HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-16, Page 7THE WINGHA,111 TIMES, JULY 16, 1897. �G] We make a specialty of Iee Cream and are pre pared to supply it, in large or small quantities and of any flavor desired F. to families, pie nieing si parties or by the dish. r a R'h We have a good fountain and C" also supply Cream Soda of any El flavor. ['i BANANAS, PINE APPLES and rt_ � Fruit and Confectionary of all kinds. C sj Give'us a trial and we can �; please you. ��� r c JAS. McALPINE, k Central Restaurant. (r i ��`tr?�lrti_ fir. Cirr TO THE PUBLIC The Winghant Planing Mills are now running again in fall blast— Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in] ,the planing mill business such aa- -SASH, --DOORS, BLINDS, —CASINGS, —MOULDINGS, can "ave thein on short notice and at Io est possible prices. I have also added a number of new mach Ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. S..BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON ELTONS UMPS e'honsands Celebrate With thankfuluoss their restoration to health, by the use of FIood's Sarsapa- illa. Think of the vast army who havebeen, cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Men, women and childro n who have' suffered the consequences of impure i blood, who have been the victims of scrofula sores, eruptions, dyspepsia ,1 nervousness; and sleeplessness, 1 They have tried ether mealtimes and 1 have failed to obtain relief. They tried H'ood's Sarsaparilla and it did thorn good They persevered in its use and it ace complished permanent euros. Do you wonder that they praise and recommend it to you. Charles And John Wesley, It is said that Charles Wesley was sometimes easily annoyed, and on one occasion, at a conference, he be. came so irritated at the prolix re- marks of a speaker that he said to his brother:: "Stop that man's speaking. Let us attend the business." But the offender was relating his religious experience, and tho'Igh it was at so great a length, John Wes- ley evidently thought that no mashed a right to interfere with it. ile was therefore allowed to continue, but the moment Same when Charles could contain hiniselfno longer. " Unless he stops," he whispered. to John, "I'll leave the, conference. By this time John was enjoying the man's simple story, and he only turned and whispered to someone sit- ting near: "Ruch Charles his hat!" 1 pe q/z„.,,..,‘!s,-4,../.11,,.. -- If so you cannot find anywhere a preparation to equal CR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TUF.PEWTINS for the throat and respiratory or- gans. We have hundreds of testimonials from public speakers, singers, ministers and others. One rev. gentleman says : " I never think of entering my pt:l;tit without Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine at my side." Such in- tiorsat:oiis from the ministry should give con- fidence in Ur. Chase's Medicine. If you are troubled with that tickling sore throat, so common among speakers and singers, you will find ER. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPEIiTINE a positive and per- manent cure. Teaspoonful dose, price as cents. r.thnanson, Bates & Co., sole manufacturersa for Canada, 43 Lombard street, Toronto. a -rte ri b These Is Money In Cheese, Unnerved. lie didn't have them again, that was evident, but when lie came in from his office at six, he was badly rattled. 'What is the matter?' asked his wife, saw a woman a while ago,' he stammered nervously, wearing one of those confounded hoop hints— `Skoop hirts?' queried the lady, eyeing him closely, `No—no,' shaking his head, 'one of those confounded hook spirits- -' 'Hook spirits?' and again his wife looked at him suspiciously. 'No, not that, one of those con- founded skook pirts—' 'Skook pirts?' interrupied his 'wife. Ile rubbed his head. hard and tried again. , 'One of those confounded seep— 'Henry, dear [leery,' interrupted Mrs, .Elen ry, , getting up and taking him ny the arum, suppose yuu g' out and soak your wits for a few mem- The cheese market seems to be opening good this season, Canadian cheese has now gained such an ens viable reputation in" the markets of Britain that it always eomtnands ready sale at the. very highest prices and is, cousequently one of the lead- ing sources of revenue to our Can- adian farmers, Oar butter and eggs are now rapidly making their way into publte favor on the other side of the Atlantic, and with the facilities now being provided for safe and rapid transportation, they are sure at an early clay to take as good a position as our cheese now holds. With greater care in selecting and packing, Canadian apples will also very speedily be in as great demand there as our cheese, butter and eggs. It. would seem as if we have now reached the dawn of a new era of prosperity. The Montreal Trade Bulletin of last week makes the follow ing significant and encouraging state- ment. It says: The exports of cheese from this port last were 105,159 boxes, repres- enting a cash value' of about x;600- 000, being about four times together then those from New York, andmak- ing a total from both ports of 1324600' boxes; and yet the market 'o the other side has not broken ,,under these heavy shipmen , which demon- strates the vest c ' mptive capacity of the people of Great Britain for cheese and this in• face of the fact that the increase in values of the ex- ports from this port last week was about $275,000 as compared with the cors esponding week last year. In other words, the farmers of this country received that much more for their cheese last weelc then for the same week in 1896. It is no wonder that circulation is increasing :in the country and arrears are being liquidated. A large wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer stated to the writer a few days ago that he was surprised to find remittances com- ing in so well while new business was so small. This is now fully ac- counted for by our large ship- ments of,eheece and other produce. Will stand wear and tear for 5 ears. No better proof can IT p A y s be given of their durability than is shown by the fact" that some of these pumps put r, in wells 25 years ago are TO ADVERTISE still working. ' IN THE IRON and 1'ORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. '4Snor —Diagonal St. opposite;Beattie's TIMES Livery. ' JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont WANTED . . WANTED + + + TO REPAIR. + -1- + AT rI HE Viugham a • IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ON T. FoirStill continues its successful tvn'k of pia 'n; stud. . oats in chard positions. Between len, Ist and May 1st, four mo figs our pupils eccurcd choice st'arttinns ' 513 tokkeer eri Stono.trapheraand Toachor3in other Stillness Cot. IN UNLIMITED NUMBERS V. loses •� —MOWERS, --BINDERS, —THRESHERS —ENGINES .and all kinds of Machinery Nature's Medicine. Nature's Medicine for constipation, Liver complaint, sick headache, bilious. ress, jaundice and callow complexion is Laxa Liver Pilin, They are a perfect laxative, never griping or causing pain. One pill each night for 30 days will cure constipation. 'Phe Army Worm Again. The Hamilton Spectator says: "The army worm ds back with the mountain farmers according to the statement of Frank. Wilkinson. He says that when he went home yester- day afternoon that he found the fences on his farm alive with the little soldiers,and they could easily beswept off in great numbers. The worm is yet small but as it decidedly vigorous and healthy, it will not be long before it attains its working size. Mr. Wil- kinson brought a sample supply to the city. The worm has the back head so noticeable on the regular army worth and there appears no doubt that as it is the obnoxious pest that made its way to the asylum GRASS WITROUT WA,TF,U 11[r, J. 13, Olcott, the grass expert. of Conneetieut where be has a col- lection of 1,500 varieties froin 1.t11 parts of the world, thinks grass may be grown on the arid plains of the west without water, says the San Francisco Chronicle, The possibility of a green carpet of forage ,grass covering the Itlajove desert is one of his refreshing suggestions,. Mr. Ol colt, having gro'i'n good turf in Con- neeticut without watering', is anxious to try some grasses in o winterless land, where they may grow without interference from snow and fierce oold. Correspondence has been open ed with Prof, Uhlgard, of the Cali-. fornia College of Agriculture to see if a place may be found for the experi- ment at one of the state stations. Pile Terrors Swept away Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head as a reliever, healer, and sure cure for Piles, in all fortes. One application ents at the hydrant. will give comfort in a few minutes, and Henry obeyed and when he re- three to six days application according to directions will cure chronic oases. It relieves. all Hailing and burning skin diseases in a day. 33 cents. Sold at Chisholue's Drug Store. turned he said that it was ono of those confounded hoop skirts that bad unnerved him so. Shortness of Breath. "Since last year I have bad serious heart trouble caused by malaria; Short- ness of breath, smothering spells on re- tiring, yiolent palpitation, etc., often made me gasp forbreath. Oa procuring Milburn's Heart and Nellie Pills I found to my surprise and delight that they gave almost instant relief. Y got healthy restful sleep; my heart troubles disap- peared; and 1 now feel very web indeed Mr. Hugh Moore, Ingersoll, Ont. makes this statement for the public good. A Fast Stenographer, Anent the prevailing discussion as to the highest speed ever attained by expert shorthand writers, there is a story going the rounds of the feat of a Georgia court stenographer, which by long odds broke the world's record in that line of work. It was when that eminent jurist, the late Judge Richard. Clarke, was presiding in the Atlanta circuit of the Superior Court. One of the most remarkable murder• trials was in progress. The evidence was con- flicting, and the Judge was called upon to charge the juiya on some decidedly new and interesting legal points. Now the Jadge was a rapid talker. In this instance it was very important that every word he spoke should .be correctly recorded, and he so cautioned the stenographer. Then Judge Clark began. As he warmed up to his charge he was speaking at the rate of two hundred and fifty words a minute. Once he glanced toward the stenographer. That worthy official seemed to be half sleeping over his work and apparent- ly writing very slowly. "Mr. --,are you getting my words down correctly 2" asked the Judge. An lowa senator refused to take At this the stenographer seemed to his salary because he was absent wake up. With little concern he most of the time and does not think replied : "That's all right, Judge, he earned. it. This is-vrong reasoning. fire away. I am about fifteen words The more a senator is absent the ahead of you now 1" more a state can afiord to pay him. —Chicago Tribune. Many pray for - the things they need least. Even a wooden Indian gots takers in sometimes, a It is easier to run with the crowd than to walk by yourself. Ile who would be strong in mind must halve facts for his diet. Every time a stingy man looks at a dollar it shrinks to his heart. The man who is ruled by his feel- ings will always travel in a zig-zag course. It takes a big fool a life time to find what others can see at a first glance. We are not to blame for the first mistake we make, but we are for the second. Grand temples are built of small stones and great lives are made up of small events. • Though the body may sherk labor the brain fs no3 idle. If it does not grow corn it will grow thistles. The oldest person in Ottawa, Mr Josepli Dubois,. one hundred and nine years of age, died Friday morning. He was born at Point St. Charles, Quebec. True wealth consists 'in health, Is Your Heart Strong? Or have you palpitation, throbbing or irregular beating, dizziness, short breath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. If so, your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves, causing nervousness, sleepless- ness, morbid anxious feeling, debility. 11..sart-m Me we FEU Cure all these complaints by regulating the heart's action and building up the nervous and muscular system to perfect health and strength. Price 6oc. per box or 6 bores for $ eo, At all druggists, Tllc modem t stand- arae 'airily Medi- cine ; Cures the common, every -day ills of humanity. T•AnE MARK cURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTJPAT�®N SICK HEADACHE AND ALL LiEB TROUBLES ]� S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, AS and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. vigor and courage, domestic quiet, One pill taken each night during concord, public liberty, plenty of all thirty days will cure constipation. that is necessary, and contempt for all that is superfluous. Remember this, that though we pass away, the leaders of a cause fall one by one, prineiplcr never die, they are eternal, world wide and un- changeable. Have Any of These? Palpitation, Fluttering of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spoils, Swelling of the Ankles, Nightmare, Spells from last year. It is supposed the , most pronoituced symptoms of Heart Dis 11 the weeds that appear on his Goods roads and fewer weeds are two pressing tropics in many parts of the country. "If," says a well- known authority, "the farmer does of Hunger and Exhaustion. These are net 1:1• v was bidden in the round i ease Dr Agnew's Gura for the Heart will farm they will become in time, the larvae g through the winter and that the I give relief inside of 30 minutes, and will greatest monopoly with which he has I effect a ,, red euro inmost t stnbhorn cases. ' to Contend th ut p y ' The farmers hi'that vicinity Throe others have secure 1 planes, one is nomn.ence next week, another th, (ollowi"g v e aid the third about .Tune 15th. Hero is where gradua'os of We sc' ool h.vo a decided advantage over tho,o gratu,,red from the average business college, If interested write for ratslottne and a complete list 01 whore students have been rlaced. For Catalogue, address, D. Ric., td II GAN a co., Ci:atha n, oat Bring thein right along and if you FOR•'' prefer a new machine rather than .repairing the old, we can exchange r withyou.� <4I Ir and Brass Castings, Forgings Iron eta supplied while you it. Pipe and Pipe Fittings Carried in Stock. All kinds of lathe and machine -work promptly and.. neatly done. 3'ouudry and Mrtfotine shop corner Victoria an:1 '" ': t;,3 streets. NIVAL `OGIA 136 00. Proprietor n Made ill the LATEST STYLES Go to`'' s ...EIV' S extreme heat hatched a eggs o ss, jj le cshould i it's wonderful. Sold at C}hieholni'e Drug ( William 11lttlheron, et' Mitchell, his be on the lookout for the pest. It is , Store, 'wife, two children and his brother, said that the only effective way of get' 'John, in the south ward, were brother, t ip; rid of the n t':' Brawl into dig I One kind of fruit, it seems, the:" ed on Monday, front eating can trench for then ie, c nod corn. Drs. Wood and Ilurlburt 1 Manitobans will be able to grow } , cover thetn with lime.were e innneciiatel5 summoned, when +without a doubt. A Kildonan man ` the usual rued. es were rc sorted when ram in the sack. I this year has two acres of the [finest, After a time the patients showed. ".L was troi bled with a Hain in the' Strtwberl'ice. signs of improvement, belt it was, not back for months, and after trying sheer -1 Dun t� Co., the commercial agents, . until next learning that all were out al remedies without effect, thought I i of danger. would use _Iagyarcl's Yellow Oil, I ant 1 report that the outlook for business I tiled to say that after using two bottles. l in Canada is considered most sates- i Dariry Inspector ;Fuller visited the 1 was cotnpletely cured, and cannot re -1 factory, The tide has certainly commend this excellent remedy too j turned. highly. i e , 2 ' I It's a actable. It's li nidi. it's harmle lvl ss 1rNA outtrartiv • South klivor, Out, Can Work ail the Taco "My daughter was suffering with ea- �. 1 I t• t f tb and inlet. many John Tolmie, M. P., came home air t o e stomach, I+ride, . Lifeat Ottawa agrees with 1 different prescriptions without benefit. Friday. 'is ! finally she began taking Hood's Sarsa- him, Ile added 25 poU weight during the session the feet that he learned bicycle while tboro. --- Review. Climax cheese factory one day last .week and gave very high praise to both the makers and the arrange- ments and product of the factory. A test of the whole vat showed an average of 3,30 per cent of butter fist, as high a test as any he had made. PRICE :EC. OR 6 FOR shoo ro the 'Madden Yeast Co., London, Out. eentl�•mrn —Wo net on'ekcr and hatter results from nsh:5 hitx, Maddens Yeast than any other we have used, andd.hitddyrecommend it. DEAIiDRos.,makers THE :-ADDER YEAST CO., London. tide to his pendia and it helped her at once. She this season. The June cheese were in spite of has taken 15 bottles and le now able tc he said the finest lot he had bored wort, all the time. We prise Hood's . to tido a Sarsaparilla very highly," ANNA bi>;it• 1 this season, and Mr. ldtui;y feels just- . er Iiineardln i rut', Katon, clue. l� proud in Consequence---Tiverior) Watchman. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with H'ood's Sarsaparilla, Lure all liver ills.1 I , cents, TiP i i Fr Alrent3for"Qucau Victoria, iters TiP i 67 fief ': and Uinmoni ,l•tblleo. Wal ace— 'here 13 not mg .life' (u,fowing;tutla,cat end riebeht T,ktnres. tot tains the endorsed hie.rai.liy of itcr Aiaiesty, with i matrimony to make a man appreciate � authentic ,History of her remarkable reign, and bull w ti t 1 1 .'-.- h S e► r • �. at nroomit of the Dimond Jtthilca. Only *1,50. Filet the valla0 of 11)oney, I y bock, `frtitiend• us dentond. nonnnya for orients. so. (} dollar a man 'gives to his wife Y1aa tan. Coinntiislon to per rent. Credit triton. Mnight a 6,2,4 laid, outwit fret, Dot. id. write fm' no fit' does look bigger to him than"any 14 04=4 QUEEN'S BL00K, WINGIIA11'l Ana s territory. ee cir DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. other dollar. ' oil For Infcntt; emit Glii Fera, `3 Y a° t l ,Y FILLS CURE BACKACHE LAME BACs{ RHEL'MAe lSfoi DIABETES BRIGHT'S DISEAS:: DIZZINESS Aa`o r.LL tkty %P KIDNEY tc URINARY DISEASES ARE CURED S°f ROAN'S MONEY Caveat.: or., i no' ,.(+irk : d^, ,5' t •a l o'1,,atant business e. 3tc:a.1 fy. R1tDeit ;": PCBS. Iy office is: i t' c i -.n;cdi .tr. ricin tyoftile Patentt),uoe end my f. iii es for r,,• aria t pacing arounsttrpotted Send re o'.l ketch eep tor. -1 'l (f invtntinn with description "dtie,oineatAS tn� i.. �•1 r+claimed, 3^fiarr+na�ar,+ionr.4'a, •rn.r,>p1nfrr>titsdei Irafex( {'t,,!, And :-r fee fir prosecuting the appiiceti.n trt(l oto ,,a t..nr�% far ats,,t1; tree paten,1 allows -1, "'a'.trr.Woorl' Gums,' coa•, tiinhtgbat info rearlo',enttree. Aft Oenin unto cations tor Ottertail+s-s tl lZfill Coa11401 riwl.DWI X' Aryrossits