HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-16, Page 8. TILE WIN IN U IA AJ►1i TIMES, t l-1 i.! 1. , 16, W97 c pec, eiat i d • c•`t� . y. ,)Iiie.-- i, Sattuday we throw on the coantees great bargain Lets of -DRESS GOODS,. -LINENS, .--.ti i 1.iaLES, -- fits 1P1I3GS, -GENTS' FURNISHINGS,. -HOSIERY, ---GLOVES, ---RH:WY-al:1DE CLt3TEIING,cd -MualtPETS. --SOOTS, SHOES,,1 TC,. ----o---- Every Department is under [; the boom of low price, and we ))" . are going to convert the big t; stock into the most cash we can <i in the shortest possible time. � This is a great opportunity to; t bury the newest and nicest goods ' s at about wholesale price for the < next SO days, commeecin Saturday, July 17th. 30, 40 and 45e. Dress Goods for 25e. 50, GO and 65e. Dress Goods for • 35e. t< j GO, 70 and 75e. Silks for 50e. ( 12-1, 15 and 18e. Masllns, Cre. pores and Prints for 10e. 7 and 8e. Shaker Flannel for 5e. 50, and GOe. Tweed reduced LO :< 3k i` 5e, Pins le.; 5c. Needles le.; 5c. Ribbon lc.; 5e. Dress Tritn.', ming In.; 5c. Embroidery 2 -.z1 -c.; << , 5c. Lace 21-c.; 5c. Silk Ribbon, 23•e.; 5o. Handkerchiefs, 21c.; a 10e. Linen Collars 5e.; $3.50 Boys Suits $2,50; 32 Soft and Stiff Hats $1,25; Collars 15e. • Great Shoe Sale every day in Ladies' nee Oxford, Buttoned and Laced. Also a large assort- ment of gents' Fine S'eoes. Salop early as possible. - -0-- f= pay 13c for Tab Butter and lac for Eggs. 1 • M. H. MCINDOO. SI AtammimmI SHAP DICKINSON NUPTIALS LS M H. S. &tamp, of this place, and Miss Eva Dickinson, of Cornwall, Canada, were married in San Francisco the early part of last ween, and arrived here, where they will reside, on Wednesday's even- ng's local. They have engaged rooms and taken up their residence in the Hamilton Hotel. Mr. Shamp has been with us but a short time, having come here from Colusa to take charge of the Biggs creamery, but ho has made many friends in this community, and being a man of cordial whole.souled nature, is liked by all who know him. We welcome Mrs. Shamp to our midst, and trust that the newly married coople may be bless- ed with the best that life affords." The above clipped froth the Biggs Notes, Butte Co., Col., will be of interest to many of our readers, as the bride was well known here and is a sister of Mrs. S. MoV. Lloyd, Goderich, and E. L. Dickinson, B. A., of Winghani. House of Refuge Notes. James tray, an inmate of the in Souris, lfanitoba, where Mr. Hoose of Refuge, from East Wawa- I Thane bas accepted a eall, nosh,died there on Friday, July 9th, lizss Fannie Thompson, of Betts- from eaneer of the stomach. aged 31 sols, was visiting hiss Aggie Iierbert, COMMUNICATION, We ac sot hold aursel,<,a. NI?ponirale for opts ions expreasc:i ty We we:ter of any communicative, POLITICS I101' THP PULPIT. T thea It)ro the Trios, Diem SIR, ---'Wilk is a subject that is being very freely discussed at present. One upon, which there are great differences of opinion. While we have no intention of attempting to belittle those who hold opposite opinions, at the same time we fear• lessly and boldly take the position that polities, gossip or scandal ought never to, under any cirenmstanees be introduced into the pulpit, be- lieving that the church was erected for a far to sacred and holy purpose ever to be accepted as a rostrum from which the secular questions of the day are to be proclaimed, That persons be he Bishop or Rev., is not to be envied, who, when his official position places him beyond eontridietion, voluntarily sets aside the glorious Gospel, "he claims to be his mission and substitutes the minor interests of human life," in place of it, The house of God. immediately ceases to become "the house of Saul," besides be is a coward of the deepest dye, who dare give expression from such a place and officially shield himself behind a text of seripture. True piety and devotion hang down their head In shame, when the congregations meet for the express purpose of worship, if the minister is not prepared to lead them in their public devotions, or• in other words, if he believes. that the noble work of saving souls is not important enough to claim his whole attention, he bad better step down and allow another to take his place,. he would undoubtedly be doing his date: if not to himself, it would be to the cause of' 011ristianity. It 'was refreshing to read the other day of the General Assembly of our church, refusing to admit polities into the court for discussion, and yet a few ministers will rninglc thein up as part of their publie worship upon the Sabbath day. PRESBBYTERI.1N. I3LUEVALE. Mrs. Janes Gardiner left for Dau phin, Manitoba, to join Mr. Garbiner who has taken up 320 acres of land there. The Directors of of the Bluevale Flax Manufacturing Company re- caved tenders for the building of their flak baro, last Saturday. Mr. George Henry's tender was $417 and tyas accepted. 11r. and Mrs. Cassie, of Prince Albert, Northwest `Tet•ritcry, were visiting Mr. Peter Fowler, of the Bluevale road, last week,/ A large crowd attended the union picnie on Air. Andrew Gray's flats on Friday last. - Miss Jane Ballantyne, of Seaforth, was visiting friends here, this week and last.. 111t•H udson, of Sebring ville, the. Forman of our flax mill, arrived on Saturday to assume his duties. Mies Lyndia Campbell, of McKil- lop, is the guest of Miss Mary Scott: Mr. R. T. Stewart, of the staff of Alexandria high school, is home for the holidays. McKinney, Mr. Wm. John cf I3oissevain, Manitoba, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mts. Henry Robb, of Morris. Rev. Wesley Leech is visiting his brother, Me. Joseph Leech. LISTOWEr.. Miss Stltherlalld is visititing rela- tives in Toronto. Miss .Bell, of Mount Forest, is the guest c f Mrs. S. Bricker, Mr. and Mrs. 11, B. 'Morph). were in Stratford, Friday. Miss Odell, of Guelph, is the guest of Mrs. Rogers, Division Street. F. 0, Clark has bought `IliIIerest,' M. 13rieker's handsowe residence in the west end. Mass Yates of Woodstock, is the guest of Mrs. Yates, Wallace-st, Barry Chronic, of Ilarristen, was visiting relatives in town last week. Tuesday, July 27th, the first day of the races, is to be civic holiday, Mrs. M. Bricker and Mrs. Saul Kidd are in Port Elgin, the guests of Mrs. J. A. Backing. J. H. McDonald has a pair of well• developed sea gulls on exhibition in his store window. They werebrougt down from Wiarton, where they were captured when quite young. 3, W. Treleaven, 13. E1., of Clinton, was in. town this week seeing old friends. W. J. Stinson, of the St. Marys Acetylene Light Co., was here Wed- nesday exhibiting and exphti.iing the good qualities of acetylene gels. X R. I. Piectxons. Nominations took place Wednes- day for the Prince Edward Island elections, and both the Liberal and Conservative parties put up two can- didates in each district. There is also one Patron in the field. Large rallies were Belch tonight, and each side expresses itself as confident of victory. Premier Peters was nomin- ated in both Fort 4.ilgtlstus and Georgetown. A. Parkhill Runaway firs. Lily Cluney,aged 17, was arrest- ed in Windsor on Friday on 4t tele- gram from her father, I.I. Clumey, of Parkhill. When her fe.ther arrived she refused to accompany him home, and force had to be used to get her into a cab to drive to the depot. Why the girl should run away from home is rot known, but it is rumored that a G. T, R. brakeman is mixed up in the matter, and that a mar- riage has been planned. Jaynes Catalano, a London dealer was stung dy a black pion. It was thought at first the sting would prove fatal, He succeeded in working, op eonsid- , man is rapidly recovering. enable interest in the light and sorne'�- .. of the eitizens will likely give it a' trial. I L. S. Aunt, U. 8, cons,l, is boli- Notice , ereb give dating at his home in Utica., N. Y. indebted to t Rev, lar. Jeans, of Christ church, pay the saute to `.•. and Rev. lar. Wright, of Norwich, , hiiauthviaorised to fruit scor tbat the h,•dceo exchanged pulpits last Sunday.pr�aenti t La -t 'Thursday night tate Christian son. Endeavor Society of Rnox Church, I Atwood, paid a l i:it to their sister society in Knox chuff' h here and t NOTICE. took charge of the usual weekly hat all parties coed will please Robertson, who is vi eipts. Those against 1 will please to the said 1 Robert - S. G. BROWN. Meeting. The combined service was ':laving left on bus;gess for a tirne, 1' much enjot ed by a11, have placed wy practice in the hands of The west closely etaolestetl at.tl G. D. leortune, V. S. a gradaate tot the Ontario Veterin'try Cl°liege, exciting g,rnie of footled', which has ; 0.11s by night and day will be prompt - been played in the Maitland football ly attet,tied to at the office. league to:;k place taut Wednesday . 0 110 Jona Wic.sov V. S. evening in the Riots park grounds between Brussels and Listowel, the home team winnings by 3 goals- to 2. To within five minutes of time the score was 2 t•i 2; when ny a dashing rush and beautiful combination the' Listowel team scored the last and 1. winning goal. This is the last match ` Before Purchasing Your'. in the series; so far as Listowel is t concerned. CLI\TON. A number of Clinton's most popu lar- musicians gave a concert in Bay Thursday evening, which was listen ed to with much pleasure by a appreciative audience. The artist were Madame Wall, Clinton's print donna; Miss Minnie Couch, and Mis Asa Gibbings, and Messrs R. Down B. IKeri, and W. Shary of the Mol sons bank. Me. John Lansford, Secretary o Association, tr11J to Toronto. Mr. W. Murray of New York, i spending his holidays with . hi parents in town. Messrs. Cantelon tiros. shipped a consignment of produce to Montrea Tuesday, using for the transit, one of the Governments new refriger ator cold storage cars. The officials of Ontario Street Methodist church are contemplating enlarging and beautifying their par- sonage, The Clinton band went to Bayfield on Monday to assist in the Orange Demonstration held at that place. liessrs. 3, W. Broderick and Geo. Anderson, of the Exeter Croquet Club, were in town yesterday play. n; s aJ s r They are certainly the newest out The latest designs from both ti MUSH AND CANADIAN ADIAN the Cana da Salt A ssociatio n, is on a and have n., equal in town. 1. Because it is dangerous to be s ! Itelnenrber the place, next door to moment without one. MANUFACTURERS �,l 5115 inia&.447. xaI E ENT aAT -.. MOIrf�'Vl TYREI - THIS WEEK e EK A FLUTTER IN LACES • Having picked up a special job line, we are going to Sacrifice. Don't fail to see them. A HUSTLE IN DRESS GOODS CASHMERE, SERGES AND FANCY ' EFFECTS, with trimmings to match, at prices lower than the lowest. WE HAVE EXTRA VALUE IN Ladies' Vests, Something Special, also a full range of Women and Children's Cashmere and Cotton Hose. EN'S HAT A SPECIALTY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Needs no mention, all Goods Fresh and Sea- sonable. Try our Specicl JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. MACDONALD BLOCK. WING 1?AL1. Are You RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to - call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug. Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS T 1E ONE FOR YOU . Mrs. Bailey is in M'arkham,visiting ing a friendly match with otic club. Rev. Bobert Thyne and Miss Thyne The visitors were victorious by a before they leave for their nettheme last ween. tears. ` will deliver an addrees in Cooke's The latest ar ival at thclioase, is! ilius Minnie Ross and Miss Edith Church on "ttow to Conduct a Read - John Moseshead, of Exeter, aged 76. I Good, of Winghanl, attended the ing Circle " Messrs. Mustard & Gtttridge, who 1 u ten pienie on Friday. J. 1V. llii l acid family are spend- `� have the contract for building a eon• f !tin ing a week visiting r. score of five games to two. Mr. A. T. Cooper will leave for IN THE Toronto to attend the Epworth Lea- gue Convention now in session in that city. On Friday evening 110 C mg of Business Having purchased front D. E. McDonald his -Butchering Business, I am now in a position to supply the public with al CHOICE MEATS • the Brunswiek Hotel, Winghanr. 2. It will never rust and is cense- 1IEAYS quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmcre does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move { after adjustment, G, Some of our townspeople can I testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction unranteed or moneyrefunded. GORDON& 00 at lowest prices and earn- estly solicit a share of the patronage of this comnlun- - ity. We will always keep on hand the best meats 'that can be got forumoney D J. GiDDE3 McDonald s ed. stand. TOO A1: VERTISiia! ave �t ha While playing' with a mower left 1; friends In Brus orate hog pen, aro proceeding with i for repairs at John Wztusmitn's 5013, the work. blacksmith elloli;",last Monday, Paul Mrs, „-. McPa;gart and li:iss There are about 75 iemates in the Pugh, the little gon of Mr. and sirs. Broder, .r, high greet, left today fur a House. Joseph Pug almost severed one of visit to friends in Morrisburg. The meeting of the Huron his fingers.sfitaiv. 13. Clement was unable to itiodigral Association will be held at the gouge of iletugo 'Wednesday, Wiese some interesting eases in the Motive will be taken up and discus- , , view lie gild Mrs. Clement have gone We ate glad to know that Mt. take his work on Sunday. .Illssielanplty- 1'.elward Basilian is able for work taking a rest,ttd an lwithsists that orendtin again. IBC Mts. Charles McGuire, of Morris, to Bayfield a werofG has returned from Stanley, where! ..,..- she she was visiting her mother' 1 By the burning of their saw mill - C lay, who is Mr, henry I3osinan spent Sunday at Port Finlay, Algoma, Messrs. sic. • gston Pen- in Clinton, r'Kay of Tnekcrsniith, and (leo, Me- mo*, is We are sorry to bear of these iotas riven, of Hensel!, will suffer a loss illness of Mr. Walter Rutherford,' ' hof some $1003 O O . Cook's Cotton knot Compound Xs the only oafe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the r hoar and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees ' of strength. 1`+'"o. 1 for ordinary eases is by far the beat dollsr medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. ' No. 2 for special cases -to degrees stronger --sold by druggists.One box, .. Three Dollars ; two boxes, rive Dollars. No, r, or No, 2, tilaiied oir receipt of, price and two 3 -tout stamps.. 'rho took Company, Windsor, Ontartr. ; Sploin gringhaun ,Ind r.vcrywlter� uy all responsible ciru;.r„; ists NE•W Purnitura and• crag Stne -IN--- e) tWand S; Button are putting in a complete Stock of .h'urnitnre and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, ?Ann SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete„ in fact everything that is kept in a FI .STI.CL,ASS FURNITuRr, STORE A complete stock of Undertaking kept c n hand and prices mean - able. 'Netnember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac- donald Block, (Residence opposite the foundry. IIIELAI ND & L31LTe✓ .