HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-02, Page 41 UK ? X ING .IAM TIMES JULY F+t. • 897, arrived at'- Z --' 1 A ;+F81, of white ants leas been die- would undoubtedly receive b. fair - covered in Cleveland Ohio: This share of the western ttrilde. The insect is the great African pest and , has never been found heretofore in a large lot of soot America, It thought these specimens TOIL* ET SOAPS 1 tnere.iulported in the luggage of an immigrant, They will make work for the Americans. Tse Toronto Star paints a quarter of n .column of argument, to show which' we are selling: at ti e41 S why Mr. Laurier accepted the title and it ends with a six line para - This soap has been selling graph an all ait bas plelid adisense e selIn it at Ie) cents a calve. it is. "At any rate the matter is not Galt and get What you want 'a sei:ions one. Talk as he rimy, no before it is all gone. person can convince even himself, than the Canadian premier bas injur• THE QUEEN TO APPBAB NO COLIN A. CAMPBELL, ed himself or the country which is MORE IN PUBLIC. They really cost far more. Druggist. proud of lain) in becoming Sir Wil- London June ?8. -The Queen re 2 doors S. of P. 0. \4 Ingham. fred Laurier.,, That is the ease in a turned to London this afternoon her nutshell. There is no doubt that final Jubilee Day bat one, and made Mr, Laurier that was -Sir Wilfred what most probably was her last ap- that is --is a a more deserving moan pearanee during her reign, in the than mane' who have wore and stili metropolis; for with the celebration wear the title, No Canadian, need that closes at Aldershot on Thursday be ashamed of being a fellow coon next, the State publle appearances of tryman of Sir Wilfred, anct whether Her Majesty are said, on fair official at the head of the Government or in authority, to be finished ; that hence e the Opposition he is deserving of the forth for whatever span of life may respect of everybody, title or no be left, her, Queen Victoria, will con - title. -London News, fine herself to such work for the "Tjjvig State as can he done at Balmoral, FL 'NOTIONS OF THF SENATE Windsor or Usborne, t It is not because the Senate eon- All the official functions, drawing rooms, public ceremonies, opening tains a Conservative majority, that town halls, hospitals and the like, . the abolition or reform is necessary white bring the sovcrign face to face If the Majority was composed of with the people will now be rele- Liberals, and a Conservative major -gated to the Prince and the Princess of Wales. which, runs easy for years and then sells for a Wellover the Drummond County agreement savorsof partisan- ship. There have been vague assert ions as to corruption and a demand , for an investigation. A committee' has been appointed for .this purpose. It is well that it has been done; the rank and file of the Liberal party will welcome such a course. Theyhave confidence in the integrity of the ministry. bat should it be that any, one of the ministers is guilty of , boodling, the Liberal press of Canada will not be recreant to their duty and their party tradition, in denoune• ing them who would bring disgrace on thein. D --- Cost almost as much as 00D B1CYCL S iken gimes kltIDAT, 1897 AND NOW, "GOOD BYE." Having disposed of the WiNGHAM TimES, to Mr. H. B. Elliott, formerly foreman of the Times office, I take this opportunity to thank my manyfriends and patrons for the kindness which I have received at their hands. My sojourn in Wingham, though short has been exceedingly pleasant and I am glad to know that my circle of personal friends has been greatly enlarged by perso,is whom I shall ever remember with only the kindest personal feelings. In my journalistic work, 1 have striven to do what I considered tuy data-, regardless of fear or favorThat alI were not pleased. goes with out saying, but 1 will be more than satisfied if my humble efforts have bud -any effect for right. For my successor who is a young man well known in this community, I be- speak the generous support that has been accorded this office during tae past year and a. half; this I do- con- scientiously believing that the TrtrFe Wise people figure that w Jy and invest $75 or $100 in a wheel like EYEIJA. ity in the eommans,the same difiicuity The Queen thinks nk s, so the state - would arise. There would then be • ment runs, that she has done enough second hand. a different song from the Conserv- f The unexampled devotion to and alive newspapers. -Toronto Globe- acceptance of her obligations to her The Globe here strikes the key- .• people have after sixty ;near, won fur her, well deserved rest, and in so far note of the whole difficulty. It is. as the Sovereign can she now propos- plain to be seen. apart altogether : es to let the but den of responsibility front the merits or any question ; fall on those who must bear it after that may come before it, that the - she passes away. senate aaat present constituted is a • It was the knowledge of this, I a blot on our legislative system. It pathetically mingling with loyalty, was never designed or intended that ` that lent such deep iunterest tea to- it should be obstructive, or hold its day's proceedings, :fittingly devoted views in determined opposition to the ` to the firstinstance of a visit to Ilen- plainly oxpressed wishes of the rep -t ingtori As Her Majesty has always resentatives of the people As x Soft' cherished with palssic.nate, attach of brake on busty legislation mens every tender sentiment, today's mi gbt°have its advantages, but ' the'visit wRs one 'of Mingled sadness and moment it becomes obstructive 'for pleasure: it seemed indeed. a fare - the mere purpose of thwarting., tha. well.. will of the government, that moment,,. . . it ceases to be in accord with the . ' TURN BERRY. will ever be the champion of _ right people of Canada. The government . • - and justice. many do wrong -it prababl will not t Mr. and Mrs. Greg, of ie, spent' and y Mr. and M. Greer, of Gerrie, spent this Yours respectfully. be perfect. But right or wrong, week at Mr. Jas. Wylie's. S. G. BROWN. perfect -or imperfect, it possesses the Quite ti number from this locality took confidence t‘f the people, and till ' in the excursion to the Model Florin last we moatlr fat steers: that confidence is wfthdra'vrn, the air. John Wylie had a raising last week. $4. r 5 choice; tofzw4ni.s94 lied ; good to choice fat government should rule. Should the The putting together of an old log building EDITORIAL NOTES. SIR £ .cKENZIE. Botvnr.z, does not eonsconceal ilii dislike for the "nest ofd - political complealon of • iFf?ss Sate \,teem of Atwood, visited ors " i t. ho senatewill be changed, but that her brother, George, last week, makingthe H is beside the question. Whatever trip on a wheel. AND now the dear old Iadies of government is in power should have lair. and Mrs. Pearson, of Stanley were the masculine sex generally known as c a free band, and if the senate takes the and o' lir. and Wylie to o week, r Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Fraser, of Pent, are Senators think- they I{1ust do solve- the ground that It is its duty to be expected home next Thursday. tbing to earu their salaries. - :obstructive it is digging its Awn Mr. Peter McDougall is running the new F grave. road -grader this week. THE Toronto World performed ._ A few friends of the plisses Hooey spent an enjoyable evening at their home last the acrobatic feat of swallowing it elf' THE SENATE. , Friday. holm, bolas. he World could not At present strained relations, tllr and Me rs. Wm tiny of Tara: visited nt 111ts. Douglas F ci3er s t1tI3 week. have done it if it had been poss-ed: exists between the --'.s and the good price . . 1 .d(234am .e x E IF I✓ C). gl CLEGG & CO,s AGENT'S INGHAM. lava stoe markets. 1to63 T0, mixed peckers grid +e s.,63.60 MARKET T REPOiITs. n i to.$3..bo i Medium weights $3.55 to Sril101[i3r: East Buffalo, .Tune 'Q}. --tattle-- i Wingham, June 30th, 1897. $3.60 T :t y hogs, $3.55 to $3,60 Comdata by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Receipts 152 cars, including 42 cars : Flour per lad' the •1 50 to 2 00 of Canndas against 155 cars last. week : Pall Wheat....... ....0 00 to 0 6,7 Spring i'Yltent ... 0 li i to 6 G7 the market opened with: a fairly good g trots, ti.xs to 0 20 .demand, and for all kinds of bateb- Barley', : 0 20 to 0 30 ers' grades, and good,. tidy, light, Peas 0:37 to 0 37 fat, hand dryfed cattle 1- 1 b h Butter,...... 0 10 to 0 12 bandy,Eggs par dere, .. 0 8 to 0 10 IOe and 15e higher ; heavy shipping gs Wood per cora 1 o0 to 1 25 and export steers were dull and weak - nay per ton,. 7 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel,.. 0 20 to 0 25 Tallow, per lb 0 it to 11..3s. Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 Wool a 19 to 2. SHEEP ESTRAY. rough 63 t:3 63.15. Sheep and lambs. -Receipts -Q. my 12 Toads all told, to -dad; !apply being the lightest on record the market ratedwith an active demand•for the few good year- lings, spring l ani b s andandy sheep on offer,. and for the yearlings and sprfnger"s-of good quality prices ruled fully 25e to 36•e stronger, with mixed sheep or western about 15e to 25e higher, but for the heavy present government remain in office a was quite an novel affair, at least to the heavy steeas, 64.50 € 4.6o; coarse fear ears the sill young meat. rough steers, $3.40 G $8.90; choice grades of sheep and export kind smooth fat heifers, $4.10 ® 4.40 ; there was no demand at all, and good smooth well -fattened cows ' 3.50 prices on these kind are entirely . G $3.85. Stockers and feeders- nominal, with three or four' loads' The receipts were fair, about 60 cars unsold; native ,yearlings choice to all told, 42 of which were Canadians prime, $4.35 to X4.54;3; good to choice the market opened Leith a fair demand Si G $4?5 t common co good . do., for good desirable stockers and half- $3.`.?5 t' $4; culls to common yearl- fat feeders, bat with the best enquiry ings, $3.. G $3.25: export lambs, for the former kind, as for some time 43.75 C $4; fair to choice mixed past, wlren of desirable quality; sheep, $3.25 Ce; $3.75; culls and prices ruled toe C 15e -higher for common sheep $2.25 a 63 ; export ween morons good ones, but coarse, ill-bred and sheep, $3 50 G 64.25. of back bane. St:nate on acceunt of the latter hate 0' wttttug +it the esututoataot,s chis year, common rough grades sold no better Montreal, Que., June 30. ---There . ]fr. flat is 1Fylie is having his barn re and stock heifers are not nrneh i were about 600 head of butchers' tiie>ti+>F•xe i Irs have received a; tllg thrown out the Internolonial shing led this week. t Mrs. Bickerstaff, of Toronto, is the guest wanted and hard to sell at satis- cattle, 150 calves. 500 sheep and cheek by the outcome of the charge:' Extension Bill. The necessity of of :lira James Wylie. factory prices; native stock steers s lambs and 50 to hogs and small son of heterodoxyIanTclareII againstTheDr.S wad pretty extendinggetneralt admitted. Montreal cr rRhe } a ¢ acting s u good to choice X8$ C $4; do., years- pigs offered at the East End .batter Synod y generallyIt was man. ing stockers, $4 G $4.15 ;do., feeders today. The butcbers were present whicn heard the particulars of the pint of the Conservative policy some The new pastor of tne Methodist church ,a" good to best, 63.85. €f 64; Canada in large numbers, and trade was ease dismi_seed it as unproved, appar- yeas age when Sir John Sfacdonald Fast Satndaty arra Berman at the churches i steek steers, good to choiee ,$3,J0 fee good, with firm prices for the best ently, and accepted the invitation oft was Premier and Mr.. Maclean York preport that Mrs Eli I a4; do', yearling;, $4.10 64. ' • do,cattle,but the half -fatted "grassers" Bp are leased to , the alleged culprit to hold its aupnal', BeJIt is slowly recovering from her resetlfeeders,. coarse to prime, $3.50 C 44; were not very salable and brought meeting in' his church in Livp Conservative gaeo farther and illnext. 1 export bulls, sir ootll and fat, $ .40 leswer pI ices. A few superior ship - this years , advocates the extension as far as E EBe-4' ud la nd took son l i l h e bi i:yctevra on C' x.65. 4litch cotes and springers Piz g steers were sold at from 41 c (ns t Olvea Sewed. The trouble does flet u securing a good second in. all +i a raced -~The supply was fen', about 25 41e per P. The best butchers' cattle' BtnLES bound in celluloid haver . ib leg beaten fonrfeet and that by a trained I cars in all; tne demand was slow, brought from 4le C 41te, ditto pretty been introdneed on the other side`lien, seem to be onlawces)xnt of ti)e . rider of Toronto. i, e for« 3fi4s:ve , i and ottesideof the best desirable and good stock from 3„e e 4e do., and mart purposese ; undertaking in itself, beet rttier 'a die Miler. of Wrose,er, had gaud quality, weil•built colds the' the lean and half -fatted animals sold they cabwashed. h andessais de' g coming from Wing atn last weeisfortune to break her k eel white; market was about $2 per head lower at from 2e Ce3 3c per lb. There was ,quarrel wat ith the bargain. The free from danger et convey ing con• ; oposcd entrance o Montreal from duo F^siachAdla • or Hotvick,',isited at Mr. en an-verane from that of a week alt Relive demand for good calves, Point Levi, is b the G. T. R. and I s s€ week- 62 a tagion to those wile) kis; thele. ;Rally ago; it took good cents W bring 4' 8 C: and silt , Bourassa paid 642 far six rile Drummond Connie road for $32 and desirable ones at $'S C $36 superior vents Common cafes sold of the bibles in use positively ' There are twelve pupils from S. S.• No Came onto the premises of the under- signed, north half lot 2, lst line Morris, 1 Leicester ewe and Iamb. Owner may, get possessio., of same by proving prop.. arty and paying all expenses. e -2e J. G. INFT. NOTICE. Haring lett on business for a time., have pinned my practice in the ,hands G. D. Fortune, V.5`,. a graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Culls by night and day will bo pro pt- ly attended to at the office. 6-11e Iona Wirsosl . S. STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from the premises of the un- dersigne2, lot 17 con 1 Cuirass, . on or about the tntddte of May, one two-year old heifer light brown from front shouI- ders up, and head and neck red; frva yearlings (two heifers and three steers) one heifer red and white principally red; one light gray heifer; two steers red and white. print:molly red; other steer red and white, Any person giving inform.. atien that will lead to their diecovery will be suitably rewarded. Ward may be Ieft et the Tiitl:s office or wine Jona Cn,isrn':r.n 7.2tt Olenttnnan, r po3t ive _, : which the gee-ernment agree to pay One Honest elan. while cointnon old to fair lots sold at from $2,.5J0 ti $5 each. Shippers ... ` "` filthtr from Pxees,ve handling olid „ i Pp osculation The Bare idea of kissing ; `" rete `3 per year For- terra o€ years D!<ar, Eos:©r..- PP se •inform tour' down to 18- tend 725 per head; are paying about 3 c per il,, for good AU T N , In re otrrt f Ju Srs j the f.e. T. I.. net, reader; ti:a: if written to sol?€'tertiaiiy," strictly fancy milkers, $30 G $40; large sheep. Lambs sell at from $2 efr, 11. Flynn, some of liens is enough 1Q make a onI grants the I. f'. II retunirtr, " a eaahed Patter, par cm ares of grtrl to choice do., 6?v C? 30; corn- to 't little ever :3 iO eaell. Fat hogs to En l nci t raitle, will about toremoveta2nslitive person shiver. ri£` 1, rr Y nii4ls.miIl iw+g r3 , wil oiler or sale. Tim , pewee over their read Tart le le -reel -7r l -7r ''3nA rC ''t'''n''. zE'"n w e gra, by tslnael! I ` men to fair d i , $.'1't t') $25; gncd to sell at from <e tn; 51e per il't, Store by ptlbho auction at IIP, residence 'I Iii; Jlieitigan farmer i. a(lvneat- tr, i na wt e et'.ti's t otter e.sce sCcstta h rr3^ v vi 'yr.aft r 3ra ft Ss essth ue3 fancy-, 632 to c 3; fill, to good do., flogs sell at from v to t 7.50 each John Street. 'iViuithatn, on Saturday, ing the datilti- tree delivery r f the which in G ICta7iGIIc6i3 r ase diel, Iv inert ax 3 4aL§c r, _a 3E ;ve as "c °a i J2 tr -; i; Old simmer snppl • was and the small pigs at from $1.25 to duly. IUth, all her household effects, a__ .•z nikei. ,arts, 1 r4. Rab iit`I h( 111, efts demand, s 'tn * oParlor Chairs, '1'ubies, mail tdong file eclsntry read be verifiable. They are beard by anis l -aa t? Z s ,• • g , and b`2•''S'aaeh> beta,Rockers,1'ieturrs, Carpets, Cur- Yneatn3 n4 the 1` i 'alt' t ra d .?. i . ' pi'c pu cel ec,alF: let C'➢ hCE , fE t:' cuC r n + r , ^ tr_oo, I y .Th <gCy3^Fs W©Eel ; prices ruled 5trkirl, ,i"I•. with geed t© _ tains and Y'Cla x, Window Blinds, ., fi4 1' .. t.r .t G ,t e ,,. a Fy € a.t.i spa z > F .l, gt thaa;i; , r , , l Inde, Inning I1f : a hiiui lE -: Cy C: _ € ,b _ .wF e .3g1F 1; 1L." II a.5 L: a,..:Ed'u, SSS ,El i?S3 . C• ; T. l)r°iSi Int s at -f5.4° al.afij t© s and C°111- ,4 olnnoun.*Root, Chairs, Extension 'rabieJs..Side-- ' n lenge in the. a1c,'.?. 11 t f'iL'ta.C.r r' •:,'Li.a4. u Nil C"_:' I, ''.. I1, a t t;VF ac:cl c i_ L t•- >aL3 eTli3 c' St fi3 C,__ IIiifi E€t.r ^f - 'r 4:.••• 2 J• I[.Ei.iriJ--•In v'27th board, 13u0{ Case, t)J:al Sic>' itr?i3 Pipes. cf , !ras_ers i ulghanl on the Handsome It3r!! 1) '.:C` ie t!fePr'"i2' i 2 ill,_: Ei rcJ9(3: &° r !f 4q Es F uS? 1,1,,:,..„...e :i t 7 t t._' -. i:3` ' n r t .1f. .) n '' „ iit 1Mantle 010th, SewingItlaoh- „ = z, '-,., as Y . t.;'v. .,_. , l f_. y,,. ?: :: , 1. tr_L tzr t,,,,, S,,21 liar "T''I, i. . calzl a . ,1, to c``,:eers TU It the D--- n Alfred 1re11ar tl, ; . R. ine Xl l ft 1 , r 1 , ,. I''tr. r oro eF,III'ett' i awl EI.: I it" f lave :t •' "L' r" ro eLt' "_I :J ;C:t C.1, ....:. t. •, l; u!' ? G f. f , t„• - n. c r tch 1 Win a .Iithie (Inpvon.rd, G , t p rt ,F Gontluc 'nutlet -or, of a daterhter. Winge, - t,..+. L. ..i. ., y $ 3 L 1:;=C ➢ ^ 1't',' [. ,.. ? ,,..'? ;, YcwPt i f',u"`b.f°? yeah, .9.t.1, Illt, -.•• Pinta on 'C (`Lam (slits©} ant ]irl`_,C'r left by CI:f:: ,,,„.. L'Ir.' wc, c tent ..,. 1 . t, I _ `.t u - °L , c s .Yt>1X r3 J • r , tillvt?^ t . S. i s 8 G^ H. - C: 7 Ll' ?, y'¢ a._ t ', I .► .. . t I? 't`u't,G , tt'C c. f.., . :=f:r,;Cs .,aJ E'..ot'?: lc►i I0' a1C(ivE'tif•, , }• inlets ware'. Lampe, (11a: s:t'alre, ('roek- '1"'.!'{'f tit 1!!a .i- ::y E' ii f::f: E6'Cul'i; f lt' n':•i 'p t '.' a. tar :a"t Zn.. ! 7* > 1 71 -.h'. '•Tf ilPt'K- ..t till l'E<t11CiCntl© ere. 't' IIP !,"' 'i .4A .t ei.? I ea I eat . t.o ki,• -.. t l._ moi. c.:1 I 31; .7. - ; Id `3^:Fj, at -el z'r3 i:t -t Ttl `_tt11 %'illi : t* C , Bedroom 'furniture, , 13e 19 and t r .t E'''':'..0t ,: t „_E4!;. .p p e .tilt* tiricles's iiare►ttK l.cJtYtr t\'inl;h:itu Bending, Carpet% etc. All must be @:t;l l,ta tl t.P t 11 Iiti 'I:'IC alit ti i „ _ 1C. :e at C `.u,1LDV.3. a an E, < tt l r , ,_ ad sCrryeLf:er :QAC t fait:? TS'e3E i'tl in2C'I;Ct till 1'rt3'1 it 177 Jtttto :?11th h 1,t+v. l3 sold. t , r ' a , , ? t„,..i,.)::.„,a. ?J y , + S`Perms of calls cash, 117r.cTi atppt'r' i steel rrl i:. rural k -,}r 1• ,t.'.,.1 tl>':'l.. t_ la,et'cL' 10::31 t,33il:', ;Ik J C +. j° mr L.._ .:1,..,0 ty 'i: i, uc,;, lift'., t{ C..- t.l;fe 1 » rascal a •saline 8 1 errit-' 'ar IIei'l,i'rt l,.nn)t"ay :t) Iiii89 Sale f 7 commence at'. o cit'1 k. silliest. • Luc rt'lce17 esrer;sleti to !It attrc;tl t', ISsx +, t t. L ati. Q t_' higher; g'f4L ',eight I (Pkers, .;.t:5 'Murdock, daughter of .Zr I'ulrr nSgr- 'FebPerim Dense, Fe auctioneer t3y ck.V