HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 4THE W1N € IANI TIKES, JULY 9,1897.
arrived t:t ii BLUEV4 LE. !of the foot. She Was born seventy -
years ago It Devonshire, Eng-
land. firs. Stacey's husband pre-
deceased her several years ago, She
leaves two sons,. Thomas, living on
the homestead and John, of Bow•
'Manville, The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon, itev. ltlr. Rogers
otiiciatir g.
a large lot of good
which we are
s . ing at
rail sermons or thin circuit on Sunday
last to good congregations. The out-
l__o99k is encouraging.
VOno of the pioneers of Turnberry
passed away last week, in the person
of Mr. Henry O. Pugh, at the home
of his daughter in Clinton. Mr.
Pugh bad been very feeble far some
years and on jubilee morning the
firing cif the cannon in Clinton start-
led him and caused a blood vessel to
burst. Ile lay in a paralized condi-
tion till the end of last week, when
death relieved him. :lir.--Pnglr w s
l ornalra• -Stefferdahire-Englaande
Welsrparents and married his,,wfle,
who is still. living in the old country,
They emigrated to London;°Canada,
then to Clinton ta_d thirty-nine years
ago came to 131uwv,tidnd last minter
returned to Clanton ;, 67 sr a with
their daughter, Miss Lain : Mr..
U CE >" .A. BOX
This so p has been selling
at Io cents a cake.
Call and get what you want
before it is all gone.
2 doors S. of,P. U. > iv'
ng ttm.
_ ! Pugh sang in choirs in Englan nd
w is fresen tor in tae!? Bluevale Pi
r I ki 6erir:`n..nllll 0.-- 5?J iu1n
t nt viii ', w s 'Trite remains were brought here r
'burial. The service taking place at
the house of his son, James Pugh
i'itiDAY, JULY 9,,9,,IZ•v. W. J. West,
and conducted by c
r on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pugh
.,-..-..-.- .. wide... f',,ur daughters and
Mr. A. McDougal has reshingled
his bare.
E. Geo. Brown, of Ottawa is spend-
ing hi; holidays with hie mother in
We loose sight of a familiar figure
on our streets in the person of. R.
Crittenden, who formerly carried
the mail daily between Belmore and
Wroxeter, but having lost the con-
tract, his place has been taken by 111r,
R. Black was in Mt. Forest Wed-
J. Hayden and R. M. Ritchie, of
Toronto, were in town this week.
A. Paulin and wife are expected
home from Simeee today (Thurs-
Mr. G. Spotten will be principal
of our school, in the place of S. L.
Wilson, who resigned.
Mrs. H. E. Smill, (nee Aggie
Sanderson) died in Toronto on Sun-
day afternoon, The 'remains came
to Wroxeter on Monday evening's
train. The funeral was held on
Tuesday at 3 p m.
SALUTATORY. Osfour sons: Mrs. Weir, Lucy and
Liza of Clinton
and Susan,of Glen
With this issue THE TIMES appears Williams; William, of Algoma, John,
under new management. Having of tussels, and Joseph and James,
purchased the plant and good will of tbis . ge. •Ie lacked but three
from Mr. S. G. Brown, we make our months of reaching the good old age
bow to the public, and at the saute of ninety y~oars
NIThe remains of late ' Mrs. John
time desire to express our thanks to Watcher, of the Bluevale road, tor -
the people of Wingham and surround- merly of Turnberry, were buried
ing country for, tlieir.words-of tame on Monday oftcrnuon.l
couragement and good cheer since '/Mr. Edward Bosman, of Morris
our return. Having been employed was taken suddenly ill on Dominion
day in the blacksmith shop, and had
nearly nine tears in connection with to be removed to the house of his
THE Tugs, under the management brother, Mr. .Toon Bosanau and had
of Messrs. P. Elliott and S. G. Brown, the doctor called in. He was able to
and having a good knowledge of the be taken hcaie in the evening but
has been ill sit -meat -We hope soon to
requirements of the people of Wing-
hear of his recovery.
ham and distriet, it will be our aim Mrs. Robert Maxwell, of the Blue-
to meet the same. We shall endeavor vole road was away last waek attend -
at all times to maintain the high ing the funeral of her mother, the
standing which THE TIMES has en- late Mrs. Scott. of Galt.
jped in thepast, and by paying Court Douglas, Canadian Order of
'- p ' . g Foresters, attended divine service in
strict attention to business, recording the Presbyterian church on Sunday
all the local happenings, and keep- last. An excellent sermon was
ing a capable corps of distriet eor- preached by Rev, W. J. West, from
respondents, to make it a still more
welcome and popular visitor to the
homes of Wingham and surrounding
country. As in the past, THE Timms
will•support the cause ox Liberalism,
having due regard at all times to the.
Cost almost as much as
They really cost far more.
Wise people figure that way and invest $75 or $100
in a wheel like
Hugh Tucker was at. Edmonton,
on business,
Maggi last week.
of Wingbam I which runs easy for years and then sells for a
was visiting her uncle, Win. Robin-
son, last week.
Richard Scott and Miss Margaret
Mary Rae visited friends at White•
aural on Sunday.
The Orangemen of' this vicinity
intend to celebrate the -12th of July
at Brussels.
The farmers of this vicinity are
talking; of forming a beef ring. We
think that would be a very good
thing and should have the hearty-
eartyapproval of every one interested.
Last Sunday evening the pump -at
one of our fair damsel's residence
gentleman not a. hundred miles from .Lida eeae ers tee ,_a -`''=u'- esee-eeeeee`- 'J r
!second hand.
..J"- 4."" r ,ego.--=" .o3 a•c.^—`* 1.: -- --,
good -price
was decorated with the hat of a young at;^; 4
here. \f i wou,d presume that the le S V MI E R S U 1 rr 1 N
owner of it was not very far away. Gi
the teet, "But if any provide not for Was he II•
Ids own, and specially for those of A few farmers in this vichnty
his own house, he hath denied the irate 'started haying, Among the 1-,
faith and is worse than an infidel."j* first we noticed was John Weir. ii
Mr. West said that Joseph, in pre- ]Nisi Carrick, of Wingham, is visit -A We are prepared to give you somethin
paring for the seven years famine in ing friends in our villiage. 'u,i Summer Suitings and of excellent Value.
Egypt, began the first organization Ftrst class Work.
for the mutual benefit A special a T
r h t Fl
n or, - 1 .
best interests of the country at f of mankind.l train load of Chinamen d
'= ! ft FR-WT32CULTURE
S in extensive ',emery
lI in tits section. Write
Pin -
nobby in Vej.
e turn out rFttr
is ,n, e profitable-
to tl • tanner row
ro Co., the u,ost-
a. have vacancy
Toronto, 0 •ario..
F. H. KE Y1
Opposite Queen'd Iiot
mss p 1 —^ WE W NT YO J A` "' For an easy Shave and a First -Class:
was listened to it Cut ' ive him a trial.
c W i
1 Although the heat was nutcase he 300 in nonuser trom the sea H Cut,
attentively by n full Empress .of India, passed through.I a
i Give us a call before purchasing. gni
We solicit a continuance of the church. the London on Saturady night. Most 1 i SULLIVAN. ors I•idne
patronage that has been so liberally Mr. harry Meliardy wont to of the Celestials were drs.trned for
Goderieb on Wednesday, where be Cubt'.
beamed upon THE Tlai>:s in the ' will be employed untlr. winter .
past, and trust that by fair and Mies Lyza Messer has gone to Live Stook Markets
honorable dealings oar business rela- Ypsilanti, Michigan: to visit her sister East Buffalo, N. Y., July 6—Cat-
tons with the public may be plea -1 Mrs, Ira Barclay. ale—Receipts, 22 cars through, 24
sant and profitable. In the job Mrs. James Stewart, of Stoney cars on sale. including 18 held over;
printing department, it will be aro Mountain, Manitoba, is visiting her d full r low r
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Collie.
aim to turn out Work equal to that Mr. Walter Rutherford, who was
of any city and at prices as low as suffering from jat.rdiee is still quite
the lowest. We will endeavor to poorly. ar3.5O @ -$4.25; light da., mixed Bulls quiet; export bulls fetch 3te.
please our patrons and to work at all lar. Edwin Bailer, teacher near butchers ;,tool:. $2:85 L : 3.50, bulls, to 4¢c. as a quality. Thin bulls not
li ivsville is home. $2.85-to$3.50; stockers and yearlings
times for the best interests of the Miss Jean Black, teacher in Tara $3.75 L :425; feeders common _to
• town in which we live. Once more public school end her sister, Miss cholee, x3.35 rr' 83.80; veils lower,
we solicit the patronage of all and in Black are h':ine for the holidays. I $4 C.. $5.50; fresh cows steady. IIogs
return promise a newspaper of which The directors of the Bluevale 1 lax 1 - -Three cars through, eight on sale;
Irvin's old Stand.
[ r-, rr _. .s+, .tC'srzrc'.- .. •7r_':_ l' 7r .• 'r t ' ft° -r'r ' .7?..& ' c,l r s' -i
stuff was not a: good as desirable. I ' NOT NEC ESSAR
Prices ruled from Vac. to 3-, ae. one or
market dull an prices - e ' two fancy stable heads bringing
than last week; good to best heavy perhaps sa fraction more; 3e was
steers, $4,80 G $4.70; good butchers often paid. Mr. S. Halligan bought
„4.25 rr'' $4.30, light to choice heifers three car loads for. Montreal.
no one need be ashamed.Manufacttrring Comp,tny have rent -
II. B. ELLIOTT. ashamed.'Manufacturing
Mr. Joseph Leech's old office for
their place of meeting.
•Miss Brinker returned to Bay.City,
EDITORIAL NOTES. i Midi igen last week, after visiting her
I brother, Mr. C. R. Brinker, of this i through; 5 on sale; market entirely
Rev. Dn. TALMAGE in his jubilee i place. ' demoralized, no demand at all.
market lower; Yorkers, 1;8.75: light
.;;3.77?,, «' $3.80; good light, mixed.
3.05; mediums and heavy, $3.60;
roughs. $2.10 «? $3.20; stags, $2,25
Mil. Sheep and lambs—two cars
sermon pays Queen Victoria a great ; Miss Martha Thornton is home
tribute when he says: 'from Toronto on a visit.
I dcclare it, fearless of centra- Rev. Mr. Rogers, the neve Metlio-
&letien, that the mightiest champion; dist minister, preached hist first ser- Bing somewhat t betterwoicthan
sit was
xty as
- of Christianity to day.is the throne 1 molt here on Sundey evening. g. g
M •. henry Mothers horse broke Iloads , inciuding 70 sheep and lambs,
Toronto, Ontario, July 8—Nearly
everything was cleared up before
the close of the market today; tl tide
of England. i
, away from the hitching post in front
;flit. DE.t..axr;Y, Independent Lite; of the post office;•,on Saturday even -
era!, was returned to tate Quebec. ing and ran as far as Wroxeter,
Legislative Assembly for Magdalen) where it was caugrlt. A boy brought
Islands, defeating Mr.Charles Marcil, i the horse back but the buggy was
the Liberal candidate. ; so badly damaged it had to remain
in Wroxeter.
Mr. James Timmins, of Parkdale,
lion. Amor De Cosmos, ex. -Premier formerly of Bluevale, is visiting old
British Columbia, is dead. friends in this locality. His friends
( will be pleased totear that his son,
A young woman named Maggie
Mr. ?3is;narl: 'Timmins is doing
I)egroat, .0 years s of age attempted!
, exceeding well in business at Allis -
to commit suicide in Victoria Park,!tan Ontario
Brantford by swallowing morphine.Mr. Jack Greenway went with the Dealers are going to Chicago to buy
She will probably recover. 9 .e, rel Battalion to carol) at London cattle for export via 11lontretal, these
.' , f- ..1irei> linked exceedingly of eriogi here not being good cnon'h
,. young lad named McKenzie, cf It;t ' 't:t: . ' 11u:ch%r•o' carnia -- Pikes rral'e.1
Itnn`l:tt, /Evil i'4.E'Eii:ly f►'+,r►1 r ilii« ; bra c c •r t i"ll;('r ry (Lot • • f•i.ilt• o. i.i rh a>: they lt'ave;1)een, and
Anel lair; br',:t'!,vr who w;u hitt€ r 1,y . f'r•4. i. y g
for tt.c,
1,100 hogs and 60 calves. There
was very little buying of stocks over
the C. 1'. It.; 14 car loads of export-
ers went to Montreal and five from
the Don station. Over the G. T, I•l,
21 ear loads went through to Mont-
real for export. Total receipts for
last week at the two yards were:
Cattle, 2,425; sheep and lambs, 2,72.1
hogs, `2,939.
Export etttle—The market was
barely steady, having a strong ten-
deney towards weakness. Prices
paid ruled from 41e to 41c. per ib.
Stockers dull and quiet; prices
ruled from 21e, to 3c. mostly, a few
selling at 31e.
Feeders—Not many being sold.
Market nominal at 31e. to 31c. -
Sheep --Export sheep were weak
er and off in price about -c. selling
from 31c. to 31c.
Lambs plentiful; nettling toucied
$4, the.best price realized being
3a.00. The range is down to $2
Calves steady at $2 to $7; choice
ve cls wanted.
Milch cows and springers steady;
choice cows were in demand; prices
rule from $19 to 338 each.
Hogs firmer: choice selections sold
for $5,50 to $5.G0, weighed ori the
cars. Stores are not wanted.
I it
w 1w01 Vii.
Wingham. July 8113., 1897.
Corrected by P. Deans, .Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 tbs. ........ 1 50 to 2
Pall Wheat. ... .. 0 02 to 0
Spring Wheat, .... ... 0 (id to 0
Oots,....... .... .. 0 18 to 0
Fiarloy ...... ........ 0 20 to 0
peas 0 87 to 0
Batter,.... ........ 0 10 to 0
Eggs per dozen........ .... 0 ]2 to 0
Wood per cord............1 CO to 1
Flay per ton 7 00 to 7
1'otetese, i,rr a,nLht'1, tl °311 to 0
.l'ullew, per lb.. 0 3 to 0
Dried Athe
pples, pot. lb........ 0 `2 to 0
Saint flog has Line; t,tl:f; 1'i'.Fit'..r t rr t: Ft•..ti,. .111 Cht, cattle in ti0 e. )
Jt3atlirats in Nave I ork. 10 to
• ,, , ' 'tJft,•rn'Y frotra stn retie The nality of a good dad of the
ai intot.S0 b. „ g q
00 1 determined not to be undersold.
To lay aside yo r s• ed or faded
suits or overco, te, ut take them
to:the Wingh in 'leaning and Dy
ing Wm ks, , I have them clean-
ed, dyed and repaired to look like
Order your
J. W. SIIELrr.
All kinds of ro gh and dressed
kept constantly on band and deliver-
ed on shortest notice.
Call and get prices tts we aro
ileLEAN 444
S "cEP
Came onto
signed, north
1 Leicester e
get possessi
erty and 1:
misers of the under
of 2, 1st line ;Morris„
d lamb. Owner may
of si •o by proving prop.
mg all .laces.
G ryFE.
Raving left on Masi)
have placed ruy praL'tra
G. D. enol 1 uro,
Ontario Veterinary t'
Ochs by night.and d
ly attended to at the o
ss I a time, F
in ho hands of
hr. uite of the-
y vile be prompt -
G-Iic Jour/ WILso zr .
'Strayed from the premises of th un-
dersigned,lot 17 con 1 Culross, on or
about the middle of May, one wo.year
old heifer light body and eild and
neck red; five yearling (ti' o heifers.
and three steers) on eifer red -
and white principally ; ono light
gray .beifor; two s s red and
white. principally red; er .steer red
and white. Any perao, giving inform-
ation that will lead to their discovery
will be puitably rewarded, Word :nay
bo left at the Trams otlice or with.
Jonx OA<LPDr•ur..
-_. 7-2tf . . ,Glonannan.
M 1l. Flynn, being about to ret ,ve
to En • aril to reside, will offer f /sale
by pu ,lin auction at her r• /denee
John S .'eget, Wingham, on •`tnrday,
July lot - all her housel effects,
consisting t: Parlor 0f,rs, Tables,
Sofa,ltceke :, Pictures, ,arpets, Cur-
tains and Pol Windo Blinds, Dining
Boom Chairs, ei • on 'fables, Side-
board, Book Case, .ai Stove and Pipes.'_
liancleome tint a -th, Sewing Media
bee Kitchen ngo, 11 -les, Cnphoarc.
Kitchen 'U nails, Outle , Silver and
Plated tv' e, Lamps,. Gins are, Croce -
ere. 1f , Bedroom Purnitur• Ik'cia and
13e; - nr.', Carpets, et.l. A niit t be
R '1'ornin of sale ma..lo to continence at `2 o'clock.
Parse. DEMI= '
,2b Anotio, :or
e •