The Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 8-u C 1 •:-y„c^-.�,....,,,�.-a r -.,;fav . m011\1000, COOL GOODS M N CLOTHING, MATS AND tF Ul',NISIIIN(JS. No matter what f ou may re qui°e. You'll find: ns prepared With: an inunence variety of the? very latest and daintiest styles and novelties. We have Made i. p'tssible fur you to meet the Dress re tlnire mcnts c,f the clary at little expense. 3 ARG AIN DAY Ei ! TUR D A.Y. Shoes .12 ) pairs of I.adi and Clews' shoes, I)elrk 'It a., Ox isler..l and black Donn Fla Kid regular rt ice, f2, , aturday $1.45. CORSET,' 60 pair Crompton C' rset•=, reg; prier 1.25 S, 111' ay lac. 110t4.1 Y. (, 20 dos: children, Fast Black • Hese, reg. 10e. Saturday 5e. 10 d, z ladies Cashmere and f Cotton Bose. reg. 30 and 135e. Saturday 20e. l DRESS GOODS ego SUI,1riS 20 pieces of Dress Goads, new . colorings of Green, Gray and Fermi, 40 inch wide, regular price 50, (0, 75c., for 115e. 10 pieces fancy Silk, reg. 60c., 75e. Saturday 50c. SP .4l. . LS- 10 pieces Shaker Flannel, reg. 8e. Saturday 5c. 15 pieces white and unbleached Cotton, 7e. Saturday 5e. 10 ices light and dark print j regular Ile, Saturday Se. ) 6 pia'ees alt :voel Tweed, new patterns, reg. (;Oe. Sat. 4.2c, 40 Boys' 2 piece Suits, light and ?l Clark, reg. 53.50 Sat. 5.2.75. ,. 20 Men's tine Ready to Wear 1l Suits, reg 59 Saturday $5.90 5, 20 Suit ends made to order, reg.? -sI6 for 513. Carpets in Wool Tapestry and �; -4 Brussels -at great reductions. —o— e -\\'e pay 13c for Tub Butter and 10c for Eggs. Pink Pills with equally goods resits." HE WINGI-1AM TIMES JULY 9, 1 b 97, A MATTER OF JUSTICE, Ilittle to the south of the main cntr- Is the Way a Young Lady of New Brunswick Views It. SUhk'EREI) FROM HEAD,iCHES, PAIN IN 'run SIDE AND HEART NALI'ITATION --SHE THINKS SIMILAR SUFFERERS SUOPLD KNOW HOW SHE FOUND A CURE. From the Fodeei. ton clearer, Miss Alma Millar, of Upper Southampton, N. 13,, is a daughter of Mr. Ezra Millar, a wealthy and influential fanner, and the young lady is a general favorite among a wide circle ot acquaintances who have had occasion to congratulate her to health, after a severe and trying illness. When a correspondent of the Gleaner called upon her and re- quested that the facts might be given for publication, the young lady though not at all anxious for publi city, nevertheless gave her consent in the hope that her experience might prove beneficial to some of many young girls whose condition of health is similar to what her's was pre- vious to her zure. Miss Alar stat- , ed that when illness began her I mother was unable to ling: after the affairs of the house old and the duties largely devol ed upon her. She felt herself grog ng weak and easily tired, but ft t that she must keep up. She .1y.. "Notwithstand- ing my efforts ' f fund myself grow- ! ing worse and orse. My appetite failed, my con . exion became sallow land iay eyes sunken in my head. I was troubled with dizziness, short- ness of the breath and palpitation of the heart until at times I felt as though I would sufficate. I was always troubled with pains in my side , and severe headaches. When I went up stairs I was obliged to rest Lite had become almost a burden and at last I was forced to give up and keep my bed. My friends feared I was go- ing into consumption and remedy after another was tried with no bene- : tiicial results until I was induced to give 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. In less than three weeks I was able to leave my bed and go about the house, and the use of the Pink Pills a few weeks longer completely restor- ed my health and strength and drove away all symptoms and pains \s Bich had made my life so miserable._ I feel in bringing this matter before the public I am but doing simple justice to suffering humanity. and giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsa fair trial. I might also add that others members of our family have ussd ri M. R. itireiND00'S• 4.1 What Dr. Williams' fink Pills have done Miss Miller, they will do Vis,,•:=N ; for thousands of other young girls thoughout the country whose condi- tion is similar. They restore the - ;glow of health to pile and sallow ADDITIONAL LOCALS.� cheeks correct functional derange- rnents, and create a feeling of new --Dir. R. W. Hastings left at Tim MIES life energy. The genuine Pink Pills office on Thursday last a few stalks of are only sold in boxes, the wrapper grain which were pulled on June 300) which bears the trade mark, “Dr. xneasurit,g as follows: rye, 7 feet ss inches; Williams, Pink Pills for Pale People." fall wbee,t, 6 feet 1 inch; peas, 5 feet s. Refuse all pink colored imitations inches; oats, 3 feet ill inches; barleys and other medicines said to be "just feet 5 inches. The barley had just com- as good." menced to head and in the oats no sign of ahead is to be seen. If any of our farmer Our Agricultural Fairs. friends can beat this we would like to hear' The Victoria Jubilee days are from them. now of the past, and the next import - ince to the cattle`ancl sheep building being altered so as to provide a large hall, comfortable seated to be used a. a place ot public comfort and meetings of the several associaiions during the fair also a room provided with stoves to peepero food for them- selves and animals thus preventing the danger arising from the use of those small coal oil stoves, etc., in or near the stock buildings, There is also a storehouse trom which will be sold all kinds of animals food at the lowest price. By the prize list just received the premiums remain the same as last year with the exception of improving the Hackney Horse Class' adding a a class for general purpose teaeus; and in the poultry a class for half bred fouls, and corning fowl kir the farm, and four new varieties of pheasants, We note a new departure iu the Dairy Classes, by opening one for domestic cookery, ect., and from which good results 'aro antici- pated. Many handsoerie special cash prizes have been donated for com- petition. The special attractions are not yet completed, but the commit- tee's selections in the past are a guarantee to the visitors that a good afternoon and evening entertain- ment will be provided for each day. The special service and excursion rates are being arranged from all points. We are requested by \Ir, Thos. A. Bowne, the Secretary, to :ay that all applications for prize lists, pr,• gramme:, and their map of Western Ontario will be appieeiated and filled with pleasui e. The Fair dates arc September 9th to 18th, FAST WAWANOSI-t. TORONTO'S CREAT FAIR I ant events of the year will be the next Agricultural Exhibitions of We have received a copy of the Prize Canada There are quite a numder List for the great Victorian -Era Eaposi-' of these fairs, but none of them is of tion and Induatrlal Fair, which is to be' more importance then the Western held at Toronto, from the 30th August to r'air at London, commonly spoke of the lith September next. It promises to eXleed in magnitude and attractiveness all as Canada S Favorite LiveStock Previous exhibitions held in Canada. I Exhibitions a title which is largely gong the manyexhibitions special features to be and due to the fact and especial inter - provided will be a duplicate of the princi- est taken in these departments by A most sad and shocking accident happened between one and two o'clock on Thursday afternoon last at lot 39, con. 3, when Mr. Gregor Mc- Gowan lost his life. llr. McGowan was trying to load a pig into a wagon and which escaped from him and ran under the wagon coming out near the horses, which caused the latter to run away. 111r. Mc- Gowan ran and grabbed them by the heads in an endeavor to stop them but he was knocked down, trampled upon and dragged 200 yards. When he got free of the horses members of his family, who saw the accident, went to high and found him seriously injured, but the injured man only lived about 20 minutes. Two of his ribs were broken at,d his skull was badly fractured. The sad accident cast a gloom over the community as the deceased had lived in this neighbor- hood for 45 years and was very much respected by all classes. The funeral took place on Saturday fore- noon at the Union cemetery and was largely attended. The fullewing is the report for S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh for the month of June. The names are arranged in order of merit ascertain-. ed by a' system of daily markings, deductions being made for bad con- duct, lateness, etc. Fourth—Lena Deacon, Jennie Rintoul. Third Senior—Florence Shiell, Maggie Mc- Dougall, Mabel Shiell, Mary Abram, Roy Mason. Third Junior --Frank Mills, Alfred Rits, Alex. McDougall, Alberta Rintoul, Leslie Deacon,Frank Shoebottom, Alfred Hodgson. Second Senior—Roy Deacon, Willie Elliott. Second Junior—Ethel Hicks, Bella McDougall, Ida Abram, Herbert Shiell, Albert Salisbury. Part II— Andrew Casemore, Willie Hicks, David Johnston, Raymond Elliott, Alex. Rintoul, Beatrice Casetnore, Roy Anderson. First Senior—Howard Moved by G. G. Moff ;t, seconded by John McKagee, that \Vm. Watson be granted permission tel make certain alterations on his been, provided he oh erve the usual preeautiun 'while doing so— Carried. Moved by. \Put. Reid, seconded by John MeKague, that the Secretary send the minutes of this board to the Wingham'1'IMES and Lueknow Sentinel for publica- tion, provided they will publish theta free c•f charge—Carried. Moved by John McKague, seconded by G. G. Moffat, that this board do now ad- journ to meet again on the last Saturday in July in the town hall, Tcoswater, at 2 o'clock p. m , oe at the call of the President—Carried. 1)AVID MCI N T^.SH, Secretary. Roy. John Burton, Presbyterian minister at Gravcnburst, is dead. The. earnings of the G. T. R. and 0. P. R.—Canada's. two great rail- was s—last week showed the great united increase of over 5130,000 as compared with the same week last year, Business is certainly lin- proving. Joseph Williams retired lumber merchant and vessel owner, of Goderich died suddenly Monday morning afro!' an hour's illness, aged 69. Arr. Williams was a staunch Liberal and was one of Goderich's most enterprising business men and conneilers. tial features of the great Jubilee procession the Manage. ment, who are anxious to I Shiell, Willie Shoebottom, John in London, England', on the 22nd June, all t do everything necessary for the come � Abram, First Junior—Carrie Deacon, the uniforms,. costumes and properties tot t of both the exhibi ors and theft' Frank Casemore, Maxwell Abram Maggie Casemore, Lemon Hicks. Louis B. I)uirr, Teacher being brought from England for the pur- ; animals, and have in this way estab- pose at an enormous cost, Anyone desir lished in minds of buyers and sellers ing it copy of the Prize List can procure' that Western Fair is the proper place one by dropping s postcard to the Manage ' to do business. 1sr,Mr. li..l. Hill, Toronto. { The large and commodious building erected last for the cattle, sheep and • (Conspiracy Charges Dismissed. swine, and thought too big to fill was Goderich, July 2. --The Jessop-' proven to be altogether too small to Mellroy charge of conspiracy was accomodate the increased entry, ismissed today and Mrs. Jessop therefore the Directors have decided was rearrested charged with fraud, to remove the swine into new guar it was accepted and the prelimin- tars this year, and are having a hearing will take at Blyth before building erected 156 feet long 36 . Seager, P. 1t1. on Friday next. feet wide, in this way they purpose witnesses examined to -day providing all the accommodation seconded by Alex. McKague, that e — -1 rout Toronto houses, Messrs, necessary for the reception of a very all applications for insurance taken l;1'IeDonald, R. H. Green, and Mr, much larger entry than heretofore by the different agents be laid before this board for examination—Carried. Moved by Alex. Mel'.ague, seconded by Wm. Reid, that leaving examined forty-six applications and found forty 01T i 11.CSa. The directors of the Culross Mutual Fire insurance Co. met in the Town Hall, Teeswater, on June 2dtll, as per motion of adjournment, Members all present. President Allison in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of P.Clark, seconded by John Mel{ague were adopted. droved by John McKague ,'tl'fGowans, Kent & Co. Mr, and which they feel sure the; will ve positive evidence as to sil- have. re end other good having been Further provisions have been made Mr's. Jessop before Christ- for the comfort, of stockmen eution gave bonds and their friends. The building ; four satisfaetory,one rejected and one with the conspiracy formerly occupied by the Iadies of, laid over,the Secretary and I're,ident fail Assizes. the W. C. T. U. i'as been placed a I issue policies for the sable ---t n.rricd. BORN. SuntiVAN —lu \Vinghtun, on July 4t1yt a-•fo of Mr. John Sullivan; a daughter MoLr.AN—In Wingham, on Jnly is , the wife of i`ir. John McLean; a son. nlARIiI}•: D NIL LMniax—Nlsw,r•r--On June 23rd, at the residence of the bride's parents, George Lemmex, 01 Win„ham, to Clara, youngest daughter of William Hewett, *the township of Eiina. LomG--SAT,r.ows--At the residence of the bride's mother, Goderich, by Rev. R. Henderson, of Auburn, on June 30th, i11iss Ida Sallows, of Goderich, to James , D. Long, of \Vingham.y 'DIED 1STACEY—In Turnborry, on July 2nd, I a Glary Ann Stacey, aged 78 years,1 month 1 �risdays.t vIEE•t.AND —In Wiugham on July 5th, Agnes, witpt of Mr. r�1fred Ireland, aged 38 years.q WA•ronr:a—In \Vingham, on July 2nd, Elizabeth Ashton Westlake, wife of Mr. 1 John Watcher, aged 67 years, 9 month.' Fu:r,GusoN—In Turnborry, on July 4th Matthew Ferguson, aged 15 years, 3 months and 21 days.” SNar.t,—In Toronto, on July 4th, Aggie D. third daughter of John and llelen 5. Sanderson, of Wroxeter, and wife of Mr. Howard E. Snell, formerly of \Vingbam. M,LEAN—In Seafortb, on June 25th, Margaret E. McLean, sister of M. Y. McLean, M. P. P., aged 61 years. Change of usiss Having purc ased from D. E. I\ c /, onald his Butcherin' G usiness, I am now in a osition to supply the public with CHOICE MEATS at lowest prices and earn- estly solicit a share of the patronage of this commun- ity. We will always keep on hand the best meats that can be got for money D. J. GEDDES , )!cDynald s od stand, woox s PIXOS EEE 'i'he Great English Xie edy. sex raeka,es ft aranteed to promptly, an permanently pur° r.11 for 5 of rervoud Weal. a,, lestons,Spernt• Wort] ,Y, nepotc,:ryaadatt erect of Atmore or Peewee, gent 1 orry, etpceastve use 2Jefore and After., of Toarca, Opttcm ar Mimi.tants, which soon kat to in. tlruttty, Insanity, Cbnsu,nl,tton and ea early grave. Iran been preserlbed over 55 years In thousands of cases; is tho only Jlelfable and Ifonrst Afedtcine know. .Ask druggistfor,Wood'a l'i,oaph odrne; it heofferasomo worthless medicine In /;dare of this, inclose price in letter, and rao will send by return mall. price, ono package, $1; six, Ed, One avin release, tarn will cure. Pamphlets tree to any address, The Wood Company,, 'Windsor, Ont., Canada. Splo iu Winghatn and everywher. ray all reel.oriel:de druggists IMPRIMION EXOITEMENT AT— Ne3N°1"il laE'S THIS EEK A FLUTTER I t LACES Having picke going to Sac rp a special job line, we are ce. Don't fail to see them. BUSTLE IN DRESS GOODS CASHMERE, SERGES AND FANCY EFFECTS, with trimmings to match, at prices lower than the lowest.. WE IIAVE EXTRA. VALUE IN Ladies' Vests, Something Special, also a full range of Women and Children's Cashmere and Cotton Hose. MEN'S HATS A SPECIALTY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Needs no mention, all Goods Fresh and Sea- sonable. Try our Specicl JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. MACDONALD BLOCK. WING FIAL). ve/ts,*v+ew,ai.Rd aver^iytf i9ti,,eed $ NEW Ir niture and TIndert.1041Store $17 1 —IN- 7� 7- X �L �tC 3�L `�i Ireland & Button are putting i complete Stock of Furniture and Undertal : consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR S ES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST=CLASS FURNITURE STORE A complete stock of Undertaking kept cn hand and prices reason able. Mil Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac- donald Block, (Residence opposite the foundry. IRELAND & BUTTON. ------<'.-- '''� iSUMMEll SUIT • $ When purchasin • your Summer Suit of lothes remember G. r keeps in stock the argent as- sortment of • w designs in Canadian c nd imported TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, Fancy Vestings, .Also the most up-to-date GENTS' y FURNISHINGS 'We can givd yo,i the best of Workmanship, GEO, CARR, Opposite Queen's hotel, Wingbam. L11/14 '46141;41,11o/1 Are You' RUPTUR D? If so it is your ad antage t call on Gordon Co.'s Drug Store, n am. They are th . gents for the cele ated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE ONE FOR YOU 1. Because It is dahgeroue. to be a moment without one. 2, It will I19ver rust and. 1s coiise- elllently durable. 3, A pct son wearing a Wetincre doeg find it a bother. 4, We will guarantee to hold in position any redutible rupture, 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6. Some of our townspeople ef'.11 testify to its Merits, 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON & 00