HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-29, Page 5I;goal A large creWd atteod the gnsnicipal flotnination,op Mo veryptPrestinn •,aninee Of fOot- tall was Played here on Monday, „New boote and shoes in endless ,Since the advent of sficvn business great/y reVived end Onr morello*, are wearing smiling faces, —The elegant Chniatmits Bliniber sent out as a supplement to the readoro of. the ADVecATE has teen received with unusual thankfulnetseond is being variety, at Sainvrell & Pickard's * highly Token Of," a gift a—Many from -e distance .spent inerry •ohiistrps8 with friends in own, —Ordered clothing a. speeie.lty, a firstelass fit guaranteed, Sanieveil & Pickard. --Scotch, English and Canadian 'tweeds; large variett at fletInwell and tiehard's. --Judgolentlit tire eaten ei Hardy vs Pickarh, has been ren&red in favor 0% the plaintiff. —Mr. Thornsie Cliffee; of Coburg, i's spending the holidays with his sown Messrs. J. P. and W. gy Olatke, —All inettibers of L. O. La No. 921 aye respettfolly requeated to meet in the Hails at the Oddiellovss new bllock; on Friday evening, january 6th, 1888, at '740 m, A flip attendance is re- quested, —Mr John McConiff of Lintorn, Neb., supernitendefit Of the Chicano,' Purlington & Missnori R. R., togethet with his danghter, §-pent Xmas with Mrs John Fanner, niece of the former,. --The regular Meeting of the Band of Hope, in Jeolien street Methodist cherch, on Tuesday es ening last was a. deeided success. The ball was crowd- -A gaad.fuil Eno of' amps., fan. ed tar the door, and the progriun'ann ,0 got:do, toys, &a., at g. searjetr# well sustained, The rdontif Ofkail basid rectered their well &sinned ap- 'elnag store, Exeter. & Pickard have jot et. taived a lenge consignment of goods di, ret from England and which they are offering at Reck Bottom Prices: * —We direct the attention Of our 'readers to the announcement of st vale treble farin ler sale ilea!' Centralia, Ont, which appears in enothet column. —The Christrhas diiplay of meat by our local bete -here *as it VS r^y OttraCt- ive one. Messrs. Woods Pres. ifad on exhibitiOti a dressed hog hich turned the scales a 554 lbs. —Mr. Wm. Paemore, of Derwent, • returned home Wednesday morning after spending Christmas with his brother Mr Thermos Pasmor editor phiuse. —The Pee/I-Ott in the various church fes, of Exeter, last Sunday Were specially appropriate to the Christmas season. In James -street Alethodust church, the ehoir, ithici has attained considerable efficiency nuclei' the leedershin of Mr, Frank Ruse, sang beautifieltyst number •of appropriate anthens. —We have received a Copy of a anisseneent historical photo-engraning "he ristheall of Canfederations" the premium given with theToronta Week ' l'y Nem. The /Vega with the engrav- ing, and this paper will be sent to any uddress from bow ujU Jan. lst, 1689, for Only 81.75. This is the best of&i, yet . , .Another year will soon be num- bed with the past Another notch Ni the senthe handle upon which Father Tillie records the animal flight of this erseth Will shortly be cut and still the enterprising residents of Exeter and surrounding country must have a newts paper of some itnpiartance and enter- prise, and the txener Anvocann is the choice of the people. —The following are the names ef ptipils promoted in the Exeter Public Schete1—F110fa Miss GILL'S ROOM,— T. Creech, E. Oroolrer, R, Fanson, E. Christie, W. Moncur, W. Ross, A. Nel son, A. Kelland, E. Gillespie, J. Welsh H. Fanson, A. Smallacombe, fl. Gould. 'no n Miss Chionny's Boon—R. Horn •A. Martin, Wel. Westcott, W. Graham F. Willis, M. Westaway, E. Gregory, H, Browning, L. Howard, 0. Kelland, N. Prier, I. Ferguson, As hiatheeon, Taylor, Win, Westcott, J Itorgan, N. Edworthy, knoll Miss Mines:awn , Rooms—P. Rose,. R Pickard, R. Sel- he published an account of the pro- don, J. Reiland, N. Creech, 0. Pickard ceeclings of an assault ease against j. Browns 3. Oreech, Panson, B. 'Ward upon his mother. The scamp Spices, L Tayors, P. Dignan, L Baw- iustly deserves all he got. den, M. Davis, B. Lang, H. Hughes, —The case of arbitration, Iiernick V. Tieble, N. Sheere 1L Wn1Pcr. Priskator, which was tried here Fttom •Aliss Moe/kinsmen Rnsoffre—M. on Friday and Saturday, was decks(' Brown; W. ErmikssW -lr'Itirburn, in favor of the defendant The actin, Ranton, L Cave, W. Ros' s grew out of the sale of a horse, which Ms Tapp, A, Westawan, W. Seldom C plaintiff claims was defectve. /vIessrs. Hersey, Eacrett, F. Southcott, L. 11 Eilber, Orediton, J. Balentyne, and Hicks, W. Clark, A. Oke, G. Hersey, T. Cameron; Usborne, acted as arbi E. MYe'•s• FROM Aims VOSPER's Room trators. John Elliot for Plaintiff, R. —W. Hill, J. Pickard, A. Spicer, A. 31. Collins, for Defendant. • Fanson, M. Chr:stie, 0. Currelly, A. •Colquhoun, P. Bowden, Laura Gregory Christmas passed off quietly here. E Follick, A. Holland, A. Laughlin, •M. Welsh M. Logg, K. Maim]. IN Mn. GREGGPIJS Roon;—From junior fount to senior fourthi-11. Gral,am, K. Dalkwill, M. Martin, S. Fitton, J. Glanville, hls Pickard, F. rinch, L Johns, L. Briminatnambe, Fanson, —The EinOire, a paner yeblinifecl in Toronto the interest of the Conserva- tive Party, has coMe to hand and give promise of being 4 newsy Journal and "no doubt will meet ititia success. - -Look out for Dig Anction Sale d Bankrupt Goode in .Sautheott Blocks Exeter, Bell's old stand, on Tuesday, Wed 11e,sd ay, Tb u rsdaje and Friday, January 3, 4, 5, and tth; 1888._ Renton & - -The annual meeting of the Dis- trict Orange hedge, of Bnidulph, is summoned to convene on Tuesday, January 10th, 1888, at Lan, at the hour of one mole& A full attendance .of officers and members of the same is earnestly requested. —A man named Ward has very justly been sentenced to six months in the (enteral Prison for theaang the; Nitor of the Wiarton Echo, because ,A social time was spent with visiting • friends at their respective hornes,while a large number of the young folks pass- ed the day in sleigh riding and other innocent amusement. The day, in point of weathenwas all that could be desired, thus enabling the residents to enjoythe, IV. Treble. From senior fourth to fifth: celebration of the birth of Christ, with —C. ' L A. Essery greater sintivity and comfort. . W. Creech, N. Taylor, L Hardy, R. —The Toronto' Olobe, o SituTday Eacrett I. Gillespie, M. Verity, L last,gives notice of a handsomely illum- inated address being presented to Mr. 'Jos. Ruse, a near relative, of Mn Frank Ruse, of this village, which was band- ed him by one of the oldest employees . Exeter Nominations, of the firns who referred in a feeling Oke, Hawkshaw, P. Toni, F. Oke, O. limey, E. Moore, R. Pickard, M. Colquhoun. mannee to the invariable kindness and courtesy of Mr. Ruse as an employer. He also alluded to the great success lir. Ruse has aoliieved in his business, —Clinton Now Era:—ReV. James 'Crithese, of Exeter, a fennel' pastor of Rattenbury St. church, preached edu- cational sermons there on Sunday, and it is unnecessary to say that both were appinciated by the largo audiences neresents For years Air. Graham has 'been kpown as a deep thinker, clear neasenee, and (me who bever leaves his banners in doubt as to his meaning, .s—The dere windows �f Our morch- Ants' ,presented handsoritr, attra.ctivO end invitieg appearance on Christmee awe, bet in the ken Of ChristmaS fen it Must lo attraitted on all sides tiffit Saitta Claiig. inado hie 1.-adquart, ,ers at i.11:r. G. A, Ilynchriestin NI horn he I epraseetecl himself in tile form of a rty headed old Man,- With strramiwg 1 rard and neniecl Ivith on alnindance of tieqd who were expected to be present to vent their cliffororit views ill eerilieetion with the muninipal affairs, The chair- man called upon the preseet Reeve, Dr, itollitia whaexplained the princi- pat transactions Of the present year. He Nfeli followed by Messrs. Bissett, Pickards iffShAss Vafling; Hard)) Ale- PoVisr Sandein, and liartnol,the latter twogennlemers ill be, half of their respective oomineees Mr. Dyer and Mr, ()Janke, Wile each advoe their respectiye' efainis or their norni- nees' claim. On Mondey nent the polling takes plate at the following gocrmand will open at 9 a.nmand close at 5 o'clock p, nn. No. 1 division at dr, Smith's wagon shop; No. 2 division at W, Week's tnarble shop. No. 3 divisiOn market house; No. 4 division, tovin hall - The nominatibns to fill the council for the year 1888, for this village, was held inthe town hall on Monday last, at the appointed hour, 12 o'elock, neon,. The following is a list of those notniee ated:-- Ryan's's—Dr, Rollins, L. flardy, Mr. Hardy withdrawn. DRPuTY REEm—W. G. Bissett J. Banton.. Mr_ Renton Withdrawn. This leaves the Reeve and Deputy Retive eler4tkl, by acclamation. CoUNCI GLORs. — Jain es Pickard, T. B. Calling, D. Johns, (withchn.wn) 'Thos. McCallum, James Willis, Ed ward Obrintie, B. Davie, A, G. Dyer and J. P. Clarke.. The tin's° nest•he•inis expired, the nomination was doelared closed. 13y a uneniumue vote. Ala M. Eactett was appointed thaineam and a public ifeet ingopened,, when it was decided to ed - jewel u .At the appoi rted hotTa iru,go crowd of the electorS Ip,a Assembled in the ball to listen to the. speeches of the Several. nominceS To the Electors of Exeter.— , gesieeemearn-sAllow me to thank those who nominated' me for the position of Councillor for the year 1888sI beg, to with draw hem the field, owing to unser busi- ness whicb2eceupies iny time. Hoping the electors will govern thenneelvee ac- cordingly, am yours &c: ALEX. O.- DIERs AZIAA • elin Electors of Ezeter LADIES AND Gerereemen.avfma been requested by a large number ef ratepayers to offer myself as a candidatefor Councili- or for 1888, your vote and influence ate respectfully solicited for RICHARD DAVIS, on Monday next. If elected I will endea- vor to serve you to the best of my ability and will do all in my power to advance the best interests of the village. Yours truly, RICHARD DAVIS. To the Electors of Exeter; — LADIES AND GmemLEMEN.—Having been requested by a large number of the rate- payer*, to allow myself to become a can didate for Councillors and having acceded, to theilf wish, respectfulfv request pier vote and influence for EDWARD CHRISTIE, for Councillor for 1888 and if elected, promise to do niy utmost for the advance- ment and welfans of the villiasen ' Yours respectfully, EDWARD CHRISTIE. To the Electors of Exeter.— After being waited upon by, 001110 of •the most intelligent Electors of oun mueice pality, urging um to abide by the nomi- nation of Menday lent. I have filially zoitsented to stand for councillor. I here- in state that I am coming out in tbe best interests of our Bleetors with the view of ascertaining the Moral and, Christian back bone of out Electorate I fariher state should I be eleuted for that pesition of respoesibility,, my utmost endeavor will 'be to crush slut all dens of iniquity and .vitie, to use all my powers for theproper and tigid enforcement of all laws govern- ing our citizens, feeling equally responsible 'for our safety in financial. matters. Seeing that we may no be taxed beyond *meas- ures nor be cramped for want of BMUS in successfully carrying on the future of our anunicipality. I therefore ask the proper thinking and well-wishers of sobriety andindustry of Exeter, to cast a vote in my favor for reasons as above assigned. I remain yours, JOHN P. CLARKE. Communications. To the Editor of the Advocate,. r DEAR. 8IIL--W111 you please allow me, through the eolumns of your valuable 'paper, to pagan few seniarks regarding an itent which appeared in the local sporting notes of last week's Exeter Times. The said. item was headed "Dear Deer." Now fwhere the editor of the Times got his in jorthation 1 cannot say, but I should udge by die: phrase he uses, he is a Welsh- man, as the Welshrimit's couple is any- where in, tlie neighborhood of from 2 to 20. in the first place he states that a couple of local sports went hunting for rabbits a few iniles west of Exenir. I must tell him that he is misinformed'both as to the number of sports, locality and &so as ta the kind of game they Wane'l lo hunt for, it was neither rabbits nor deer._ but foxes, Then he statesthat the sports on seeing a flee young deer in their niiclat lost their reasoning powers, itha let blaze; land brought his deership to the grotinde oold in death, Then again he says fillet the game was dressed tied cut up On the ground, where shot, and then' brought to Ineeten, which ts another big ab. 110 steam that on the following day the guilty ninn•ods go before a magistrate and plead minty, and paid a, fete of $10, together with 85 cost, which is allot:her "whopper." I would advise the waiter of this "Dear Beer" item, beim° he puts anything more in prim, that he sbould try ainl get More reliehle infoiniatioit than he has had on this deer serape. 1 -le winds up Ly saying a sport svho Would not elioet a deer mitler such circumstances as related, Weida iri- deed possess a firm and very resolved initid. I doubt very much that if tho editor of the Ti91168 could get seine one to catch A deer and tio it to A tree rer him, wither lie would have moral emintge and backbone elmitglt to be able to keep etill tong simnet to shoot it, even if it weed befoin the: tithof DeceMber. Vours 0101.1 A, POItt HA SAYS SI1E ONE 47.r WIFE 0 " siala .4011111 IA inn \\Willi ottp lir, 11111 HAVE McClary's Celebrated • DUX. , COO ICSTOVIS _01 FOR SALE AT BISSETT EROS'. You will also find at their .store . 7'40 largest & best stook of ,4411,11ftv_ 41111b • Of all kinds, ---in towin—and 1 tell you they Sell Cheap, .!=vvmmvwxwvvvvvwo They are now showing a Select Assortment of' BUILDING H.A.RDWIL‘ , at prioes that hava never been equalled in Exeter. Just received a large consignment of AXOE GrOSSIgetit Se or*p. Call and examine their stock, get pricen and you *DIU wellnepaid. A &rents* for the, RAYMOND SEWING :Machine. —One of the hest preserved old* gentlemen for his age to be seen on our atreets nowadays is Rarneseie II, of Egypt. He looks fresh as w daisy after a tiap of a few thousand' year lairs teeth are slightly disfigueretle which areately epoils fiis beauty. What a dizzy old swell he would be with a new set made by CARTWRIGHT, the dentist. The world renowned Vegetable Vapor, for the painless ex- traction of teeth, administered by CARTWRIGHT, the dentist. —The followingare the names of those from Exeter who took an active and prominent peat in the entertain - went at Hessian under the auspices of the Canadian. Order of Foresterss— Bro. A. D. Ross, Di II. 0, R., of Ex- eter, presided and' opened the pro- gramme by a short address, after which the brass band of Exeter rendered an instrurnental selection in good style. Mrs, Fairburn, solo; W. Hughes, reci- tation; S. Gidley and G. Davis, in- strumental; German Band selection, EXETER MARKETS. ^ White Wheat per bushel (now) Red Wheat per bushel. .....,. Spring Wheat, "' • ^ Barley per bushet....,... .. . ... Oats per buebel. ..... • ..... Peas Per ... . Day per ton, ..... „ .... „ Butter per lb.... ..... . Ego per dozen ........ gait per WA Potatoes per bushel ... 80 80 to Si 81 0 80 to o 81 0 so to. 0 et 1085 bo 068 0 30 10 083 o 50 te. 0 60 8 00 to. 0'00 0 It to. 0 20 011 018 0 00 to 1 0/ 0 00 tO. 66 Apples per bushel.... 0 2.5 to 0 40 Pork per 100 lbs „, 5 10 to 6 00 Bacon ear lb 0 00 to 00 so LONDON MARirs:BTS. Red Winter, per busT White it Spring Barlay Oats Eggs Better, .Rolls Butter, Crocks Ilay per toe it tf. $ 75 to 82 75 to 82! 75 to 82 65 to 68 32 to 3'3 20 to 2.3' 25 to 28-` 2:3 to 25 9.50'0 12 50' TO RON TO MAR XS TS. Pelf Wheat Spring wheat Oats l?oas 13arley lis,y per ten, 111.011 l'ettltobE.per, Insgr Time peisettin 1DteaSed Hogspor• 11)6' 0.78, ta 8, 0,80, 0.78 to. -0.S0- (138 te.. .0.30 0.56 to ttid 141406 te it,00 tn .0n8 n.`00 to 1.00 O,1t :to O°1 6,50 .tes •7.00 EXETER... posettakvexcemtenrrerAthst. PUBLIC \OM „o, IS liEREBIOGINEN, oxi,Ess W41 SOITTROOTT Ilistins risme SDLLING MIS TAILOR -FITTING CIothirg at ruinous picas,. IND ALL KINDS OP GENTS' FURNISHING, GOODS at panics prices, he Will get ALL IRE TRADE IN TOWN ? $o says &stonier. W. Southcott, MaM-street, Ext -tor, JOHN :Nici.NNES9i DBASE.: 14N FtOTIR and FEED, Of 'all kinds. Breakfast detain Oil atilieto Ground. Flax and Empire Cattle Intf,always one pow:58 pL1vk'Jrit prARGg.g, JOHN MANES, M IN ST.,. vevvvvvvvvVivA.t,V,01.4 *PE NNY R CM,A, L 1,ATAPEI: 8.. ,Itql*, ...,..... urrar 10,,,i,d,ati,Ilifeegzot;f4phoysrkiel,I.s.‘7,:voilt "iinf'shrel• treMing reme.,10 4emm,. As lorr, ' , ''.11f iLf::7:-.,„,,, ri ge for ceal Oci purl iCUt3r0, 'e i1'' ' ,v all ereeelsts, sneer bot. Ade,. ,,,,, A, mosatIALE with verreet. streetso. 17' ever 10,1)00 ladA a, Pleasar r f...1.' r c rteetual., Lt.clirs ask vo.tr dave itist rer Poneyroyal WA& rs ,t,“:1 • Irbil() substitute, or /nel ldo v .. .. IIEETIREICA.CHERICAL CO.,Inanost, lize..11, . ..„„ Sold in P.,Neter by Dr, ,L,titA, .tc.,..,:x 4ruggis t everya re„ Oat, 1...1.