HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-09, Page 144 5 HE VVINGIIAll TIME VOL. XXVI.---NO, 131(3. re. 110MUTII • WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 9,1897. LOCAL IEWS. LOVILBS. —Campbell's mho Wafers guaran• tefd to cure head ie. V—J. 11.13perner has built an addition to his stabteW —The music of the farmer's mowers is heard in all directions. —Advertise your stray stock in the Timis. It will bring good results. —The small boys and girls are now en- joying their summer vacation to the fullest extent. —The weeds and burdocks on the streets hayc been cut and it makes a great im- provement, \I—Miss Wilson, who has been teaching in S. S. No. 7, ZPtland for some time, has resigned her position. --All the favorite swimming holes in the Maitland river have been alive with bath- ers during the past few days. --Quite a number from town and yicinity took in the Independent Forester's excursion to Sande and Detroit on Satur- day last, —Zelda, owned by Mr. Adams, of Kin• cardiac, and trained on the Wingham race track, took tIrd in the 2 40 race in Godetioh on the 1st. WE SELL CHEAP In order to make . quick, easy selling this warm weather, we have marked all our summer goods down. Special prices in Dress,Goods Mus1irs, Strip 1 Liuens, Cott Coupops Pell Goods, Pa asolls, I ...dies' Vests, louses, elts, Cuffs & Collars . • 4 f I 4' Special prices in all Summer Tweeds. Special prices in Millinery in this departmen t. Goods are lower than usual every- thing at cost and under. A special lot of Hats at 15e. worth from 75e. to $1.25, Special prices in men's goods, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Hats and Order- ed Clothing. Our stock of men and lbys' Straw Hats is. the best in town, all the newest styles and the prices to suit you. A few pairs left- yet, of those ladies.' Boots, Shoes and Slippers at 75e. and $1, which twice what we are asking for Wein. Always special 'Aims at the Grocery counter. A handsome Folding Back Lawn Chair given away with Baking Pawder. Secure one for yonr lawn ou' v.ran- dah. The best 25e. Tea in Wing - ham. We have a m`iirket for every berry you have got. We will buy - all you bring us. WE SELL C HOMUTH & Merritt Lamed by FRANK toria street,Wingh required. EAP. OWLES tcenses , EBSON, No 23, Vie- , Ont. No witnesses FALL TaNil SEPTEMAE 1 --On Monday, June 28th, there were 1800 inches of cream taken in ab the Whitechurch creamery. This is considered to be very large for this season of the yr. Wm. Berrand is moving Inc tailor- ing business to the new store in the Show fayor of the Union boys by a score of o to 1. block, next door to The unswink hotvij where he intends to carry a fell stock of tw eds, worsteds, Pte. —Master Erskine Russell got severely bitten on the the eye by a dog belonving to Messrs. Lott LIc Sturdy on MondaN Bora should learn to keep away from seen vicious doge. —The farmers report the pasture getting pretty bare. The grass along acme ot the streets in town would furnish the 'fartnPrs with pasture for a number ot weeks, if the length et grass will count, —Business is booming at the Enron Steam Laundry, Victoria street, since Mr. J. S. Weir has taken charge. This institu- tion turns out excellent work and snon7d rrive the 'hearty support of our citizens. —Mrs. .1a.- Brock has purchased the house on Minnip street and is preparing to .move into it. Mr. Wesley Gray, who vacated the house, has moved to the -house on the corner of Patrick and Edward streets. — Mr. Geo. McIntyre has on exhibition in his window, a tenuine tarantula. It is similar to the one found by Mr. N. A. Far- quharson in bunch of bananas some few days ago, the only difference being that this one was a little larger. —The stone work of the foundation of Messrs. Beattie Bios. liyery barn is well under we v. They intend putting in a cement floor and will have stabling accom- °dation for 23 hores. This barn, when completed,will be the best in this section of country. —Messrs, Wm Rendall ez Co. of the Wingham Foundry report business very rushing. This firm, since coming to Wing - ham, have made great changes in the foundry and farmers and others needing — Don't mind the thermometer; keep on fanning yourself. — The regular monthly meeting of the .—The regular meeting of Court Maitland No. 25, C. 0, F., will be held in their room this (Friday) evening. School Board will be held on Tuesday —This is the way the Kincardine Re - next. view speaks of the new mail train : Owing — Tho Orangemen will have their annual to an error made by the train dope tcher divine sermon preached in the town hall on the mail train arrived in Kincardine on time one day last wet k. \I'—On Tuesday morning last, Messrs. R. 0, Sperling, D. Sutherland and their wives left for Daulphin, Man, 1VIessi s. W. Belden and Geo Saddlerieft on the same day for the same place.," the same at once, he shall be prosecuted. —The hot weather which set in on July —Mr. Geo Lennox and wife have taken let, seems to be increasing as the monlh up housekeeping ancl have moved into the house on Minnie street, lately vacated by Mr. Fred Brown. —We were shown this week it few stalks of rye measuring 8 feet 1 inch, which were pelted on June 21st. This beats the record for tall grain this season. — Mr. W, .T. Currie, of East Weevanosh, has invited the members and friends of the Congregational church to e cherry festival to bo held at his home on Monday evening in job printing line is done neatly, cheaply next. and on the shortest notice at Tun MIES. --The lat July was a very quiet day in Give us atrial with your next order in the town. Most of our citizens remained home piiinting line. and enjoyed the local picnics, while Mr. S. Gracey has had the carpenters others went to Goderich, Attwood and at work this week making the front of his other points. furniture store ready for the reception Qf —A. friendly game of baseball was played the new plate glass windows./ This lin- en the park Monday evening between the provement will add greatly to the improve - employees of the Uniou Factory and the Chair Factory. The game proved to be in _ 7t of Mr. Graeey's property. On ‘Vednesday evening of last week, Synday next. V—The bricklayers are busily eugaged on the brick work of Mr. Arthur Cook's new house on John street .4r —If the party, alto took the football at the St. Paul's church picnic, does not return advances. Sunday, however, in the opinion of many people, will be accorcled the distinc- tion of being the hottest day yet. —31.1essrs. Plummer, of Blyth, and Cameron, of Brussels, were conducting the primary exa,minatlons in the Puplic school this week. Mr. A. IT.. Musgrove, of town, was in Brussels performing similar duties, --Posters, dodgers, hill heads, letter beads, note heads, envelopes and anything Place to obtain a thorough business training is the CENTRAl. BUSINESS COLLEGF STRATFORD. - ONT. A school that properly prepares its students for business life. Attendance this year double that of last year. Only one kind c f business training given to our students and that "the best." • Write for particulars. W. J. E LIOTT, Principal. STRAWB IP RIES, TOMATOES PINE IPLES, ORANGES, EMONS, BANANAS Prime Tomato and lants for salo at W. A Telephone 35. —A. very successful garden party was hold on Wednesday evening of last week at the residence of Mr. T. E. Bowles, under the auspices of the Orchestral and Bicycle clubs. A splendid programme was render- ed and refreshments served. A pleasant evening was spent by all preterit. 4 --While engaged in running the small Gordon press, on Tuesday, Davie McKay, of the Times staff had the misfortune to get his right hand caught. The hand was pretty badly smashed up)/ but Davie stood it like a brave Scotchmen. He will be ready for duty again in (1, week or two. —The following iefers to Rev. Mr. Rogerte of Bluevaje: "On the evening of June 2iith 100 people took possession of the parsonage at Talbotville, and after serving refreshments, reed an appreciative address to Rey. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and presented them *with a valuable silver tea service."— o ristian Guardian. anything in their line would do well to g" e them a call. —The carpenters have nearly completed the addition to Mr, Geo, Mason's store. By utilizing the cellar and putting in m gallery Mr. Mason 101 have extra epane tl at will equal a stc re 90 feet long.1/ Mr. Mason is bound to be tip -to -date and wl en the addi- tion is complet he will have a store equal to any west 'of Toronto, —Rey. Dr, Giffor t occupi3d t',e pulpit of the Methodist church oit Sunday for the last time befoi e leaving for his new charge in Essex Centre. De Peft on Monday after. noon for his new home, the family leaving the Friday previote, I ev. Dr. Pascoe, who comes to Wingham from Essex Centre, will occupy the pttlpit on Sund iv next, both morning and evening. —"Peep 0' Day" is the title of a thrilling drama while') will' he pier n in the Town Hall, on Monday evening next, by the Wingharn Amateur Drometi Club, under the auspices of the Publie Library. Peep I 0' Day ie a arilline story, the plot of I wletiwasoE1702.1aiI di n ctoinsrnrielcotaito ntea:8:10m iint troubleish alt Ipoints and never lags from start to finish, —The family of Mr. John MeLeod, Cul- ross, has been having their own troubles lately. A few weeks ago Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. McLeod's mother, fell dowu cellar and broke her leg; a young son fell and broke bis arm and Mrs. McLeod has been laid up for some little time. We are in- formed that all three are doing nicey and will soon he around again as usual —The new granolithic sidewalk on the east side of Josephine street from P atrick to John Streets is about completed. These walks make a wonderful difference in the oppeo,rance of the town, and we notice from the proceedings of the council meeting held on Monday night, that the residents of Centre street are going to have one laid on the east side of that street from John to Patrick streets. This is a move in the right direction and we hope to see all the sidewalks of our side streets built of the same material. • Cabbage and is a firm combination of corned tra y, g 1 ecly and pethoe. The Wingham Orchestra will he in attendance and render several of their choice selections. Tho smell of 15 tents to all. parte el some person or persons entered the cellars of Messrs. A. Burkholder and W. JeChap- man and helped themselves to some, canned fruit. On the Thursday evening following, the store of Mr. T. A. Mills was broken into, but milling is taken that Mr. Mills is aware of.V • C Rostriarant, 0.dmitsion Ice the. hall eltoeld ensuree full hone° and alecdotralai Block, we hope sueli will be the ease. CARD OF THANK At a meeting of Camp Cal . S , held on Mon was moved by Chas. Frances Crowe, that tendered to all tilos y 11 onia. No. 49 ening last, it t, seconded by vote of thanks be ho so ably and will. 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE PERSONALS. We shall be elad thive contributiols to this column trim any of our readers. If voU iri,v0 visi- tors or rurpose saber away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mies Masy Russell is visiting in Brussels this week. Mr. Ale. Morrow, of Hevelock, is visiting at his home here. Mies May Roes, of Brumfield, ie visiting friends in town. Mr. John Elder returned on Friday from a trip to Algorea. Mr. H. P. Chapman, of Ripley. was in town during the Week. Miss Arlie Hill, of Walkerton, is the guest of. Miss Nellie Ross, Miss Norma Dinsley is spending a few clays with friends in Toronto. Mr. Benj Wilson returned to town on Saturday last from Winnipeg. Mr. W. C. MeIvor, cf Detroit, is visiting his old acquaintances in town. Miss Burgess, of Lucknow, is visiting, her Wingham friends this week. Miss Elsie Bainton, of Blyth, was calling on her old friends in town this week. Miss Ella Kinsman has returned home from a lengthy visit to friends in Sarnia. Mr. Geo Good, of Ripley, spent a few days with -ells parents iu town: this week. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Dungannon, visited the Itev. Wm. Lowe, during the week. Mrs. Wm. Button and daughter have returned home from a visit to frieudc in Boston. Mr. W. T. Fyfe, teacher, is spending his holidays in vicinity. Mr. R. II, McLeod, of the Bank of Ham- ilton, is away at present enjoying his holidays. of Kincardine, Wingham and —Thursday of lest week, July 1st, wes Mr, and Mrs. Cartwt ight, of Londesboro, a day of picnics for the people of Wing- were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jerome ham. In all there were five held, as during the week.f Mrs. John ,Buchanen, of Mossomirn, Man., is a,t present on a visit to Wingham relatives and friends. Blyth Standard: Mr. and Mrs. Brad - win, of Wingliam, visited Blyth friends on Friday and Saturday last. Mr. Sinclair, of New York, is spending a few days in town with his sister, Mrs. A. McGregor and brother, Mr. Jud Sinclair. Miss Mabel and Hazel Burkholder, who have been visiting in Toronto for some time, returned home lest evening. follows: Presbyterians in Tamlyn's grbve, Baptists in Stewart's grove, Congregation- alists on Tervit'e grove, Church of Eng- land on the Lower Wingham flats, and a private picnic 10 Zetland. ingly aseisted in the demonstration held by the Sone of Scotland on the occasion ofHer Majesty's Jubilee. ---- - I3ap i she took au aptiV' e 1 Hanson —Robbins—That the Public Join; Munnev, Chief. D. Srewene, Sec. WINeellAM HACNS. interest A RARE TREAT. There is a treat in store for the people ofIsTingharn, in the shape of a grand con- cert. A carnival of nations. under the direction of Miss Houghton, will be given in the Town Hall, on Tuesday rind Wed- nesdey evenings, July 20th and 21st. This Mr. F. Dawson, of Georgetown, and Miss will be something new for Wingham. A E. Dawson, of Toronto, were spending a few days at their home in town during the week. s. J. Elliott said Mra. A. McGregor, of different character will represent each country and a programme will be rendered consisting of songs, recitations, tableaus, national dramas, including May pole,1Wingliam, are on a visit to Mrs. W. G. ferries, scaife French mignonette and Brown, Granton (London Roan.)—Clinton Hignland dances. Greece will be repres- ; News -Record ed by artistic posing by Miss L. McKenzie's I physical class, The admission has been TOWN COUNCIL placed at 15c. and 25e. Seats may be The regular meeting of the Town. Council reserved at Munshave's jewelry store. Let I everyone attend this concert and we are was held on Monday evening. Members present, Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, sure you'll not be di ssappointed. 1 Councillors McKinley, Reading, Robinson, Forbes, Hanson, Robbins. The minutes cf lest meeting were read and approved. Communications were read from : A. Toronto firm re the purchasing of ipe etc. The Clerk was instructed to ,0111.011.m. a••••••0111.1.1.11, sum of money as may be required for the town of Wingham until the taxes are paid. Hanson—Robinson—That by-law Not. 306, as now teed be adopted—Carried. Robbins—Baneon—That printed specifle cations of granolit' ic walk e be amended by insertion of the words, high grade, Cana- dian cement iu all clauses relating to the cement to be used by the contractor—Car- ried. ELIA= REPOUT. G T P., freight Red Telephone Co 23848 1 55 II and Sewer Pipe Co, pipes "e7 00 20 00 Thos Irvin, salary Chas Barber, teaming on streets.... 19 51 " operating road machine 13 00 P Fisher, rent of P 0 drawer 2 00 .Elliott Bros, tile B Ferguson: salary " postage Vannorrna,n, salary T Manuel, salary Jos Coed " . DEATH OF MRS. A. IRELAND 4 We are sorry this week to have to chron- icle the death of Mrs. A. Ireland, wife of Mr. A Ireland, conductor on the G. T. R., which sad event took place on ! write and inform them that the Monday morning last. Deceased had been council had not taken any action as yet, ailing for some time past, but nothing Communication signed by Jas. A. Cline, Henry Davis and others re putting side - of a serious nature was anticipated until! walk on outside of trees on Centre street. Sunday morning, when she was seized with a sudden attack of chills, which ultimately Communications were received and report of Public Works Committee read. proved fatal. VeeeasedeewesebOreedi-n—the townehilageeecouneyeeteeerayeereeri Robinson—Hanson—That the report of Iheyear-1850e being, thodthirdedaughtan51—the Public Works Cemmittee as rend be adopted and that the sidewalks be gone •on the.lateettelexander Peddles,' wlitrevasdeforetel mmrberr-of-years-collector-of.thatetownehip. I with—Carried. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland moved from Stratford Reading—MaKinlay—That the sidewalks put on the outside of trees on east side to Wingham in the fall of 1885, aud...elle ; be rnediatelyeconnect eb If- Ih—tivr of Centre street—Carried. church, where an-au1branche 600 100 00 2 50 31 00 8 34 15 00 1) McKinlay, euperintendent, walks, 16 00 Jas Brook, work on streets 21 00 Geo Hughes " It Newcombe " Jno Gillespie, teaming G A. Newton, firemen's salaries05 00 Wingham Electric Light Co 41 90 V Vannorman, taking Mrs Wardby to House of Refuge2 50 Hanson—Robinson—That the finanee report as now read be adopted. and orders for same be drawn—Carried. Mr. W. J. Fleeter asked the council for the use of the town hall on Sunday, llth inst., for the Orangemen to hold divine service. Hanson—Forbes—That this Council grant the use of the hall to the Orangemen ou Sunday, lith of July—Carried. Council adjourned. .. 21 00 1 25 17 90 FooTBALL, Winglitern Footballers lost to Attwood by a score of 8 to on the first of July. Although the day was excessively bot the genie was at, stli times fast and furious, especially furious. During the first part of the matelx Winghaen did not seem to be in it and their stock dropped stilllower when Atwood scored a goal after about 15 min- utes hard play. Losing a goal only acted as a stimulent to the boys in red and black for in the next 2) minutes they played some of the neatest ball seen this year resulting in 3 pale score.' in short time. The last of these goals was dis- allowed by the referee on acconnt of an Attwood man striking the ball with his hand as it was going through the goal. A foul was taken but did not result in 11 score. Attwood added 2 more goals to the one already obtained, this leaving the score .at the end of the game to 2 in Attwood's favor. Brussells defeated Wroxeter in league match on Jaly ist. Listowel and Brussels played a game on Wednesday evening cf this week and resulted in a, score of to 2 in favor 01 Listowel. Wingham is now ahead, but Brussels and Wroxeter play a match in Brussels on Monday evening next. If Bruseels wins, it will place Winghane and Brussels even. of dleurcteedeVede,1Wotks Cornmittee.be instructed to have . — especially evil leabe t issed eiredthe choir, ! granolithic sidewalks laid on crossings on Great preparations are being made fora streets—Carried. whieheshaattilabtlA lasgceedeffereelteagreat John and Victori ' the horse races to be held here on Wednes- number of yeerri.edSlia eviiilaelse it great Hanson—Robinson—That Jos Golley be day and Thursday, Jnly 21st and 22nd. worker inetheeause o tetnperancase he appointed engineer over the granolithic The track is in excellent cnedition and with = '' • vela denee-aweec; . walk on Josephine street without salary— fevorable weather, this year's races will . She loaves a sorrowine husband, son Carried. surpass anything in that lino in the past. and two daughters, the youngest being a By -Law No. 307, to appoint engineers The greed stand, which has recently been babe of a week old. The funeral co Tiles- ever granolithic walks and that Jos built has a seating capacity of 1,000 and all day to the Viighatn cemetery was largely Golley be appointed engineer over grano- lovers of the horserace will have a splendid attended • wing the esteem Notch the "aide weft ou Josephine street and Conn. view from the grun 1 sten 1. Theca two dee,eesed told in the ettectie a of the citi- McKitilay, engineer on all previous side, days will be lively dap. The following is zens of this vicinity. The JTiwus extends walk e at $1.50 per dny. the programme for the both days: to Mr. Ireland and fanti its heartfelt Robineon—Hanson—That byelaw No. MIDST DAY sympathy in tide their hi 2.29 Pieria or t1.28 Trot ......Purse 0300 00 2 20 d " 2.17 " t• 300 00 open as 1) It is given to every le Mile Itunning, 2 in 3 " 175 00 molt) nes. 2.40 P tee or '2.35 Trot Purse $250 00 2.10 Trot or Pace . " 300 00 , 224 releoe 2,91 Trot " 300 0) il Mile Running, 2 in 3" 175 00 la of Scott's 1nu1siotf no succeesf 01 imiteti ed te the public. 01 and study earn proaucc 14 of affliction. I 304 as now reed be adopted.—Carried, By-law No. 305, a by-law to enable tht Council to raise money by way of a tem. gieian, the Mimi- porery loan to meet the cost of sidewalks, ing no secret; tut etc., was rena. has ever been offer- l Robinson—Forbes—nett by.law No. 1305 years- of experience al now reed be aloptea—Carried. the beat. I 13y.law BOG,such by-law to procure s .00110m0/11.11•MeTi. .BUSINESS • CAL d gener servant girl WANTED—A go Apply at this otli Something new 14 Canon -Top Bed- foom suites at lime ti: Bur. N'S. 5-14tf How to get a Jubile Engraving of Queen Victoria and h r oble enders, call at Griffin's and f»ehase wo (1.1b) tins of CreamWavVJl3aki Powder (a pure cream tartar powder ) Pine Apples, 10c ea man , Oraegee Lemons, Strawberr ., To atoes and Cucumbers, at .3, Mc • elvies Homegrown Sbrawbrrij4s now in the market and are sellingJsne as Yee at. A. F ierneesoeds. If you doubt what 41 rs say abont Ireland &nett price ust tall in and see for yourself. ee5-14tf Ireland de l3ntton Ix ed delivery' wagon to their bush 148 nd deliver goods a reasonable fence \P-14tf --For first-class tail nig and carp gents' furnishings, tt Web ter & Co. Remember the plac n Qucef s block. 'Those who gat our hem grown straw berrice other e ears are f r them aqui and pronotmee them tb est th ce.n e for canning and preser N. A. FAT` CHAIMON, WANTED .O.S11, Tub But- ter 13c. And here we jest *hat we advertise thougb stori are circulate43. the oontrary. 1 bay 13 ter. Eggs aria IV Ilighrst prices cash or trade. G, E.