HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-02, Page 6i the general stepped arc ulster on over
OBL1 ' RET ;'NGE. , bis niglltahfrt and ureal dotsn to the
' door, The messenger gloved the letter
lila hand and belted on a double
d. THE SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMP, "The obnoxious stnmp has not been
TUE WIl~ 1 .HA. .TillIts JULY 2, 1b97.
—' — d duty r
t I l=ad re revenge on the
sang of friendship an FACE OR THE
manhood all creeds above. NEVER FORGOT A A
Of the dead green or earth
in her
And the dewy glory Put the sweetest, tenderest chord he gave NAME F
Wta the p rgelgA iem ured o'er his lost
The Weddlai Notice IIo Wrote Whets
aped f bn y some Striking Inolden
encra2."--luilvvaukeo Sen- • TAndleaarth but beauteous tomb, Thai Wore Related by Tx -Governor
Et a Actor's. I r:»cr or ConesxtatnttoxM to pCstaiastcr g But songs through tho silence were
r-enereter se;c 1e.z1 Tiles Withdrawn
per Set0loient Itessona. Wb1ctt APJtear
In This Story.
Milton ob ea, the actor and author,
and Senator Vitae were Ecbcolmates in
7dadieen 85 years ago, and they went
from the scbooIbcnee to the war to-
ogether. Nobles thinks a geed deal of
his old oehoolmate and is proud of the
.distinction be has won among the great
f hie arty,
the E' civ e
Political •
• 1 thronging,
w Cnmbaek of Indiana.
OWL -jinx. And glop. dwell in the gloom,
editorial charge of the
" said Weald piss Mike, And sorrow. the harper skilled c1r and strons, 'Upon taking
Madam, g I rom the preakintt heart drew Ito aweet-
"bev ye pot eny cold ceffec: ' est song. Kennebec, Journal flip. Blaine soon
ine poli -
+" o," replied young Mrs. Tereus in tt*tten thY grief had heavenward striven
"but you wait a In meloMdarY rememgt,er url e4en familiarized nm the with
pf The Jour -
a toile Of sympathy,Did Y tics bystudying fete gtraters and Ill put for you."— in the Iter love by Li1e bi+,es of Ayr• nal, and be studied them closely as far
refrigerator raid cool it for We1.
t he not, but earth that heard thee
.,lust cherish thy sons to her latest aPr1nS• back as 1825. By this means he noon
b came the best posted man in the state
Vi.t abiugton Star. __ ..._..._
metyh n party.
' 1 delivery stamp 1ProphetictPorae About
meds ite aepearance, Senator Was, Jam Has Ccar
Deep heart, so lavish in loving! a politics, and he was looks
Oh, wayward and broken heart. on
as authority. His able editorials
AAsafe s from our
our praise thoow u art. upon
Yet thy song shall thrill us while love during the campaign bringing up pn-
1 t#ers of the past showed cure-
thy sorrow move us till death be past, fel rosea ell, and they were copied wiilo-
wiio vias then postmaster general, re- I first made the acquaintance of Mr. —Maggie Clare in Now York Sun.
ly. It was while editor of crew earths
cefved many cotipli lr:c 2esy Titetrest Blaine during the congress I scion of DIET that he was one flay step
u then beginning his sec- 1 HERR t cel a an
best told by e a the house.Series of Astound. ex aeon e
meat; them enc from REFORMED old lady whom he had nev-
th ether and term
i was en At that time I -----'"
of the story is enol term instreet before and askcdtotvxito the
lift"Wlf: owned and edited a country newspaper tura.>\ewllghi s nlscovertoe.® wedding of per aekedt write
up the
"..boss I wrote general, I hadntter 't
-• 'ou to os I hadn't hacl ace in heGeneral f 1865d's drfstrict• Ono day
nI. tia3 cf the in the fall of Garfield wrote me to "It's just awful how criminally o i " red the night before.
had served his time in con -
to use Gr receive cd to me to come up to his hilltop home in the little
; norant I've been regarding our food,"
stair. s, but the was scan college tow' of Hiram. He told me that ;said Mrs. NowTigcunht t never beo her sthaukftho ins groes e d weut to Maine
ato sneak
neakduse r -
pg I other day. ,
be A good enc. I was spending a week he thought it would ba a good thiel for 1 bis epoch he began slaakiug Bands with
at Lame in morlercning
the time• Onewas a young newspaper man to study nation- enough thatl joined Professor Seaxt's a the masses crowded s around flim• An
bitter iedri:jn;; about 8 *leek I was al politics in Washington and get no- ! class in domestic science. My old lady with o'vdedcd brew and whin
id Ly what seemed re bells to in quaiuted with national mea, and that t wonder we're not all dead, iguoraut as• Lettring a babe in
t -
the rtugfnr cf all toys ere tobe he would undertake to get me a clerk- I've been. There's one thing sure, cued
u hair,d stud offered her hand.
r erns,
Ercckiyn. Shoving. my I co oda ere
tha ship in the house of representatives. In George Newlight tbcre'11 be uo more "Why, how do you dr said lYlr.
�ec i1 f,tary tvfndow, I could Fee a dna limo he spoke to his old friend, tomatoes ou my table-" 131aiiie.y' „tid=e do daughter of
ingfhe bigrre with
the steps below jerk- General Robert C. Schenck, who was "Why?"
ing the bell with Sava a fury. 'What
chairman of the committee on ini]itary "Becausoh o tomatoes cm era maple- about?"
"Poor wrote up that wedding notice
t" I eked At that moment the of -airs and the result was I was given to us today plaiued
t 1 activity in those who your"Poor Lucy is dead," said the old la -
Lead package:, only, 25. 30, 40, 5o. and 600. per lb. Sold by all grocers.
The Davidson S: %Jay, I.td., Nfholeuale Agents, Toronto.
alt c,exeated I will go to work the next
day ou my book."
.And ho did. He begauthe second vol-
Uree of his "Twenty Years of Con-
gress" the next clay After the election.
—Chicago Times -Herald.
Ile Daid.
"Don't waste your time in clipping
off the branches," Esti(' the weodinau to
bis son, "but lay your ex at the root of
1 the tree." And the young 'man went
out tied laid his ax at the foot of the
tree, like a good tool dutiful boy, and
then be went fishing. Truly there is
nothing so beautiful es filial obedience,
.—Loved M•aaazine.
wire Broke, and the figure fell back- •the clerkship of that committee. ed arrest of via
dy,volved an enormous amount of labor ® s
sva;id down the steps. The MOW was Colfax was speaker of the house, and ;eat, them, and be proved that the acid "Thiands her child." filled on teals• i art and expense, the effect of light and ! And• all SUMMER ®itE6 I-s'AFlTS of
lasses deep, and the wind was Blowing for some reason or other he seemed to I of tomatoes acts almost like a poison oushade being pruduced b ono two colors.
50 miles vii liner- .As the figure have little liking for the ambitiousy y i Children or Adults.
1 the membrane of the stomach. Then reachlledian with over and kissed big,hlittle cl hbine I PRICE, 350.
down the steps I could hearhsome rolledhoke member from the Augusta dis- ' I'm done with any berries that haveThe factory from which it comes is the Beware of Imitations:
young seeds in on my table."eyed girl, famous ono of Werustadt, in Bohexola.
specimens of explosive English •in a !triol of .tioMaine, fox ho appointed Blaine (� Daring the Grcelcy campaign in 1572 The portrait, which Leo XIII is having
familiar accent, mingled with some to a position near the foot of that com- I cl like to know why?"ex-Governer Cumback of Indiana spoka laced in his library, received a gold thing about `letter, special delivery., mittee Now, Blaine had not served in "Youvloaldn't ask ff you'dliesrdtho with Mr. Elaine 3u urriv field; O. This medal at the Chicago World's fair.
's talk on appendicitis and itst•g J to
before i
A Remarkable Portrait.
The pope has received, through the
Countess Maria Festetics, maid of llama- i
or to the empress of Austria, a some- 1 CURES
what remarkable portrait of the 1$m- • Ct9®�ELf�' Clii7®�IERA•
poror Francis Joseph. It is wrought in ' COLIIC, DIARRHOEA,rtiOL
silk and cotton, and its production in- 1 tt1G1RRCSr
After removing chains and bolts the army auci had no knowledge o mi pro essor P was earl in the campaign• n_
opened the outer door, and the s esseu• i itary legislation and no -'taste for that i cause.
.A .issingle bring dish f raspberries
spberries or the early Mr.hCumback was scut up
ger blew into the vestibule in a sheet of kind of work. He used to be a country in I3elec io state to make a speech. Ho
snow•editor himself, and he appeared to take t trouble. It's fearful to think of the risks
"'What is it? What have you got?', people will run just to gratify the palate. was• told by the cenimittee that ho
I a fancy d the young clerk from Ohio. , Weidel fuel Maine r.coplo very stiff and
"' l atter.' ! He evould often drop into the committee ! And here we've o always allowed our
''ti11' r the Helen Blitzes are 'yon room and standing before the wood ! children to have 'sugar and cream on inhospitable and quite different from
11" the tvcsteiu people, Mr. Cumback was
ipl:t?' nctvspaper andp ,( of 'd sa 'What of it? if you reception,
Tho Straggling Young Author.
"I have always read, and always
with interest," said the struggling c
young author, "what literary ineu had FAL—Iles D IES
to say concerning their habits of work.
oductiveness appears
to LG
man can write an acute ' -can't.
il-i E ---�
biil:Fiuga letter here for at this time of fire, room,
talk freely mo about bis their oatmeal
political to career and his i "What a ft?" surprised, however, at his enthusiastic In many cases Ix sometimes a the lead everywhere.
° ",�lease.' there being large crowds depend upon mo '
pedal delivery, sir, p plans and hopes for the Entero „I hear the explain bow the everywhere, cud he never bad a more d times he Taking are working day
"I 1xateed into the hall auci slid my I re t like
that he said one cloy. could1 the demand.nyand}
all aver the wall, trying to find do not like this military committee combination of oatmeal and cream and enthusiastic meeting than at Augusta. ! A mail feeling fn coudit3cn can do any , t 1 supply, of sd Ho told Blaine of the incident and his sort of work, no drub", better thou nightgr correspondence he Shows
the niatrhetfe. T11c 'vestibule was full ! ccng e5 and oughtnott to be hero. Next ! sugarhe,causes and uta gases r arise iu plthat hundreds pan hundreds
g agreeable {:.sac ciutinent "theyhad vvhcii'lie is out of cciidition, but a man I of poor sufferers are being
of snow, told Iliad commenced sueez- cougrest I nm going to be on the com- i the, stomach and utterly retards di es -Ma be'mistaken jn. himself•. I find 1
ing• mittee oil appropriations or ways and tion. I've not the slightest doubt that Oh, Faid the Etateeman,
q the awful spasm our little Mamie had a man of pummel stuff ten.get them y
" `Ccnme in and shut the door!' I yell- !that it is it good thing to make a begin- restored to health and ltappi-
means, financial to be will scow be last year was due entirely to this cause. stirred npl 1Suc•h a ina:n on a speech as ! thag.
ed. Bang went the deur and cut scent the dominant, Dues in con peas. T�vo Hess daily.
Then there's Bananas• Wliy, George you are vvGu.tl halve a gond reputation + "Often the mere effort of making a ;
my match just as I had got the gas years later I expect to be cliairmall of k poison! anywhere."
! begimairg is enough to dispel clouds1
toes l m The messenger bumped up m
against me th the dark, stepped cu my
toes and Ebook a shovelful of snow off h
bis shoulders about my feet, filling my 1 hope
slippers Ind dropping down my bac•{•
1 finally Iuceeeded in lighting the gas, concerning his own future, as well as in it than there would be
sigma the book, pushing the messes- out of pure starch. Every bit of the nu -Mr. CnmLarl> all at] out his speech, of i were really loafing abort x3ght nevi,
relation d to for
events. «'lion he tritive element has been refiucd oat of the crott`d Iresent and gave promptly 1 waitingerreally to li galled. New York
ger n bolting the door. Then I I was a cand188 for the presidential nom- all the main pints of the > peeeh and , c;
scent up stalrs'Svith my prize. I Diem- Enation t thus
be said t° me: "My ca- it. It makes those who cat it thin blood- Cd the party with them. He i tine.
ed the long bone stamp carefully. It ! closely paralleled that blood-
ed." h t hotel they put I A Coincidence.
k d nutrition nseodNowl Newlight, who up d what day of the woo marked the editor's assistant
"Bat what do you know about
a Neel/light they're simply rail
y committee. Then I think I shall be
esker of the house aud after awhile 1 ' And you'll get no more v;hito bread at
pe to go to the senate."
Everything came about exactly as
my � that had seemed to be heavy, but which
'�'�Y ®U`►---+��
the elk iith are shown to be mere films, stud one': TRYB1apAtfl ����
"Didn't Scu speck with mo over at touch of concentration is enough to • u 1�l 1
Ianned• He had wonderful prescience
e." speech?" SPECIFIC OR
"Why not?"
arse there's no m
my tab.
': '°Bee
more nutrition in Sprin•gfield?"
?•' s icl Blaine in a way as athought iu bread made rcmftic;cr• 'Then he went ahead and told
b -ere back fancies that you
had thoug 1 • CONEY AHD LIVER p'{ 1 S+•
ere trandcriug far iron. home, but MONEY R i_ f LL. -
even nam - •
peer has thus far c ese v pn `, speaker of the ale°
o "Do I Tool{ thin blooded or ns if T ., rcivcmbeiecl at w a k it was. � "Tho man who brought this iu," re=
He ?" i I anas he re-
honsa and then senator. `lace ,Another instance of Blaine's greatI mar'''told
. if mrd of manuscript;
.teas the first one that I had received. f Henry Olay. was spe`l
Tien I devoted abc•.nt eve minutes to t His plrtyli d
wondering what the dickens it was all
about. After a time it occurred to me
to open it and see. The handwriting
was unknown, but the refrain was fa-
miliar. Here it is:
oSeeneecoes, win, Jan. 19.
"Milton Nobles,
1 doubtless
at receiting this letter from pOisouotts
ger, But 1 feel that I was born to be an actor. tem you'd shun it as you shun opium. president for fear or five years," Rnbinstein•e Iirs ns one.
"I am but 22, G lest D, light curly hair, blue Trade ]Ifonopolice -That Were Almost Sav- h 11 the only The posthumous "Souvenirs" of Ru- I
d 1 played several parts not t th He says thatthe vcrncr, "and he thinks there is
1'e C Blaine." b teen 1I3 the Vora Fels zn
fused to nominate him as long as 3t a weighs 0J
Ally chance of electing a president "That doesn't signify. Yon don't memory is cited Iu the following story, tueledonfident ally that he needed the
When it had no .eager any chance, it know what day you'll begin to Break as told by lir. Cumback:
During the Garfield campaign Mr. money for it." ' i;i.tvaR1 OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS.
gave him the nomination he had so long down under such bread. d'o'll have `� g' Eoklin NV only by Gordon st Co
1' that ' gciug'to beta, nothing, but graham or whole wheat Blaine epee° in cenenok's town. Ho ' Yes, teas the mela.Icno y nnstcer,
sought. b Mr.C mback and it s a strange fatct that fhb lou �sD ,
foto. "--Chicago Times -Herald. ;flour hereafter. And I'vepoems seem tautest y
too. If you could see and hear driven ever tune, . I P
, u the shortest poets."—Wash----'—'—"-`—
Tlhey are absolutely l'ut'e. and
healthful. Guaranteed to
cure IEheumatism,t Sciatica, "'
Neuralgia, Lumbago and all
forms of Kidney and. Liver
n ht• I believe a i9 a dello with was eutcrtaincd y u G invariably to be ,
Z• s .:
i'I)RAR Sin—You will 1 be surprised Professor e
l tt an entire strap ANCIENT CORPORATIONS. r Scaxem demonstrate just how There s a sick man in that oust ; written by
it isto the whole 110Juau Fys- there that bas Lcui talking you up focll' • i¢lbtou Mar..
111 i
with eyes an have he age In Their Operation.
cocoa shells s is 1 ego , in Meer ,
Sheboygan Amateur society. I inclose notices. Apprentices .became uo better
an real safe warm drink." no one like : im
My family object to ray going on the stage, bu: I d as soon drink dishwater," said ., for presic]cnt?" said Blaine. contain some of the disillusions of a 1
i duty, and as I ould only serfs and slaves. •They tell II°nl3ished �� "Yee vett for pxesfdcnt. Do you great musioiw• Rubinstein alludes to !
a concert organized Ly PesdelorP,iam which
be conducted in Paris, .the prog
consisting mainly of his own composi- 1 g,,
tions. It was held at the Cirque, and �8p 1®1]�i°1���
some 4,000 people'. were present. , IL
Throughout Rubinstein was possessed 1
with the conviction that the attention 1
I feel that its my n
join a first class coml:any my friends urloves'
mo to write to you. Should like to play
parts. IMP you play in Milwaukee last fall.
Can ecn:o any time. 1 have also written n
play. Could you lend me $20? Yours to com-
., Mand, I. ARTIit'R Jo r9•
"(Were tame—B• 'Forrest Melnotte.)
"P. S,—Elio new slecial delivery stamp has
just Lot here, and I put ono on to c howA. it
pitilessly fined and brute y p New11g11t. '
craft that they had purchased the right
they -were often left in ignorance of the , "You'd better drink dishwater than want to stop and go in to sec hila a
your Poisonous coffee. If you'd only minute? Iv'othiugwould please him bet -
to learn. In that frightful social and take a little time to study domestic sci-
ence ter."
moral revulsion following the long and and look lute this food business a They fecal in and remained a few
devastating wars of the sixteenth and little, it would boa good tiling for your minutes. Blaine fretted the children on
seveuteenth centuries the corporations health and the health of your or you. his lap and talked freely with tho sick
became more determined than ever to There's a fat more things we've been Ulan, tvhcsc name vats David Kerr.
the err'^': met at Gar-
war.:..n g Blan,o and tie get
"By tho time I had finishedThree bonze I and monopoly. Theyrefusedto t admit jeopardizing our lives by satin 3n our
this letter I had a chill. T criniiuul i(;uorauce, and I'm going to field's inaugnratiGn.
later' lead such tt cold that I could not any trade less their own toancient
thentiand and pr .vie cut all of them off our list." `,'Haw are you, 1611?" asked Blaine.
tAnd she did, which is the reason that And he aakcd all about the men he had
open my eyes. I remained in my roomNciwlight is taking most cf his meals met iu Cttnnback's lawn several months
for treatment for three days. On the leges n ACt `t1#h; noepers edof eillegitss fI(ivrn town at present. --Detroit Free before and called nearly all of them by
fourth day I became med. was
he: and by re -Press• their first names. "Oh, yes," ho said,
the first tho
ro following
tette was the writ- 1lentleato ber pnrsuit oftlpersons Rngaged iu - "flow is Dave Kerr? Did he ever get
ing of the follotvivg letter: unauthorized traffic they invaded the Washington puzzles Ittm. well? Poor fellow, he suffered terribly'.
"Fate. Gen fan. tiG. I have icund my way across pathless ell those little children, bow about stein was so much taken a
+Holt, Cr'. L. . �,7ilna,l'ostmaster General, *Wash- catiug botes of h their tools thentrabaud vundmhiddeu 1 prairies where I had never been before, then.?" was speechless
'DEM: „ g This n=ay be cansiclrred a s onderful
"DEMI E LR—Quito recently, in a moment o1 Pxafluets of their toil, leaving diem uud and even through h tlla tan lrct mazes of nor Awful Ordeal.
Unguardedtufa tmtJ,u::iaup I wrote yen a letter their families destitute and starving• a chaparral thicket, without getting fputt of inemoxy. It ei as in October when
t engratttlatisg you upon the o promulgation
gationg, Ile mat these people, and it was all the "Mary had a dreadful experience on
of grttitts r.:ado nianifer:t'in tiro pronluigatiou To such absurd lengths was the crea- lost, but fever solo el a strange city Ger trip to 1?uiaesvi dreadful
tithe creciat delivery stamp• tion of corporations carried for the pre- without grttiug slbsolntely bewildrred," 4th of 14i::rch, nearly five months after -
"itc•cent cvothe have laiden me a wider duction of new taxes and new places for avid Mr. H. M. Barker of New •Mexico• wa1Y1, that lie rccallfcl ]lis visit, re- "How wag that?"
to the o'er c1 mita matt.jact ace opened o f ryes x have been to Washington at least a member] at the name of every person '`Why, she got something in her eye,
so the i' ant c bl ndeCtlttC!7iCe8 likely 10 fo1101v teaching of dancing, the selling of flow- dozen times iu falls past three years, and. he leas •introdneecl to eu that clay u° uud it hurt her so that she asked a Hien
your gigantic SItheen as and the catching of birds were or- g bad seen :i mlllitti people 5]1l0e that looking young roan to ]col{ for ft, and
"1 c r�,tc a tc rent in my .runt and your rimy a yet it j just as strap a t.s mo note, aft-
Yotert 5, 1. 1t^.t your eking any use of the .tnlzed, and Homogeneous aecupvtions , limn and had shaken glands with and be was so dreadfully nearsighted that
ex a sorae I of two weeks as it was the
pNaStlls n, _.;; an trent vkW 10 $tat r securing a Eike the hatinakers' and carpenters' first limo T ever set loot in the dfstrlet, met thousands• ho got so close that his big mustache
(.span..,oin Ito a 'were divided and subdivided be uud, the If I get one block awayfrom my hotel I Mr. Culnbeck accompanied bit. tickled 1102 nose, so that in trying not
situation in,a ere lututa• 'Mfrs aced not Werra -comprehension of the modern mine.. Blaine on his apeaking tour Hied h In -
lase nIy reel -cuing, and I cud myself , to sneezy right in his fine she burst four
Wily d laic rt±re tvi:lt 4t:r choo'. l l+, but be- But despito the ingenuity of lavvyere g , aim, during his campaign in 1884. It huttolls off her new jacket,"
twertx irknc c l.il, and to tn+ a, tl c. lire must wan clog continually whether I am '+Dear incl" --(A t c and Plant Dealer,
00 drat n 1 tit nneerc, to
ad l:choo�atfur a awns vigilancenot going toward the capitol or in the a l I was Suit tee days before e]ectian, Cunt- .
e0netlt!'.,l'e t0 r:.. F:t )re y t t:1y yours,l,G U a. M. ors theand of demareai vla could ItOt rection of the treasury. 1 gat sote 'wit 1 back left 11nn at Lafayette, saying that re to Bate.
speotal Where.. "liftman Nodes.
be draw' so sharply as to avoid con- myself for being so slow to find my 1 be 'wouldn't see him again untilthe Johnson -- Man olive, you've only
"1 cut tlleapceialdeliverystampfrom filets of interests. The Milkers of felt bearings, but nicer other man etvniug inauguration. been nastiug your talents. 'labs play is
the She1 cygalt letter" and pasted it on hats quarreled with the makers of cot- up to the same difficulty. It tett:duly "I don't know," said Blaine douat-
r'n a and inclosing both in an- ton ]rats. The spinners who had purr is queer that there should be such a -- execrable, the. tvcrst I ever saw. Iiow
the 1' fu y
I t them to n friend 3u chased the right to use hemp quarreled 1 diffcrcuce, le Menu n people, for 11, Ile had at ul vacant fnlav`w+y not au idea m it.
k sof "Pia- With these that had pureltas c 1 plenty of mess that Can go y look in his y , Iirauson That s g
envelope, , , pre ec fully. "I'1u afraid it won't -be, could you write such rubbish? T1Teee's
*her lett(;1s CCU t know 1 unttfiu , y
+ 'with
That Seems
Timely An
kl6 SNE
All The Tes
ads of
Mr, John
•" 'or severe
severe form
the pact. y+
After tryiul
I was it:mei;
and Moult
the former
.entirely est
as ever. I
Munyoa F,,
to my relit
falls to lel
.Cures in a
cures all t
aoh trout)
mania an+
night awe
by heals t
11 soya
pains in
forms of
ache in 1
Muny i
cures al!
boon to
3 mina!
and th
nerve 1
A sl
all dr
-free n
of the entire world was directed exclu-
sively upon him. On reaching his hotel
Rubinstein cin
who expressed the greatest surprise at
b' t was met by an old friend,
1„ the
seeiicg him. "What exclaimed
frieivl, "you iu Paris! When did you AS alaxative, one pill acts perfectly,
arrive? One never bears a word about and •
if a stronger action is
yen nowadays.ny Aro you thinking?of desired a cathartic effect is produced
giving any coucerts iu Paris?" hat bytwo pills. In obstinate cases,
h ec
hack that he
where a purgative is necessary,
pills will be found sufficient. These
pills leave no unpleasant after effect.
One pill taken each night during
thirty days will cure constipation.
PRICE 550. On 0 FON 51.00
a few 1Le c: ] the ri •lit 1 anywhere hereeyes, and he teas very' seri- + all right. What do
ght ray friend,
5 to use ;dux. The alt rep kern fought
tion sold instruction. The next Etorin • aced more they clloosa fn a pity a few hours after oes. His words cams slowly and heli- ou want Inn to clo•�-xcvoltitionize the
night Hoy friend, fallowing instructions,
with the cobblers that reproduced lake the
in ft, but thew thein out into tatingly. Mr. Cninback aasuted 11im ,u w n drama? -lo—re yu tuna.
a special messenger, and at 8 p. I than two-thirds of an old handles of cut. ltheanding
cnulitry, uud they tt•oald� out lust that thorn was no doubt, but Blaine
hired p fors that ,t et1 the hall Tike thn babes fu the woods "..-Wash- shook his hes . "I've bad Daniel lambert, the twat 13 be ton ringing I'rrfl•tastex t:�eltc l' b]
d to t noted e>ti
"I don't know," said he. ,t ample of obesity recorded in medical
Isort of feeling for the last week that ainiala, was' born in 1770 and died at
I 'wouldn't bo elected. x hope I will,
but the outcome is doubtful,
But feel
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now as if it were very d,
• e g1 fought faith thus° that made the ac.cs. tugton Past
al Y,lth theben i''srtrt a ey, but dtecovered that to bury a
cilazne, then the general's Beer mugs but The relations of the makers of wooden It has been
tiro g messenger was ngil3; he must ace
porringers and the makers of wooden nom ap to his veer d wet sand is a
{,l'16 general. Thinking probably that !] cx:vs there a null Popular l,elligercl:t. — practically rcrtaiu tura fol. apparept
lead been declared in Held and a b'rankliu limith in Science 1p racti from an taiutrfare fo•
gilt aeaisioui of the cabinet 0511ed, lama),
of tl
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t.,.uoMad l•t-'S`, tK f'c.l,o .1,:t. 't
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181. + ADDEN YEAST C0., tendert.