HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-16, Page 2lenuld grit:obis! at me became eau are , when he hoe
i hint.
at wait till I get up end tills:little ye.'
"It's loop:ere of gnu. that I am hero. I
It was Car
"I want t
' Weil, well, let dint be. I 'want to • lottnotlY)
ek to you /thou* thle arrangement with 1, "no lo va
kit • greedy eyee, her whole mentor to ; 1 eao WO
rout tn make a loriesie with Mtn. ; "Wilat 15 't
71arret atoot that? Whet abont that?" log Ills 'meet
r fie has no objection to the twitch ' tiviltb Mare eas
Milled WP COM ellni, money enough to ; linutt,
el with, sad ho will sedtio every- ' " Ln4t 15 t0
b non his daughter." : portarme in yo
Vic ofieltel," cried the old woman atitTrlive.",
sisal gait* reoetiolled to her rot, ',TOW; IS 't
y � 4 i� ��:�t,t _.��.. .
s 1 ' i forgiving lu flint moment
:rt,x `.r. all his ,�t
JBY t'Il #TILE 3 113BON,
ten everts past; and although she watt
aitrtsyts expecting to recover and tnakiug
her arrangements for that ev
notnot yet came t0 ass. 4 eat, It had
y p he 'was constantly
g her neighbors; what she would do.
buttered her' when slie "got up,"
and dti abehokindly' sus
#eine(# her. She had been one of the
strongest on
g the
and by a singular business tact had been.
eueoessfui to a degree almost beyond
dwelling,# surrlounded living
her mete in this and
fishing tackle—it was her humor to have
all the relics of her trade about her --
she possessed a considerable fortune, the
result of her own energy and industry.
Bawhees had grown to shillings in her
hands, and shillings to pounds. Then,
whilst she still carried her creel, she had
started a small fish shop in the High i
Street, Edinburgh, and out of that bad
grown two Jorge flshmer:leery establish -
motets, one at the West
n the w
other in the main thoroughfareal leading el
to Newington, She had been careful in
the selection of her ]managers, and she
bad prospered, w
She had once Said --bub she never re- , n
peated it—»that the only mistake she
ever inae?e was in getting married; and'
the only good her man had ever done h
was in ""fleeing supe." But he had left sh
her with a son as useless as himself,
>'�ctwithetending all her i ge
she along to the abode in whi hr she had fr
been brought tip, and out of which she en
had reepee everything. Her son, how- 1 an
ever, had t'Fiferent ideas,
"You see,. lnavher, I the
by—„ , was detained to
"(Can yo no speake th
you idiot? What's theuse
oti penin' otongsten °lea
your fine airs wi' rite?" cried Bell, 1 far
irately, j
"I really thought that I was speakingI the
my native tongue as far as I know it, the
Mother; but if there is any other form east
which will please yen better I shall be afro
e..,happy to adopt it," he answered, taking (slmp,
a chi,ir and seating hila -elf on i '
fully, as if he feared that It mightbreak
under him,
The old wo
agj"autes. '"But the lass—whati L'' rthe
lase say?" ;lid the
"I have not asked her yet?"
Bell Cargill leaned back In her elude
Lind stared at her son, gasping,
"Ye Idiot, -do you no ken that was
the first thing yo should hoe dune?"
"I shall have plenty of time for that,"
tas the placid an»fuer, "rbIarem? has
gat a Barge for Peterhead and I inn go- .
ing with him; and she will he there or
course, But in any case she would not I
say no when her father said yes -.•she is I
c ustome
t the word 0f onmuanud.,,
The mother looked nt her son admire
ingly, almost for the first time. !j
some o' my blued i" she n ye afternaa'.,(That's t
and a laust d a' one mettle eana'n to
Agree to onything when that'e the ease,
if be just speaks pretty enough. Old
Dick .!;aster put his head in at the door.
"Here's Bob Ross coo B 11
want him to conte up?" he said. ni
I :i 11 'S .i TIMES JU ,Y 16, 1897.
"1 have a friertti who Is
Eisen of shipowners and he
the head of a
they are in want of a roan who nshould
bo himself a: pilot, to take general charge
• of all the arrangements with the pilots
for their ships. He would have a per-
manent engagement at a good salary,
and it ;#snag# me that you were the very
Man far the post,"
"I might be," was the reply with a
subdued smile, which Cargill did not
"Yon would be, 'Why should ,watt
wast your tl
e •01
in n st
I only to Sfeb
the Mermaid when you bevel 3 oats as
chance you have oonas this? For suos y
the word and I can almost promise that
you shalt be the roan; chosen."
"And when would I be wanted?„
havet be ut the office in dtwo eor would
"I doubt It cannot come Icy MY,"1Yhy not?"
"Because I lave to go with the Mer -
you can easily get out of that
engagement, I will undertake to arrange
it for you." g
`Thank you, but I promised to go and
I am going. Moreover, 11lke to manage
my awe business.
"Then yeti refuse?"
I am not clear that there is anything . eel,
to refuse except to break my word, and m
I do refuse to Ont."
"Oh, vary weal," said Cargill loftily, I thin
""as you please. I thought to render you ' bin
a service, and I eau assure you such a 1 ,
Chance is not likely to fall in your way • be
""Then I must just try to do what is fat
In my power to get on without it."
Ross gave a parting nod and went on. J In„
Cargill halted abruptly and stood look- al
Ing after him as long as he was in hu
What was the man thinking about? 1 di
The. drooping of the heavy brows over sl I
the small dark oyes suggested that his , si A
thaughte were unpleasant ones. He had A
tried a harmless expedient for • whi Rohs going with tae Itior paid rand whi
had failed. Re believed that he could • slink
have secured for him the engagement he . "1
had spoken about, but he had somewhat thou
metamorphosed its real nature in order wha
to suit his purpose Well, there were Th
other ways of keeping 'him out of the thou
Mermaid, at least for this trip.
He would see old Ai.urray (that was one
the irreverent way lo which ho thought had h
of the great Captain Duncan!), and get with
him to cancel the engagement. les. ho „r1,
would see him before the night was our. 050 1
What a fool the old skipper mast be not :ant:
to see that this fellow was after his '
money and bis daughter!
But ho would see hint and put that
little matter right, After all it was the hes si
easiest war, and he had bocn only would
in Time in trying another.
hoagh the afternoon bad brig
summer, the
, e. Do ye
Under ordinary eirounhstances Ross
ould never have thou et of waiting at
he foot of the stair until he learned
whether or not Bell wanted him. He
ould have wanted up and entered the
acm with no other ceremony than the
nneeessary ci00Stion--
"Are ye at home, mistress?"
Ou the present occasion, however,
he that her sen was with her be
rani; back, and would have been glad
escape from his promised visit alto
thee. Cargill and he had never Wen
fendly, although there was no open
tufty between them. But now he felt
a}Inost unconquerable dislike to meet
man. .At any rate there was no need
meet him except when necessary, ani
at necessity was to arise soon enough
T relations to each other were now
riy deigned; they #were both fighting
the game prize --the ono with his
nay, the other with his love. Cargill,
dandy elephant, regarded Bob Boss,
le developh hatred—it it had at snot
ady done so; Idols regarded him with
le dislike and a desire to avoid bins
lore coal
between no pleasant encounters
tion t: n two men !holding such a post
star,' each other.
.,t Wan why Ross sent Dick to ask
were waned, much to the surprise
was uuae005tomed to such
ry to him to o+fs•e np," was her
answer to Dick; she cvnld hue
hirnsei to spoor"
gel ornalgal should hesitated
MI of discovering what his vo; but,
vaate(} with Ross, decided mtotlrer
He nodded with lymphatic placidity to i g
the visitor ns he (•ntexed.
"Row are you to-day,e Mistress Cnr
gill." asked Hoss iha wits the only one AIt
who called her prestress Cargill; to_ in
ody else about to .
ell, or Bell Cargill. place she was
awly.., hrnwlys, thank ye forspepr•
�, 1! Rune be up toad nboot neo. But
Pin no gaun tf /ash ynn this after/moo,
Bob, Thor the lawyer; either. I'm groin
to tali' your co n eel, and let the tbieg
glad to
hat, Airs.
Cargill. You �would have e been # sorry for
it afterward.."
no care o' that yet. Hn
Jeans hos demo something#ot;ehe's
to marry a lass wi' a at last; at s
sntisfeeiu' in n kind a'
end that's
I gPt about ivied' I'll keu beater what
to do For the time being tlhere's Lac
fish curers. I']ti obieoged to
he same, and you were right
n say that he would satisfies rue
=yea elm all over,. and J ;lb
the l.uinkling of her eyes sbowedshe lied 1 If Iia
a secret ple0Rare in his grand appearance, Of Ile
althnugil the maintained her queriicus cern
manner. ,so
"Weal, you hao a guitl - Sontoh tongue quick
in your heed if you would only mak' come
use o' it; but yan'Ji (in ri:,ething nsefu'. Car
You juet spend, and 5p(,,_ei, t.l:si spend." wheal
"If you vecttl(i (anew me," he geld In dense
a laze w..F, "I am quite willing to take had e
the management of the buelnes5 _',
'Catch ale letttn' ye do that. 1 gied ntai
ye a tattler 0' three ]#)nail,;, and 11 1 end
glen ye three nteir there svouldna hae
bebeen ae Peeoy to stink egin neither left
,"Very well," he sal: , ehruggi ever b
heavy sb::th1'iere, , as ng by t y
don't hit, -:,e i:.e, = t nal roiltrnL. Only gill r.
„No 1:1.,.:1•: w:,•1.,we loge hese! Oh, wait ( In" I'
till I that. a; ,• `, 0314 i"11 i" h•• gang 3hva Or
a man se .'on. If ye' hn„i been half
aehm r. .,r,, been the g °:levet
er,.h• .. 1. 1 •• ill:
"I3rt 3 S,.+A( 1 1 '' t ilesse..P ”
ger,"he seise before, , is Ilan s
on his "' es u Jnr his habtls
"Pleb L L1'rel. 0nt,t sai,l,nnd msirsIlame
to ye! is it an the randes
bravest bathe in the GyfrCe aLn0
think o' whait t nal35.. Can ye no
glen to fere! the liviT1' aeAndrnCans lives
think 1: hot it bar been to ,7cn? 1t hairs
would rear homey c1a.'» came free gene e,
your rings, need to
$.. and your watches, anc3 your 3'ou, it' t.
breast -pins if le
6adna been for theiish'r" 1 enough t
"I ecu quite readyto claw my yet."
acknowledgment n
t tD
fish, s
tifYaiyou'll t a their natne3, : he oro-
ofnan5ware-y nt he readjusted a horse- liked bel
shoo pe::ri i;rea-t;;3n.
She was exeeperated 1•y his coolness "Xttvee
end made a movement a; if the wn thank •o
rise v old 3
but u
fell e
b `P
r chair k_
c' a
aid cr eels with the et' ab
Y" "I aril
bonnyledance,lt MD I met up
phrand lad—you set ye a lir. Ross
you that •g°n(t ('non
canna Cama V) son me /ince in a month, "1I'I!I y
onus° t'o're shamed to be seen amang the like at or
.folks tent ken wham your bras duds ! Teti.
the lawyer here eam free. But
and I it see. ttle
to hae' wonBtonht l
Pin gaup to hae Bob Ross ns n witness Ande. "The
Damn I3eb Ross," cluttered Cargill, ! I n? up,
for the lint time roused from his leth- dcr.,hter, a
argy; hes eternally turning up where ±blain. 1ph
he Jsn't wanted,' next I3abv
father; inaybe,t11j bee(Iplgne..
examine books and papersroceeded with renewed
and eto calm i-
late figures, and ho remained silent, re•
speoting her task and valuing its re-
13y.and•by be became restless again.
'Are 7c nearly done yet?" he Inquired
make some stupid blunder If you
keep on speaking, father."
""Then atop afar.) you make the
blander, because I mann speak to you
about a )natter that has been ruwblin.
Thusncodmemandedashen kncly that no
further evasion of the disagroeah1e ob-
ject was possible without getting her
father into one of his passious--and they
werefrequentonough and furious °cough
to make her willing to saorifleo her own
comfort in 507 way to avoid one of
them. She laid down bar pen, turned her
their toward the fire and Raid quietly:..
"Now, father, what is your will?"
Re took the pipe from his mouth, Dare.
fullthen downued withts llis fingere;, next pressed
big gulp at his toddy, and finally replace
ing the pipe between his tenth said, in a
sort of shy wily.-.
"I wanted to spelt at ye something."
"`What is lb, Esther;" elle replied tend-
^, although much tempted to lough at
s droll behavior.
Ho felt that incipent iaugh, and some -
ng of the fun of the position touched
#self, for ho grinned as he snide—
'Just this, my lase; would ye like to
'That would depend upon the man,
Loher," she answered, with a merry
Hoots, lassie," ho said, with a comic -
and sense of
of lhis voids tanditmeteor; "ye
ins mean to tell me' that yo are gena
t )int; about the man when it's his
r that concerns ye,"
nnie be0amo serious; looked in the
ohy rtesstudyingexhibited
xitedna or,arer problem
Kitty, without [smoking up, she
sin wondering, father, if my mother
gist o' the man or the Biller most
n she tool; yon."
at was nin105t a cruel stroke, ni-
gh the gite •did not know it. When
esu Murray welded her mother he
obtained with her a toohrlr svhiolt
Fermi bins considerably in his fight
haw's no the question, Annie. I hoe.
nteetfon n' forcing your will in the
r; hat T ju,t want to tail: it ower
n in a sensible sort o' way. Ye sen
culd think o' both the loan and
!ler, for there are mealy Iads that
be g'a 1
is an this about, mother?"
Ci)rgiil, wha very much ills-
espe laic called "",leen);" at ail #labs;,
Y now.
you u Iced, Jeanie. You may
ur Nen' Bob, that you Milne
mot it afore nom."
sure I am eatemely obliged to
for any kin•iness 11e has been
gh to do me, but—"
3 drop that, ye fool, and s
d'nar body?'' a110011t scree
;vast- for Yoursel' 0 take. you fro!
bring we, ' but for what yo
you. Sae it behoo
Annie was still staring into
but now Sihr, was also listening
!atoned wind snugb, soagbing round t11
eking, strange noises in the
By Maybe, too, she was listening
a ice she had heard that day at the
O 0)0,00
u would
Yes us to
lin • ch an@ m
and set in gathered. the hills,
g ered. T110 rest1 wind. gats al
which had only abated during the day, hemi ig
rose again, at first. in a law m0notnne see t
moving the clouds slowly along, but by- never p
and-I:y it cants sweeping, up the Firth fn The
in great frosts
styin d singing a wild duct tarried
nlolhds httrriod hitherwand 5�thitlherstwith
inexras3ng not ho
rapidity, and the moon could
only ocnasionnliy send a silver gleam keenly t
through the darkness. pressed
"`It '!1 bo a g oil blew t])e-nicht,,,, said "I am
the flab r -folk, to whom every sound and tris jus
sign of win,!, water and clouds, had its thine wn
meaning; Oh,
I doubt if they'll win stat,,, they said "%Wei
again, with anxious Ionize at the angry this: the
They referred to the fishing fleet which
nightly started. on its smiled:
three. I3nt there WAS no fear intim man-
Poor old
Der of Sou will
regarding nC4
the n
g h'
th � hell
O ng R6aC
only m
3 cairn recognition cane Ordinary faob snake o 1
in their dark Iivee, with possibly some fid to .'
sense of inconvenience and loss due to 1 mte e
the present state of the elements. The
faun to d
weather indicator, in the little ;guare afore/eanu
fronting one side of the harbor—placer; say' i3t
there onic withtle k'1nsnlest intentions by eightau 1
peak s ho,,
aiuerl suit9d. I3 p rwn» rarely aoa-
Y meet it was looked upon as a the old en
sort of rasions toy. '" 7tlst the weather meat ewers
" he ' hos," Said 50010, as if tempest and calm 1%t it .
were looked up in it. They lonked to here #cent)?
nature herself for cuiden ei in their call- #Vesal e
ing, and seldom ttnught when they of a °mice
"trent nut" that they might. never' eon
ger 1 back. .A blessed condition of the mi )
j which enables 08 t0 SO 00r duty in tI
er- teeth of danger. •
foo'11t 1lomon es Well as men take their liv
in the Rema way; »over rat
+what rimy same; and only a Mutt, she
a • i en row cry in #when the wohe heart rst befalls. an nrl'hd 0(3t
`11, SVOr1; again; She got 2
oxo gain; not a boat ora mnn the band and lid 1 Jess reedyf1to do her work en shoreta sea; not a woman
the hint eel n
Hat lifts goes 0n just as if nothing had baps gh*, fl li
r petted, whether it be n single stand. Or n}g;111 few
a fleet that fnuadere. There are morn I will all n
menthe to fin sod therefore inerO work and I will n
on ' to da. Thorn is xar, tune for ontwar
: wailing.
h ! Chat goes:
winter. }Towey the sJ; • o 311);;(33 to chime
Y darks 9J al the
sun set in n misty glary behind
to a v
nd the eking of its meaning, while#
the echo in her own breast.
bought you said that you would
art with me and the Mermaid,
Lead packages only, 25, 30, 40, 5o and Gee. per ib., Sold by all grocers.
The Davidson ae ifay, Ltd., Wholesale Agents, Toronto,
town, Sorry now l moot 00010 a>rraigii
along from the old place; but w
obliged to wake a .call, and the busine
°coupled me ]ouch loner than I o
"Never heed that, sib doors --and got
glass, Annie, Oh, but you like wine an
seegaars. Very well; though I nev
Was things
ran me in a presou
that folk wha ken say there's nae bette
in iadinbro'. Ay, and I Ilio soogaars t
matcha filet them out, Annie,"
Annie obeyed quickly, and then exaus
ing herself as she was recmired elsewhere
left the room,
The wino wasgood and the "seogaas'
were good as the captain had said, and
Cargill evinced his appreciation of both.
""And nom," said the captain when
they 'were settled down, "how did you
wane out on sic a night?"
in a
close o:tbtwithe night good hose and bad care-
ful driver."
d is the man
creed t e captain, his eeyes ssgrtingr, " for and
you never thought of seokin
for him?'' g a drain
""I do not like to encourage tippling
In 00031le of his class," coolly answered
the Loutish sybarite as he sipped his wine
and smoked his cigar.
'There was a Inavehnent'on the captain's
lips as if he repressed some wards whiolh
were no 5onht of a very emphatic ehnt•-
miter. He rang the bell fiercely and can-
ed fondly for letrsty whilet he filled a
glass with whisky.
"Hey, take this.to the cabman to keep
him warm while he's waiting,"
"He has Deb cam' for a light too his
lamp and '0 at the dour.," replied the wom-
an; pair man, lie's salt' drooltit.,,
'.then th captain walked ;About to re-
gain his temper. Cargill had not moved
during the whole of these proceedings,
He smoked and drank placidly as if they
hail nothing to dei wine him, end if
these good people chose to concern them- I
selves with a mere cabman who would l
"irouia roti nee to see your daughter
as married to a Ivan like Ross?"
ss "No, if she could get a better. }Ie is a
A- decent 013191, Ila you see onything per -
Ocular wring with hien?"
a "I haves nothing to say about hire.
d But although I do not doubt myself, 1
er would rather you did not take him with
nes us on board the Mermaid."
It was the captain's turn to smoke for
r a few ScOnnds In allenee, Then, dotielve-.
o 1Y, as if he had been arguing the whole
question Out in his mind.
e, o::"nge The matter is settled and enema be
"I3ut don't ten seo, captain," urged
Cargill in his heavy way, trying to be
);ersunsfve; "if be gens with tis, You aro
denying too a fair thence with Mtge
witrray. If ll go well;e 1)3e 1(1 ifaPt w000 ourselves,rnterered
with there is ne sewing what may hap-
"There is /seething can happen that
Rhoujdna happen. Annie Ivens what'Psho
is doing, and Rags is n decent lad. If he
dnRna do onythtng to dis;zraoe 131705e1'
and else Fare that 1 am t0 par wi' the.
Mermaid and 1)11, then there is nae mair
to be tairl gleam it,. We'll just bye to do
it. You hae gotten my #wore—he hnsna;
so you mann tette your chance. What,
num, you Imo the sflter and the grand
k one
n in her
senses Ismail lam rr0ldenbt RS toe the man,
she eimuld take? Ile, I'nl surpreezed at
",That's true "
But when he weut away Cargill's
mind was more in keeping with the
stoma than when he arrived. On that
black drive b,toi; to Hdinburgh the ;wind
warned to whistle weird suggestion:e to '
his brain; the melancholy roar of the
waters seemed to rouse wild thoughts of
possibilities 113' white he might prove
himself the worthier foam of the taro,
and the ugly slushy rads, orossed here
and there by the ghastly light of a feeble
lamp, seemed to reflect his mind.
of the m
stlArred to passion;l the weak and the p stlon which
springs born such a source is always the
Lis full fare and something over,
that was th
the fire; i r their business.
to the I The drit'er stood shivering at the door,
o house ! tho fierce gusts of wind threatening to
tear the coat from h! ,back, whilst the
voice was so soft and the look she
upon him so gentle that he Could
ried to
asione injured, becaury. sehbe felt so
hat ne deserved the reproach ex -
a0 quietly.
no to pert 3v1 either o' you. I
t putting a question to you, and
s nae Karin In that,"
n0 "
, the tang an the short n' it is
re's n man came tome the -day-•.
gain to telt you wha."' (She
as if she (i•
i not
know ow
fat .t
father!) And ho sags that if
take him and Twill gip my eon -
g e you a'your ur cin way and
er to you at fume a fortune. I
m, 'You 121310» speer at hersel',
o iteandRaid
1 fiirst wantednd
to ken
what you would he likely to
you aro free to do as you like."
mean Alr. Cargill, father."
did ynu ken that;'' exclaimed
ptain, forgetting in his amaze -
to ;(cake.
enough; he was the only man
('llhero was a curious glimmer
on the niel put tho question requir!wenn!
i �hv her ns
r d au
""Hseept Air 11044, end ho ean210
what you sup the atl,'roffers to do,
18 I tam afraid that it}r, Covell! le not
man for me, with all h}.s wealth
es your consent,"
of '"Oh, then pact 0)9nn that
ib »oreehode else* t;itheut 1127 consent,"
o Itis h up, tool; the SIopty pipe fr
r31 proceeded to d11 it With
hand. As site gavel# back
talie any mere haver)!
r. You ken well enough ti
r taker a Man you say xha
over take one ti
should like you to explain,
I no You marryexplain
teething till
ad there'll skipper Dramatis
bo bite need to ex,
at are yo gnus to bo
""Ay, it's Iike yon to misers' folk that , head' um-,
are better than yourseI' He looks f
� bhangs to him whiles ye an 1 not tvithuf
O take the Mermaid to I'et
" was the quiet answer, 1
ut a secret feeling of sates
could give this rub to C
ore than a rub—it was
/stuffy cheeks and 5m1
;larkf expression; but they coeyes—.
(1 theigos y lonkodf usVery and
however, expressed nelt1
Surprise as he said,
are to take the Mermaid
y, I believe so, But I have to eo t
7niRtrPse, an you are no nendieg . Ia tl�., lilt
tiny, mistress -•-good day, Mr. enjrc..in Wft
Se1111a, ho sprang down the i"1;1 an7 ctrl
he had not groan clan? etc
a ]hf;.„i)•hncit0d
rd n plethoric voice Whin" burrhi)/,� nt
arae hive t
• auxice :l to -
1 ' Neither fn
then a hurry, Mr. Car ill bred to the s
have been home two hours se( pipe any
self in watch
With you, ma;, matter . #vase.
thein that, o s ((for
a to your greed chambers in Ldinbr 7 tion that- ne
end London, and aro fears folks should i gee,
ken you got your sifter free the pule E It was car
sold fish wife tbat ye leave here." mew,
Hie 1r„ )r_;lo nature was not capable f protruding,
if bane}»,, ,:oto a flame; but the a park i show the n
vhfch 5.1, 1 ,v} thrown into it by the Flow the s
matelot 0 in!) 1*nss had stirred the ern- this vmeen
/era into /Isola and this last shaft `JIs ?nice,
netted a . ee k, passion no
"Yoe :.,i:v culte well, m0*114 , I have i her Oh, yn
reeee i'•
of often enough to leave this , ,,next tri
"Leave ;tic: Place!" Rho stied angrily, now,
-there e; ; y th }ug WOS cvcn•--•no li kelt'." : me' ,, ,,
"Very veil. I don't try t:� force you, �' urea ,"
'Yl I arta 'r think }t is fair thaF, you i3Jacl to c
stood slliverime at the gate
" n•h
ink yo, mein; I wish' the pule f
beast °0015 hae adram tae on stets night. b
Here's your vory good hes/the" said the a
man as he gratefully accepted the cap- a
Min's hospitality.
'1'itc captain set down •--_,__ - s
serried the conversation.
"Anti now," he said, "what has 1 it
brought you hare et this hour?" p
""Two things, sir," rejoined CnrgilI co
slowly, or lazily, but did not proceed. a o0
"And what may time twit things be?/,
There was' again that curious move- 1 ba
tient on the captain's }fps which had first De
appeared when 11e learned that there was n
a pear man oat In the cold for whom 003
1115 employer had not theJeast consider- . AI
a in
n. ,
"The first thing, eaptnin•-and it0ou1c the
Wive waited till to nanrr0w.--is to tell per
you that all the conditions I mentioned 1'13
feat sto
llJ as 1
9 tie
Donkey engines rattling hales of goads q• ;te`
roma quays aboard ships, or vice versa:
areale, boxes, hampers, all iiying in the
it and alighting safely in their places
ne 1 of tar, That ins tree port nfaLeitllt
Tho bantam -like Jeternlaid nestled at
s moorings, but panting and paging as
roudly us its neiglibers, 'tying to
eke itself appear as big as possible, and;
ntintutlly aseerting lee claim to equal:
nsideration -with any of thehuge rivals
blob lay to right and left of it, The
Meal was noted. n111ongst the people of
a part for its needless and sea -worths-
ass, and for the pushing character et its
)mauler. (goods put on beard the
ythad been placedinthe Manered as de of te ashe
sans to whom they were consigned.
us the credit of Dnnonn Murray
d high, h
end nd
lie valued it mato than
lhts life—truly mare than his like, for it
was nn more phrase with Wen, it was Y6`"
foot. Be valued that credit :tore than
his life, more even than his daughter's
life, and that meant evergthtng• humane
nred about: it inolndnd the Aiermaid.
ad conte to ben saying, ""as safe as
g11 i,..
1(1 deligJ)te5 with the idea ofthematch
and says she will agree to anything in
order to bring it about. She has a high
esteem for you, ( rata." ;r
The man actually could not refrain 1)e n
frotu attehnpting t� patronize even in i It I)
sn013 a position s this. thou
"That"vary guid o her to say sae, and and very guid o' you to toll. me. But
there was neo need 0' saying it, for 13011
and alts are 110131 aognainttlnnes and we
line aye respeekit ane ailither."
Ctergitt felt sure; it Wag hisgreatl who
wessie 3eee that he dfii not like to r, lost
ha minded of the origin of his foreune or of I lis c
se), 1 !dilut f, Ho would have done anythingt do to of th
Ent; I her old aasoctntiensmother
3ut"'she the
midst of
the t inov0, and in spite of all his offnrts thsq
! were continually dashing in bis teeth as
, ib were,
. with Duncan Murray,"
had been male Lord High Adnairal of
the Fleet
' le fact was rennarkahle that it the
the menthe. peckage ettrusted to
sire; and 48 yeare went on the pride
le fact grew lu its properties/Isla hi
TUB "Bret" BOOlt.
Dr. Chase's four great reniedies rarer
Dr. Chase's 1Cidney-Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's
Ointment, Dr. Ohaceeics Catarrh Cure, and
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed aud Tur-
for all throat mad lung affections!.
gill Who bad followed lain
on willin—Ood
dor of Anchor Cottage all
tilting toady; seated In 1.11(
arm -chair, eimery 11
his foot, Annie at the table
liepose of before going to
to, though
" thalde nil se
ther nor daughter paid any
tern). lie wee busy with
hie teddy, delighting him-
ing her sinew diligence In
they hati been occupied for seine
• time when he etsewna eyintitome of
• restireenese, anti et length spoke,
t "'Will you be f1005 dons, Annie? 1
Want to epeak to you."
It happened that Nils heel ft elenr
notion Of what ist tvlehed to repent; to
her :dente and also thet else did not
' Wheli to hear leo elle enewered,
"It wilt time me a long while yen
?" Inquired Rose, sdacken
so that the other Inigh
e and dignity keep up Witt
say,/ think le ef great Imo
14 possibly you make think
you should sny yes. N
muttered the captain to himself, b
//tette loud enough fo: heu to heat "I
tnat way, WM) We nmun see (Wont the
mann Roo &loot that • An emp
puree agaitIRt I) W001-11110(1.
311411 11 500 abont diet."
Annie wee e little fidgety as hielottal
expressed reflection,: pewee 1 1, n wa
glad when they worn interrupted by
louti ring at the bell of the entranceoloo
theres'a needling wrang wi' the Mer
"liirsty will &OM tell uce" said Annie
arranging lier paper.; fur the night.
"Alaistee Cergill," Kirsten 0;
stout servingerrontan, opening the doe
for the big lymphetie emu to enter,
"I hope you will excuse We for drOp
ping in upon you so late," ho said, it1
What lie thoughe wits it vend Planner;
'41' intended to be here font hours IVO,
v—ptovided one
CtInditiOn 15 complied with by yon."
a "And what nosy dint he?"
ou are taking 'lege with Yon?" ; Terpent
"'I am that. Ito le the beet man X
t ree years," says
Simpson, of Neivcomb Mills. "I
vorlous Alleged potent cures and
boxes of a certain pill which has
ready mewled un. got 110 re -
'hen I tried Dr. Clineeti Kidney.
Sineta I have Leen able to
eiery day and feel ince a now
Year pine alone ;cured mo at a,
aye been eubjeet to eevere Wale
all nod imr'n " he Hattie
Delaney., of 1 74 Craivforeetreet, 'baron-,
to. "I we'll many cough unelleivet but
none (*mei . nail at a toAt of 25 centre
(teneete Syrup of Lineeed and
My 7,usebniel wee troubled ivith tho
wont lettel of When" writes! Mrs!. Irene
unable to work. Pince mann your Chastee
Ointment he le completely eured. It in
truly woete. weight in gold iesteed
of tie, mere you eltarge, only nd tents."
honeext 1:033. of your Caterrt Cure
1 Iv," says Henry of 1 70
'n'terY greet, remelne, Ont. "I am
dotal:rut to nay it 'armed me."
Manacle% Dotes it 04,, muting.. 'roma%
mop my mind eaRy when X
Cargill rested batik, bio cleor Imo
puffed Ineditativeie for a few seconds
n beton) replying. Thens--
"Do you mean to say, eaptalt, that
" you don't oleo what is going on?"
"I see a heap o' thiligs that are going
on and going off toe. But vvhat porde-
tiler thlog ere you meaning?"