The Advocate, 1887-12-29, Page 4.1.11=11111.111r Nok —t—••• LLIQT &ELLIQT, BARRISTERS, — $0110itelli* COnYVRACetilli, *c. avlbneo, to Loan at 670' B. Vs ELLIOT,. tT. Faa.lop. .Th .a .Adycipate, 'THOMAS PARY1ORE, Roma am) raostusrer. OFI/OE; Main Street, Exeter URSDAY, DEC. 29tb, 1887. The Chri.ettnas Chimes and New Year Call issued with this paper as a gift to old and new subscribers has met With approval and appreciation of the. public entieely beyond our most sangu- ine expectations. It exintains the names of a. large number of merchants and professional men and the, businesses there are in and would make a hand- some gift to send to friends. As we have a number left, we -will dispose of them at the small sure of five cents each. Send in your order. Georgia has one fortune teller who can be depended on. She is a young girl, and was recently thoUght to be a gypsy by a widower who is looking for a youngwife, and was thertfore anxi- vis to know the future. The girl said she'd tell the past and the i'uture;. and, havinE,r fitst received good fee, she told the man to take of bis hat. He did. Then she said; "You took off your hat; you will put it back on. God loves you, and if you don't look sharp the devil will get you," The fortune. teller then walked awayand left him. standing, looking " like the boy the calf ran over." " UNRESTRICTED RebieeocorT" is 14)1111d to .evin in East Northumberland,. no matter if the Liberal candidate., Doctor Mallory, is beaten, an evowed commercial unioniet. The Conservative eandidate, Mr Cochrane, is also in favor. Of the "fed,"judging from the following. ‘.hppeal made in his behalf:—"Vote "fOr td ward Cochrane for the Dominion ':.aud fullest measure of recipi °city with The "United States." Will the Goern- tent organs which denounce unre- etrieted reciprocity toll us whether they support this Tory candidate who 'ie iu favor of "the fullest measure of "reciprocity with the United States' , What do ,our peetectionists think the tote of opinion 'in the rural constit- tiftridies Whisb demands of Tory can didates'seeli adhension to Unrestricted reeiprocityl THE '11AS AND FAD" argument a- gainst commercial union seems to need reinforcement from the old loyalty,war ;horse, even at the cost of bringing up 'again quotations like that about "so much the worse for British connection" which drove that charger from the field i'ome months agp. This implies despera- lion, but we have a proposition to make that will wipe outall differences between these loyaliete and the fa.. rmers. They will remeeraber. 'that from the first ,the farmers expressed a preference !er commercial union with England. je the ierelists will demand that they , farmers -,eitle thole to a .kfr 04,4.1-1 man. It Will 06 ileeft. ;;;'al hearts C'21-1 to see how loyal these farnierg. ;at be. Mean-tiine let them not distress themselves that the demand of the farmers to take down either or any part of the fence that the protectionists have fiet tip is made for the parpose of favor. . Ing the United States at the expense of Britain, It is made to favor their etptyn intrests and those Of their country, 111 11,1111 1E1 I). 43irigi.--CLeetic —At the residence of the bride's father; On the 2ist inst., by the Rev. D. M.. Kennedy, og Ceed iton, Francis SiMS, to Iiss Sarah Jane Clark, all (.1 McGill. vray. MEI). WILIoN,— In txeter istorth, o 25th inst, Thomas Wilson, aged 76 pars. —Those Intending insuring their etuOy their own in- terests, and insure in the TAneashire Fire Insurance Company, of Alenchest- er *`'Enniand. Prompt payments in cases of loss. Wrn. atitiers, Agent Allv9o4TR office, pxoter. CAME EST/tAY. Came int(' the Premises of the sithacrih- er, Lot 20, L. R. E., a heifer 2 years old'. The „owner will prove property, pay exe penses and take her away, WILLIAM TtietiptiLL, Deo. .27th, '87. Breweter V.„ 0. NOTICE. rpHE ANNI.TAle MEETING OF THE Stephen & Ilaborne Agrictilturful So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall, Exe- ter,. on THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th i 118$, ,at Two o'clock p: m., for the election of ioffices and receivinev'the Directors' report All parties interested in the welfare of the society are invited to attend. By order of the presidents JAS. 134LLENTIN5. ALEX. G. DYER, Secretary, A meeting of the Directors of the above society will be held at TEN 'o'clock a. nc sharp, on same day at the Town Hal, Exeter, EXECUTORS' NOTICE, PURSTJANT TO THE PROVISIONS of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 'chap. 107,. as amended by 46 Victoria,. Chapter 9. The Creditors of Janes Maw- hinney, late of the township of. Stephen, in the county of Huron, and province of Ontario, Gentleman, deceasstt1. who died on or about the 27th day of ItiOVember, A. D., 188, at the said townehip af Stephen, etre on or before the lat day of February, 'A. D,, 1888., to send by post, Itrepaid, to George Mawhinney, of the said township of Stephen, Farmer, Crediton Post Office, the sole executor of the last Will an& Test, ament of the Faid deceased, their christian an d.,surn antes, addresses, and d escription the full palticulars of their claims and statement of' tlicir accounts and...the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, .Eyery person and creditor hOldiffp, any ii..curity is to produce the Fame before the said George Mawhinney„ at the town- ship of Stephen aforesaid, on or befeee the said 1st day of February, A. D. 1888. After which date the said executorwill distribute the assets of the said. deceased, and will not be liable for the assets so d istributed, or any part thereof; to. a.ny person whose claim he shall not hafe Itad notice at said date. R. H. COLLINS;,Solicitor for the Executor, George Mawhimtey. Dated this 20th day of December,,A, D. 1887: MORTGAGE SALE FARM PROPERTY. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in payment of a certain registered Mortgage date.4 18th t December,. 1885„ made by one John England, to the Veal - dors there will be sold by. PUBLIC' AUCTION, by Henry, Eil'ber, auctioneer, under power of sale in said Mortgage, at 1-lodg,rin5s 1-lotel, IN THE VILLAGE of CENTRALIA,, in the County of Huron, on Thursday, the 19th day of January, 1888, at men o'clock in the afternoon the the following lands, viz: the south hailf of Lot number Three, in the third concession, and lot number thirteen, in the fifth con- cession, of the Township of Stephen, in said county, containing One hundred and fifty acres mole or less. The south half of lot three contains fifty acres and has erected thereon a log house, frame barn, frame stable, and sheds and is distTit frcnn Centralia about 2 inifes. Lot number thirteen aforesaid contains 100 acres, is about four miles from Exeter and has thereon a good log house, frame barn, and stable and elieds, also a, good or- ehard, The soil of both parcels is good clay loaiii , Both parcels are cleared and lott, A valuable an ;los/able .property. 1nBth. Tsiper cent, of the, Intittlitasee money walill be required te,hipt4i.il m of sale and the balance within fourteen days thereafter. Arrangements may be inade by which a large pIrtion of the pur- ape 1,30Dtty may be allowed to remain on mortgage on the property, Further partienlers tan be learned by reference to the auctioneer or to itAamt, (.1Y4EENr.10,8 & TI.TOM• 48, Vendors' Solicitors. IIsmiv' Etat) tst, Anction et; Crediton post•office London, Deeember 27th, 1887. Mho Gitetit mi4,41Sla Preseript1011. - A Suodessfel Medicine used over 80 years in thousatide of eases. Ouse gpehitatorrtiect, NertfOto4 Weelcitekg. Betission4 IrOpOten'eg „ and all diseases °ended by abuse. Trifftroaftl indiScretiOn, or' over-exertioti. cArrstili Sim nackages Ottort4oteed to Curt ashen all other,$. Foil. Ask Your Druggist for Tho ok.ket Emenot, ic,rietioo; take no Filbstituts. One peCkii$6.• SiX, $5, by Mall, :Write fer Pamphlet. Address, Etirb4st Chentical Co., betrolt, Mick, Sold iri Exeter by lit Lutz, aria druggiqt5 eVeqWilewn,„ rhid 1 7: Ohttatte's. Corpmeotal o teleVg1317,. AIM,Y4'47ARti. Itigs and Horses first,olast. ear Orderp lefi.at the Haieltshaw Retitle, or ae heatable wil} be promplay attended to. gsasoNauLst. HELLO THERE! ROW E & ANDREW'S •CALMANA0,)• For Balance of 1887. 1Qeceinber. Change in the moon, and more weather. Ursilertalilsw oev Skulk of Caskets, Coffins,. Robes and are unexcelled. Reformed tsfulerteltars, rib flings, neC1iCu5aie 151 l 1111515. Otur prices we geters oUrselves, and °shiest people know they are laity moderate ; wo understand, and Matto. a, specialty Of this part of our business. Come and soe before you buy, Open day and night. REMEMBER the PLACE Drtm's old stand,—one door north of Molson's Bank. Rowe & Andrews. New Premises? I NEW Gt 4191:ERANs* 1 Ikespeetful y remi ids na many Custom; u and the public generally that he has roe moved to EIS NEW STAN», —NEXT TO— Vost *MO** Main Street, EXETER. Where he has just receive& —A— WELL ASSORTED.' ST0016 OF READY -MADE -- -BOOTS & SHOES. ALSO tland-made work of the highest Class. A Trial Solicited, and Weis:faction Guaranteed GED. MANSON Exeter. SIM= Best Family Newspape in Canada. ESTABLISMED 43 YEARS. E.Sla Ok WEEKLIES!, Free Press, LONDON, ONT, The Handsomest Printed Paper in —Canada.— The Agrienithral Department is a notedi feature of tho"Freo Press," being iaways up to tho Hines and conducted bpersons practically i skilled n Farm Work. Illustrations, Practical and Useful given each week All the rieWs in Fill!. By Telegraph, Telephone'Mail and CorreSpon- donee up to the hour Of publiention. Special Market Department. krricultural Depart. meat, capital Story always Running. Ingen- ious Puzzle Column. Humorous Reading, jusi :1 -LE THING FOR THE FAMILY I Every member of t,i1,9 ;,:,lusebotd eageily looks for it each 'Lars,* 411 Vapor 1' In Globs of 4 and upwards, 7.5c each. 13alanee 1S7 free $12,000 IN PREMIUMS iron Away Feaa to Agenta: most ilbotai lama:entente over offered it, Canada. Everything useful; valitable end ornarni.mtai. AaEgTS WAI`IED tIV8ItrWtititg. 'Pus most tepeeteereet, to work for, 31iire souey eau be tbade Working fur the "Free l'1.086" 014:1'1 51: any .ethor employment, „ AddiresS-Vitt „ LOBE THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE L.EADINC NEWSPAPER OF CANADA �AILY OLOollEr Ilmoniceotelditkm, 1135:0000 10,417 ehisuist. OA "' SAM 06 wegstur ot.osr, . 1.00 SATURDAY DAILY OLIDDIE,. - 6 1.00 The different editions of The Globe can be procured' fiom all News Dealers1 throughout Canada. - THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAINetWeen Toronto and London, which has been runningdaily since rd Mardi last, will be continued -throughout x8891 This train arrives at London at 6411 a.nr., making connection with all the early trains from that point, securing for, The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours lb advance of all. Toronto papers,. - - TO ADVERTISERS... - As an, advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its- airculation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian; papers,and it is the intention of the man -s i agement toalways keep The Globe in its prowl Position as the LEADING NEWSPAPFS OF CANADA, both ite pdint, on circulation and influence. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. TORONTO SA V V Eli `1_,...] Vir L.. ___J -.1 nL 1 ...-1 ILx.3.-) __/ e --1 Having this sesSon purchased most of our stock direct; f'ceem manufacturere' in England and Germany, to do so we had to give our orders very early in filo season, and as the prospects looked well we bought largely, the goods have. .now arrived and we find that hard times are causing a great depression iv. trade,. lite have therefore decided to meet the times by marking all goods at', •',HARD PAN as.* insure' a speedy clearance, therefore we would invite all intending pur cfteers To Call and Inspect our Stock andi,Vite kces of aWNew Goods,. including Ladies' Dolmans, :rackets, (,..v 'Waters, Misses' and Maids' Ulsters, all sizes. Ink Colored'ii SATIN Dress goods in all the newest colors and styles. Baia and Faller, :Flushes, Starlets, gnd Plain and Fancy Hosiery and Gloves. Ails° a full line., of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' READY " MADE CIOTtila4 FIATS and CAPS - which will be sold' at' the LOWEST POSSIRT E PRICE: ••••• A Positive Cure., + A Painless Cure., PACTS POR MIEN J ALL ACCIE.S.: rismAats CV M.a.2c, • 7..A1-TEC)1T'S SVMOI7.1.TC TIRE 1RE.2T Et Etkprifl ift E.fir Marvel 0, Healing, and Kollinoorof Medicines, C.13.14,,,Eas* the ttermiiitle cot:moque:ides or..troatoorottion, Erriposeero and OtrOzwYeTt. "rb-csivct X1ri cpx,4= • azt.st,144' Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will fled in No. 8 a radical mire torMer:vous debility,organic weakness, inyoluiltery vital losses, etc. ST3TPTOSIll Von WT3I011 No. 8HITOCrtoT) 11I1 Ilimu.--Want of energy, vertigo; want of pliepost, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of oonfidenod, avoidance of conversation. desire for solitude, listlessness mica inability tO fix the attention oh a particular subjecti, cowardiee, depression of spirits, giddiness, leas of mentor, ,Y okOlVability of temper, nen' .„:eteheet, or loss of the seminal fluid-tbe result of ecif.abrise or marital excess-1mm- barrenness, palpitation of the 'heart, hystErrio.feclings teac,,,iy; tzu.41"101, ' in fornaies, crm14,t4010.10„,;t Aistarbin,g dreams, etc., are all symptonis of this tokribliA babit,oftentithoEf noeodtir a. short„ the spring of vitt I force Laving lost ite: tehsion, every:function wanes in cons.ittpcacc. ypentifte writers and the se perinteadents of imetne asyband unite In ascribingto'b1.5n.t,3,1 of self-ac.oce tho great majority of' wasted Wires whiolt eOree under their hetlbt,ect If Ott 4.4,....pirneten;; fr.r the ordnong ditties of bitsineSSi Incapacitated for the enjOythenti of lira, the 'effects of early vloo. If 9•Ou are ftdvancod in years, No. 8 will giVp-Srtiii strength., If yeti are broken down, phybon1Iy and morally front early indiserotion, tifes. result of iOnorrueee and folly, send your addreaS and 10 ceitta iu stamps for M VI LIYTION'Et Treatisii in Book Form 00 Diseases of Mee. Sealed end,spearo from ebnervatiott. Address (01 vorninunications to 1t, V 1;e1301;f, 41 IVollasegtott t4.311,, ToweRVAh P. Mac *ghost *schist live& in 81001'; paradise. CURES GUARANTEED, HEAL TfikSttlfi. .411"4lifigl ,_ reitAat.I.Pnt,.0.1irea A Me4P4.0t: PArtOrt