HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-22, Page 8Oar Wasliingtoa Latter. our ova eerroaporeelite 10 the Week luet, pas,acd political lria- ory haa, ntada at a rapid raw,. 'To ear ride its eveuts and those leading up,to them, w4 te4;toineoet their .fee-reAeh- iiie eeileequetieeS, will require a vole me of print fret( tehe ,histerien sof XV pate beeve. On Monday pi htet weeit the Vitited States S u preme Cou it, in • the decision ef the Vinia em!pott bond esee ieltified, the politietsns, North and '.101,3th, that the swar ioterPrethti‘n the Constitutioe heel eemed, mid thet for the.higheet court cif the canary, at leaet, the wateef the rebellion had come to au etel, 'the.elrect of this decision corrheefrom 04,1,10 Northern judges, only °acted whom is LDemocrat, de- stroys a vest store ofpo1itca1 auoit- sloe bithetto used by the parte that have cOvided the country men 1860, Theedeeision of the seem court in the' distillery eases from Kusa s firmly fixes the Prohibition pftrty in the polite iicel field mita its aliment is accemplish dor until it fails in its ptSrpose. 4 is b,,,Idafaith a healthy eoliticed.organie zatioiee Had the decision been against the velielite of the 'prohibon legislate ion. of Kansas it would havehen evi- dent to the stupidest voter that to seek prohibitiou was to seek the unatz eaineble, Some surprise is menifeeted at the actiousof Senator I3lair 'in seleetine 'Ott: ofthe ch est seats on the derno- . cratie side Of the Senate eleueber, When the Seeate was eceposed al - must of republicans it was necessary to give the members a that party seats on both sides of the meet aisle; but 'when the division of members hetweee, ',the two parties grewito be eomething dike equal, the center aiele became the -dividing Hee politically, the republi- cans eucepying the seats on the east, and the denioerats on the west side. 'This divisionee simply a custom, and e:.f course there is no rule to confine Senators to one side or theother; but it is as custom that ha generally been observed when there has not been too great it numerical preponderanee of one party to make it practicanle. The :seat selected by Senator Blair is »At to theeceeter aisle tn the tear row mad :almoseelirectly in front of the Vice - President's desk; henec it is one of the choicest in thteohatuber, ancl-no doubt there are demooratic Senators who would be glad to have it. Senator Blair found ib out of the question to jprocure an eligible seat on the republi- -can side, so he crossed the aisle. In the last: Congress he had a seat way round at the end of one of the rows ilexteothe lobby, ancl he said that he .couldtrerely ever catch the eye of the presictiug.officer when he wanted rec- ognitime His chief reason for taking the democretic seat is tliat it will place Lira right hi front of the presiding offi- cer and eno.ble him to obtain recognit, )21. The west wing of the new State, :War and navy department building is mow receiving the finishing touches, med-on the first of the new year one of thelergest buildings in this country heve been completed. The granite exterior of the west wing has had its 3ast =Cif,polish applied, and the interior fillidewith a small firmer nf ineelian- ics busily .engaged to complete the iturneeens details. -Under the intelli- gent and watchful direction of Col. T. L. Casey and Ids .assistant, Green, yast improvernente have been ilitroclueed le .almost every :branch Of architecture and (evil ,engie- eierieg, malwilieh will go far .te ettake this wing a model for all future gov- ernmental bitilclingsk of large esVent. One or the' most interesting boys in Washington, is °Lulling Tee the 13. year old son of one of the 'secretaries or the (Neese Legislation. The little fellow whose scarlet buttons to his cap proclaim him a Mandarin of the Cel- ,estiel Empire, attends echoel on Four- teenth Bteeee, where hie sceteengly in- exhauttable fond ef gooti nature is galled int() ceeetant requisition foe Eli is sul,eected to a good deal of teasieg by the other boys, At )16On tilt. Ohineinen may frequently be zegie '611 the stk4reet in treat of the school baking part in the gemes,or looking oaquiebly from the, doeeway, lwhich lettee he grOaffs, Ardars, as otheewise he is ept to undergopretty rough 'hendlieetrom his tormenters. Occassiotifillyee hpee 2 over, the tablet are turned and the spunky Iittle 'fallow will wetch his ,opporetnitt` y to teteliate, melting a nee= ei weeper' ofidefeece qf his quene 'to the eficl ereehielieinielOecl IA' IlavY siIk tfeeeg h1 IVittI,84 eadden adroit tnovo he will make do duty- all olaeh, eted then,thrteeresbeeke,his head and Allovga, very .taigitiOul,*.itittAin,higit*Antling in lop oJiItA 13-ITG$! 13TTOS leegs are ctremp tted luu m44 ,play Iktris Grum if you wt tiniltaa peiele PUE. PARIS (4.REN DOMIN1.0...N.LA.liQRATORY APO, IT6Ilebge la,nd .PowdoT:* Always'Nil .411pplYef 1rIlf01 `DTP, 4;141. Y.4110.1* 0.00;4g;,. Fishing tackle a .speciaIt$r', vf, , OHO A, PROPRIET014 WILLIAM SANDERS PIT Commercial 'Ulm Assuranoe .00Poonitgeatty etet .GREAT BRTTA.IN. Capital And Assets, 01,000,000. Lancashir& Fire Insurinee OE KAATHESTER, ziva. CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.00. The bestsand most reliable Fire Insure ence Companies in the te*orld. ADVOCATE OFFICE, LXETER, THE NEW PAPER. Tas new Conservative .Thurnal about tfr be .i. started in Toronto, to be coiled cheCinpar, Will make its emeitranee.on or about the 15th a December, No pains are being spared to snake the paper worthy of Canada, and of the groat party of whose views it will be the ex- ponout It will start with a Staff of Brilliant 'Writers, And able .lourrialista in every department. The public nasty expect Vail Nowa (roan all quarter*, Able Editorial*, Accurate "Report*. rate Comments, ,JIteliable Commercial Newt, rintearetin 'sporting latelligence. .:And niiher Departments well sustained. In shozt,'I'lir Nam= will bo A Bright, Readable, and Reliable raper. 1Hver3yhody Looks tor it. au should Head*. DAiny xxemn, AllEtELY nee:Peen. $0 per Annum. %per Annum. Send in your Subscriptions now, accompanied by the cash, so as to commence with the drat issue. Address, A CREIGHTON, Manager Eatetan, Toronto. BARGAINSMBARGAUIS.D. —o o— !laving made a settlement with his ---Creditors-- T.DEARING Will sell his entire xaanamoth stock f Ready -Made Clathing, Dry -Goods Boots and 'Shoes', Groceries,Crockery, Glassware 1E:wee': At less than Actual Cost. He isbound to reduce his ,titoOk —and will offer-- AINS 'Neyer before offered ini, .2 • $ • d006,4 NV611 AgSOrtPd etid .evetything, Iran. No shelf wore goodein stock. Bargains for You.' ,targain8 for /Oty Neighbori aii•403 fitiv itemenabet and Call Earlyeuidehrieg the CASA, alongi for which you . Will receiee More than fell Christmas Groceries Just le. 1.16 house wifh Will And it ,profitabfe te dell 1)Citl1try*a Prodnca of all kinds PlairizCiataci bk.Ot 4:04t B iMETER: 4 114 SIIALLIC0.1111Fil 4kkepoikomit wolort We5t Sfite Street, NETF113, CIPPoati the Agrr B0044 •Chareh. A GOOD Err GUARANT'D Lategit Styles of Goods kept in STQCKk A CA.1,10 SOLIOWED. J. G Sniallicombe, MINH AND RIOS Wootett. J. Matheson, EXETER NORTA. Our teek is well assorted for the seasosis :trade. Low piiees still maintain, GROCERIES1-16 lbs,isugar for $1.00 ; 13 tbs. ;white sugar for $1,00. We can't be undersold in Tess from 20e to 74c per lb. .8000 0 Shoes Off Styles) at tow fplIeea, A 14001/assorted stock ot ada* 'SWAZI; *$ • FOR1.'"S, SCYTfiE8andIGLASS Mi sizes (hep) Best /decides Oil, tiee per sAl. Coat 011iosolow as the lowest, a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, $2.75. A good slat ot Ready-made Clothing for .11 ertiOred /Mita got up in law! style. Or Drese Goode are mark - ,e121 clovrialtolhe ao,sivest seetaki, ocerTo1-2o yds. for 4'1.00. A house aso Jot, also a farm for *ale, Apply to :JOHN MATHESON, Hay politoffice. PATENTS,. Caveats, Be -Issues an Twade-iffaiks secured and all other patent causes in the Patent Ofece and before the Courts promptly and cerefully attended to. teporereeeipt of Model or Sketch of In- vention, make caieful examination, and advise as to pateetabiliey Free of tharge. Fees MODERATB, and 1 make No charge Unless patent is seeured. Information, advice and special refrenesa sent on Appli- cation. J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D, OE Opposite U. S. Patent (Ace. LOST! A small boy, about the size of a man, bare footed, with his'father's shoes on, cross eyed in the back of his neck, with his hair Out curly, cartYing a bundle of bungholes on his .back, when last seen was lool- Ra RIME'S IN --NEW- 1414 0 0 'For further informtition, 'weak inside and take look at B. aHicks itiithe1ssto�k of 'Silverware, suit- ,Q140;18TMAS pic) WEDDING VAIVZSZWVIS at job lot prices, his stock of Watches, Clocks, and , jeNvelery was never itqger, ter 111.0re care- fullzyMelected;IiiS stock of Wed.dinte rings is of first-class quality al:la a sure- fit guaranteed, his facilties f�r turnining ou first-class work was never better. Cart in your ,sick watches, clocks and. -broken dtiivn Jewelry, get Win put in order tOr tho tonung, Christine:Et 'holidays. The Clditiod qppostiss ' Woad 'fake tisli.§ 'mottled at retorning 'for put41,1Pli,011 "0144 puhlie .to uevr P411 Mid' WID.41 Afl,irs70.-olpo's...stookol:Furs t 0011$1,WPING ,„ PItSIA-$ LAMBS, zzikygn A1W MeNle, FOR WHICH HE fl Amws_THE 04BEFuL IwSPECTION oir 1115 OLD CUSTOMPlt$ ANP 4611,Ta ,OZEIRCS WHO ARE.PLEA:SED TO CALL First,class stock of 13outs RITE13ER OITEESHQES, Ladiox, .044 Clalrens; compiising 1eaUditrere4t AN gX0ElaiipiT As$ORTMENT CROCKERY GLASSWAT 414S0 A GOOD .sEizowni or Flap.nolindWinceys,plain and heck, 72 iuch wool sbeetilIFt :Heavy all wOol. Blanketp, .White and Grey Roods, Tamoshauters, WOol, • Jackets; ..tin excellent assortment of.goiery. 'ono Aooti itiolitt, ,of Itt1.10,8 Old .*.tagic11,. AINorttEtz, , .EXETA4R., OROGERIES As HEALTIROBi, XX3E13F*FIV. A GOOD SUPPLY OF , ALL ,STAPLES, .AS 'WEED . AirEVERY HOUE,-VAL jek3L.Li el, )IiXifit • • F - R- G E T Of course we know you will not, left we elhought we would remind you that we have DATNTY STOCK of choice Groceries which should elrom your attention at this. We have many NEW DELICACIES which will satisfy the taste of the most critical epi- cure, and we have a NICE FRESH STOCK of Staple Goods whieh we are selling at prices that leave only a small margin of profit. CHOICE TEAS, AROMATIC COFFEE, CANNED GOODS, and a fine stock of all the reqeisites for a Christmas Pudding. * If low prices tor Standattl goods Will please you Cell And whether you bey or not, we are always pleased 0 see you. Poultry, butter and eggs exchanged for ;goods. Big bargains Crockery and Glassware at lEn. ROBERTS ' FA.NSOIPS tLOCX, - eineameneele OLLIC HAS OPENED AND NOW Wheel he is prepated to furnish the Publie evith CLA Buns cand Confoctionery Atses only ,P,41rstsolacts Roller Plour X�w i .the' titan to leaVO IY011f -CMOS RSV nitely Oentiteented Christmas Wedding CalieS, and "arty- otategi feasonable pricee ' e.eee:Oit,DEB,8 ---1311,,OMPTLY-eeeeATTENDED-TO 0410.14