HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-02, Page 2F;+ I.HE WJNTIMES, JULY 2, 1897. BRUSSELS. *. - �� Ab g N L: result shows the benefit of vigilance, q•"HE MOST POPULAR WOMAN hold � IN ,A.MERICA• • alts When the scale has once taken italatgairtC nothing but the destruction of the ye it that the "United FRIDAY, JULY 2' States authorities have discovered hew to control the dissemination of .� NEW t�;RCHAF,D PEST i the ecent convention, nurserymen, resoled to 1. Ontario minister of .�gticul-, take a hand in fanning legislation The for pest. tole should of a the the country rt t ! In Ontario the minister roflAgricuture every grower of fruit in J in his endeavor to put down the new and the ft nit %peln atdthe model fitrm plans by or'ehard pest—tile San Jose scale.: are engaged When we first heard about this per -,9 wh ichs ith the ravageshta ceot orehard c insect can nisi+.;us pest, the statement was nude II owners, , that it could not survive a lakes, blit lie kept twithin as ehard►arows,limits (Us - recently frost north of the great at 1,lk I possible. like .scenic ithas ds found iui sNiagara or ore 4er anythinglout of tof a hey normalor their trees, should immediately send to Hon. Mr,Drydensa mples for diag- nosis. seems to have any effect, t t does not seem INGENUOUS DOLLY MADISONS FRANK, QIIDIA )SANNER, ANI, SWEET, I. ..: UOUS DEMEANOR, ""No woman is re closely or fondly associated with the White House than Dolly Madison" writes Clifford Howard in ""When Dolly Madison saved the Declaration of Independence" in the July Ladies' Moine Journal. During the eight years that her husband acted as Secretary of State under Jefferson,s adtninistration she was almost as frequently called upon to do the honors at the receptions and levees at the presidents house as in her own home, where she entertained ill a sumptuous and delightful manner. She was therefore, fully prepared as the duties that developed on her a mistress of the White 'louse, upon the election of Mr. Madison to the presidency. In the graceful and skillful performance of her delicate task, she gained the admiration everyone, and added to the both for popular- ity she had already won, herself and for her husband -Through the potent influence of her own per- sonal charms, to which were added a frank and cordial manner, a sweet ingenuous demeanor, and the happy faculty of adapting herself to the views of those about her, she readily became a general favorite. Before her reign at the White Rouse was concluded, she was the most popular woman in the United States." Of the orchards In )e M r.` I Peninsula, and there is danger of it usual appearance on the bark of spreading in the Western Ontario orchards, if the utmost watchfulness is not exercised. The scale, indeed is found adapting itself to different climatie conditions. The Corntry Gentlemen informs us that it has been found in the mountainous re. gions of Virginia at height of 2,000 feet; it has been found in Western New York and as far north as Cana- da. It infests all diciduous fruit trees --peaches, pears, plums, apples, quinces, and the ornamental trees of that class; also the black walnut, our common American Chesnut, both the American and the European lidns and catalpa, the Lombardy poplar, tbe Carolina poplar, and the cut -leaf' Indo for s ch and the test3m y birch At present there is no case blight is interfariug with the prospect of the pear crop, I,Ilst week 1V, G. Collins organized a council of Chosen Friends at Matk• dale. Jubilee Day Brussels foot -ball team played a league match with Atwood and won It signal victory, the score being 3 to 0. Brussels was almost deserted on Jubilee day, the people going in large numbers to Seaforth. Anr,ther• contingent visited Attwood and saw our boys win the foot ball match against the strong tearu of that vil- lage. r, the .About 10 a. in. on Tuesday, , the do �-daughter bright G year Lkl a p Winnie Parker, of Mrs. Barbara Strachan, passed away from time after a brief illness through which she had been most • tendealy cared for, Winnie never laity recovered from an attack of the grippe and gradually faded away, despite all that could be done for her. On Friday, as Robert Miller was chasing sparrows in Backer & Van - stone's warehouse at the: station he fell through the trap door to the floor, a distance of about `25 feet, 1n the fall he struck his head against the stairs and when picked up was unconscious. Ile has a nasty cut beneath bis left eye, and was badly shaken np. Iie_was carried home and medical aid was summoned and he is around again none the worse excepting a blackened eye. KIDNEY GRIND SOtfTU AMERICAN 3 aDn1;Y CQRE THE ONLY SPECIFIC FOE XIDNNY OTSEASIS—A LIQ- UID AND SOLVENT—NEVER FAILS, Medical Science has proved beyond a doubt that the solid particles which pass through the kidneys in the ordinary course of hich le time so grind and nwelar these worgans that they become diseased and will not were r - form the functions for which they created—require a solvent to dissolve and eradicate from the system these foreign substances, and the great South American Kidney Cure has proven to be best and most scientitic specific rem- ands !hous- e y o Suoh, it when ands who have beau cured by on record where the scale has spread by means of fruit. The original. home of the scale in the United States is in California. How it got to the eastern States, and thence to Canada, is a pertinent question, and nurserymen answer that its colic coast, , which proves rok vesilom A yOung man 3,vho is employed in the the electric light station, named Jno, the Pacific coast, which p. o necessity of greater vigilance in the Darling, fell from the arch in front purchase of such supplies. It is nowt p of the Royal hotel, on Friday last, found in 19 States on the Atlantic while arranging the electric wires coast, in adjacent states inland, and on it, and t dfogot prettyhe was not aebadly en in a r'nnlher of orchards between up, ly • d • t.ne best demon - pill doses have fade is _-- stration of the fact that a solvent must be administered. If in despair use this remedy. Sold at Chishotm's Corner Drug Store. SEAFORTH. BRPlKotNAHIILTON WINGHAIVi. Rest, 065-),C00 Capital, 81,250,000. President --Done t'rUAar, Vice-President—A. 0, NOWT. ;DZI.100TO Zs JOHN panarOR, URn, Itosem, 11'at G1aaox, Woo?, A. 0. Las (Toronto).. Cashier --J. TIIRNBULL. Savings Bank—Ii_ure, l0 to S; Saturdays,t a0o q0 • %Bowe( , !special Deposits also received at current rates of 1r..:rest. Drafts on Groat Britain and the United State bought and sold P, A. T. st 1- Dopoatt f iii and upwards received I Hamilton anti' he Niagara river. In a recent address at the Virginia Experiment Station, Prof. Atwood said that for five or six years it was spreading on the eastern part of the continent in the nurseries and omit. chards, before any one had the first inkling that there was ;a San Jose scale this side of California, except in insect cabinets. It is now four years since the first case was know and it is only during the last eight• een months that the States people came fully to realize the extent of In the east. It is its dissemination only within the last few weeks that our neighbors in the states have had brought to their attention some of those alarming cases where the scale had existed right under the nose of specialists for years without hav ing beeu detected. Of the East- ern specialists not one in the hund reds had seen a San Jose scale, but al at once fruit was sent to the department of horticulture at Wash- ington, infested with it, and it set up a great furore among the specialists, because it was known that if it sue seeded in gaining a foothold in the orchards and nurseries, it meant vast destruction of the fruit-growIna- industryin the east. Prof. Atwood cited a number of cases in Virginia where the scale was found to have existed for some time without its presence having been suspected, and were the only prevention fur the further spreading of the infection was immediate destruction (,f the stock. In 'One case an orchard had become infested with the scale, by means of the peach gatherers, who, in gathering the fruit had carried away the scale upon the clothing, and in various ways had spread it, in this orchard, ir, being found on close Investi'r1tion in the furthermost limit injured. ously j . Mr, A Stewart ot Stratford, a student of Knox College Toronto, preached in the Presbyterian church here,'last Sabbath. Mr. Stewart is a fluent and earnest speaker, and gave two most excellent sermons. Ile is the making of a splendid preacher. IIe is a son of Mr. D. Stewart, the well know insurance agent who ha many friends here -abouts A very nice matrimonial event took place at the residence of Mr, James C. Reid, of this town, when g his third daughter, Miss Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm, G. L. Edmonds. The kot was secure- ly tied in the presenceby seltect number of invited. guests, e Rev. A. D. McDonald. D. D., on Wednesday evening ot last week. Another of Seaforth's most estim- able young ladies has been captured by a Canadian American andte las been taken to become a resident under the stars and stripes. On Wednesday last, Mr. Nelson Hays, son of Ilr. T. E. Hays, of Seaforth, was united in marriage to Miss L. Campbell second daughter of Mr. Alex. Campbell, North Main Street, Seaforth. A telegram was received here, Wednesday announcing the death Missoula, Montana, the previous evening, of Mr. Henry Ilinchley, brother of Messrs. Hiachly of this town, and son of John Ilinchley, of Kinburn. lie died in the hospital and his friends here were not aware of his illness, untill they received the telegram announcing his death. He was about thirty years of age, and had been a resident of Montana for about ten years. He was engaged in mining. Mr. Henry Gelb, of this town, carrriageenakee at Mr. Lewis, Mc- Donald's establishment, has just com- MANITOBA MENTION W. COB BOULD, Aoi xl E. L. DIUIiINSON. Solicitor. —IS rinuaintxn iuuCS 1,YERY FRIDAY MORNING ---a THE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STaE'r V GRAM, ONTARIO. subeeriptioaprioe, $1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING HATES: " spat:u-. I--iyr. - I Owe. Slao. 1me- One Column 800 00 840 00 *20 00 !tall " 40 00 20 00 12 00 Quarter '; 20 00 12 0 7 00 One inch G 00 3 00 2 CO 1 1-'"l,cl;a1 and other cast al ath•ertaen)vuts, Sc. C. -)Tei lino for first insertion, and 8c per line for each. subsequent insertion. Sle,eared by nonpareilgoalo. to. pGoal notices 10c. er line for each subsequencr Rae t ;nserticr-rst ortloYi, and — �,_.- ---. ^----- ---"' Advertisements ofLost, Found, Strayed, Situatf GRAND TRUNK li,1UI WI Y. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding. 8 lids nonpareil, Sl for first month, and 50c. for eq —, subsequent month, Salo,not exooadlnR 8 lino* Houses and farms for IMPART ARRIVE 1 for Stat month, Boo, pr subsequent monib 0 50 a. m. 2 40 p' m Larger advertisements in p*oportiou. 3 30 p m 10 'Ln p m 'these terms will be strictly adhered to . 8 55 a 113 '2 40 p in Special rates for larger advertisements, or for Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine A Banker's Experience "I triad a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for a trouble- I Mousy Lo • t" e- G 53 a m 11 10 a to longer periods. 3 30 p Ili fl 00 h In Advertisements and looal notices without specific directions, will he Inserted till forbid and char e 11 10 a m 0 50a m I accordingly. Transitory advertisements mus 2 55 p ni 3 30 p m paid in advance 10 25 li ni s 30 a In Chungeq for contract advertisements must ba — I the otltea by Wednesday noon, m order to that work S. G. RROwN, A. E. SMITH BANKER, INGRAM GENERAL BANKINGEBUSINESS TRANS- • ACTED. ooued notes and Farmcollaters and Business lien on FARi31E Moneys r the U Notts an RS SALE NOTES CASHED. emitted by draft to all par of Canada and nited States. d accounts collected on reasonable terms. liliami, an. sOsae affection of the t , The Doan Kidney Pil:s Co., Toronto : Manager `Phomas DowsOn, of the Stan - ^f your Kid- I of 14 Melbourne Aven- Gentlemen,--1 got a bol ney Pills from the bliami Drug Store, ' LO give them a chance c0 dard Bank. now ue, Toronto. "It proved effective. 1 regard the remedy as simple, cheap r+ RATES 1' 1 cod It I ns hitherto been AT REASONABLE at fie 1 determining )Hint, from cure me of the kidneycomp. exceedingly y letlbit to consult a physician in trou- which 1 have suffered for some time and which has become so bad latterly that I blah of this nature. hereafter I intend could scarcely endure it. I may say that to be my own fatuity doctor." it resulted from a fall which I received a few months back. After using several kidney pills and cures of different kinds, but without receiving any benefit, I am therefore pleased to testify to the great benefit I have received from Doan's Kidney Pills. I have used only one box up to this date, and the change in my cc,ndition is so great that I cannot refrain from recommending them to any person afflicted as I have been, or trou- bled with any kidney disorder, for I be lieve that it they wonld cure me they would cure almost any case. I will be able to resume my farm work now, as usual, and it is not tbe ligLtest work either. 1 am sirs, Yours gratefully, ALEXANDY R FR SERMiami, iNlan. Laza Liver Pills cures conetipation, biliousness and sick headache; 25c. Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted of the orchard. When carried in spreads very rapidly; pleted a novelty in shape of a elan•, this way, it p also where the trees are large en.' the framework ot which is composed ongh and interlaced with each other. In some cases the spread is very emelt slower; trees are known, stand ing twelve feet apart, one solidly in- felted with the scale for two years and the other entirely free from it ,A f scale was found to exist i The (xreatest Park In the 'world. Writing of "`The Greatest Nation on Earth" in the Ladies bonze Jour- nal, o us - nal, William George Jordan y "Uncle Sam set apart a royal pleasure ground in northwestern Wyoming and called it Yellow- stone National Park. To give an idea of what its size, 3312 square miles, really means, let us clear the fluor of the park, and tenderly place 1'aorltlRTOa AND PUD1Jan g �R MA(Th)O ALD, ut ce ntwilh Money 01 advanced on , o g "Note privilege of paying at the ens of auy year. and accounts collected. IIOBT. 1►IoIN DU0. Beaver Block Wintrham, Ont nor IL1jaity's Diamond Jubilee flanks "Queen Victoria, Her Life and Reign,' Grote eyory home. Persons µho never sold books take orders list, Preface the most eloquent of Lord Dufferids achievements. No book so highly pruned• We t("ed n ore canvassers. Easy to make s free toato ca vasstts-e,'.'tt3 )�tiillcosten nnotllinga dtttitmay all your empty ponce! hook. TUE BRADLEY- GA1tRETSON CO. LTD., Toronto, Out, Potato and Tomato Salad. Boil in their jackets four medium sized potatoes. While they are boil- ing, make a French dressing and slice into it, one good sized onion; as soon as the potatoes are done, drain, salt and dry them, Remove the skins and cut the potatoes while hot I into the dressing, toss them carefully until every piece is well covered. Put the mixture on a cold dish and and stand aside until serving hour. Then garnish the dish thickly with parsley, sprinkle over the dish, a tablespoonful of finely chopped pars- ley or celery tops; a small pickled beet may be chopped fine an placed diagonally across the dish. Sar- dines or pickled herring may be I used as a garnish and to give variety and one may also stir in the dressing a teaspoonful of Anchovy paste. Scald, peel and cool small sound and well shaped tomatoes. Dish them neatly oa lettuce leaves, and pat over each, a teaspoonful of,may- Ionnaise dressing, Keep in a cool place until it is time to serve. t of the Ivor CEN T)• VANSTONE, 1Lll�r BARRISTER, SULIC1TOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat intereet. No commission charged. Mortgagee, tow and tarn. property bought and sold OFFIOE—Seaver Block WaroXAL ONTARIO A GENTS A. MORTON, ADJUSTER, Wh.,,..am, oift. E. L. DICKINSON, EARRISTEli, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANE OF UA3XILTON. MOt(ZT LOAN. Office—Meyer Sleek_ WIigham, 1 ant atartin13 the beet thine; for i money malting y'auhave seent formauy a nay zo-,r nam! ail address. Wil bring you the o1..'l1 information. tt. P. Or., ),v TJNJO t0 Now edition of "Queen Victoria".— Snow ready. Enlarged --thirty. two inl pit o plates d. The only Canadisn and o a enormous; some of the great cities 'u 1 MIJLH I added Rout ia�tneof th,. Quo there close together as children do d fe 1 Victorian a dad. he • 1 M jests Solea , their blocks, First put in London, then Greater NewYork, Chicago, Philadelphia, Paris, Boston, Berlin, St. Louis, Hong Kong, San Francis- co and Washington. The floor of the park would then be but half covered. Then lift up Rhode Island carefully, so as not to spill any of the people, set it down and press in the West Indies—and even then then there are two hundred square tniles left. No equal area in the world has such a diversity of natur- al phenomena and such magnificent scenery. It is a Inarvellousland on of streems and waterfalls, geysers hot springs, mountains canyons lakes and forests of primeval age. : ted bt ! er book arctp ca Easy ton knocking the bottom out of now until Ensy to ,natco tidily dollars weekly Diamond Jubilee, Particulars Co. Ltd. ,Toronto 0 nt entirely of bovine horns. Thohorns have been beatifully polished, artisti- ticaily arranged as to color and size and screwed together into the frame so as to lit thoro'Lghly and make a solid and complete chair. et3Se O e, t Prof, Atwood went on to say, within withoutaPeer •--Work3zsiratles u few steps of the Horticultural With - tit Dr. p et% hia� t great remedy relieves instantly the most aggravated and (lis - t3' 3ning forma of heart disease. It is the OU root and quickest acting formula for heart trouble known to medical science and the teiintltl of tirrttl.1 3!•1.1 the 11551 of COO rl.l1 de:I 1 ,yer b ett .stayed by it9 uv a. If tht-ro ra phii11t:5tiall, (,')', tne_93 of ' !1 1 .?.t (i lo, Ftn')tlle, itis; bon- cations on- _ ., you may Lo tl'•t lit t,l V11,S"y Ylti ). building door, of Cornell ii�niver;lty whe"e it hod hectt for three years, 'without being detected, showing how easily it can be overlooked, when rio, one is especially interested in fl..tl:tt;; it. 3 of tl'e S'Cale VJd:r i; Those Worrying Plies One application of Dr. Agnew's Oint- iled ment will give you comfort. App every night for three to six nights and a cure is effected in the most stubborn casos of blind, bleeding or itching piles. Dr. tignew'sOintment cures eozoma and all itching and burning diseases. It acts liko magic. 35 cents. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION ►� M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, Sts Oatee—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. GODNRIOn, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J. S. r..N')Al ,. D. S., Witchlike Is manufactur. first-class sots of as they can hem e th as to cheap .�. a. rnw Teeth ext . re t�f�sfs1 absolutely he DwIlbn without pain, by his new process, guaranteed parte, tly sate. - OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite Brunswick Uou e. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of A Presbyterian church every Friday evening. 1 1tTIICR J. IIIWIN, D. D. 34., D. S., ootor of Dental Surgery of the Penusyaaani B. Y. <P. U._ .Meeting every Tuesday Dental College evening in the Baptist church. EPWORTR LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. Surprised K13 Doctor "A. little over 0 year ago I was laid up with bronchitic," says Stanley 0. Bright clerk, ot Kingston, "My doctor's bill came to 542, and altogether my illness cost me 5123. This fall I had another attack. I game across an advertisement in a newspaper for Dr, Chase's `Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for throat troubles, I thought I would rink a quar- ter and try it. It curedn ills." What this I intend to treat my Wh at Salt 'Will Do Salt --Renovates grass lands, Sweetens herbage and prevents mus, ti.nCSS ill nay. Salt---Inct'cases the yields and int - proves the nllali;y of milk. wirro-aean STEAM PIIMPWOBKS Apples in the spring ot the year have lost much of thheir flavor and freshness. If when making a pie a teaspoonful of tartaric acid is sprink- led over the apples it will give the pie more of the flavor of fresh green apples. When baking the apples, remove the cores and fill the space with sugar, in which has been mixed a little of the tartaric acid powder. ',alt -Purifies the stables, benefits 1 pain. l t hot.as,i, --Purifies oveg their coats and ( )Lid 0 ((.t5d 1 breath, t j keeps ttt1111 ill good health. kir' n to w oocl C1 Virginia, whet I 0 blit .1 dni� t 1 tl, ,av, t tlf t)"e who have !! 1 - I'l c''., Atwood entered dila his insp)crt , uu ' gone, over tr) ii3O ("r(:st 1)E'yonsl, Lactot, o j 1' at'l11(�res Catlnt3t d0 without salt. iorl (d' the trees, and. be located 113 l tia,s blah! re seep lit Um world to tray it ; n I ,,tit i:� a nreeasity fot the farm as citl;er ijlfustc(1 places where the reale . mot prt mpt,ty ,i,e.l, isofti at Olii.3hob13 a much as for human beings. 'Wm not before known to exist. 'Phis Drug Store. For` wa;nty-seven Years THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LAF1COSV SALE I^/ GP NADA. OFFICE..-MACDONALD BLOCK. Nora—mill vhet Myth every Wedn"qday. 'JOHN RITCHIE*til GENERAL lxbil:CANCE AG1NT 'WINDHAM. 04 CARR A co e` THAT Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 010 w now with` prepared to supply Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Yvon Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, 'Water Troughs, Sinks. J aths,Rilte Fitting, Weil Digging and everything in con- nection with water euppfi0s. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power an 41 lumping wilier. 'Deep well pumps a seeciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ortlerini' by luau should always slate del,th or well. • All work guaranteed or no sato. O. MOR.N•INGSTAI+ Box 140 Wingham. On DEANS. JR., WINo4AM, LICENSED AUCTIOOF ER FOlo ,til•. COUNTY'. N. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charf,er Moderato. J OHN CUIRRIE, W4NGIIAlll, UNI., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farin Implomecto specialty. All orders left at the Toms office promptly attenY cd to. Terms reasonable. ' with force 0 CULTURED LADIES--cbaracter,n00# his to earn Money, ca 1 learn how to do so in a gone;. cause, Addles JAM GA LLO W AY, Toronto JOB PRINTING, INCLUD1Nb Books, Pamphlets, fosters, Bit 1L needs, Circulars, Std., Ste., executed in the best style of the lrtor at Berate prices, and on short noncan Apply ess S 0 !MOWN, T NEB Olaco, winpbam. BOOKBINDING. We are Outsell to announce that aril Books havoltr Magazines lett with us for Binding, prompt attention. Prices ti for o 3l Tlndingxs in tiny ,tyl will be {even on app �• Men and. women who can Work WAn 1 Ev--hard talking and writing sic hours x play, for six days e wok, and Wil he canton with 10 dollars weuNNW Address IDEAS CO Brantford. SOCIETY MEETINGS. moa oCamp Caledonia, No. 40 Ss Fes ,I w`"`"t110 first and third Monday in bretlhr nnt%entiin r e Odd Fellows Murray, Halt, Mame 1) Stew art Nerl..See Yi