HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-16, Page 3M1111177 (tip/ a„ f4s 111:11:14 i .Fwwx,..,,,.Y/A,,,,.�gwy�.,�,y,., Slao Knew a Wane, t+r'A iv 1NUJIAMTIM Es JULY The visitors at tr well Itnown sal) - ur'ban Sunday school were treated, as few we alto, to an entertainment not down in the programme, trod a certain demure Maiden of that town r; t11171e1 is now hiding her diminished head Ofslj In co,)sequence thereof. 4c) thseee , east 411,4 4g ocensrr)n in (Itleetiorl the school was receiving a call from two et. three Bigotry andr Pre dice f Ruled With r deli 1v' n Victims. AF AGE OF E [If TE di rnI lied people, and the several l l„ e. ne classes were being put through their' pacos, do to speak, On reaching the leSS infant class each scholar wits request- ed to recite a verseof serjpture which had been previously committed to ENT, la little girl of five years, who had p0iS01101iS DIM and D Way :o Advanced Sale 0us F,OSti'ilifleS ,r. :i memory. Among' the children was come into the class that cloy for the ang,,,.. first time, and supposing; that she was unprepared to speak, Miss .A, the GFIe teacher, was about to pass her by, when up went a tidy hand,, 'I know a vorse toy Auntie I3elle taught me,' was the announcement made in d3ry , !sl, :ED a slightly reproachful tone; nand on being told that she might repeat it, what 'up she. stood, and gave utterance to Delors the following reprehensible senti- lice HUNDREDS are MHO fa tf yolawa,A a ailing, no matter the disease is or how many d have failed to cure you, ste the nearest drug store, as Munyon's Guide to Health, 25 -Cent Remedy and Cure Self, p into meats: k fora "Every dirt that gets a kiss, buy a And goes and tells leer muvve•r, Your., Ought to live to be an old maid, A.ud never dot anoyver i" Poor unt Belle! It will be long:,a ere she is allowed to forget st'e et, • suits .of her early attempts to ins ilr a be,gan love of poetry into the hear t of her so bad little niece., • rs. S. Niehol,No,149, 01 ario Toronto, says: "I was suit: tug s from nervous trouble t ten -I using Manyon's Remecir.:. I was at times that I r• Id n., speak and atlas absolutn ely effectedumer gr.aitlyo whenhre and 1 was comp y run drawn. and Gare -completely restored u we to h I have since been feeling entirely on'sCure se fells to relieve thin one toeut three hour cures in a few clays. Price 23c. 111;tuyon's Dyspepsia Cure pt,,si aures nil forms or indigestion and ash trouble. Price 25c. Alunyur,'s Cold Cure prevente p monis and breaks up a cold to a bon; s. Price, 25c, Munyoe's Cough Cure stops cou Dight sweats, allays tact•eoess, and sp ly heals the lungs. Price, 23c. Dlunyon's Kidney Cure speedily c pains in the back, loins orgroies an forms of kidney disease. l?(;ioe 25e. 'viunyon's Hendeehe-Cure stops h ache in three minutes. Price 2,5e. Munyon's Pile oiut.ment p siti cures all forms of piles. Pric:o, 2:1c. Munyon's Mood Cure eradicates impurities of the blood. Price. 25e. Munyu's Female Remedies ar boon to all women. Munyon's Asthtna Ren,ediee rtliev a minutes rand cure permanently. Pr Munyon's Catarrh Remedies 'ie fail. The Catarrh Cure pride 23 'er'adicates the disease from the HystH and the Catarrh 'Tablets--prh:e '25 -demise and heal the plats. Ivlunyou's NHrvt Cure is a wonder terve tock. Prtea, 25o. Munyon`s Vitrttizer restores ,tit vi ,Price e'1. A separate cure For Hach dieeneo. all druggists, mostly 25c. a ial. Perseetil letters oto Prof. :rt u nynn, Albert at., Toronto. answered wi free rnediesti advicefor any dist>ttsve - Marketing Eggs This idea Out the trader is the only man wile needs to advertise, is all wrong. No mitt) would re'nki rur,re from-. a welt hider*d ailver'tietenent than the fernier, it 110 un engaged in a line of work where h,; has goods ready to go to the market daily or tri weekly. The, difficulty has been and is that men salt t'teie u.vn enn- venienoe in marketing, and then .complain becanee the door to trade is not wide opera. "1V ilted—Custo- mers for absolutely fresh veer,: c.le• M livered every pieties' and 'Hours day," The nem who is ready an • able to meet these c',nditiuns wll find an ad, like the above, tanewere at once, Housekeepers have thei trials as well as hen m,ar1, raid one o the greatest is the (Wfiit:Mtt- id get ting fresh eggs fee 2uckirr..:et :stated j periods. Let the producers establish - rules on tho'same principle toe milk- men, and they have Only to meet their' customers t'egulrtrly in order to build ttp an metering trade. The thrifty housewife will )fever take store eggs in preference to whose tYirect from the farmer. g. It atiug, One Nerve 1 _ ealth. ! A.- man with an unusual idea of °vele•" hospitality was Mr'. Mathew of slated Thomaston, Ireland, who lived to the earlier years of last century: ;tilt'. tively Mathew i'iher'itect an annual i, ,, ,,, stom- Ho is Long Dead- nett - few lived abroad in a very frugal l (igur manner in order to accumulate an less t whir amount that would enable him to of ve indulge in a form of hospitalit$� in ures. his own country in harmony with d all thu plan he had devised. His house "(1'in Ireland )night be compared in size with a modern hotel. Each of veiy those he waited to visit hits had a suite of apartments and ordered 'his all meals at the hour that best suited G as him. Ile could at alone or !twit° others to joie hila. All the visitors e in hunted, slot, fished, played cards or lee, billiards at will; 'and all brought ver their own horses. There was a u,-- regular bar where drinks were serv- m, ed without stint. Mr. Mathew as host -completely effaced himself. He fur mingled with his visitors - as one. whose stay was as definitely fixed got as theirs. In 1'ttct, he conducted 1 At mouse as if it were a hotel, with th exception that all was'withont char„ 11 No servant was allowed to aeeept th tip, Viul'etion of this rule was !Jo lowed by the instant dismissal of th offender. 'This e tablishment, r• un- like other count)'y louses of' Ireland of the period, was conducted, With perfect order and method, without waste. IIis hospitality was llivish and attracted to tilt. Hathew at,t' of the more famous risen of the tune. The great sum that he had put aside during his residence abroad enabled hire to indulge his hospitable instincts Until he died. Wheee Leving is Iligli • 13ex,; Work 1. or July . rile I''iftlt atmos entranee tog Will it pay to c�ttutin n" haul eery Central Park stand three tall and i beds more than oet' year? 'i"hat elegrar't hotels, which are of'ttte very deper.cts emelt on the cet,cdirlt•n of the highest rank in New York and tire j beds at the close of :he (': rrlrt.r,::.rails. patronized 1)y wealthy. and fashion. fun. If ilia 'ottiel i.$ He . !lie row; able people, At or:e t. fsiheee hotels, well fills d aur, the mop a r a little room an the Feventir floor', nearly free fie nr *rets.. r1 ll Wi !F ter, and with one window, two closets, and In will then usuaiiy env tines) .ir.terlc•l.s. one of theta) a stationary washstand, or more year's. It' hots tie t': , to i'1:t1184 costs, with board fur two, $11.50 a ,;re exhausted. by u h,rg;,• t h 1d. and lay; for one person, $8.50; for two grass and tweeds halo keel nieevelr arsons. without board, ed a day, for to grow, 1t will I',t'. more Av,-,k to me person, without board, $;6 rt tiny. place old beds in condi i' -rt limn t') This is a small and cheap room. If prepare new ones. renin and wife want to live some- If'to be diseoniitned, Hew 'w at nem)' hat elegantly, they will have no and sow sonic late crop for food or 'ouble at all in paying f,�50 aday at fel ti'ity, ither of these hotels facing the park. To renew old l,eds, mow t it 1.1:rt:fs l ou get the luxury, however, when and as soon as dry. burn t,t'e,', reduce 1 On descend to the lower floors of rows to six or eight ine'tt'- in w!elr•t) o Motet, and find that you pay, not with spade or cultivator'. Remove r your little room, but for the all weeds, every pertielt) of gr:ty-t, eautif'ul parlors, the cotnforta.l)le and apply a a liberal 1Jrt>,-ring r(' fine! tinging' and writing rooms, the manure, cultivate ,tn+ : my of well tr ainedservansralways same as Will) new bed$. }LLiglitoftp there ady to attend voursiightest wants, is one of the great benefit; tor keeping nd all expecting A tip; the' really new beds perfectly ('!cirri. ft ;rives' od oil -paintings on the walls by a large amount c>f lul'or \s h en 1, cls st•)'ate French artists, tired the are continued for tetee than etre neral air of quiet, dirt siveness whicir pervades �11)0 who e year, beds produce 1•crric+f; a little t ee. The landlord .pays $300,000 earlier, and second year is t•J':ei 8 year rent for the hotel and has better year than iii';.:., when treated r 300 servants. The rostaurants in this tn.nner. these upperelass hotels have prices The bearing .edam's of rnsi,her•ries ick appal an economical man. A and blackberries sh''n':I 1.0 ee moved of strawberries cost 50 ceots; immediately alter ('i tt!e:se U,'• out et: boiled potatoes are 30 cents; for all weak carte,, leak-eit," tea, 1•s,ltt,n re stalks of asparagus they charge place for worm or bole. I,r t�;�;,>•; f r cents; any sort of a steak will sanie. It also allows ter. ewe t ren - you from $1.50 to $2,50, and the dation of ait'•rine the suit (} ctrl: ma rc s merit you see in the whole the centre of the bush, making u:tres tneis that two can eat for exact strong and vigorous with a geed re same price as one. The ens- development of frujt bin($ t ii' the of half portions is coming in,' but following season. ;`i,r rine ,v tl 't is of no use to ladies, for it is burning of all deed, tweak anti slit*. ++ }c:d only in the cafes where the iritis gr;,wth is the hoer., pro enthive cloys resort. It is very difficult against disease. 1a of these fine restaurants to In berry growing rtstnaurl,r-r e out any kind of a full moil for good wor•ic tor two sea; rtes i; tree han 02, and then it will consist sary. First, the most tillpertatrrt, ry plain dishes, grow, develop and nettur•e Htro healthy canes, vines triol Innis next season's fruit. See.atid, to mature the fruit, whi,.h depends very rough on the care and growth of the previ- ous year. Favorable s,::awns f,)r' fruit are of little avail if the prcp.aratu ry work has been neglected. la 0 a w 11 ei th fo b. to ar re a go fir go cin pin a eve �wh dista ) thr 72 cost s only sehe ly 11 10m this t appl of about one hundred and twenty-five 1 back thousand dollars. For many years, inQor lit3 115 e rrc 1 Sow Dishes Got Their Names a The sandwich is Earl of Sandwich. Malligatawney is from an Fast India word meaning pepper water, Waffle is from wafcl, a word of Teutonic origin meaning honey- comb. •Holnirry is from auhurninea, the North American India word for parched corn. hat es - ng fear WHAT AILS YOU' e COLD TN TED HEAD? SORE' SNEEZING? PATES O:NEE '1'I1J ETES? DIS0USTI\G DROPPING IN TEE =sort? 7ISADAOgg.-1T driy DIE'S\ TIIAT THE SEEDS o1 CITARRII Ant SOWN ---DON'T NEGLECT IT AN IIO'CR—DIt. AGNEw'8 c,uruutiT- AL'TAMED WILL OIVrt RIlLx1 TN T$aT !MIN- UTES. 84 chroeie h for a r of years. Water would trun from my nose oand eyes for days at a time. I tried many cure: without any permanent relief. I %vee induced to try ur, fluty Powder, It cured me and I bay&iiad no return of the malady. I find that for e, cold fu the head it gives almost instant relief. I would not bo without it for any- thing and I recommend it most heartily." C. G. Aroher, Brewer, Me. Sold at Obis- holni's Drug Store. .For Oyer Fifty Years, r OLD 1Vinslow'atvSo things Syrup nhas been used for over fifty years by mil- d teeth; Ty, with perfect Success. . It soothes dren while 1 the child, softens the gums, allays all cI pttiu, cures wind eolio, and is the best r lciuedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to fthe taste. Sold by druggists in every - cents a bottle.ert of Its value isthe vt-orl./ineahuablewenty-fiveBe Sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind o Cru Heredity. It is Said that the training of boy should begirt with his grand- mother. Where his precaution has been neglected there should be some charity for .the boy if be does not turn out well, and the generous par. ent will not refuse to bear a portion of the responsibility. t Your son Hobert, Mr, VVa: worth, Mien you take ted ps 1111e. Thi b ig, old-faslr t elnar geed a teacher to the father of ' toned, sugar coated pills, which tear you an to pieced, taro not In 11 with Hood's. Inlay to tako one of his pupils, is not lacking in cap goo 0 that is v and easy to operate Is true 1 1 of hood's rills, Which ate a de ttp to state le every respect. aeity to- learn, and has many d points, but he is apt to think vfhat be does is all right. lie cry self conceited. know it, replied the feather with op sigh, lie gots that cha a,e tie frons his mother's folks, In r respects ho takes after our of the family, Safe, certain and sure. An ® feria -druggists. 250. (a. X. Hood es Co., Lowell, Mass. tithe 711re only Pills to take with Rootlet $arsenarrllp. side • . numll,soorOltt111111111tiosellelioeil1eeliIMUpI-� AVegetablePreparotioufor As- simitating litehOciantIReg tug the Stcniachs and.13owels of SEE THAT THS FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE Promotes Digestion,C teerful- tress and fiest,tvontaiJns neither )um,Morphine nor Mineral. to 'NAIICQTIC. Anain }r"'df- .AL1t8,wnrr • .ttootet4 u-, -Anise Sega'. 3f mermi t - .er�rrt onv.4.44, 1tY+Trx+rtarror -- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour S tomacit,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convuisions,Feverih- '. ss andLoss OF SLEEP. Tec Simile Signature of 1VEw Yor i- . IS ON THE WRAER OF OF EVERY BOTTLE OR 1 Castoria is put in one-sizo bottles only. �"rin not sod inbulls. Don't allowanyonesell • youtanything else on the plea or promise that it is just as good)) and "will answer every pur- pose. 'See thaf yon get 0-A-8-'.G0-1t-I-A. 'no faa- i slm�' is on eirgnztureite a of oaory- Wr3,7pe.. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPE:R, Dr. Chase Cures Baekao •t r Kidney trouble generally begins w irk+ a single pain in the hack, and in time deyelope into 13r'ighVs Disease. people troubled with stricture, iutpadi'neuts, stoppage of water, or a frequ,,nt ti„sire to urinate :tt night, will find 1)r. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills a blessing, One p ill is a dos.,, and if taken every other night will posftirely cure kidney 11 ,.tb113. It is parer to feel at biome with people who never melee the least /nista ke, called for the There is no royal road to - any- thing. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast withers as rapidly; that which grows slowly, slowly endures. A rolling stone gathers. no moss, and an empty barrel sc on goes to staves. . If you wish for that which belongs to another, you lose the enjoyment in what you already possess. Gooseberry fool is a corruption c f gooseberry foule, willed or pressed gooseberries, Forcemeat is a corruption of farce- meatt, Froin the 1 reneh farce, stuffing i. e., meat for stuffing. 13lane•nnange means literally white food, hence chocklate blanc -mange is something of a misnomer. Succotash is a dish borrowed froin the Narraganoett Indians and called by them ln'sick•quatash. Charlotte is a corruption of the old. .lInglish word sharlyt; w1i eh means a dish of custard, and choco- late russe is Russian charlotte. Gumbo is simply okra soup, gum- bo being the name by which okra is often known in the south, Chicken gumbo is soup of okra and chicken. Macaroni is taken from a Greek derivation,which means "the bless- ed dead," in allusion to the ancient custom of eating it -at feasts for the dead, foan'rt Kidney pllrs 1)onn's Ithiney Pille art on the kid. neys, bladder and urinary organa only. They euro brtekactise, weak back. rheu- m/Ware, diabetes, congestion, int/anima- Mon, gravel, 13r'glit'edisease and ell other diseases arising from wrote: action Of the kidneys end Qat-Icier, The New Barnes Cycle Company, of 'Woodstock is in the bands rf is CARTERS PILLS 1 Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too hearty Eating. A. per. fect remedy for Dizziness, latausea, DrowSi,. nets, Pad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, They Regulate the bowels. I'urelyrVegetable. Simai PM. small Dose; smallPrice. Substitution the fraud of the clay. Sea you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, have been instituted. Liabilities receiver, and winding'.up proceedings If'ISZSt and demand , Carter's 0,000; assets; •000,000,,Little Liver Pills. BEST WORK, t" 1 e1' scription of Book and Job Printing such a,, LETTER El -ADS, VISITING ING CA RD WEDDING CARDS, BIRTHDAY CARDS, BUSINESS CAED.8, STR 'aAMTICH. BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILLS OP F I► ' i, AUCTI al.N1 BILL i, ODGI R In fact, every description of Job Work from the Mammoth Poster to- the small Visiting Card. 1 eeelaelie Wing NEATNESS AND DISPATCH TH —AT IME OFF, C _i•' -