HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-29, Page 1VOL. L
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advertising., subscripons, etc., to be nwdepayable to
:Editor and Publisher,
Ofiral2011 DritRcronY.
Elitscrirak Criencir.-Rev. S, F. Robinson. 1nguili-
lent, Stanley Service, 11 a, in„lind 7 p; in ;
'loath Sehopl; 2:30 p, tn.
$ gkrairipx,,Aegiy.-Sunilay services, 7. it. 10.,8 p. m.
and 8 p, m., services over,v Mein, during ,the week,
:at 8 o'cloey. polliwog meeting '.1 11 a. na. on Sunday.
paetor. StimblY ifeivIces, 19.30 it. M. RIK! RAO p. m.
Sabbath school, 2 p. Prayer Meeting Thimsday
eVening at, 7.80. ,
MALI( STREET, -,80Y. W. II. Palicecopiollior, 81-
-day services, io.sos. in. and 0.84 p. in. Sabbath
school, 2.30 p, in. Prayer meeting, Thursday, even. At 7.30. Young peoples praybr meeting limn/day
evening at 7:30.
PAYABYTKRIAN Cirtmon..-Rev. W. M. Martin, Pastor.
Isunday selipeti, 11 it. m. and 0:300 sastets
,sehool, 9:45 e. Young peoples prayer meeting, at,
,5 45. il'htirsday evening, prayer mooting at 8 o'clock.
pradtiee immedifttely after,
BUsiness And Other 'Cards.
jW. IHICWNINO, 31. D., N. C. P, S.
Graduate of Victoria, University, °Mee and residenne-
klominion,p0.Lomtury, Exeter, Ont. . June, 9-17.
• •
1111. (,OWI '7 OFFiCkl-MAIN STREET, Exeter,
jj upetittroopposite Central Hate!. Side ent-
rance on the e0tith-4anies street kaiking to the Meth
ANL Chureli,
112$111k,P, LICE:Nati encericsiena.
For the Toweships ot Hay and Uoborne.
orisuptly attended to Exeter p.o., Oat
the Counties of :11iilitlesex and tanibton, and
the Townships of StepLeti and Hay, An sales prom.
ptly attended to. Adilriss all communications to W.
Hour, Ontario.
Solicitor of Supreme Court of Ontario, Commissioner,
'Conveyancer, 5w., Office -Next doorto Sainwell at Pick-
ard. Exeter, Ont. Money to lean at very lowest rates.
JI.H. DIOKOONT, Barrister, Solicitor of Shoreme
J. Court, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Com
.thissioner, die Money to Loan.
'Ottlee-Taneozes Block, Exeter.
L. S., extracts teeth without pain
.kr eivingitegetable Vapor, or using the new Ames-
thetio 611 110 gums, Makes Gold killings, and another
it.otal work the best possible. Coes to Zurich last
Thtueday in each month.
0. L., NO -924, EXETER.•
Meets nese Farness in every month
iii the ne,w Odd Fellows Hall, at 7.30
o'clock p. m. Visiting Brethren always
J. Wiwis, W, M. W. SANDERS, Sec.
T 0. 0. F., No. 67, EXETER.
31cets every Tuesday evening inJohn's block. A cor-
siiel welcome extended to visiting brethren.
ALBERT FUR; N. CI J. T. Witmer; 11.-secy.
0. F: NO. 123;
Meats the second and fourth Friday of each month,
4/I Panson's Hall, at 8 o'elook p. tu. Visiting Breth-
1,311cordiailly invited.
1.1. • DEN'LIST
Office over O'Nells 33:Ink, Exeter, Ont.
Nitrous Oxide Das for painless extraction,
Surgeon Dentist,
Grottate of the Royal Collegeof Den-
tal Surg,ebno of Ontario. Having furnished fine den-
lttI rooms, next doer to Treble's Harness shOp, Main
street Exeter, ik 04., where I ant prepared to perform All branches of the profession with ease and skill.
1IN T. NvElsxcorr , INSURANCE, LOAN,
Beal Eststeund Steambeat Agent. Wealthy and re-
liable Plre and Life Insurance Companies ltepreoent-
44 Uniotillt of money to beau on first class mort.
Ytti:98n°C1O7o8rt r'e°11 64' iilliTneiff Ctle°,11= 1Agentsefetir
LOBt1011. ''.1.171061Steatriprit iopreginateu.
Oilleaufiames St,. Elister, in9.87
cia 1141 214 Xa.
issuer of
ro, *coidellt. add Piro linittrance agent.
effifies: West Sirle q Main -street, Exeter.
Hay Farmers Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
lesieritls DESIRING to restlitir IN ens Ater
and cheapest Intl.:ranee Company in the Doinfitioni
can do go by applying personally, or by Mail to the
toidereigned. All applieittions promptly attended t6,
AlOO agent et the Wellington f.,oinpaily of Guelph,
Also ALIO lONIM for the county of Huron,
E. BOSSE:0E1110G Amesr.
4411e, 9-87. Zerich, Out.
News' From Homes and Fields
of 'Huron Countyfarmers.
Items of Interest From Important
A Record of all Events -Deaths,
Removals, Fires, Sales,
and Accidents. 0 '
Zurich Jottings.
Crassweller and
Miss Shaeffer have given up their pro-
fessional drities, Miss Shaeffer., left for
horne lest Fridity.—Mr. Dan Dyer is
spending his C/Iiristmas holidays 'with'
friends and relatives, 1
The (reanimation of S. S. No. 7, was
held last'Thersday when about a hut,-
dred visitors were present. The spread
at dinner time was very good. The
teachers present were, Messrs. Ross,
Erwin, Crassweller, and Miss Roust
and Sheafer. Messrs. Ostwine and
Stremplier delivered speeches appropri-
ate for the oocasion. The literary en-
tertainment after the examination
spoke well for the teacher and was en-
joyed by all who were present, in
the course Of the afternoon's proceed-
ings, a presentation a,nd address, signed
in behalf of the scholars by Miss Re.
becca Merner, .was presented to the
teacher. The present consisted of a set
of china dishes.
0 4004
On the 16th inst, Mrs. Mary Mitch-
ell, relict of the late John Mitchell,
passed peacefully away. Deceased
was 75 years of ago, and immigrated
te Canada in 1833 with. Mrs. Richard
Ballswill, of Exeter, and was married
shortly afterwards to the late John
Mitchell, in Stepitea township, where
they lived together, and were deceased
lady resided at intervals, up to the
thne of her death. She died at the
residence of her youngest daughter,
Mrs. WW. Hedden. Of the family
there survives her, one son, and seven
daughters, three in Canada, and four
in the United States, she has 70 grand
children and 17 great grandchildren.
She was a consistent membes of the
Methodist church, to which she was
admitted about 40 years ago, and died
in the faith of the gospel, believing in
the merits of Christ as her Saviour and
Redeemer. Deceased was a woman
cherished by all who knew her. Her
remains were followed to the graye on
the following Monday by a large num-
ber of friends and relatives.—Com.
Crediton Briefs.
Municipal matters are lively.
Xmas serviced were held on Sabbath.
The snow, is making things move.
We wish you the compliments of the
season, Mr. Editor. (Thanks. Ed.)
Last Saturday evening there was a
Xtuas tree in the German church.
Death has visited the house of Mn
Weurth, and taken away anat.!, (laugh
A literary and musierd entertain-
ment in connection with the Metho-
dist S.'S:, was held in the church On
the evening of the 20th inst. It Was
a complete success.
Monday was nomination day, and a
great many assernbled in the Town
hall here to perform this important
duty for the township of Stephen. The
Reeve and 1st Obey iverir appointed
by acclamation, mr. Wne Baker, of
the 2nd con,, is nominated to oppose
the 2nd Depof last year. For Coun-
cillors, MeSses. French, John Sherritt,
of the 21st con., and P Coughlin.
liensall Pickings.
Busineas rushing.
Everything moving.
Messrs. 13eng9ugh and Charters got
up a shooting snatch on Monday last.
which was largely attended,
Monday was observed as a general
holidaybusiness was Ru spend ed Muni-
cipal politics being freely discussed.
Mr. Harry Arnold, has bot the
Bankrupt stock of George Murray,and
is now offering great inducements to
Mr. A, liotham, who has been supp-
lying Mr. Cases place, during the past,
ss teacher in the S S No 10 Hay, left
for home on Feiday last He will teach
id tp of Stephen next year.
On Sunday the 18 th inst Rev R.Y.
Thomson preached his farewell sermon
in Carmel presbyterian Church, he has
been forced to resign his charge on acc-
tunt of ill health. After fulfiling his
engagement at Knox College he will
remove to Colorado in the hope of ben-
efitiue his health
Christmas Boat --The Christmas boat
and and entertainment given by the
Methodist S. S. was a grand success.
The Church was beautifully decorated
with ever -greens, and Santa Claus ar-
rived with a 3 -master beautifully trm-
med, and heavily laden, with presents
of all kinds for both old and young.
The entertainment gitem by the pnpils
was of a high order. The proceeds
amounted to over $35.00.
Sokol Examination,
The following., based on proficiency,
shows the standing of the pupils of 8.
No. 1, Stephen, for the last quarter of
1687: -
4th Class—Marks obtainable 720—
W, G. Walker, 567; Albert Parsons,
471; Laughy McPertk, 462; Robert
Walker, 417; Victor French, 381; R.
Handford, 368; Edgar Pym, 318.
.3rd class—marks obtainable 580—
Byron Hicks, 445; Bertie Kershaw,
385; Percy Baker, 377; Sophia Motz,
291; Mary Handford, 266; Josiah Metz
234; Warren Snell, 209.
2nd class sr.—marks obtainable 320
—Eveleen Baker, 261; Nelson Hicks,
218; Franklin Hill, 213; Melvin Hand
ford, 195; Edward. Glanville, 193; 1',
Hill, 11 1; George Rodgers, 159; John
Taylor, 110.
jr.—Abraham Walker, 208.
Part 2nd—marks obtainable 225—
Ernest Hill, 187; Louisa Hodgins'187;
Ida Abbott, 187; Effa Pym, 159; Ellen
May Hodgins, 158; Emma Fritz, 137;
Austin Kershew, 143; William Hep-
burn, 129,
Jr.—Samuel Caine 163; Blanche
Walker, 159,
N. B.—Parents are specially request
id to send their children to school ree6-
'ularly, and to see that all are provided
with the necessary books.
0 41111-4
Elimville Eyelets.
Public school meeting on Wednes-
Tenders for caretaker of the church
are called for.
The Sunshine Christmas tree passed
off very suceessfully on Monday night.
Mr. Ed. Lidclicott, who has epened
out s grocery store in London East, is
visiting in this neighborhood.
The Christmas service held in eon-
nection with the S, S., while not well
attended passed off quite pleasently.
There was a raffie in the blacksmith
shop on Monday last, when a nuieber
of Turkeys and geese vvere gambled for.
Mr. Philip Halls has lieen assisting
Mi James Jones, of Winclielsea, to
cater to the wants of hire cestomers
during the holiday season,.
Mr , George Godholt who recently
sold his farm to Joshua Johnar has
moved to Sunshine where he hair rent-
ed his brother's farm.
Mr. Thomas Wilson, one of tra-
borne's pioneers, hits passed away, his
remains were interred in the Eliniville
burial ground on Tuesday afternoon.
The municipal' nominations passed
off pleasantly here on Monday last
The council as at present ceestitutecl,
seems to give satisfaction as they were
all returned by acclamation, The
railway accounts which the 'council
were last year unable to successfully
grapple with Was on Mopday satisfa.ct-
orily explained, and the questions of
taxing clogs and appoinang thistle In-
spector were discussed, but owing to
the hilarity and disorder Of the meet-
ing the voice of the majority could not
be obtaioed on these questions.
Usborne Council Meeting.
Council met on Monday pursuant to
adjournment. All the members pres-
ent. Minutes of previous meeting
read and signed.
Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by J.
Halls, that the reeee and treasurer be
empowered to loan the money be-
longing to the Railway Sinking Fund
on mortgage, according to statute.—
Moved by 3. Halls, seconded by J.
Shier, that George Ferguson, be paid
$6, being amount in full due hint for
keep of T. Bennett, for the year 1837,
Moved by J. Shier, secOnded by W.
Kydd, that T. priunnacombe be paid
$6 for keep of A. Cerrnichael.—Car-
Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by T.
Cameron, that Dr. Hyndman be paid
$13.60 for necessaries furnished Me J.
Dempsey's children while afflicted with
Moved by J. Shier, seconded by W.
Kydd, that G. W. Hobnail receive $9,
for postage and stationery for 1887.
Moved by J. Halls, seconded by W.
Kydd, that the treasurer receive $2 for
postage and stationery for 1887.—Car-
Moved by J. Halls, seconded by W.
Kydd, and resolved, that orders be
granted for the following amounts, viz:
J. Kerslake, $18.50; J. Hameln., $15;
F. Cornish, $10; John Handford, $10;
S. Cornish, $2; W. Jacques, $10; W.
Snell, $2.25: Dr. Hynchna,n, $13.60; D.
Hicks, $15.40; D. Tones, $4.90; ,T.
Hunter, $2.25; J. Howard, $90; G.
Armstrong, 30c; T. Single, $1; G. Fer-
guson, $6; T. Brimmacombe, $6; J.
Johns, $14; L. Bennett, $3.80; Wm.
Jeckell, $5; Dr, Irvine, $12; George
Hogg, $Q; W. Woods, $44.95; J. Pick-
ard, $1.80; Bissett Bros. $1.80; M.
Samwell, $1$; T. M. Kay, salary, $50;
J. Hallo, $40; J. Shier, $40; W. Kydd
840; T. Cameron, $40; G. W. Holman,
$109;T. Coates.
On motion of W. kydd, seconded
by J. Shier, the council adjourned sine
G. W. Horeeter, 'Clerk.
Reeve—Dr. Raja; Dep'y Rees's',
W. G. Bissett, (re.elected by aoclamete,
ion). Councillors: Jas Pickard, T. B.
Carling, D Johes. A.G. Dyer, Thos. 11,
McCallum, japies Willis, R, Davis,
E. Christie, J. P, Clarke.
All the old Council re-elected 'by 04"
Mayor, —joules Beattia;D. D. Wile
son' Dep'y Reeve A Strong
Reeve, James Beck; Dep'y Reeve,
James Gledhill, A. Malloy.
Mayor§ W. W. Inglis, Robt MoIndoe; '
Reeve, J. A. Morton, John Hamra;
Dep'y Reeye, Thomas Gregory.
P. Keely (acclamation); Councillors:,
D. B. McKinnon'Thos Baden, Rat
Symonds, John liVilfred (acelarnatioe)
Reeve,—R. Graham and George Kerr.
Reeve,—Thos McKay, Councillor
Thos Cameron, William Kydd, james
Halls, Jonathan Shier. All elected by
A Case of Accidential Hanging.
Thursday morning, a ten-year son, tif
Mr. Wm, McMaster, carpenter, was
found hanging dead in an unused build-
ing on Sherbrooke street. It appeaee.
that the lad, who did not come leeme
,as usual last night, had tried to get
into the building through the cellar,
which was floored with heavy plankiets
not nailed down. so that he stood en a
carpenter's trestle, and, applying him
head, raised the adjoining edges of two?
planks so that he got his head through,
when he must have slipped from the
trestle and was caught on each side of
the neck by the plank. He was found
this morning dead and stiff.
The following is the nomination for
the several municipalities for the year
1888, in the County of Huron which
wits held on monclay last: --
Re,eve.—Sarnuel Rennie and Hart-
man Happle. Dep'y Reeve.—J. C.
Kalbfleish and George McEwen Coun-
cillors.—Daniel Surerus, Alex McEwen
Henry Heyrock, John Voelcker, Fred-
erick Hess, and Moses Geyer.
Reeve.—V. Ratz (acclamation) 1st
Dep'y Reeve—Henry Eilber(actlama-
tion)2ed Pep'y Reeve—Charles Eilber
and William Baker, Councillors P.
Coughlin, D. French and John Sherritt
Reeve, --John Pollock. Councillors:
Richard Bailey, W. W. Connor, W. FI
oods and Joseph Wild all elected by
Reeve.—John Torrance and .A. M.
Campbell; Dep'y Reeve Immo Erratt
Wm. Clarke; James Aikenhead and
Robt. Mc Ilveen, Councillors (accla-
14Iayor,-0, Seeger; Reeve F. Ws
johnton; Dep'y Reeve, M. G. Camerop.
Mayor, Joseph Whitehead(acolierhat-
ion); Reeve Alex, McMurchic(acclaince
dolt); Dep'y Reeve .A. 11. Manning
(acclamation) Councillors, St. John s
'Ward, IX B, Kennedy, \V. Cooper
(acclamation) St. George's Ward, D,
Cantelon, F. C. Doherty, W. C. Searle
R, Vitz,simmons; St, Aedrew's Ward,
II. Foster, Thoreas Hollaway, Joint
johestere S.Wilson; St James Ward,
George Gordon: Thos. MO Ketieie,
Mike Thomas Jackson, James
L. Sheeparn? 11, R. 'Welker, James W.
COIDIty JOttingS.
Rev. Mr. Inland, of Kincardine, has
been appointed to the parish of Kirk -
Dr. Scott, of Seaforth, has an &felt
months old calf which turns the scales
t 07 n10 sulahts.
rday last, F. S. Scott- sold
lot 10, concession 9, Grey, for the sum
of $4,400 by public auction.
As the result of a fall from bff a
house, Mr. T. Juyles, of Hullet, receive
ed several severe bruises.
Township of Stanley foot-ballers de-
feated their opponents of Tuckersosith
on Saturday last by 2 to 0.
The entertainment raider the auspis
°es of the St. 1.'aeris churdh, Kirktere
Tuesday evening, was an immense suc-
The handsome sum of one hundred
dollars was realized from the miniver.
sary service Victoria- Methodist church
Tingliam mill property yeas sea
the other day for over $7,400. Mr
Thomas Price, Lower Wingharn was
the purchaser
Notwithstandine, there aro, two
Methodist Sabbathschoolsin Clinton,
324 were in attendance at the Rattep-
bury street school last Sunday
Mr. Thomas Coad, of East Wawa -
nosh, who has been suffering .for sorno
time from a diseased leg, had it empire-
ated just above the ankle a fewday ago.
As a daughter of Mr. Richard Mar-
tine, concession 4, Huron, was ,going
to the pump for a pail of water, the ot-
her day, she slipped and fell, a pencil
in her dress pocket penetrating her
limb. The pencil could not be located
for some time, but it was finally maxi-.
Tlre,s many a slip' twix the anp
arid the hp" is the language of one .af,
the young 71101 of Wawanosh township,
for at the eleeenth hoer when ho had
one foot on the altar and was drawing ,
the other up, be was discarded by bit(
Mr. F. Oresswellen tsacher urich
publie school, upon retiring from tl•
profession, has been made recephr
n. weB filled purse by the
and others at tangible pre
recognition Of his ser''
ceded by Mr,- Sam ,T