HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 23Y ('lleeR ;Teti GIBBON. A gray clay that would have been dull aleywherc but by the sea. A Strang beeet)a blowing and the gray and blue ^efttY,bre leapinE1 into white Combs and points. A. landsman would have called it a gale, but to f}sherfolk it was only "a wee thing fresh," The gray old hr.usee, with their reel and brown roofs, looking out on the harbor, would atete have nppearntl dull and dirty but for their picturesquely irregular gables and heights. Then the busy figures of the fshwives in their bright -colored petti- oaats and "short go^• (long jackets); the lounging groups of the fishermen, and, above all, the bustle in the harbor t ever he is welennle, line other fella ched aff they and on its walls which projected out I ",Neo doot, and it's fist as you tnk' it, towlcl„ ' h "Pm sure of that, for what I Seo is reg billies l—y fr ttthesmackth is morning, 1u -innerly with g "Eh, 11Ir. Reset" she, i•ntcrs. "iFheri+, man , where?",. I htad better go u.iething bad happened--yntt tali. about , h i]dn , . vvesnea ed Dick slyly. e ews over, he mi ma t—hoots , 'ga,, ,i , . e „ the spray fleshing over them and the , ken fins when I toll you tont I sate her a +"sou aro breath; "you have found an opportunity to turn this eon.",, is that about the smack, I rl,., said, tlr(tvving a long banter of that an account. She was eon- fir?" aro to ll ten in me. Yet me young, you scions that and wished to ltianvo might Lriid the 'gl teuin rr gals she re a lubE+r;ttitYtlloe�o�a f can go where yon will find friends to pn sihlo turn the can4c 16ion }ars tact given for bang lute. can:fort and closer you--" Rose, laughing. "Is that a' you think o't? Man, I'd gig onything to ]tae them speak about me in print! But be that as 't may, wha do you think is here?" ",s.'1s lot o' folk." •".11st that, jist that; but I was think- ing you would like to leen that Jeetns," (pronounced with the s short) "is here." "To see his mother, I suppose, and lar ,) 1 • (.il P her get some more o "Tiet that, an' speaking that flneEng- lish Leonid 1 trdly umlerstan' him. But I thought you would like to ken, for he's conte to see some nue forhyo his mithee." That was what Digit Baxter had been ': waiting to tell, tine ho enjoyed the look on Bob Ross's fare --a comical attenplto I hide the fact that the news disturbed him, "But what can that mutter to sue, Pick I suppose he is free to go whar- TOE \'i'INtx.IAM TIMES JULY 9, 11t.'�. Inca rids cheery volce� �� need me for? -•-you know the roods better "Father has been expecting you, hut than me." there Is somebody with hien just now." The captain's quick pale oyes looked How cordially Bob lin.•s thanked that up at hint sharply, and he said geed - ""somebody," and how eerstrstly he , natnredly ;••-- longed that the "somebody" might stag' butlnexbltutfectly aware o' nlysel' I think youlkenthem total;, "I could not tomo so early as I was hest.,, meaning to do, and I'm no exactly 1 "Thank asv1 am tothavo,o friend wt' nae, •1, sorry. "How is that:' hat ,tnue1 R aro. i h s t h Yon She looked as if sho enjoyed, or at any' why 1 want yon en t1 , rate did not dislike, this very directtOnl- I y ouare nce se eparticoneular about kenning for, pliment. She said btunteringly:— "I'11 hug to take rnro of you,111r, Doss." 1 That was a question not easily an - ""That's just what 1 would like yon to know , for eHman himself did nenot do," he rejoined sincerely. "Neel: into the berry -bush ane say • great deal wrong with him; but as he what you see there," she replied, laugh- , found it diillonit to discover an explanation ingly quoting an old play -rhyme of child- I tort It Ina oto it n Ids own mind,wordit wan impossible hard. under - "I'm do11hting you would not let loo standing of another, So, he answered vaguely:— tell you what I sW.,, vaguely:— "Oh but I Would, for I'm no the 11ke ,t bitlrest I�tain, es0rpt that I would Mune went to hno ma 1. fas nor is just necessary. That's the reason DLI'TV ULEND FOR HV!" Lead packages only, 25, 30, 40, 5o and Goo. per I•a. t 1•l 'ny all C;resere, Tho Davlasolt S nay, Ltd., Wholesale Agents, Toronto. of Annie Murray, lously, "What for?" ""Because I care more for you than anybody or anything else, and—I have s o the scene in been nye formed to tell you. Now it is into tho Forth, gave life t Bat if 1 was in your place, I d be there a eless telling you," ! h the Saxon breeze and i afore him." tato bonniest lass itt all the world!„ three Unlllet tae Ile spoke alrnoat fiercely as in the r" cried laughing and was able to wall: nut here as if throes of a Strang man's agony; but the+ Out oint, on the furthest point of the gray"As though you [ n ken!" ex- again. i m thinking „ treat when you aro goon ..board the Mer with the evident chert to restrain his walls a group of men andwith s dopa y "'Ii you'll and tell father you aro heros cn That was to ohecl, otherwise might id 1 1 Dote 1n(an that's s st0 ynnr Lea �* nob to speak ally zoom" and she asked tremu- kern wind kiting their cheeks, stand � yestrcen and she was sprerin' for you, watching a smack which was tacking to i and there was a braw laugh on her face make- the port. I when I said you was to be here the -day." "Will she win in, think you?" ask- t ,"Thank you, Dick," said Ross with one, Ross is _ „ evident annoyance; "but I wish you wonldna meddle." "I didua ken afore that it was ony harm to do a frien' a paid turn," an - confidently 'answers a little weather- wirened•facnd old man, by name Dick Baxter. Bob Ross had seen a smack capsize ' way. and with five trusty comrades had put 1 ""No harm—I hope," off to the reseue. ! "I didna say anything by (trdiner," "It was a daftlike thing for Bob to said Dick a little sulkily, and yet with a swr•red Dick Baxter in his most dignified thunk he could be out in time to help them."I" said Baxter ' It was worth trying, dryly. Suddenly the prow of the boat is turned toward the opening in the walls and comes straight and swiftly along, sail,and crosses the bar, down goes the pont cud men are safe in the haven. There was no cheer, a desire to reassure Boss, seeing him so rnueh put out. But the "by ordinnr" utust have had an extensive range in- deed in his mind, since he had been praising his young friend without stint to Annie Murray, the only child of Captain Duncan Murray, who was sole and the Mer- maid of Anchor Cottage take it maid steams. "And she didna that ill," added Dick pawkily. take—null he was aware or it. plena tion he trial to detain her by the "A tlnft thing—that foul -follow gond ",-o It in sale of nil mon,,, ho mut- asseranee that he was in no hurry and out in tho tte:li 0' a gale because he saw tet'': rather wait until the captain was a smack cepseezee—" "ed, father is an Clea man," she went ctnit youon, "and ]las only id as his constant Went head, Pito. With a starring sket of the on ; but tlnlfathertreplied: - nRked o! friend and companion, n, as hi can you Iliad, she took up her basket of frac- Rees; he brought Immo three o' , thank of it: I said t,,o myself long 1 to vita tweet tewnrd the tense. A tall win- Co, ay, some itgure, in neat simply dress; and o`chls but cr,.samight hila made the loss wee' as that o' the ' smack• It u'aS oloverly done as I am glistened she crossed inthe green her rich fair hair told, all the same; but you should mind glintaned in l laver, ll win gold. that a life in the hand is worth twa in there was no nse The wistful lover, following, fall that h a thn wrack. But that's no' the question: prize onuld never bel l isnot because ireyou nto+come wl' me or no? Cargill there was any inseparable gulf between Annie bytn flush of the checks and a their positions; but because she in her- • movement t f the of the cheek check - self appeared to bo so laugh above him all—ns if she viand take that of Ross, 0 lover!the q poor vsaving of Alas, P rtnl, A t h nor tnc , P • 1 ; that t check- er any ordinary Eappcnreii to tl.i nl But Annie was a bright specitneu of was ver much the question. 1 although brave mon w Y Work had been done; but an eager in- ""Then it's all tight " woman nature — kind and generous, The father c lid net observe the occupied of the boat to see who was in it. And Ross laughed again as he went bonny and brave. The pian who won her meat, and Ross was entirely ecmved "They hoe gotten them a'hut Jock his way. and that way was to Ancbor would be fortunntn indeed, for he would with the anrouncomeuG Unit Cargill was. e Timson," said Baxter in amatter-of-fact Cottage. He had been sent for by Cap- possess that greatest of all blessings, a tone, the circumstances being of too toiu Dungan on a matter of busluess. faithful helpmate in all that concgoing to Peterhead on board the leer - ordinary ordinary a nature to call for mutts feel• Ilut the business was. not in Bob Ross's daily life—tender in his sorrow, blithe ""I'll go wi' you, captain," 110 said ing; "puir sows, lie's gae11." :Lind as he walked rapidly along with lu his madness, and patient of his errors. quietly and any ono hearing him speak "My mammy man," cried a woman hand bowed against the wind, the spray All this. and and hose thought, and would have thought that he was merely rushing down the steps to the boat, c;.tshing over the parapet, and the sun , it rendered the possibility of her becom- oulan ordinary bargain. But mere h "whir's lie?" • slimly beginning to make its way ing the prize of James Cargill the more his mince was passing the panorama of There was no answer and the woman through the mist. hitter. i-fe tried to make allowances for understood, Sha bowed her head, cov- r"I wonder can it be true! Was she his own feelings in regard to Annie and tired her face with her hands and was thinksng o' ane? Maybe, maybe, for she's the owAuenei ahoy had upon his opinion Cargill, all the way along the Coast 11 allowance ion courting 1,Annie. Car - hands, tank exon an arm n the is friendly an kindly; � it's an easy yo • to you, n "cU h• " s'tid Dna ht o' his steamer, hapPY• and rondo his siller--he would never The captain's daughter was as fatuous among Erica's. Tatra a dram on the bead quietly, and the voice wee tender n'!- p > though the notes were harsh, ""ye'll be hear o't when there's a chid like Cargill as the captain himself; for although she o't." better thAte." And they sod the w c ow Bob Rom WAR the first ant of the boat, Closed and feet went down harder and well as the French themselves'• (suet a He lead been in a dream during the on the sinal ar lig his in the cap - been saved to land. The other, followed, "But why should he not think o his ' school -girl mightpossess ' He was in a dream now d toel eedt.1 t my chances as i f this report) she was her father's that he got out into the fresh air, Car - silent. Then « (1011010 of burly women, no upsetting lino other lassies I len. o' o: the 3n«u. But when a a owe ""That's a plum word, and 1 think with broad shoulders and muscular I —Slut whist havers is this? The captain matte he could not believe thnG Cargill f ntrnrner. I d d but he is pronll was likely to make her or any woman yon ought to h�ospnken ib1� sooner, fUe oma lie a rae, coni +, , o' hie daughter, prnud, • i t home. hanging about waiting far her." could play the '"plenuy," and was re- • helping Ono tf the three men who hail fasterground.Again:—t i of the language n5 line last ten minntes of stay f i i ss ss would snagce lain s room. and were first n s}ste a m : 1-n o, own gray days and count or t , 1 ' h The crew ?" 1 clerk and purser, -beside being his house- gill going with thein—Cargill had boon number of friends eimer to &nein snore face; hut the senile faded into a troubled I covens, and in the wildest storm wan then details of the rescue than had been given lank. in the hurried OISat.ra to the crowd in "I'm thinking he wcnid do it, too, if the haven. Cargill werena here with his •flnerbes lanee aid net accompany then. He and his siller that he had no hand in gave his : t.:! ::::rt frame n shake like a making, . . . fair guid Bell Cargill—it huge Net. i':•E:i,t,lan i dog alter corning out of tin, i:i.ter, and that contented hitt. He w; R 0 roan about thirty, a handsome f 1 o,v, tall unci si•,ewy,dre==ed in a pilot j le ;et, and boots over hie trainers. Ills face ons tanned by cxposare to the weather, the features good, an:. the clear gray eyes which looked straight at any man beepeee an honesv, open, and tearless n;t`..lr:. lie had begun Life in his fatl:e:'s fishing smack; hat whilst always reedy 1:1 do his duty in the bot, he had eine i.l,t3:l to intend school tro:a - than tee ether lade cf the village. and to snake mors 1,t what he learned there, Tha dim:iin t tookan interest in h] 1 and helped Mtn b.- learn nev'igo:Ian ss far as it was in that worthy man's power to do it Put h:.5 real knnwledge was gained by practical experience in his father's smack. t o by the time ho was twenty-' !ortnbly ou itis incon:0. But he vtouhl !hand. two he Y t:e Sail to knew thn road from Tho Cottage store On the high ground not do that; he only became more par- . Stop i minute, for. Ross. I have Newhaven t) Tnhn O'Lirnat's—np, or oyerlaoking the Firth, It tins -a square tioalar about his etreoaa5 and about his been noticing that you are not well, eau from Newhaven to Yarmouth— better enmfortablo-looking building of -00 rates of freight. Lik;.wise, he would now we do anything for you?" •t than any pilot in Leith. He obtained story, built of brown stone and slated, employ a pilot more frequently than had Not violas What a poor thing was it, his license tine 180811.00 recognized p11)t. Tho only piece of ornamentation about been is custom, in cu•der to give himself then, that the wreck of hope and future He soon earned a high reputatina asa tit boatel-- was it porch It stood in a•(ase o•t penia should come to bon mora question of t i t f' 'n'iy land skilful man. Brit he At this thought ho stopped, teeth ported to be able to speak •French "es CHAPTER III. dram anal. then 10 thea omes• goad as lits were. c ar t n proceeded to the inn, eget) npanied by n Here a faint smile of hope ernseed his keeper. She accompanied him ou e11 his at the cottage just before him—why, S as hit was all settled and there was na cool as the oldest seaman on board. hope for L1n1, When the 'Mermaid was in straits she What fiend, then, had prompted him would stand by her father's stile—her to say lie would be pilot on the Mermaid sailor hat and the pen-jaol:et over her on this voyage? Why should. he be with ordinary dress, giving her tall figure a tbem when it would be only to intensify was a pity you spent your life in hoard- somewhat manly appearance—ready to his sense of loss into hate, ane—may e, to arrange hatters sntlsfnetorily, Rath ing up your bawbees for a loon that's i obey him in anything be might 00m- crime? more than half -ashamed to call you his 1 mend, I He should have said No, no, vol—and that conviotion ho wont merrily on his mother before his 'fine friends—ugh. 1 And throughout this rough life she ho had said "yos'' for the very reason . way. -- , 11 d him to that I would never ll, teeth you think of it? sent n10 avc'ay. The only time that I ever wished Imight leave hlin was—" But there the blood carne rushing to her Paco and a startled expression ap • penrel in her oyes as if she hacl caught herself in the commission of some crime, and she became silent, She, who had been claim in the midst cf storm, trembled, b her surprised y e asked. "Well?"b sudden stop and loaning into her • face for an explanation. "Well," she said, softly—nn entire change of tone and manner --"there's nothing more to say except that I am glad you are to be the pilot of tho Mer-' maid on her next trip." Ho took her hand gently and for a moment each looked into the other's eyes. Then: --- "'Now it is my turn to ask you to lis- ten to me," he said slowly, "Whilst I was coming down the path, I made up my hind that I would not go. You shall decide me. Is Cargill going by your wish?" "No." "Do yon wish 3110 to go?" "I do—because father wishes it." She added the latter words guickly as if fearing that he should misunderstand the import of her wish; and again they looked into each other's eyes in silence, "Vett' well," he said, "I will go." And then they said good-hy. The un- derstanding between them was complete, although no word of Compact had been spoken. She was to be faithful to her father, and he was to wait till the father spoke. Walti—ay, he would wait all his life, And Iia had no doubt that after this trip .of th.i Mermaid, n little conversation with Captain Duncan would enable • hien ,ter>s ..n.. :.--• x..,...._..- BABY WAS CURE+. • tie ,1, DEAR • SIRS,—I can hig y recent- 4' . mend Dr. Fowler's Bxtr t of Wild is 1 Strawberry It cured ly baby of 01- 40 diarncceaafterall other neaasfailed, "2- 4. so I give it gre•. t pro 0..It is excel- .}. 4* lent for all boa 1 co • plaints. 4' MRS, CHA' • B • 'T, Harlow, Ont. 'I 4 ste 4. THE EAC) MASTER "1• '}' GENTLEMEN,—I have found great '' '1' satisfaction in the use of Dr. Fowler's ' 4' Extract of Wild Strawberry, riles 44 4'' Sider it invaluable 1n all eases of 4' diarrhoea and summer complaint. �I n• It is a pleasure to me to recommend :- 141; 1' it to the public. as 4, R. B. MASTERTON, Principal, ,i. High School, River Charlo, N.B. 4-1-14444•4144°1•4444401•44S S THE_ PHP 'NOUNE REME DE Lord forgie me for than hard thoughts. If Annie likes hila let him hag her." d the gentlest: c Ilnracteristirs of which should have comp; e preserve �" womanhood. When at home in the ant- say no. It was not yet too ]ate. Hecould The healthy nature of the loan rose 1 tago no stranger would have suspected fend some excuse: he could feign Hess The original port of the village gnu-' againsb this envious spirit which had for that the quiet -looking lass with the —ho cared drown himself, Anything sista of to3 rows of of then; forming' i3i'.\'.i^,D G: SPCITGC:, "1.:7T.\TIC.1yS. a moment taken possession of him. He merry 801110 was accustomed to suuh 1 rather then go on board that vessel and. s ns of t tifrow The buildings forming lifted has head and locked Fate steadily I Sturm exprriv:toe:;. see them together, knowing the man to levo that if flats• the tipper ono is npprcaahed by a I Soh( ii: \\'ingY«tm vole L, Cc 1 ea 1: & "o In the face. She should take hire for pts 1 The Mermaid Was a small steamer be so unworthy. He did pal date' t o with a thick wooden gaoling own salve or he would "e'en bet the ' which Dnnoan Murray had purchased at he had thought Cargill an honest man outside the mo; and thn landings of bonnie }ass gang." a berg in. Thcsn, basing sold his Cutter, he, could have said good -by in sail reaog I these "outside stairs" form the rostrums he ezni3loyel. the steamer to oonsld able ninon to the inevitable; he Could have of the fishvrires from which they ha- , ,r, math ve CHAPTER IV. Taking the lead cv' •ywhere. We are t orl:in" day and night t) st iply )e demand. Onr COI' 'C •onricnce shows that hurt 'eds upon hundreds el' root' sutl'crers arc being restored to health and happi- ness daily. /01 RHEUMATIC I SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LAVER RILLS They are absolutely rure and. i:caltl:ful, {uarantc•c'i to Cnl'e Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago nrd all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. It was a relief to the man to feel this better mood upon him before he reached the cottage, for he knew that ugly thoughts make ugly faces. It was a re- lief, ton, teat the sun had scattered the mist and brightened everything. CHAPTER II. advantage in carrying goods. n}nng the steered them safely into po Coast, or to wherever he might obtain a ahagrin,bnt only sorrow in his heart. cargo. By this means ho had made a i As it was—ale must escape from the good deal of money—a big fortune his engagement. Ile onnld not answer fo: friends considered it—some of which was himself if he fulfilled it. prudently ingested. in holso property. As he was mechanically opening the He m)mht have retired and lived coin- gate his arta was grasped by a friendly piece of ground which •was also square lnnOften he Lind been heard to declare , "Can we do anything for yon:" So r1 - y, .' .> still retained Iris interest in the smack nee planted with ltd. ,,., useful--vege- with an emphatic/ Hath that he would mach medicine—eo notch fresh aire and and when occasion permitted went out to table=, fruit -trees, and berry bushes. Hover part with the Mermaid or his ]n, hope is restored and the future is as the fiebin with as eennh glee aR of old.'Utero wnrt'n few plots of flowers and ilau"hter "as land as they could baud ,' bright as over. That is the current moon After he had seen the rescued then some robe -bashes, but these things being. thegither." I —and a happy one—but to the homely safe in their lumen, he tarred on the Merely beautiful were kept well within In spite of this well-known doclnration ' nature nf a elan like Ross it brought no Iia wpb t( favorite of Dick' Way to has own. Dick Ba Deni s, and that met hint. hounds. Nevertheless the pisco bud a no ucunuuu. there were men who woul'i heyo bean I halm. lie had ventured his all in a rozy appearance and was attractive on glad to make hint forego his vow so far single boat and it had slink. was an honor; for Dick was a petson of the lady was concerned; only, she seemed . He turned and sats Annie, the bright importance in the village. An necident thirty years ago had disabled him from following his craft as a fisherman; hub he eked nut t: living by doing odd ,Sole at the harbor and by tips he obtained from sightseers for information tihnut the place and petiole. This he gave with the air cf a proprietor showinn hie Thr capsain had been brought up to to iia its much disposed to 'theory'',it as aytnpathotio eyes full upon 111m. Like regard utility ns the first considnrntlon her father. At any rate, no one had yet meet men deeply in love he was most in life; ithd the nnly bit of fancy Ila had obtained her favor, and there seemed ne. - shy of the being lig most loved, So ho permitted hinmelf when the grounds likelinoott of that favor being easily won. ; answered semen hat ungraolonsly, were laid out, was to panto an Cid anchor To herself thein was the simple fust "That is true --I am not well; but in the center of the patch of grass, called that her life was a happy one acrd there thank you for coming to say a kind word thn green. This anchor had ane of its tt"aR no need of change. Even if one to me." points stuck firmly in the ground as if ; should appear possessed of that strange '"I and veep glad to have givusl you place to his ;;,testa. Amon ;'at ii;eine lk at were holding the whole place steady. ` power which draws a maiden away from any Comfort, I donbt you have been over - wise obc:I'nell (bo reputation of 1 giving n "That note nncho•, sir," the captain I father, mother, and kindred to trust flex taxing yourself to -day." vital a se Ne was a downy ane, gyring would say to any visitor, snved the whale life to Bim, she believed that she Be rested on the gate. The sweet voice adv3ee to a alt+w spnriled way that int- Mermntd ecce when she was being blown I could resist it until her father said— was echoing in his brain and be listened. pressed the :implc although gagger tees.' out of the wade by Ona of the otnrtieat + "(in, and take my blessing with you. oThnn Rprnlising to the voice he breathed pie, He pronannced as nuth alta i.ety storms I have ever boon in. The Mer- `. ""Here is Mr, Ross, father," snits An- 11)0 mune, Annfa, on the l)osattar nf rurresit weather. as on maid of that tarn was a bit carter yeti ' ate, as she entered the room, and added ';ho slid not draw away from him. She religious naYaits anti the weather, In 1nau11 ken, And when I sold the cutter Short 110 was an authority in the land and got the steamer I brought that tan- with setae surpriso••-"Mr. • Cargill has steed hrentMees. "" Wi}1 yntt let m0 r+peak to yet?" ha notwithstanding the chaff which he had eller here and I'tn proud n' it—rael i 14008?" „Ay; diel 700 no Seo him? he wanted said. so quietly linty that he could that had been a ,•U0 n t L realize himself if after 1 e h house i ren - r mrd the I'M scarcely the utr a un T3elr • .:ala aonetisuep to endure from t ya >: proud—and so I � to sen you.. How are you, Es. . mon, Its his mealy old bine jersey and tee watntin' you �to come wi' us as far as for n moment in dreamland. corduroy tr,ueers, and with hie thin l As soon as BORA passed through the 11leteehe_ 1 Can you mann.nit°" "If It will dt, you any good, to be sure brown 1 at halted, hesitating 1 th t 1 1' tl I will," l answered t with an endeavor es rr .�Elte" post 1we dit ay lzorird fact, 110 vans a whys Kate, he hn tr , w he er o ; The captain was a burle little loan w she neve everybody's nfini-i, I go strai +ht to the (soar or to cross the ! h er ruddyface•--shrewd, sharp, to n]ieitw quite frit/11:1y and en:i1ly; but d at Y ti h v<it a v y on tate look -not for you, Bob. green toward the litss he saw amongst 1 and yet not ill-natured. the voleo faltered is little. eau manage? It was wool (lone the berry bushes busy leathering fruit. 1 ""�Ft10n?" was the prompt (lnery. eii)1)ythiria I like?" 7lIs heart s ilnpnlme h:,d ii; way, and ho' "Next week, on Tuesday maybe, but Of course." ere just in thite—.T'rnr Thomson went toward her. an Weenesday snro." The i c .:(t1�Qii)n granted he Appeared to e and the otter 11100 were 111 t As 11i 1 gut.(" eiosnrl behindhimwits a Moss bookcd1 tit Ann}o-••-hie cyt:5 turned find difficulty in taking advant,(ge of it ming off the keel. Bub you AAA. WO c}:n:g a frank sun -browned frith leol;ed i to her Involuntarily, asking the question, tic) there won pause, and. the outcome them and that's nil." : us from ainnngeb the ImalleS ane meg.(Wft5 she going too? But she looked down es it tvns:• ""Ay,but it Waits weei donne, and there'll rizecl him with a pi at smile. }Io ! at the table examining sane forms a stnl,id gawk." paragraph In the Scetsinen about thought that snore as bright ns the l which her father had thrust tovtitrd her lana eid]nulots ns tate a 1)0858101 mi]tli t1munehine Waif. rnngue their gossips. Poles jut out from windows eatrying rnpes to form a tri- angle, and on these hang 1nen and wo:en'e clothes to dry. On the 5181110 aro broad•hauuolled women gossiping to ethers below, on tither side cr acrole ^ way Beneath the stairs ore etilelg U dale morn. whilst he wax epeaki:g, bo to other ears It watt not so to thos 41'6"‘" "1:3 .,',e taiga• *' 4n'34'n4d "Glad to see you, Mr. Boss," mise Bald "I'm no sure. 13ut what shOold lean preparing bait, mending hots 00 Clothes and also gossiping: .A1 the foot of one of these stairs is Dick Baxter. To him tippronohes a big, lumpish man, jauntily. He is dressed in the latest fashion of tailordoni, hes a large signet ring on the third finger of his left hend,and carries n slim utnhrel}a in his right, which mattes his own figure the more conspinnou5. IIe as evidently conscious that such n dandy is out of his element in this place. Ho is rendered stiil'lnre conscious of 11 by the saluta- tion of Dick Baxter, "\Feel, :foetus, you aro a grand sight, but yon might Imo come sooner, for your mither's in a great way about you. "Thank yna, Mister Baster." "That's as mnnkio as to say that I ought to poll you Mister Cargill," said Dick, pityingly. "Na, no, laddae,I canna do that. I hue kept yo since you were a bairn running barefoot hero in the Itow, and you miu,n just thole nee spying :Teems to the end," Before Dick had finished his observa- tion, the gentlemen had ascended the stnirense and entered the dwelling'at the top• There he was sainted by an eldritch try:— "Ye tae come at Inst, ye deovll's boo- kie, What's I;eopib ye? Wait or 1 get up and I'll learn yo rttannote, Did I no Ray ok awn a at o • q n h0 11010 nt that yo was t and noo it's four?" Tilts came 11010 nn old woman who WAS seated in an old-fashinnel armchair. She Wore a high white "match," which rendered her sittIveled features tint shrunken eyes the Yltnro marked; and tbn passion on the fare tit this moment made it 'appear more haggard than it naturally was. The lumpish dandy was not at ell tiia- turbed. hili mother, 13e11 Cargill, had t been naral:::zed ,in her lower limbs for (PO it:•; ('91\TINr"i•:Tt) IF YOU AV WEAK BA L ME ACK, BA'. KA'f H E, AGO OR t2PtiJi4Ailt ..UIVMPITISM, RONEY PALLS • WILL CURE YOU. Do YOUR HANDS OR FEET, SWELL? IF SO YOU [!AVE WEAK KiDNEYS. DOAN'S PILLS WiLL STRENGTHEN THEM. HAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI- NARY TROUBLES OP ANY KiND+ IP SO, DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURE YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. HEADACHES, DIZZINESS, P RIG HT P U L DREAPIS, DISTURBED sLEEP, DROWSI- i I3Ss, PORGETPULNESS, COLD CHILLS, NI1UVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OFT IN CAUSED l;Y DISORDERED KiDNEYS. EVEN ]P YOUR fiEt COZY IS DEFECTIVE VCU SttOULD ALWAYS Ittr.L'ti9!ir THAT D'✓`A'\'S PleLa CURi3 Ai.4 KIDNEY TROD' e.LE n A eD E " 2Y DOsi lilLP1 THE • ALL C=Rt1G CTORES. *4' G If E'.ave (a e t iva•'r.. obtained. and 1111 patent 1-tt141r.1.aete'! MODER..T . Vesal My cr1e, a- 1 i:mne81 •t•: vicinity arena Patent •tndn VI. Lilitt•15 (30 Leel.•e„1patceisare peturpacsett 1.00.1 iiia a. •.'•elate at r X+:e,traph of invention, wit't vey;•'i..t ,c• ,1 0,11410.. ,M1 t� '1 snags.. (abased. s •,.+.:tr.r,...,9v ),te•lror" r •11. np»Iotr one., '•r' d;..: t t (5 i•.r 1e'Sarud' o 1113 :... 'e , c t,f'.d ,�'!,1' n»((! Ito r.• arra • TPr • t.. +' at... t x tlt•tafr," cort- t',:i.n ( .1. n, 1 •:,s.:lr,.c. alt +OtA1aAa.* 01.•! ire:sinter: . :••'rat:.: ttotileleettet. Y4�� CAP" 1z, r, r!' . .t+; 1{.'..,•.d,:l.dL IS