HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 7ill Nr, L•lilfr7 ti We make a speeialty of Tee Cream and are pre pared to supply it, in LI large or small quantities and of any flavor desired ' itij to families, pie Mang ... o] parties or by the dish, 11.1 e.:11 We have a good fount' Ki also supply Cream So pi flavor. -I, 41 I3ANANAS, PINI. sra41-ataltatuaara Vaatraa1167041011f5-, Loa Cream 141 rril rirf, ti .0 In and of anyLirplj PPLES and 1. Fruit and . Confectionary oft all kinds. • Give as a trial and we can ti please you. . I JA. MotkLPINE, Clentral Itosto,uraut, 4,570-5F-t91-31,71gaiFel„:70.0.57Z-ig•-• .9E45 74,-5 .71;-.9-0.1 • . --- "447. 4••••%7 111E. WINGILAM TIMES JULY 9, I8)7, • . . IIenr 7 Gerson, a well•known anaD.ATON DAY. Inine ounces. If this ‘seeins too rich jewili scholar rabbi and writer, is . less can be used,. dad. at his home in New York aired Put the fruit into the jars as fitst 'Well, pupil, put away your books; 51 year. He was an aceomplisted For Huta will you need them; linguist, and wai at the head of con, Diaeard your meditative leeks, We lin,ve no time to .heed them. Your long class days have reached strnd; Yonr studies are beginning, Tho wold's your school if you intend A contest worth the winning. gregations in Atlanta and Chieago. The following is Prof, Panton's wipe for kerosene emulsion, to de- stroy "sucker" insects (those that make the. leaf curl) 1 gallon water, lb. hard soap, 2 gallons coal oil, thoroughly mixed, One part ot this emulsion to tnelve parts of water. l'rovidenoe Thanked. It is with pleasure that I reoornmned B. 13. 13, for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I had tried family medi- cines but received no benetit until,thank Providence, I was aovised to use13, 13.13. and it resulted ia a perfect oure. Mis. Wm, LOCKE, Oshawa, Ont. Canadian inspectors have gone out from Toronto to soe what, if anything the orchards of the, Niagara district have suffered frota the San Jose scale, which was earned from Cali- fornia, and whie.h it has been sup, posed could not stand the northqrn winter, TO THE P.118110 The Wingham Planino. Mills are last— umber planing now running again in full Parties wishing to have Dressed or anything in th mill business such as- -SASH, —DOORS, —BLINDS, —CASINGS, MOULDINGS, Your class room's narrow aisle will now Give place to broader highways, Thrice bleased ha, the fates allow, To higher in the byways! The books you'll need are human hearts And nture's strange romncies; No may you skipthe tragic parts. Or daily long with "fncies." 'Ti o well to learn this rule of three, That jaistie, trath and lobo:, With just a tonsil of symp For bird and 1)3 tot and neighbor, Will solve the problem of Eit1066435, ThOlIgh fame and wealth may shurx you— You oonld not ask for more—or less, So go, aucl blessings on you! On Saturday last Mrs. John Allen, Sharbot Lake, wife of a section hand on the Kingston and Pembroke Railway, gave birth to three boys, all perfectly formed and as smart as crickets The mother is also doing nicely, and receiving the congratula- tions of the whole countr‘, side, 'Witb. in one year and ten days, Mrs.- Allen ave birth to four children, all boys. can have them on short notice and at lowest possible prices. I have also added a number of new mach lines which will enable me to do 'vvork cheaper and better than ever. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON ELIO NS U MPS Will stand wear and 3 ears. No better be given of their than is shown that some of thes in wells 25 ye still working! te.......:sr*Isemsawesoteamenkomenwaseasoratra1 will nct see" than the persisteucy with which housewives cling to the inferior method of cook4o. 4i, 4' in man, it don net put in its While opportunity awaW4 11y3 In NY/teat. Mr. C. 13. Watts, Seeretary of the horn. Dominion MiUerf Association, haa time blowing a as it is prepared, and 111 the jars to issued the following letter to the the neck with syrup. Adjust the cautdbm press wbteb win be at' hn- rnbber and ever, but do net serevv portant interest to farmers and to down the latter- Wrire racks to fit ethers di boiler, can be hod at the shops, OM me, that the growing winter wheat A numbee of reports have reaelied fferent sized kettle, or a WaSil one of narrow wood slats answer. the shows. a ,eonsiderable percentage of purpose nearly as well, and ean ' rye in the fields. ity 0 ill NOWA t 181 • easily be made at home, most objectionable, as it eannot bo! separated by any known kind •of•1 Shortness Of Breath. milling mehine. If it is not eat 'Since lost year I have had serlotie oat it will greatly reduce the alie heart traahle caused by malaria, Short- 0. t wheat fur milliug. purposes, and tiring, violent palpitation, et, &tea if it is exported it will give our grain ; 4 ness of breath, smothering spells an re- . made* me giisp forbreath. On procuring a bad name in the markf (ireatts o. sm, K lkiaur,,,,,I ',W• Milburn's Wart and NervePills I found Britain and the continent, which An Open Secret of Canninx 'Fuit It would, certainly scam that the very genesal use of the attuned veg.°, tables of the market and the whole, some natural flavor that ch.aracter- izes even the cheaper grades would have made the prime eause of their excellence, namely, cookina• in the cans 60 that none of theirdelleate flavor is lust in eseaping steam—an open secret to the majority Of house- wives before now. If it has, there never was a more fordable illustra- tion of the truth of the old adage that "None are so blind as those that to my surprise and delight that they ; would have a, very injurious effeet on gave almost instant roller. I got healthy e., refe,Fe i Positively cured by restful sleep, my heart troubles disap• Canada. Many mailers will 1 ill low ; Indigestion •ad T They also reLlioivittel0 Penrod, and I now Peel very well indeed TO bay wheat coataining rye at any Mr. IIugh Moor, Ingersoll, Ont. Makes price as it injures the flour and can, I ---- not be used, only for making • 1 t re ed for this statement for the public good. grades, and the mills that do buy it price . nese, BO. Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tanana kERIT.A.IN'S PROGRES. ,dednet from 5 to 15e of the Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. The — thev- would pay for good clean wheat P.eguitte the Bowels, • Purely Vegetable, Pli.E.NOMENAL ADVANCEMENT BY TITE Every farmer with rye growing n H LRAM OF DEATH an open vessel and afterArds dip- ping it into ja rs and sealing. Preh- eat c.0 It beginS at the Throat ably the incorrect belief that it is more work to cook fruit in the jars' and =hat the Grave S How than out, and that the latter are 1 e."S''' very liable to break daring the oper ,,,6 '',at ation has done mach to keep the old method in favor: Away With these and all other bugbears! • One method is not harder or more difficult than the other, and other things being. equal, fruit that is cooked in the jars is greatly super– ior in appearance and flavor. In other words, canning fruit is sticky, bard and disagreeable work at best, and Only that which at least comes in sight of its possibilities ever pays any dividend on the investment. Every step of tho work from A to Z, from selecting the fresh fruit to opening it for use, mast be properly done. All fruit should be well grown, freshly pioked and a little under, rather than over ripe. All berries- except strawberries should be firm and large. With these, the smaller fruit towards the ilast yield is best. Currants and strawberries are never satisfactory canned. Making the syrup one–third TO ADVERTISE .. currant juice gives an appetizing IN THE q20 froth. Dysppsia, arty Eating. A per,. =ess, Naue, Draws!. UNITED KINGDOM, his wheat, should send sonie men Small Pill. Srnali PoSei many a huma-n life i§ u sarily ,es There are many remedies the cure of conas.mptin, b it reeelms a certain s age, prefesieg, thee fort to • these rnedies pro tear for oof can urability y the fact pumps put rs ago are •a the market for onsureption, once mot be ctircd. In o what is impossible, emseives to be simply humbugs. Consumption is a disease which destroys the tissue of the lungs. Once gone, no medicine can replace that tissue. Geed medicine may arrest the disease even after one lung is wholly gone, as long as the other remains soud: Once both are attacked, however, the victim is doomed. Just why people should risk their lives to this dread 4cese and go to great expense afterwards to check it, it is hard to conceive. It is much easier prevented than cured. Throat troubles and severe colas are its usual forerunners. A 25 -cent bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrep of Linseed end Turpentine will chive these away. It is, without doubt, the best medicine for the purpose to be had anywher. IRON and FO CE PUIYIPS Supplied to Order. • • ,AYS through the fields to cut the head.s oft Small Price. Since Victoria ascended the throne ripe. This is Substitution before the grain is • ehe has seen the population of the very easily demi as the rye eau be . little islands which constitute Great the fraud a the day. plainly seen, having longer straw Britain and Irelansd grow from than the wheat, hut care should be ' 00,730,929 to 39,465,720. taken that it is not cut too soon to Sce you get Carter's, 1 She has seen in the last fifteen years allow the rye ta come out again. her island kingdom, and 2,126,827 throlighOnt t le country would take • .Ask for Carter's, 987,878 foreigners seek the shores of It would be well if ;the local papers I • leave for new homes in the colonies up this matter, and impress upon ,Insist anl, demand or elsewhere. - 1 the farmers, the great loss which , will inevitably occur if steps are not Carter's Little Liver Pills. Since 1876 she has seen the nation- al debt decrease from £789,181,466 to ;0648,474,143. Her national revenue has increased , few years ago from ;tins cause, wtien 16 fifteen years. from £81,872,354 to farmers laid to sell their wheat for £1.01,973,829. 15 and even 20 cents per bushel less han they would otherwise have. got. In the last 25 years the price of wheat has decreased . to her people from 50s 8d per quarter to 23s 1 d. taken to prevent, the rye getting 1 - to a repition of the tr oable we had a !nixed with the Wheat, as it will lead. The Dumber of letters and post- cards mailed in 1871 was 807,000,- 000; in 1896 it was 2,149,000,000. Telegraph messages increased from 9,860,177 to 78,839,610. In 1871 £55,844,667 was deposited in the savings bank of the kingdom, which had grown to £143,181,056 in in 1896. Repairing promptly attended to. o PDigonal S. opposite Beattie's ; TIMES Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont WANTED + + + TO REPAIR + + AT 'IHE Winglitata Fon •.'. IN UNLIMITED NUM _MOWER, —BIDERS, —TIIRESHE —EGINE And all kinds of RS IT PAYS TO CANADA BUS SS COLLEGE There was an average attendance of 1,453,531 children in the primary schools in 1870, and in 1895 there were 4,900,335 in the schools. The decrease ot crime is shown by a falling; off in the rumber of con- vitions from 35,040 in 1840 to 11,918 in 1895. The increase of shipping since 1860 is shown by the growth of tonnage from 5,779,337 tons to 8,- 778,5W. tartness to canned red raspberries, and adds richness to cherries. The pits of chcries and peaches and the cores and seeds of pears improve the flavor of their respeetive fruits. If rmoved, distridute five or six peach pits through every quart jar, and put a little net or muslin bag filled with pits or cores in the center of cherry or pear jars. Prunes and most varieties of plums should have the skins removed. . scald only a few at one time, and put these in a. wire basket or seeve first, and be eareful not to overscalp them. CHAT , OT. Pears should be pared and halved Still continues its suceessfel work of reeling stud- witis a silver knife and dropped into Woodstock hadn't a marriage in ray. The virtues ire lost in self-interest as rivers are in the sea. The valley dictm ian gensrally strives for the heights of eloquence. Mrs. Edward Stacey, a Blanchard Township farmer, was killed at St, Marys, by 'being thrown from his buggy. W. A. Neilson, a brother of the secretary of the Goldia CO. Ayr, bastaken tbe 8500 scholarship in the Harvard University. The modern snne..- ard. 7amily eine C re 0.1 comrno- every -clay ills of 11.1 0 Pain in the Back. "I was troubled with a pain in the back for months, and after trying seaer- al remedies without effeet, thought I would use Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, I am glad to say that after using, two bottles. I was completely cured, and cannot re- commend this excellent remedy too ' Miss ANNA CHAPMAN, South River, Ont. ry cuts in choice positions. Between Jan. lst and Max let, four monh, 40 of cold water to prevent their turninta our pupils secured choice situations as Bookkeepers i Senographer. and Teachers in ether Business Col.. • . term!. Three others Ina e secured plaes, one to commence Mier the following week and the achinery next wok, alio third aliens June 15li flue is where graduates et this sehool have ci decided advantage over those graduarecl troni the average business college. , If interested write for catalogue and a complete het of where students have been pieced. For Catalogue, address, D. IdeLACIMAN Co., Chtham, Ont, _ ..-.---_—_- --. --- Bring theni right along and if You I prefer a nevv machine rather than repairing the old, we ean excha.nge with you, SUMMER • Iron arid 13rass Castings, Forgings Bridge Iron ets supplied. while you Pipe and Pipe Fittings Carried in Stock. All kinds of lathe and machine Work promptly and neatly done. l'oundry and Machine shop corner nt Victoria and ltir kimiq streetS. REN \TALI & Co. proprietors 5 SUITS Mak in the LANES TYLES Go to'neimit Prepare peaches in the same way rather than risk softening them by r cts-r(, I., Per Infant:, Chijacen. ',he fare. timile denature sf 35. "..,E.-44. es $ro (rVi, •d4iWei4( `7' ger. A railway conductar recently ad- vertised for 300 wooden sleepers. By retur npost be received a letter from a neighboring clergyman offering him the whole of his congregation at reasonable terms. Over 500,000 pounds of wool have been shipped from Hamilton to cities in the New England States during the past two or three weeks in antici- Making Good. Butter. pation. of the United States tariff going into eftect on July 1st: Mr. F. A. Leighton, formerly Baby Wae Carel. dairy instructor at Ames, Iowa, says: Dear Sirs,—I can highly re?ommend "One buttermaker will win the Dr. Fwlers Extractot Wild Strawberry. sweepstakes at a convention, but he It cnred my babv of diarrhea I an or all does not de it thesecend time. Why? other moans foiled, so I give it great Because he don't know how he did 111 praise. It is excellent for all , bowel before and when he comes to make complaints. KIM CHAS. BOTT, second tub like the one that he The estimate of Chicago's poptila- PliAtItt DE1 Woo' Wa•!'. &PP di V • ;Is '1,sr l.ii.lt-t 9,`1400) • C`AZtlig, • f r7-3 .-,4%1LI C6116F:3ft ilarlow, Ont. won with at the previous show, he is ; entirely in the dark. I believe the whole seeret is in the ripening of the tion by the publishers of the eity eream. It must certainly be possibtc dire.ctory, just printed, is 1,828,000 an increase 79,000 over last year. for us to make as fine butter in some R ber of the 0th eon. of scalding.. of our creameries as the classes in Heni y eu Lemon, green ginger or other this country who are selling their 'Carrick, has quite a curiosity in the flavoring should only be added to butter for the very highest figures to shape of a colt with only two feet. insipid pears, watermelon rinds, a select trade. I am stumbling onto lIt has four legs, but ono front and citron and the like. this Grannlated sugar should always batter about every day now, one hind foot are off at the. fetlec, be used. It costs but a trifla more nd I say to you that there is nothing The little thing is quite smart and. is than coffee sugar, and has a far more doing well. delicate flavor, A little over m a year ago Thoas -• e Cleanse and sweeten old jars with Statton left here to visit friends in. boiling water, to which soda, boraxEngland, About a month ago he or ammonia has been added. Test started on his return trip and. lost with water to be,.Sure they are air 1 the whole of his baggage, two trunks and a valise. Arriving at New tight before flllin,g. York he was taken in charge and If fruit is opened an hour or two locked up for over a week, eharged before it is needed to restore the with violation of the Mien Labour oxygen the flavor is much improved. Act. ne Was then placed. on a steam - The color of canned fruit is quick- — er and returned to Livrpool. De - If it is kept in a dark closet --A ents for at i VI tibia 11 termited to get home he boarded the ly injura by the action of light. No every jar should be wrapped in dark' WANTED yel; 41 Ve I 'I) 8r Ail an with i astntInt'nr eh .1=1„,4" og,,',.. first Allan vessel for Quebec, and ached Mitchell Tuesday evening. paper. tains the endorsed blegra y o tier Majesty, with Ire Raspberries, whortleberries and VotnfIrirdiVachlecmt r ae'AN.1)1Alv4g41"ie tligi I His experience was most disagrilettble peaches require five ounces of sugar . tiggfi'ajnir Tr "gm, aePrg104,1r Mnt1t1 and a costly one, and he vows he will quinces 4:116.tegtrellatinaggteli OOMVANY,Mitchell Advoeate, and pears seven ounees, and WEBSTER'S eqaals it that I have seen in 1 West. It is no better than ours, only in flavor.'the mechanical part is no better. Ours has Just as good grain, is seasoned and colored and worked up just as well, but the flavor—that's the rb." The United States Senate has reduced the proposed duty on lum- ber from 1 to $1 per thousin d feet. 1.44 ., • do I.Jeiden Yeast Co., London, Ont. Crentlemon.-We got eleoker and better results from est.'s* MrA. Madden's 'Yeast than any other Are haYe. used, 4.,..3.3..Hr y set:clamer:ft it. 10*.g.A.Ist LEOS., Nate= VC: A ADDEli YEAST CO., London. TUB "II/0" FOTTR, Actuartetre om f Reedies tbat aro Rf feet trig WeilderiuLCures. Dr. Chase's lour great rexnedies are Dr. Chase's lldney•Livor Pills, Dr. Chase's Ointment, Dr. Chas'iNi Catarrh Cure) antl Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linscd. and 'or- pentine, his latest and. greatest disc '0i1,for all throat norlung affection ee yea , ' says _fills. "1 cures and: pill which has 1 gat no re - QUEENS BLOCK, VirINGITAM . -4414.444.44,4444444441. "1 was stt: for t James Simpson, of tried various, alio several boxes of been greatly era for a pint jar; strawberries, eberries paid,• 43ittfit Duly paid. Write fat outfit ile,Ver set foot on Yankee soil again. 4, • , vomit pate lie!. Then I trie D. Chase's Kidney. Liver I have been 'able to work every day and fest like a new, 5111.11. 'o1ir 3)1115 (1.101313cured me at tti 11 I have been ,oubjeet to severe colds every bail and onring, says Miss Itattio Delaney, of 174 Crawford street, Toron4 to. lised many eough'ndielues, hut none cured me until tat a. cost of 25 oats I tried 17r. Chase's Syrup of Liuseea 054 Tarpentitts." - My 'husband wee troubled with' the worst kind of pilea" writes Mrs. Jana Potts, of Meyerlarg,,, -•lle was often unable to work. Since using :i.,•or Ointment he is completely cured. It IS , traly worth its weight in gold iosteall • of the prite you charge, only 110 eente."t " bougbt a box of your Catarrh for /3 cents tit Mr• lloyle's drug stor' • here," sari nears Nicholls of 170 Wry ,• atetreet, London, Ont. " an t , thankful to say it Mired toe." Chase's remedies ist all dealers, IRV "mitten, Dates CO., Ma.afTc. Toreot00