The Wingham Times, 1897-07-02, Page 71
Runaway .A.oniclent.
0B, PU13I.xC
During tf a presentsession
Monday evening 1"
last, Zr,
Io fs t 1ee
DominionParliament, Dt"rcFaehndv, or seeing, familiarG'e )ge itzgeta l and Mr. L. 0,
Tuberculosis m Canada thigsiin a new
light, [s a visible factor s Lnkigeet inSeaf'et la with were tftvhorseand
N 'tarn V S Gillet Vctel'inat y n l?
for of the: �Department of ,Aga tc,alture
un gavef
o ovAgricideulturnq:ee buelt*fotCthth0espread Contulittca
i extermination of tuberculosis. To
---- `rid the country of this disease the.
'� d the expenditure of
doctor advise c;outs ore of
That Seems IN Very un,
r 100,000 this year to imads would
Timely And Absurd Quer- be slaughtered it k owners whose iv as shown that
tion Atter t( they were diseased. by the tuberculin
test. Icon,
M. Fisher strongly op
in education. How ninny people can . o l insit6 _lc s
explain, so that a child can under- light waggon when ppot at soltic. •
stand, wily Water puts out file, why hotel, the horse took frig
some young i
to run •
squash plants bring thing and commencing
theirsha?ls out of. the ground ot, their became unmanageable.�iv waggon � ilui Za
backs and others do nut ; or show railway crossing' !goon hold I
the difference between a leaf -bud and e 'melt pot throwing
l min and had 1►is
is I
Iit fruit•baut of the apple; or telt fl n' had t
whence all the house flies come?. The forehead gout end
du bruised,`snut ocher world is full of such common things, , .
about which people do not inquire.`•C etlk ihomy a jtiredtq lent y�ts able
Yet such subjects can be made y • to w•s
interesting to children and they can', l ed to sell tickets fur Fitzgeraldsplb
be taken up in the schools, not as anwho
, Jubilee day,
added recitation, but as a rest I wa driving,
ing, dind n t eseaPe sous and
once or twice each week to , to summoned. And 1
relieve the monotony of the the theme I, medical dttgl 1 bv•�slersun's hotel and i
room and later be
madefor a language exerer
cisQ• Here are, examination however relieved the
two important faculties that may be ;feelig oof hisy friends ecycle that, • beyond a
I e3 he was not other;
brought into exorcise,—accurate couple
observation and the power oi'express cuts on the leg . W being only
d by the fall he soon recove,t •
ing definitely what is seen.—Prof, L wise seriously
P. Roberts,
posed such a step, and buss, supper ted
• Tat
NO1IFisher advocated the education of
the fanner, greater care in isolation,
disinfection told personal testing of
,All The Tests, and the Thous- selves. Nodoubtful imala by one doubtsirmers the existePCne
ands 0 Absolute an �0' of tuberculosis in the country. but t
esticned Cures That attempt its extermination by
flu Mcl+]aehran's scheme is at present
Have Been fade tc o radical. It to a disease infecting
By [
unypn all classes of domestic animals, bat
Ione the symptoms ,of which are not
X11 readily detected -e} en by experts.
Canada - Moreover, the tu'ber'culin test, while
Mr, Job Morrison, 'Toronto, says:
'"Ver several years I wino troubled with a
the p form of kidney
yrheum a't,tsmdfor
Aftere past' yearga uumbet• of other remedies
ws rostryiy
X was :in..uuad to take LVlunyun's Kidney
and Rtyoumats. 'fwo bottles of
a one ofethe hater remedies
the former an
:entirely cured me and 1 am now as well farmers generally, an a inion.
can heartily recommend the
as ever. I the interests of the whole Dong
1Qunyofi remedies and am duiuy; so daily
Duca t o tn"lion Milch
t ,
very accurate, is not always sure in
its workings for .tinimalS n
ing the slightest trace of the disease
upon post mortem examination, have
been known, while alive to respond
to the test.
The expenditure, if applied, is but
a cipher of the amotant o loss to thte
to my relatives and friends,
Munyou'6 Rheumatism Cure seldom 1
fails to relieve in one to three hours and
-cures in a few days. Price
r ce 2 cpusitively
Munyon's Dyspepsia
cures all forms of indigestion and stom-
ach trouble. Price `25c.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and breaks up a cold in a few
hours. Price, 2 e• f
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, l million, expenditure
I per head makes a total exp
night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi' of nearly
ly heals the lungs Cure ric speedily cures. T thirteen million dollars.
unyored ius ur Kroles and all In view of s o Oth expenditure
peadr:s ins that
There are
COWS in Canada, and if these were
tested by veterinaries ;at the regular �
price of $5 per head, the expenditure
amounts to over ten million dollars.
It would also be necessary to test the
young stock being bred for milk
purposes, of which there these over a
he testing of
ed consciousness, and his
were '
are pleased to learn that beigetting
Da..alt Eel:role— e <
tourists that if written to confidentially se nicely, gentlemen a had -
I will mail in n sealed letter , pat•ticultnrs of ;set in he will be arouud again be-
e, genuine, honest, home cure, by which I 'fore long. Moth that
restored to health and very narrow escape asli t seems
both lines broke, a when the
freed from the waggonand
collision with occurred,
running up the railway track. Nos
soon captured. The waggc+n was
sadly demoralized 'and the s horse tI
slightly cut on one of its legs, but bull
1 and will
was promptly attended to, and
e enabled to take him .
One Honest Ivy an.
P► ase inform your icels and if no complications
was permanently
manly vigor. after years of suffering from
nervous debility, sexual weakness, night
losses and weak shrunken parts. I was
robbed and swindled by the quacks until I
nearly lost faith in mankind, bat thank
heaven, I am uow well, vigorous and strong
and wish to make this certain means of
cure known to others. I have nothing to
sell and want no money, but being a firm
believer in the universal brottb r a ounfo dd f
'r• , horse }got
pains in the bncn,
forms of kidney disease. Price 25e head.
Iunyon's Headache Cure stop
ache in three minutes. Price 25c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment p
cures yoll fnors°s ofBlood Cure eradicates all
impurities of the biood. Price,'?nc•
Munyon's• Female Remedies are a
boon to alt women. in
Munson's Asthma Remedies relieve co,
3 minutes and cure permanently -
Munson's Catarrh Remecr 0e never
fail. The Catarrh Cure -p —
eradicates the disease from thesystem,
and the Catarrh Tablets—price
.cleanse and heal the parts.
]1lunyoa's Nerve Cure is a wonderful
I nerve tonic. Price, , 5c
Munyon's Vitalizer restores :.set vigor
;Price tel.
A separate cure for Eneh disease. At
all druggists. mostly .3:iu a } int.
Persrnal letters to Prof. Murrywered eiwi11
Albert St., Toronto.
-free medical advice for any disease
The Centre of Onr Population.
The centra' of population is the
Centre of count'
yvjty 11 the United States
f the inhabitants
of the couiltiwith all
c eousidered as a plant". the
if for tea ,
Hon. Mr. Fisher's ideas ise the most
practic l at present.aenal
doubtful if tuberculosis is so preval
ent as Dr- McEachran mig
Our Canadian climate and atmos
phere' is the most disease proof of any
on the two continents, and the fact
that our individual herds are by no
means so large as those of the States
or Europe, there beings iapproximate rdoxin h e
ly 600,000 persons .cngagc
ing,owning an average of seven -
head of cattle for each person, is
important, in view of the disease
being Most contagious in large
man, I am desirous of helpingw0 _ .
unate to regain their health and happiness 1 not likelyk is having an eggs>mlallfteaGl+)n
1 promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp ; of the truthfulness of the old saying
Wm. T A1ur.xout, Agents' t.BeSupplies, seldom come singly,
on was kicked on the ace i
same horse.
gin , that misfortunes
roe !f r. Fitz -
p. I3ox SrJ, St. Henri, R to as it is only a few weeks since v the
Uncle Sam's First.Pos'age-Stamps. ,
"Fifty years ago—in July, 1847
--Uncle Satn issued his first postage•
The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla
mp" writes Fannie Mack Lothrop 11 written in blood
in the July Ladies' Home Jouina .
"In England, seven years before,
Rowland Hill, 'lather of the penny
nest,' introduced the `sticking plas-
ters,' as the stamps were contempt-
uously called. John M. Niles, our
Postmaster -General at that time, tried
heroically, but in vain, to move
Congress to a.athorize stamps for this
country. His successor, Cave .I^hn-
son, was more fortunate, and the bill
desire was approved on March 3,
1847, the stamps not being issued
however, till August, though the
time appointed was July 1. Only two
values of the new stamps were intro-
duced in 18•S7—a live and a ten cent
stamp, bearing respectively,
portrait of Franklin in a bronze tint
and Washington in black.
"The first purchaser of stamps in
the United States was Henry Shaw,
the father of 113nry Wheeler Shaw
(better known as `Josh Billings,' the
(Humorist). Mr. Shaw was in the
Postmaster -General's office one August
I6, 1847, when Mr. Johnson
with the printer from whom he had
just received sheets of the new
stamps. Al r. Johnson passed a sheet
\I. Shaw for inspection. After
For Over Fifty Years.
AN gale AND WELL -TRIED Remeve,.—
Mrs. Winsiow's Soothiu Syrup mil-
been used for over fifty years
Hensel ,withrsucchildren
e sditsoothes
teeth; l• perfect upas, allays all
the child, softens the g
pain. cures wind colic, and is ltho best
1en,ecly for diarrhoea. Is I
the table. Sold by druggists
tart of the world. '1'wc a�,, We. Be sure
were. a ual weight, f' value is
its people as orf c 1 1)0 the !
centre of populatt,•..
point where the the whole plain.
might be balanced and remain steady
,hrough equilibrium• It expresses
the net resultant of the movements
of population from decade to do e -
113 a cording Y e
bottle. Its va u
and sate for lvlrs;winslow's Soothing
Syrup, nod take
ti kiud
Is ►ttera y
It is traced rn the vital fluid
Of millions of the human race.
Its positive medical merit
And curative power rslse written on
Upon the hoaris, and R a ' I
The minds of thousands
Of people whom it has cured
Aud given good health
when there seemed nothing before
Them but dila knees anddespair.
It cures all diseases arising
From or promoted by impure
Blood by its intrinsic inerit as
The One True Blood Purifier.
uuerunermNep,ue see eeeHie ttS
�er,,ICiable'repatal 07.fbr i t
sltnitatirtg,?hwTCOild t ! Ln , l
it the Staiaati'.3 er t_D ...; 1
.-.• a .r., r,Tnff i(L
--- 0 F
jsomotesDitiesti Ctr .eTful-
ttess andRest.Contains neithzr
Opivativiorphine norTisrtest l•
yJT '�Artc 0 T IC.
^.77,272.11`1127-t 11
rivr�,ku1 Sea.6-
,Aurae Seed r
1'Saarrmit" -
"r2 roaanaa,r •
arj sura -
Aperfect Remedy for Coasli; a -
tion, Sour 5, to ch,Diarrhoea,
V forms ,Convulsions ,Feverish - and Loss OF SLEEP.
PaeSitnile Signature of
1.15 011
A E 0..
Castoria is pit np in ono -size bottles only. IF
is not sold in bulk. Dont allow anyone :o eel
yon anything else on the plea or promise fast it
is "just as goods' and "will answer
T 0-r3- nr.
pose," Seo that y g
:'he SSD•
simile G7Diy
,5.ga9two 97T&Tjgtl:.
yr'•a'iwyy.4+dg r9 C:.•Z.`�=''a":ria T4:F,tsw �! '3�'a'
WO, ViAle4beVto,SIAWWWWV0/0/0/0,4
The July Number of the Delineat-
or. is Called the Summer
And its resume ot the latest stypes es of
hot weather attire,
referenee to the needs of sojourners
ate seasidege0,g a hically complete by
inland seaports, is
rendered g g P
glowing' color pates and scores of
accurate woodcuts. Mrs. Reginald
de Koven, a native of Chicago, dis
cusses the social lite of that city
with refreshing candor. Various
aspects of (,ween Victoria's Diamond
Jubilee are entertainingly consid•
ered by Mrs. Alec Tweedie
whose books of travel have made her
name t:imiliar on 'both sides of the
`!rd Jeanie Dyke's
Russian Salad wlth Sauce Tartar°
Cut into small dice shaped bits,
two ounces of cold cooked beef, the
coked chicken, o
do TI pc lilt is 11 0' 1 of c
sof 1890 is located at a
t santongue and if you like an
to i
giving the stamps a hasty glance 1111- Atlantic. The ---
Shaw, perhaps with an eye to future spirited studies ot New YI rk types
fame, took out his wallet, counted out is devoted to the Art Student. serial
fifteen cents and purchased one of A. B. Longstreet begins-
each variety. The `five' he kept as discussion of Domestic
ai di Presery
a curiosity, the 'ten' he presented to The season of Canning an article
•nor Briggs as an appropriate ing is taken note of by
,te.t and best
censu . 32.9' wes cooked '
latitude •bud 8'' east f boiled ham No* put into I x
north es `ounce o
1 titude about twenty
In Tics els h bottom of your salad bowl a gift,'
.westward about u i:� ` 41e,�;f ee tlll'eG 1?fined S�1'S.ill i thea ,t
And is now tlli'e? t^111G f Before taking Dean's Sidney on me.
south and more than scvcn'Aen de -1 the tongue, then the chicken,
1 iniac felt that diabetes had its grip P
\an half a dozn sardis; sp ills forsomegrecs east of the centra oaf area•t top the ham•garnish arouind dseated, I have u ed the p 'rot an
c and in the centre with p time and now enjoy good health. I shall
ue„Jan 2,18J6 h
to t yes cover the enttie P
always umphant� testify the merits ot
Signed, I:rcrrSt JohnARD , N B.
°ng Indiana,.
It mov 1 t c
i beef, and place on top
of Columbus, h Won
t' tu• Miles a year, I little of the �, PS then tt little bT i A Triumph
over the oris
thedish' • is
lettuce ea „d you will
Montreal, Que., J
Edmanson, Bates, A: Co,
with sauce tartare,
:Messieurs the Manufacturers —I trio have a delicious Russian salad.
e bottle of Chase d sore thromi at, and pit \
entire for ulcerated
It is an admirable ,
pored me int o
preparation. Behove lee cotre amt,
D 1i' LAFDECJIM. Rapid Heart Beat
A cooking. teacher says that the
Mrs. Jas. Grist, Blenheim,
Ont, says:beating of
eggs can be beaten most I was troubled with a rapidfoaling.
whites of
quickly if a pinchI to ti 0 `thaU 0 ' cured tmo,d' Thee ill
of cream of tarter \ the heart gild n strange sinking
in the proportion of an eighth of a let ether ,with
teaspoonful , , gg be first ad -1 weakness and throbbing, g have
bbd to erne h egg t the nervousn which it disappeared, andel s ami now
a,d. ---- t og and well,
nstipa ion I There
ekncas in the World. p
Causes fully half1food too long in the bowels
are indicationsIt that
oppy �•.tremely pop
this s Alread
rotates the digested torpid liver, in•
alar produces biliousness, Yz
describing the
methods in these
Tea TablecChat,tvo
FVitherspoon's a children's
new entertainments, th
page and notices of new books are
among other feature; of this t ice caop the
sumer. Subscription p'
Delineator, $1 per year, or 15e. per
single copy. '
e r „i P 't y9
work in the Job Printing business and any-
`fV L' do neat
S lotiv as the lowest. If you are in need cut ri y oft0
prices a.
thing such as
Or anything in the line of Palin hanall or write to the
old reliable -TIMES Office. g �4
+w,,p int
in f
.111 t.. -
T 1
Reorg,anize.tlon of W C T U
Miss Fisher, of Wingham, county
president of W. C. T. U., addressed
in a most earnest and efficient man-
ner' a number of ladies who were
assembled in the tGo erich reg lgper-
ance hall for the purpose After
ing a Goderich W. C. T. U.
Mrs. J. C. Bogie
devotional exercises, tem., and
was elected secretary prostn
the business of reorganization began.
Pres., Mrs. McGillicuddy: Rec. , see.,
Mrs. J. C. P,ogie; corresponding,
Mt , t e Teuzel, Treas, Mrs. Hol-
y red
flirter ed which are d
lot: t r
atec r For
's old Stand.
o—o—o—o- o---o—o—°
prepared to give you something nobby
Weare[ p
Summer Suitings Work. of excellent Value. `� e turn
V� o
ot�ly First-class
�'Oive us a call before purchasing.
Nothing Better I
Miss Emily Craig, Almonte, says: ”
have never found anything better than
your Fowler'sExtract
i ro stomach orraw-
berry for p
theca. A few doses cured Inc of severe
ed. We►after other always keep it the houscines had e ed confidencedn its virtues.
Have every
v I will give Fifty Dollars to any persc.m who will bring me
Do you remember our first quarrel, \
as ell as,
dearest ?” \ Watch or Clock I cannot repair and snake to run
Yes, love. mean as
just as
e to
vis, William, how mistaken was.
I said
u could be. or better than ever.
I believe vo you did.
is have appear f,om Tho southern entrance of the red
1 with poppies, shading. Sea is conitnanded by the fortres
1 t) t 1 the fort on the little island
dress 3,ronchttis Cured
gcstioe, bad taste, Coated a .. 11
n sick headache, 1n r
somnia, etc. hood's fills .
cure constipation and all its glen Alldruttgtsts.
results, easily and thoroughly.
'Crepered by C. I. hood �C Co., Lowell, Mass.
'The only fills to take with flood's earsePoxilla.
lint pink to deep rf ' straw, LioHa°re't' tll1burn & Co, Toronto. Aylen and use, the purple 'it•i•=t ard's I, in the Strutt of Baleel-Man-
flowers an c nl�plcn us YeLama ow Bronchitis and aiwa, l guns of the ti, of p
. •ls use n alba 5 " r the narrow
+•Only nervous," is sur`' tut i, a to equal it ;19 0 euro Bance to rile ..ea.
MRS JAMES O'13itIEN, i o
that the blood to trot euro, flood g Sar -ling IIunisviho. Ont.
saparilla parities the blood and cures
)u alt', liar, 0 purple ,.ave li„ea ` • vs of ei'llll, ? complete -
cl ribbing, is iii lots 011 for n
v ; 'n for deb; the glchannel,
,l •cath great EnCCeF • i,
evidence et the bast shops.the
1'c tion'sore throat, and can sayo there is nota• ] clettto recovering
Josephiilb St., Winghain
en Shaw Block.