No. 25, C. 0. F., will
fDDRE88 AND leRES4NTAmioew,
hold its regular meeting thio (Friday)
At the close of the decovation services of
Struthers, a to a preecher, Maitlana lodge, No, 112, I. 0. 0, F„ en the
and W. W. Laurie, a skilled musician, from evening of July 16th, a veteran jewel and
Toronto, are assisting in religious services be an address weie presented to John Elder,
in the S. A. Barracks here. Tbey expect baving been for over twenty-five years a
member of this lodge. P. G. Win. Robert -
to be here till after Aug. 4th.
--A friendly game of laeresee was played GSarnovPoIse8relaltci
deatehejadcierweettle'elliiiiieeliPw.a°8 .as"fohln-
on the park here, on Wednesday of last lows
week betweee the Wingham and Seaforth
teams. The game resulted in favor of the
Nyingliam boys by a score of 5 to 2.
V—on Friday of laat week, Mr. J. E.
Swarts purchased the pacer, Maple Leaf,
from Mr. Jae, O'Leary, of Brussels. Mr.
Swarte has also purchased the running
'mese, "NVee," from Mr. J. S. Donoghin,
of Sarnia.
—Tho Masonic Order will bold a big
excursion to Port Stanley on August oth
from Kincardine and all the towns on the
line Of the London, Huron ter Bruce rail-
way. The Cliuton baud will attend. No
doubt a number from town will take in
this excureion as it is the date of our
civic holiday.
Everything goes at King's.
E v erybody goes to Wingham, King's
Amulet Sale is "on".
We still buy Butter -Eggs and Wool,
Highest prices cash or trade.
IA prettYlfut quiet weddiGngEtOoKkipN(l+a•ce
at the home of Mr. UzeiI, of Kinloss, on
Wednesday, when Mr Richard Pocock, of
Turnberry and Miss Elizabeth May Uzoll,
were united in the bonds of matrimony,
by the Rev. es Hamilton of Wingham.
The bride was very handsomely attired,
and was attended by her sister, fdiss
eA.nnie, while the geoestn was supported by
ails brother, Davide/ The wedding presents
were useful and ealuable.
--Blyth Standerd: Mr. Wm. Drum-
mond left on Monday for Wingham,
where he has recoiled the position of
manager of the new fl will that is being
:erected in that townierar bee the Living-
stone mill here was running Mr. Drum -
mend was its menagerandproved himself
to be capable, painstaking and energetic.
We are sorry to loose him,for he was one
of Blyth's best citizens We join with his
--Major Southall, Commissioner Eva many friends here in wishing him
Booth's representative for the west Ontario abundance of success.
province, wilt be in charge of the meeting
in the S. A. Barracks here on Wednesday
evening August 4th. The Major will be
assisted by Adjutant and Mrs. Myles,
Eneign Wiggins and others. This will be
his first visit to Wingham.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster de Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
—"Carnival of Nations" last week was a
complete success in every respect and for
3 nights very large crowds were in attend-
anee. Special mention should be made of
Mrs. W. A. Cates, who took part. Mrs.
Cates is certainly a fine elocutionist and
has great talent. Her rendition of "Skimp-
sey, a horse jockey," and "Kissingcup's
race" were the finest we have ever seen in
Winghand Her "Gipsy Girl" recitation
Was also very fine. Her appearance is
striking on the stage and her costumes
indeed were very beautiful. Too much
praise cannot bo given the lady who came
all the way from Detroit to take part in
this cencert. A WISEMAN READER.
One of those events which are always
interesting to the fair sex, was celebrated
at the residence of Mr. Henry Cassidy, at
Verschoyle (Dereham), Tuesday afternoon,
July 20th, at 12.30 o'clock, it being the
marriage of Mr. H. B. Elliott, proprietor of
The Wingliam Turns, and Mrs, Fannie
Little, of Ingersoll. Rev. E. R. lIntt,
pastor of St. Paul's °hutch, performed the
ceremony in tho presence of tho immediate
How to got u eo Engraving of
Queen Victoria and r noble defenders,
call at Griffin's ni chase two (1 -Ib)
tins of Cream v 1 ing Powder (a
pure cream tar powd
At a meeting of tbe Directors of the
Turnberry Agricultural Society held on
Saturday last, the Secretary and President
pro tem were instructed to forward the
following letter of condolence to Mrs. Geo.
Moffatt, widow of the late President of the
Wingharn, July 27, 1897.
DEAR MADAM,— We are directed by the
Directors of the Turnberry Agricultnral
Society to express to you their extreme
sorrow at the unfortunate and untimely
accident which resulted fatally to your
esteemed busband. Mr. Moffat throughout
the years during which he was a director
from his unremitting attention. business-
like habits, through technical and prectical
knowledge of agriculture, aud natural
fondness of the science, gained the esteem
of his brother directors and for a second
term was chosen by them as President
which cftice he was filling at the time of
his disease Mr. Moffat's attendance being
required nt Wingham on that lamentable
day for the performance of duties coonect-
ed. with his ofeice, he, (es was his invariable
custom) was at his post and it can be truly
said he died there. The directors feel they
have lost a most valuable member of their
body and while realizing their logs frilly
sympathize with you in your great toes and
relatives of the contracting parties. The-
elaridadertidattiaceeep a ageorainaecostarreagar desire to express their coininisseration
cream caehmere, trimmed with ribbons which must have the acquiescence of every
member of the Society, to all of whom Mr.
and lade, and she carried a lovely bouquet
of sweet 'peas. Min Lancaster, of Nor- Moffat was so long and favorebly known.
wiola acted eabridesmaia, and was attired We remain, madam, yours very truly,
in blue Swiss muelin, carrying &bouquet of T.Id. Ileennneoe, President pro tom
street peas. The grooni was assisted - WM. 11011EItTeOl'i Secretary.
Davign,„pf Winfira.m. After all
bad partaken of a recherche dejeuner, Mr. • Explan
and Mrs. Elliott left for Ingersoll, where The prozeedinge te,
they took the 4.e0 e.e./. R. train for thol: Immo to mess s
home in WinghaniKccompenied by the taken on see° vet
best wield% of a least of friends in Ingersoll •fact, was very
and Dereliam. The Chronicle extends
congratulations. --Ingersoll Chronicle. exonerate Mr.
all blame an ow te
idea apolog or all in
July 27th, 1897.
Don't Wait For The Mak Boom.
The experience of physiciane and 'the Wingha
pwbiie p ov ethat taking co Vs Eitiultion
produces an immediate intreneee in ileeln —Wedding invitations, visiting cards,
it is therefore of the highest value in ole., printed with meanesa and despatch
wasting diseases and consumption. at tho Teem °Me.
Inc with ro-
om me, was
ttion, which, in
g and I entirely
s Draw -nand from
er hiro my uncoil'.
venience caused.
OUN Neraane.
Wingham, July 16, 11397,
To BRO, Joni ELDER, P. C. P., P. V. 0.:
The Sovereign Grand Lodge, a few years
ago, permitted subordinate lodges to pre.
sent members of twenty-five yeaS.a' con-
tinual membership with what is called a
veteran jewel.
Maitland lodge, No. 119, taking advent -
age of that law and wishing to show their
appreciation of your conduct as an Odd -
fellow during your tvventy seven yersts'
membership in our order, present you with
this veteran jewel as a slight mark of their
Hoping that your zeal for the promotion
of the principles of our order willremain in
the future as it bas been in the past, and
that you will be spared long to wear it is
the wish of your brethren.
Signed on behalf of Maitland lodge, No.
119, I. 0. 0. F.
JOHN Conseex, N. G.,
Jona F. GROVES, R. S.
About 700 people congregated on the
park last Friday evening to witness the
match betweeu the Brussels and Wingham
foot bailers. Referee "Bob" Farrell, of
Wroxeter, started the game about half past
six and it was scarcely twenty-five minutes
to seven, when the spectators plainly saw
that the visitors were "not in it," The
ball was kept incessantly in the vicinity of
the Brussel's goal. Goal kicks were suc-
ceeded by corner kioke and corner kicks by
goal kicke, but unfortunately no goeas were
scored. When play began again after half
time, the same programme was presented
to the public, with almost the same result.
However about one minute before the time
was up, a right wing corner was kicked,
Charles Stuart headed it straight for the
goal and McKinnon did the needful in keep-
ing the goal tender away from theball.
Play was now stopped, leaving the score 1
to 0 in favor of Wingham.
Brussels play gentlemanly oall.
Armstrong is a corker in goal, be should
be named Arrolong.
Ed. Coultes kicked the trademark off the
"Tony Sample" missed one kick, guess
"he's all right."
"Bill" Stewart played Gerry to a stand
Farrell acted on the square.
Problem: Which is better, a corner kick
or a throw in by McKinnon.
The gate receipts were ee2.25.
Charles Stuart never missed a ball.
Bailey makes an ideal centre forward.
Take a look at the league schedule and
see where Wingham stands:
Wingliam 5 2 1
Brussels 4 3 1
Atwood 4 3 1
Ws oxeter 3 4 1
Listowel '2 6 0
If you don't like to look at it with that
eye, take this one eccording to goals:
14 8 6
12 0 3
14 14 0
4 7 3
Listowel 8 17 0
They seem to be all right most any way
you size 'em up.
It just takes two more inetoltes to com-
plete the league. The first is to take place
in Brussels ma Friday, July 30th, between
Wirigheen Juni Brtissele. This genie is
bound to be a good one and no doubt manv
Wingliamites will avail themselves of this,
the last league match in which Wingham
will take part. Winghean team on this
oecasiou will be the tame in every partica-
.lar as played in the last match. An
Atwood man will referee the game. The
last match of the league takes place the
next ilay, Saturday, July Met, Ill Atwood
betweea Wroxeter and Atwood WWI a
Listoevel referee,
Brussels i00,111 entered a protest in con-
nection with the above mentioned match.
We ate informed that the Wingludn team
have received O POStt card to the effect
Wet the Domes team have withdrawn
the protst, Jeering the game as it now
In order to convince bit- - public
that we have the facilities r produc-
ing Life -Size Portraits '.ual in qual-
ity to any eity.coce we make the
following spa o er which will be
in force dur' g ugust 1897, only:
One Life zerotamit. 16x20
—AND --
1 half dozen ilifeanatello Piot
FOR $3.04)
of one person. This offer is only
good for the month of August. Sit-
tings made in eloady weather as well
as sunshinev days.
Beaver Block - - Wingham,
• ' '`
The third annual meet of the Wing -
Turf Club was held on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week, but owing to the
rain on Wednesday, it was necessary to
finish some of the races on Friday.
There was a good attendance ealeeay,
especially Thursday, when, it is estimat-
ed there were 3,500 people present. The
judges were Win. Bishop, Kincardine;
E. Livinastoue, Blyth; P. Scott, Bras -
sale. Time keeper, lai. Scott, Brusel.
Starter, A. 8. Smith, St. Tleoras. The
races were conducted in the usual order-
ly way. The following is a list giving
the standing of each horse in the differ-
ent races:
P.IRST RACE -229 MOE OR 2 15.6 TROT.
D. L. C. 2 2 2 5 1 1 1
Chicago Belle 0 5 4 1 6 2 2
Maud Thorne 1 3 5 4 5 3 3
Wheel of Fortune 5 8 3 :2 2 di
Jim Booth
7 8 '7 3 dr
8 1 1: 0 dis
amrdre4 0 8 dr
6 7 3 4•dr
,35, 2.36, 2.307is
; 2.362, 2-27e, 2.30,
SECOND R4CE-2.20 PACE OR 2.17 Tam.
MacKenzie, 2 2 1 1 3,
Fred Wilkes 1 1 2 2 5
TG.tri ttie 53 53 4
: 3
Maple Leaf 4 4 4 5
Torn Martini 6 6 5 6
Fred Darling dis
Time -2.30, 237,2,24, 2.25, 2.244,
Master Feed 4 1 1
Pyra miss 1 5 I.
Homer 5 3
Ozrk, Billy Dinmont, jubilee. J, W.
Cook, True Banner, Tanhill also started,
Time -1.04, 1.05, 1.05.
FOURTH TtACE-2.40 PACE on 2,35 TROT,
Oliver Mowat 4 1 1 1
Sbadelond D 1 2 2 2
Grace el 5 2 4 3
Robert 11 3 5 3 4
Virginia 2 4 dis
Time -2.36, 2 32.e., 2.293, 2.32.
Captain Hunter 1 1. 1 3 3 1
Blinky Morgan 1 5 3 5 1 I
Bryson 2 I 2 1 2 2
Prince II 5 2 4 2 5
jack Jewett 3 3 5 4 3
Time -2.27, 2.27, 2.24ee, 2.28, 2.324,
SIXTH RACE -2.21 PACE Oa 2.21 Met'.
Mise Delrearch 1 1 a
0 2 2
Tons my 11 2 5
Wilkie Collins 3 3 6
Molley Hooper 5 7 3
4 4 7
Lou 11 7 8 4
Paddy R 8 9 8
Rockaway 9 6 dr
Master Fred
Splint 2 3
Jubilee, Billy Dinmont, Pyramiss,
Money Musk, Longspin, Tanhill also
METHODIST—Rev, De. Pascoe, pas.
tor. Services at 11 a tin and 7 p ns.
1RESI3Y'rERIA.N—Re. D. Petrie,
paltor. Service% at 11 a In and 7 p na.
EPISCOPAL, St, Paul's—Rev. Virm.
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a al 61.Da
BAPTIST—Rev, Jas. Hamilton, Pa*"
tor, Services at 11 a m and 7 p tn
Mneon, pastor. Services at 11 a ma a
7 p tn.
and Lout. Burney in comma
vices at 11 m, 3 p m and 84
Outram and Lock in command., a
at3 p rn andSp tn.
In evach a the above named
Sabbath Sohool le held at 2.30 p