HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 6ilAtingtlant tucks FAIDAV, .IflLY e less .+.,..10,-.0000 1)FTkl4'TI1'l: 3I alrt):,IICI', WHILE ARREST - ism AN vs, OONVIor . UAIN sRlor-- -1 Tuituasu \Fuss'', �i'infl .rr Ont, July 2n0. Mai1JUty, who Wit shot at Belle River a .caw t eeke ago, while trying to arrest the Chatham bau'glilrs, had another close call in Windsor this aft; moon.. While arresting an ex - convict named Edward Welsh, who bloke jaiI at Kingston over two y e ata age, white serving a three gest ; Sentence: for burglary at F:ssex Welsh secreted -himself in the house of an Italian fruit vendor iia Wind ser on Tuesday night last, and when the Italian entered ho sprang upon hila and assaulted hint so that there are doubts of his recovery. Mahoney* hits been on the bruit for llfte ever since, and this afternoon, in com- pany with try.) detectives from Detroit, and Patrolman Jackson, entered the house of Nick Stevens, where they had reason to believe they: would find their man. VVelsli was secreted in an outbuilding, and when 'Mahoney approached Welsh fired, the ball grazing Mahoney's leg passing through his pants. Welsh was quickly overpowered and locked up. He served a terns in Ringston for burglary in the Nipissing district and was out ot jail only two wears when he. committed the one in Essex. TEM NEW LICENSE ACT W 5" P INT') FORCE ON DOMINION DIY. Til:lrsday last the now License Acs went into force, and the license inspectors are on the watch for any breaches that may occur. The pro- peiet')1' aj ,>t enalntry hotel can no 3ei1get• keep his bar Open later than 10 p. in., and unless a doctor's certi- ficate is presented no druggist can sell intoxicating liquor. No person under 21 years of age can take a drink in a barroom, neither can a minor purchase liquor at a club or in a liquor, store. A circular has been sent by the Ontario Government notifying the inspector•:, officially of the change of the law, and interpret- ing the clause relating to druggists as follows: With- reference to the interpreta- tion to be given to section 5 of the Aet of 1397, being an amendment to sub section 1 of section 32 of the Liquor License Aet, I beg to say that th3 intention was not to prohibit the sales of established and well-known patent or proprietory articles contain- ing liquors without the prescription of a qualifiied medical practitioner. Prosecutions for sales of this kind by druggists should not, therefore, be instituted. Practice Econo y In buying medicine as i other matters. It is economy to get to d's ,Sarsaparilla because there is mor edicinal +rttluein it than in any other. + very bottle con- tains 100 doses and 1 average, when taken according to 'reetious, to last n month, while others hist but fortnight. Reed's Pills act easily and promptly, on the liver and bowels. Cure sick hem..., ache. Death of Miss McLean. We deeply regret being celled upon to announce the death of Miss B1eLean, sister of M. Y. McLean, M. P.I ,,ti hielt oceurred at Mr. McLean's lresidenee, in Seaforth, on Friday week. Deceased had been a resident of Seaforth nearly as long as her brother,. which is more than 20 years, and took an active ,interest in all nlat'ers, more especially those of local interest. Being COnnec4ed with the )management of the Expositor, she acne directly in touch with the peo • ie, and their great respect and deep regard fitr her were ptainIy indie•l ted by the large number who paid their last tribute of honor to her on Mon- day. She was exceedingly unesten• tatous, and her exemplary life had Won for her the respect of all. For over 'til years she had charge of the infant elm connected with the Pres- byterian Sabbath School. Atter a short funeral service at the house the rein gins were taken to the ellttrele where a similar service waas held, aondu. ted by Rev. Dr. McDonald,nlul participated in by Rural Doan Ihel. gens and Rev. S. I3ond. The building vol filled, and in the centre of the e u rch sat the members of her THE WIN GRAN TIMES, JULY 9, 1897, Sunday School class, and many who. had been members, and when Mr. McDonald referred to ;ger long and faithful services and tine inealeulable influence for good she had exercised, there were many moist eyes. Her illness was of short duration ; six weeks before her death she was in her accustomed place, apparently in her usual health,but site was a victim of quick consumption. The floral tributes that covered her coflio were a beautiful expression of the love eherished for her in many hearts. LUCKN (.)11''. The Lueknow Sentinel of last week says :--In the death of Mr, Walter Treleaven, who passed peace. fully away at his residence in this village on Saturday last, there is removed Tram our midst, one of the oldest and best known and highly esteemed citizens of our condor pity, He was a Ulan of sterling character, both in word and deed, and the name .of "Uncle Walter." as tie was more familiarly ealled by all who knew him, will long be remembered and fondly cherished, not only by his own family and relatives, but by the COUNTY NEWS ITEMS Stratford (s. T. R. ere brigade will have an excursion to (=oderiett on July 21 July 12th, 1897, will without doubt be a red letter day in the history of Uorrie, The Salvation Army with their band from Palmerston will visit Brussels on the 12th of July. 11Ir, A. E. Thompson, who has held the position of principal ot Bayfield l ublie School for the past year and a half, severs his connection with the school to pursue studies, to fit hint for the ministry. Mr. Thompson has been a faithful worker in the lltctho- di: t church and Sabbath School, and will be particularly missed in the I;pwort'h League, in which he took touch interest. Itis ivany friends wish him prosperity. Rev. P. J. O)tien succeeds Rev, E, A, Shaw at l3etgrave, He was mar- ried to Miss Eva Leech, of I3raedon, formerly of Gerrie, when be labored on the misslon field in Manitoba. Four years ago ho was transferred to the London Conference, and has whole community. He wits one of spent tate last two years at "breezy the very first settlers in this part of Bayfield," the country, and in the early days Tho Blyth Standard chronicles the of bush life, together with the other death of errs. Agee Amelia McNally, noble pioneers, endured the hardship beloved wife of Coon.McNally, and privation incidental to the early which occurred on Tuesday. Last settlement of the country, and by March she contracted a cold, which his energy and industry, contributed no small share in making this sec- tion what it is today. Deceased was the youngest son of William and fined to her bed, until death relieved Jane Treleaven, and was born in leer of suffering. She leaves a bus - Plymouth, England on July 4th, bane), blit no children to mourn her 18.25, and was consequently in his loss, Deceased was a member of the 73rd year at the time of his death, Presbyterian Church in this village he came to Canada, with his parents, and an earnest Christian woman. in 183.2, and settled in Amherst The funeral took place Thursday Island, near Kingston, where he' afternoon to the U. T. R. station and remained for fifteen years. In 1347 ; from there to her mother's residence he removed to Ashfield township, ' in BlcGitiivr Ny 'I'owship. 11•Ir. Me. where he hewed and eat for himself Nally has the sympathy of the com- a home among the then almost un-! nlunity in the loss of his loving help- brulcen forest. After a residence In mate. tie :ei1'a1 h1r of 17 years, he remote I r ed with his faintly, to this village ill 1801, and front that time to the time of his death, was a valuable citizen in this town. In. the early days of Lueknow he took a prominent interest in the welfare 01 the place, and at the time ot its ineorporati n as a village. he was elected a member of its first municipal council, a position he filled for several years. Shortly after coming he purchased from '1r. J. Somerville, the present Lucknow Grist Mills, which he owned and operated till his demise, He was an earnest Christain, and for over:forty years was a devout and faithful class leader and consistent member of the Methodist church, and in his death the church loses a true friend and worker, whose place it will be hard to fill, Deceased leaves a widow and 7 children to mourn his demise, and in this sad hour of sorrow, have the earnest sympathy of all in their bereavement. The sttr- viring children are : '''hos, H. Tre- leaven, and Wn, C,, Lucknww, Rev. Wa!r.er. New Hamburg, J. Wesley, of the Clinton Collegiate Institute staff; Mrs. T. L. Treleaven, Miss Susan and Miss Louise, of this vill- age, Tile funeral which was largely attended by sympathizing friends, teak place at the fetidly plot in the 1)angannou cemetery last Monday and was a fitting tribute of respeet to the departed. developed into eonjestion of the lungs and afterwards Seto consumpticn, and for fourteen weeks she was con - MAIDEN BLUSIIE.3 HOW THIN YAM wIt x TUB IIAND Or r.;aoa Ayr )T8on1,ER LA'S Il iii L4 Lf' -,N TII, .d— WHAT t 000 aria:) IS A Titi7.t3nr•': AYn hh". Jr, TnIEJ 1::3Iaov --now w> HAM THE Mr URN oe 'run Ti\ti ole SEAT 1:\111•;lt I'r8 Iertateere;— ze ri'3 oeee eon etre mien. I'rI 0..= eon :Ir : JII)'1'irIil:. "My daughter ad been ailing for nearly two yearn vi h narvo' p proSt• ration in ligestion a d other complaints which girls in the' teta3 a.o subject; to Par day at a ti she was confined to her beta anti could retain nt•thiag on her stonlnch. Our family ph)aician finally declared slje was in a decii:,o, We des- paired of her recovery. She gradually grew worse. l had found so littlo bene- fit from retneiies T wits seeptioal about trying i auth American •Nervine. 1 how ever procured a bottle, and relief enure lee magic; the pain left her in a day, and after taking. five bottles she was completely cured and as r.'e1t and hearty ne ever she had been.' Mrs. Geo, Booth, Orangeville, Ont. Sold at Chishohn's 1)rna Stnr'm. An Englishman who recently visited this country says that one thing which struck hint was the fact tag, aecordfng to the newspapers, few people in the United States ever say anything. They 'state' and 'aver. T:lousa•1las Cslebrats With thankfuInees their restoration to health, by the use of Hood's Sarsa.pa- Ilia. Think of the vast army ho hat"obeen cured try Bead's'Sa "sap -fila. Alen, women and •b" dren who have suri'ered the con- fences of impure blond,'who have en the victims of scrofula sores. eruptions, dyspepsia, I nervousness; and sleeplessness, f They have tried other medicines and ' have failed to obtain relief. They tried 1 Hood's Harsapariliat and it dill thein good i They persevered in its use and it nc- compiished permanent cures. Do you wonder that they praise and recommend it to you. TO I3.ELL £.IIs~E A MAN. MARY .t LIVERMORE'S ADVICE TO A WOUNDED SOLDIER. TERRORIZED BY AN EVANGELIST. I asked Mrs. Livermore if she had ever seen any one afraid of death or that which would follow death, at the actual hour of dying. "Never but once" she replied, and then it was the fault of an evangel. ist. It was af.er the fight at Fort Donelson. Eighty mortally wound- ed leen had been brought into uiy ward at St. Louis .Hospital, among diem a soldier with both arms and a leg shot off. 'Mitt man was lying in that stupor that usually preceeds death when an evangelist entered, and, bending over the bed said: 'Have you made your peace with God ? If act you will he in hell in less than an hour. "Instantly the man's stupor was rep'aeed by the most horrible fright 'Pray for ale,' he groaned, 'I can't stop was the reply,as the speaker hurried on to give his gruesotne to other sufferers. 'You must pray 'for yourself,' Deiirioue witk pain and wholly possessed by this new and terrible idea, the snidier sent out shriek after shriek of agony.- I cannot die ! I nave been a wick ed roan 1 was his repeated wail. Itis cries aroused and excited the other glen, and the ward bbcame, a pancle- mortiutn of groans and screams and beseechings. In vain I urged and the surgeon commanded quiet. 1 directed the doctor to send the doc- tor to sedd the evangelist oat of the ward, and I got upon the bed of the rattan who had first been arroused, Taking hire by the shoulders and looking him straight in the eyes, I said:—'Stop this screaming at onee `I3ut 1 stn going to hell,' he. cried, 'Well if you must go to hell, go like a Ulan,' I replied, 'I3ut why must yon go,' 'What is Christ for if a men like you. who has stood to be riddled and torn and killed for ones country, is going to hell.' It is a. libel upon tied.' I had despatched a messenger for chaplain. When he cane in I said ')Don't say a word but sing,' and gradually peace settled over the ward, while the poor fellow listened to Jesus Lover of illy Soul, There will bo No More Sot row There, and Rock Of Ages, and many other cone forting hymns. 1 kept my place on the bed, softly repeating prayers, and reassuring pasrrages of scripture till my patient whispered, 'I do believe Je;us wiU save hie.' He died that night. The over zealous evangelist receiv- ed summary treatlnent at time hands of Mother Iliekerdyke. When he began to question her 'boys' she ap- proached him with these words:-� Look here, you leave this room, at once or I'll take you by the nape of the neck and pitch you out," Signs of a Smoker If a man smokes his cigar only to keep it lighted, and relishes taking it out of his mouth to watch the etul of the smoke in the air, set hien down as an easygoing man, Beware of the man who never los- es his grip on the cigar and is indif- ferent whether it burns or not; he is cool, calculating and exacting. The man -that smokes a bit, rests a bit, and fumbles the cigar more or less, is easily affected by circum- stances. If the cigar goes out frequently the smoker has a whole smiled disposi- tion, is a hail fellow, well met, with a lively brain, glib tongue, and generally a fund of capital anec dotes. A nervous man who fumbles his cigar a great deal is a sort of popin. ,day among men. Holding the cigar constantly between the teeth, ehewi'ig it occas- ionally and not caring if it belighted at all, are the characteristics of' men rwho have tenacity of bulldogs, The fop stands Ills cigar on end, and an experieneed smoker points it straight ahead or almost at right .angios with his course 'low many people are ash led to go into company on account of th:`' foul sme!ling breath, caused fro cat rah or cold in the head? If the, w ..] study their own interests they w' ul, hava sweet Smellie[ breath like +het .eighbors. 'There is o.le sera cure far catarrh and that is Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Give one blow through the blower and get relief immediately. Price, including blower, 25 cents. Attempts To Define News News is whatever the public will read and pay for. News is anything that the general public ought to know, News consist of events that are either very usual or very unusual, News is the panorama of the world every twenty-four hours is embryo. News is historical fact, It is what cceurs not what is imagined. News is anything from Jones' arrival in town to the fall of the empire. The Ban JOSS Scale. Last week Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Ag ricultitre, issued in- structions to Prof. Panton and W. 11. Orr, of Fruitlands, superintendent of freit tree spraying, to make a thorough inspection of the Niagara fruit section in order to ascertain definitely to what extent the fruit tree pest known as the San Jose scale has obtained a foothold in this pro- vince. These gentlemen have now sent in their report to the Minister. The report shows that the pest has been discovered at several points, but that in most instances the settle has affected only la very small number of trees, In such cases as this the trees were at once destroyed. In one in- stance, however, in the Niagara dis- triet, in had spread over a consider- eble number of peach and pear trees. As this pest does not come under the provisions of the statute in this regard and no compulsory trea- sures can be employed, the Minister instrueted 111r, Orr to wait upon the owner of the orchard with the view of making some amicable agreement whereby the pest may be stamped out and its spread to neighboring trees prevented. Mr. Orr has also been direeted to visit and inspect any orchards where there is reason to believe that the )hest exists, and fruit growers who suspect its preset= should et once communicate. with him. BANK at HAPIIILTON 1inm titu c WINGIl4M, Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, " :0,000 :resident—•JOLIN STUART. VIoe.rroekdont (a. taAAlsas. DI JOHN PROCTOR. Gtzo, Wool), ou, Wet Gtusox, . Lug (Toronto), V, A. T. Cashier—J, TURNBULL. Savi7tgs Basi[—hours, le to 5; Saturdaye, 10 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and ieroet allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of it. omit. Drafts eh Great Britnin and tho United Statte bought and sold W. 0O1I130ITLD, .9.Gtrs1'T 1;, L. Dec IKINSON, solicitor. BANKER, WIN _AM GENERAL BANKING RU : N.ESs TRANt3AO - litencyadvanced nn Fan 'ere and Business men on endorsed note and coliaterat. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all pir of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasenabl, terms, .Money to Loan o • Notes,. Notes D ounted AT REAS(? ABLE RATES Money aavnnced on tllortgagee at 51 pet eentwirh p;iviiezo of paving at tho and of any year. Note and accounts collected. ItOBT.1YIot D00. Beaver Block Wlnrham, Ont GRAND TRUNK BAILWAY. Toronto and East • Palmerston mixed London and South liincardine REPAST ABBIYLT ti 50 a. m. 240 p.m 3 Sop no 10 25 p 117 8 55'v m 2 40 p m 653 am1110011) 330pm 800pm 1110arn 650am 2 55 p ni 3 80 p 3025pS 80am Hier ,1t .jesty's Diamond • t1os flurries "Queen Victoria, Iter L Vlnto nrcry home. P0't= e w tette orders fast, trete Lord llufferin's ech'r,•c prni-ed• we need o ore 915 to 850 a week. Book: on time. Prnspe to can vnsscrs. A Di 1 will coFt 1 ;thing n ftil vonr amity pocket hook. THE OAR15ETS0N CO. LI"D„ Toro, to, On o mrd Reign," never sold books I most eloquent of n ; - No honk so hits 0111?ighly renews. Moly to make free ' R 1ULEv. AGENTS 1.1" startht money match a nay. Ymtr name and ,t2I viten information. P• P t . bact thin( tor g y uhlveseee formally es wit Iring you the u t51) 1' Toon to YOUNG PEOPLE'; UNION. 'Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every .friday evening. B. Y. P, U.– -Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. .EPWOItTH LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. WINGA_AM STLAM PUMP NORKS V.r. ^'v ,c , t rill wrar oMofifit rsnr 7:1'41111S Having purchased the entire -business from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to Supply rho public with Wtro(L and Tr on Fairett and Lift rumps, Brass anal. Iron Cylinders, s, G allvaLnilr,- ed Iron '.;sCubing, Cistelt'nfs, "Wates 're angina links, oltlss, iXr+e I'`ittilli g, Weill) Digging and everything in ctln- neotion with water seppnes. Galvanised Steel Windmills for power and puteping waters Deep well pumps a elheciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for intor,nfition or ordering by matt should always state depth ot well. All work guaranteed or no sale, �'.1VIORD.TINGTAR Bos 110 Wingluarn, Ont. initt V'IN(mHA.M TIMES, $1.00 per year in Advance. —te PUBLISHED I Ufa. 113IDAY ATOBNINQ ^•^1V2 TIIE- 1 TIMES QFFtCC, 4QSEFHINF, STRET,, WINGHAIIT, ON'r'AIsIo, utlbseriptionprtoo, $I pt'r ycar,In ALINAme ADVEt1TIS1tr0 RATES: Space 1 1 yr. I c oto. 15 Ivo. 11 mo, 53-17;,1ctumn 00 00 940 00 WO OU 8 00 Half '' 40 00 PO 00 it 00 0 00' Quarter " E0 00 12 CO 7 00 s 00 one 111011 5 00 A 00 z '. re Legal and other cast al advettisecnents, 80. per line for firs; insertion, and 00 per line for each subsequent inaortion. Mee snred by nonpareil scale. caecal notices loo, per fine for first insertion, and 5a. per lino for each subsequent inserticr. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations Ind Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lithe nonpareil, $1 for first . month, and 50e, for each subsequent lnonth, Ilouses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines 81 for filet month, 50u, per subsequent month Latzer advertisements in proportion.. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or for tonger periods. Advertisements and local notices without epeoiflo directions, will ho inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Chang.,s for contract advertisements must be in the 'Aline by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week lis la, ELLIOTT P aoPal= tin 1'ABLIgBBB. j�■ VANSTONE, DA iItatST Ott, Ste., Private and Com to • s to loan at lowest rat interest. No co 'Sism . charged. Mortgagee, tow and fare property bought and sold OSFIOE--Beavor Block WINotrASt J. A. IIID aaa,R ON, TER, .!c., Out. E ■ L. DICKINSONr, DARRIS, E1 ETC. SonxolTOlt TO BANS , ' AMILTON. STONEY oAn. Office—tleyer Block. Wingham, 0, CAbMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICf]IQ1 Ofllco—Cotner Ifs tot opposite Colborne Ftotel, Gummier), , CONVEYANCER, &e and St. Andrew streets 50ARIo. D'E'NTISTRY.—J. S.IJEROM 1: it nctut! s cb ut Ocy toed) in th abs process, guaranteed OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite Brunswick House. D. S.,hyitaonan. first•class sets of oelp as they can be trade tnton. Tooth extractiid without pain, by his new " e, sly safe. ARTHUR J. maw Doctor of Dental Dental College OFFIOE---MA000 - LO BLOCK, NoI's—aYill visitBiyth every Wosday, . s., D. S., y of the Pennsyltsni JOHN RITOIiI GENE]. USSUBANCE AGENT O vraet DEANS, JR., Wisoao i,' LICENSED ACC ONE R FON a r1E COUNTY w, OF URON. Sales attends any part of he Co. Charge` Moderate. 1 WIN CUlSItI '', 'i$ oxaar, ONT., LICE '.ED COTIONEER. Sales of Farm ock and Farts Impiemeets specialty. All orders loft at the TIME. office pr, ptly attend' ed to. Tera, reasonable. SOCIETY MEE NGS. O �Cnmp Cal Chia, No. 40, meet; r ■ ■ 111(1 et nd third Monday in every month, in she Mews Ital, Visiting brethren weIc te+ Mader. Chief, n Stet art Itnn. See CULTURED LADIES—N.th force o racter, Hoed lit( 10 earn money, ca , learn how to do so in a good cause. Address JADES GALLOWAY, Toronto JOB PRINTING, JV0LtIn1NG Books, Pamphlets, Posters, li 11 J. Heade, Circulars, ho•, &o., executed in the bent style of the net, at moderato prices, and on short notice, Apply or address If, B. SLL1oTT, T hiss Office, Winghnm. BOOKBINDING. G■ WO are pleased to announce that any *looks or iingnzines lett with us for Handing, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on applioation o the Tisnte Office. - ipp �j NTED ?Jon and women who can work WANTED lJ hard talking 0114 writing six hours a day, fur SIN dayn n week, and ail bo content -.t• with 10 dollars weekly, Address NEW IDEAS 00 Brantford. A0ENT__ New edition of "Queen vletoria" �i 1i 1 now ready. Uniarsled—thirty- . two fall pain plates added, Best tI3ue of the Quosu and 1 ho Victorian Era published. Tho only Canadian book nrcepted by tier Majesty. Sales onorntour; cnnva..ere knoritmg the bottom out of all records. Sony to Inake thirty dollars weekly from now until Diamond Jubilee, Particulars tragi. Bradley.Garrebeoii Co, Ltd, Toronto 0