HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-16, Page 44
., — M,.,. .'.-T." "_--- hTAkrlillT REPORTS.
1 —._�. 1 WEST WAWANOSIL l nzrozznnr.
just arrived at -r "'? (af)DT,iI�ICII. , . Wingbam, ,July lrah, 1807,
n p I The hopes which were entertained The board of directors of the 11 e, t the, recovery of Corrected by 1'. klctSns,1'rottncehealer.
i n Company Cneeroue per 100 lbs ] GQ to 2 OQ
'CAMPBELL'S D'�OG ,STlJ ltE i M ester of Chancery, encouraged ala o iragelascby it tmontl�]y ilieeting last nveek. h125 Fall `wheat 0 0: to 0 to
0 02 (12to0to
an apparent improvment through the applicants were passed, covering Spring Wheat y 0 1t3 to 0 20
a large. lot of gondBarley "
tleatlnent in Toronto for the past insurance to the amount of $i155,UU0 ass' 0 z0 to 030
two weeks, were suddenly crushed Tids proves that the old Massa Wawa k�eas 0 Yo to 0 10 0 z
TOILETby a change for the worse last It- 1 nosh Company is one of the favor- Bettor . .. . ......... ` 0 30 to 0 10
day, and on Saturday he was brought t lies with the people. Mr. Finlay Eggs per dozen 1 00 to 1 S5
Wood per cord.,.. ..
home, and died early Thursday : Audersryon of Nast Wawanosh is one limy per ton 00
7 00 to 0 20 to 7 70 00
morning. Deceased was born near of the Company's Agents.
PotatoTallow pe pre
bushel, 0 0 to 0 3
Burlington in 1840, and studied law -- =-- Dried Apples, per lb 0 .t to 0 2
with F. MaeKelcan, Q C., still one BRUSSELS. Wool 10 to 21
of Hamilton's best known lawyers. Wo �_ '"' "
eing called to the Bar the clone to The glorious 12th was celebrated
Clinton, and arts. wards removed to in true British style but the largest
(;oderich some 17 years ago, where and most orderly crowd ever seen in
he practised law till his appointment Brussels, there being 87 True Blues
as Master. For a year or two his Orangemen and 0. Y, B.'s. A busy
health has been poor, and a long time was spent in the forenoon wet -
visit to the South clid not bring the coming the visitors, After dinner
benefit hoped for. Another attempt the procession formed on Victoria
to overcome disease was made by a Park and started the parade but a
trial treatment in Toronts, but this heavy shower of' rain set in that
too failed, Mr. 11laleoillson was an rather demoralized it. The pro -
intelligent and well informed man, gramme of speech making wes carried
Oi ^?^ Cdating'° ' out afterwards 011 rile rain ceasing,
S1 of bright }wit and genial manner and
lB � '.'�n�P those who formed his friendship will County Master Dean in the chair. A
`-' long remember 111rn with kindly short address of welcome was made
thoughts and sincere effection. The by Reeve W. H. Kerr, after which
FRIDAY, JULY 115, 1607 funerel took place Friday at 8.30 spirited and appropriate speeches
MennommarOameasodWopp from St. Gecrge's church, the Sons were given by Rev. Mr. Lowe of
of Scotland, of which deceased was a Wingham; Rev John Ross, B. A.,
loyal member attended in a body. Brussels; Rev W. W. Leech of White-
church, and Mr. Thomas 111agwood,
M .P. P. for North Perth. Votes of
thanks to the speakers and visitors
were passed, and cheers. for the Queen
and King William brought the clays
proceedings to a close.
WINtoIlAM 'i'I.M.ES, JULY , 16 1b97.
which we are selling at
This soap has been selling
at to cents a cake..
Call and get what you want
before it is all gone.
2 doors S. of P. 0,
Following the usual custom cf
taking a week's holidays during the
summer months, the Times will net
be issued next week. The oflice will
be open for the transaction of busi-
ness and job work will receive the
nsnal attention. Next issue of the
TimEs will be July 80th.
AN Ottawa correspondet says that
Hon. Mr. Tarte, minister of pabiie
works will within the, next few days
visit and inspect a number qt harbor
improvements now in progress in
MR. OAMERON, el. Pi for West
Huron authorizes an empbat:c con-
tradiction of the rumor published in
the Signal of last week, that he may
resign at an early day Mr. Cameron
states that lie has no such intention.
A C.enservativo Convention of
,the East Riding of Huron Will be held from Teeswater, The quint sornlin- Scott -Johnston -That the nein
in the town hall Brussels on Tuesdayferousness of our village was scon
ales be adopted. -C irried.
afterwards broken by the beating of Scott -Reid -That the road at lots
next tor the purpose of selecting a drums, and the shrill music of fyfes. 6 and 7, cots 6 and 7 be fixed where
candidate to the Provincial Lig;s1a- Later on more Orangemen appeared the pathmaster took gravel out, so as
ture Among those who will address with more drums and fyfes, these to make it fit for travel. -Carried
the meeting will be Ilir. E. L. Dick- I were followed b; men in regalia Reid -eclat -"that as there is an
w invalid now lying at Mr. Levi Erb's
and he requests the removal of said
invalid, the reeve and deputy reeve
be empowered to deal with the case
Tho Rev. A. B. Dobson, preached
to the Orangmen in Fordwich o,i
Sunday afternoon last. The services
between Gorrie and Fordwich were
reversed, Mr. Dobson preached in
Gorrie in the morning.
Extensive preparations were push-
ed forward ou Monday last eor the
reception of the Orangemen that
were to visit Gorrie on the glorious
twelfth to take part in the demon-
strations. Triumphal arches spanned
Victoria street at the Anglo Atneri•
can Rotel and nt the Albion, and
se neral of the tradesmen with an eye
to business as well as pleasure erect-
ed near their stores booths for the
sale of ice cream, candies, etc. The
morning broke fair and cool, a great
relief from the excessive heat of the
past week. There was no special
train as had been expected, but a
few zealous Orangemen, some with
and some without their families ar-
rived on the early morning train
Cnstlulc--.ln Culross, on July 12th,the
w fe of Mr. Wm. Caslick; a daughter.
SxaLL--In Morrie, on July 91h, the
wife of Mr. Jnales Snell; a son. %A.
We are opening out a full stock
of Graniteware this week.
`��VALLArin--SUTIisatANo---At the reel -
deuce of qtr, Burt, Durham, on July 8th,
by the Rev. J, A. Jenson, Mr, W. H.
\Vallee°, of Wingham to Miss Elsie
Sytherland, of Durham. /'
t.oLAoaLAN—ELnrr.-In Chal,ham,on
July 7tb, by the Rev. Dr. McColl, assist-
ed by Rev. R. W. Dickie, Mr. D. Me -I
Lachlan, of the Canada Business College l
to Miss Jennie Elder, formerly of Wing- . .: .. a, �� ��rn, it^,g ; c -, i;iar";tar;--es u tai- Li_k- � :421,41,,.
QUINN--WILLIAMS --At Portago la
Prairie, Manitoba, on June 1st, by Rev.
Mr. Dean, Mr. Jeffrey Quinn, son of Mr
George Quinn, of East Wawanosli, to
Mies Sarah Jane Williams, of Ingleside,
Manitoba, formerly of Blyth.
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
Kitchen of the third concession raised
the frame of a large barn, 45 x 64,
while helping to raise one of the
plates Mr .Hector McLean got his
thumb jammed and - Mr. George
Stutz was struck with a falling brace
but neither was seriously injured.
Mr Johnathan Youghal was the con•
In the Town hall Teeswater July
4th a special meeting of the council
was held by the call cf the reeve.
Members all present except Mr.
Johnston -Reid - That as the
reeve has taken the chair, the clerk
now read the minutes of last meeting
of Council. --Carried
r�Vl eKiLvic-In Winghain, on July 12 ib,
Harry James infa.,t son of Mr. and Mrs
James 1'leKelivo, aged 11 mi nths and 28
dqa s.-
MorrAT-In Wingham on July Oth
eo. Moffatt `1'urnberry aged 60 years
4 montns. f
Seaw--In Godorieb,on July 7th,Auna
Lena Shaw, aged 48 years, 2 months and
7 days.
MALeOLMSON—In GOderiCh, on July
8th, Sutherland Malcolmsun, 1V1aster in
Chancery, in his 57th year.
lnson of this town,
Cteeadeteoii on the Crow's Nest
Pass Railway was begun at McLeod
on July 15. It is understood that
no United States contractors or lab-
orers will be employed. This is an
outcome of the harsh application:.of
the alien labor law by the United
State: authorities that might have
been expected. .
bearing the emblems of their differ-
ent degrees, and a man or two on
horse, richly comparisoned. From
ten or eleven -o'clock till about noon
their was ageneral. hustle with the
fresh arrivals of the members of this
association and the visitors who came
to participate as sightseers, and the
Ilarriston brass band who seemed to
have come to take as much pay as
possible for as little play as possible.
Things bad about reached the high
water -mark of excitement and e,.-
pectations as regards numbers and.
horse. At two o'clock there was a
mass meeting of Orangemen, ladies
and gentlemen around a platform
which had been erected under a
spreading elm to listen to patriotic
religious speeches by the various
resident elergymen and others.
Mr. Green, one of the members of
tee Order occupied the chair. The
afternoon proved somewhat inaus-
picious for an outdoor audience.
The clouds gathering thick, and the
wind rising the rain carne pattering
down thro'igh the foliage to the no
Some of our citizens went to Strat-
ford on Friday to see Buffalo Bill
and Company.
Our soldier boys returned on Sat-
urday after putting in a ten days
training in London. The boys say
they put in a good time while there.
On Sunday evening about 50
members and visiting brethren of L•
O. L. No, '1363 attended the Metho-
dist Church in a body and listened
to an appropriate sermon preached
by the pastor;Itev, Mr. Rigsby. The
church was filled.
On Monday a large minder of our I small diseotilfort of noth speakers and
citizens and Blyth Cornet Land eel- hearers. Some of the ladies, whose
ebrated the glorious twelfth in; attire was more in keeping with the
Aburn. sunshine than with showers with.
The Blyth Base Ball club and I drew, but the majority of the erowd
held by the showers of oratory star-
ed little for the chowcrs of rain. By
-i:s0 the speaking had concluded and
the principal ohjeet of the gathering
the eulogy of the association and its
:ting being duly enforced by the
speakers. The company after sing -
of the C. O. F. ,net in Watson's 11:111; ins; a verse of the National Anthem,
muscles 1 a ain
en Tuesday evening. 1 dispersed. Supple n u�c es g
Early on Sunday morning' a heavy ' gave vent to their s'eplenesr, in an
the'unlerstortn passed over this burg a't ' k on a cowhide accompanied by
wecoinptuned by a sprinkh; of 1•alta. I the inevitable equeaking of a pieolo
, i Eau .c fill :O with a little more noise and
:4li�s t�..tiir.�rtlit of I,a;riLl is a ;, �'1 115 $JAO.
at the Conmierci<il. • pageantry the glorious twefth was , Reid -Scut-
, �. ,, r t ,
full operation in il.i:, I (Italy c•,telmcmorated and demonetrat Reed Scut - 1 hat the finance
Iiayinr it nl1 ,.,1. The e:tlrcly and ice cream statis,report as juin ma t, adopted and
f3ectlr;tl rr:cf�ivt.il a fair r, petro rag with 11o' Cheques issttA fair the same.--Car-
--The ',tent' flit for Eeeter Its i lt:trin.fitl result 1. Sad to say alsr, the ried.
a The council thin tuljrinrn if ate
11 total
,Y,• 1. fide ,to
been r,�tlu)Jletc!.l. There ;1r1: f1 ,t,,....1 h•tcf.31•t.i..:ivetl ttnv.ic that fait sieve
of 6513 nemee, of wl"Onl 2i11 )'';i'> of p tl t•i tome, resulting In nut a few ineeet ill JAnn as per 1n 0n of sel-
xllielesd to serve M Jaynes. Tim ii -i i hem -Ate,' 1,0,la.nr +li,jeieta walking 1u:-;lournment.
t;'IA:t. TBUTTON,(;1erk.
I11 torts altrs�tl 590 names only. 1 .t •tidily along the eidetera ik. {
Kit'ry-Ju Lucknow, on July 3, Eliza
Proctor, relict of the late Win. IKilty,
aged 72 years.
Liva Stools: irlarlr.eta
East Buffalo, N. Y. -July 14th -
Cattle --Receipts, 10 cars through
6 cars on sale; all stockers held over;
market slow and unchanged. Hogs
-Receipts, 4 cars though; 6 on sale:
market steady; Yorkers, $3.85 Q
$3.90; light, $3.02L; others, $3.65 @
$3.75; rugbs, $3 L ,$3.25. Sheeps
and lambs -Receipts, 4 cars through;
one on sale; weak: former price's: not
very good here.
Toronto, July 11. -The receipts at
the Toronto cattle market to -day
were a little higher, and business
was more active and prices were
firm. There were 57 cars of stoaks
offered, iilcl'xding '600 sheep and
lambs, 800 hogs, 50 calves and about
24 milcli cows and springers. Cavles
were a little firmer.
Export cattle -There were not
enough really choice cattle offered.
as they may consider best --Carried They sold at 41e, but the ruling
Scott -Reid -That as the council higul•es were4e, tl' 4?;c. Too common
is. informed that the county= council cattle were offered. Drovers report
has granted two hundred dollars to that farmers are holding their choice
he expended on the bcundary be- cattle for higher prices. Eighteen
tween Culross and Carrick, on con- ars of cattle and two cars of hogs,
dition that the townships grant an were shipped by the C.Y. II. to
equivalent to repair said road and to
be expended by the reeve. -Carried. Butchers' cattle -There was a
Johnston- Reid -That Alex Me- fair demand, and prices were firm
Kenzie be paid ten dollars for the. at 2?,e, @ 31e. Everything sold.
benefit cf Christine McDougal, she `i'hert: were quo a few deals at 3,-
being in need. -Carried 30 @ $3.35 per cwt. A carload was
lleid--.Johnston-That as the County taken for St. John at the latter price.
eeuncil has granted two hundred Good butchers' cattle we sell well.
dililers to be expended on the gravel Balls -There are some buying for
road on condition thetownship grantexport, 34e, L® 3 e. Thin' bulls are
an equivalent, that the sum, two not wanted.
hundred dellors be granted to re- Stockers and feeders -Three cars
pair the gravel road and that Jarvis were made up for farmers at $3.10
and Seat expend the money-Carri- @ $3.20 per cwt. The ruling prices
ed. of stockers 21e Cn:' 3c. Choice feeders
Johnston- Scott- That as the brill„ 3 c 0 3-1,-e. There was scarely
road opposite lots 30 and 31, con 6 is any buying for Buffalo.
in need of repair', that Mr Reid at- Sheep --The market was a little
tend to the seine and have it gravel- weaker :et 3e .ri 34e for export. But -
ed. --Carried. chess' were quoted at „,'3.50 3 $3
But -
Johnston -Scott -That the clerk each. Lambs were firmer for choice
notify the Kinloss Council by renis- at $ 3 C; E3,50 good lambs are want-
tered letter, of the passing of the by- ed,
law for the opening of the boundary Calves -There was a fair demand.
line and send them a copy of said The market was firm, and prices were
by -lava .—Carried. quoted at $3 ® $5 each, Good veals
Finanee report:---Wieler & Son, are wanted and not many are coming
lumber, $27.72 ; W. R. Thompson, forward. .
lumber, $30.11 ; A. Ferguson llileli cows and springers were
gravel, 65 yds, $3.25 ; G. V. Strans, steady at f3 0 t6 $34 each.
gravel; 1:30,.yds, $6 ; R. Grant 45 Bogs ---Choice selections and bacon
yds gravel, 1;'•2,30 ; G. Ross, gravel, hogs were firmer owing to light
52 yds, $2.60 ; A. McKenzie, aid. for offering selling at $5,50 C: $5,75,
rY• A.
• J1
10 Ooare
tDu t ahogs
:1It. 0 � weighed Thick
•` is r cars.
lkl fat n off
(i r+ ed
«el h
Caskerct, repairing road lot t 1, eon quoted at 5 �r$5.25, and others
were unchanged.
,tea+,,, ---...e.:........«.. .
l' 1 cutafOr "t ucin 'Victoria, Ilex
%t,i' �'f.- i w:,, and 1,ixmnnd inhiiCO.
';] We are prepared to give you - something nobby in ['
, Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out E-
1 only First-class Work,
)Give us a call before purchasing. •
IX Vin SIOId Str�r-ir i -ir, r a.' Cr1
tir7r _�cnr 7r it-�,_,r
Goderieh club played a matched
game at Auburn 9n Monday.
The members of the L. O. L. e03
celebrated the twelfth with their
brethren in 13i ussels. They report a
very large gathering.
3legular meeting of the members
For the balance of the season
Geo. Carr will make big reduc- P
Huns in Suits. We have a fine .0
lot of
0 to select from, they are new
goods of the most . stylish pat-
terns and colors. We aim to
have the best in 'the market.
Also nqbby
t lU ,t , •. e°h lo'' 't Mint richest, pictures. ton.,
tau U , a
hord biography of iftr Majesty, with f
•l• l is t 1:1 ..it of her rcwarkahl; rai;;n, rand full I
, a ,n t or th, 1-i:,.uond Juhiivo, Only 41.50. Big
i:r,,.k. T• cuu s..1' us demand. Ilonanz% for agents.
pct cant, Credit siren. Freig¢ht
;...:A. 0'fl .t trio, inrapaid. Write for outfit
.nd errrlt,e.l. ills I3Olt1ti10lt,t AYY, Dept,
i, a.'i Lkn.b.,rn
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
FRUIT (CULTURE is aggro pr01 los
CULTURE tq t,hR� faringr tow
than hs other crops. Brown Bres, Co., the most
extensive i.ersery hcn e. iu Canticle, have vacancy
In this section, Write them for terms.
Toronto, Ontario.
Strayed from the premises of the un-
dersigned, lot 17 con 1 Culross, on or
about the middle of May, one two-year
old heifer light body and head and •
neck red; five yearlings (two heifers
and three .steers) one heifer red
and white principally red; cne ligljt
gray heifer; two steers red arp
white.I,rincipally red; other steer red
and white. Any person giving inform-
ation that will lead to their discovery
will be suitably rewarded. Word may
be left at the Tams office or with..
7-2tf.. '4 Glenannan.
'F . H. KE.R N.EY,
rLII Ru$hed With Wort— 1I
--AT THE--
jt���81Afi i i J
all till our shops are running over I
time in order to keep up with C1
F the deneand made upon us in
ra the repairing of .�
r, 1
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
For an easy Shave and a First -Class.
Hair Cut, give him a trial.
Razors Honed.
r Er
We have special facilities for at -
to such work rind your
rl1harvest will be much more satis-
factorily gathered if you have those a
i1bumy machines attended to by k
inus in time. r
j�r Repairs f leading machines 1
fix PlowiRepairs. also a a l'ri
�� It your mower goes back on you
spathe or leading
stock, large stock of 11;
f1J when you start to cot, come and lin
new mower,
see our celebrated
• t Slick with
Which is a regular aim w
ATroller Bearings.
ear Do not fail to call while at
ii the winghalu Rases.
To lay aside your soiled or faded.
suits or overcoats, but take them
to:theWirgham Cleaning and Dy
ing Woi ks, and have then, clean-
ed, dyed and repaired to look like -
J. W. SN1;LL.
• iri
Proprietor.. 4
roandr)}-•Cornet et Viotoria ard
Minnie Strilietty,
Order your
All kinds of rough and dressedi.
S G S• .
• T �
kept constantly on hand and deliver-
ed on shortest notice.
Call and get prices as we are
determined not too be undersold.
,L<IOL1A.M� & SON.. HAM .